Whistleblowing Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

El sábado 12 de junio de 1971, la hija del ex presidente estadounidense Richard Nixon, Patricia, celebraba nupcias con su prometido Edward Finch Cox. Todo apuntaba a que el siguiente día, 13 de junio, la prensa dedicaría un amplio espacio... more

This study aims to extend the understanding of the role of authentic leadership in encouraging subordinates to become internal whistleblowers. The current study aims to seek whether authentic leadership can encourage internal... more

This study aims to extend the understanding of the role of authentic leadership in encouraging subordinates to become internal whistleblowers. The current study aims to seek whether authentic leadership can encourage internal whistleblowing (IW) through employee controlled motivation for IW and moral courage. The samples of this study were 221 employees working at 26 government organizations in one of the provinces located on Sumatera Island, Indonesia. Based on the cross-sectional survey method, this study used partial least square-structural equation modeling analysis with SmartPLS 3 software to test the hypotheses. The result revealed that employee controlled motivation for whistleblowing and moral courage significantly mediates the effect of authentic leadership toward IW. This result also indicates that the two mediating variables in this study fully mediate the effect of authentic leadership toward IW. This study highlights the critical role played by leaders in encouraging subordinates to IW in the workplace. The role of an authentic leader will have positively affected enhancing IW by employees, which has significant implications for the organization that particularly in manage organization wrongdoing in terms of eliminating or preventing unethical practice. Theoretically, the current study extends the understanding of the mechanism underlying the relationship between authentic leadership and IW. This study proposes employee controlled motivation for IW and moral courage as the new mediator variables to explain how and why authentic leadership may encourage IW. Empirically, the current study chooses the Indonesian Government as a context that rarely conducts in the prior study.

The British newspaper industry has a long-standing and complex relationship with notions of crisis from an ethical, politico-economic and regulatory perspective. Challenges to the legitimacy of the press as a Fourth Estate purveyor of the... more

The British newspaper industry has a long-standing and complex relationship with notions of crisis from an ethical, politico-economic and regulatory perspective. Challenges to the legitimacy of the press as a Fourth Estate purveyor of the public interest and a guardian of democracy abound. Despite repeated public policy statements in favour of media pluralism and freedom, the British news environment has become increasingly deregulated over the last two decades and changes to relevant competition rules have led to a greater concentration of ownership and cross-media ownership against a backdrop of economic austerity and technological change. Consequently, investigative journalism often struggles to receive the necessary support to fulfil its watchdog role. Yet this situation has opened up opportunities to shift away from the traditional model of highly competitive investigative practices towards collaboration between news organizations and journalists in large-scale projects. This paper applies archival research, including news content, political debate and public opinion surveys, to the qualitative analysis of case-studies regarding collaborative transnational partnerships and involving the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Attention is firstly drawn to the challenges posed by mass surveillance and the impact on journalistic activity as well as source protection in the United Kingdom. Consideration is then given to the anonymous mass leaks known as the Panama Papers (2016) and the Paradise Papers (2017), which are amongst the largest collaborative investigations in the history of journalism. This paper’s findings tend to show that the ability of journalists to collaborate on global projects in the public interest is having a profound impact as subsequent public policy debate continues in relation to issues such as fiscal justice, the insufficiency of government mechanisms, transparency and corruption.

Perverse complicity in Christian celebration of pain? Futility of highlighting denial of Christian complicity in torture Promotion of enhanced torture on behalf of the American people Crowdsourcing appropriate punishment for enemies of... more

Perverse complicity in Christian celebration of pain?
Futility of highlighting denial of Christian complicity in torture
Promotion of enhanced torture on behalf of the American people
Crowdsourcing appropriate punishment for enemies of the American people
WikiJustice, WikiRetribution, WikiPunition, or WikiSalvation -- for Assange?
Types of torture variously used by Christians and applicable to Assange
Hanging, drawing and quartering as symbolic of Christian retribution?
Christian complicity in distortion of the truth symbolized by Cross
Religious enactment of the suffering and torture of Assange
Whistleblowing as a "crime of passion" -- for the truth?

In the course of clinical and forensic work, psychologists sometimes discover serious weaknesses in knowledge, performance, or ethics in other psychologists' work. The ethical code of the American Psychological Association mandates... more

In the course of clinical and forensic work, psychologists sometimes discover serious weaknesses in knowledge, performance, or ethics in other psychologists' work. The ethical code of the American Psychological Association mandates confronting such a psychologist prior to making a professional complaint. This mandatory confrontation typically is omitted because of a sense of awkwardness or a fear of insulting the other psychologist. Education and training in psychology does not cover this sensitive and important area. In this article, sample templates of letters are provided to meet that ethical requirement and to begin to resolve problem behaviors by colleagues.

– This paper describes the development of an electronic system that automatically recognises the sound of a referee whistle in a nosy environment. It can be directly adapted to any robot on a robotic competition namely robotic football.... more

– This paper describes the development of an electronic system that automatically recognises the sound of a referee whistle in a nosy environment. It can be directly adapted to any robot on a robotic competition namely robotic football. Experiments have been conducted in order to test the developed system and results are shown.

La ISO 37002 es una guía para que las organizaciones puedan establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar los sistemas internos de comunicación de infracciones, teniendo como fundamento los principios de confianza, imparcialidad y... more

La ISO 37002 es una guía para que las organizaciones puedan establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar los sistemas internos de comunicación de infracciones, teniendo como fundamento los principios de confianza, imparcialidad y protección, de los que depende el éxito de estos canales internos de denuncia.

Abstrakt Štúdia pojednáva o téme verejného záujmu ako neuritom pojme niekokých odvetví predovšetkým verejného práva. Základný cie štúdie je uchopi tento pojem vymedzením základných a abstraktne a všeobecne použitených znakov a spôsobu... more

Abstrakt Štúdia pojednáva o téme verejného záujmu ako neuritom pojme niekokých odvetví predovšetkým verejného práva. Základný cie štúdie je uchopi tento pojem vymedzením základných a abstraktne a všeobecne použitených znakov a spôsobu jeho identifikácie vo formálnych a materiálnych prameoch práva. Štúdia nemá za cie analyzova všetky právne predpisy a situácie, v ktorých sa vyskytuje tento pojem, ale skôr poskytnú také teoreticko-právne vymedzenie, ktoré ústavne-komfortným spôsobom pomôže interpretova tento neuritý pojem ako právnej teórii, tak predovšetkým právnej praxi. Keže verejný záujem nie je isto právna otázka, ale musí by ukotvený v širšom interdisciplinárnom kontexte, súasou lánku je aj jeho definovanie v rámci širších politicko-filozofických súvislostí, ale aj skúseností. Verejný záujem chápem ako v existencionálnom (statickom) slova zmysle, potom o om hovorím ako o povinnosti a úlohe funkcionárov verejnej moci, vrátane verejnej moci ako takej, a hovorím o om v dynamickom slova zmysle ako dôvod obmedzenia základných udských práv a slobôd. Štúdia sa snaží novým spôsobom systematizova danú problematiku, ako si to vyžaduje nové právne prostredie. Klúové slová verejný záujem, spoloné dobro, verejná správa, samospráva, právny štát, zelená infrastruktúra, whistleblowing, genius loci, Abstract The study deals with the topic of public interest as an indeterminate concept of several sectors of public law in particular. The basic aim of the study is to grasp this notion by defining basic and abstract and generally applicable characters and the way it is identified in formal and material sources of law. The study does not aim to analyze all the laws and situations in which this term occurs rather to provide a theoretical-legal definition that will help to interpret this vague notion as a legal theory and especially legal practice in a constitutionally comfortable way. Since the public interest is not a purely legal issue, but it must be anchored in the wider interdisciplinary context, the article also includes its definition within the broader political-philosophical context as well as experience. I understand public interest as an existential (static) word, then I refer to it as an obligation and role of public authority officials, including public authority as such, and I speak of it in a dynamic sense as a 1 JUDr. Martin Píry PhD., odborný asistent na Katedre finanného a správneho práva Právnickej fakulty Univerzity

A raíz de la Directiva europea 2019/1937 los estados miembros de la Unión Europea tendrán que poner en marcha o adaptar los sistemas de denuncia en las organizaciones públicas y privadas para garantizar la protección de los denunciantes.... more

A raíz de la Directiva europea 2019/1937 los estados miembros de la Unión Europea tendrán que poner en marcha o adaptar los sistemas de denuncia en las organizaciones públicas y privadas para garantizar la protección de los denunciantes. El autor reflexiona sobre los retos existentes para la implementación de los sistemas de denuncia.

It’s our turn to eat is much more than the story of John Githongo, a portly upper-class man in his mid-40s which dreamed of changing a country’s history of sleaze, state-capturing and ethnic identification. Githongo’s story is the... more

It’s our turn to eat is much more than the story of John Githongo, a portly upper-class man in his mid-40s which dreamed of changing a country’s history of sleaze, state-capturing and ethnic identification. Githongo’s story is the personification of a change of mentality in a new generation of Kenyans which want to modernize its institutions and forget the times when your luck and wealth depended on if you shared ethnicity with the president.

Anonymity affords whistleblowers the best protection against retaliation. Yet, prior theory has suggested that anonymous whistleblowers are perceived by investigators to be less credible than identified sources. To address this issue, we... more

Anonymity affords whistleblowers the best protection against retaliation. Yet, prior theory has suggested that anonymous whistleblowers are perceived by investigators to be less credible than identified sources. To address this issue, we propose and assess the use of self-sovereign identity (SSI) in whistleblowing reporting systems. SSI would allow whistleblowers to include a verifiable claim regarding employment without revealing any additional identifying information. Therefore, investigators could receive anonymous reports submitted through publicly accessible reporting systems without sacrificing the ability to verify that the whistleblower was employed by the organization. First, we review relevant whistleblowing research, paying particular attention to anonymity and credibility issues. Second, we introduce SSI and discuss how it can be used to enhance credibility for anonymous whistleblowers. Third, we outline our formal hypotheses. Fourth, we explain our planned methodology. Lastly, we discuss the implications of our study.

Partendo dall’analisi delle difficoltà di emersione del fenomeno corruttivo, il presente contributo esamina gli aspetti più rilevanti della recente ‘scommessa etica’ dell’anticorruzione, il whistleblowing, evidenziandone luci e ombre. In... more

In the last few years we have had a number of infamous national security leaks and prosecutions. Many have argued that these people have done a great service for our nation by revealing the wrongdoings of the defense agencies. However,... more

In the last few years we have had a number of infamous national security leaks and prosecutions. Many have argued that these people have done a great service for our nation by revealing the wrongdoings of the defense agencies. However, the law is quite clearthose national security employees who leak classified information are subject to lengthy prison sentences or in some cases, even execution as a traitor. In response to the draconian national security laws, this article proposes a new policy which fosters the free flow of information. First, the article outlines the recent history of national security leaks and the government response to the perpetrators. Next, the article outlines the information policy of the defense industry including the document classification system, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), whistleblower laws and the Espionage Act. Finally, the article outlines a new policy that will advance government transparency by promoting whistleblowing that serves the p...

This paper maps the background to a new Australian Research Council (ARC) funded cultural historical sociology of childhood and child maltreatment. The project takes as its central focus public inquiries from the 1970s to the present,... more

This paper maps the background to a new Australian Research Council (ARC) funded cultural historical sociology of childhood and child maltreatment. The project takes as its central focus public inquiries from the 1970s to the present, which either explicitly examine child abuse and neglect, or consider this within a broader remit. Employing a comparative historical approach, informed by cultural sociological perspectives, the research examines the unfolding Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse alongside past inquiries. The central aim of the project is to explore how changing understandings of children’s development, vulnerability and rights have shaped social policy, educational responses and public attitudes towards safeguarding children and promoting their wellbeing. In particular, it investigates how concepts of childhood and policy approaches are changing as a result of broader societal imperatives for openness and disclosure about matters that until recently were not publicly discussed, most notably, child sexual abuse. In this paper, I explicate the rationale for the focus on official inquiries as a framework for this research, while advancing a broader argument for the value of analysing inquiries as an important feature of late modernity and as a valuable lens through which to examine social change.

Communication plays an important role for human beings. Communication is treated as a life skill. This paper helps in improving the communication with the deaf and dumb using Whistle Morse code technology. A device is developed that can... more

Communication plays an important role for human beings. Communication is treated as a life skill. This paper helps in improving the communication with the deaf and dumb using Whistle Morse code technology. A device is developed that can translate different signs including Indian sign language to text as well as voice format. The people who are communicating with deaf and dumb may not understand their signs and expressions. Hence, an approach has been created and modified to hear the Whistle based communication. It will be very helpful to them for conveying their thoughts to others. In the proposed system, RF module is used for transmitting and receiving the information and raspberry pi as a processor, memory card is also used for blind people to identify their location. The entire framework has been executed, customized, cased and tried with great outcomes. INTRODUCTION Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be...

More absolute and real proof of time travel, offered publicly for the very first time. The 'In Her Hand' photo-document is a sneak-preview from the soon-to-be released 'Pirates of Time' DVD presentation. This document will prove that time... more

More absolute and real proof of time travel, offered publicly for the very first time. The 'In Her Hand' photo-document is a sneak-preview from the soon-to-be released 'Pirates of Time' DVD presentation. This document will prove that time travel is already a reality to anyone who takes the time and trouble to view it.

When an international cartel member considers self-reporting a global collusion in various jurisdictions, it is confronted with more than 60 different leniency programs applicable to a single infringement. The diversity of rules affects... more

When an international cartel member considers self-reporting a global collusion in various jurisdictions, it is confronted with more than 60 different leniency programs applicable to a single infringement. The diversity of rules affects strategies of poten- tial leniency applicants as transaction costs and uncertainties may deter them from blowing the whistle.Competition authorities promote soft-conver- gence of leniency programs and cooperation among agencies but a unified policy is unavoidable in the long term to secure effective enforcement.

The rising number of scandals leading to the closure of many large companies is worrisome. The traditional belief is that business and ethics are oxymorons and one is not expected to be totally virtuous during business operations.... more

The rising number of scandals leading to the closure of many large companies is worrisome. The traditional belief is that business and ethics are oxymorons and one is not expected to be totally virtuous during business operations. Nonetheless, this does not mean ethical standards should be side-lined. Professional associations such as the Chartered Financial Institute (CFA) uphold moral values and urge members to exercise high moral standards and diligence in their duties. Philosophically, major accounting scandals could have been nipped in the bud by whistle blowing before the wrong deeds escalated. However whistle blowing is a major issue and is viewed as disloyalty. In this paper, the dilemmas of whistle blowing are evaluated using contemporary ethical theories which are: egoism, deontology and utilitarianism. The analysis shows that deontology and utilitarianism are based on altruism and may support whistle blowing because they are grounded on consideration of other people. It is worth noting that morally upright adults are often a result of being brought up as ethical children from a psychological standpoint.

Though whistleblowing is quickly becoming an accepted means of addressing wrongdoing, whistleblower protection laws and the relevant case law are either awkwardly silent, unclear or mutually inconsistent concerning public disclosures of... more

Though whistleblowing is quickly becoming an accepted means of addressing wrongdoing, whistleblower protection laws and the relevant case law are either awkwardly silent, unclear or mutually inconsistent concerning public disclosures of classi ed government information. I remedy this problem by rst arguing that such disclosures constitute a pro tanto wrong as they violate (1) promissory obligations, (2) role obligations and (3) the obligation to respect the democratic allocation of power. However, they may be justi ed if (1) the information disclosed concerns grave government wrongdoing, (2) alternative channels of disclosure are rst exhausted and (3) steps are taken to minimize harm.

Whistleblowing (WB) is the practice of reporting immoral or illegal behavior by members of a legitimate organization with privileged access to information concerning an alleged wrongdoing within that organization. A common critique of WB... more

Whistleblowing (WB) is the practice of reporting immoral or illegal behavior by members of a legitimate organization with privileged access to information concerning an alleged wrongdoing within that organization. A common critique of WB draws on its supposed consequence of generating a climate of mutual distrust. This wariness is heightened in the case of external WB, which may lead to weakening public trust in an organization by diminishing its credibility. Accordingly, even the defenders of WB have presented it as an individual conscientious extrema ratio; the justification of WB as a dutiful practice has lost plausibility. Contrary to this view, we present WB as a specific instance of institutional and individual moral duties of public accountability in nonideal conditions. WB is thus justified as a dutiful corrective practice within a general normative theory of institutions because it qualifies the individual and institutional moral demands attached to rule-governed institutional roles.

Les secrets se dévoilent rarement d'eux-mêmes. Dans ce contexte, le rôle des journalistes et des lanceurs d'alerte est essentiel pour assurer l'information des citoyens sur des questions qui peuvent les concerner au plus haut point. La... more

Les secrets se dévoilent rarement d'eux-mêmes. Dans ce contexte, le rôle des journalistes et des lanceurs d'alerte est essentiel pour assurer l'information des citoyens sur des questions qui peuvent les concerner au plus haut point. La présente contribution vise à faire la lumière sur le droit des « journalistes » à la confidentialité de leurs sources d'information et sur la protection des lanceurs d'alerte lorsque ces derniers décident de révéler publiquement les manquements qu'ils dénoncent.

The dominant understanding in literature today is that whistleblowing is ethical and moral . This is a far cry from when the author of the lyrics of the German National Anthem, Hoffman von Fallersleben (1798-184) cited “The greatest... more

The dominant understanding in literature today is that whistleblowing is ethical and moral . This is a far cry from when the author of the lyrics of the German National Anthem, Hoffman von Fallersleben (1798-184) cited “The greatest rogue in the whole land is, and will remain , the informer..” (Strack 2011, p109). For years whistleblowing has been seen as an action against the interests of the organisation. Whistleblowers have been characterised as disloyal to their organisations, traitors and tattletales. (Haigh & Bowal 2012; Hauserman 1986);(Varelius 2008) . Haigh and Bowel ( 2012) add that rather than being commended for their constructive actions, whistleblowers have been belittled, treated as pariahs and often forced to leave their jobs. Miethe (1999) argues that negative attitudes towards whistleblowing are grounded in psychology from early childhood where parents send messages that snitching is a devalued behaviour . Further,vilification of whistleblowing in mass media has deterred employees in coming forward. (Miethe 1999; Bosacki et al. 2009; Bajovic & Elliott 2006; Bosacki et al. 2010).

The last twenty years have witnessed an astonishing transformation: the fght against corruption has grown from a handful of local undertakings into a truly global effort. Law occupies a central role in that effort and this timely book... more

The last twenty years have witnessed an astonishing transformation: the fght against corruption has grown from a handful of local undertakings into a truly global effort. Law occupies a central role in that effort and this timely book assesses the challenges faced in using law as it too morphs from a handful of local rules into a global regime. The book presents the perspectives of a global array of scholars, of policy makers, and of practitioners. Topics range from critical theoretical understandings of the global regime as a whole, to regional and local experiences in implementing and infuencing the regime, including specifc legal techniques such as deferred prosecution agreements, addressing corruption issues in dispute resolution, whistleblower protection, civil and administrative prosecutions, as well as blocking statutes. The book also includes discussions of the future shape of the global regime, the emergence of transnational compliance standards, and discussions by leaders of international organizations that take a leading role in the transnationalization of anti-corruption law. The Transnationalization of Anti-Corruption Law deals with the most salient aspects of the global anti-corruption regime. It is written by people who contribute to the structure of the regime, who practice within the regime, and who study the regime. It is written for anyone interested in corruption or corruption control in general, anyone with a general interest in jurisprudence or in international law, and especially anyone who is interested in critical thinking and analysis of how law can control corruption in a global context.

book chapter from International Handbook of Whistleblowing Research

report on research analysing 1,000 cases from the Public Concern at Work advice line for whistleblowers.

El artículo (a partir de la página 26 de la Revista) discute el argumento que intenta sostener la delación premiada como legítimo ejercicio democrático. Problemas como acceso a la justicia, efectivo diálogo con el Estado y la... more

El artículo (a partir de la página 26 de la Revista) discute el argumento que intenta sostener la delación premiada como legítimo ejercicio democrático. Problemas como acceso a la justicia, efectivo diálogo con el Estado y la vulnerabilidad del mentado 'interés público' son acá analizados.

Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more

Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been applied to corrupt exchanges. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with respondents who participated in actual corrupt transactions, this paper identifies several distinct brokerage types in low-level corruption in contemporary Hungary. The paper also provides explanation of variation in corruption brokerage in terms of actors' group affiliations, forms of the corrupt exchanges, brokerage mechanisms, as well as neutrality, benefit and motivation, risk distribution, and stability of the brokerage structure. Finally, we discuss some policy implications of corruption brokerage.

Since the end of the Cold War, technology advancements have increasingly affected the discipline of Security studies. Warfare is the first example heartened by technological improvements of the last decade. The race to new technologies... more

Since the end of the Cold War, technology advancements have increasingly affected the discipline of Security studies.
Warfare is the first example heartened by technological improvements of the last decade. The race to new technologies and their deployment on the battlefield have affected warfare in all senses. This part will focus on the United States since they have focused their rearmament programmes on the integration of new technologies. In broader terms, the US can be considered as the protagonists of this new warfare era.
The so-called Revolution in Military Affairs is a pioneering theory that began in the United States of America which has focused on how to match a reform in the Army with the new technological improvements. This example is the first evidence to include in my analysis to assess to what extent technology has contributed to change warfare and thus how it has affected Military Security.
The most striking case to assess the relationship (if any) between security and technology is the Pakistan intervention by the US in 2004. In that case, the United States have deployed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (e.g. the drones) and new technologies on the battlefield. Especially, drones have had optimal results in the battlefield, however they also have “shaken” the public opinion in the US. This gives further reasons to prove that the RMA is still in act but that overall, the relationship between security and technology has some ambiguities.
In the first part of my work, I expect to show not just how the logic and the essence of war has been affected by technology, but also how, in a wider sense, to trace the roots of the relationship between technology and security is possible.
The second part of this work will deal with cybersecurity
Precisely, the case of Edward Snowden and the investigative report of The Guardian are an interesting point of departure to assess how and to what extent technology has affected the practices of surveillance. Through its revelations, Snowden has revealed an ambiguous pattern between the use of information in the hands of the National Security Agency of the United States. The reaction of the public has been ambivalent: American citizens have considered Snowden as a “hero” and as a “traitor”. Overall, this case shows how new technologies have turned the practices of surveillance in an ambiguous area.
The final part would include the case of economic security and the virtual currencies. In particular, Bitcoins can be an example on to what extent a technological improvement can both disturb and support the functioning of world Economy. Bitcoins are a technological advancement for economic security. However, the encryption system by which they work, Blockchain, makes the identity of the purchase almost untraceable. Down to these two features, anonymity and inviolability, Bitcoins can be used by criminals for illegal practices. Therefore, Bitcoins are a further example to emphasise that the relationship between security and technology is ambiguous.

This article addresses the confidentiality obligations of government lawyers. It examines the rather complex question of the identity of a government lawyer's client. On the specific issue of confidentiality, the article discusses how... more

This article addresses the confidentiality obligations of government lawyers. It examines the rather complex question of the identity of a government lawyer's client. On the specific issue of confidentiality, the article discusses how several legal doctrines impact the confidentiality duty: open government laws, statutes encouraging whistleblowing by government employees, and common law doctrines regarding the disclosure of government wrongdoing. These doctrines suggest that, as a substantive matter, government lawyers may disclose information that is subject to mandatory disclosure under freedom of information laws and information regarding government wrongdoing. But as a procedural matter, state supreme courts and governments need to establish procedures for government lawyers to follow in disclosing this information.

Communication plays an important role for human beings. Communication is treated as a life skill. This paper helps in improving the communication with the deaf and dumb using Whistle Morse code technology. A device is developed that can... more

Communication plays an important role for human beings. Communication is treated as a life skill. This paper helps in improving the communication with the deaf and dumb using Whistle Morse code technology. A device is developed that can translate different signs including Indian sign language to text as well as voice format. The people who are communicating with deaf and dumb may not understand their signs and expressions. Hence, an approach has been created and modified to hear the Whistle based communication. It will be very helpful to them for conveying their thoughts to others. In the proposed system, RF module is used for transmitting and receiving the information and raspberry pi as a processor, memory card is also used for blind people to identify their location. The entire framework has been executed, customized, cased and tried with great outcomes. INTRODUCTION Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment. Each Morse code symbol represents either a text character (letter or numeral) or a pro-sign and is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dashes. The dot duration is the basic unit of time measurement in code transmission. The duration of a dash is three times the duration of a dot. Each dot or dash is followed by a short silence, equal to the dot duration. Our project is about decoding of Morse code to speech and text.To allow input and output without any limitation on expression,we decided to use Morse code. Morse code has most oftenbeen expressed in the audio and visualmodalities, Currently, there is no augmentedcommunication method or device that is suitable for thesiblings. They need a communication method that allows easy discriminationof sensation for comprehension and simple methods for communicating. Several methods have been examined for tactile communication. Braille allows a user to move their finger over raised dots that represent different characters. This can work well if the sensory and motor systems have the accuracy to perform those tasks, but can be difficult to use as a conversation method since there is nointuitive way to speak using braille. Other tactile interfacesinclude Tactons [1] and Haptic Icons [2] where information is encoded into sequences, rhythm, frequency, and amplitude over multiple locations. These methods are beneficial for conveying often used phrases, but are limited to a finite number of gestures. Morse code for communication through the tactile modality specifically for use with individuals with highly limited sensory and motor capabilities. The results presented tactile communication methods above.