History of Kazakhstan Research Papers (original) (raw)
В книге рассматривается история татар Кокшетау и Акмолинской области и их вклад в политическое, экономическое, демографическое, социальное и культурное развитие региона. Монография написана на основе анализа широкого круга источни- ков:... more
В книге рассматривается история татар Кокшетау и Акмолинской области и их
вклад в политическое, экономическое, демографическое, социальное и культурное
развитие региона. Монография написана на основе анализа широкого круга источни-
ков: статистических и документальных материалов, периодических изданий дорево-
люционного, советского и современного времени, интервью, воспоминаний, мемуа-
ров жителей города. Книга предназначена всем тем, кого интересует история татар-
ского народа и данного региона.
В статье рассматривается среднеазиатская политика хана Младшего казахского жуза Абулхаира в 1730 - 1740-х гг., стремившегося утвердиться в Хивинском ханстве лично либо посредством своего сына на ханском престоле. Осуществлению этих планов... more
В статье рассматривается среднеазиатская политика хана Младшего казахского жуза Абулхаира в 1730 - 1740-х гг., стремившегося утвердиться в Хивинском ханстве лично либо посредством своего сына на ханском престоле. Осуществлению этих планов помешала завоевательная политика персидского шаха Надира Афшара, захватившего в начале 1740-х гг. Хивинское ханство. Российские власти, не имея возможности действенно влиять на хана Абулхаира, вступившего в российское подданство, сдержанно реагировали на его внешнеполитические шаги, по возможности стараясь не обострять с ним отношения.
In article the Central Asian policy of the khan Mladshego Kazakh жуза Abulkhaira in 1730 - the 1740th, seeking to be approved in the Khivan khanate personally or by means of the son on a hansky throne is considered. Implementation of these plans was prevented by aggressive policy of the Persian shah Nadira Afshara which has taken at the beginning of the 1740th. Khivan khanate. The Russian authorities, without having opportunity is effective to influence the khan Abulkhair who has entered the Russian citizenship, frostily reacted to its foreign policy steps, whenever possible trying not to fuel with it tension
This article is devoted to Isatai Taimanov’s insurrection in Bukeyev horde. Policy of Dzhangir Khan was “fertile ground” for the emergence of discontent and unrest among the people. All layers of society were somehow involved in the... more
This article is devoted to Isatai Taimanov’s insurrection in Bukeyev horde. Policy of Dzhangir
Khan was “fertile ground” for the emergence of discontent and unrest among the people. All layers of
society were somehow involved in the conflict. Varying was it the role taken by the serving groups.
Move closer to the broad masses of tulengits not able to effectively carry out their service functions .
Actions of Karaulhodzha Babadjanov had not any success. In the autumn of 1837 the rebels initially
were leading the negotiations with the khan moved to take decisive action, and then the siege of
khan's headquarters. Nogay-kazakhs in these conditions, together with the Cossack units contributed
to the protection and restoration of the Khan's power. Thanks to what could gain new privileges. Subsequently, in the changed circumstances, both groups were formed in the capacity of sub-ethnic units
within the western part of the Kazakh people.
Keywords: Isatai Taimanov’s insurrection, khan Jangir, serving groups, noghay-kazakhs, tulengits
The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought... more
The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought to Central Asia by the war are examined, including the evacuation of some industries (and the resulting demographic and economic structural changes), the deportation of peoples from the Caucasus and the presence of German POWs. The chapter also discusses the post-war narrative of the conflict, its place in the concept of "Soviet Man", and its contribution to Central Asian and post-Soviet identities.
This case study analyzes the demographic shifts that resulted from the development of uranium and hydrocarbon extraction industries in Western Kazakhstan in the 1960s–1980s and the serious social tensions that ensued. Contrary to the... more
This case study analyzes the demographic shifts that resulted from the development of uranium and hydrocarbon extraction industries in Western Kazakhstan in the 1960s–1980s and the serious social tensions that ensued. Contrary to the promise of national emancipation of the local population (Kazakhs) through economic development as the pinnacle of Soviet nationality policy, the economic authorities in Moscow continued to prioritize industrialization over indigenization. They opted to import a large labor force from the Slavic and Caucasian republics of the USSR rather than training an indigenous proletariat. This policy escalated socioeconomic frustrations of the Kazakh population that eventually erupted in interethnic strife amid the general rise of nationalism in 1989. Violent labor conflicts persist in the region, now much more ethnically homogeneous, up to the present, which demonstrates that the Soviet-era conflict was a result not just of interethnic animosity but the contradictory nature of the Soviet project in general.
The Cumans came to Europe as a result of a number of migrations of peoples, which began with the arrival of the Kuns (Qūn) from China, expelled from their lands by the people of Kay (Qāy). This forced them to the territory of Šārī (Sīrī)... more
The Cumans came to Europe as a result of a number of migrations of peoples, which began with the arrival of the Kuns (Qūn) from China, expelled from their lands by the people of Kay (Qāy). This forced them to the territory of Šārī (Sīrī) and cause a number of migrations (so acc. to Marwazi and Aufi). According to the chronicle of Matthew of Edessa, the initial impulse was given by the “Snake people” who attacked the “Pale” ones. In the case of the “Pales”, they can be compared with Šārī / Sīrī (“the yellow, pale, light” ones) and identified with the Kipchaks or the Kuns (both names can be etymologize from the root *qu[b] in the meaning of “pale, light, yellowish”). More problematic is to determine “the people of the Serpent”, which with equal success could be connected with the Kay or with the Khitan people. But because the Armenian historian wrote that the “Snakes” attacked and smashed the “Pales”, we probably should see in the former the Kay (or the Kuns and the Kay?), who invaded the lands of Šārī / Sīrī, unleashing a chain migration.
The text discusses the distribution of the Cuman tribes in the territory of the so called Cumania (Polovetskoe pole, Dešt-i Qïbčāq) and their interaction with neighboring peoples and countries. Attention is paid to their designation and the names of the elite leaders in comparison to their appearance in Russian, Byzantine and other sources. In their time, the Cumans (Polovtsians, Kipchaks) played an important role in the history of Central and South-Eastern Europe – in the Kievan Rus, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Caucasus, etc. Thus, the eastern part of Europe became a peripheral zone of the huge Cumanian-Kipchak space, through which it was connected in time and space with the eastern periphery of the Kazakh steppe – where once arose the Kimek state, and where together with it began the ascent of the whole Kipchak world.
В 1937 году в застенках НКВД сталинские палачи расстреляли гордость казахского народа – Ахмета Байтурсынова. Байтурсынов занимает в душе казахского народа самое почетное место и, что особенно впечатляет, непосредственно рядом с Абаем. Он... more
В 1937 году в застенках НКВД сталинские палачи расстреляли гордость казахского народа – Ахмета Байтурсынова. Байтурсынов занимает в душе казахского народа самое почетное место и, что особенно впечатляет, непосредственно рядом с Абаем. Он воплотил на практике мечту Абая о достойном человеке и с абсолютной точностью подтвердил пророчество Некрасова: «Судьба ему готовила путь славный, имя громкое – народного заступника, чахотку и Сибирь». Он явился выдающимся деятелем национально-освободительного движения.
Неукротимый дух Байтурсынова удивительным образом гармонично синтезировал в себе и дух Абая, и дух Костюшко, и дух Огиньского, и дух Лермонтова, и дух Шевченко, и дух Некрасова. К такому выводу нетрудно прийти после внимательного прочтения его стихотворений, которые здесь впервые приводятся в переводе Сулейманова М.-Х. на русский язык.
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında gerçekleşen 1916 Türkistan Milli Ayaklanması ve ardından Bolşevik Devrimiyle beraber başlayan iç savaş, Kazak halkını maddi açıdan son derece olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemişti. Ancak Sovyet yönetiminin... more
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında gerçekleşen 1916 Türkistan
Milli Ayaklanması ve ardından Bolşevik Devrimiyle beraber
başlayan iç savaş, Kazak halkını maddi açıdan son derece
olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemişti. Ancak Sovyet yönetiminin kurulduğu
ilk dönemlerde uygulanan yanlış politikalar neticesinde
oraya çıkan “açlık” tamamen bir felakete yol açmış ve milyonlarca
Kazak Türkünün hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olmuş-
tu. Kazakistan Komünist Partisi Birinci Sekreteri Filip İsayeviç
Goloşekin’in, “Küçük Ekim Devrimi” olarak adlandırdığı politikaları
uygulamaya koyması ve sonrasında gerçekleştirilen Kolektifleştirme,
milyonlarca Kazak Türkünün ölümüyle sonuç-
lanmıştı. Bu çalışmamızda Kazakistan’da 1920’li ve 1930’lu yıllarda
yaşanan açlık felaketinin sebepleri, Kazak aydınlarının
yaşanan felaket karşısında merkezi Sovyet yönetimi nezdindeki
girişimleri ve başta Sovyetler Birliği’nin lideri Josef Stalin ile
Kazakistan’ın yöneticisi Filip Goloşekin olmak üzere Sovyetler
Birliği idarecilerinin uyguladıkları politikalar incelenecektir.
[Free download from https://muse.jhu.edu/book/68114 during the COVID-19 pandemic!] While a large number of researchers have studied the revolt of 1916 in Central Asia, they have not provided sufficient answers to two fundamental... more
[Free download from https://muse.jhu.edu/book/68114 during the COVID-19 pandemic!]
While a large number of researchers have studied the revolt of 1916 in Central Asia, they have not provided sufficient answers to two fundamental questions. Why did the uprisings take place almost only in Central Asia, while the edict to mobilize labourers was issued also to indigenous peoples (inorodtsy) of other parts of the Russian Empire, namely Siberia, the Caucasus, and Kalmykia? Why did it occur in the year of 1916, although, according to many researchers, its causes had been accumulated during many years of Russian rule? In order to answer these questions, it is important to examine specificities of administration in Russian Central Asia, social changes in this region during World War I, and people’s perception of Russia’s situation in the war and relations with its adversaries. The last point is also related to international factors of the revolt.
This revolt was a colonial rebellion not simply in the sense that colonized people stood against the colonizers, but also because it reflected defects in the colonial administration. Russian rule in Central Asia had persistent problems, including weak integration of the native population into the imperial administrative system epitomized by the lack of metrical books. There were cleavages between the Russians and the natives, as well as mistrust between officials and the population, both exacerbated by large-scale land seizure for Russian settlers.
Still, Russian Central Asia was basically peaceful until the first half of the First World War period. A large-scale revolt erupted in the atmosphere of the increased social activity and upheaval, and after the news of the difficult war situation and the reduction of armed forces in Central Asia gave some natives an impression that Russian rule had been weakened. The edict on labourers, which was a result of the confused decision-making of the tsarist government faced with the crisis of the whole empire, revealed a contradiction between the level of mobilization required by a total war and the weak, segregationist administrative system in this region. The world war turned the latent colonial crisis into an explicit one. Therefore, the 1916 revolt has to be analysed as an interface of the World War and the Russian colonial crisis in Central Asia.
"Масановские чтения - 2009", сборник материалов конференции.
The article examines one of the participants of the Alash Orda movement, Seidazim Kulmukhameduly Kadyrbayev’s life, place of birth, student life, Social and political activities, specialization in the legal field and creative work in this... more
The article examines one of the participants of the Alash Orda movement, Seidazim Kulmukhameduly Kadyrbayev’s life, place of birth, student life, Social and political activities, specialization in the legal field and creative work in this area which seeks to create a national state in the early twentieth century. In addition, the article refers to Kadyrbayev’s translations into the legal sphere, Kadyrbayev’s contribution to the development of the Kazakh judicial system, criminal law and production. The researcher believes that in order to reveal the role of the Torgai lawyer and Kazakh intelligence Seidazim Kadyrbayev in the history of Kazakhstan and its activities on the way to creating a national state, it is necessary to study from the source point of view.
When writing the article, periodical materials, scientific literature materials, as well as archival documents that were not included in scientific circulation were compared with each other and used for scientific analysis.
This article summarizes the comprehensive archaeological excavations of a medieval settlement located in the Ili River valley in southeastern Kazakhstan, which is partially occupied by the modern village of Usharal, Panfilov district near... more
This article summarizes the comprehensive archaeological excavations of a medieval settlement located in the Ili River valley in southeastern Kazakhstan, which is partially occupied by the modern village of Usharal, Panfilov district near the regional city of Zharkent. The article points to and strengthens the evidence that the site can be identified as medieval Ilibalyk, known in Armenian, Persian and Chinese textual sources of the 12th -14th centuries. The city was located on the left bank of the Ili River, just a two-day trek from ancient Almalyk, the former Chagataid capital of the period, currently located in China near modern Ili, China in the Xinjiang Provence. Numismatic evidence demonstrates the height of occupation occurring from the 11th to the 14th centuries. Beginning in 2016, a team of local and international archaeologists excavated sites both within the city's shahristan (administrative area) as well as discovered a large Christian necropolis (the first ever medieval Christian cemetery found in Kazakhstan) along with gravestones with inscriptions that sheds light on unknown pages in the history of the Church of the East. Excavations are ongoing and are certain to yield further answers concerning the Christian community that inhabited the region and their interactions with broader Central Asia.
- by Steven T . Gilbert and +1
- •
- Archaeology, Syriac Studies, Central Asia, Old Turkic
Applying quasigenetic markers – non-biological traits which are nevertheless inherited in generations – is one of the research fields within human population genetics. For the West European, East European, and Caucasus populations ,... more
Applying quasigenetic markers – non-biological traits which are nevertheless inherited in generations – is one of the research fields within human population genetics. For the West European, East European, and Caucasus populations , surnames are typical quasigenetic markers. For Central Asian populations, particularly Kazakh, the clan affiliation serves as a good marker: a set of papers demonstrated that many clans include mainly persons which biologically descent from a recent common ancestor. In this study, we analyzed a large (~4.2 million persons) dataset on quasigenetic markers – the geographic distribution of 50 Kazakh clans at the beginning of the 20th century, and compared the dataset with the direct data of the Y-chro-mosomal diversity in modern Kazakh populations. The analysis included three steps: the isonymy method, which is standard for quasigenetic markers, comparing frequencies of quasigenetic markers, and comparing the quasige-netic and genetic datasets. We constructed 50 maps of frequency of the distribution of each clan and revealed that these maps correlate with the maps of genetic distances. The Mantel test also demonstrated a significant correlation between geographic and quasigenetic distances (r = 0.60; p < 0.05). The analysis of inter-population variability revealed the largest diversity between geographic territories corresponding to the social-territorial groups of the Kazakh Khanate (zhuzes) rather than to other historical groups that existed on the territory of Kazakhstan in preceding and modern epochs. The same is evidenced by the principal components and multidimensional scaling plots, which grouped geographic populations into three clusters corresponding to three zhuzes. This indicates that Использование для изучения генофонда квазигенетических маркеров – признаков небиологической природы (фамилия, род), но четко наследующихся в поколениях, – одно из направ-лений в популяционной генетике человека. Если для популя-ций Западной Европы, европейской части России и Кавказа в роли квазигенетических маркеров выступают фамилии, то для популяций Центральной Азии эффективным квазигенети-ческим маркером является родовая принадлежность. В ряде исследований было показано, что для центральноазиатских популяций, в особенности казахов, во многих родах просле-живается происхождение большинства членов рода от обще-го биологического предка. В настоящей работе представлен анализ большого массива данных о 50 казахских родах у ~4.2 млн человек в начале XX века в сравнении с разнооб-ра зием Y-хромосомы в современных казахских популяциях. Анализ состоял из трех блоков: описание разнообразия ква-зигенетических маркеров стандартным методом изонимии; сравнение популяций по частотам квазигенетических марке-ров; сравнение квазигенетических и генетических данных. По-строено 50 карт частоты представленности каждого рода на территории Казахстана и ряда смежных территорий. Показано, что эти карты частот квазигенетических маркеров оказываются скоррелированы с картами генетических расстояний. О связи генетических и квазигенетических расстояний свидетельствует и тест Мантеля: обнаружена достоверная корреляция между матрицами географических и квазигенетических расстояний (r = 0.60; p < 0.05). Анализ межпопуляционной изменчивости выявляет наибольшее межгрупповое разнообразие между географическими территориями, соответствующими социаль-но-территориальным объединениям казахского хан ства – жузам, нежели другим историческим территориальным объ-единениям (феодальные государства, улусы, области), сущест-вовавшим на территории Казахстана в предшествующие и со-временную эпохи. С этими результатами согласуются графики главных компонент и многомерного шкалирования, на кото-рых географические популяции объединяются в три кластера, соответствующие социально-территориальным объединени-ям – трем жузам. Это указывает на то, что окончательное струк-турирование казахского генофонда могло произойти в эпоху существования казахского ханства.
Giriş Tarih sahnesinde var olmuş ya da varlığı halen bilinen milletlerin kültürleri, dinleri, dilleri, sosyal yaşantıları dâhil onlara ait her şey bilinmek ve anlatılmak istenilmiştir. Bununla ilgili olarak da araştırmalar ve çalışmalar... more
Giriş Tarih sahnesinde var olmuş ya da varlığı halen bilinen milletlerin kültürleri, dinleri, dilleri, sosyal yaşantıları dâhil onlara ait her şey bilinmek ve anlatılmak istenilmiştir. Bununla ilgili olarak da araştırmalar ve çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Çalışmamızın amacı bu konuda ki bir eksikliğin kapatılması olmamakla beraber, ulaşılan kaynaklar neticesinde bir çalışma yapmaktır. Çalışmamızın asıl amacı yukarıda saydığımız unsurlar arasında din ve millet olarak da Kazaklardır. Kazak milletinini varlığının bilinmesinden yani tarih sahnesine çıkışı ve buna bağlı olarak yaşadıkları coğrafya, sahip oldukları yaşam biçimi ve sonrasın da İslam dinini kabul etmeleri üzerinde duracağımız konulardır.
Review of Beatrice Tessier's publication of John Castle's diary in English translation
В предлагаемом издании представлен ценный материал по археологии и этнографии Казахского Алтая начиная с эпохи палеолита до этнографической современности, свидетельствующий о самобытной культуре, живших на этой территории народов. Книга... more
В предлагаемом издании представлен ценный материал по археологии и этнографии Казахского Алтая начиная с эпохи палеолита до этнографической современности, свидетельствующий о самобытной культуре, живших на этой территории народов.
Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей,особенно полезна она тем,
кто неравнодушен к истории своего народа.
Ж.М. Сабитов Казахские естеки/иштяки В средневековье казахи использовали ряд экзоэтнонимов (внешних названий) для обозначения соседних народов. Так ойра-тов называли калмаками, татар ногаями, а башкир естеками (иштя-ки, в казахском языке... more
Ж.М. Сабитов Казахские естеки/иштяки
В средневековье казахи использовали ряд экзоэтнонимов (внешних названий) для обозначения соседних народов. Так ойра-тов называли калмаками, татар ногаями, а башкир естеками (иштя-ки, в казахском языке «Ш» заменяется на «С», например баш-бас, беш-бес). Среди казахов существует целый ряд родов и подродов, имеющих иштякское происхождение. Большая часть из них носит название Естек. Но при этом необходимо отметить, что наличие приставки Естек еще не гарантирует происхождение от башкир по прямой мужской линии, как и в случае с казахскими родами, имеющими название туркмен, каракалпак, калмак, кыргыз.
Publication of one document on Kazakh-Kokand relations. It was issued in 1839.