Internal Communication Research Papers - (original) (raw)
La tesi nasce da alcune domande che mi sono posta osservando alcune dinamiche e problematiche di comunicazione che mi sono trovata ad affrontare all’interno di una realtà associativa di cui faccio parte: nonostante il momento storico in... more
La tesi nasce da alcune domande che mi sono posta osservando alcune dinamiche e problematiche di comunicazione che mi sono trovata ad affrontare all’interno di una realtà associativa di cui faccio parte: nonostante il momento storico in cui viviamo, dove cresce in modo esponenziale il numero di mezzi che permettono alle persone di comunicare in modo sempre più rapido e veloce, slegato da tempistiche spazio-tempo, sta al contrario diminuendo la nostra capacità e il nostro desiderio di comunicare, inteso nella sua azione di condivisione? Possono gli strumenti digitali, orientati ad una comunicazione orizzontale e “democratica”, influire sulla riorganizzazione di una realtà strutturata e soppiantare l’uso di mezzi più tradizionali? Oppure essi possono essere integrati come supporto di mezzi più adatti ad una comunicazione “istituzionale” come quelli utilizzati fino ad oggi? Queste domande sono condivise dall’organizzazione oggetto di studio in un percorso di riflessione in atto attualmente attraverso cui essa si sta interrogando su quale processo comunicativo adottare per rendere più efficaci i propri flussi di comunicazione, e come integrare eventualmente in esso i nuovi media digitali.
The workforce and workplace of the future will be geared to building personal brands. Communicators need newer skills for the future, ability to leverage talent, learn to let go, step up our ownership. Tap the power of our employees to... more
The workforce and workplace of the future will be geared to building personal brands. Communicators need newer skills for the future, ability to leverage talent, learn to let go, step up our ownership. Tap the power of our employees to build the organization’s brand from within. Investing in branding your employees will have a significantly higher value for the business than focusing on the employer brand. The organization will become an amalgamation of brands. Tap the power of our employees to build the organization’s brand from within. Investing in branding your employees will have a significantly higher value for the business than focusing on the employer brand.
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Internal communication can be regarded either as a subsistent process of the organization, or as a process helping to decode and more easily understand them. Organizations are based on the internal communication process, because without... more
Internal communication can be regarded either as a subsistent process of the organization, or as a process helping to decode and more easily understand them. Organizations are based on the internal communication process, because without it, information, ideas could not be sent, the organization’s goals and values could not be built, and its organizational culture would simply not exist. The internal communication process is centered on sending ideas, information in the organization. This is directly proportional with the efficiency of the organization. Internal communication allows for the best decision to be taken, for information to be sent towards the interior of the company, towards the employees, but also has the purpose of strengthening the relations between persons. Internal communication has at its basis the verbal and non-verbal communication, but they have great disadvantages, because: verbal communication has losses of information, depends on the moment of transmission,...
Knowledge-based organizations are constructed on intangible assets, such as the expertise and the values of the employees. As a consequence, motivation and professional excellence of employees are the main objectives of management teams.... more
Knowledge-based organizations are constructed on intangible assets, such as the expertise and the values of the employees. As a consequence, motivation and professional excellence of employees are the main objectives of management teams. For this type of organizations, considered as true “knowledge systems”, the employees represent the most valuable resource that is not motivated only through financial means, but also through internal communication, autonomy or social rewards. The research of Eurofound shows that knowledgebased organizations have a low number of trade unions, while professional associations are more relevant for them. There is no tradition to defend through negotiation the working conditions of employees, thus it is important for managers to use the best practices, in order to increase the employees’ loyalty. We conducted a qualitative research concerning the quality of professional life of employees in five sectors of knowledge-based services: advertisingmarketing,...
La comunicación organizacional, con sus tipos interna y externa, aparentemente da solución a diversas necesidades en cuanto a comunicación en el amplio espectro de las actividades corporativas; no obstante, existe un público flotante y... more
La comunicación organizacional, con sus tipos interna y externa, aparentemente da solución a diversas necesidades en cuanto a comunicación en el amplio espectro de las actividades corporativas; no obstante, existe un público flotante y cambiante, sobre todo en entidades de puertas abiertas y con flujos poblacionales intermitentes que precisan alternativas comunicacionales que se ubiquen en planos menos extremos. Es así que subyace una posibilidad intermedia de la comunicación organizacional, que desarrolle estrategias con públicos que no son exactamente considerados como externos o internos. Este artículo es resultado de un estudio que busca conocer el estado de la comunicación intermedia en una empresa del sector educación superior, donde convergen públicos intermedios, representados en este caso por 20 sujetos entre familiares de estudiantes, visitantes y funcionarios de empresas y, 30 sujetos más, representados por estudiantes de la universidad inscritos en diferentes programas, facultades y jornadas de estudio; y además tres especialistas en comunicación organizacional que a la luz de los hallazgos discuten los análisis. La investigación permitió a los investigadores conocer y legitimar, al interior de una organización, una forma alterna de comunicación que existe y ha sido debatida, pero quizá no con amplitud.
Rad opisuje razvoj instrumenta – Upitnika za procjenu zadovoljstva internom komunikacijom (UPZIK). Instrument je razvijen kroz dvije faze. U prvoj je fazi razvijen inicijalni upitnik sa 107 cestica, koji je primijenjen na uzorku od 259... more
Rad opisuje razvoj instrumenta – Upitnika za procjenu zadovoljstva internom komunikacijom (UPZIK). Instrument je razvijen kroz dvije faze. U prvoj je fazi razvijen inicijalni upitnik sa 107 cestica, koji je primijenjen na uzorku od 259 ispitanika. Na temelju faktorske analize dobivenih rezultata razvijen je konacni upitnik sa 32 cestice grupirane u 8 dimenzija zadovoljstva komunikacijom. U drugoj je fazi finalni mjerni instrument primijenjen na uzorku od 169 ispitanika u jednoj velikoj hrvatskoj organizaciji. Ponovljena faktorska analiza i analiza faktorske strukture dimenzija pokazale su da je razvijeni instrument: (1) pouzdan i valjan, (2) usporediv sa slicnim instrumentima razvijenima u svijetu, no dovoljno razlicit da opravdava razvoj instrumenta prilagođenoga hrvatskim kulturoloskim specificnostima te (3) primjenjiv u buducim teorijskim i prakticnim istraživanjima.
A guide for leaders that want to improve their internal communication.
Increased globalization and competition in most industries has greatly changed the execution of different duties and responsibilities most especially the flow of communication in businesses. This has further affected the level of trust in... more
Increased globalization and competition in most industries has greatly changed the execution of different duties and responsibilities most especially the flow of communication in businesses. This has further affected the level of trust in most businesses most especially among the employees and between the business and customers. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect if business communication and business trust on business growth. Data was collected using an online survey questionnaire from 100 employees of Intrasoft International in Greece. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson's rank correlation coefficient was based on to establish the relationship between variables. The level top which the independent variables predict the dependent variables was established using regression analysis. The study established a positive relationship between business communication and business. A significant and positive relationship was also confirmed between business trust and business growth.
Digital natives (also known as “Generation Y” and “Millennials”), a generation born during of after introduction of digital technologies, 1980s and after, have mixed preferences for media use in personal and professional lives. A study by... more
Digital natives (also known as “Generation Y” and “Millennials”), a generation born during
of after introduction of digital technologies, 1980s and after, have mixed preferences for
media use in personal and professional lives. A study by Friedl and Tkalac Verˇciˇc (2011)
showed that even though digital natives prefer digital media in their personal lives, this
is not necessarily reflected in their business lives. This study addressing preferences of
“traditional” vs. “the new media” in a university setting found an opposite result.
Increased globalization and competition in most industries has greatly changed the execution of different duties and responsibilities most especially the flow of communication in businesses. This has further affected the level of trust in... more
Increased globalization and competition in most industries has greatly changed the execution of different duties and responsibilities most especially the flow of communication in businesses. This has further affected the level of trust in most businesses most especially among the employees and between the business and customers. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect if business communication and business trust on business growth. Data was collected using an online survey questionnaire from 100 employees of Intrasoft International in Greece. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson’s rank correlation coefficient was based on to establish the relationship between variables. The level top which the independent variables predict the dependent variables was established using regression analysis. The study established a positive relationship between business communication and business. A significant and positive relationship was also confirmed between bus...
In dit survey-onderzoek is onderzocht welke invloed het communicatieklimaat heeft op de betrokkenheid van medewerkers. Het communicatieklimaat is geoperationaliseerd met de dimensies openheid, participatieve besluitvorming en communicatie... more
In dit survey-onderzoek is onderzocht welke invloed het communicatieklimaat heeft op de betrokkenheid van medewerkers. Het communicatieklimaat is geoperationaliseerd met de dimensies openheid, participatieve besluitvorming en communicatie met direct leidinggevende. Zowel in de praktijk, waar organisaties streven naar een open en ondersteunend communicatieklimaat om de betrokkenheid van medewerkers te vergroten, als in de theorie, blijkt het lastig om het multidimensionale construct communicatieklimaat te operationaliseren in een (beperkt) aantal dimensies die goede voorspellers zijn voor betrokkenheid (Bartels et al., 2007, 2010; De Moor, 1997). Hoewel we weten dat communicatie belangrijk is voor betrokkenheid, weten we nog niet heel veel over de werking van de verschillende dimensies van het communicatieklimaat op betrokkenheid. De direct leidinggevende had al een belangrijke rol binnen het communicatieklimaat (Bartels et al., 2007; De Ridder et al., 2001; Dennis, 1975; Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Redding, 1972; Van Vuuren et al., 2007) en wordt zelfs als de mediator beschouwd voor de andere dimensies van het communicatieklimaat (Reeves et al., 2012). Door de reorganisaties die in de afgelopen jaren op grote schaal zijn doorgevoerd, is de communicatieve rol van de direct leidinggevende nog belangrijker geworden. Dit was dan ook de reden om in dit onderzoek bij de dimensie communicatie met direct leidinggevende mediatie te verwachten. De resultaten laten zien dat er wel sprake was van een mediatie-effect tussen de andere dimensies van het communicatieklimaat en betrokkenheid, maar dat deze zeer klein is. Daarnaast was er geen direct effect van communicatie met direct leidinggevende op betrokkenheid. De invloed van communicatie met direct leidinggevende werd zelfs volledig gemedieerd door de andere dimensies van het communicatieklimaat. De belangrijkste conclusie van dit onderzoek is dat participatieve besluitvorming de grootste voorspeller is voor betrokkenheid. Dit wordt ook theoretisch ondersteund (Guzley, 1992; Postmes et al., 2001; Smidts et al., 2001; Trombetta & Rogers, 1988). Als medewerkers kunnen meedenken, verantwoordelijkheid mogen dragen en meebeslissen bij besluiten die henzelf of hun werk betreffen, dan heeft dit een significant positieve invloed op hun betrokkenheid bij de organisatie. Dit betekent niet dat de rol van de direct leidinggevende onbelangrijk is. Integendeel! De direct leidinggevende zal de mogelijkheden voor participatieve besluitvorming moeten faciliteren en het is zijn taak om de medewerkers hierbij te motiveren en te inspireren. Deze kennis is een relevante aanvulling op de huidige wetenschappelijke literatuur over de invloed van het communicatieklimaat op de betrokkenheid van medewerkers. En voor de praktijk betekent de juiste focus op de belangrijkste voorspeller(s) van betrokkenheid van medewerkers, dat deze met gerichte interventies kan worden vergroot.
Internal Communication Strategies How well a message is communicated is as important as the message itself. When it comes to internal communications, this certainly holds true. Company culture can give your organization a major strategic... more
Internal Communication Strategies
How well a message is communicated is as important as the message itself. When it comes to internal communications, this certainly holds true. Company culture can give your organization a major strategic advantage in these changing times. What your culture consists of – goals, values, and practices – must be effectively transmitted for employees to understand and act upon it. Therefore, it’s essential to focus not just on what you’re communicating but also how you’re communicating it.
Use to implement new tactics that can improve your internal communications strategy and get your team connected, engaged and motivated. The internal communications best practices below will help you do just that.
As an organizational function, internal communication is gaining in importance, meriting a special issue on the topic. This importance is evident in many recent efforts among practitioners in Europe and the US to seek recognition of this... more
As an organizational function, internal communication is gaining in importance, meriting
a special issue on the topic. This importance is evident in many recent efforts among practitioners
in Europe and the US to seek recognition of this field as an independent domain.
Scholarship on internal communication has not kept pace with these initiatives. This introduction
to the special issue addresses several key issues related to this topic and presents
findings from a Delphi study of the leaders of European associations on internal communication.
Results of the study are fuzzy: respondents see internal communication as
interdisciplinary management function integrating elements of human resources management,
communication and marketing, but at the same time they see it primarily as a part of
the organization’s communication function that is simultaneously managerial and technical.
However, they contend that internal communication is an independent research field.
A theoretical approach is presented of an organisational justice framework that may provide an enriched perspective to examine strategic change, enhancing the understanding, design, implementation, and effectiveness of strategic change... more
A theoretical approach is presented of an organisational justice framework that may provide an enriched perspective to examine strategic change, enhancing the understanding, design, implementation, and effectiveness of strategic change initiatives. The organisational justice framework provides an understanding of employees' perceptions on trust and fairness during an organisational strategic change process in the context of the justice approach, although perceived fairness has been seen as playing an important role in the process of sustaining trust in the organisation. The study demonstrates the importance of analysis of the response to strategic change by employees, the impact on organisational trust, and the influence of the fairness judgment.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTCS.2013.053413
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013 Pages 83-94
Digital transformation has revolutionized employee engagement and organizational communication. This paper studies the influence of digitization on organization's human resource management (HRM) function in the context of Stakeholder... more
Digital transformation has revolutionized employee engagement and organizational communication. This paper studies the influence of digitization on organization's human resource management (HRM) function in the context of Stakeholder Theory. It highlights the role of business leaders, HR teams and employees in shaping interorganizational communication juxtaposed the technological, social and behavioral changes. While focusing on internal communication tools such as e-mails, intranet, newsletters, etc., the paper reviews opportunities, challenges, risks and industry best practices in the engagement of stakeholders.
Employees inside their organization are always in constant interaction, and depending on a numerous number of variables, their ties can be defined as weak or strong. These interactions are denominated as social networks, which are social... more
Employees inside their organization are always in constant interaction, and depending on a numerous number of variables, their ties can be defined as weak or strong. These interactions are denominated as social networks, which are social structures made up of a set of social actors and are very important for the company's correct direction. It provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of social entities and the theory of certain patterns between human interactions. The study of these structures is called Social Network Analysis.
Various types of complex organizations, with complicated motives and heterogeneous structures are present in different spheres of public life. These public institutional phenomena, tied in a network of relations systems and heading toward... more
Various types of complex organizations, with complicated motives and heterogeneous structures are present in different spheres of public life. These public institutional phenomena, tied in a network of relations systems and heading toward a specific goal, are broadcasters in the process of communication. It is said that organizations have image but it is not only their attribute, it is the meaning they communicate, the broadcast which may regard various aspects of the institution's functioning and which can reflexively influence those aspects. The article discusses the difference between the terms organization identity and organization image, including definition spheres of the latter. Moreover, it analyses the ontological status of the term image, its components and structure. The organization's "mental image" is described, one that often becomes that target of those who manage institutions, as an unexploited so far sphere of communication influence.
Internal Communication is the foundation of all organizations communication strategies because it involves not only the management and the staff alike but also on the effectiveness of the communication within an organization. Recent... more
Internal Communication is the foundation of all organizations communication strategies because it involves not only the management and the staff alike but also on the effectiveness of the communication within an organization. Recent literature (Linjuan, 2014; Odine, 2015; Omilion-Hodges & Baker, 2014) described Internal Communication as an important tool to communicating within organizations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the root cause of the Internal Communication Barriers within (a Catholic Religious Organization) which examined three research questions to arrive at a result. The study critically observed the following research questions: 1) What is the root cause of the Internal Communication Barriers within the Organization? 2) How is the communication structures of the organization affecting the people? And lastly, 3) why are the leadership style and the management decisions of the organization affecting employee behaviour?
The research is motivated by two major reasons: a) to find the reasons behind the inadequate use of the communication structures that exist within the organization, and b) Communication Audit has never been carried out within the organization and pursuing this research means that it is the first ever to be carried out within the organization. The research methodology used in this study is the interview method (semi-structured interview, with the use of open-ended questions). An audiotape was used to record the findings from the research, and the data generated were analysed and transcribed using qualitative research and thematic analysis. The interview took place in the conference room of the organization and the population of interest were selected at random using a systematic random sampling technique. Six participants partook in the interview to cut across all the various psychological groups within the organization. The research participants were recruited from the Finance, Administrative and the Managerial Departments of the organization. The ethical concerns raised by the research was the confidentiality issue which formed the major problem of the research. The code of the research conduct observed in this study were respect, confidentiality, integrity and responsibility. The result of the Mini Communication Audit showed a great challenge for the organization's communication channels and the practical and theoretical implications of the outcome were discussed. The recommendation in the practice of the organization's communication structure was reviewed and future research projected.
Internal communication in a simple word can be described as the function related to effective communication among employees within an organization. In case of banking sector, the role of Internal communication is much more significant,... more
Internal communication in a simple word can be described as the function related to effective communication among employees within an organization. In case of banking sector, the role of Internal communication is much more significant, due to dynamic business environment banking sector any change raises suspicions in customer perceptions, therefore, they each require a special attention to the internal communication process. The present empirical study focuses on the strategies adopted by Management of banks to improve the effectiveness of internal medication and issues which are vital with a view to communication. The opinions and perceptions of bank employees on the internal communication have been collected through questionnaire.
- by Andrea Catellani and +1
- •
- Ethics, Communication, Public Relations, Communication Ethics
In the new era of technology, petrochemical Companies have been experiencing an extreme influence from the existence of the Internet, Intranet and are bearing highly competitive scenarios. Developing a skilled workforce is ultimately... more
In the new era of technology, petrochemical Companies have been experiencing an extreme influence from the existence of the Internet, Intranet and are bearing highly competitive scenarios. Developing a skilled workforce is ultimately essential to take the organizations to greater heights and levels. The scope of the study is the impact of internal communication at the organisational level on facilitating employee engagement is measured in the Iranian petrochemical Companies. The data was collected from 70 staffs in this sector. This study has a practical implication for the research at large and has revealed a connection between internal organizational communication and employee engagement. It has unraveled the dimensions of internal organizational communication which it needs to be focused on enhancing vigor, dedication, and absorption of employees.
El artículo presenta la metodología y los resultados de una investigación que indaga en la relación entre la satisfacción con la comunicación interna y el compromiso organizacional en una universidad ecuatoriana. La investigación tiene un... more
El artículo presenta la metodología y los resultados de una investigación que indaga en la relación entre la satisfacción con la comunicación interna y el compromiso organizacional en una universidad ecuatoriana. La investigación tiene un diseño mixto secuencial y está realizándose en tres fases durante un periodo inicial de dos años (junio 2016 a junio 2018). La primera fase, ya realizada, pretende determinar la actual relación entre la satisfacción con la comunicación interna y el compromiso organizacional, con tres preguntas de investigación: ¿cuáles son los niveles de satisfacción con la comunicación interna?, ¿cuáles son los niveles de compromiso organizacional de los empleados? y ¿qué relación tiene la satisfacción con la comunicación in-terna y el compromiso organizacional? La intención nal es encontrar bases teóricas y evidencia empírica acerca de que las organizaciones y los supervisores deben centrar sus esfuerzos en la comunicación interna y, de esta manera, aumentar la percepción de apoyo recibido y lograr una mayor identificación de los empleados con la organización
Office Design is not something new as it was a classical study done by past researchers from various countries. In Malaysian setting, the study is something new, scarce and yet still developing. Subsequently, with the goal of examining... more
Office Design is not something new as it was a classical study done by past researchers from various countries. In Malaysian setting, the study is something new, scarce and yet still developing. Subsequently, with the goal of examining the impact of office design towards the employee productivity, researcher have chosen to direct this study at a business radio station, BFM Media Sdn Bhd situated at Petaling Jaya Selangor, Malaysia. Inside this pages, reader will be introduced with the early pages on the definition and also scenario of office design in the early years until today. Aside from that, reader will also gain knowledge on the problems that most employee or labor who is working in office faces. In the midst from that, researcher will likewise depicts on the key factors that were claimed by past scholar and researchers that can heighten the productivity of an employee. The back of the pages shall explain on the results of this research and also reference for future use. From the findings, the researcher infer that the objectives of this study are met. Lighting, temperature, noise, air ventilation and spatial arrangement were claimed to be the determinant of employee productivity in the organization which refers to BFM Media Sdn Bhd
ÖZ Kurumların başarılı olmasının nedenlerinden birisi de yöneticilerin çalışanlarıyla kurduğu iletişimdir. Yöneticinin çalışanlarıyla olan iletişimi çalışanların işe bağlılığından kurumun performansına kadar birçok konuyla yakından... more
ÖZ Kurumların başarılı olmasının nedenlerinden birisi de yöneticilerin çalışanlarıyla kurduğu iletişimdir. Yöneticinin çalışanlarıyla olan iletişimi çalışanların işe bağlılığından kurumun performansına kadar birçok konuyla yakından ilgilidir. Yöneticiler, kurumların iletişim politikaları ve teknikleri farklılıklar gösterse bile aynı amaca hizmet etmektedirler. Kurumlar çalışanlarıyla kurdukları iletişimle belirlenen hedeflere ulaşmayı ve bu süreçte çalışanları işe dâhil etmeyi amaçlamaktadırlar. Yöneticilerin çalışanlarıyla yüz yüze ve sık aralıklarla yaptığı görüşmeler çalışanlara kendilerini iyi hissettirmenin dışında kuruma ve yöneticilere olan güveni de sağlamaktadır. Her an yöneticilerini yanlarında gören ve yöneticilerinin desteğini sürekli bir şekilde hisseden çalışanlar işlerine daha fazla yoğunlaşabilir. Bu yolla çalışanların kurumlarına duydukları saygı ve bağlılıkları da arttırılabilir. Bunun sağlanması için yöneticilerin sürekli vakit geçirdikleri ofislerinden çıkarak çalışanlarıyla beraber olmaları gerekmektedir. Gezinerek yönetim (MBWA) kurum içi iletişimde kullanılan bir yönetim tekniğidir. Bu yöntemle yöneticiler, çalışanlar işlerini yaparken onlarla görüşmekte, işe ve kendilerine dair bilgiler almaktadır. Çalışanlarını bu sürede daha iyi izleme imkanı bulan yöneticiler iyi bir dinleyicidirler ve empati yetenekleri de gelişmiştir. Çalışmada konu teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı gezinerek yönetim tekniğinin ne olduğunu tanımlamak ve kurumlar için faydalarını göstermektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yönetim, kurum içi iletişim, çalışanlar, gezinerek yönetim. ABSTRACT One of the reasons for the success of organizations is the way managements communicate with their employees. Manager's communication with employees effect many things such as employee loyalty, organization performance. Managers serve the same goal although the communication policies and techniques differ. By using communication, organizations want to reach their goals and encourage their employees to work better. Managers' face-to-face communication with their employees not only make workers feel good but also strengthen their connection to organization. Employees who always feel the support of their managers and see them nearby could focus on their works much more. By this way, the respect and the loyalty of the employees to their companies could be improved. In order to ensure this, managers should spend less time in their offices and be together with their employees on field. MBWA is a management technique which is used in internal communications. By this technique, managers meet with employees while they working and get information about them and their work. The managers who can observe employees during their work are good listeners and are also good at having empathy. In this study MBWA is reviewed theoretically. The goal of this study is to explain what MBWA is and to show its advantages for organizations.