History of Religious Freedom Research Papers (original) (raw)

В статье анализируется процесс регистрации в 1906-1916 годах 95 общин старообрядцев Томской губернии, отражённый в официальной губернской прессе. Характеризуется отношение представителей разных толков и согласий к самой регистрации и... more

В статье анализируется процесс регистрации в 1906-1916 годах 95 общин старообрядцев Томской губернии, отражённый в официальной губернской прессе. Характеризуется отношение представителей разных толков и согласий к самой регистрации и инициировавшему её государству. Делается вывод о наибольшей вовлеченности в процесс официальной регистрации общин двух согласий -- старообрядцев, приемлющих священство Белокриницкой иерархии, и поморского законобрачного согласия. Определяются отдельные вопросы, требующие дальнейшего изучения.
The article analyzes the process of registration in the years 1906-1916 95 communities of old believers Tomsk province, reflected in the official provincial press. Characterized the attitude of the representatives of different denominations to the Desk and requested it to the state. The conclusion about the greatest involvement in the process of official registration of communities of two concerts -- believers have adopted the priesthood Belokrinitskaya hierarchy, and Pomeranian legally-marriage denomination. Put certain questions that require further investigation.

This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief is published by the Astronist Institution through its imprint press Astral Publishing and will stand as the third entry in the Institutional Reference Works series. This Dictionary of... more

This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief is published by the Astronist Institution through its imprint press Astral Publishing and will stand as the third entry in the Institutional Reference Works series. This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief provides a vast selection of terms covering all areas of religious liberty advocacy, the history of freedom of religion, human rights violations effecting religious freedom, current affairs and the mechanisms that the United Nations and other key organisations have put in place to ensure religious and belief freedoms are protected for every human being around the world. Compiled by Cometan, this dictionary follows on from the Concise Dictionary of Astronism (First Edition; 2020) and The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism (First Edition; 2021).

[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church... more

[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church in England to the Massachusetts government in the seventeenth century."

This article rethinks the problem of religious (in)tolerance by analyzing the 2015 deportation of three " Hindu priests " from a Caribbean nation for the practice of obeah. Defined popularly as " witchcraft " or " African tradition, "... more

This article rethinks the problem of religious (in)tolerance by analyzing the 2015 deportation of three " Hindu priests " from a Caribbean nation for the practice of obeah. Defined popularly as " witchcraft " or " African tradition, " obeah was first criminalized as the alleged inspiration for the largest slave uprising of the eighteenth century British Caribbean. I argue that the recent deportations in a nation that constitutionally enshrines freedom of conscience foregrounds some of the foundational limits of liberal secularism. I trace a genealogy of liberalism to critique the secular ideal of the " freedom from difference. " I suggest that attempts to invoke " spirituality " as a more inclusive idiom for denigrated forms of " not-religion " such as obeah extend rather than eliminate these limits of liberal secularism. I close by drawing some parallels with anti-Muslim nationalism in the U.S. and suggest some ways of thinking about a trinary formation of religion, not-religion, and secular power in modern nation-states.

This essay argues that Bunyan, especially through the narratives of his encounters in Restoration courts and imprisonment within a church-state system, provided a concrete, tangible model for political resistance that inspired American... more

This essay argues that Bunyan, especially through the narratives of his encounters in Restoration courts and imprisonment within a church-state system, provided a concrete, tangible model for political resistance that inspired American dissenters in their struggle for religious freedom, liberty of conscience and the abolishment of church-state systems.

This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more

This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it presents a likely political background behind the historical cases. Third, it discusses a number of legal issues, along with new arguments concerning the procedures employed. Finally, it examines some less well-known material from the fourth century BCE. Overall, it seeks to provide a possibly coherent and comprehensive framework of Athenian impiety trials based on their shared characteristics.

Das jährliche Standardwerk zur Religionsfreiheit 2019 und das jährliche Standardwerk zur Verfolgung von Christen 2019 in einem Wendebuch zusammen gebunden – jedes Jahrbuch beginnt auf einer Seite des Umschlages. Herausgegeben für den... more

Das jährliche Standardwerk zur Religionsfreiheit 2019 und das jährliche Standardwerk zur Verfolgung von Christen 2019 in einem Wendebuch zusammen gebunden – jedes Jahrbuch beginnt auf einer Seite des Umschlages. Herausgegeben für den Arbeitskreis für Religionsfreiheit der Deutschen und Österreichischen Evangelischen Allianz und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Religionsfreiheit der Schweizerischen Evangelischen Allianz, das Internationale Institut für Religionsfreiheit und die Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte von Thomas Schirrmacher, Max Klingberg und Martin Warnecke.

The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to... more

The task to reshape governments in the countries confronted with the Arab Spring prompts the question whether there are necessary conditions to realize a stable society that simultaneously seeks to eliminate the elements that have led to the uprisings. Acknowledging some constitutional rights seems indispensable in such a process. I argue that such a state of affairs is indeed the case, at least now that the ‘old’ justifications to differentiate between people do not suffice anymore. That is not to say that the countries involved will have identical laws in each respect, but merely that a common basis has to be realized, manifested in political and legal equality, so this given does not derogate from the fact that each country’s specific legislation needs to be shaped in the light of its own history. Such a basis has no ‘moral’ character, but is simply a necessary condition to prevent sedition.

This thesis analyses the role of theology in the birth of classical liberal political philosophy in the West. It aims to show that, like every system of ideas, liberalism is indebted to theology and metaphysics, and that Christian... more

This thesis analyses the role of theology in the birth of classical liberal political philosophy in the West. It aims to show that, like every system of ideas, liberalism is indebted to theology and metaphysics, and that Christian theology has played a major role in the birth thereof. It eventually argues that in the early modern age, liberal political theory was grounded on very basic premises that were borrowed from Christian

Freedom of Religion or Belief can be limited as an exceptional measure, to reestablish order and public security, or in the case of an epidemic as an exceptional measure and with the fulfillment of the following terms: 1. to be provided... more

Freedom of Religion or Belief can be limited as an exceptional measure, to reestablish order and public security, or in the case of an epidemic as an exceptional measure and with the fulfillment of the following terms: 1. to be provided by law 2. to serve purposes of the political body in its whole (protection of security, public order, health, etc.) 3. to be nondiscriminatory in language and application 4. to strictly serve the purpose and announced period. W

Il volume ripercorre la genesi e l’evoluzione delle libertà di manifestazione del pensiero negli ordinamenti politici, a partire del V secolo a.C., analizzando, nel contesto storico, gli aspetti filosofici e giuridici di quello che è... more

Il volume ripercorre la genesi e l’evoluzione delle libertà di manifestazione del pensiero negli ordinamenti politici, a partire del V secolo a.C., analizzando, nel contesto storico, gli aspetti filosofici e giuridici di quello che è divenuto oggi un diritto fondamentale riconosciuto a livello internazionale. L’opera analizza, quindi, il connubio indissolubile tra libertà di stampa e costituzionalismo ed limiti alla libertà di manifestazione del pensiero, in particolare in relazione all’istituto della privacy. L’evoluzione millenaria del pensiero filosofico, politico e del diritto, a partire dalla pòlis greca, ha portato a considerare il diritto a manifestare liberamente il pensiero con la parola, con lo scritto e con ogni altro mezzo di comunicazione (art. 21 Cost. italiana), tra i diritti naturali (e per questo fondamentali). Non si tratta di un diritto riconosciuto ai soli cittadini di uno Stato, ma a tutti gli uomini. La libertà di manifestazione del pensiero è riconosciuta da tutte le moderne Costituzioni adottate degli Stati democratici, sancita dalla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo dell’Onu del 1948 e tutelata dalla Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali del 1950 e dal Patto internazionale di New York sui diritti civili e politici del 1966. L’affermazione di questo diritto è frutto di un percorso durato duemila e cinquecento anni, a partire dalla Grecia del V secolo a.C. (contrapposizione nomos e physis), passando per la Rivoluzione francese ed il periodo napoleonico, che hanno segnato la conquista definitiva della libertà di opinione, divenuta nel frattempo libertà di stampa.

Tensions related to the presence of religion, its symbols or moral judgments in the public space are noticeable signs in many contemporary societies. Research shows an increasing level of prejudice against believers, which translates into... more

Tensions related to the presence of religion, its symbols or moral judgments in the public space are noticeable signs in many contemporary societies. Research shows an increasing level of prejudice against believers, which translates into emerging microaggressions. This phenomenon of questioning and hostility towards religion is surprisingly also the case in societies where the majority consists of religious adherents. The aim of this article is to present and analyse the research results on the extent of prejudices and manifestations of hostility towards believers in 2019 in Poland, on a representative sample of respondents. First, the religious situation in Poland will be briefly discussed, in particular the way the Poles experience religious practices. This will be followed by discussion of the most common manifestations of microaggression included in the classification proposed by David R. Hodge, and a legal analysis of the Polish penal system. Finally, we will present a hypothesis regarding the nature of these phenomena and the challenges they represent to religious freedom.

Universa universis Patavina libertas: così recita il celebre motto dell’Università di Padova, una delle più antiche e prestigiose d’Europa, di cui nel 2022 ricorrono gli 800 anni della sua fondazione. Nessun altro aspetto ha... more

Universa universis Patavina libertas: così recita il celebre motto dell’Università di Padova, una delle più antiche e prestigiose d’Europa, di cui nel 2022 ricorrono gli 800 anni della sua fondazione.
Nessun altro aspetto ha caratterizzato più a fondo e più a lungo l’istituzione accademica padovana rispetto alla sua celebre libertas. Dalla fondazione nel 1222 alle dispute accademiche sulla mortalità dell’anima, dagli anni in cui in cattedra sedeva Galileo Galilei – al cui insegnamento nel volume è riservato ampio spazio – ai moti del 1848 sino alla Resistenza, la libertas padovana ha rappresentato un riferimento costante per chiunque abbia corso il pericolo di essere limitato nel corpo quanto nel proprio intelletto.
La libertas è tuttavia un termine ambiguo, impiegato in questi otto secoli per indicare fenomeni e concetti diversi, talvolta quasi opposti. Il volume mira quindi a ricostruire la sua lunga storia, prestando attenzione alle istituzioni, agli spazi, alle pratiche e ai conflitti che più hanno costellato questa lunga evoluzione.
I saggi raccolti nell’opera dimostrano da punti di vista diversi ma costantemente intrecciati come la Patavina libertas sia stata fondamentale per l’affermarsi di alcune delle libertà individuali che oggi sono considerate inalienabili. La libertà religiosa, la libertà politica e il diritto a una libera speculazione scientifica ebbero nella città di Padova e nel suo antico Studio una fase di profonda maturazione, i cui benefici non smettono di influire sulle nostre vite al principiare di questo nono secolo.

Данная книга посвящена широкому кругу вопросов, связанных с проблемами формирования государственно-конфесиональных от- ношений и правовым регулированием свободы совести в Россий- ской Федерации. Особое внимание авторы уделяют переломному... more

Данная книга посвящена широкому кругу вопросов, связанных с
проблемами формирования государственно-конфесиональных от-
ношений и правовым регулированием свободы совести в Россий-
ской Федерации. Особое внимание авторы уделяют переломному в
истории религиозной свободы в России законодательству, а именно,
перспективам свободы совести после принятия антитеррористиче-
ского пакета, больше известного как закон «Яровой», который поста-
вил под жесткий контроль миссионерскую деятельность религиозных
объединений. В связи с этим анализируется сложившаяся судебная
практика, парадоксы российского восприятия религии в публичной
сфере, мифы и страхи российского общества.
При подготовке книги использовались материалы, опубликован-
ные на сайте Информационно-аналитического центра «Сова».
Издание предназначено для широкого круга читателей, интересу-
ющихся ролью религии в современном мире.

The effort to reclaim liberalism will require some understanding of what kind of liberalism to reclaim. What is liberalism? What has happened historically such that it needs to be reclaimed? These turn out to be difficult questions.... more

The effort to reclaim liberalism will require some understanding of what kind of liberalism to reclaim. What is liberalism? What has happened historically such that it needs to be reclaimed? These turn out to be difficult questions. In this essay I propose a theoretical account of liberalism, a way of understanding what it is and why it has undergone such dramatic changes over the course of its history. At the heart of my account is the claim that liberalism did not come into being as an independent historical phenomenon but was rather a contingent aspect of a much broader, more powerfully sweeping historical movement, the “modern quest for freedom,” which predates liberalism, gives rise to it, and eventually overtakes it—at which point the quest for freedom itself (notoriously) retains the name “liberalism” in the United States for reasons partly principled, partly expedient. The theory of liberalism on offer here occupies the bulk of this essay, but it is not the only contribution I hope to make. My account of liberalism facilitates a unique assessment of some of its current weaknesses. And this in turn makes possible a concrete analysis of what an effort to reclaim liberalism might look like. In the end, I argue that the politics of warring freedoms (what contemporary liberalism has in part become) should give way to a markedly different conception of politics, which I call the politics of liberal truce.

The four Sunni schools of Islamic Law developed the consensus that male apostates must be put to death, and most also agreed that female apostates be dealt with in the same way. The sourcebooks of Islam, however, are not so unambiguous.... more

The four Sunni schools of Islamic Law developed the consensus that male apostates must be put to death, and most also agreed that female apostates be dealt with in the same way. The sourcebooks of Islam, however, are not so unambiguous. The Quran certainly promises punishment for adultery in the hereafter, but punishment in this life is not as clear. Jurists and others cited a number of verses to support death as the punishment, as well as traditional sayings attributed to the messenger of Islam. This brief article for The Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2007-) appears in this pdf (cols. 470-471) following several articles on apostasy from other angles.

A più di cento anni dalla promulgazione della costituzione di Querétaro (5 febbraio 1917), considerata una delle più anticlericali di tutto il No-vecento, l'ostilità verso la libertà delle fedi religiose di agire come tali nello spazio... more

A più di cento anni dalla promulgazione della costituzione di Querétaro (5 febbraio 1917), considerata una delle più anticlericali di tutto il No-vecento, l'ostilità verso la libertà delle fedi religiose di agire come tali nello spazio pubblico continua a rappresentare un tratto distintivo della società messicana, nonostante le riforme costituzionali che nel 1992 e nel 2013 hanno cercato di adeguare la disciplina interna del diritto di libertà religiosa agli standard riconosciuti a livello internazionale. Ancora oggi il Messico, come ai tempi della guerra cristera del 1926-1929, è uno dei luoghi più pericolosi al mondo dove esercitare il ministero sacerdotale, in particolare nelle regioni più colpite dalla piaga del narcotraffico. A ciò si aggiunge l'ostracismo a cui tendenzialmente va incontro chi, spinto dalla propria appartenenza religiosa, sostiene pubblicamente rivendicazioni di natura sociale o civica. L'eccezionalità del caso messicano sul piano della tutela del diritto di li-bertà religiosa continua dunque a suscitare domande, per rispondere alle quali non si può prescindere dalla complessa (e talora drammatica) storia dei rapporti tra lo Stato e la Chiesa cattolica nel paese. Riflettere sul valore paradigmatico dell'esperienza messicana, a partire da una prospettiva al tempo stesso storica e giuridica, è l'obiettivo che si propone il presente volume.

La recente riforma dell’art. 24 della Costituzione messicana, approvata dal Senato federale il 28 marzo 2012, rappresenta l'ultimo capitolo della storia dei rapporti tra lo Stato e la Chiesa cattolica nel Paese, più volte segnati nel... more

La recente riforma dell’art. 24 della Costituzione messicana, approvata dal Senato federale il 28 marzo 2012, rappresenta l'ultimo capitolo della storia dei rapporti tra lo Stato e la Chiesa cattolica nel Paese, più volte segnati nel corso del XX secolo da momenti di tensione o di aperto conflitto. Con l’ultima modifica dell’art. 24 non si chiude tuttavia il periodo delle riforme costituzionali relative a tale ambito: a questo riguardo un documento licenziato dalla Commissione parlamentare competente afferma esplicitamente che il riconoscimento del diritto alla libertà di culto, che costituisce l’oggetto precipuo dell’art. 24, potrà aprire la strada verso un’ulteriore revisione degli artt. 3, 5, 27 e 130 della Costituzione, oltre che della Ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y culto Público del 1992.

J. Doomen and A. Ellian (eds.), De strijd van gelijkheid en vrijheid. The Hague: Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2015. This study inquires the extent of freedom of expression in the present era. I wrote a chapter (pp. 107-123) and co-authored... more

J. Doomen and A. Ellian (eds.), De strijd van gelijkheid en vrijheid. The Hague: Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2015. This study inquires the extent of freedom of expression in the present era. I wrote a chapter (pp. 107-123) and co-authored the general introduction (pp. 9-24).

Russian translation of well-known memoirs on the resistance movement against Chinese occupation of Tibet.

"Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich" (Artikel 4.1 und 4.2 GG). Religionsfreiheit ist ein Grundrecht und steht jedem Menschen bedingungslos zu. Es... more

"Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich" (Artikel 4.1 und 4.2 GG). Religionsfreiheit ist ein Grundrecht und steht jedem Menschen bedingungslos zu. Es findet seine Schranken nur in den Grundrechtspositionen anderer. Die gesetzgeberische Regelungsbefugnis ist in der grundgesetzlichen Ordnung auf diesen Ausgleich von Grundrechtskollisionen eng begrenzt. Das Grundgesetz bietet zudem Religionsgemeinschaften die Hand des Staa-tes zur Kooperation. Dieser deutsche religionsverfassungsrechtliche Sonderweg ist in Zeiten von Säkularisierung und religiöser Pluralisierung ins Gerede gekom-men. Soll Religion nicht Privatsache sein und der Staat sich hier nicht völlig her-aushalten? Muss nicht Schluss sein mit althergebrachten Rechten der Kirchen? Und was wird mit dem Islam in Deutschland? Wo hat die weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates ihren Platz und wo ist sie nur Vorwand, um die Religi-onsfreiheit von Gläubigen einzuschränken? Diese Fragen im Rahmen deutscher verfassungsrechtlicher Tradition und menschenrechtlicher Anforderungen zu beantworten, ist die aktuelle Herausfor-derung der Religionspolitik.

La questione della libertà religiosa in ambito cattolico. Il Vaticano II: la dichiarazione "Dignitatis Humanae" e il Magistero Pontificio in tema di libertà religiosa dal Vaticano II ai giorni nostri. Elaborato svolto nell'ambito... more

La questione della libertà religiosa in ambito cattolico. Il Vaticano II: la dichiarazione "Dignitatis Humanae" e il Magistero Pontificio in tema di libertà religiosa dal Vaticano II ai giorni nostri. Elaborato svolto nell'ambito dell'insegnamento: "Diritti fondamentali: l'esercizio della libertà di pensiero, di coscienza, di religione" tenuto dal professor Francesco Zannini, nell'anno accademico 2019-2020 del Master di secondo livello: Diritto delle migrazioni. Le politiche migratorie, presso l'università degli Studi di Bergamo. Paolo Cugini (matricola n. 1072100) SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. 2. La novità della Dignitatis Humanae. 3. La proposta. 4. Il Magistero pontificio in tema di libertà religiosa da Paolo VI a Francesco. 4.1. Paolo VI e il contributo alla conferenza di Helsinki. 4.2. Giovanni Paolo II. Passi verso il dialogo tra le religioni come via della pace. 4.3. Benedetto XVI. La fatica del dialogo. 4.4. Francesco. La fatica che paga: la dichiarazione di Abu Dhabi. 5. Conclusione.

The Church-State conflict in revolutionary Mexico was one of the most relevant issues in Pius XI' pontificate. The paper focused on some aspects of Vatican diplomacy in regard to this, particularly on the intervention on behalf of Mexican... more

The Church-State conflict in revolutionary Mexico was one of the most relevant issues in Pius XI' pontificate. The paper focused on some aspects of Vatican diplomacy in regard to this, particularly on the intervention on behalf of Mexican Catholics at the Sixth Panamerican Conference (Havana, 1928).
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Il conflitto tra Stato e Chiesa nel Messico rivoluzionario rientra a pieno titolo nei temi caratterizzanti del pontificato di Pio XI. Il presente contributo evidenzia alcuni aspetti dell'azione diplomatica della Santa Sede a favore della Chiesa cattolica messicana, concentrandosi in particolare sull'intervento vaticano in occasione della VI Conferenza panamericana dell'Avana (gennaio-febbraio 1928).

El conformismo histórico parece ser la única respuesta permitida a quienes, en un afán que suena a escabroso, destacan la opacidad de las libertades modernas, especialmente de aquellas que integran el nicho más preciado de la... more

El conformismo histórico parece ser la única respuesta permitida a quienes, en un afán que suena a escabroso, destacan la opacidad de las libertades modernas, especialmente de aquellas que integran el nicho más preciado de la Ilustración, desde Bayle hasta Kant, cual es el de la libertad de conciencia y de religión.
A fin de exorcizar tal incómoda sensación, que condiciona paradójicamente nuestra libertad de razonar, se hace necesario considerar ese nicho en su génesis conceptual e histórica. En otros términos, para comprender enteramente el sentido de la libertad de conciencia y de religión moderna es imprescindible apreciarlas no sólo en su momento estático actual, en su presente inmediato, sino también en el despliegue de su idea en el tiempo. Es lo que intenta hacer este artículo en sus lineamientos generales.

Dissenter Protestantism and Pietist and revivalist movements have played an important, but seldom recognized, role in the emergence and development of an independent civil society, democracy, religious freedom and freedom of expression,... more

Dissenter Protestantism and Pietist and revivalist movements have played an important, but seldom recognized, role in the emergence and development of an independent civil society, democracy, religious freedom and freedom of expression, the struggle against slavery, and the feminist movement. The article begins with the example of the Oberlin community and College in Ohio and then focuses on the emergence of dissenter Protestantism in seventeenth-century England, its continuation in the US, and similar developments in places like Germany, Sweden, and South Africa. The article also shows how effects of this history are reflected in quantitative studies undertaken within the social sciences. Using theories from sociology, moral psychology, and other behavioural sciences, it is argued that this social role of dissenter Protestantism is an effect of a complex combination of theology, practices, and institutions together with specific historical circumstances. The theology is not unique, but the emphasis on following Jesus Christ and sanctification is important. Other factors include the role of friendship and thick social networks, a relative egalitarianism, a certain distance and independence from dominant institutions and cultures, and the creation of self-organized and relatively autonomous organisations. The combination of these theological and social elements leads to the opening of free spaces that make the development of different or new practices possible. Also important is the ability to unite reasoning and affective powers and the specific practices and institutions one can enter and grow into. The article ends with a short theological reflection on sacramentality.

This essay articulates and defends a global normative paradigm of religious freedom: a minimum standard of respect for religious freedom that is rooted in human dignity and consistent with a variety of cultural and constitutional... more

This essay articulates and defends a global normative paradigm of religious freedom: a minimum standard of respect for religious freedom that is rooted in human dignity and consistent with a variety of cultural and constitutional frameworks. This paradigm is fleshed out in three arguments: an argument about transcendence; an argument for a certain dualism about religion and politics, and an argument regarding regulation. The first focuses on the concept of religion; the second, on that of freedom; and the third, on rights. The first shows that, though the concept of religious freedom has rightly been expanded to protect nonbelievers as well as believers, all legal systems and constitutional frameworks should be open to the idea of transcendence as such, in order to protect the transcendent dimension of the human person. The argument for dualism calls for an interdependent dualistic structure that guarantees autonomy for both political and religious communities while imposing limits on the principle of laïcité and to theocratic impulses. Finally, the argument for regulation defends the power of political communities to regulate specifically those religious matters which affect the public sphere.

This paper analyses two issues which emerged from diplomatic practice during the 16th and 17th centuries and have made a decisive contribution to the development of the immunity of diplomatic premises: the right of chapel and the right of... more

This paper analyses two issues which emerged from diplomatic practice during the 16th and 17th centuries and have made a decisive contribution to the development of the immunity of diplomatic premises: the right of chapel and the right of asylum. In both cases the «temple», as a sacred space subject to a specific normativity, played a crucial role. With regard to the right of chapel, an actual “temple” was, in fact, incorporated into the embassy and somehow identified with it. In the second case, the limits of the ambassador’s right to grant asylum in his residence were discussed by scholars with analogies to principles already elaborated with regard to religious asylum. This analysis highlights some political implications and effects of the peculiar spatiality of the «temple» in the early-modern era and aims to reconsider the historical origins of the so-called "extraterritoriality" of diplomatic premises.