Female Emancipation Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Il catalogo documenta la mostra curata da Enrica Morini e Margherita Rosina ed ospitata al Museo della Guerra dal 13 dicembre 2003 al 14 marzo 2004, finalizzata ad illustrare le relazioni intercorse fra il tipo di impegno assunto dalle... more

Il catalogo documenta la mostra curata da Enrica Morini e Margherita Rosina ed ospitata al Museo della Guerra dal 13 dicembre 2003 al 14 marzo 2004, finalizzata ad illustrare le relazioni intercorse fra il tipo di impegno assunto dalle donne durante la Prima guerra mondiale e il più importante mutamento nel modo di vestire femminile del XX secolo.
Il volume contiene le schede e le fotografie degli abiti esposti in mostra, provenienti da raccolte private e dal Museo della Donna di Merano, un saggio di Enrica Morini sulla moda femminile durante la guerra e un saggio di Margherita Rosina dedicato ai tessuti.
Le immagini e i saggi evidenziano i passaggi che portarono all’accorciamento delle gonne, alla eliminazione della biancheria più pesante e costrittiva, all’assunzione di un modo di vestire ispirato a quello maschile o a quello da lavoro. Il contrasto fra gli indumenti del periodo di guerra, sempre più semplificati e realizzati con tessuti in tinta unita con sobrie decorazioni, e quelli degli anni Venti, di sete elaborate e rilucenti di ricami, chiarisce in modo inequivocabile il senso del passaggio da un periodo di paura e impegno duro alla festosa pace della società del dopoguerra.

The essay reconstructs the image of the woman in the literature of the second half of the nineteenth century, paying particular attention to what is described and represented in the narrative of Giovanni Verga, Luigi Pirandello, Grazia... more

The essay reconstructs the image of the woman in the literature of the second half of the nineteenth century, paying particular attention to what is described and represented in the narrative of Giovanni Verga, Luigi Pirandello, Grazia Deledda. The socio-economic analysis of rural communities is accompanied by definitions and concepts that are usual in cultural anthropology (historical time and cyclical time, cold society), while the report of textual loci support the thesis of sn italian literary naturalism projected to the epochal cultural and political changes taking place such as the introduction, the denied, of the institution of divorce in Italy.

This paper offers new perspectives on the reception of the women’s dress reform movement in Britain and North America. Focusing on a central case study of a satirical letter and accompanying illustration parodying Bloomerism, which was... more

This paper offers new perspectives on the reception of the women’s dress reform movement in Britain and North America. Focusing on a central case study of a satirical letter and accompanying illustration parodying Bloomerism, which was published on both sides of the Atlantic, period- ical editorials are analyzed in light of contemporary social and political attitudes. In contrast to commonly held assumptions about Bloomerism having failed because of deeply entrenched gender norms, it is instead asserted that the eventual backlash against the Bloomer fashion was a result of the British association with America’s poor showing at the Great Exhibition in London in 1851, and not necessarily because of inherent objections to its sartorial aesthetics.

RESUMEN La autora se centra principalmente en el análisis de cuatro pasajes de Las dos muertes de Sócrates (2005), de Ignacio García-Valiño. En esta novela se reflexiona sobre el rol social que desempeña la mujer en la antigua Atenas,... more

RESUMEN La autora se centra principalmente en el análisis de cuatro pasajes de Las dos muertes de Sócrates (2005), de Ignacio García-Valiño. En esta novela se reflexiona sobre el rol social que desempeña la mujer en la antigua Atenas, tanto en el caso de las esposas como en el de las heteras. Asimismo, se evalúan los antecedentes literarios de la mujer y se reinventa la imagen de la hetera elevando a Aspasia de Mileto como icono de la emancipación femenina. ABSTRACT «Feminist discourse of hetairas on García-Valiño's Las dos muertes de Sócrates». The autor focuses mainly on the analysis of four passages of Ignacio García-Valiño's Las dos muertes de Sócrates (2005). In this novel the social role played by women in ancient Athens, both by legal wifes as by hetairai, is reflected. It also evaluates the literary precedents of women and reinvents the image of the hetaira, taking Aspasia of Miletus as the symbol of female emancipation. KEY WORDS: García-Valiño, Las dos muertes de Sócrates, hetaira, Aspasia of Miletus, female emancipation. Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, las corrientes feministas han invadido el panorama literario y han obligado a los eruditos y a la crítica a contemplar la lite-ratura desde un nuevo punto de vista. Debido a ello, no sólo se ha reivindicado la presencia de las mujeres en las artes, sino que además se ha abierto una nueva rama de estudio y se han reinterpretado y reescrito muchas obras literarias. En este trabajo abordaremos el discurso feminista de las heteras en una obra de Ignacio García-Valiño 1 : Las dos muertes de Sócrates (2006). En ella se reinventa la Atenas del siglo V y se da vida a uno de los personajes de la vida política e intelec-tual de entonces: Aspasia de Mileto. La propuesta de García-Valiño retrotrae al pasa-do las manifestaciones feministas propias de nuestra época para buscar iconos del movimiento de emancipación en la Antigüedad, inspirándose en parte en personajes reales y en parte en piezas teatrales como la Medea de Eurípides o Las Asambleístas y Lisístrata de Aristófanes.

This paper will argue that FARC 1 female guerrillas, like many others in similar organizations, are under the misguided impression their service to the organization is serving the greater good -the emancipation of women. Unfortunately,... more

This paper will argue that FARC 1 female guerrillas, like many others in similar organizations, are under the misguided impression their service to the organization is serving the greater good -the emancipation of women. Unfortunately, for many of these female guerrillas, the reality is that their male leaders exploit them in order to sustain and promote their organizations, under the guise of equality and fraternity.

Este estudo problematiza, a partir de uma perspectiva feminista, processos de resistência à violência contra às mulheres a partir de lutas sociais protagonizadas no ciberespaço. Assim, tem-se como objetivo geral identi$ car as... more

Este estudo problematiza, a partir de uma perspectiva feminista,
processos de resistência à violência contra às mulheres a partir de
lutas sociais protagonizadas no ciberespaço. Assim, tem-se como
objetivo geral identi$ car as perspectivas acerca dos processos de
resistência à violência contra à mulher em espaços de ciberativismo. A metodologia utilizada na referida pesquisa se deu através
do método dialético, a partir de abordagem qualitativa. O tipo de
pesquisa utilizado fora o bibliográ$ co e a técnica de coleta de dados deu-se a partir de uma abordagem etnográ$ ca em ambiente
virtual, a qual propiciou apreciação dos dados através da análise
de conteúdo, tendo-se imagens-posts/excertos colhidos em comunidades virtuais sitiadas no Facebook enquanto lócus. Os resultados alcançados permitem inferir que as mulheres têm elegido
ambientes virtuais enquanto instrumentos à defesa de direitos
e debates em torno de questões feminis. Ainda, que este espaço
tem sido resigni$ cado a noção hegemônica de cidadania, especialmente a partir do discurso e protagonismo de movimentos feministas na luta pelos direitos das mulheres. Em suma, a análise
das práticas eleitas permite-nos apontar que os obstáculos vivenciados cotidianamente por mulheres no exercício de seus direitos
têm sido redimensionados a partir do ciberespaço. Constata-se
que a resistência a práticas violetas e opressoras na internet tem
contribuído no empoderamento feminino e na propagação da resistência a posturas sexistas.

Prof. Linda Colley’s attempt at applying Braudel’s ideas to twentieth century history left a lot to be desired. The following letter - written immediately after the original broadcast - can still be checked against Prof. Colley's original... more

Prof. Linda Colley’s attempt at applying Braudel’s ideas to twentieth century history left a lot to be desired. The following letter - written immediately after the original broadcast - can still be checked against Prof. Colley's original lecture, as the programme is still available to listen to on the BBC Radio 3 website.

Growing Internationalization and Cultural Invasion have challenged the values and Traditions of various Third World Nations, States and Sub Nationalities. Economic disparity plays a large part in the dominance of a particular Culture over... more

Growing Internationalization and Cultural Invasion have challenged the values and Traditions of various Third World Nations, States and Sub Nationalities. Economic disparity plays a large part in the dominance of a particular Culture over Others. Neo Colonial Powers and a Sordid Colonial Past are responsible for Rank Exploitation and a Pervasive Inferiority Complex that stunts the growth of many Cultural Groups.

Memorie in occasione della presentazione del libro di Noemi Ghetti “Gramsci e le donne. Gli affetti, gli amori, le idee” (Donzelli, 2021) organizzata dall’Istituto Storico della Resistenza Senese e dell’Età Contemporanea e dalla... more

Memorie in occasione della presentazione del libro di Noemi Ghetti “Gramsci e le donne. Gli affetti, gli amori, le idee” (Donzelli, 2021) organizzata dall’Istituto Storico della Resistenza Senese e dell’Età Contemporanea e dalla Fondazione Casa Museo Antonio Gramsci di Ghilarza ed ospitata con grande partecipazione e affetto sulla piattaforma dell’Associazione Distanti ma uniti. Casa Sardegna on line

Modernität, teilweise Emanzipation und kulturelle Blüte auf der einen Seite, Arbeitslosigkeit, Hyperinflation und der auf­ steigende Faschismus auf der anderen: Wohl keine andere Epoche der modernen Geschichte löst derart widersprüchli­... more

Modernität, teilweise Emanzipation und kulturelle Blüte auf der einen Seite, Arbeitslosigkeit, Hyperinflation und der auf­ steigende Faschismus auf der anderen: Wohl keine andere Epoche der modernen Geschichte löst derart widersprüchli­ che Assoziationen aus wie die 1920er-Jahre.
Der Text wurde für das folgende Lehrbuch (Sekundarstufe II) verfasst: Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale (Hg.), Geschichte der Neuzeit: recherchieren, analysieren, beurteilen. Zürich 2009: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürichs, S. 66-67.

In this article, I seek to understand what folklore represents in a corpus of Swedish literature written by women in the 1880s. These works are part of my research on the supernatural as a means of criticizing the subjection of Swedish... more

In this article, I seek to understand what folklore represents in a corpus of
Swedish literature written by women in the 1880s. These works are part of my research on the supernatural as a means of criticizing the subjection of Swedish women at the end of the 19th century. In my corpus, reflection on education is expressed through discussions between the sexes. The men, a doctor and a Grundtvigian educator, campaign for the right to education and personal development. The heroines of these stories ask the questions, but it is the men who present the new and egalitarian ideas and are devoted to making knowledge accessible to all. Thus, the teacher works hard in his school to instruct the peasants, both men and women and sometimes free of charge, in the belief that education serves the good of the country, inherent in these new ideas. But how is the question of education translated and expressed by the heroines? In this article I claim that folklore is used as a tool of persuasion in the question of education.