HRM Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The main objective of this qualitative research is to examine the relationship between manager's Emotional Intelligence (EI) level and effective delegation in industry. In order to test and discuss this relationship, some perception from... more

Perusahaan yang berkembang merupakan keinginan setiap individu yang ada dalam perusahaan sehingga mendorong perusahaan bersaing dan mengikuti perkembanagn zama. Kemajuan perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya kinerja... more

Perusahaan yang berkembang merupakan keinginan setiap individu yang ada dalam perusahaan sehingga mendorong perusahaan bersaing dan mengikuti perkembanagn zama. Kemajuan perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya kinerja karyawan. Kinerja karyawan adalah prestasi yang dicapai seseorang atau kelompok berdasarkan wewenang dan tanggung jawabnya selaras dengan tujuan organiasasi secara efisien dan efektif

data collection from 200 employess

This article offers a critical take on the excessive use of psychological applications in the work sphere, that is, management techniques that open up the psyche of the individual employee to interceptions, evaluations, and manipulations... more

This article offers a critical take on the excessive use of psychological applications in the work sphere, that is, management techniques that open up the psyche of the individual employee to interceptions, evaluations, and manipulations by superiors. It builds upon existing work on the psychologization of labor under the aegis of human resource apparatuses and contributes to it by centralizing the role that confessions have in this process. The article details the careers of Fehim and Halil, both Turkish-Dutch officers working for a Dutch police agency.The field data, which have been obtained through an ethnographic fieldwork between 2008 and 2013, offer an insight into how psychological applications (such as personal development plans, "fireplace sessions," empowerment courses, personality surveys, etc.) affect labor relations. The analysis opens up pathways for a better understanding of ethnic inequality in the workplace.

Nepal with a view that the concerned parties of industrial relations will be acquainted with the methods and procedure of dispute settlement and establishes industrial peace. Though the process and period of dispute settlement in... more

Nepal with a view that the concerned parties of industrial relations will be acquainted with the methods and procedure of dispute settlement and establishes industrial peace. Though the process and period of dispute settlement in different methods differ depending on the types of disputes, the dispute settlement mechanism starts from the negotiation between worker and management in individual dispute and between group of workers or trade union and management in collective disputes. However, both of disputes end at judiciary process. The article suggests for voluntarily resolution of disputes by establishing mutual trust and understanding between the disputants before entering into the legal procedure for the permanent solution of disputes and makes the organisation free from industrial conflict and disagreement.

Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to identify the conceptual underpinnings of the theoretical weaknesses of extant research investigating the HRM-Organizational Performance Link (hereafter HRM-P Link). Design/methodology/approach -The... more

Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to identify the conceptual underpinnings of the theoretical weaknesses of extant research investigating the HRM-Organizational Performance Link (hereafter HRM-P Link). Design/methodology/approach -The paper reviews a number of different empirical approaches to the HRM-P Link and reflects upon, and defines, theory, focusing upon two important dimensions: prediction and explanation. The paper also discusses why the field in its current guise cannot sustain a commitment to explanation, so that under-theorisation and lack of explanatory power go hand-in-hand. It then tackles the possibility that theoretical underpinnings for empirical research on the HRM-P Link might come from other disciplines such as economics. The paper also begins to set out a meta-theoretical alternative. Findings -The paper finds that: theoretical underpinnings will not emerge and develop simply by doing more, and/or better, empirical work; meta-theoretical problems besetting the paradigm are actually far worse than is usually recognised; and attempts to borrow theories from other disciplines have not been successful.

A gestão das Pessoas e a Gestão Internacional

An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization’s human resources has... more

An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization’s human resources has become a critical issue for ensuring sustained innovation capacity. The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) in KIFs is however still a largely unexplored arena. The objective of this paper is to explore this relationship in an effort to identify HRM practices that support innovation. To this end, the paper includes reviews of the literature relevant to HRM and innovation in KIFs and four case studies from companies in Denmark and Australia that have been recognized for excellence in innovation. On the basis of content analyses conducted on the case data, some preliminary conclusions are posited regarding the role of HRM in KIFs. More specifically, the findings from this study suggest that while there are commonalities between HRM practi...

The article studies the linkages between industrial relations, organizational innovation and economic performance for the firms of the Emilia-Romagna food-industry. The aim is the investigation of: (i) interactions between union delegates... more

The article studies the linkages between industrial relations, organizational innovation and economic performance for the firms of the Emilia-Romagna food-industry. The aim is the investigation of: (i) interactions between union delegates and top management; (ii) adoption of organizational and HRM practices; (iii) linkages between industrial relations, innovations, and firm performance. The analysis suggests a role played by industrial relations in stimulating organizational changes. Industrial relations are also important for firm performances: the linkage proves to be mediated by positive effects of informative, consultative and bargaining practices on organizational changes. The analysis shows a "virtuous circle" between performance and organizational innovations, for firms with good industrial relations. Sommario Il lavoro si occupa delle relazioni tra innovazione organizzativa, relazioni industriali, performance economiche nelle imprese alimentari dell'Emilia-Romagna. L'obiettivo è indagare: (i) l'interazione tra rappresentanze sindacali e management dell'impresa; (ii) l'adozione di innovazioni organizzative e pratiche di gestione delle risorse umane; (iii) i legami tra innovazione organizzativa, relazioni industriali e risultati economici. L'analisi evidenzia l'importanza di relazioni industriali votate al dialogo tra le parti sociali ai fini delle performance economiche. Tale legame è mediato dal mutamento organizzativo il quale, favorito dalla qualità delle relazioni industriali, ha impatto positivo sulle performance. Si riscontra un circolo virtuoso tra innovazione organizzativa e risultati economici delle imprese, in un contesto di buone relazioni industriali.

The purpose of this paper is to help us to understand the problems in the process of implementation of ERP systems, in specifically human impact on ERP implementation, business process, and what factors are at the core of successful ERP... more

The purpose of this paper is to help us to understand the problems in the process of implementation of ERP systems, in specifically human impact on ERP implementation, business process, and what factors are at the core of successful ERP implementation of module HR at a company.

Leaders need to ensure that creativity and innovation occurs where is matters, is affordable and relevant and embraces innovation in a company's business model as situations and circumstances change and to address new challenges and... more

Leaders need to ensure that creativity and innovation occurs where is matters, is affordable and relevant and embraces innovation in a company's business model as situations and circumstances change and to address new challenges and opportunities. This article draws upon a paper and speech prepared for a plenary session on the first day of the Dubai Global Convention 2016 and 26th World Congress on Leadership for Business Excellence and Innovation organised by India's Institute of Directors. The citation is: Coulson-Thomas, Colin (2016), Leadership, Innovation and Business Growth, Management Services, Vol. 60 No. 2, Summer, pp 36-43

Organisationer eksisterer i dag i en art flygtighedens regime, hvor en bestemt forestilling om tid gør sig gaeldende og saetter afgørende praemisser for det at vaere organisation. Forestillingen er, alt forandrer sig -intet er stabilt.... more

Organisationer eksisterer i dag i en art flygtighedens regime, hvor en bestemt forestilling om tid gør sig gaeldende og saetter afgørende praemisser for det at vaere organisation. Forestillingen er, alt forandrer sig -intet er stabilt. Øjeblikket anses hele tiden for det afgørende øjeblik. Alligevel kan intet afgøres, for man er afhaengig af at bevare evnen til i naeste lige så afgørende øjeblik at traeffe et andet valg, at skifte retning og kaste sig over andre muligheder. Interessant nok kan man konstatere, at der parallelt med denne flygtighed er indtruffet en vaerdiramme omkring arbejdslivet, som i stigende grad traekker på forventninger, vi kender fra intimlivet: autenticitet, oprigtighed, spejling af hinandens saeregenhed og derigennem forløsning af personligt potentiale. Mens vi med den ene hånd opløser mere traditionelle, robuste forpligtelsesformer, introducerer vi altså med den anden hånd mere intense, men også mere skrøbelige og tvetydige bånd til hinanden på arbejdet.

The relationship between Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) and employee engagement has gained significant attention form scholars. Despite the importance of HRMP and its influence on employee engagement in the industry, little... more

The relationship between Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) and employee engagement has gained significant attention form scholars. Despite the importance of HRMP and its influence on employee engagement in the industry, little research has been done in terms of cultivating a systematic literature review in the subject area. Therefore, this paper aims to present a systematic literature review of articles based on forty highly ranked journals during the period of 1990 to 2017. The paper investigates the historical developments of Human Resources Management (HRM), HRMP, and employee engagement in order to present the conceptual evolvement and elaboration of the relationship between HRMP, and employee engagement. The literature highlighted that properly implementing HRMP influences employee engagement, and how this relationship positively affects the overall performance. In this term, a proposed framework is presented. Finally, the research limitations and avenues for future r...

This study aims at exploring the impact of HR practices on job satisfaction in the context of Bangladesh. A total of 60 responses from 20 manufacturing firms were collected and analyzed objectively. It was found that HR practices have... more

This study aims at exploring the impact of HR practices on job satisfaction in the context of Bangladesh. A total of 60 responses from 20 manufacturing firms were collected and analyzed objectively. It was found that HR practices have significant association with job satisfaction (JS). In addition, human resource planning (HRP), and training and development (TND) were found to have positive impact on job satisfaction (JS). It was also found that TND has the greatest impact on JS. Academicians, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, students, local and foreign entrepreneurs of Bangladesh and other similar countries could benefit from this paper by exploring the association between HR practices and job satisfaction.

Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer... more

Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer branding témakörének bemutatása és feldolgozása, valamint lehetséges kutatási irányok meghatározása. A szerzők bemutatják azokat a társadalmi és gazdasági tényezőket, amelyek közvetve vagy közvetlenül hatottak a tradicionális marketing és HR-funkciók elkülönültségének megszűnésére, és szükségessé tették a marketingszemlélet begyűrűzését a HR területére is. Elemzik, hogy miként kapcsolható össze és válik elválaszthatatlanná a vállalat belső és külső környezete, valamint a cégről kialakult kép. Vizsgálódásuk középpontjába a munkáltatói márka jelenségének és a munkáltatói márkaépítés folyamatának, eszköztárának és kivitelezésének különböző megközelítéseit helyezik. Végül különböző nemzetközi és magyar kutatásokat mutatnak be és hasonlítanak össze, a k...

This paper surveys the major developments in the field of consumer protection in India since 1984, when the statutory provisions for regulating unfair trade practices were incorporated for the first time. Among the developments described... more

This paper surveys the major developments in the field of consumer protection in India since 1984, when the statutory provisions for regulating unfair trade practices were incorporated for the first time. Among the developments described in the paper is the strengthening of provisions for consumer protection through amendments to the Act regulating restrictive and monopolistic trade practices (the MTRP Act). Public-sector undertakings and cooperative societies have been brought within the purview of the Act, and consumers have obtained the right to participate in inquiry proceedings before the MRTP Commission. Consumers and their associations have been given the right to seek redress of grievances arising out of the violation of certain pieces of legislation, including the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986, was enacted in order to provide speedy and inexpensive redress of consumers' grievances. Redress can now be sought before any consumer court also for negligence or deficiency in medical services. The Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986, has strengthened the measures for the standardization and quality control of manufactured goods. A Consumer Welfare Fund has been set up to provide financial assistance to voluntary consumer organizations and for the general development of consumer movement in the country. A spurt in voluntary consumer organizations in different parts of the country can also be observed. Other developments include the establishment of a separate Department of Consumer Affairs in the Union Government and the setting up of a Consumer Product Testing Laboratory. The current investigation has been undertaken to seek answers to key aspects such as level of consumer awareness regarding legislation and organizations with the specific objective to assess the awareness of male and female respondents towards consumer legislation organization and consumer protection laws.

Human Resource is the one of the most important resource that have the ability to differentiate to identical firms. In a highly competitive business environment, it is very crucial to have talented as well as committed employees in order... more

Human Resource is the one of the most important resource that have the ability to differentiate to identical firms. In a highly competitive business environment, it is very crucial to have talented as well as committed employees in order to attain upper hand in the business field. That is the one thing that creates sustainable competitive advantage-and therefore ROI, company value and long-term strength-is the workforce, the people who are the company. Therefore, the HR managers are interested to measure and evaluate the commitment, motivation, positive feelings, and satisfaction of employees towards their work. The employee engagement is one of such concept that describes the overall employee-favour-to work and work environment. This paper focus on defining the concept of employee engagement through exploring the secondary data.

This study examines the factorial structure of a new instrument to measure engagement, the hypothesized 'opposite' of burnout in a sample of university students (N = 314) and employees (N = 619). In addition, the factorial structure of... more

This study examines the factorial structure of a new instrument to measure engagement, the hypothesized 'opposite' of burnout in a sample of university students (N = 314) and employees (N = 619). In addition, the factorial structure of the Maslach-Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) is assessed and the relationship between engagement and burnout is examined. Simultaneous confirmatory factor analyses in both samples confirmed the original three-factor structure of the MBI-GS (exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy) as well as the hypothesized three-factor structure of engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption). Contrary to expectations, a model with two higher-order factors-'burnout' and 'engagement'did not show a superior fit to the data. Instead, our analyses revealed an alternative model with two latent factors including: (1) exhaustion and cynicism ('core of burnout'); (2) all three engagement scales plus efficacy. Both latent factors are negatively related and share between 22% and 38% of their variances in both samples. Despite the fact that slightly different versions of the MBI-GS and the engagement questionnaire had to be used in both samples the results were remarkably similar across samples, which illustrates the robustness of our findings.

Research on information seeking, feedback seeking, and newcomer proactive behavior reveals that employees use various criteria in deciding how to act. This article investigates an integrative framework for such criteria proposed by... more

Research on information seeking, feedback seeking, and newcomer proactive behavior reveals that employees use various criteria in deciding how to act. This article investigates an integrative framework for such criteria proposed by Cooper-Thomas and Wilson, comprising three domains (performance, ego, social) and two factors (cost, benefit). Three independent scenario-based studies were used to test their model. The results supported some propositions of the model, such as the primacy of performance concerns, yet failed to support other propositions, with benefits consistently predominating over costs. Factors that might underlie the contradictory results were systematically controlled for, namely the sample, hypothetical scenario, and initial asset position. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Abstract— With the accepting that the women are under-represented in decision-making positions in almost all countries and an increasing awareness of this fact, led various interest groups to engage in extensive research and policy-making... more

Abstract— With the accepting that the women are under-represented in decision-making positions in almost all countries
and an increasing awareness of this fact, led various interest groups to engage in extensive research and policy-making
activities allowing more gender diversity and equality within the workplaces. Particularly in Sri Lanka including most of the
Asian countries, this situation is seriously taken into consideration and taken numerous steps to broaden the opportunities for
the women, to climb up their career ladder. Having given them increased room for higher education and training
opportunities, designed organizational changes, legal accommodations and different policy related initiatives to ensure
gender equality and career advancement opportunities to reach positions of decision making, still there is no significant
expansion in women career advancement and women leadership roles in most of the workplaces in Sri Lanka. This situation
is the focal point of this study. Since very few studies have been dedicated to discourse the unseen barriers which are innate
with most of the Sri Lankan women, the present study tried to explore unseen barriers for women career advancement in Sri
Lanka. By means of qualitative inquiry the study explored that lack of self-exploration, gender stereotyping, emotional
exhaustion and extensive emotional attachment to their families are playing major barriers in women for their career
Keywords— Women Career Advancement, Gender Equality, Gender Diversity, Self-Exploration, Gender Stereotyping,
Emotional Attachment, Emotional Exhaustion.

Human resource management practices have become the de facto standard for almost all large organizations. Today's organizations consider human resource management as an all inclusive practice and view it playing vital role in their... more

Human resource management practices have become the de facto standard for almost all large organizations. Today's organizations consider human resource management as an all inclusive practice and view it playing vital role in their development. However, the significance of HRM practices in small enterprises is not yet fully realized and only a handful researches are done so far on HRM practices (Heneman & Berkley, 1999). This paper suggests the imperative role of HRM Function in small enterprises of Pakistan. The propositions made on the basis of literature review in order to emphasize this research are; firstly; HRM practices are likely to be significant for the survival of small enterprises. Secondly; because of this essential role of HRM for the survival of small enterprises, it is also likely to be vital for their growth. Thirdly; it is suggested that HRM practices, if implemented in early stages of the organizational life cycle of small enterprises, are likely to curtail down the unhealthy resistance to change by the old incumbents of organization.

All countries in South Eastern Europe (SEE), in particular countries emerged from ex-Yugoslavia, are going through the transition process for many years. Switching from one economy to another, from closed and centralized to open and free... more

All countries in South Eastern Europe (SEE), in particular countries emerged from ex-Yugoslavia, are going through the transition process for many years. Switching from one economy to another, from closed and centralized to open and free market economy, has forced many companies to change their working and operating culture, especially the communication
culture within human resource management (HRM). Hence, the entire economy has started to learn new rules of the global market, new working culture, and they needed to understand, launch and to execute them, especially undeveloped countries such as Kosovo. Having this in mind, not only the organizations needed to change, but the most important was that individuals within those countries needed to change their working and communication culture. According to the conception of staff management, human resource management (HRM) needs well-organized, competent, and efficient use of human resources, which in Kosovo were on hand. In order to ensure this, various activities focused towards the area of HRM. Some of the major activities that were undertaken, and still needs to be improved are recruitment of employees who possess new skills (such as language, education, etc.), development of skills missing within the market and which are crucial to survive in the new open market, strengthening of relations and creating a new one, mutual inspiring, developing new communication culture within the organization, implementation of contemporary working processes and developing systems that can be used by individuals or groups to face the new requirements emerged bay new economic developments.

This paper presents the first empirical evidence on the nature and effects of human resource practices (HRM) in the Finnish manufacturing sector. In the analysis, we use the novel survey on HRM practices, based on a representative random... more

This paper presents the first empirical evidence on the nature and effects of human resource practices (HRM) in the Finnish manufacturing sector. In the analysis, we use the novel survey on HRM practices, based on a representative random sample from the population of the Finnish manufacturing firms who had 50 or more employees in 2005. In the sample, we have firm-level information on several HRM and employee participation practices of 398 firms, which is 38% of the firms in the population and almost 50% of the survey respondents. To study how HRM practices affect the level of firm productivity, we first combined the HRM survey data with financial statement data and then estimated crosssectional and panel data estimators for the Cobb-Douglas production functions. We find that both the incidence of employee participation practices and the incidence of HRM tools have increased in the manufacturing sector from 2002 to 2005. The empirical findings support the view of a positive association with the HRM practices and the level of firm productivity. Perhaps more importantly, however, we find that not all forms of employee financial and decision-making participation practices have favorable productivity effects: consultative committee and profit sharing scheme has a positive effect, but other practices do not have statistically significant effects.

The interest in strategic human resource management (HRM) has spawned a number of empirical research studies that investigated the impact of HRM practices on organizational performance. However, very little attention has been paid to... more

The interest in strategic human resource management (HRM) has spawned a number of empirical research studies that investigated the impact of HRM practices on organizational performance. However, very little attention has been paid to address the impact of HRM practices on operations management and to generalize the findings across countries and industries. Success of some business decisions (e.g. globalization and merger and acquisition) necessitates recognition and reconciliation of the differences among HRM practices in different countries and industries. This study attempts to generalize the efficacy of seven HRM practices proposed by Pfeffer in the context of country and industry, focusing primarily on the effects of these practices on operations. The findings provide overall support for Pfeffer’s seven HRM practices and empirically validate an ideal-type HRM system for manufacturing plants.

The business of professional service firms is often described as 'people-driven'. This underlines the key role of human resources in the sector. The first chapter already outlined the decisive role of employees in professional service... more

The business of professional service firms is often described as 'people-driven'. This underlines the key role of human resources in the sector. The first chapter already outlined the decisive role of employees in professional service firms and explained why the strategic management of human resources is highly important for the success of a company. 1 Basis for HR management in professional service firms is the understanding that highly qualified employees, the so-called professionals, have a profound impact on long-term corporate success. 2 The core service of a professional service firm-providing services in interaction with clients-is quite clearly characterized by the commitment and the skills of individual employees and/or employee teams. When trying to establish a more detailed explanation, key theoretical findings of economic science can be referred to. Of particular significance in this context is the so-called resource-based view which can be applied to human resources. 3 The central statement here is the development of long-term competitive advantages for a professional service firm, based on superior assets in the form of professionals who meet certain criteria. 4 This is based on the fact that other professional service firms are not easily able to build up the same level of professional human assets on their own. If the argumentation of the resource-based view is developed even further, the significance of managing these professionals becomes evident. The management of professionals becomes a strategic success factor, if one assumes that use and further development of professionals largely depend on human resource management measures. 5 This does, however, not only include the activities of an institutionalized HR department, but also the promotion of junior professionals through challenging tasks, their guidance by senior managers, etc.

Taking a theme of the transmission of ideas within disciplines, this paper investigates the impact of academic human resource management on academic industrial relations, comparing the impact in Australia between 1990 and 1995 with the... more

Taking a theme of the transmission of ideas within disciplines, this paper investigates the impact of academic human resource management on academic industrial relations, comparing the impact in Australia between 1990 and 1995 with the earlier responses in UK and USA. It is shown that while HRM had a significant effect on academic industrial relations, the extent of that impact is not wholly clear because other events, such as public policy shifts and the changing role of universities also affected academic industrial relations.

The aim of this paper is to determine whether Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) could be described as 'bleak houses' or whether they have developed over the last decade into 'bright prospects' typified by human resource... more

The aim of this paper is to determine whether Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) could be described as 'bleak houses' or whether they have developed over the last decade into 'bright prospects' typified by human resource innovations. This study builds on empirical work (n = 1425) from ten years ago (1998), and re-examines the prospects of SMEs through the lens of human resource management (HRM) practices. Uniquely, the 2008 cross-sectional data provides for the large-scale tracking of strategic HRM practices. Specifically, 110 HRM practices over five traditional areas across 1230 SMEs are analysed. The prevalence, change, and patterning of HRM practices used by Australian SMEs in 2008 are investigated. It was found that SMEs need less of a make-over in relation to the adoption of HR practices, compared to a decade ago. From a practitioner viewpoint, the study provides cross-sectional benchmarking against the previous time-point, 1998, as well as extending that work with an examination of a more extensive range of new and emerging HRM practices. This project was conducted with a USQ research grant. Given the nature of our two-point longitudinal panel data, this research question uniquely investigates the extent of change in HRM practices over the last decade. Question 3. To what extent do key firm characteristics differentiate the patterning and prevalence of HRM practices?

Dans le cadre de l'ouvrage Les grands courants en Gestion des Ressources Humaines, dirigé par Rachel Beaujolin et Ewan Oiry Perspectives critiques en GRH Laurent Taskin La gestion des ressources humaines est une discipline paradoxale.... more

Dans le cadre de l'ouvrage Les grands courants en Gestion des Ressources Humaines, dirigé par Rachel Beaujolin et Ewan Oiry Perspectives critiques en GRH Laurent Taskin La gestion des ressources humaines est une discipline paradoxale. Alors qu'elle est considérée comme théoriquement pauvre-Watson (2007) rappelle qu'il n'y a pas à proprement parler de « théories de la GRH », mais bien que la GRH s'alimente de théories issues du management stratégique, de la psychologie, de la sociologie, de l'économie-elle occupe une place importante au sein d'autres disciplines telles que le management international, interculturel, stratégique ou le comportement organisationnel (Keenoy, 2009). De même, alors que la rhétorique propre à la GRH annonce une performance supérieure de la firme grâce à la mise en oeuvre de certaines pratiques (rassemblées sous le label des HPWS-High Performance Work Systems) alignées avec la stratégie d'entreprise, ce lien entre une fonction RH stratégique source d'avantage concurrentiel et la performance de l'entreprise demeure empiriquement non-établi ou, du moins, incertain (Taskin et Pichault, 2012 ; Truss, 2001). C'est à partir de ces paradoxes-et d'un scepticisme à l'égard des modalités et desseins de la GRH-qu'une critique des discours, pratiques, modèles, finalités et fondements de la gestion des ressources humaines s'est développée et affirmée à partir des années 1990.

Progressive corporates all over the world have initiated strategies to tackle the challenge of catering to their millennial workforce in their combat to stay ahead and make profits. In their quest to find the right talent coupled with a... more

Progressive corporates all over the world have initiated strategies to tackle the challenge of catering to their millennial workforce in their combat to stay ahead and make profits. In their quest to find the right talent coupled with a deficit of skilled employees, Indian firms need to acknowledge that with every coming year, there would be more of millennial talent in their workforce composition and it would be imperative to meet their desires and expectations. Rigid adherence to outdated policies would no longer serve and organisations have to encourage their human resource personnel to be more bold, open, flexible, and innovative in revising and rewriting their human resource strategies. This study examines some of the characteristics by which millennials differ from the earlier workforce, and highlights key employee benefits areas that employers need to address which would help enhance their brand value and contribute immensely to their talent attraction, management and retention.

Human resource is the most valuable asset for a company to operate and continue its business activities successfully. Even though a business organisation has other resources such as money, material and machines, its business operations... more

Human resource is the most valuable asset for a company to operate and continue its business activities successfully. Even though a business organisation has other resources such as money, material and machines, its business operations cannot be continued without utilising its human resources efficiently and effectively. Hence, human resource management mainly concentrate on how to plan, organise, direct and monitor human resource of an organization effectively and efficiently by which goals and objectives of the company can be achieved. In general, employees of an organisation should work together to achieve a particular target. It can be seen that human resource is only resource that cannot be fully controlled by an organisation. Thus they have to be used very carefully to get benefits to the organisation while giving benefits to employees. To do so, they should have an efficient and effective communication system so as to coordinate their duties and responsibilities among each and every employee within the organisation. Because of the continuous changes that happen in external and internal business environment, behaviours of employees and technology used to communicate information among employees have been changing over the last years. These changes have created many advantages as well as communication barriers between employees of an organisation in a diversified environment.

This paper investigates the impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) at the workplace on Job Satisfaction (JS) and Turnover Intentions (TI) of nursing staff working in hospitals. Both nursing turnover and employees’ satisfaction have been... more

This paper investigates the impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) at the workplace on Job Satisfaction (JS) and Turnover
Intentions (TI) of nursing staff working in hospitals. Both nursing turnover and employees’ satisfaction have been considered
as issues of utmost importance in the provision of high quality services and superior performance at hospitals. The Wong and
Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) was adopted to measure emotional intelligence, consisted of four dimensions: (1)
self-emotional appraisal (SEA), (2) others’ emotional appraisal (OEA), (3) use of emotion (UOE), and (4) regulation of
emotion (ROE). This paper presents a field survey conducted in five private health care organizations which operate in the
city of Larisa, Greece. The PLS approach based on 145 valid questionnaires, confirmed strong relationships among EI, JS and
TI. More specifically, among the four EI dimensions, only SEA and UOE exert significant positive impacts on employees’
satisfaction with personal development, while they also influence negatively turnover intentions. Interestingly, the other two
EI components (OEA, ROE) failed to verify any relationship with JS and TI.

THRM - maart 2013 In dit artikel wordt een analyse gemaakt van de rol van HRM in organisaties in de Nederlandse context. Dit artikl is gebaseerd op achttien casestudies, die zijn uitgevoerd door studenten in de periode 2008-2011. De... more

Ö ZET| Günümüz yoğun rekabetçi pazar koşullarında daha dayanıklı, daha uyum sağlayıcı, değişime karşı daha hızlı yön değiştirebilir nitelikte olabilmek için İKY uzmanları ve profesyonellerinin, alandaki yeni gelişen eğilimlerle ilgili... more

Ö ZET| Günümüz yoğun rekabetçi pazar koşullarında daha dayanıklı, daha uyum sağlayıcı, değişime karşı daha hızlı yön değiştirebilir nitelikte olabilmek için İKY uzmanları ve profesyonellerinin, alandaki yeni gelişen eğilimlerle ilgili bilgi sahibi olmaları gerekmektedir. İKY uygulamaları geleneksel, mevcut becerilerle stratejileri eşleştiren yaklaşımdan ziyade, beşeri sermaye ve bilginin yönetimine odaklanan bir biçimde yeniden tasarlanmalıdır. Bilgi işçilerinin yönetimi günümüz artan rekabet şartlarında karşılaşılan en zorlayıcı konulardan biridir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı öncelikle İKY alanında ortaya çıkmış mevcut eğilim ve potansiyel gelecek yönelimleri tartışmaktır. İkinci kısımda ise spesifik olarak bilgi işçilerine yönelik İKY uygulamaları, politika ve süreçlerinde oluşan farklılaşmalar tartışılacaktır.

Purpose -This paper aims to clarify the meaning of empowerment concept and determine its role in the HRM-performance linkage. Methodology -A survey of 211 customer-contact employees at 30 upscale hotels in Lithuania was conducted to study... more

Purpose -This paper aims to clarify the meaning of empowerment concept and determine its role in the HRM-performance linkage. Methodology -A survey of 211 customer-contact employees at 30 upscale hotels in Lithuania was conducted to study organisational empowerment, as a bundle of HRM activities, and its association with employee attitudes and behaviour. Findings -A distinction was made between organisational empowerment, as a bundle of HRM activities, and psychological empowerment, as an employee work-related attitude, and their role in the HRMperformance linkage was defined. Organisational empowerment was positively related to psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and affective commitment. Psychological empowerment and affective commitment were found to mediate the impact of organisational empowerment on customer-oriented behaviour.

This paper aims to investigate the impact of HRM practices on employee satisfaction in the pharmaceutical companies of Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed among 108 employees of four pharmaceuticals... more

This paper aims to investigate the impact of HRM practices on employee satisfaction in the pharmaceutical companies of Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was developed and distributed among 108 employees of four pharmaceuticals companies, whereas 96 employees answered rightly. Statistical tools like z test, mean and proportion analysis was used to assess the impact of HRM practices on employee satisfaction. The study reveals that employees in pharmaceutical companies are satisfied with the recruitment and selection, and training and development policy and practices of pharmaceutical companies. On the other hand, employees are dissatisfied with the human resource planning, working environment, compensation policy, performance appraisal, and industrial relations. The study suggests that the pharmaceutical companies should develop proper human resource policy and given emphasis on proper human resource practices to enhance the satisfaction of their employees and build them effectiv...

In the encroachment of life human race has emerged as the most dominating creature on this earth. The story starts with the apes turning into homosapians giving birth to human civilization. Any civilization requires a system giving space... more

In the encroachment of life human race has emerged as the most dominating creature on this earth. The story starts with the apes turning into homosapians giving birth to human civilization. Any civilization requires a system giving space and generating place for everything .With the passage of time human has been generating commodities providing comforts to his life .With the enormous development man has tried his hands in every sector .In the present time human has made his life more and more relaxed creating more pressure on the modes of production .Earlier it was nature based but now it is demand based. Population increase has created more pressure on the production .As a result the whole system has been affected with the overflow of money and consumerism .Whether it is a need or a greed these production scatter life are continuing the demands of the society .It has been become essential to put a check on the movement of all the commodities to check consumerism and make consumer protection laws. The role of Government and Non Government organizations (NGO's) to execute these laws is mandatory. Against this backdrop the present paper is an attempt to examine the role of NGO " s in protecting and executing consumer laws.

An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization's human resources has... more

An undeniable shift in focus from traditional production companies to Knowledge-Intensive Firms (KIFs) poses challenges for academics and practioners alike. In particular, effective management of an organization's human resources has become a critical issue for ensuring sustained innovation capacity. The relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) in KIFs is however still a largely unexplored arena. The objective of this paper

The present study investigates internet service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction in the banking context. Internet service quality is operationalised by adopting an instrument, which is based on SERVQUAL and consists of six... more

The present study investigates internet service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction in the banking context. Internet service quality is operationalised by adopting an instrument, which is based on SERVQUAL and consists of six dimensions, namely assurance, quality of ...

Whilst the raison d'être for strategic human resource management (SHRM) was an admirable one in 1984, its implementation has not been a success story. This paper discusses why the time is now right for the ideals of SHRM to be re-framed... more

Whilst the raison d'être for strategic human resource management (SHRM) was an admirable one in 1984, its implementation has not been a success story. This paper discusses why the time is now right for the ideals of SHRM to be re-framed and introduces new ways of working. A key to this change is moving away from the notion of organisational control, to one of focusing on the work itself and its relationship with the Purpose and Strategy of the Organisation. This approach aligns with our new model of organisational design and management-Futocracy. We set out in some detail the continuing journey for the human resource (HR) function from its origins of humble administrative functions to its current level of sophistication across just about everything relating to employing and controlling people at work. In doing so, we argue that the HR function is lost within its own success, which is predominantly inward focused.

Purpose -This paper aims to study careers across cultures, distinguishing among international career, cross-cultural and globalization perspectives. Design/methodology/approach -The conceptual development is based on a review of four... more

Purpose -This paper aims to study careers across cultures, distinguishing among international career, cross-cultural and globalization perspectives. Design/methodology/approach -The conceptual development is based on a review of four empirical papers in this special issue with a focus on "Careers in cross-cultural perspective" and other recent research in this area. Findings -Work on international careers has traditionally looked at careers that cross national boundaries, such as those involving expatriate career assignments or self-initiated international careers. Research into cross-cultural careers reflects the primary work of this special issue's articles, primarily by looking at differences between two or more cultures. Career research into globalization is more recent and more tentative. It covers how careers interact with the economic, political, social and environmental changes commonly associated with the term globalization.

This dissertation contains the findings of a research project that investigated the relationship between employee benefits and employee satisfaction at Google. The performance of an organization highly depends on how motivated the... more

This dissertation contains the findings of a research project that investigated the relationship between employee benefits and employee satisfaction at Google. The performance of an organization highly depends on how motivated the employees are as this directly impacts on the efforts of the employees. Satisfied and motivated employees would put in the right efforts that will help an organization achieve the set objectives and goals. Therefore, this dissertation explores the types of employee benefits at Google, employee satisfaction and the impact of employee satisfaction on the operations of Google. This study has centred on exploratory research process rather than analytical research as the topic under research is itself exploratory. The findings presented are based on exhaustive questionnaires and interviews with 70 respondents being employees and remaining 30 respondents being managers respectively.

This study examines the relationship between behavioural and managerial competency profiles of Project Managers (PMs) and project success in a holistic approach. The Competing Values Model (CVM) and ICB conceptualization (IPMA... more

This study examines the relationship between behavioural and managerial competency profiles of Project Managers (PMs)
and project success in a holistic approach. The Competing Values Model (CVM) and ICB conceptualization (IPMA
Competence Baseline, Version 3.0) served as the ground for the operationalisation of managerial and behavioural
competencies, respectively. In this way, fifteen critical behavioural competency elements were taken into account (leadership,
engagement & motivation, self-control, assertiveness, relaxation, openness, creativity, results orientation, efficiency,
consultation, negotiation, conflict and crisis, reliability, values appreciation, ethics). CVM is constituted from two dimensions
(Flexibility versus Stability, Internal versus External Focus), defining four quadrants (Open Systems, Human Relations,
Internal Processes, Rational Model) that address distinct demands in the organizational arena. Regarding leadership, CVM has
also been utilized as a device for mapping Project Managers’ leadership profiles and conducting comparative analysis. The
field research was based on a sample of 97 Project Managers. The crucial behavioural, managerial and emotional competency
areas as well as the leadership styles contributing most to project success have been detected. The managerial implications
derived justify the need for practitioners to be trained in specific categories of competencies.

Performance management comprises a number of integral components, one of which is reward. Reward, both in terms of basic remuneration and additional reward, such as, incentives or bonuses, can assist the organisation in its attempts to... more

Absenteeism is a serious workplace problem and an expensive occurrence for both employers and employees seemingly unpredictable in nature. The term absenteeism refers to the failure to attend to work. It is one of the major problems faced... more

Absenteeism is a serious workplace problem and an expensive occurrence for both employers and employees seemingly unpredictable in nature. The term absenteeism refers to the failure to attend to work. It is one of the major problems faced by companies across the globe today. Unscheduled absenteeism badly hurts the progress of an organization resulting in loss of productivity, increased costs in hiring additional staff and low morale among the workers. It is high time that employers address this problem on a priority basis. This paper on Absenteeism covers the types, causes, effects and remedial measures of absenteeism.