Hoaxes Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Many genres and media create a blurring line between reality and fiction. Radio serials and in particular radio soap operas have inspired devotion in their listeners to the point where their fans throw themselves wholeheartedly into a... more

Many genres and media create a blurring line between reality and fiction. Radio serials and in particular radio soap operas have inspired devotion in their listeners to the point where their fans throw themselves wholeheartedly into a universe of outward unreality and inward reality. This leads to framing errors, by which I mean an extension of blurring of reality. We will look at several examples from world radio soaps, including those from the US, Britain, Turkey, France, and Poland. However, radio soap operas do not have a monopoly on the blurring line between reality and fiction. Instead, audio drama is poised to profit well from this uncertainty and has shown itself capable of it many times, beginning in the 1920s in Europe and most famously in War of the Worlds (1938). War of the Worlds is, however, not the end of the story, and the way audio drama uses framing errors continues to this day. The study

How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more

How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with incredulity? How do people react to being accused to talking nonsense themselves? Is anything analogous to an illusion of meaning recognised in everyday life? In dream-reports perhaps? Or in the utterances of schizophrenics or those under the influence of drugs? Or in certain jokes and hoaxes? Are contradictions felt to be meaningless? I argue that, though it is clear that experimental philosophy could shed some light on these questions, their subject matter creates special difficulties. First, it is more difficult than usual to formulate questions and produce ‘vignettes’ that do not subtly encourage certain responses at the expense of others. Second, the fact that philosophical nonsense is a metaphilosophical concept ensures that its investigation is going to be more indirect than would be that of knowledge or intention, for example.

In 1987, fifteen-year-old Tawana Brawley was discovered in a garbage bag in her Poughkeepsie-area neighborhood, covered in dog feces and racial slurs. In the months that followed, a number of men were accused of abducting and raping her.... more

In 1987, fifteen-year-old Tawana Brawley was discovered in a garbage bag in her Poughkeepsie-area neighborhood, covered in dog feces and racial slurs. In the months that followed, a number of men were accused of abducting and raping her. Brawley never made any public statements or testified under oath about her alleged kidnapping and sexual assault, but after a grand jury found in 1988 that no crime had been committed against her, one of her alleged attackers sued her for defamation and the intentional infliction emotional distress. This essay analyzes the Brawley affair in the context of that civil trial, in which the plaintiff was awarded damages not for the actions Brawley supposedly committed as a teenager, but for her failure in the intervening years both to apologize for her alleged hoax and to acknowledge the Court’s authority over her. I examine the notions of publicity and privacy in the Brawley affair, both during the trial and in the intervening years, and suggest that Brawley offers important insights about black resistance.

This article has been accepted for publication in Quarterly Review of Film and Video published by Taylor & Francis. This is the Author’s Original Manuscript. Most scholarship on DVD supplements has emphasized how such materials operate... more

Désignée « mot de l’année » en 2017 par le dictionnaire Collins, la formule fake news, notamment en raison des usages qui en sont fait par le président Trump, n’en finit pas d’alimenter le débats et la chronique médiatique. S’agit-il d’un... more

Désignée « mot de l’année » en 2017 par le dictionnaire Collins, la formule fake news, notamment en raison des usages qui en sont fait par le président Trump, n’en finit pas d’alimenter le débats et la chronique médiatique. S’agit-il d’un fait nouveau, ou bien d’un simple mot-valise à la mode recouvrant d’autres phénomènes mieux connus tels que les rumeurs, les théories du complot, la propagande ou encore la désinformation ?
Partant de ce questionnement, il s’agira dans un premier temps de définir ce que sont les fake news, de comprendre leurs canaux de diffusion, les raisons de leur attrait pour le public avant, enfin, d’envisager quelques pistes de réflexion pour ne plus « se laisser avoir ».

In this paper we revisited the concept of “scenario” as a heuristic and narrative structure used in various disciplines as a prognostication and testing tool, but also as a tool for creative thinking and imaginative modeling. In contrast... more

In this paper we revisited the concept of “scenario” as a heuristic and narrative structure used in various disciplines as a prognostication and testing tool, but also as a tool for creative thinking and imaginative modeling. In contrast with practical scenarios or scripts with a limited range of relatively predictable outcomes, the outcomes of “imaginary scenarios” are not directly predictable from the initial conditions but, rather, obtained through incubation, tuning, imaginative elaboration or abductive insight. Imaginary scenarios are used as exploratory tools, enactments seeking to reach the realms and phenomena that are not captured by the available objective methods in historiography, anthropology, science and other fields. In this way, they function as semiotic scaffolds or tools for imaginative “groping for” and exploration of the world. The paper suggests that "fictionality" and "factuality" are contiguous and scalar phenomena, rather than clear-cut polar opposites, and distinguishes between different functional types of "fictionality" in accordance with its uses, from manipulative to experimental and exploratory.

Täuschung und Betrug in der Wissenschaft, sowie Fragen rund um die Begriffe „Original“ und „Fälschung“ mit repräsentativem Beispiel die Fälschungen des Konstantinos Simonides sind die thematischen Schwerpunkte rund um die sich das... more

Täuschung und Betrug in der Wissenschaft, sowie Fragen rund um die Begriffe „Original“ und „Fälschung“ mit repräsentativem Beispiel die Fälschungen des Konstantinos Simonides sind die thematischen Schwerpunkte rund um die sich das Symposium dreht, das vom Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik der Universität Wien veranstaltet wird. Das Symposium findet vom 13. November 2014 bis zum 14. November 2014 in der Aula am Campus der Universität Wien (Hof 1) statt und wird durch eine Ausstellung begleitet (Vernissage: Mittwoch 12 November 2014, 20:00, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Hof 9).
Organisation: Andreas E. Müller, Lilia Diamantopoulou und Christan Gastgeber.

In 1989, a copy of the Book of Mormon was donated to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints containing, purportedly, marginal annotations made by Elvis Presley. Over the next several years, various speakers, newspaper columnists,... more

In 1989, a copy of the Book of Mormon was donated to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints containing, purportedly, marginal annotations made by Elvis Presley. Over the next several years, various speakers, newspaper columnists, and even a documentary film producer made claims that Elvis really had made these markings. The author of this article, who is director of the Church History Library, conducted an in-depth analysis of the book and its markings. He worked with Elvis Presley handwriting authenticators and studied the final weeks of Elvis’s life. His analysis concluded that none of the annotations in the book came from Elvis, nor did he likely have time to read the book between the time it was given to him and his death. The evidence presented in this article shows that this story deserves to be discarded.

Satire is an attractive subject in deception detection research: it is a type of deception that intentionally incorporates cues revealing its own deceptiveness. Whereas other types of fabrications aim to instill a false sense of truth in... more

Satire is an attractive subject in deception detection research: it is a type of deception that intentionally incorporates cues revealing its own deceptiveness. Whereas other types of fabrications aim to instill a false sense of truth in the reader, a successful satirical hoax must eventually be exposed as a jest. This paper provides a conceptual overview of satire and humor, elaborating and illustrating the unique features of satirical news, which mimics the format and style of journalistic reporting. Satirical news stories were carefully matched and examined in contrast with their legitimate news counterparts in 12 contemporary news topics in 4 domains (civics, science, business, and “soft” news). Building on previous work in satire detection, we proposed an SVM-based algorithm, enriched with 5 predictive features (Absurdity, Humor, Grammar, Negative Affect, and Punctuation) and tested their combinations on 360 news articles. Our best predicting feature combination (Absurdity, Grammar and Punctuation) detects satirical news with a 90% precision and 84% recall (F-score=87%). Our work in algorithmically identifying satirical news pieces can aid in minimizing the potential deceptive impact of satire. [Note: The associated dataset of the Satirical and Legitimate News, S-n-L News DB 2015-2016, is available via http://victoriarubin.fims.uwo.ca/news-verification/ . The set is password-protected to avoid automated harvesting. Please feel free to request the password, if you are interested.]

La verificación de la información o fact-checking se ha convertido en una de las actividades periodísticas que más relevancia ha adquirido a lo largo de los últimos años. Como consecuencia del incremento de la circulación de las noticias... more

La verificación de la información o fact-checking se ha convertido en una de las actividades periodísticas que más relevancia ha adquirido a lo largo de los últimos años. Como consecuencia del incremento de la circulación de las noticias falsas y de la facilidad para difundir las mismas a través de plataformas como las redes sociales. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la tarea de verificación llevada a cabo por las iniciativas que emplean el español como vehículo para el contraste de las informaciones dudosas o falsas. A través del estudio de caso de los diecinueve proyectos internacionales que hacen uso del español como lengua principal para materializar sus acciones de fact-checking y el análisis de los contenidos publicados se busca comprender dónde desempeñan su actividad estas organizaciones, cuál es su organización interna y los métodos empleados para trasladar al público las comprobaciones realizadas. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte de los proyectos de verificación de la información en español-iniciados en su mayor parte en el período 2014-2016-permanecen activos hoy en día y se han mantenido en el tiempo. Proporcionalmente, es en América del Sur es donde cuentan con más peso. Son en su mayoría iniciativas vinculadas a organizaciones periodísticas, aunque existe un alto número de proyectos cívicos o independientes. Entre las estrategias para la verificación, el texto es la fórmula preferida por este tipo de medios, si bien se han encontrado algunos métodos innovadores para la presentación del grado de veracidad de los contenidos analizados.

Pada zaman modern dan globalisasi saat ini, informasi sangat mudah menyebar dengan keberadaan perangkat elektronik canggih. Jika sebelumnya informasi baru bisa didengar oleh masyarakat luas melalui media cetak maupun dari mulut ke mulut,... more

Pada zaman modern dan globalisasi saat ini, informasi sangat mudah menyebar dengan keberadaan perangkat elektronik canggih. Jika sebelumnya informasi baru bisa didengar oleh masyarakat luas melalui media cetak maupun dari mulut ke mulut, kemudian dengan kemunculuan media elektronik seperti Televisi dan Radio, dan yang paling mutakhir adalah dengan melalui media ponsel cerdas atau gawai. Dalam hitungan menit, informasi yang disebarluaskan di internet dapat dengan mudah diakses oleh pemilik ponsel cerdas di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Kini, seluruh lapisan masyarakat telah memiliki Ponsel Cerdas atau gawai. Akses internet juga relatif lebih murah bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi satu – dua dasawarsa silam. Kecanggihan ponsel cerdas ini juga mempermudah penggunanya dalam memperoleh informasi. Kemudahan untuk memperoleh akses inilah yang menyebabkan informasi dapat diakses dengan mudah dan cepat oleh rakyat Indonesia pada umumnya. Akan tetapi, kemudahan dalam menyebarluaskan dan memperoleh informasi ini menjadi celah bagi segelintir pihak untuk menyebarkan Hoax.

Otro impactante e interesante libro por parte del autor Henry Makow que nos expone explícitamente lo que muchos aun no quieren creer acerca no solo de los Illuminatis, sino de todo lo que acontece en el mundo y que desde hace décadas de... more

Otro impactante e interesante libro por parte del autor Henry Makow que nos expone explícitamente lo que muchos aun no quieren creer acerca no solo de los Illuminatis, sino de todo lo que acontece en el mundo y que desde hace décadas de décadas ya ha sido planeado con suficiente antelación por parte de personas que actualmente no son humanas y que son satanistas poseídos por entidades (demonios) que controlan sus cuerpos y voluntades!.
En al mundo entero nada de lo que aparenta es real (benévolo) y nada de lo que el sistema expone es para el bien y el progreso del mundo entero!
Entiéndase que todo lo que los Medios de Comunicación, Gobiernos, Organizaciones, Bancos, Comercio, Educación, Medicina, Fianzas, Entretenimiento, etc, etc, etc, no está hecho para un bien social o para una evolución, entiéndase que todo lo que ellos han expuesto desde hace más de 100 años está plagado de mentiras, engaños, muerte, robos, manipulación y un sin fin de cosas que hacen que todo parezca una ficción cuando no lo es y que es una realidad dura y cruel, una realidad donde ellos gobiernan cada rincón de todo lo establecido en nuestra sociedad, pero que al ser humano, al ser un individuo lleno de dudas y carente de fe les es fácil y dócil a ellos de manejar y adoctrinar desde el mismo momento de nuestro nacimiento con métodos y creencias que nos roban literalmente el poder de razonar, indagar, cuestionar e investigar y que es un arma mortal para el mundo porque a raíz de eso miles y miles mueren en sacrificios, niños enteros torturados, violados y asesinados para el deleite de unas bestias, países enteros cayendo en ruinas por deudas creadas de la nada por los bancos, miles y miles siendo enseñados a creer y apoyar movimientos e ideologías que van en contra de Dios haciéndoles creer que es bueno, miles siendo envenenados a través de medicamentos e inyecciones venenosas, miles y miles siendo engañados con noticias falsas, sensacionalistas y llenas de miedo y terror para que el mundo sea dócil a la manipulación y un sinfín de cosas más que han instaurado en la sociedad desde el siglo XIX hasta nuestros días y que va en aumento descaradamente por la inutilidad y la falta de creencia en las personas que habitamos este mundo!

"Índice de Fake" como un acercamiento al tratamiento matemático simple para detectar un posible caso falso, a partir de ciertos parámetros. En el documento se explora el universo de la falsedad, la mentira, el fake, la estafa, bulos.... more

L’objectif de cet exposé est de présenter le pastiche publié par Manuel Quinon et Arnaud Saint-Martin, au cours de l’hiver 2015 (cf. Tremblay 2015). Ce pastiche, ainsi que les articles de révélation et d’analyse qui l’ont suivi, avaient... more

L’objectif de cet exposé est de présenter le pastiche publié par Manuel Quinon et Arnaud Saint-Martin, au cours de l’hiver 2015 (cf. Tremblay 2015). Ce pastiche, ainsi que les articles de révélation et d’analyse qui l’ont suivi, avaient pour vocation de revenir de manière critique sur la sociologie de l’universitaire Michel Maffesoli. Outre une théorie spécifique de la “postmodernité”, M. Maffesoli a structuré, à partir des années 1980, un réseau académique national et international. Nous souhaitons montrer dans cet exposé que bien que sa sociologie ne repose sur aucune base empirique conséquente, qu’elle manifeste une évidente “indifférence épistémique” (Engel 2014 ; article à paraître 2016), cette même sociologie demeure toutefois fortement structurée sur le plan des engagements ontologiques et axiologiques qui la caractérisent. La sociologie maffesolienne de la “postmodernité” se confond en fait avec une vision générale de l’homme et du monde, avec une “cosmologie”, au sens anthropologique du terme (Stoczkowski 2008). A partir de cet exemple, nous souhaitons interroger le pluralisme épistémologique en sociologie : celui-ci peut-il vraiment s’exempter de toute contrainte, de toute norme épistémique (cf. Engel & Mulligan 2003), au risque de sombrer dans le domaine de la conjecture pseudo-savante, qui en dit plus long sur la conception de l’homme et du monde de son énonciateur que sur une quelconque réalité sociale ?

This paper discusses students' perception on hoax postings on son social media sites. The focus of the study is to find out how students' of IAIN Palu perceive hoax dissemination on social media. This research is a qualitative study. In... more

This paper discusses students' perception on hoax postings on son social media sites. The focus of the study is to find out how students' of IAIN Palu perceive hoax dissemination on social media. This research is a qualitative study. In collecting data researchers used in-depth interview methods, observations, and documents. The subjects of this study are students majoring in Islamic Communication and Broadcasting starting from second semester two to the eight semester. The results of this study indicate that students have different perceptions on hoax dissemination, where some students realize that it is important to read, and examine carefully information or news received from social media sites, so that they can find out about the authenticity of the news or information, and it is not wise to share news that is not yet known to be true, and there are also some students who are actually involved in spreading hoaks due to trial and error.

In October 1991 a group of Gaelic chiefs met Irish President Mary Robinson at her residence Áras an Uachtaráin, allegedly the first such gathering since the completion of the English conquest in the early seventeenth century. Among the... more

In October 1991 a group of Gaelic chiefs met Irish President Mary Robinson at her residence Áras an Uachtaráin, allegedly the first such gathering since the completion of the English conquest in the early seventeenth century. Among the assembled chiefs was one Terence MacCarthy, ‘The Mac Carthy Mór’ and indeed ‘Prince of Desmond’. With the backing of the Chief Herald of Ireland, MacCarthy sold spurious Gaelic titles to gullible followers and his allegedly ancient order the 'Niadh Nask' drew in more funds. MacCarthy's hoax was exposed in 1999, following which the embarrassed Chief Herald's office stripped him of official recognition. This article considers the effects of the MacCarthy Mór affair on Irish genealogy and heraldry and draws attention to the legal problems surrounding the Chief Herald's sale of coats of arms.

Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and... more

Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and therefore cannot have any logical properties. He finds the Carnapian conception even in professed Wittgensteinians such as Peter Hacker and Gordon Baker who think of themselves as rejecting it. My question is where this leaves the notion of PHILOSOPHICAL nonsense. Could anything that was utterly devoid of content play the crucial deceptive role that nonsensicalists, including Wittgensteinians, assign it? Could it ever be detected if it did?

Fact-checking has become one of the most relevant activities of recent years, as a result of the increase in the flow of fake news and of the ease to spread news through platforms such as social media. The goal of the research is to... more

Fact-checking has become one of the most relevant activities of recent years, as a result of the increase in the flow of fake news and of the ease to spread news through platforms such as social media. The goal of the research is to assess the task of fact-checking developed by initiatives that use Spanish as a vehicle for comparing inaccurate and false information. We carried out a case study of 19 international projects that use Spanish as the main language to materialise their fact- checking actions and the analysis of contents published aims at understanding where these companies develop their activities, how are them internally organized and which methods they use to translate the data obtained to the audience. Results show that most of fact-checking projects in Spanish –launched most of them in the period 2014-2016– remain active. In South America, these organizations have more weight. Most of them have a journalistic nature, although there is a large number of civic and independent projects. Among strategies for verification, text is the preferred formula, although some innovative methods to present the degree of accuracy of assessed contents have been found.

Digitalisasi komunikasi mendorong setiap orang untuk mampu memproduksi dan mencerna informasi maupun berita melalui media digital. Belakangan, masyarakat dan pemerintah Indonesia dibuat jengah dengan fenomena penyebaran berita fitnah,... more

Digitalisasi komunikasi mendorong setiap orang untuk mampu memproduksi dan mencerna informasi maupun berita melalui media digital. Belakangan, masyarakat dan pemerintah Indonesia dibuat jengah dengan fenomena penyebaran berita fitnah, hasut, dan hoaks yang semakin marak terjadi. Dengan menggunakan sumber data berupa pranala https://www.turnbackhoax.id dan https://www.hoaxbuster.id serta forum virtual anti-hoaks di Facebook dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik berita hoaks menggunakan bingkai kebahasaan. Penggunaan judul yang provokatif, pungtuasi yang berlebihan, kata-kata berunsur imperatif, bahasa yang nirbaku, pemberitaan dengan bahasa yang vulgar dan sarkastis merupakan fenomena yang lazim ditemukan di media sosial dan aplikasi pesan instan. Peningkatan literasi media menjadi hal yang mutlak dilakukan agar masyarakat mampu mengenali dan memahami konten yang disampaikan media sehingga mampu menentukan apakah sebuah informasi tersebut merupakan hoaks atau bukan. Karena itu, melek media digital, salah satu dari apa yang disebut sebagai bagian 21st century skills, menjadi penting untuk disebarkan.

Diperlukan kajian strategis tentang aplikasi filter berita hoax pihak ketiga dalam menanggulangi penyebaran berita hoax. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survey dan... more

This article discusses two inscriptions thought to be associated with wrecks of the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) ships Vergulde Draak and Zuiddorp, off the Western Australian coastline. We evaluate their... more

This article discusses two inscriptions thought to be associated with wrecks of the Dutch East India Company (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie) ships Vergulde Draak and Zuiddorp, off the Western Australian coastline. We evaluate their authenticity using comparative studies with similar contemporaneous Dutch inscriptions, placing them within the broader context of pseudoarchaeology and the public preoccupation surrounding shipwrecks. The morphology and manufacture of the lettering argues against a 17th or 18th century provenance. Further, photographic records of the Zuiddorp site indicate that its associated inscription is modern. We argue these inscriptions were likely attempts by enthusiasts to ‘participate’ in the shipwrecking stories, or to claim some recognition with regards to the wrecks. Whatever the reasons, they have been used as evidence to support unorthodox hypotheses about the shipwrecks’ survivors, and serve to keep these theories alive in the public imagination.

What do the Red Terror and the 2008 global financial meltdown have in common? "Phoney Philosophers" argues that it is an intellectual egotism. There is a good chance that you have never heard of Nikolay Chernyshevsky. It may seem very... more

What do the Red Terror and the 2008 global financial meltdown have in common? "Phoney Philosophers" argues that it is an intellectual egotism. There is a good chance that you have never heard of Nikolay Chernyshevsky. It may seem very implausible that a mere philosopher, however phoney, who picked up no arms against no one and who wanted nothing but the best for his country-folk could be vastly more destructive than say a serial killer. Didn’t Karl Marx famously say, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it"? Marx was very naive. For, Chernyshevsky, his contemporary, who was a bad novelist and even worse philosopher, did change the world. He provided the philosophical underpinning that would spawn such intellectual descendants as Lenin, Ayn Rand and Alan Greenspan and would culiminate in the Red Terror and the global financial meltdown of the 21st century. Chernyshevsky only destroyed indirectly. This is the world of phoney philosophers. This is the insidious devastation of the unwise. This book shows why and why it is that the remedy is to be found in Jesus Christ, the one whom Paul called the "wisdom of God."

This paper focuses on the media coverage of the death of famous people, specially through internet and social networks. The analysis will try to understand two main things: the spectacle constructed by the media, when a celebrity dies and... more

This paper focuses on the media coverage of the death of famous people, specially through internet and social networks. The analysis will try to understand two main things: the spectacle constructed by the media, when a celebrity dies and also the news creation process, based on hoaxes of famous people's death.

This article has several aims. First, it aims to sketch the historical use of the term "fake news" in the U.S. (now globalizing), while documenting key shifts (from comedic-economic meanings and uses to more "tragic" political-economic... more

This article has several aims. First, it aims to sketch the historical use of the term "fake news" in the U.S. (now globalizing), while documenting key shifts (from comedic-economic meanings and uses to more "tragic" political-economic ones). The shift in use and meaning further corresponds to political-economic-entertainment effects, intermingled. Finally, recent discussions diagnosing causes and proposing solutions to correcting, containing, or eliminating fake news are considered (such as AI and ethical design, as well as cognitive bias) and critiqued, while different theories of causation and corresponding solutions are proposed.

ABSTRAK Di dalam era kemajuan teknologi saat ini, website portal berita banyak bermunculan, hal ini mengakibatkan sangat suit melakukan filtrasi dan klarifikasi atas kebenaran dan validasi pemberitaan didalamnya, belum lagi persaingan... more

El desorden informativo (sátira o parodia, conexión falsa, contenido engañoso, contexto falso, contenido impostor, contenido manipulado o contenido fabricado) debe ser considerado como un problema social en la medida en que se empiezan a... more

El desorden informativo (sátira o parodia, conexión falsa, contenido engañoso, contexto falso, contenido impostor, contenido manipulado o contenido fabricado) debe ser considerado como un problema social en la medida en que se empiezan a demostrar sus daños colectivos, que amenazan a la sociedad digital. De forma particular, las mujeres están siendo víctimas de hostilidades en los espacios de interacción virtuales, lo que se empieza a conocer como “sexismo digital” y “desinformación de género”.
En este escenario, el periodismo de verificación, un formato tendencia, trata de paliar los efectos de los bulos introduciendo, entre sus rutinas profesionales, el desmentido de esos contenidos; sin embargo, aún es un trabajo minoritario. Para contribuir al estudio del fenómeno de la desinformación, en relación con los mensajes que circulan en Internet sobre las mujeres, esta investigación propone una herramienta de clasificación sistemática de los bulos desmentidos por el medio Maldita.es, en concreto, aquellos publicados en su sección Maldito Feminismo (N=71).
Los resultados de este estudio (que tienen una validez interna) revelan que los bulos detectados por Maldito Feminismo son noticias falsas de contenido engañoso, que buscan dañar el feminismo (ya que este es el tema principal de la mayoría de bulos analizados) y tienen un propósito político. Estos desórdenes informativos se crean y distribuyen, principalmente, a través de las redes sociales en formato texto. Aunque los usuarios colaboran y participan en la detección y denuncia de los bulos, normalmente, suele ser la plataforma Maldita Feminismo quien identifica, localiza y delata la mayoría de noticias falsas.

Digitalisasi komunikasi mendorong setiap orang untuk mampu memproduksi dan mencerna informasi maupun berita melalui media digital. Belakangan, masyarakat dan pemerintah Indonesia dibuat jengah dengan fenomena penyebaran berita fitnah,... more

Digitalisasi komunikasi mendorong setiap orang untuk mampu memproduksi dan mencerna informasi maupun berita melalui media digital. Belakangan, masyarakat dan pemerintah Indonesia dibuat jengah dengan fenomena penyebaran berita fitnah, hasut, dan hoaks yang semakin marak terjadi. Dengan menggunakan sumber data berupa pranala https://www.turnbackhoax.id dan https://www.hoaxbuster.id serta forum virtual anti-hoaks di Facebook dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik berita hoaks menggunakan bingkai kebahasaan. Penggunaan judul yang provokatif, pungtuasi yang berlebihan, kata-kata berunsur imperatif, bahasa yang nirbaku, pemberitaan dengan bahasa yang vulgar dan sarkastis merupakan fenomena yang lazim ditemukan di media sosial dan aplikasi pesan instan. Peningkatan literasi media menjadi hal yang mutlak dilakukan agar masyarakat mampu mengenali dan memahami konten yang disampaikan media sehingga mampu menentukan apakah sebuah informasi tersebut merupakan hoaks atau bukan. Karena itu, melek media digital, salah satu dari apa yang disebut sebagai bagian 21st century skills, menjadi penting untuk disebarkan.

This essay analyzes a historical hoax – the case of Professor Jeno Palmai and his “School for Smiles” – for evidence of shifting trends in popular thinking about facial expressions and embodied performance during the first decades of the... more

This essay analyzes a historical hoax – the case of Professor Jeno
Palmai and his “School for Smiles” – for evidence of shifting
trends in popular thinking about facial expressions and embodied
performance during the first decades of the twentieth century. By
examining this previously unstudied event, I highlight the
prominence of a pedagogical American trope – “learning to smile”
– and provide a sketch of the folk-philosophy of the 1930s that
reveals a preoccupation with facial performance. In so doing, I
discuss the opportunities offered to performance historians by the
study of historical hoaxes, as well as offer initial thoughts on the
concept of an “affective prosthesis,” an aggregative, multimodal
model of mimetic communication.