Fighting and Preventing Corruption through Law Research Papers (original) (raw)
As demand for infrastructure around the globe and especially in developing economies continues to outstrip supply, it is pertinent that the public authority partners with the private sector to design, fund, build or rehabilitate, operate... more
As demand for infrastructure around the globe and especially in developing economies continues to outstrip supply, it is pertinent that the public authority partners with the private sector to design, fund, build or rehabilitate, operate and maintain public infrastructure. The public-private partnership (PPP) model of infrastructure as distinct from traditional procurement requires a transfer of a public asset to a private entity for a term after which the facility will be returned to the government. This chapter examines the PPP framework for Nigeria and how best the model of procurement might be used to close the infrastructure gap. Further, the chapter discusses the challenges corruption poses to the PPP system in the country and how best this challenge can be dealt with. The Chapter recommends among others the need to ensure that the PPP procurement process in Nigeria is transparent as well as the need to co-opt all stakeholders from inception through the entire stages of the PPP cycle in the country.
В статье рассматриваются некоторые проблемы освобождения от уголовной ответственности посредника во взяточничестве на основании добровольного сообщения о совершенном преступлении, проводится сравнительно-правовое исследование... more
В статье рассматриваются некоторые проблемы освобождения от
уголовной ответственности посредника во взяточничестве на основании добровольного сообщения о совершенном преступлении, проводится сравнительно-правовое исследование законодательного закрепления данной поощрительной нормы в уголовном законодательстве РА и РФ.
This contribution is part of a festschrift in honour of emeritus professor, Nico Adam Botha, who laboured tirelessly for the concretisation of justice to all citizens in the boundaries of South Africa and beyond. His academic treatise... more
This contribution is part of a festschrift in honour of emeritus professor, Nico Adam Botha, who laboured tirelessly for the concretisation of justice to all citizens in the boundaries of South Africa and beyond. His academic treatise offers volumes to matters of justice/injustice, in most cases particularly related to those with economic power, abusing the resources that cripple the economy and result in the most vulnerable (the poorest of the poor!) suffering. This contribution also reflects critically on the unequal representation of media reports on government corruption, as opposed to corruption in corporate South Africa. Moreover, it transposes beyond such media reporting. The author argues in this contribution that the academic corpus of Nico Botha provides a theoretical framework that can be used as a diagnostic analysis and probe, but also to re-imagine the causes and eradication of corruption in South Africa.
2 Così ben esemplificata, per ciò che riguarda lo stato del dibattito intorno alla fine degli anni '80, nell'ormai classico volume a cura di A.M. Stile, La riforma dei delitti contro la Pubblica amministrazione, Napoli: Jovene, 1987. 3... more
2 Così ben esemplificata, per ciò che riguarda lo stato del dibattito intorno alla fine degli anni '80, nell'ormai classico volume a cura di A.M. Stile, La riforma dei delitti contro la Pubblica amministrazione, Napoli: Jovene, 1987. 3 V., ad es., Narcomafie, Novembre 2010, 3 ss. 4 Chi si volesse rinfrescare la memoria, troverà utile dare una scorsa al sito: ALESSANDRO SPENA «CHI LASCIA LA STRADA VECCHIA PER LA NUOVA, …» PERCHÉ UNA RIFORMA DEI DELITTI DI CORRUZIONE NON DOVREBBE ABBANDONARE IL MODELLO MERCANTILE SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione: necessità di una riforma. -2. Una panoramica sulle questioni e sulle esigenze politico-criminali rilevanti. -3. Abbandono del modello mercantile? «Chi lascia la strada vecchia per la nuova, …».
Den strafrechtlichen Kern der Korruption bilden die klassischen Bestechungsdelikte. Um Korruption durch das Strafrechtsinstrumentarium angemessen bekämpfen zu können, ist ein gerechtes, klar und deutlich strukturiertes... more
Den strafrechtlichen Kern der Korruption bilden die klassischen Bestechungsdelikte. Um Korruption durch das Strafrechtsinstrumentarium angemessen bekämpfen zu können, ist ein gerechtes, klar und deutlich strukturiertes Bestechungsstrafrechtssystem nötig. Zu diesem Zweck sind die Bestechungsstraftaten vom Gesetzgeber allgemeinverständlich und gerecht zu konzipieren. Die vorliegende Publikation – die zunächst das Fachwissen der Strafrechtswissenschaft und die kriminalpolitischen Ansätze in Bezug auf die Bestechungsdelikte systematisiert sowie Schwächen und Defizite des Bestechungsstrafrechts zum Thema Korruptionsbekämpfung vorstellt – wird für die Lehre und die künftige Gesetzgebungsarbeit einen hoffentlich nützlichen Beitrag leisten können.
A lot of studies have been conducted on 3PLSPs (Third Party Logistics Services Providers), mostly encompassing users’ perspectives like; outsourcing vs in-house transportation models, causes of 3PLSP selection, service level requirements,... more
A lot of studies have been conducted on 3PLSPs (Third Party Logistics Services Providers), mostly encompassing users’ perspectives like; outsourcing vs in-house transportation models, causes of 3PLSP selection, service level requirements, attributes of good SPs (Service Providers) and region specific requirements of SPs. There are very few studies on Pakistan and most of the work done on Pakistan is industry specific and lacks general perspective. Studying the perspectives of 3PLSPs is among less researched areas, thus this study is focused to analyze the issues which are the back hand issues but ultimately affect the customers, being in the centre of the stage of every business. Three (3) intended IVs (Independent Variables); Fleet Induction decisions, MRO (Maintenance Repair Operation) and Terms of Services Contract alongwith Three (3) additional IVs (emerging out during data collection and analysis from industrial practitioners and expert); Outsourced Fleet Retention, Fueling Strategies and Unique Business Model are analyzed for adoption of Fee Charging Strategies by both; MNCs and Domestic 3PLSPs, working in Pakistan, from public as well as private sector. Phenomenological research model of qualitative research approach has been used and primary data has been collected through open ended detailed interviews with one practitioner each from PTN (Perfect Transport Network) and SAZ (Saeed-Adnan-Zaheer) Logistics (Pvt) Ltd, representing domestic, private sector and three professionals from NLC FS (Freight Services), representing domestic public sector as well as a professional from Agility Logistics (Pvt) Ltd, to represent MNCs, working in Pakistan. An expert has also been interviewed who has worked in NLC FS, Agility and PTN, before joining his recent assignment, in UBL. Findings and analyses of interviews revealed that diversified fleet induction strategies are being followed by different SPs ranging from 100 % equity to Leasing through financial institutions to unique induction model i.e Leased vehicle induction. Terms of services also varied from spot or walk-in customers to 1-5 years blanket contracts to Allocation model are being followed with different SPs for different clients. MRO has been found to be in-house, in case of most of the SPs, yet OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) MRO and a hybrid of both have also been seen in different SPs. A unique model for service provision, designed by PTN for KE (Karachi Electric, formerly known as KESC; Karachi Electric Supply Corporation) and unique induction model of SAZ Logistics for ATT (Afghan Transit Trade) are unique findings of the study. Analysis, recommendations and policy guidelines will help, not only the users of 3PLSPs (the business) by getting an insight of back hand of SPs, the industry of 3PLSPs by learning the best practices, the researchers by the opening of new avenues for further research and the government for formulating more pragmatic and industry oriented policies in the years to come.
The article assesses the current state of corruption literature and conducts relevant empirical tests. It explores the validity of the corruption indicators regarded as having high explanatory power and juxtaposes them with empirical... more
The article assesses the current state of corruption literature and
conducts relevant empirical tests. It explores the validity of the
corruption indicators regarded as having high explanatory power
and juxtaposes them with empirical facts from several Eastern
European countries. The article points out the existing problems
with corruption indicators and the oversimplification of the term
corruption as well as calls for a more comprehensive approach to
studying corruption.
Sumilla Entendemos, como Kafka al referirse a la situación de la burocracia de principios de siglo XX en Europa en 'El proceso', que una de las raíces de la corrupción es la falta de sentido de conjunto. En el presente artículo proponemos... more
Sumilla Entendemos, como Kafka al referirse a la situación de la burocracia de principios de siglo XX en Europa en 'El proceso', que una de las raíces de la corrupción es la falta de sentido de conjunto. En el presente artículo proponemos superar el enfoque de rational choice para combinarlo con uno que piense la corrupción como problema de acción colectiva. Para ello, reflexionamos sobre las siguientes cuestiones clave para comprender este enfoque: a) qué es un problema de acción colectiva, de lo que se desprende que altos niveles de confianza se asocian de manera significativa con bajos niveles de corrupción, b) cuándo podemos hablar de sociedades donde la corrupción es más la norma que la excepción, de lo que se deduce que la confianza está en juego, sobre todo, en las instituciones cotidianas, y c) en qué grado el entorno determina el comportamiento humano de acuerdo a la psicología social. Así, este nuevo paradigma ubica a las instituciones cotidianas de la administración pública en el centro de las políticas anticorrupción y nos da pistas sobre qué características de las mismas importan sobremanera para conseguir más confianza, mayor cooperación y, finalmente, menos corrupción en un Estado.
repere conceptuale, instituționale şi jurisprudenţiale I. Corupţia între moralitate şi normativitate Din cele mai vechi timpuri şi până în prezent, cercetători din mai toate domeniile ştiinţelor sociale (filosofi, politologi, economişti,... more
repere conceptuale, instituționale şi jurisprudenţiale I. Corupţia între moralitate şi normativitate Din cele mai vechi timpuri şi până în prezent, cercetători din mai toate domeniile ştiinţelor sociale (filosofi, politologi, economişti, jurişti, sociologi, psihologi etc.) au analizat ce este corupţia, cum afectează aceasta existenţa indivizilor, a grupurilor şi a societăţilor şi cum poate fi combătută. În ciuda multitudinii definiţiilor date fenomenului, precum şi a metodologiilor de cercetare utilizate, nu există la ora actuală nici o teorie unitară a corupţiei, nici un set de măsuri general valabile, aplicabile oricând şi oriunde, care să controleze acest fenomen 1 . De altfel, uneori, în regimuri politice represive, totalitare, corupţia poate fi o strategie de supravieţuire 2 . Sau, aşa cum a încercat să arate Samuel P. Huntington, din perspectiva creşterii economice, existența unir fapte de corupţie este un semnal pozitiv, care arată că o societate se află pe calea modernizării. 3 1 Alina Mungiu Pippidi, În căutarea bunei guvernări. Cum au scăpat alte state de corupţie?
Decades of political backroom deals of a small political cast has resulted in a political system vulnerable to abuse of office, a weak legal system as well as a very frail anti-corruption framework. Numerous corruption scandals, including... more
Decades of political backroom deals of a small political cast has resulted in a political system vulnerable to abuse of office, a weak legal system as well as a very frail anti-corruption framework. Numerous corruption scandals, including dubious privatisation deals at Austrian Telekom, BUWOG, police radio etc.,scandals at Vienna airport, bank Hypo Alpe Adria and Kurier, as well as the conviction of Mr Strasser, a former minister, on corruption charges, are compounded by strong criticism from GRECO, the Council of Europe's anti-corruption committee.
An attempt to stand up for law enforcement officers while satisfying the assignment requirements of discussing police corruption.
En este artículo se analiza la figura del programa de cumplimiento empresarial o compliance como herramienta para prevenir la corrupción en el ámbito de la contratación pública. En primer término, se revisa la irrupción y el encaje de la... more
En este artículo se analiza la figura del programa de cumplimiento empresarial o compliance como herramienta para prevenir la corrupción en el ámbito de la contratación pública. En primer término, se revisa la irrupción y el encaje de la figura en el ámbito del Derecho público a partir de su incorporación a los ordenamientos estadounidense y europeo. En segundo término, se analiza su implantación y evolución en distintas legislaciones latinoamericanas, prestando especial atención a los sistemas de contratación pública en los que goza de mayor desarrollo, como el brasileño y el colombiano.
Corruption in public sector is a complex, 'messy' and 'fuzzy' phenomenon which involves calculus machinations between actors and constantly growing in sophistication. Consequently, an attempt to prevent, control or fight it requires... more
Corruption in public sector is a complex, 'messy' and 'fuzzy' phenomenon which involves calculus machinations between actors and constantly growing in sophistication. Consequently, an attempt to prevent, control or fight it requires systems thinking that ranges from public officials with integrity and personal ethics [strong personalities]; administrative rules and procedures as well as governments adopting, enforcing and monitoring appropriate systems [strong institutions]. Even with these two, how do we ensure individual officials transact public business with integrity and who watches the back of organizations, oversight officials and enforcement agencies? To adequately address these puzzling questions requires an array of arduous non-state actors [strong third force] to watch over the 'watchmen' by mediating between public officials and institutional processes to compel them to order. This paper provides a systems approach to enhancing public sector ethics through 'a corruption control tripod' in preventing, controlling and combating corruption in all its forms. This framework discusses three overarching pillars and argues that adopting a reductionist approach in corruption control would yield futility; there is a need for synthesis so that each one would reinforce the other.
Measuring corruption? Indicators of corruption and prevention policies. The paper analyzes the problem of the ability to «measure corruption», starting from the widespread criticism of the «perception indicators», and then to an... more
Measuring corruption? Indicators of corruption and prevention policies. The paper analyzes the problem of the ability to «measure corruption», starting from the widespread criticism of the «perception indicators», and then to an «impressionistic» understanding of the phenomenon. After analyzing the various available indicators, both of subjective and objective type, the work reflects on the types of indicators that are better able to interact with the anti-corruption policies, helping preventing corruption. In this perspective, rather than indicators of corruption, we feel the need of indicators of abnormality and risk, able to «alert» the system with respect to dangerous situations, even potential («red-flags»). No less important, in view of the reduction of administrative corruption, «contrast» indicators, capable of showing the implementation of the various preventive measures and their effectiveness. The work then reflect, on the whole, on the available indicators, the main experiences, and possible lines of development. 1. Corruzione amministrativa e indicatori di corruzione Il problema della effettiva capacità, anzitutto delle strutture a vario titolo preposte a contenere il fenomeno, di comprendere la reale dimensione della corruzione amministrativa, per quanto non per questo ignorato dai principali attori istituzionali 1 , è spesso 1 Si v. per es., oltre ai provvedimenti dell'Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione in cui il tema è rimarcato per i quali si v. infra, il rapporto, recentemente pubblicato, della Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione e Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri-Diparti-mento per le politiche di coesione, Analisi istruttoria per l'individuazione di indicatori di rischio corruzione e di prevenzione e contrasto nelle amministrazioni pubbliche coin-volte nella politica di coesione, 2017: il rapporto, cui si farà spesso riferimento e cui si rinvia per una più puntuale illustrazione, in particolare, dello stato degli strumenti di misurazione della corruzione, è stato predisposto con la collaborazione di un POLITICA DEL DIRITTO 3/2017 a. XLVIII, pp. 445-466
Dilandasi dengan pemahaman bahwa “pencegahan lebih baik daripada penindakan” dan “pemberantasan korupsi dimulai dari lingkungan internal”, maka tulisan ini mencoba untuk merumuskan suatu desain pencegahan korupsi di kepolisian dengan... more
Dilandasi dengan pemahaman bahwa “pencegahan lebih baik daripada penindakan” dan “pemberantasan korupsi dimulai dari lingkungan internal”, maka tulisan ini mencoba untuk merumuskan suatu desain pencegahan korupsi di kepolisian dengan mengadaptasi prinsip dan metode Crime Prevention yang terdiri dari pencegahan primer, pencegahan sekunder, dan pencegahan tersier dari Steven P. Lab yang dikombinasikan dengan Problem Oriented Policing (POP) yang ditujukan pada pencegahan korupsi.
The last twenty years have witnessed an astonishing transformation: the fght against corruption has grown from a handful of local undertakings into a truly global effort. Law occupies a central role in that effort and this timely book... more
The last twenty years have witnessed an astonishing transformation: the fght against corruption has grown from a handful of local undertakings into a truly global effort. Law occupies a central role in that effort and this timely book assesses the challenges faced in using law as it too morphs from a handful of local rules into a global regime. The book presents the perspectives of a global array of scholars, of policy makers, and of practitioners. Topics range from critical theoretical understandings of the global regime as a whole, to regional and local experiences in implementing and infuencing the regime, including specifc legal techniques such as deferred prosecution agreements, addressing corruption issues in dispute resolution, whistleblower protection, civil and administrative prosecutions, as well as blocking statutes. The book also includes discussions of the future shape of the global regime, the emergence of transnational compliance standards, and discussions by leaders of international organizations that take a leading role in the transnationalization of anti-corruption law. The Transnationalization of Anti-Corruption Law deals with the most salient aspects of the global anti-corruption regime. It is written by people who contribute to the structure of the regime, who practice within the regime, and who study the regime. It is written for anyone interested in corruption or corruption control in general, anyone with a general interest in jurisprudence or in international law, and especially anyone who is interested in critical thinking and analysis of how law can control corruption in a global context.
This action oriented empirical article deals with the misappropriation of University Grants Commission Unassigned Grant fund by a Vice-Chancellor of a university in West Bengal. The data for this study have been collected by RTI... more
This action oriented empirical article deals with the misappropriation of University Grants
Commission Unassigned Grant fund by a Vice-Chancellor of a university in West Bengal.
The data for this study have been collected by RTI applications filed by the author over a
period more than two years and presented in the form of a case study by using real names.
The study revealed that it is not only important to know how a particular act of corruption is
done by the use of public office for personal gain but it is also vital to know how after the
exposure of the corruption in the public domain, the authorities again take recourse to cover
up the scam by using bureaucratic measures. It is found that irrespective of political regimes
the privileged position of a Vice-Chancellor is protected by the decision makers in the
democratic bodies of the university. The study revealed that Right to Information Act of India
can become a very useful tool to fight corruption in a university.
Corruption has always existed in different forms, and is not determined by politics or geography. It exists in rich and poor countries alike, it involves both individual States and international organizations and its costs are borne by... more
Corruption has always existed in different forms, and is not determined by politics or geography. It exists in rich and poor countries alike, it involves both individual States and international organizations and its costs are borne by the citizens. It affects the proper running of governments, distorts the correct functioning of economic and political institutions, and hampers transparency. While the manifestations of corruption are limitless, its roots seem to be identifiable in the immoderate inclination for material wealth and power. While wealth in the African traditional setting came along with the responsibility to promote the common good, today wealth seems to be an end in itself. It is a misdirected pursuit of happiness in wealth and power. Because of the many challenges that corruption brings to the society, it has become a cause of great concern today, not only to the church and the state, but also to the institutions of higher education.
There is a widely shared perception that corruption in Italy is a pervasive and systemic phenomenon which affects society as a whole: corruption contributes to undermining confidence in public institutions, distorts competition in the... more
There is a widely shared perception that corruption in Italy is a pervasive and systemic phenomenon which affects society as a whole: corruption contributes to undermining confidence in public institutions, distorts competition in the economic sphere (in particular, with regard to public contracts), causes an enormous increase in average costs (and delays) for the provision of infrastructure, favours the poor quality of public works, and constitutes an untenable economic weight for a country that has been in economic crisis for more than five years. In response to this problem, since 2012, Italy has launched a policy to combat corruption, centered not on a purely repressive approach, but on a perspective of prevention, and containment of the risk of corruption. The following article provides an overview of recent reforms and their different approaches and measures to prevent corruption in Italy, beginning with administrative anti-corruption policies, the tasks of the National Anti-Corruption Authority and anti-corruption prevention plans, ongoing with measures for risk-avoidance and codes of conduct until approaches to combat corruption by transparency and the Italian "freedom of information act". There are many unresolved issues and uncertainties in the Italian anti-corruption policies: even within these limitations, and considering the "work in progress", the "administrative" fight against corruption remains one of the most important innovations in the Italian administrative system in the decade.
En España, el desarrollo urbano se ha visto afectado por la corrupción pública, lo que ha contribuido a acentuar, entre otros problemas, el incremento en los precios del suelo y la vivienda. A pesar de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo en... more
En España, el desarrollo urbano se ha visto afectado por la corrupción pública, lo que ha contribuido a acentuar, entre otros problemas, el incremento en los precios del suelo y la vivienda. A pesar de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo en los últimos años por el Derecho público para enfrentarse a la corrupción urbanística, la falta de efectividad en esa lucha ha sido evidente. Con la finalidad de prevenir la corrupción y reducir sus dañinas consecuencias, se proponen unas líneas de prevención especialmente adaptadas a las características del fenómeno. Su implementación en el ordenamiento administrativo deberían redundar en una mejor y más efectiva lucha contra la corrupción.
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been applied to corrupt exchanges. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with respondents who participated in actual corrupt transactions, this paper identifies several distinct brokerage types in low-level corruption in contemporary Hungary. The paper also provides explanation of variation in corruption brokerage in terms of actors' group affiliations, forms of the corrupt exchanges, brokerage mechanisms, as well as neutrality, benefit and motivation, risk distribution, and stability of the brokerage structure. Finally, we discuss some policy implications of corruption brokerage.
Η ελληνική ποινική νομοθεσία για τη διαφθορά παρουσίαζε μέχρι πρόσφατα μια εμφανή εικόνα προχειρότητας. Η κατάσταση αυτή βελτιώθηκε σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό με τις σχετικές διατάξεις του Ν 4254/2014. Στην παρούσα μελέτη παρουσιάζονται... more
Η ελληνική ποινική νομοθεσία για τη διαφθορά παρουσίαζε
μέχρι πρόσφατα μια εμφανή εικόνα προχειρότητας. Η
κατάσταση αυτή βελτιώθηκε σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό με τις
σχετικές διατάξεις του Ν 4254/2014. Στην παρούσα μελέτη
παρουσιάζονται κριτικά οι σημαντικότερες αλλαγές που
επέφερε ο παραπάνω νόμος στις διατάξεις του Ποινικού
Κώδικα για τα εγκλήματα διαφθοράς στο δημόσιο τομέα.
¿Qué desafíos enfrentan todavía los procesos electorales en México? El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar algunos problemas particularmente duraderos de la democracia mexicana. Para ser concretos, argumento que la compra de... more
¿Qué desafíos enfrentan todavía los procesos electorales en México? El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar algunos problemas particularmente duraderos de la democracia mexicana. Para ser concretos, argumento que la compra de votos, en buena parte con recursos ilegales de campaña, sigue siendo frecuente el día de hoy. Mediante una revisión de la literatura académica más reciente, así como de fuentes de investigación periodística, el artículo busca esclarecer estos problemas así como sus posibles soluciones. La literatura revisada en este ensayo sugiere que la incidencia del clientelismo electoral sigue siendo alta, lo cual pone al país en riesgo de “retroceso democrático” de manera similar a otras regiones del mundo como Europa del Este y Sudamérica. Para sustentar estas aseveraciones, repaso varias acusaciones que se han hecho a los partidos principales en México por parte de sus rivales políticos y de observadores académicos. Las acusaciones de financiamiento ilegal de campaña que se han hecho incluyen el “Monexgate” del PRI, los “moches” del PAN y el “charolazo” del PRD. Las acusaciones de compra de apoyo político incluyen el abuso del programa Oportunidades así como del presupuesto de las Delegaciones en la Ciudad de México. Asimismo describo algunos esfuerzos notables para reglamentar estas conductas en la reforma político electoral de 2014, tales como la fiscalización en “tiempo real” y la prohibición del “turismo electoral”. Tras argumentar que los esfuerzos legislativos han sido insuficientes, concluyo que para seguir avanzando en la consolidación se necesita una mayor inclusión de las organizaciones civiles y de la ciudadanía común en el sistema político.
Political theory lacks a compelling account of public property. Addressing this gap, I present a " deep public ownership " model, according to which the body politic ultimately owns all the resources within its jurisdiction. I argue that... more
Political theory lacks a compelling account of public property. Addressing this gap, I present a " deep public ownership " model, according to which the body politic ultimately owns all the resources within its jurisdiction. I argue that this model is compatible with liberal intuitions regarding private property. I then contend that the model expands the scope of government's duty to uphold the equality of all citizens, by challenging private property constraints on anti-discriminatory government policies. I anticipate the worry that the model supports excessive government intrusion into private affairs, and close by discussing abuse of public property by elected leaders.
This paper is a theological excursion into the subject of corruption in church and society. The paper seeks to show that corruption is not an African problem alone but a universal one and argues that whereas the fight against corruption... more
This paper is a theological excursion into the subject of corruption in church and society. The paper seeks to show that corruption is not an African problem alone but a universal one and argues that whereas the fight against corruption is the governing mantra of the present federal government in Nigeria, it is likely to be more effective if a multi-pronged approach is adopted rather than focusing on one aspect alone. The paper is divided into four main sections. The first explored the current state of the corruption debate in Nigeria. The second surveyed what others have said about the issue of corruption. The third enquired into the theological ontology of corruption while the fourth concluded with some recommendations for action.
Corruption in public sector is a complex, ‘messy’ and ‘fuzzy’ phenomenon which involves calculus machinations between actors and constantly growing in sophistication. Consequently, an attempt to prevent, control or fight it requires... more
Corruption in public sector is a complex, ‘messy’ and ‘fuzzy’ phenomenon which involves calculus machinations between actors and constantly growing in sophistication. Consequently, an attempt to prevent, control or fight it requires systems thinking that ranges from public officials with integrity and personal ethics [strong personalities]; administrative rules and procedures as well as governments adopting,
enforcing and monitoring appropriate systems [strong institutions]. This paper provides a systems approach to enhancing public sector ethics through ‘a corruption control tripod’ in preventing, controlling and
combating corruption in all its forms. This framework discusses three overarching pillars and argues that adopting a reductionist approach in corruption control would yield futility; there is a need for synthesis so that each one would reinforce the other.
fighting corruption is just a governmental task but also an individual/collective task. Africa as continent needs to collective look into this case and find a safest and more assured way of tackling this virus that is eating up the good... more
fighting corruption is just a governmental task but also an individual/collective task. Africa as continent needs to collective look into this case and find a safest and more assured way of tackling this virus that is eating up the good image that Africa once had. This project is comprehensively worked upon towards the achievement of a "corrupt-free" Nigeria and Africa at large
This draft paper is based on research connected with my recent work and addresses the concept of corruption. In order to oppose corruption of any sort, one must first be aware of what counts to corruption, the scope and definition of the... more
This draft paper is based on research connected with my recent work and addresses the concept of corruption. In order to oppose corruption of any sort, one must first be aware of what counts to corruption, the scope and definition of the concept.
It is a common convention for papers about corruption to start with a historical reference that emphasizes the longevity and resilience of corruption. Rather than refer to the wisdom of the ancient world or the words of a great statesman... more
It is a common convention for papers about corruption to start with a historical reference that emphasizes the longevity and resilience of corruption. Rather than refer to the wisdom of the ancient world or the words of a great statesman I will observe that convention by noting the historical context of this Expert Group Meeting on preventing corruption in the public administration. The purpose of the meeting is to facilitate progress in corruption prevention, particularly in relation to institutional methods and practice, and to recommend the continuation or consideration of specific strategies for doing so. It is part of a process that isoften said to have begun with the so-called " cancer of corruption " speech by World Bank President James Wolfensohn in 1996. By acknowledging the ubiquity of corruption, the lasting damage it can cause and the responsibility of powerful institutions to take action, that speech represented a turning point in the attitude of key international actors and licensed a systematic international effort against corruption that this meeting is part of. Since then corruption has been studied, classified, measured, defined and proscribed by policy makers and practitioners, theorists and researchers mostly in the disciplines of political science, economics, philosophy, public administration and law enforcement. In an effort to come to grips with the nature of corruption much of the early anti-corruption activity produced research data, multilateral agreements, model laws, frameworks and strategies for prevention ultimately producing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. The Anti-Bribery Convention represented a change in approach by introducing the potential for very wide application, engaging locally enforceable policy levers and international obligations, and enabling monitoring of enforcement. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) has applied the same attributes to a wider focus. Explicitly incorporating the implementation of prevention policy and mechanisms has encouraged wave of activity focused on the challenge of reducing or preventing the incidence of corruption particularly in the public sector environment. With that activity have come insights from a wider range of disciplines to contribute to our understanding of corruption. Social psychology, organizational theory, social theory, business ethics, criminology and behavioural economics, among others, all have something to offer the corruption prevention endeavour.
A new article by The Moscow Times revealed a mixed reaction to supposed FSB ‘vetting’ of academic scholarship. The Times, which has largely become a holding repository of intense criticism of the Russian government (and no, the irony of a... more
A new article by The Moscow Times revealed a mixed reaction to supposed FSB ‘vetting’ of academic scholarship. The Times, which has largely become a holding repository of intense criticism of the Russian government (and no, the irony of a media organization sharply critical of the government for infringing on media freedom has apparently not sunken in yet in Moscow), is clearly siding high on the indignation side of this issue: for the most part the article is a not-so-thinly veiled accusation of Russian intelligence services trying to basically return the country’s academic community to a Soviet-era intellectual censorship system. And while it is true there are examples of Russian academics unfortunately being subjected to investigation and even arrest, there are aspects to this story that are importantly irresponsible and propagandistic.
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify new types of organised crime, and create a new conceptual framework for dealing with the most dangerous type- institutional organised crime. Design/methodology/approach: The... more
The purpose of this study is to identify new types of organised crime, and create a new conceptual framework for dealing with the most dangerous type- institutional organised crime.
The studies take a systematic and qualitative approach. The research is founded on the author’s long-term survey based on the statistical indications and 37 in-depth interviews with officials.
Five types of organised crime were identified. Besides well-known types of organised crime, this study found two new types of organised crime: institutional and
institutionalized organised crime. This new typology distinguishes from the previous typologies.
One of the main points of this study is finding a solution for an exceedingly high rate of institutional organised crime. For that purpose, this study found that the problem might be resolved if the legal system will foresee foundation of an optimal independent institution against institutional type of organised crime which is inseparably
linked with high type of corruption. An optimal independent institution would be independent from the government, but not from wide social control. This solution is guided by the knowledge that though all governments in the world have huge power, the governments in the fragile societies have a high concentration of power.
The developed countries with traditional democracy, political culture and awareness of the law can deal with this problem. But in the same transitional and undeveloped countries, there is a lack of such determinative factors and the governments are really the dominant generator of institutional organised crime.
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa.-2. A proposito del rapporto (inverso) tra "trasparenza" e "corru-zione".-3. Sull'utilità della trasparenza per l'anticorruzione.-4. Il rapporto tra corruzione e trasparenza: "vincoli" e "politiche".-5. Sul... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa.-2. A proposito del rapporto (inverso) tra "trasparenza" e "corru-zione".-3. Sull'utilità della trasparenza per l'anticorruzione.-4. Il rapporto tra corruzione e trasparenza: "vincoli" e "politiche".-5. Sul consolidarsi della relazione tra trasparenza e anticorruzione.-6. La saldatura del rapporto trasparenza-(anti)corruzione.-7. La trasparenza come anticorruzione: le "misure ulteriori".-8. La trasparenza in stretto legame con l'anticorruzione: gli obblighi di pubblicazione.-9. Il Foia tra libertà di informazione e strumento dell'anticorruzione.-10. Considerazioni conclusive. 1. Premessa 1 .-Importanti pronunce giurisdizionali, prima tra tutte l'ultima, quella della Corte costituzionale 2 , recenti scritti 3 , fonda-1 Questo scritto costituisce lo sviluppo di una riflessione maturata a partire da due relazioni tenute a distanza di mesi, entrambe in Sicilia: la prima in occasione del convegno Trasparenza amministrativa e attività amministrativa, dell'Università di Palermo (Palermo, 19 ottobre 2018), la seconda in occasione della Giornata della trasparenza dell'Università di Messina (Messina, 31 maggio 2019). 2 Il riferimento è in particolare alla sentenza n. 20 del 2019, su cui v. diffusamente infra.