Mexico History Research Papers - (original) (raw)

In this article, I explore the parallel responses of two groups of colonial subjects who were confronted with the institutional changes that occurred in the context of Enlightenment ideas in eighteenth-century Mexico: Creole clerics... more

In this article, I explore the parallel responses of two groups of colonial subjects who were confronted with the institutional changes that occurred in the context of Enlightenment ideas in eighteenth-century Mexico: Creole clerics headed by the Jesuit Francisco Javier Clavijero; and native religious men who petitioned to colonial authorities and the crown for additional spaces for the education of indigenous men.

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la... more

Esquema, en forma de paradigma (libre de polvo y paja, en blanco y negro), del quehacer trianual para un presidente de Comisariado Ejidal o para un presidente de Consejo de Vigilancia, en un Ejido de la república mexicana, a la luz de la conversión deseable del ejido en la palanca del desarrollo integral de medio rural, de México y del planeta tierra en su conjunto.

This paper aims to fill some of the glaring gaps in the history of Mexico’s pre-cartel drug trade by viewing it as part of an international system connecting European and Latin suppliers with North American organized crime syndicates. It... more

This paper aims to fill some of the glaring gaps in the history of Mexico’s pre-cartel drug trade by viewing it as part of an international system connecting European and Latin suppliers with North American organized crime syndicates. It opens with a brief review of Mexico’s early development as a supplier of both narcotics and alcohol following the passage of prohibition laws in the United States. It examines the role of major U.S. organized figures, and their prominent “legitimate” business partners in businesses such as racing, gambling, and the cross-border narcotics trade. After World War II, U.S. crime organizations shifted their source of supply from Mexico to Europe, where more advanced chemists converted Turkish opium and morphine base into prized white heroin. However, almost from the start, French Corsican and Sicilian traffickers used Mexico as a transit country to evade U.S. Customs and narcotics agents at East Coast ports and the Canadian border. Mexico thus became deeply integrated into a global drug supply chain, at the same time “modernizing” leaders such as President Alemán were opening Mexico up to international trade and capital. Ultimately, as we will see, Miguel Félix Gallardo and the "Guadalajara cartel" inherited the priceless business and political connections of this international network, allowing them to enjoy a meteoric rise with protection from the Mexican state.

In this comprehensive collection of essays, three generations of international scholars examine Mexican muralism in its broad artistic and historical contexts, from its iconic figures—Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro... more

In this comprehensive collection of essays, three generations of international scholars examine Mexican muralism in its broad artistic and historical contexts, from its iconic figures—Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siquieros—to their successors in Mexico, the United States, and across Latin America. These muralists conceived of their art as a political weapon in popular struggles over revolution and resistance, state modernization and civic participation, artistic freedom and cultural imperialism. The contributors to this volume show how these artists’ murals transcended borders to engage major issues raised by the many different forms of modernity that emerged throughout the Americas during the twentieth century.

Religiosidad y vida cotidiana de los franciscanos descalzos de la provincia de San Diego de México, época colonial

I testi raccolti in questo volume mirano a indagare, in una prospettiva storico-religiosa, il rapporto dialettico indissolubile tra Religione e Conquista che anima i processi del contatto tra il mondo europeo e le culture native del... more

I testi raccolti in questo volume mirano a indagare, in una prospettiva storico-religiosa, il rapporto dialettico indissolubile tra Religione e Conquista che anima i processi del contatto tra il mondo europeo e le culture native del continente americano. Primariamente, il volume intende riconoscere una funzione dialogica e negoziale al concetto di Religione che, al principio dell'Età moderna, si impone come uno dei principali strumenti di "occidentalizzazione del mondo". In questa prospettiva, la Religione diviene dispositivo atto alla Conquista, da intendersi però non tanto ideologicamente come strumento pratico del dominio politico e militare, quanto, processualmente, come "arma simbolica", spazio, teorico e pratico, del confronto interculturale. Questa lettura vuole contribuire alla costruzione di una disciplina disposta a volgere il proprio sguardo ai processi di incontro tra mondi diversi, per elaborare una teoria storico-religiosa dei contatti culturali. In questa direzione, i processi legati alla Scoperta e alla Conquista del continente americano costituiscono un perfetto laboratorio di indagine, giacchè mostrano come le relazioni tra culture nella modernità abbiano avuto inizio grazie al codice della Religione.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru were among the countries participating in the most important world's fairs in Europe and North America. These mass gatherings focused on national self-images as well as... more

At the end of the nineteenth century, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru were among the countries participating in the most important world's fairs in Europe and North America. These mass gatherings focused on national self-images as well as technological development and commodities, but the Latin American exhibition organizers also understood them to be transnational spaces that contributed to the mobility of persons, objects, and knowledge. In this context, the scientific display of pre-Columbian 'antiquities' was regarded as being as important as the participation in archaeological and anthropological congresses. By understanding the world's fairs as 'spaces of global knowledge', this article highlights the agency of Latin American scientists, intellectuals, and collectors in the transnational endeavour to create a 'Latin American antiquity' at the fairgrounds. Although most fair attendees sought to study and display the pre-Columbian past in an objective manner, the older dream of reconstructing the splendour of America's ancient civilizations never completely vanished.

José María Barceló de Villagrán (1819-1872) was the first Professor of Topographic Anatomy in Mexico. The Mexican poet Manuel Acuña (1849-1873) was among his students. After the death of his mentor, Acuña wrote a monograph entitled... more

José María Barceló de Villagrán (1819-1872) was the first Professor of Topographic Anatomy in Mexico. The Mexican poet Manuel Acuña (1849-1873) was among his students. After the death of his mentor, Acuña wrote a monograph entitled “Topographic Anatomy. The Cephalo-Rachidian Cavity” (1893). For the first time we discuss the content and significance of this monograph.

Through the years and the mediums Mexican women have been depicted with different meanings and ways. One very important medium that has been significant in capturing the experience of Latin America women has been photography. Thus the... more

Through the years and the mediums Mexican women have been depicted with different
meanings and ways. One very important medium that has been significant in capturing the
experience of Latin America women has been photography. Thus the following essay will
aim to show and analyse the way in which the experience of being a woman has been
depicted in Latin American photography.

This workshop will present the Florentine Codex Initiative at the Getty Research Institute and examine specific work issues related to it. With the goal of increasing global access to the Florentine Codex, the Initiative will provide full... more

This workshop will present the Florentine Codex Initiative at the Getty Research Institute and examine specific work issues related to it. With the goal of increasing global access to the Florentine Codex, the Initiative will provide full digital access to the folios of the illuminated manuscript as well as transcriptions and translations of its texts. The indigenous-focused, language-centered design of the website component of the project, titled the Digital Florentine Codex, will include a dynamic interface allowing users to seamlessly view folios alongside transcriptions and translations in with fully searchable data including keyword tagged images. In order to achieve this, three members of the team are dedicated to composing 4,000 trilingual (English, Spanish, Nahuatl) entries to the Getty vocabularies drawn from the codex’s encyclopedic visual and linguistic content. In addition to the website, the Initiative will produce a scholarly digital publication on Book 12 accompanied by educational programming and lesson plans for K-12 educators and their students. The presenters will report on the current state of the initiative, explore some of the challenges the Getty team has encountered and seek feedback on best practices and research utility of the initiative’s outcomes from the attendees.
Presenters: Rebecca Dufendach, Kim Richter, Alanna Radlo-Dzur, Bérénice Gaillemin, Josh Fitzgerald

Conversación con MVZ Eugenio Villalobos Guzmán, conductor del programa de RadioTele "Desde lo alto del caballo", y con la contadora Laura Magali Vizcaíno. Ambas fuimos integrantes de la escaramuza charra La Guadalupana, de la Asociación... more

Conversación con MVZ Eugenio Villalobos Guzmán, conductor del programa de RadioTele "Desde lo alto del caballo", y con la contadora Laura Magali Vizcaíno. Ambas fuimos integrantes de la escaramuza charra La Guadalupana, de la Asociación de Charros Regionales Valladolid, a finales de los años 70 y casi toda la década de los 80 del siglo pasado.

Entorno economico de Mexico, ensayo

Reseña que establece el momento en que Hidalgo Decreta la abolición de la esclavitud, enmarcado en el movimiento social de 1810

Table of Contents, Acknowledgements, and Introduction to my new book, The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties (Duke Univ Press), which examines Mexican internationalism—intersection of geopolitics, US-Mexican relations, and... more

Table of Contents, Acknowledgements, and Introduction to my new book, The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties (Duke Univ Press), which examines Mexican internationalism—intersection of geopolitics, US-Mexican relations, and political cultures of the post-Bandung Left—during the period c. 1958-1966.

The purpose of this paper is to use Mexican census data to gauge as much as possible the impact of SIL missionary-linguists on local-level literacy, Spanish-acquisition, and material change. This is a longitudinal quantitative study,... more

The purpose of this paper is to use Mexican census data to gauge as much as possible the impact of SIL missionary-linguists on local-level literacy, Spanish-acquisition, and material change. This is a longitudinal quantitative study, starting with the census of 1940 and ending with that of 1970. Analysis of census figures is complemented by perusal of the existing literature (personal, anthropological, historical), linguistic materials digitized by SIL and available at its website, and assistance with documents from the SIL Mexico Archive in Arizona.

El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un estudio histórico detallado a partir de indicios arqueológicos surgidos en 2018, durante el proceso de restauración del Baluarte de Santiago en la ciudad mexicana de Veracruz. Las señas... more

El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un estudio histórico detallado a partir de indicios arqueológicos surgidos en 2018, durante el proceso de restauración del Baluarte de Santiago en la ciudad mexicana de Veracruz. Las señas materiales en el sitio incitan a realizar preguntas desde la metodología histórica respecto a las diversas tipologías de cañones y soportes utilizados en esta defensa costera, no solo desde la descripción sino que pretende ahondar en sus mecanismos de adquisición estatal durante los variados regímenes políticos, desde el periodo virreinal hasta el México decimonónico. El fin último es entender a dichos instrumentos bélicos y sus cureñas como indicadores del proceso de construcción del Estado moderno y poner de relieve la importancia del patrimonio militar.

El 14 de diciembre de 2016, la Fundación Espinosa Rugarcía, I.B.P. (ESRU) recibió en comodato parte de la colección fotográfica del estudio Foto Azul, de la ciudad de Puebla. Foto Azul funcionó entre 1935 y 1984, en la calle Cinco de Mayo... more


Ensayo respecto al papel de Maximiliano en el segundo imperio mexicano.

This essay shows Mexican independent cinema’s innovative approach towards the representation of children’s universe in the 1960s. The films En el balcón vacío, En el parque hondo and Tarde de agosto explore the child protagonists’... more

This essay shows Mexican independent cinema’s innovative approach towards the representation of children’s universe in the 1960s. The films En el balcón vacío, En el parque hondo and Tarde de agosto explore the child protagonists’ perspective on violence and exile, that contrast stereotypical and hegemonic representations of childhood constructed by the Mexican film industry in previous decades.

Artículo de opinión periodística.

Abstract: When many Mexican Catholics, because they had no choice to defend their religious freedom, they chose the path of arms, this option had always been condemned by the Magisterium of the Church. Tradition nor were elements to... more

Abstract: When many Mexican Catholics, because they had no choice to defend their religious freedom, they chose the path of arms, this option had always been condemned by the Magisterium of the Church. Tradition nor were elements to support it. Mexican bishops invoked the doctrine of some theologians to not condemn it. Lay people who promoted armed defense also sought doctrinal support to justify their movement. This paper analyzes saying Tradition and the Magisterium in this regard and what is supported who upheld the moral legitimacy of that choice.

Se encuentra en la Ciudad de México, que está asentada en la Cuenca de México, una unidad hidrológica cerrada ubicada en una llanura lacustre. El ser una cuenca cerrada rodeada de una zona montañosa y en donde existió un sistema de lagos,... more

Se encuentra en la Ciudad de México, que está asentada en la Cuenca de México, una unidad hidrológica cerrada ubicada en una llanura lacustre. El ser una cuenca cerrada rodeada de una zona montañosa y en donde existió un sistema de lagos, le da características ambientales especiales, como el clima, el cual es predominantemente templado con una temperatura anual promedio de 15°C y una fuerte temporada de lluvias de mayo a octubre.