Business Process Modeling Research Papers (original) (raw)

A necessidade de eliminar desperdícios em áreas administrativas amplifica-se à medida que aumenta a competitividade nos setores, pressionando assim a redução de custos e despesas fixas. Neste contexto, além de mostrarem-se relevantes para... more

A necessidade de eliminar desperdícios em áreas administrativas amplifica-se à medida que aumenta a competitividade nos setores, pressionando assim a redução de custos e despesas fixas. Neste contexto, além de mostrarem-se relevantes para as operações diretas, os conceitos e ferramentas Lean também ganham importância no escritório. Apesar disto, os métodos disponíveis para a utilização do Lean em áreas administrativas carecem de integração com técnicas consolidadas pela literatura em Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio. Frente a necessidade das organizações em eliminar desperdícios, e às lacunas identificadas na literatura existente sobre Lean Office, o presente artigo apresenta a proposição de um método para a implantação do Lean em áreas administrativas, incorporando o uso de técnicas de Gerenciamento de Processos. Além disto, este trabalho apresenta a aplicação do método em um sindicato patronal. Para este objetivo, o trabalho revisa os conceitos Lean e de Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio, utilizando como método de pesquisa a Design Science Research. Por fim são discutidas implicações a partir destas proposições bem como perspectivas para o desenvolvimento do Lean como alternativa para melhoria em operações administrativas.A necessidade de eliminar desperdícios em áreas administrativas amplifica-se à medida que aumenta a competitividade nos setores, pressionando assim a redução de custos e despesas fixas. Neste contexto, além de mostrarem-se relevantes para as operações diretas, os conceitos e ferramentas Lean também ganham importância no escritório. Apesar disto, os métodos disponíveis para a utilização do Lean em áreas administrativas carecem de integração com técnicas consolidadas pela literatura em Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio. Frente a necessidade das organizações em eliminar desperdícios, e às lacunas identificadas na literatura existente sobre Lean Office, o presente artigo apresenta a proposição de um método para a implantação do Lean em áreas administrativas, incorporando o uso de técnicas de Gerenciamento de Processos. Além disto, este trabalho apresenta a aplicação do método em um sindicato patronal. Para este objetivo, o trabalho revisa os conceitos Lean e de Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio, utilizando como método de pesquisa a Design Science Research. Por fim são discutidas implicações a partir destas proposições bem como perspectivas para o desenvolvimento do Lean como alternativa para melhoria em operações administrativas.

Abstract. The paper introduces the problem of process intentionality as a basic condition for fulfilling the contents of the idea of processorientation in process models. Consequently it discusses the role of the business process modeling... more

Abstract. The paper introduces the problem of process intentionality as a basic condition for fulfilling the contents of the idea of processorientation in process models. Consequently it discusses the role of the business process modeling methodology in achieving the substantial effects of the idea of processoriented management. In this context it introduces the concept of business process patterns as a part of the Methodology for Business Process Analysis and Management (MMABP) and explains their important role in the methodology. Different conceptions and meanings of the popular concept of BP Patterns are discussed before the specific meaning of this concept in the MMABP is explained. The basic BP Pattern is described and explained in detail together with connected principles and features of the MMABP with the help of the Business Process Metamodel. Specific respect is paid to the role of BP Patterns as an expression and expla...

In order to continuously improve its knowledge and to identify problems and possible solutions, an organization requires understanding of the way business is aligned with the organizational strategy and how information systems are... more

In order to continuously improve its knowledge and to identify problems and possible solutions, an organization requires understanding of the way business is aligned with the organizational strategy and how information systems are supporting the business. The paper presents a framework for describing and associating organizational concepts at multiple levels of detail using three separate areas of concerns: goals and strategy, business processes, and information systems. The framework is presented as an extension to the ...

The paper presents integration of spatial data and processes in local administration, or how to develop integral spatial information system for local government. Firstly, it is necessary to identify existing problems, then define the... more

The paper presents integration of spatial data and processes in local administration, or how to develop integral spatial information system for local government. Firstly, it is necessary to identify existing problems, then define the goals, and finally choose the appropriate solution. The obstacles that inhibit such approach are already recognizable in many municipal departments and relate to insufficient utilization of existing information system due to diverse applications, and inaccessibility of datasets located at various locations, and consequently, growing maintenance costs for the information system. The objectives to be pursued are: to integrate the functionality of the entire system, to enable the availability of spatial data to all employees, to ensure full interaction, cooperation and exchange of information between the mayor, officials and citizens, and based on this, to optimize the costs maintenance and further development of the information system. In this sense, the solution imposes centralization and integration of all spatial data and processes related to them, through a unique model and with web architecture at the level of the whole organization. Additionally, the benefits from implementation of such solution, as well as its impact on the work of the administration from economic and social benefits point have been analyzed.

In the past couple of centuries, humankind has achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life of the world's population, in large due to important advancements in the automation of wealthgenerating activities. Business Process... more

In the past couple of centuries, humankind has achieved a significant improvement in the quality of life of the world's population, in large due to important advancements in the automation of wealthgenerating activities. Business Process Management (BPM) studies concepts, methods, techniques, and tools that support and improve the way business processes are designed, performed, and analyzed in organizations, including workflow automation and control of business processes and decision-making practices. Artificial Intelligence (AI), in turn, strives to automate natural intelligence exhibited by humans, including the perception of the environment, taken decisions and actions, and learning and problem-solving. In this keynote, the discussion investigates how results in BPM inform and improve solutions to the problems addressed in AI, and vice versa. To exemplify potential synergies of the two fields, the keynote presents two concrete projects in the intersection of BPM and AI that Dr. Polyvyanyy works on together with his colleagues and Ph.D. students, namely applying the ideas from Process Mining, the subarea of BPM, to tackle the problems of Robotic Process Automation [1] and Goal Recognition [2] studied in AI. The screencast of the keynote is publicly available. 1

A collection of user interface design patterns for workflow information systems is presented. Each Workflow User Interface Pattern (WUIP) is characterized by properties expressed in the PLML markup language for expressing patterns and... more

A collection of user interface design patterns for workflow information systems is presented. Each Workflow User Interface Pattern (WUIP) is characterized by properties expressed in the PLML markup language for expressing patterns and augmented by additional attributes and models attached to the pattern: the abstract user interface and the corresponding task model. These models are specified in a User Interface Description Language. All WUIPs are stored in a library and can be retrieved within a workflow editor that links each workflow pattern to its corresponding WUIP, thus giving rise to a user interface for each workflow pattern. The software then gathers these UIs and the ones corresponding to workflow tasks into a user interface flow, a new concept introduced for specifying the intertwining of interfaces used by workers and the workflow manager in a single workflow.

This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships between the financial performance of an organization and the intangible assets of the various functional departments in the organization. It is... more

This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships between the financial performance of an organization and the intangible assets of the various functional departments in the organization. It is intriguing to note the similarity of this framework with the strategy map concept in the Balanced scorecard approach. As is well-known, the Balanced scorecard contains four basic elements: financial, customer value proposition, internal process, and learning and growth. Each element is owned and performed by the different functional departments within the organization. Intangible assets are defined as non-financial assets without physical substance. Examples of these are customer loyalty, brand names, computer software, recipes, formulas, designs, patents, product developments, and corporate cultures. While conventional accounting treats tangible assets as assets, the investment in intangible assets is normally regarded as operating costs and expenses, rather than as long-term investment. For short-term strategies, profit and loss figures are normally used as the main financial performance indicators in the balance sheets and financial reports. On the other hand, there are currently no indicators to guide management in establishing long term strategies regarding intangible assets. Intangible assets may provide future benefits and competitive advantage for the organization when they are properly monitored and well-managed. An empirical approach based on structural equation modeling, also known as covariance structure analysis, to establish the cause-and-effect relationships in the proposed framework is also discussed.

Companies model their business processes either for docu- mentation, analysis, re-engineering or automation purposes; usually us- ing normalized business process modeling languages such as EPC or BPMN. Although these models explain how... more

Companies model their business processes either for docu- mentation, analysis, re-engineering or automation purposes; usually us- ing normalized business process modeling languages such as EPC or BPMN. Although these models explain how the processes should be per- formed and by whom, they abstract away their business rationale (i.e. what is offered and why). Business modeling aims to answer the latter and different frameworks have been proposed to express the process in terms of value-chains. Ensuring alignment between both of these views manually is error prone and labor intensive. In this paper, we present a novel approach to derive a value-chain - expressed in REA - from a busi- ness process model expressed in BPMN. At the heart of our approach and our main contribution lies a set of nine general business patterns we have defined and classified as structural and behavioral patterns.

The research activity outlined in this thesis is devoted to define a general approach, a concrete architecture and a prototype Process Management System (PMS) for the automated adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time, on the basis of... more

The research activity outlined in this thesis is devoted to define a general approach, a concrete architecture and a prototype Process Management System (PMS) for the automated adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time, on the basis of a declarative specification of process tasks and relying on well-established reasoning about actions and planning techniques. The purpose is to demonstrate that the combination of procedural and imperative models with declarative elements, along with the exploitation of techniques from the field of artificial intelligence (AI), such as Situation Calculus, IndiGolog and automated planning, can increase the ability of existing PMSs of supporting dynamic processes. To this end, a prototype PMS named SmartPM, which is specifically tailored for supporting collaborative work of process participants during pervasive scenarios, has been developed. The adaptation mechanism deployed on SmartPM is based on execution monitoring for detecting failures at run-time, which does not require the definition of the adaptation strategy in the process itself (as most of the current approaches do), and on automatic planning techniques for the synthesis of the recovery procedure.

Internal processes of corporate greening have received little scholarly attention. A two-study investigation of consumer-goods producers, implementing environmental management and subject to the 1991 German Packaging Ordinance offers new... more

Internal processes of corporate greening have received little scholarly attention. A two-study investigation of consumer-goods producers, implementing environmental management and subject to the 1991 German Packaging Ordinance offers new insights. Findings from Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis, suggest two independent dimensions of environmental management: Policy Commitment and Approach to Implementation. We expand traditional strategic change models, and generate a typology of four types of corporate greening: Deliberate Reactive, Unrealized, Emergent Active, and Deliberate Proactive greening. These are fleshed out with four known cases in Study 2. Alternative conceptual scenarios, developed to explain those types with inconsistent values for Policy Commitment and Implementation, point to new directions for research on the dynamics of internal processes of corporate greening. We conclude with implications for corporate social performance and strategic change models.

Traditional methods to business process modeling build the model in a unified way, which gives rise to complex models, where different concerns are scattered and tangled. In this paper we propose the use of an aspect-oriented approach to... more

Traditional methods to business process modeling build the model in a unified way, which gives rise to complex models, where different concerns are scattered and tangled. In this paper we propose the use of an aspect-oriented approach to modularize business process modeling. We propose a meta Aspect Oriented Process Modeling Language (AOPML) that is independent of any specific business process language. In order to show the applicability of the approach we instantiate it using the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN) in a case study that takes advantage of AOPML.

The WS-BPEL 2.0 specification [WS-BPEL 2.0] provides a language for formally describing business processes and business interaction protocols. WS-BPEL was designed to extend the Web Services interaction model to support business... more

The WS-BPEL 2.0 specification [WS-BPEL 2.0] provides a language for formally describing business processes and business interaction protocols. WS-BPEL was designed to extend the Web Services interaction model to support business transactions.

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju... more

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju študentov, pravilnik o študentih s posebnim statusom ter pravilnik o izvajanju delovne prakse. Vse tri pravilnike bomo najprej opisali in nato izdelali tabelo aktivnosti in tabelo lastnosti (metodologija TAD) za vsak delovni proces. Pomagali si bomo s programskim orodjem iGrafx, kjer bomo izvedli modeliranje in simulacijo. Na podlagi rezultatov simulacije bomo ugotovili kako posamezna aktivnost vpliva na celoten proces ter podali predlog za izboljšavo le-te.
Delovni proces, modeliranje, simulacije, metodologija TAD, programsko orodje iGrafx.

1 specifies that a functional size measurement (FSM) method must provide 19 measurement procedures to quantify the functional user requirements (FURs) of soft-20 ware. Such quantitative information, functional size, is typically used, for... more

1 specifies that a functional size measurement (FSM) method must provide 19 measurement procedures to quantify the functional user requirements (FURs) of soft-20 ware. Such quantitative information, functional size, is typically used, for instance, in 21 software estimation. One of the international standards for FSM is the COSMIC FSM 22 method -ISO 19761 -which was designed to be applied both to the business applica-23 tion (BA) software domain and to the real-time software domain. A recurrent problem 24

Given the increasing importance of value chain collaboration, business processes need to be more closely aligned across organizational boundaries. Hence, business process modeling and design have to be enhanced and extended to cope with... more

Given the increasing importance of value chain collaboration, business processes need to be more closely aligned across organizational boundaries. Hence, business process modeling and design have to be enhanced and extended to cope with inter-organizational business relationships. Among the challenges that arise are interdependencies between internal and external processes, different process logic and terminology, missing clarification of responsibilities and confidentiality issues. This paper analyzes existing approaches to business process modeling, workflow management and B2B standardization with regard to the specific requirements concerning inter-organizational business process design. It extracts the relevant concepts addressing these requirements and draws up an agenda for further research.

The current real estate purchasing process in the South African sector can be described as inefficient due to heavy reliance on multiple third parties which results in high transaction costs and a prolonging of the time in which property... more

The current real estate purchasing process in the South African sector can be described as inefficient due to heavy reliance on multiple third parties which results in high transaction costs and a prolonging of the time in which property transactions are completed. Additionally, the extensive manual review and verification of financial and legal documents as well as manually updating multiple systems with redundant information not only takes time but is also prone to error and fraudulent activities. Blockchain technology presents an opportunity for the real estate sector as it has the potential to bring about more efficient transactions. This study examines two approaches to executing real estate transactions; the South African case and an international blockchain technology use case. Two conceptual models are presented using Business Process Modelling and Notation. Document review was employed in order to provide sufficient information on the real estate transactions. The findings show that the South African real estate transaction process is inefficient as it is manual, involves paper-based documents, and relies heavily on third parties which results in numerous bottlenecks. The study revealed that blockchain-based transactions are more efficient and reduce reliance on third parties and manual processes. The study contributes two conceptual models illustrating how the two different processes are conducted. It also contributes a list of the challenges and opportunities related to blockchain-based real estate transactions.

The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring defines the tasks associated with the planning and monitoring of business analysis activities. In addition, this are includes monitoring and reporting on work performed to ensure... more

The Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring defines the tasks associated with the planning and monitoring of business analysis activities. In addition, this are includes monitoring and reporting on work performed to ensure that the business analysis effort produces the expected outcomes.

The business processes and workflows of Public Administration within the Hungarian Government are transformed profoundly in the past years. As more and more tasks of public administration are carried out by the assistance of electronic... more

The business processes and workflows of Public Administration within the Hungarian Government are transformed profoundly in the past years. As more and more tasks of public administration are carried out by the assistance of electronic solutions, the tracking and monitoring of activities became possible whereby data in electronic form are available for data processing. In enterprises, the performance measurement, strategic enterprise management and similar approaches turn out to be fashionable; moreover, the techniques and methods out of data science provides the opportunities for data analytics on the collected data. As the e-public administration develops and significant amount of data will be accessible for data processing it will give the chance to apply data science for the wide spectrum of activities within public administration. There is project that is planned and dedicated to the before-mentioned task. Firstly, a data warehouse will be built that will collect and load the data from disparate sources in a data schemes within the data warehouse that will suit data analytics. We will analyze the E-government architecture, public administration processes and the available techniques of data science that will provide useful services for the senior public officers.

Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems provide key capabilities to the coalition and national command authorities for intelligence collection, exploitation and battle management. ISR systems support the full range of... more

Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems provide key capabilities to the coalition and national command authorities for intelligence collection, exploitation and battle management. ISR systems support the full range of component commanders at all levels of command. Further, both coalition and national command authorities may employ exploited and pre-exploited ISR information in the development of politico-military options for military and civil operations within an area of operations (AO). As a result, ISR information provides a critical piece of information for both military commanders and their civilian counterparts operating in the same AO and will likely be in demand for contingency operations from disaster relief to military conflict. This paper will present the key findings of experimentation employing network enabled databases and ISR management tools for dissemination of ISR data and information. Subjects to be addressed include but are not limited to information security and cross domain data transfer, network resource allocation and tools provided for review and minimization of bandwidth requirements, tasking and management of ISR systems by end users outside of traditional networks, communications capabilities and limitations realized through collaboration functions and web enabled applications as well as ISR command and control in an open network of multiple end users.

The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the de-facto standard for representing in a very expressive graphical way the processes occurring in virtually every kind of organization one can think of, from cuisine recipes to the... more

The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the de-facto standard for representing in a very expressive graphical way the processes occurring in virtually every kind of organization one can think of, from cuisine recipes to the Nobel Prize assignment process, incident management, e-mail voting systems, travel booking procedures, to name a few. In this work, we give an overview of BPMN and we present what are the links with other well-known machineries such as BPEL and XPDL. We give an assessment of how the OMG's BPMN standard is perceived and used by practitioners in everyday business process modeling chores.

Provided article discusses the features of the organization and management of hotel enterprises, it specifies concepts of organization and management in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, it provides the classification of the models... more

Provided article discusses the features of the organization and management of hotel enterprises, it specifies concepts of organization and management in the hospitality industry. Furthermore, it provides the classification of the models and forms of management of hotel enterprises, and the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the management.

—In competitive markets, companies need well-designed business strategies if they seek to grow and obtain sustainable competitive advantage. At the core of a successful business strategy there is a carefully crafted value proposition,... more

—In competitive markets, companies need well-designed business strategies if they seek to grow and obtain sustainable competitive advantage. At the core of a successful business strategy there is a carefully crafted value proposition, which ultimately defines what a company delivers to its customers. Despite their widely recognized importance, there is however little agreement on what exactly value propositions are. This lack of conceptual clarity harms the communication among stakeholders and the harmonization of current business strategy theories and strategy support frameworks. Furthermore , it hinders the development of systematic methodologies for crafting value propositions, as well as adequate support for representing and analyzing them. In this paper, we present an ontological analysis of value propositions based on a review of most relevant business and marketing theories and on previous work on value ascription, grounded in the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO). Our investigation clarifies how value propositions are different from value presentations, and shows the difference between value propositions at the business level from those related to specific offerings.

Podejście procesowe niegdyś znajdowało zastosowanie głównie w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwami, lecz od pewnego czasu daje się także zauważyć coraz szersze wykorzystywanie tej koncepcji w urzędach administracji publicznej. Wynika to w... more

Podejście procesowe niegdyś znajdowało zastosowanie głównie w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwami, lecz od pewnego czasu daje się także zauważyć coraz szersze wykorzystywanie tej koncepcji w urzędach administracji publicznej. Wynika to w szczególności z wdrażania norm zarządzania jakością oraz realizacji w urzędach projektów informatycznych. Administracja posiada specyfikę procesów, np. ich formalizację wynikającą z silnego powiązania z systemem prawnym. W konsekwencji z jednej strony urzędy doskonale nadają się do zastosowania w nich elementów zarządzania procesowego, z drugiej występuje wiele typowych trudności przy wykorzystywaniu tego podejścia. Obserwacje autora i analiza literatury pozwalają na twierdzenie, że podstawową barierą jest niedostateczne zrozumienie idei orientacji procesowej przez pracowników urzędów. Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka podejścia procesowego w zarządzaniu jednostkami administracji publicznej oraz analiza możliwości zastosowania tego podejścia, a także przyczyn trudności w jego wdrażaniu.

Several authors have made progress in solving the choreography realization problem. General choreographies cannot be realized, specially timed choreographies, because implementations scarcely show the same behavior than the one initially... more

Several authors have made progress in solving the choreography realization problem. General choreographies cannot be realized, specially timed choreographies, because implementations scarcely show the same behavior than the one initially specified according the business rules. Taking steps towards the realizability of BP choreographies is that we placed both the specification of safety properties and the temporal extension of BPMN 2.0 choreography diagrams in the same semantic domain of CSP+T formal specification language. Hence, we can take full advantage of the strengths that a formalization of behavioral and temporal aspects of BPMN will bring about at design and implementation stages of any choreography of services.

Identifying, modelling, and improving business processes have become a vital activity for enterprises to become successful and competitive. To achieve this goal, enterprises need to select or come up with an efficient methodology to... more

Identifying, modelling, and improving business processes have become a vital activity for enterprises to become successful and competitive. To achieve this goal, enterprises need to select or come up with an efficient methodology to improve their business processes. The aim of this paper is to build a novel methodology to improve business processes. We called this methodology IMI. It consists of three main phases that each includes several steps. The first phase deals with the identification of business processes. The second step deals with modelling. In the third step business process improvement is explained. This methodology has been developed during the enterprise architecture project of AbFa-Kerman Company and the examples in this paper are adopted from this project. Finally, IMI methodology is evaluated. The evaluation results show strengths in determining the input and output of each step and partially covering the information model by graphically presenting the results of each phase. Employing hierarchical diagrams, such as BPML, SIPOC, WCA, and APQC, IMI benefits from simplicity and comprehensibility.

This paper presents an application of BPMN for the modeling of Tax Administration processes within the One-Stop-Shop system for the registration of business entities, using a modern software tool. The primary goal of this paper is to draw... more

This paper presents an application of BPMN for the modeling of Tax Administration processes within the One-Stop-Shop system for the registration of business entities, using a modern software tool. The primary goal of this paper is to draw attention to a possible application of BPMN and to present some identified difficulties in ensuring simple means of process modeling and information sharing among the business users and process implementers. It was shown that BPMN facilitates communication among the key parties in cross-organizational e-Government. Additionally, the conclusion was that using BPMN can be a useful starting point for highlighting critical points in collaboration of involved processes.

In this paper we compare two different ways of visualising business processes, the Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0 and Dynamic Condition Response graphs (DCR graph). For visualisation of the constraints and the rules of this... more

In this paper we compare two different ways of visualising business processes, the Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0 and Dynamic Condition Response graphs (DCR graph). For visualisation of the constraints and the rules of this process, the concept of the DCR graph will be used, involving elements like actors, events, constraints, scenarios etc. After the DCR graph, a BPMN model will be used, which helps reflecting on some of the key elements which are found in the DCR graph. This kind of documentation is used to show of the flow of the different business processes, and see what kind of opportunity of routes, can be seen within the process

Process Mining (PM) emerged from business process management but has recently been applied to educational data and has been found to facilitate the understanding of the educational process. Educational Process Mining (EPM) bridges the gap... more

Process Mining (PM) emerged from business process management but has recently been applied to educational data and has been found to facilitate the understanding of the educational process. Educational Process Mining (EPM) bridges the gap between process analysis and data analysis, based on the techniques of model discovery, conformance checking and extension of existing process models. We present a systematic review of the recent and current status of research in the EPM domain, focusing on application domains, techniques, tools and models, to highlight the use of EPM in comprehending and improving educational processes.

This paper studies a fourth emerging service model of cloud computing, Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). BPaaS is generating hype but it is under researched with a lack of clarity regarding how BPaaS differentiates itself from other... more

This paper studies a fourth emerging service model of cloud computing, Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). BPaaS is generating hype but it is under researched with a lack of clarity regarding how BPaaS differentiates itself from other service models and what opportunities and challenges it presents for management and organisations attempting to implement it. In this paper we examine the theoretical underpinnings of BPaaS with a view to developing an understanding of the potential value of adopting the BPaaS model and its implications for the realisation of business value from cloud computing. We develop the SEIFS framework (Situation, Elemental, Integration, Flexibility, and Scalability) to provide guidance in the classification of cloud services as BPaaS or otherwise and attempt to validate this framework by using a series of case studies based in Irish cloud computing firms. Our paper aims to contribute to the literature by addressing confusion in the classification of cloud services, and specifically BPaaS. We also provide insights for prospective BPaaS providers to factor into their service design and discuss how BPaaS can provide a competitive advantage. Finally, we identify and discuss a number of areas for future research.

E s tra té g ia E m p re s a ria l FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS -FGV MANAGEMENT MBA EM ESTRATÉGIA EMPRESARIAL -TURMA III 2001/2002 TRABALHO FINAL Uma metodologia prática de engenharia de negócios baseada na convergência dos modelos teóricos de... more

E s tra té g ia E m p re s a ria l FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS -FGV MANAGEMENT MBA EM ESTRATÉGIA EMPRESARIAL -TURMA III 2001/2002 TRABALHO FINAL Uma metodologia prática de engenharia de negócios baseada na convergência dos modelos teóricos de estratégia, engenharia de processos e teoria organizacional nas organizações em rede da era da informação Victor Rafael Rezende Celestino Aluno Maria Leonídia Marques Malmegrin Orientadora Brasília, Dezembro de 2002 E s tra té g ia E m p re s a ria l

This paper addresses a methodology for developing the various user interfaces (UI) of a workflow information system (WIS), which are advocated to automate business processes, following a model-centric approach based on the requirements... more

This paper addresses a methodology for developing the various user interfaces (UI) of a workflow information system (WIS), which are advocated to automate business processes, following a model-centric approach based on the requirements and processes of the organization. The methodology applies to: 1) integrate human and machines based activities, in particular those involving interaction with IT applications and tools, 2) to identify how tasks are structured, who perform them, what their relative order is, how they are offered or assigned, and how tasks are being tracked. For this purpose, workflow is recursively decomposed into processes which are in turn decomposed into tasks. Each task gives rise to a task model whose structure, ordering, and connection with the domain model allows the automated generation of corresponding UIs in a transformational approach.

STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has implemented the standards set by the government in the management of higher education, one of which is the international standard ISO-9001. In these standards, procedures contained in the management of higher... more

STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has implemented the standards set by the government in the management of higher education, one of which is the international standard ISO-9001. In these standards, procedures contained in the management of higher education, limited access to and understanding of the content of university management procedures as well as the form of text-based procedure was judged to be the cause of incomprehension stakeholders resulting in the ineffectiveness of the established procedure. One attempt to solve this problem is to construct a form of media that can be accessed and understood by stakeholders. The media can be a graphical representation in the form of a diagram that can tell the content of the procedure. Based on the results of the analysis showed that the procedure has not been carried out properly so it needs to be improved overall business processes. Modeling using BPMN be the perfect solution to represent a business process flow. 1. INTRODUCTION University as an educational institution that organizes learning activities for people who want higher education. In college management refers to the standards set by the government. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia (STIKI) as one of the private universities in Bali has implemented the standards set by the government, as evidenced by obtaining accredited status. In carrying out its management, in addition to the standard set by the government, STIKI also uses international standards such as ISO-9001: 2008. In those standards, contained in the management procedures starting from academic colleges, keuangaan, the facility to research and community service. The procedure documents in the form of text with a common language. Currently the procedure document can only be accessed by the authorities, such as the head of each division. It often leads to a misperception of the stakeholders (stakeholders). Limited access and understanding of the content of university management procedures as well as the form of text-based procedures judged to be the cause of incomprehension stakeholders resulted in the ineffectiveness of the established procedure. Governance good college is not enough merely expressed in a procedure. The problem is more fundamental is how the procedure is carried out, so as to achieve a good university management in accordance with established standards. One that can be improved is by constructing a form of media that can be accessed and understood by stakeholders. The media can be a graphical representation of a diagram that can tell the shape of the contents of the procedure. With the realization of a media that can be understood together, are expected to procedures work well and can be improved on an ongoing basis.

A digital strategy is the use of information technology digital tools to accomplish something that responds to consumers, bridging brand experiences, iterating offerings, and collecting and activating consumer relationships in order to... more

A digital strategy is the use of information technology digital tools to accomplish something that responds to consumers, bridging brand experiences, iterating offerings, and collecting and activating consumer relationships in order to accomplish an actionable and measurable objective. (Accenture, 2015).

Because of the rising complexity of indirect business areas, processes become less transparent and it is therefore more difficult to distinguish between value-add- ing activities and waste. As an essential requirement for purposeful... more

Because of the rising complexity of indirect business areas, processes become less transparent and it is therefore more difficult to distinguish between value-add- ing activities and waste. As an essential requirement for purposeful optimization, all existing types of waste in a process must be identified and quantified in terms of their negative impacts on the process productivity and the cus- tomer’s wishes. Hence, this article proposes an approach that increases the transparency and ensures objectivity by concentrating on the value stream, revealing weaknesses, detecting their causes, and evaluating the impact on the process according to the philosophy of Lean Management. The methodology is separated into three main steps: pro- cess modeling, analysis, and the evaluation of waste in indirect business areas. This results in an effect-orientated classification of potential waste in the process and yields a priority list of fields of action. The basis for the implementation of process optimization is thus developed.

Tahun 2014 kinerja PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk. (IMAS) bisa dibilang menurun. Pada penutupan tahun pembukuan, perusahaan mencatatkan kerugian bersih 65 milyar rupiah, sedangkan pada periode sama tahun sebelumnya perusahaan masih... more

Tahun 2014 kinerja PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk. (IMAS) bisa dibilang menurun. Pada penutupan tahun pembukuan, perusahaan mencatatkan kerugian bersih 65 milyar rupiah, sedangkan pada periode sama tahun sebelumnya perusahaan masih mencetak laba bersih lebih dari 621 milyar rupiah. Pasalnya perusahaan membukukan penjualan bersih senilai 19,46 trilyun rupiah, menurun hampir 3% dari penjualan tahun 2013 yang 20,1 trilyun rupiah. Tekanan pada perusahaan disebabkan juga oleh peningkatan beban penjualan sebesar 16,6% menjadi 1,33 trilyun rupiah, disusul peningkatan beban usaha umum sebesar 14,95% menjadi 978 milyar rupiah dan peningkatan beban keuangan sebesar 45,5% menjadi 753 milyar rupiah. IMAS memang mencatat penambahan total asset sebesar 5,2% menjadi 23,47 trilyun rupiah, tetapi juga total liability meningkat sebesar 6,8% menjadi 16,8 trilyun rupiah. for year 2015 2014 2013

Purpose – Recent operations management research suggests that adopting and implementing the right practices are essential to attaining “world-class” performance. The purpose of this paper is to report the leading operations management... more

Purpose – Recent operations management research suggests that adopting and implementing the right practices are essential to attaining “world-class” performance. The purpose of this paper is to report the leading operations management practices and the strategy deployment framework that emerged from a qualitative study that addressed the question of how managers implement strategy in an organisational excellence environment.
Design/methodology/approach – Group work with managers responsible for implementing strategic initiatives was followed by case studies of seven organisations via in-depth semi-structured interviews. A survey questionnaire strengthened the validity of the constructs of strategy deployment that were identified in the case analyses.
Findings – In total, seven strategy deployment constructs were identified and linkages between them are described. The 50 leading deployment practices indicate a mix of hard and soft management skills applied across the seven constructs.
Practical implications – The leading deployment practices have the potential to raise the performance of organisations by improving the implementation of strategic initiatives. The framework is relevant to the deployment of both corporate and business unit strategy such as manufacturing or operations, and should be of interest to managers in these areas.
Originality/value – Researchers have noted for more than a decade that no generally accepted framework of operations management practices has emerged for strategy implementation. Most strategy studies have focused on strategy formulation, content, or on project/programme management. There have been few multiple case studies of leading strategy deployment practices in diverse organisations from both private and public sectors.

After explaining why business executives and academics should consider thinking about a rigorous approach to e-business models, we introduce a new e-Business Model Ontology. Using the concept of business models can help companies... more

After explaining why business executives and academics should consider thinking about a rigorous approach to e-business models, we introduce a new e-Business Model Ontology. Using the concept of business models can help companies understand, communicate and share, change, measure, simulate and learn more about the different aspects of e-business in their firm. The generic e-Business Model Ontology (a rigorous definition of the e-business issues and their interdependencies in a company's business model), which we outline in this paper is the foundation for the development of various useful tools for e-business management and IS Requirements Engineering. The e-Business Model Ontology is based on an extensive literature review and describes the logic of a "business system" for creating value in the Internet era. It is composed of four main pillars, which are Product Innovation, Infrastructure Management, Customer Relationship and Financial Aspects. These elements are then further decomposed.

Purpose – The creation of a service is enabled by a “strategic-level” business model (BM), while the implementation or execution of the service is described by “operational-level” business processes (BPs). In many innovation projects,... more

Purpose – The creation of a service is enabled by a “strategic-level” business model (BM), while the implementation or execution of the service is described by “operational-level” business processes (BPs). In many innovation projects, especially trans-sector projects, a lack of alignment between the strategic “what to do” and the operational “how to do it” is often a severe obstacle undermining BM viability and feasibility. The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework that identifies the generic horizontal and vertical inter-organizational and intra-organizational interaction components to bridge BM with underlying BPs, with the aim of improving the alignment between the two levels.
Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper identifies a theoretical gap between strategic BM and operational BPs. Building on existing literature the authors synthesize various theoretical concepts to create a generic framework to analyze the theoretical gap.
Findings – The proposed conceptual framework is useful in innovation projects, especially in complex scaled-up trans-sector innovation projects, where numerous BPs stemming from multiple actors from diverse industries should support a collective BM. This framework can be used as an analytical basis for further research into BM/BP alignment.
Practical implications – There are many BM theories and concepts, and BP ontologies available. The proposed alignment framework can be used to bridge the gap between the BM theories and concepts such as BMO Canvas and BP tools and ontology’s (e.g. ARIS, ArchiMate or BPMN).
Originality/value – Through a novel integration of a number of relevant theoretical concepts, a generic conceptual BM/BPs alignment framework is

Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT yang telah mencurahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga kami, kelompok 6 dari kelas SI-42-06, Prodi S1 Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, Telkom University dapat menyelesaikan... more

Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT yang telah mencurahkan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga kami, kelompok 6 dari kelas SI-42-06, Prodi S1 Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Rekayasa Industri, Telkom University dapat menyelesaikan makalah untuk mata kuliah Permodelan Proses Bisnis di Semester ke-3 tahun ajaran 2019/2020.