Electronics and Instrumentation Research Papers (original) (raw)

The development of systems capable of recognizing and categorising emotions is of interest to researchers in various scientific areas including artificial intelligence. The traditional notion that emotions and rationality are two separate... more

The development of systems capable of recognizing and categorising emotions is of interest to researchers in various scientific areas including artificial intelligence. The traditional notion that emotions and rationality are two separate realms has gradually been challenged. The work of neurologists has shown the strong relationship between emotional episodes and the way humans think and act. Furthermore, emotions not only regulate human decisions but could also contribute to a more satisfactory response to the environment, i.e., faster and more precise actions. In this paper an analysis of physiological signals employed in real-time emotion detection is presented in the context of Intelligent Inhabited Environments (IIE). Two studies were performed to investigate whether physical exertion has a significant effect on bodily signals stemming from emotional episodes with subjects having various degrees of affect intensity: 1) a statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon Test, and 2) a cluster analysis using the Davies- Bouldin Index. Preliminary results demonstrated that the heart rate and skin resistance consistently showed similar changes regardless of the physical stimuli while blood volume pressure did not show a significant change. It was also found that neither physical stress nor affect intensity played a role in the separation of neutral and non-neutral emotional states.

A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more

A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e) open-helix spin-½ half-photons compose the double-helix photon. These half-photons separate and curl up their separated superluminal single-helical trajectories to form an electrically-charged superluminal closed-helix spin-½ quantum-vortex electron model and a corresponding positron model. The helical radius and the Dirac equation's zitterbewegung angular frequency of the quantum vortex electron and positron models equal the helical radius and zitterbewegung angular frequency of the two spin-½ half-photons, each of energy E = mc^2 , that composed the double-helix photon model of energy E = 2mc^2 from which the electron and positron models were produced. The photon and electron models are also compatible when a photon of energy E > 2mc^2 produces a relativistic electron-positron pair. Implications of the quantum vortex electron model for electron stability are discussed.

Baggage sorting is one of the major requirements for rapid processing in an airport. For larger airport automated system is must to match with the dynamic world. But there are many small to medium size airports handling between 1.5 and 6... more

Baggage sorting is one of the major requirements for rapid processing in an airport. For larger airport automated system is must to match with the dynamic world. But there are many small to medium size airports handling between 1.5 and 6 million passengers a year, still haven’t automated. For many of these airports, there are still big gains to be made – in cost, time, efficiency and sorting quality – by introducing automated sorting system. The problem for many of those airports is finding the right systems to do the job. Because in many cases, solutions are designed primarily for the larger airports where much of the automation market is to be found are not cost effective for lower volume environments, and often those system cannot be accommodated within the space constraints of smaller terminal buildings. In the present project, an automated baggage handling and sorting system has been designed using microcontroller so that it could be cheaply implemented on a small size terminal with a low cost. A small scale model of the project has also been constructed. The sorting system is based on bar code reading and tracking of the baggage in a terminal. The baggages are then diverted to their destined terminal using a gate control system. The model can also be used in any packaging and distribution system.

Controlling the car without accidents in growing traffic conditions is a big problem in present day environment, so this paper aims at providing Technological approaches for protecting the driver in the car for having a smooth and safe... more

Controlling the car without accidents in growing traffic conditions is a big problem in present day environment, so this paper aims at providing Technological approaches for protecting the driver in the car for having a smooth and safe journey without accidents. So this paper entitled as " DESIGN OF SMART CAR USING LABVIEW " , as the name indicates, this paper is about advanced technologies embedded into the cars for making it more intelligent and interactive for avoiding accidents and protect the driver on roads at the time of accidents. By using LABVIEW this system becomes more efficient, reliable & effective. In this project, we describe a real-time safety protection that keeps a condition for engine ignition and controls the vehicle speed under driver negligence. The main components of the system consist of number of real time sensors like IR RANGE SENSOR240-037, MOTION SENSOR-ADXL 335, LDR, IR TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER and a software interface with LABVIEW by using NI USB-6009.

An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection... more

An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection circuits using salvaged components can pinpoint floods in impoverished regions. CPSs simplify hazard prediction and mitigation in disaster supervision. Nonetheless, few green practices and efforts have been accomplished in this regard. Recent technical advances help landslides studies and the evaluation of suitable risk alleviation measures. This work addresses in situ meters, and cameras to observe ground movements more accurately. The ER-CPS identifies and can help mitigate landslides using techniques based on motion detection that can productively predict and monitor the zone conditions to classify it, and the landslide-related data can be transmitted to inspecting stations to lessen the erosion/sedimentation likelihood while increasing security.

In recent years automatic vision based technology has become important to many areas including agricultural fields and food industry. Robotic harvesting offers an attractive solution to reducing labour costs while enabling more regular... more

In recent years automatic vision based technology has become important to many areas including agricultural fields and food industry. Robotic harvesting offers an attractive solution to reducing labour costs while enabling more regular and selective harvesting techniques. The automation technology used in harvesting the yellow bell pepper makes use of open source computer vision platform to detect the crop amidst the foliage using various image processing techniques and send appropriate signals to move the robot to harvest the crop. The web camera feeds real time images to the microcontroller where the digital image is filtered to remove noise and subjected to various feature extraction such as colour detection and size determination and the processed image is displayed over the internet .The detected bell pepper can be harvested by moving the robot with appropriate commands sent over a web application which serves as a communication platform between the user and the robot interfaced using the Bluetooth module.

Depot air minum isi ulang telah mengalami perkembangan dan kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Ramainya pelaku bisnis ini menarik minat pebisnis kecil yang turut memenuhi pasar air minum dengan depo isi ulang yang berbeda merek dan model.... more

Depot air minum isi ulang telah mengalami perkembangan dan kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Ramainya pelaku bisnis ini menarik minat pebisnis kecil yang turut memenuhi pasar air minum dengan depo isi ulang yang berbeda merek dan model. Menjamurnya badan usaha di industri ini membuat banyak pihak pemilik untuk selalu berbeda dan unik dari yang lainnya. Pengembangan atau perbedaan antara satu dengan yang lainnya tidak hanya dalam kualitas air yang dihasilkan tetapi juga dari sistem kerja yang dimiliki atau yang dijalankan. Improvisasi kecepatan dalam bekerja atau perbaikan dalam hal memuaskan pelanggan dibutuhkan bagi setiap badan usaha yang bergerak di lini ini. Otomasi sistem menjadi salah satu hal yang dipertimbangkan. Penggunaan load cell digunakan sebagai alat utama untuk improvisasi pada depot air minum isi ulang agar menjadi otomatis. Sensor ini bekerja sebagai sensor berat pada sebuah timbangan yang akan digunakan sebagai penimbang berat dari galon yang sedang dalam proses pengisian. Improvisasi ini bertujuan untuk menghentikan proses pengisian yang secara manual menjadi otomatis. Hasil dari pemakaian sensor load cell pada sebuah timbangan yang telah digunakan menunjukkan hasil bahwa dalam 10 kali percobaan, sistem mampu untuk memberhentikan pengisian air minum isi ulang secara otomatis dengan hasil menunjukkan galon penuh di 6 kali percobaan dan 4 percobaan berikutnya menunjukkan hasil galon kurang penuh dan hal ini menunjukkan bahwa persentasi keberhasilan adalah sebesar 60%. Kata Kunci:

A state-space averaging method was employed in the design of a switching control system for a conventional single-phase, two-speed ventilation fan with time-averaged temperature feedback. The unique state-space averaging method allows the... more

A state-space averaging method was employed in the design of a switching control system for a conventional single-phase, two-speed ventilation fan with time-averaged temperature feedback. The unique state-space averaging method allows the switched, i.e., discontinuous, system to be approximated as a continuous system; thus direct digital control design techniques can be applied for designing the switching controller. Dynamic simulation of the controller action and greenhouse air temperature indicated that the root-mean-square temperature could closely match the set point temperature, and that the switching period affected fluctuations about the set point. The validity of the designed switching controller was confirmed through field tests and compared to a conventional staging control strategy in research greenhouses. The proposed design method shows promise as an alternative to conventional PID systems and stage controllers, and is applicable to any discontinuous switched system. Detailed design development is provided.

The fiber optic bundle design for a diffuse reflectance sensor used to determine cutting time in cheese manufacture was analyzed. Signal noise in such sensors has been observed to increase with light power. Fiber bundle design was... more

The fiber optic bundle design for a diffuse reflectance sensor used to determine cutting time in cheese manufacture was analyzed. Signal noise in such sensors has been observed to increase with light power. Fiber bundle design was investigated to determine the effect of light flux on the precision of measurement. It was found that the signal noise for a diffuse reflectance sensor in milk, as measured by the standard deviation of the signal, increases with the flux of light emitted at the distal end of the fiber bundle. The precision of measurement, as measured by the signal output divided by the standard deviation of the signal, increased as light power increased but there was a large difference between fiber bundles. The data suggests that signal noise is reduced with larger total fiber area and decreased light flux.

Como optimizar el proceso de una planta.

In this paper design of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) for Quarter car semi active suspension system has been done. Current automobile suspension systems use passive components only by... more

In this paper design of the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) for Quarter car semi active suspension system has been done. Current automobile suspension systems use passive components only by utilizing spring and damping coefficient with fixed rates. The vehicle suspension systems are typically rated by its ability to provide good road handling and improve passenger comfort. In order to improve comfort and ride quality of a vehicle, four parameters are needed to be acknowledged. Those four parameters are sprung mass acceleration, sprung mass displacement, unsprung displacement and suspension deflection. This paper uses a new approach in designing the suspension system which is semi-active suspension. Here, the hydraulic damper is replaced by a magneto-rheological damper and a controller is developed for controlling the damping force of the suspension system. The semi-active suspension with controllers reduces the sprung mass acceleration and displacement hence improving the passengers comfort.


Kalibrasi adalah kegiatan untuk mengetahui kebenaran nilai penunjukan suatu alat ukur. Kalibrasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan alat ukur yang diperiksa terhadap standar ukur yang relevan dan diketahui lebih tinggi nilai ukurnya.... more

Kalibrasi adalah kegiatan untuk mengetahui kebenaran nilai penunjukan suatu alat ukur. Kalibrasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan alat ukur yang diperiksa terhadap standar ukur yang relevan dan diketahui lebih tinggi nilai ukurnya. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui nilai ukur standar yang dipakai, standarnya juga harus dikalibrasi terhadap standar yang lebih tinggi akurasinya. Dengan demikian setiap alat ukur dapat ditelusuri (traceable) tingkat akurasinya sampai ke tingkat standar nasional atau standar internasional.

Filter Aktif Filter merupakan suatu rangkaian yang digunakan untuk membuang tegangan output pada fekuensi tertentu, dimana untuk perancangannya dapat dilakukan dengan komponen filter pasif yaitu R, C, L maupun filter aktif yaitu Op-amp,... more

Filter Aktif Filter merupakan suatu rangkaian yang digunakan untuk membuang tegangan output pada fekuensi tertentu, dimana untuk perancangannya dapat dilakukan dengan komponen filter pasif yaitu R, C, L maupun filter aktif yaitu Op-amp, trasistor(Wijaya, Kusuma Sastra. 2013). Filter dapat pula diklafisikasikan menjadi dua yaitu filter analog dan digital. Filter analog dirancang untuk memproses sinyal analog, sedang filter digital memproses sinyal analog dengan menggunakan teknik digital (Iswanto. 2012). Filter aktif banyak di kembangkan sebagai suatu cara dalam menyelesaikan sebuah permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan variasi acak bentuk gelombang (Odinanto, Tjahja dkk. 2013). Dimana prinsip dasar dari Filter Aktif ialah dengan menggunakan teknologi elektronika daya untuk menghasilkan suatu komponen arus spesifik dengan tujuan menggagalkan komponen arus harmonisa yang dihasilkan oleh beban non-linear. Filter aktif tidak menghasilkan resonansi yang berbahaya pada system distribusi. Oleh karena itu, filter aktif terlepas dari system distribusi atau dengan kata lain filter aktif bebas berdiri sendiri diluar system (Rinas, I Wayan. 2011). Namun pada sisi lain filter aktif masih mempunyai beberapa kekurangan mengingat filter aktif merupakan teknologi baru yang memerlukan penelitian dan pengembangan lebih lanjut untuk menghasilkan teknologi yang handal. Hal tersebut kurang menguntungkan namun tidak terlepas dari filter aktif dalam keperluan switching yang cepat arus besar dalam rangkaian daya dari filter aktif. Sehingga menghasilkan noise pada frekuensi tinggi yang menyebabkan induksi elektromagnetik pada sistem distribusi (Rinas, I Wayan. 2011). Menurut Akagi pada dasarnya Filter Aktif dalam sistem tenaga dibagi dalam 2 topologi yaitu topologi secara paralel disebut Shunt Active Filter dan secara seri disebut Series Active Filter (Anonim. 2010). Prinsip dasar Filter Aktif Paralel adalah memfilter arus harmonisa dengan menghasilkan arus filter kompensasi (i filter) yang berbanding secara terbalik arus harmonisa beban (i beban). Sedangkan Filter Aktif Seri banyak digunakan untuk memfilter harmonisa dan memkompensasi distorsi tegangan seperti tegangan kedip, fliker tegangan dan tegangan tidak seimbang pada level sistem tegangan tinggi dan tegangan rendah. Filter aktif seri terdiri dari inverter dan keluaran (output) inverter dihubungkan dengan filter L atau LC kemudian dikopling dengan transformator (Anonim. 2010). Filter Aktif biasanya menggunakan peangkat switching berupa pengatur modulasi lebar pulsa tegangan atau arus yang disebut Pulse Witdh Modulation Voltage Source Inverter (PWM VSI) atau Current Source Inverter (PWM CSI) yang dihubungkan ke level sistem tegangan rendah dan juga tegangan tinggi tergantung pada permasalahan kwalitas daya (Anonim. 2010).

—Experiment of RLC series circuit with AC voltage is done in order to analyse the signal of the voltage through the AC source using oscilloscope, analyse the signal of RC, RL, and RLC series circuit and to measure the time constant... more

—Experiment of RLC series circuit with AC voltage is done in order to analyse the signal of the voltage through the AC source using oscilloscope, analyse the signal of RC, RL, and RLC series circuit and to measure the time constant through the RL series and RC series circuit. The principle of this experiment are signal generator as input device and oscilloscope as the output device. This experiment was done by reading the signal, Use three passive components, that are resistor 330 Ω, inductor 0.001 H, and capasitor 47 µF. This experiment use four frequency variations too, that are 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 30 Hz. And use three kinds of circuit, RL, RC, and RLC. From this experiment, we can know that the output signal of the AC generator is sinusoidal. Then the output signal of the RC circuit was like grass or can be called by sawtooth and the output signal of RL circuit was square. And for the output signal of RLC circuit was combination of both, like grass but there are vertical line. In this experiments, inductor leading and capacitor lagging. Phase for 10 Hz frequency is-45.76°, phase for 20 Hz frequency is-27.16° and phase for 30 Hz frequency is-18.87°.

1. Paparan Kemampuan Sinar γ atau X menimbulkan ionisasi di udara dalam volume tertentu dm dQ   dQ = Jumlah pasang ion yang terbentuk dm = elemen massa dari volume tertentu Satuan Paparan Roentgen ; lambang R 1 R = besar paparan yang... more

1. Paparan Kemampuan Sinar γ atau X menimbulkan ionisasi di udara dalam volume tertentu dm dQ   dQ = Jumlah pasang ion yang terbentuk dm = elemen massa dari volume tertentu Satuan Paparan Roentgen ; lambang R 1 R = besar paparan yang dapat menghasilkan/membentuk muatan listrik sebesar 1 esu pada 1 cm 3 udara Dalam Satuan Internasional : Satuan paparan = C/kg Paparan yang menyebabkan terbentuknya muatan listrik 1 coulomb (C) pada elemen volume udara bermassa 1 kg 1R = 2,58 x 10-4 C/kg 1 satuan Paparan (C/kg) = 3881 R

Komparator Pada dasanya rangkaian Comparator adalah satu jenis penerapan rangkaian yang mempunyai fungsi utama membandingkan dua data digital. Hasil pembandingan itu adalah, sama, lebih kecil, atau lebih besar. Berikut adalah gambar dari... more

Komparator Pada dasanya rangkaian Comparator adalah satu jenis penerapan rangkaian yang mempunyai fungsi utama membandingkan dua data digital. Hasil pembandingan itu adalah, sama, lebih kecil, atau lebih besar. Berikut adalah gambar dari rangkaian pembanding tersebut (Anonim, 2011). Gambar 1 Diagram blok Comparator Pada data komparator dari dua data digital yang hanya terdiri dari 1 bit yang dibandingkan, kemudian dapat diperluas menjadi dua data digital yang terdiri dari lebih dari 1 bit seperti dua bit, tiga bit, dst. Komparator banyak digunakan misalnya pada mesin penyeleksi surat, baik ukuran dimensinya, berat surat, kode area (berdasarkan bar-code), dsb (Setiawan, Danu dkk.2013). Misalkan kita ingin merancang suatu alat pembanding (comparator) yang akan membandingkan dua angka dan memberkan hasilnya, yaitu angka yang satu lebih kecil, lebih besar, atau sama dengan angka yang satunya. Sistem pembanding ini digambarkan secara garis besar sebagai sebuah kotak hitam yang hanya diketahui fungsinya saja (Setiawan, Danu dkk.2013). Komparator adalah sebuah rangkaian penguat yang memiliki dua buah input. Tegangan output yang dihasilkan komparator sebanding dengan selisih antara dua tegangan inputnya. Gain komparator kurang lebih adalah sebesar 200.000, sehingga selisih input sebesar hanya 100 µV pun sudah cukup untuk menurunkan output mendekati 0V atau menaikkannya hingga mencapai tegangan catu (Caang, 2013) Dikarenakan fungsi komparator sebagai pembanding sehingga hal tersebut berarti harus ada 2 input. Misalkan saja input A dab B yang masing-masing terdiri dari 2 dan 3 bit output. Kemudian, untuk menunjukkan hasil perbandingan tersebut ialah : A>B, A<B, dan A=B. Dimana cara kerja sistem ini simple yaitu setiap waktu hanya ada satu output yang bernilai BENAR. Output A>B akan bernilai "1" apabila nilai A lebih besar dari B. Demikian juga halnya dengan output A<B dan A=B yang bernilai "1" apabila nilai A lebih kecil dari B dan apabila nilai A sama dengan B. Gambar berikut menggambarkan tabel kebenaran dari sistem ini (Setiawan, Danu dkk.2013.)

SEMESTER : 1 (SATU) KI 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, dan percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif... more

SEMESTER : 1 (SATU) KI 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya KI 2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, dan percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan social dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya KI 3. Memahami pengetahuan (factual ,konseptual, dan prosedural), berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata KI 4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori Untuk KI1 dan KI2 dicapai melalui pembelajaran tidak langsung (indirect teaching) dan menyeluruh (secara integritas) pada tiap tiap pembahasan yaitu keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan budaya sekolah, dengan memperhatikan karakteristik mata pelajaran serta kebutuhan dan kondisi peserta didik.

El artículo publicado es el resultado de un desarrollo tecnológico desarrollado en la Red Tecnoparque Nodo Neiva, con la Financiación de la Empresa GREENLABEL S.A en apoyo con Estudiantes de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Los proyectos que... more

El artículo publicado es el resultado de un desarrollo tecnológico desarrollado en la Red
Tecnoparque Nodo Neiva, con la Financiación de la Empresa GREENLABEL S.A en apoyo con
Estudiantes de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Los proyectos que hacen parte de esta investigación
son “Medidor Multiparamétrico para Generador de Hidrógeno Vehicular, 2013” y “Sistema de
control PID para regulación de Corriente en celda generadora de Hidrógeno Vehicular”, 2014.
1. Resumen
En el siguiente documento se expondrá la tesis de un sistema automático de regulación de corriente para una celda generadora de hidrógeno y su aplicación en vehículos híbridos, implementado con un controlador electrónico digital P+I+D desarrollado con un Microcontrolador. El sistema electrónico es construido para asegurar que la corriente que se utiliza en la generación del Hidrógeno sea regulada con los requerimientos de consumo de corriente y además no sea sensible a los cambios de la alimentación del sistema. La implementación, y pruebas del sistema, sintonización y puesta a punto como como caso de estudio para el desarrollo de sistemas de control automático en aplicaciones sobre el uso de energías alternativas en los laboratorios de la Red Tecnoparque Colombia Nodo Neiva-SENA.

In this paper is described a laboratory control experiment 3 that targets, through a practical " hands-on " approach, several important control matters: PID control; digital control; controller design; automatic tuning; nonlinear control... more

In this paper is described a laboratory control experiment 3 that targets, through a practical " hands-on " approach, several important control matters: PID control; digital control; controller design; automatic tuning; nonlinear control and the describing function; and, above all, the practical implementation issues which arise in real projects. Both hardware and software scopes of the project are presented and discussed. The inexpensive Arduino is used as the implementation platform, what helps the interested readers in developing a similar experiment.

7 Lab experiments based on Opamp for undergrad courses. Published on Tektronix courseware online repository : www.tek.com/courseware

jaket airbag berbasis mikrokontroler ATMEGA8535 dengan accelerometer dan gyroscope

Majority of engineering colleges, universities and the technical institutions are undertaking all initiatives to stay competitive. Efforts are exerted to continuously improve the curriculum in order to provide quality and relevant... more

Majority of engineering colleges, universities and
the technical institutions are undertaking all initiatives to stay competitive. Efforts are exerted to continuously improve the curriculum in order to provide quality and relevant education for the students in response to global call for outcomes-based education. This paper presents the procedures, techniques, methods, and advantages of using Altium Designer software in teaching electronic circuits. Altium Designer is a schematic capture, simulation, and PCB design software, dedicated to analyzing electronic circuits which is based on interconnected icons of electronic components. The approach makes it easier for the students to visualize the system they are attempting to design, model, and study. Likewise, it makes debugging and error correction simpler. Moreover, an example has been provided also to show how to use the software for teaching and research in electronic circuits.

As the power required to run micro-electronics circuitry is decreasing these days, an untiring attempt of the contemporary researchers has been to find new energy sources that may have the potential to replace the battery usage in... more

As the power required to run micro-electronics circuitry is decreasing these days, an untiring attempt of the contemporary researchers has been to find new energy sources that may have the potential to replace the battery usage in wearable subsystems. In this spirit, this paper examines an unobtrusive piezoelectric device that can be integrated within human shoe-sole, thereby converting a part of the mechanical energy originated from human locomotion into electrical energy for running such low power portable devices and wireless sensors, without affecting user's gait. To serve the desired purpose, a PZT bimorph and a flexible PVDF stave have been used to harness the heel strike energy and sole bending energy respectively. The proposed system is mathematically modeled and also simulated in COMSOL environment and the results are compared with the experimental values. The power output was found to be much lower than the desired one and hence an attempt was made for the enhancement of charge accumulation by parasitic harvesting technique using soft sneakers and an innovative charge extraction circuitry. This provided a considerable amount of power gain, sufficient to run a low-power electronics device.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) adalah salah satu hal yang sering kita temui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. LPG digunakan sebagai bahan bakar dalam berbagai aplikasi termasuk peralatan memasak (kompor gas), aplikasi industri, dalam kendaraan... more