EBusiness Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
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- ICT, EBusiness, The Internet, eBusiness models
Advances in e-business have resulted in significant progress towards strategies, requirements and development of e-business applications in Nigeria e-business can end up being a monolithic term encompassing the different company processes... more
Advances in e-business have resulted in significant progress towards strategies, requirements and development of e-business applications in Nigeria e-business can end up being a monolithic term encompassing the different company processes that aim to integrate the actual vendors or perhaps traders with the consumers along with suppliers utilizing the actual Internet. the entire process of establishing a website, helping the prospects navigate via the website, showing these your accessible products, providing discounts as well as vouchers and also doing every small thing achievable in order to woo your prospective clients as well as converting them directly into customers, will come below your purview regarding e-business.
This paper explores the world of e-business; its development in Nigeria; the link with entrepreneurship and innovation; the available opportunities plus the associated challenges and how its affected households.
Technologies continue to evolve and to largely transform business practices. In the near future, a few technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), additive manufacturing (3D printing), and robots, can... more
Technologies continue to evolve and to largely transform business practices. In the near future, a few technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), additive manufacturing (3D printing), and robots, can substantially influence businesses. The reason to focus specifically on these technologies as leading factors for organizational change is twofold: first, there already exist many prototypes and pilot experiments; and second, these technologies have the potential to provoke substantial breakthroughs, leading to substantial business changes. The chapter proposes an overall vision about the impact of these four emerging technologies on business practices and how they will fuel substantial business transformation. The chapter starts with a short analysis how IT influences the core business models and value formation. Then, the authors present the state of the art in e-business technologies and current emerging trends. Finally, the authors propose a detailed ove...
Con il proliferare della ricerca, condotta da accademici e manager, sui modelli di e-business, si avverte la necessità di definire e classificare i numerosi contributi in materia, seguendo un filo logico che possa chiarire sia i domini e... more
Con il proliferare della ricerca, condotta da accademici e manager, sui modelli di e-business, si avverte la necessità di definire e classificare i numerosi contributi in materia, seguendo un filo logico che possa chiarire sia i domini e l’ontologia dell’argomento trattato, sia lo stato d’avanzamento della ricerca. La vastità dei contributi sul tema porta infatti con sé il pericolo di confusione delle definizioni e degli ambiti di applicazione, dovuta anche al ripetersi di concetti simili in periodi diversi della breve ma travagliata storia delle applicazioni di Internet all’impresa. Questo lavoro nella prima parte si propone l’individuazione di caratteri generali e la costruzione concettuale di una struttura gerarchica che contenga le entità rilevanti, le relazioni, le regole, gli assiomi ed i vincoli specifici nel dominio dell’e-business. Si procederà poi con l’analisi di alcuni tra i più rilevanti contributi della letteratura e dei principali filoni di ricerca per fare il punto sull’avanzamento degli studi sull’argomento nel tentativo di rendere sistematici i contenuti dei contributi esaminati.
GİRİŞ İnsan kaynakları yönetiminde, insan kaynağının seçimi konusu günümüzde de halen tartışılan en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Đşgücü planlaması, işgücü sağlanması yerleştirilmesi gibi konular sadece personel ve eğitim bölümlerinin... more
İnsan kaynakları yönetiminde, insan kaynağının seçimi konusu günümüzde de halen tartışılan en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Đşgücü planlaması, işgücü sağlanması yerleştirilmesi gibi konular sadece personel ve eğitim bölümlerinin ilgilendiği bir alan olmaktan çıkmış, işletmenin tüm bölümlerini ilgilendiren stratejik bir konuma gelmiştir. Günümüzde işletmeler varlıklarını sürdürebilmek, büyüyüp gelişebilmek, rekabet edebilmek için pek çok konuda bilgiye ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Đşgücü ile ilgili olarak etkin karar verebilmeleri ve bu konuda ortaya çıkabilecek problemleri çözme yetenekleri, elde edecekleri bilgiye bağlıdır. Dolayısıyla da günümüzde önemi giderek artmakta olan insan kaynakları yönetimi konusunda elde edilen her türlü bilgi ve
- by Şebnem Yılmaz
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- EBusiness
Peristiwa yang ini diperkirakan muncul pada tahun 1998, dimana pada saat itu dunia mulai memperhatikan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang internet. Dan pada masa itu internet dipandang sebagai sebagai suatu harapan besar untuk... more
Peristiwa yang ini diperkirakan muncul pada tahun 1998, dimana pada saat itu dunia mulai memperhatikan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang internet. Dan pada masa itu internet dipandang sebagai sebagai suatu harapan besar untuk masa depan perdagangan online.
Sehingga banyak perusahaan internet (dikenal sebagai “dot-com”) diluncurkan dan investor berasumsi bahwa perusahaan yang beroperasi secara online pasti akan bernilai jutaan dollar. Oleh karenanya para investor tidak segan-segan memberikan suntikan dana besar kepada perusahaan maya yang baru saja berdiri.
Abstrak Business Intelligence (BI) merupakan sistem dan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengubah data dalam suatu perusahaan atau organisasi (data operasional, data transaksional, atau data lainnya) ke dalam bentuk pengetahuan. Aplikasi BI... more
Abstrak Business Intelligence (BI) merupakan sistem dan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengubah data dalam suatu perusahaan atau organisasi (data operasional, data transaksional, atau data lainnya) ke dalam bentuk pengetahuan. Aplikasi BI melakukan analisis data di masa lampau, menganalisisnya dan kemudian menggunakan pengetahuan tersebut untuk mendukung keputusan dan perencanaan organisasi. Secara sekilas aplikasi Partner relationship management (PRM) merupakan aplikasi business intelligence karena PRM mampu melakukan ekstraksi data dan membantu kerja clusster officer (CO) serta dapat dipergunakan sales area manager dalam mengambil keputusan bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana penerapan business intelligence pada aplikasi PRM PT Indosat Tbk. Sales Area Mojokerto. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian lapangan dan kepustakaan. Fitur-fitur Aplikasi PRM di antaranya adalah pendaftaran anggota IOC, daftar kunjungan canvasser ke outlet, info member, penjualan starter pack (perdana) yang sell in dan sell out, transaksi penjualan pulsa Indosat, dan perbandingan penjualan starter pack antar provider. Aplikasi PRM dapat mengetahui kunjungan canvasser, jumlah populasi outlet tiap bulan, pendaftaran IOC dan cara mengontrol penjualan produk indosat. Sebagai hasil analisis aplikasi, PRM merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang berjalan di atas jaringan intranet. Penerapan BI pada aplikasi PRM terlihat pada pengukuran kinerja canvasser, penjualan produk di outlet dan distributor, perbandingan starpeck antar provider, monitoring wilayah penjualan produk, dealer performance. Kekurangan dari aplikasi PRM di PT. Indosat Tbk adalah informasi BI masih berupa data table dan belum berupa dasbard Abstract Business Intelligence (BI) is a system and application functions to convert data in a company or organization (operational data, transactional data, or other data) into the form of knowledge. BI applications perform data analysis in the past, analyze it and then use that knowledge to support decisions and planning organizations. At first glance the application Partner relationship management (PRM) is a business intelligence application for PRM is able to extract the data and to help the working clusster officer (CO) as well as area sales manager can be used in making business decisions. This study aims to describe how the application of business intelligence in applications PRM PT Indosat Tbk. Area Sales Mojokerto. This research includes field studies and literature. PRM Application features include IOC member registration, list of canvasser's visit to the outlet, info member, selling starter pack (prime) which sell in and sell out, the sale of Indosat pulses, and starter pack sales comparisons between providers. PRM application can know the canvasser's visit, a population of outlets each month, the IOC registration and how to control the sale of Indosat products. As a result of the analysis application, the PRM is a web-based application that runs on the intranet network. The application of BI on an application PRM looks at canvasser performance measurement, product sales at outlets and distributors, comparison starpeck between providers, monitoring the sale of products, dealer performance. The drawback of PRM application in PT. Indosat Tbk is a BI information in the form of a data table and still not be dasbard keywords: PRM, Business Intelligence, IOC
- by Mercedes Rivolta and +1
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- Marketing, Public Administration, Privacy, Manufacturing
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës “e” pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për “e- biznesin”,... more
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës “e” pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për “e- biznesin”, “e-tregtinë”, “e-qeverisjen” e të tjera ndërsa që për dit e më shumë po e shohim se gjithnjë e më shumë gjëra sot po bëhet me përdorimin e kompjuterit dhe internetit. Përdorimi i teknologjive të reja dhe zhvillimi i hovshëm i internetit ka bërë që një “e” të paraqitet edhe para biletave tradicionale duke i shndërruar ato në “e-bileta” apo bileta të rezervuara me anën e Internetit.
- by Violeta Beqiri and +2
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- ICT, EBusiness
The recent rise in ethical consumerism has seen increasing numbers of corporate brands project a socially responsible and ethical image. But does having a corporate brand that is perceived to be ethical have any influence on outcome... more
The recent rise in ethical consumerism has seen increasing numbers of corporate brands project a socially responsible and ethical image. But does having a corporate brand that is perceived to be ethical have any influence on outcome variables of interest for its product brands? This study analyzes the relationship between perceived ethicality at a corporate level, and brand trust, brand affect and brand loyalty at a product level. A theoretical framework with hypothesized relationships is developed and tested in order to answer the research question. Data have been collected for 45 product categories in the fast moving consumer goods sector using a panel of 4,027 Spanish consumers. The proposed relationships are tested using structural equations modeling. The results suggest there is a positive relationship between perceived ethicality of a brand and both brand trust and brand affect. Brand affect also positively influences brand trust. Further, brand trust and brand affect both show a positive relation with brand loyalty. The managerial and academic implications of the results are discussed.
- by Oriol Iglesias and +1
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- Marketing, Business Ethics, Ethics, Brand Management
The service economy relies on effective and efficient design and execution of sustainable consumer-driven processes; the processes associated with knowledge creation; and the skills required to design, develop and implement solutions that... more
The service economy relies on effective and efficient design and execution of sustainable consumer-driven processes; the processes associated with knowledge creation; and the skills required to design, develop and implement solutions that enable the exploitation of high quality services. However, it is when the contribution of these strands of important research are combined and integrated that their influence has the power to make breakthrough impacts on the services required by society. We particularly encourage papers that reflect the interconnections and links between some of the key areas of interest outlined below.
“The rapid growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have emerged as a new channel to provide global access for ‘e-business’, ‘Internet marketing’ and the ‘smaller business’. This research study explores the transformation... more
“The rapid growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have emerged as a new channel to provide global access for ‘e-business’, ‘Internet marketing’ and the ‘smaller business’. This research study explores the transformation between Traditional Business Marketing Models and e-Business Internet Marketing Models that include elements of Strategies, Processes, Functions and Mixes. It is envisaged that this research study can contribute to the acceptance of SMME’s to use the Internet as a business marketing mechanism. The ultimate objective of the research study is to facilitate the transition from traditional marketing to e-business for SMME’s, through the application of a real world e-business model”.
- by Irina Albastroiu and +1
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- EBusiness
Governments and businesses alike are coming to understand that national and global economies should us the Internet as a medium for innovation and economic growth. A critical component that has been left to service providers to establish... more
Governments and businesses alike are coming to understand that national and global economies should us the Internet as a medium for innovation and economic growth. A critical component that has been left to service providers to establish and manage is that of digital identities of online clients and customers. Lack of regulation and effective methods of management has resulted in greater concerns over privacy, security, and productivity in online environments, thus hindering the development and use of the full potential of the Internet. This paper attempts to explore the role of a government initiated digital identity management system in supporting the creation of a stronger digital economy. The author provides an overview of the identity management infrastructure development initiatives in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and briefly examines their potential to revolutionize and transform existing economic models. The author argues that the new smart identity cards produced in these countries may serve as secure tokens that connect digital and physical identity, create trustworthy environments, and strengthen confidence in online transactions critical to the growth of the digital economy.
business-to-business e-commerce (B2B EC)
Transaksi antar perusahaan yang dilakukan secara elektronik melalui Internet, extranet, intranet, atau jaringan swasta, yang juga dikenal sebagai eB2B (elektronik B2B) atau hanya B2B.
- by zaenal aripin
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- EBusiness
The marketing mix paradigm, in its famous version of the 4Ps, went all the way through the evolution of marketing theory: from the marketing concept, through relationship marketing, to digital economy, being object of discussion both in... more
The marketing mix paradigm, in its famous version of the 4Ps, went all the way through the evolution of marketing theory: from the marketing concept, through relationship marketing, to digital economy, being object of discussion both in academic literature and managerial practice. If it is a fact that the 4Ps marketing mix is a milestone of marketing theory, it is also true that the evolution of business contexts has created, in many fields, the need to review the "controllable factors" which form the marketing mix. The digital business represents the more recent of the business contexts and the one with the greater needs of differentiation of the mix. Throughout this evolutionary process, researchers have always been divided between the "conservatives", who think the 4Ps paradigm is able to adapt to the environmental changes by including new elements inside each "P", and the "revisionists", who affirm that the 4Ps paradigm is obsolete and propose new paradigms. This paper aims to clarify these two different approaches to marketing mix evolution through a review of the main literature on e-marketing mix, focusing on the development of marketing mix theory for the digital context.
Taking social responsibility is a hot item. According to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) website Netherlands (www.mvonederland.nl), created by the Department of Economic Affairs, the number of SMEs that engage in social... more
Taking social responsibility is a hot item. According to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) website Netherlands (www.mvonederland.nl), created by the Department of Economic Affairs, the number of SMEs that engage in social corporate responsibility increases, the government buys more and more sustainably and pension funds focus on CSR when investing. One of the social responsibilities that an organisation can take is the so-called philanthropic responsibility. Other than what the term philanthropic suggests, taking this kind of responsibility can also increase the strategic position of a company. In this article we claim that the use (or the lack of) communication is the determining factor in judging whether philanthropic responsibility is either altruistic, or egocentric by nature.
Vendor assessment merupakan bentuk penilaian terhadap kinerja vendor dalam keikutsertaan vendor sebagai penyedia barang/jasa dalam sebuah perusahaan. Vendor assessment menjadi hal penting dan menjadi bahan rujukan ketika akan diadakan... more
Vendor assessment merupakan bentuk penilaian terhadap kinerja vendor dalam keikutsertaan vendor sebagai penyedia barang/jasa dalam sebuah perusahaan. Vendor assessment menjadi hal penting dan menjadi bahan rujukan ketika akan diadakan sebuah proses lelang/pengadaan dan untuk menjamin bahwa vendor yang ikut serta hanyalah vendor yang memiliki kualitas. Begitupula dengan PT. Medcoenergi sebagai sebuah perusahaan besar yang memiliki banyak vendor sebagai mitra kerjanya, juga melakukan vendor performance assessment pada para vendornya. Dengan adanya vendor performance assessment tersebut, PT. Medcoenergi sebagai pemilik pekerjaan dapat menentukan mana vendor yang qualified, mana yang termasuk dalam daftar hitam perusahaan, dll. Dan dengan mengetahui bagaimana penilaian dilakukan oleh PT. Medcoenergi, kita dapat mengetahui bagaimana proses vendor assessment dilakukan khususnya yang dilakukan oleh PT. Medcoenergi.
- by Didik Sudyana
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- EBusiness
- by majd khaled
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- EBusiness
Tesis presentada por Marcos Pueyrredon y aprobada con nota final 10 y dictamen del jurado de defensa de tesis de Sobresaliente para la Maestría en Administración de Negocios con Orientación en Dirección de Proyectos Digitales en... more
Tesis presentada por Marcos Pueyrredon y aprobada con nota final 10 y dictamen del jurado de defensa de tesis de Sobresaliente para la Maestría en Administración de Negocios con Orientación en Dirección de Proyectos Digitales en convenio de Cooperación académica con University at Albany, State University of New York y con Georgetown University, Washington DC sobre la tematica: Incorporacion del Canal Online en una Empresa Brick & Mortar fabricante de productos de consumo masivo :: Modelo de Negocios Hibrido Mixto Integral B2C + B2B + B2B2C + B2B2B
Electronic business has been widely adopted in different parts of the world. In Nigeria, the initial adoption of electronic business in Nigerian banks was in 1990. The aim of this research was to identify if there was a significant impact... more
Electronic business has been widely adopted in different parts of the world. In Nigeria, the initial adoption of electronic business in Nigerian banks was in 1990. The aim of this research was to identify if there was a significant impact of e-business services and products on the performance of banks in Nigeria.
Several research have been conducted on e-business and performance but in different contexts. This research is particularly of benefit to the bank understudied and the industry with which the bank operates. It is also essential to the academic field since e-business has not been researched based on its impact on banks’ performance in Nigeria. Performance of banks for the purpose of this research is based on employee efficiency and profitability.
A quantitative research design was adopted to answer the research question and achieve the research objectives. A branch of a bank was understudied and the respondents constituted all employees in the branch who are directly and indirectly involved in e-business products and services of the bank. A questionnaire was designed to achieve the purpose of the research and administered to respondents via Bristol online survey. The data collected were imported on Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and analysed with ANOVA.
From the results, electronic business had a significant impact on employee efficiency and profitability of the bank understudied. Electronic banking influences banking management, provides better channels to market bank’s products and services and contributes to effective cost management system. Electronic banking from the results had the strongest impact on the internal users (employees).
With the positive results from the study, banks in Nigeria that are yet to adopt e-business products and services are encouraged to do so since its adoption has helped in increasing the profit margin of banks and the efficiency of employees.
Although there was a significant impact on employee efficiency and profitability, the results were limited to one branch of a bank. The results may not be the same with a wider population. Further research may be conducted on the impact of electronic business on the performance of Nigerian banks by understudying more than one bank.
The practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) places opportunities for companies to re-think how everyday management decisions can affect society and environment. Today, companies use different avenues to communicate CSR... more
The practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) places opportunities for companies to re-think how everyday management decisions can affect society and environment. Today, companies use different avenues to communicate CSR practices. For instance, social media is currently one of the most important and powerful communication channels, providing great opportunities to interact with stakeholders and maintain permanent relationships. This paper focuses on analyzing how companies are using social media platforms for CSR communication. First, a content analysis was conducted to the Facebook and Twitter profiles of 50 companies. A total of 2412 posts on Facebook and 12543 tweets on Twitter were encountered. Second, based on the analysis of the messages, a conceptual framework for CSR communication through social media was developed. Three main features were established as important resources for CSR communication on social media profiles: presentation, content, and interactivity. Findings pointed out that social media sites (in spite of its interactive characteristic), were used as another one-way communication channel for communicating CSR, failing to promote feedback and stakeholder participation and engagement.
Komunikimi është sferë e jetës së njeriut, që ekziston pothuajse, që prej ekzistimit të vetë jetës. Komunikimi bëhet me mjete dhe forma të ndryshme, ku një ndër format më bashkëkohore të komunikimit është rrjeti global që ndryshe e quajmë... more
Komunikimi është sferë e jetës së njeriut, që ekziston pothuajse, që prej ekzistimit të vetë jetës. Komunikimi bëhet me mjete dhe forma të ndryshme, ku një ndër format më bashkëkohore të komunikimit është rrjeti global që ndryshe e quajmë INTERNET. Ndër shërbimet kryesore të internetit, që përdoret nga bizneset është marketingu elektronik ku me këtë nënkuptojm reklamimin e produkteve dhe shërbimeve përmes kompjuterit. Kjo është një mundësi e shkëlqyeshme për bizneset që të informojnë klientët potencial për mallrat dhe shëbimet e tyre. Në këtë punim do të flasim për format më të lehta dhe më të përdorura për reklamim në internet si dhe përparësitë e kësaj forme të reklamimit ndaj formave tjera të reklamimit si në mediat e shkruar dhe ato televizive. Maketingu përmes inernetit, ndryshe E-maketingu është marketimi i produkteve ose shërbimeve nëpërmjet internetit, i cili sjell përfitime të shumta dhe unike për marketingun, duke përfshirë koston e ulët në distribuimin e informacioneve dhe me këtë luan rolin e një mediumi ndaj audiencës globale. Forma më e re dhe më e ndershme për një biznes më të sigurtë dhe të suksesshëm padyshim që sot është Marketingu Elektonik.
Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat membuat banyak sekali bermunculan website e-commerce. Perusahan maupun individu berlomba-lomba untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka secara online. Selain karena ruang lingkup penjulannya... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat membuat banyak sekali bermunculan website e-commerce. Perusahan maupun individu berlomba-lomba untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka secara online. Selain karena ruang lingkup penjulannya menjadi luas, keuntungan yang didapat semakin meningkat. Masyarakat pun juga dipermudah dalam pembelian yang dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Grazera.com merupakan salah satu contoh website e-commerce dengan transaksi Business to Customers (B2C). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme jual/beli, mekanisme pembayaran, mekanisme distribusi, dan fitur-fitur yang tersedia pada Grazera.com.
Gejolak persaingan bisnis dalam perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi yang semakin memuncak dari waktu ke waktu yang berdampak ke sebagian besar masyarakat dari yang sederhana menjadi modern dan serba cepat sehingga berdampak pada... more
Gejolak persaingan bisnis dalam perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi yang semakin memuncak dari waktu ke waktu yang berdampak ke sebagian besar masyarakat dari yang sederhana menjadi modern dan serba cepat sehingga berdampak pada perilaku informasi dalam segala bidang, baik bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, hiburan, sumber informasi, tenaga kerja, dunia bisnis dan komunikasi tanpa batasan tempat dan waktu, kebutuhan informasi yang lebih cepat dan murah tentunya menuntut para pemberi informasi untuk memiliki sebuah media online, dimana informasi yang disajikan bisa dengan mudah dan cepat didapatkan oleh konsumen informasi. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan penggunaan internet.
Penggunaan internet untuk aktivitas transaksi bisnis dikenal dengan istilah Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce). E-Commerce dapat terjadi antara organisasi bisnis dengan konsumen, meliputi penggunaan Internet dan World Wide Web untuk penjualan produk dan pelayanan untuk konsumen (Doolin, et al., 2005). Penggunaan e-commerce telah mengalami peningkatan di Indonesia (DailySocial dan Veritrans, 2012). Penggunaan internet untuk transaksi bisnis sudah dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang penting, hal ini ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah pengusaha yang menggunakan e-commerce dalam perusahaannya.
Dalam dunia bisnis, ecommerce sudah merupakan kebutuhan dari suatu bisnis yang telah maju saat ini untuk pengembangan usaha karena terdapat berbagai manfaat yang dimiliki oleh e-commerce. Diantaranya adalah para konsumen tidak perlu datang langsung ke toko untuk memilih barang yang ingin dibeli dan bagi perusahaan dapat melaksanakan kegiatan transaksi selama 24 jam. Kedua, dari segi keuangan konsumen dapat menghemat biaya yang dikeluarkan dan bagi pengusaha dapat menghemat biaya promosi, apabila lokasi toko jauh, konsumen dapat menghemat ongkos perjalanan dengan diganti biaya pengiriman yang jauh lebih murah dan bagi pengusaha dapat memasarkan tokonya ke wilayah yang lebih luas.
- by Leoni Joan
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- EBusiness
Vendor Performance Assessment (VPA) merupakan hal yang paling penting didalam proses suplly chain managemenet. VPA adalah penilaian terhadap kinerja vendor barang/jasa agar suplier tetap menjaga mutu, kualitas dan kinerjanya dalam... more
Accounting Information System (AIS) is a platform in which the core concepts of accounting, such as, recording, classifying, storing, safeguarding and interpreting data and reporting accounting... more
Accounting Information System (AIS) is a
platform in which the core concepts of accounting,
such as, recording, classifying, storing, safeguarding
and interpreting data and reporting accounting
information are performed by using various
standardized and customized software for better
financial control. A wide range of accounting software,
such as, Tally, Troyee, AccPac, Oracle Applications,
SAP, etc. are already being installed by various
organizations in Bangladesh. Through this study, we
wanted to know the determinants of employees’
acceptance of various AIS in Bangladesh, by applying
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A total
number of 82 employees from four different companies
were provided with the structured questionnaires.
Finally, 80 questionnaires were accepted and encoded.
The results of the study are based on factors, such as,
PU, PEOU, ATU, BIU, and PBC as suggested by Davis
in his model known as TAM. All variables were
analyzed by using SMART PLS, which is a full-flagged
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) tool. The result
shows that Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC)
significantly affects employees’ behavioral intention to
use AIS through mediated effect on PU and PEOU.
Hence, PBC is acting as a strong antecedent of the
latent variables PU and PEOU in Bangladesh.
TUGAS SIM_ Annisa Dian Puspita_Yananto Mihadi Putra S.E., M.Si., CMA._Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi pada eBusiness_2018 Artikel tersebut mencantumkan bagaimana model pemanfaatan teknologi informasi pada perusahaan khususnya dalam... more
- by Annisa Dian
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- Web Design, Ecommerce, EBusiness, Website
Contoh kegiatan bisnis (terutama di marketing), seperti:
Memperbesar market share
Paham membidik pangsa pasar: “customer at any cost”
Berasumsi bahwa semua pelanggan sama/setara
- by zaenal aripin
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- EBusiness
- by Claudia Miranda
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- EBusiness
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës “e” pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për “e- biznesin”,... more
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës “e” pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për “e- biznesin”, “e-tregtinë”, “e-qeverisjen” e të tjera ndërsa që për dit e më shumë po e shohim se gjithnjë e më shumë gjëra sot po bëhet me përdorimin e kompjuterit dhe internetit. Përdorimi i teknologjive të reja dhe zhvillimi i hovshëm i internetit ka bërë që një “e” të paraqitet edhe para biletave tradicionale duke i shndërruar ato në “e-bileta” apo bileta të rezervuara me anën e Internetit.
- by Violeta Beqiri
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- ICT, EBusiness, The Internet
The term “Smart City” is to-date widely used, but little clarity appears in the definition behind it. Several approaches led to a growing emphasis on the combined use of geographic information and communication technology to build... more
The term “Smart City” is to-date widely used, but little clarity appears in the definition behind it. Several approaches led to a growing emphasis on the combined use of geographic information and communication technology to build cognitive frameworks in city planning and management. The present paper tackles an effort to define ‘smart cities’ and to identify both elements of smartness, and critical aspects related to the current interpretation of the term. In particular, the risk of considering the technological layer of Smart City as an innovative element has been observed, highlighting, on the contrary, the need to consider Smart Cities in terms of a major urban planning effort to coordinate and harmonize different urban players, sustained by ICT instruments.
This paper takes a critical look at the role that mobile phones can play in the event of a natural disaster. By using the 2010 Haiti earthquake as the start and focal point of our research this paper goes on to show how mobile phones can... more
This paper takes a critical look at the role that mobile phones can play in the event of a natural disaster. By using the 2010 Haiti earthquake as the start and focal point of our research this paper goes on to show how mobile phones can be part of an effective strategy to manage the risk posed by natural hazards. This is achieved through mobile phone use on an individual and community level by taking advantage of the portability, ease of use and other characteristics of mobile phones. Mobile phone innovations in the field of Information and Computer Technology for Development (ICT4D) and other relevant innovations are used to give practical examples of how this is possible.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify different maturity stages of eProcurement adoption. eProcurement (i.e. electronic purchase of indirect goods), is a growing reality and it is spreading among companies. However, even... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify different maturity stages of eProcurement adoption.
eProcurement (i.e. electronic purchase of indirect goods), is a growing reality and it is spreading
among companies. However, even inside a growing trend, no and low adopters can still be found,
and those already using eProcurement go through many intermediate levels. According to the literature,
there can be many factors influencing eProcurement adoption but clear approaches and maturity stages
are still not defined.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper proposes a general framework in which
eProcurement maturity is measured by three components: level of adoption, technology and
organizational objectives. The framework was applied to 13 case studies of information technology
purchases of companies in different sectors; thus, indentifying different approaches that have been
clustered in three maturity stages.
Findings – First of all, a quite strong relationship is found between eProcurement adoption and
technology in place. As far as organizational objectives are concerned, some interesting linkages are
found with both the adoption and technological functionalities. These patterns of adoption are grouped
into three clusters, named basic, intermediate and advanced.
Practical implications – The results of this paper can be useful for practitioners trying to position a
company into a maturity model and verify the coherence of the adoption with the technological and
organizational choices.
Originality/value – The originality of this paper lies in a new framework of analysis of the
eProcurement strategies that allows the identification of different maturity stages