Human Sexuality Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Living Out Loud: An Introduction to LGBTQ History, Society, and Culture offers students an evidence-based foundation in the interdisciplinary field of LGBTQ Studies. Chapters on history, diversity, dating/relationships, education, sexual... more
Living Out Loud: An Introduction to LGBTQ History, Society, and Culture offers students an evidence-based foundation in the interdisciplinary field of LGBTQ Studies. Chapters on history, diversity, dating/relationships, education, sexual health, and globalization reflect current research and thinking in the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. Coverage of current events and recommendations for additional readings, videos, and web resources help students apply the contents in their lives, making Living Out Loud the perfect core text for LGBTQ Studies (and similar) courses.
- by and +1
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- Queer Studies, Gender and Sexuality, Gay And Lesbian Studies, Human Sexuality
Stwierdzono, że u osób ze społeczności LGB (lesbijki, geje i biseksualiści) występują częściej niektóre problemy medyczne i psychologiczne w porównaniu do populacji osób heteroseksualnych. Istotne jest wskazanie możliwych przyczyn takiego... more
Stwierdzono, że u osób ze społeczności LGB (lesbijki, geje i biseksualiści) występują częściej niektóre problemy medyczne i psychologiczne w porównaniu do populacji osób heteroseksualnych.
Istotne jest wskazanie możliwych przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy, z uwagi na to, że brak wyjaśnień może prowadzić do występowania poglądów bazujących na stereotypach, które nie oddają odpowiednio rzeczywistości.
Celem pracy jest określenie wybranych zagadnień medycznych dotyczących osób ze społeczności LGB ze wskazaniem hipotetycznego podłoża obserwowanej częstszego występowania wybranych trudności medycznych i psychologicznych.
Osoby ze społeczności LGB doświadczają dyskryminacji zarówno ze strony psychologów, jak i lekarzy. Również często sama orientacja seksualna jest postrzegana jako czynnik ryzyka chorób.
Wykazano, że u lesbijek i biseksualistek występuje większe ryzyko wystąpienia raka sutka. Możliwym wyjaśnieniem jest fakt, że lesbijki i biseksualistki rzadziej zachodzą w ciążę.
U osób ze społeczności LGB występują częściej zaburzenia lękowe, zaburzenia nastroju, czy też próby samobójcze. Różnice te mogą wynikać z tego, że osoby ze społeczności LGB doświadczają stresu mniejszościowego, który przekłada się negatywnie na ich funkcjonowanie psychiczne. Stwierdzono, że problemy ze znalezieniem partnera tej samej płci wiążą się z występowaniem zachowań samobójczych.
Wiele z problemów medycznych i psychologicznych spotykanych częściej wśród osób ze społeczności LGB może mieć źródło w braku akceptacji społecznej. Niezbędne są jednak dalsze badania empiryczne są niezbędne do zweryfikowania hipotez dotyczących możliwych wyjaśnień częstszego występowania zaburzeń w tej populacji.
Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos sobre sexualidad humana que tienen los estudiantes del sexto año de medicina en dos universidades de la ciudad de Chiclayo en el año 2015. Material y Método; Estudio observacional, prospectivo,... more
Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimientos sobre sexualidad humana que tienen los estudiantes del sexto año de medicina en dos universidades de la ciudad de Chiclayo en el año 2015. Material y Método; Estudio observacional, prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo; la Población fue la totalidad de estudiantes de medicina del sexto año de las Universidades Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo (57) y San Martín de Porres filial Norte (63) en total 120 alumnos. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue un cuestionario anónimo con 32 preguntas aplicado 20 minutos antes del término de una clase en aula y la tabulación fue manual y se aplicaron algunas pruebas estadísticas para ver la existencia de diferencias entre universidades o género. Resultados: Las respuestas correctas se presentan en cinco bloques: 1) respuesta sexual y disfunciones sexuales respuestas correctas minoritarias: disfunciones sexuales en general y plataforma orgásmica 2) Homosexualidad las respuestas correctas minoritarias: ejemplo clásico del homosexual es estilista o afeminado, 3) Parafilias las respuestas correctas minoritarias: definiciones de safismo y sátiro 4) Bioantropología de la sexualidad respuestas correctas minoritarias: igualdad de sexos, aparición de lo femenino en la biota, 5) Generalidades las respuestas correctas minoritarias: etapas de sexualidad infantil, definición correcta de onanismo, considerar a pornografía causa de violencia sexual, consecuencias de la masturbación y que en Estados Unidos los varones universitarios se inician sexualmente en forma más precoz y mayor proporción que los peruanos. Conclusiones: En general el 55,8% de universitarios aprueba el examen, existiendo diferencias entre universidad estatal (42,1%) y privada (68,3%) sin diferencias por género. Palabras clave: Conocimientos, Sexualidad Humana, Estudiantes de Medicina. (Fuente:DeCS-BIREME). Objective. TTo evaluate the level of knowledge about human sexuality of the sixth year of medicine students at two universities in the city of Chiclayo in the year 2015. Material and Methods. Observational, prospective, transversal and descriptive; the population was the totality of the sixth year of the Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University medical students (57) and San Martín de Porres subsidiary North (63) total 120 students. Data collection instrument was an anonymous questionnaire with 32 questions applied 20 minutes before the end of a class in a classroom and the tabulation was manual and some statistical tests applied to see the existence of differences between universities or gender. Results. TThe correct answers are presented in five blocks: 1) sexual response and sexual dysfunctions minority right answers: sexual dysfunctions in general and platform Orgasmic 2) homosexuality the minority right answers: classic example of homosexual is stylist or effeminate, 3) paraphilias minority correct answers: definitions of safismo and satyr 4) Bioanthropology of correct answers minority sexuality: men and women, emergence of the feminine in biota, 5) General the minority right answers: stages of infantile sexuality, correct definition of onanism, consider pornography cause of sexual violence , consequences of masturbation and that in United States college boys begin sexually at an earlier stage and greater proportion than Peruvians. Conclusions. overall 55,8% of University approves examination, there are differences between State University (42,1%) and private (68,3%) without differences by gender.
Infantylizm parafiliczny należy do parafilii (zaburzeń preferencji seksualnych). Jednostka doświadcza pobudzenia seksualnego w wyniku obserwacji lub wykonywania czynności z okresu dzieciństwa odgrywanych przez dorosłe osoby, lub poprzez... more
Infantylizm parafiliczny należy do parafilii (zaburzeń preferencji seksualnych). Jednostka doświadcza pobudzenia seksualnego w wyniku obserwacji lub wykonywania czynności z okresu dzieciństwa odgrywanych przez dorosłe osoby, lub poprzez kontakt z dziecięcymi przedmiotami. Co interesujące, infantylizm parafiliczny wykracza poza doświadczenia na poziomie jednostek – zasugerowano, że jest on seksualną subkulturą.
Celem niniejszego badania internetowego było rozpoznanie wybranych charakterystyk psychologicznych infantylistów parafilicznych oraz weryfikacja empiryczna wcześniejszych doniesień. Uczestnikom badania zaprezentowano Inwentarz Płci Psychologicznej, Skalę samooceny SES M. Rosenberga, Skalę Satysfakcji z Życia SWLS, Skalę Oceny Związku oraz Kwestionariusz Stylów Przywiązaniowych KSP.
Grupę uczestników badania stanowiło 38 osób (38 mężczyzn) identyfikujących się z różnymi przejawami infantylizmu parafilicznego. Średni wiek badanych wyniósł 22.9 lat (SD=7.0).
Średni wynik IPP na skali Męskości wyniósł M=60,11 (SD=10,12), natomiast na skali Kobiecości wyniósł on M=65,74 (SD=9,79). Średni wynik SES wyniósł M=27,89 (SD=8,73), a SWLS wyniósł M=19,95 (SD=7,24). Średni wynik stylu przywiązaniowego KSP „bezpiecznego” wyniósł M=45.14 (SD=8,64), „lękowo-ambiwalentnego” M=29,07 (SD=12,38) oraz „unikowego”, M=16,43 (SD=5,34).
Wyniki wskazują na to, że osoby identyfikujące się z infantylizmem parafilicznym wykazują znacząco różny profil płci psychologicznej w porównaniu do próby normalizacyjnej mężczyzn. Infantylistów parafilicznych cechuje takie same poczucie satysfakcji z życia jak próba normalizacyjna mężczyzn. Badana grupa wykazuje w niewielkim stopniu niższą samoocenę w porównaniu do próby normalizacyjnej mężczyzn. Znaczące różnice między grupą badawczą a normalizacyjną odnotowano w KSP, z czego szczególnie interesujące jest, że w próba badawcza wykazała się znacznie mniejszym nasileniem stylu „unikowego”.
Wyniki badania nie uprawniają do wnioskowania o całej populacji infantylistów parafilicznych, ponieważ jedynym standardem porównania była próba normalizacyjna.
Distress about a sexual problem is a necessary part of diagnosing female sexual dysfunction. It is an important way to distinguish between a sexual problem and normal sexual variation and has implications for treatment seeking, motivation... more
Distress about a sexual problem is a necessary part of diagnosing female sexual dysfunction. It is an important way to distinguish between a sexual problem and normal sexual variation and has implications for treatment seeking, motivation for therapy and prognosis. The concept of distress, however, has not been clearly defined and is complex and poorly understood. Furthermore, there has been
Parafilie wiążą się z podnieceniem seksualnym wywołanym u jednostki w przypadku wystąpienia określonych obiektów lub sytuacji, które nie są przedmiotem normatywnej stymulacji seksualnej. Ostatnie wydanie klasyfikacji zaburzeń... more
Parafilie wiążą się z podnieceniem seksualnym wywołanym u jednostki w przypadku wystąpienia określonych obiektów lub sytuacji, które nie są przedmiotem normatywnej stymulacji seksualnej.
Ostatnie wydanie klasyfikacji zaburzeń psychicznych (DSM-V) Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego wprowadziło rozróżnienie na parafilie i zaburzenia parafiliczne. Zaburzenie parafiliczne dotyczy parafilii, która powoduje szkody lub ograniczenia dla danej jednostki, lub takiej parafilii, której zaspokojenie naraża na cierpienie pacjenta lub innych osób.
Przedmiotem referatu jest przedstawienie konsekwencji diagnostycznych ostatnich rozwiązań wprowadzonych przez DSM-V, przedstawienie wybranych przypadków diagnostycznych oraz streszczenie dyskusji na temat traktowania parafilii jako zaburzeń psychicznych.
This article explores a holistic vision of human sexuality by contrasting it to the prevailing trend of “cognicentrism” in sexological studies. To this end the authors propose that a novel understanding of sexuality as a creative force of... more
This article explores a holistic vision of human sexuality by contrasting it to the prevailing trend of “cognicentrism” in sexological studies. To this end the authors propose that a novel understanding of sexuality as a creative force of life energy can greatly enhance such cognicentric approaches. Such a proposal rests on a holistic approach to human nature that has been developed over many years of educational and clinical application. Within this holistic vision, the role of a human multidimensional cognition that is somatically rooted in bodily nature assists the articulation of sexuality as a transformational life path of embodied spirituality, healing, and growth.
This work critically analyses Plato's views on human sexuality as expressed in his dialogues, especially the 'Symposium', 'Republic' and 'Laws'. 'Eros' is the love of the good and the beautiful, and homosexuality and heterosexuality are... more
This work critically analyses Plato's views on human sexuality as expressed in his dialogues, especially the 'Symposium', 'Republic' and 'Laws'. 'Eros' is the love of the good and the beautiful, and homosexuality and heterosexuality are recognised as different ways humans express their sexuality as they pair with like minds that can help them attain immortality (virture, fame and knowledge) and happiness through the contemplation of the Form of Beauty. Since Socrates was able to sublimate sexaul love (erotic) and make the boys he beloved also lovers who chased after him for the beauty (of knowledge) he possessed within him, Plato's ideal for human sexuality becomes the constant contemplation of (devoid of sexual intercourse in all its forms) of the Form of Beauty in all beautiful persons and things.
Sexual desire is typically measured as a unitary erotic phenomenon and is often assumed by biological and biomedical researchers, as well as the lay public, to be directly connected to physiological parameters like testosterone (T). In... more
Sexual desire is typically measured as a unitary erotic phenomenon and is often assumed by biological and biomedical researchers, as well as the lay public, to be directly connected to physiological parameters like testosterone (T). In the present study, we empirically examined how conceptualizing sexual desire as multifaceted might clarify associations with T and contextual variables. To do so, we used the Sexual Desire Questionnaire (DESQ), which assesses multifaceted dyadic sexual desire, to explore how contextual variables such as social location, relationship status, and desire target (e.g., partner vs. stranger) might be meaningful for reports of sexual desire and associated hormonal correlations. We focused on women (N = 198), because sexual desire and testosterone are generally unlinked in healthy men. Participants imagined a partner or stranger while answering the (65) DESQ items and provided a saliva sample for hormone assay. Analyses showed that the DESQ factored differently for the current sample than in previous research, highlighting how sexual desire can be constructed differently across different populations. We also found that, for the Intimacy, Eroticism, and Partner Focus factors, mean scores were higher when the desire target was a partner relative to a stranger for participants in a relationship, but equally high between partner vs. stranger target for single participants. DESQ items resolved into meaningful hormonal desire components, such that high endorsement of Fantasy Experience was linked to higher T, and higher cortisol was linked with lower endorsement of the Intimacy factor. We argue that conceptualizing desire as multifaceted and contextualized when assessing hormonal links – or questions in general about desire – can clarify some of its complexities and lead to new research avenues.
- by Shannon Burke and +1
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- Sex and Gender, Heterosexuality, Sexuality, Gender and Sexuality
Manual del sexo escrito por Koka Pundit en el siglos XI ó XII por encargo de un rey llamado Venudutta. El Ratirahsya explora todas las cuestiones sexuales y la mejor manera de potenciarlas y llevarlas a cabo, además de proporcionar... more
Purpose-This commentary puts forth a conceptual framework, referred to as the COG (Consumer, Organization, Government) Framework of Unintended Digital Technology Service Failures, that specifies consumer, organizational, and governmental... more
Purpose-This commentary puts forth a conceptual framework, referred to as the COG (Consumer, Organization, Government) Framework of Unintended Digital Technology Service Failures, that specifies consumer, organizational, and governmental shortcomings that result in digital technologies failing in terms of negatively affecting consumer, communal, national, and/or global welfare. Design/methodology/approach-Conceptualization and literature review. Findings-The framework shows that three drivers explain why commercial digital technologies often fail. The first driver highlights misuse or criminal intent from individuals. The second involves organizations failing to prevent or to address technology failures. The third pertains to failures that stem from governmental institutions. Research limitations/implications-The authors encourage researchers to build on their framework by putting forth research questions. To prevent or lessen opportunities for digital technologies to result in service failures, the authors also offer practitioners a "digital technology service failure audit." This audit shows how digital technology creators and managers can anticipate and address consumer, organizational, and governmental factors that often cause digital service technologies failures. Societal implications-Despite the absence of industry-specific regulations and the existence of some regulatory immunities, digital technology providers have an ethical duty, and may be obligated under applicable tort law principles, to take steps to prevent unintended harm to consumers before launching their service technologies. Originality/value-This work reveals that digital technologies represent new and different threats to vulnerable consumers, who often rely on, but do not fully understand, these technologies in their everyday living. The framework helps consumers, organizations, and government agencies identify and remedy current and potential instances of harmful digital technologies.
Objective A study was carried out to determine the variables presented in given categories of pornographic material. The reason for the analysis was an attempt to determine the most important objects for given types of pornographic... more
Objective A study was carried out to determine the variables presented in given categories of pornographic material. The reason for the analysis was an attempt to determine the most important objects for given types of pornographic materials that can cause sexual arousal. Pornographic materials are defined as pictures or videos produced to induce sexual arousal in recipients, however pornographic material is not a homogeneous group. Viewing pornographic material by adults may not always lead to negative consequences, but there are areas of use of pornographic material that can be considered from a mental health perspective. It is accessing specific pornographic materials related to sexual fantasies, the implementation of which would be difficult or impossible in everyday life. Method 4,500 images classified into one of the nine categories of pornographic material were analyzed. Basic descriptive statistics were calculated and the relationship between variables was examined. Results Sexual activity and nudity were rare in fetish-type materials, except for materials classified as BDSM. The materials were mostly dominated by one type of object (fetish), but there were other objects as well. Conclusions The presented research results lead to the conclusion that it is easy to get access to materials that can be a source of sexual arousal for people with less frequent sexual preferences. In addition, in the case of fetish pornographic material, genitals or sexual activity are rare, suggesting that these fetishes are a sufficient condition for recognizing this type of material as sexually stimulating for people with certain paraphilias.
"Introduction. Traditionally, sexual desire is understood to occur spontaneously, but more recent models propose that desire responds to sexual stimuli. Aims. To experimentally assess whether sexual stimuli increased sexual desire; to... more
"Introduction. Traditionally, sexual desire is understood to occur spontaneously, but more recent models propose that desire responds to sexual stimuli.
Aims. To experimentally assess whether sexual stimuli increased sexual desire; to compare how sexual arousal and desire responded to three modalities of sexual stimuli: erotic story, unstructured fantasy, and the Imagined Social Situation Exercise (ISSE).
Methods. In an online study, participants (128 women, 98 men) were randomly assigned to one of four arousal conditions (ISSE, story, fantasy, or neutral), and then completed desire measures. In the ISSE, participants imagined and wrote about a positive sexual encounter with a self-defined attractive person.
Main Outcome Measures. Sexual arousal (perceived genital, psychological, and perceived autonomic), anxiety, positive and negative affect, and state sexual desire via self-report measures pre- and post-condition; “trait” desire via the Sexual Desire Inventory post-condition.
Results. All three sexual conditions significantly increased sexual arousal and positive affect compared with the neutral condition, with trends for higher arousal to unstructured fantasy than the ISSE or story conditions. Sexual conditions significantly increased scores on state measures of sexual desire. In addition, sexual context influenced measurement of “trait” solitary sexual desire in women, such that women reported significantly higher trait desire after the neutral and ISSE conditions vs. fantasy.
Conclusion. Results highlight the responsiveness of sexual desire, problems with measurement of desire as a long-term trait, trade-offs of using the ISSE and other stimuli in sexuality research, and the need to address context in discussions of women’s and men’s desire."
The teachings about homosexuality in various religions differ, so they cannot specify therapeutic goals regarding sexual orientation. The psychological consensus-opinion emerges as a valid alternative-if it is recognized as spiritual.... more
The teachings about homosexuality in various religions differ, so they cannot specify therapeutic goals regarding sexual orientation. The psychological consensus-opinion emerges as a valid alternative-if it is recognized as spiritual. Grounding spirituality in a self-transcending dimension of the mind: the human spirit, and not in appeal to religious belief or metaphysical entities (e.g., God), the author argues that psychology routinely and legitimately treats spiritual matters, namely, the meanings and values by which individuals and societies structure their living. Three considerations support this claim. If this claim is correct, ongoing personal integration is tantamount to spiritual growth, and integration of one's homosexuality sets the ideal but not always attainable psychologicalspiritual goal of therapy and personal growth.
Introduction: The idea that sexual activity can affect athletic performance has been a matter of conjecture for the past several decades. Aim: To provide preliminary data on whether sexual activity the evening before several physical... more
Introduction: The idea that sexual activity can affect athletic performance has been a matter of conjecture for the past several decades. Aim: To provide preliminary data on whether sexual activity the evening before several physical exercise performance tests affects performance the next day. Methods: Eight participants (mean age, 28 ± 5 years) underwent several physical exercise performance tests on 3 different mornings, under 3 conditions: (i) no sexual intercourse the night before the tests (control), (ii) sexual intercourse the night before the tests, and (iii) yoga the night before the tests (randomized, single-blinded). Main Outcome Measures: Physical work capacity, lower body muscular power (standing vertical jump), upper body strength (handgrip strength), reaction time, and upper body musculoskeletal endurance (number of push-ups completed). Results: All participants experienced orgasm through intercourse. The more pleasurable the orgasm, the lower the systolic blood pressure (SBP) on the day after intercourse (Spearman's rho ¼-0.86; P ¼ .007). For every 2% increase in the total orgasm score, SBP decreased by 1 mmHg. Intercourse lasted 13 minutes; mean heart rate (HR) and caloric expenditure ranged from 88 to 145 beats/minute and from 53 to 190 kcal, respectively. There were no significant differences in the physical working capacity that elicited an HR of 170 beats/minute, number of push-ups completed, vertical jump height, grip strength, or reaction time across the 3 conditions.
“Yes Means Yes” (YMY) is an interdisciplinary, noncredit, five-week, positive sexuality seminar offered at a small liberal arts college as part of a campus-wide initiative to improve students’ relationship skills and behaviors. Most... more
“Yes Means Yes” (YMY) is an interdisciplinary, noncredit, five-week,
positive sexuality seminar offered at a small liberal arts college as
part of a campus-wide initiative to improve students’ relationship
skills and behaviors. Most university campuses employ some sort of
sexual assault prevention program to help protect students from
problematic sexual interactions. This course focuses on helping
students decide what they would like from their relationships in
a collaborative seminar format, rather than focusing only on what
they should avoid. Feedback from the class has been overwhelmingly
positive, and it is likely that students at other campuses could
benefit from this program.
Badania empiryczne dotyczące transseksualizmu w Polsce i na świecie należą do rzadkości. Szczególnie zaznacza się brak danych naukowych o charakterystykach psychologicznych, które powinny zostać zbadane również w kontekście stresu... more
Badania empiryczne dotyczące transseksualizmu w Polsce i na świecie należą do rzadkości. Szczególnie zaznacza się brak danych naukowych o charakterystykach psychologicznych, które powinny zostać zbadane również w kontekście stresu mniejszościowego.
Przeprowadzono badanie z użyciem ankiety internetowej wśród 20 osób, które zadeklarowały, że utożsamiają się z przynajmniej jednym z następujących określeń: transseksualizm, transgenderyzm, crossdressing, transwestytyzm, fetyszyzm transwestytyczny, autoginefilia (autogynofilia). Ogłoszenie o możliwości wzięcia udziału w badaniu zostało umieszczone na forum internetowym zrzeszającym osoby „trans”.
Średni wiek uczestników badania wyniósł 37,71 lat (SD=12,13).
Uczestnikom badania zaprezentowano m. in. polską adaptację Skali Samooceny SES Rosenberga.
Średni wynik SES wyniósł M=31,70 (SD=4,67). W porównaniu z próbą normalizacyjną dorosłych w wieku 25-55 lat grupa uczestników badania cechowała się wyższym wynikiem średnim (d=0,36).
Wyniki badania mogą wskazywać na to, że osoby „trans” wykazują wyższą samoocenę w porównaniu z populacją. Należy jednak wziąć pod uwagę znaczne ograniczenia metodologiczne, w tym małą próbę badawczą oraz wykorzystanie wyłącznie wielkości efektu d Cohena do porównania z próbą normalizacyjną – nie są one zatem reprezentatywne. Należy również podkreślić, że badane określenia (transseksualizm, transgenderyzm, crossdressing, transwestytyzm, fetyszyzm transwestytyczny, autoginefilia [autogynofilia]) nie są ze sobą tożsame, co poddaje w wątpliwość możliwość ich łącznego analizowania w ramach jednej kategorii.
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students’ sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students’ sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in universities. The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria and involved 1,580 randomly sampled adolescents in public universities. The research data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to answer the research question: How does sexual self-esteem influence the sexual dispositions of adolescent students in public universities? The outcome showed that students with low sexual self-esteem manifested inordinate sex-esteem and permissive sexual dispositions whereas adolescents with high sexual self-esteem manifested positive sexual dispositions. The researchers thus concluded that sexual self-esteem has a significant effect on the sexuality of adolescent university students. Based on this, it was recommended that sexuality education programs should, inter alia, focus on grooming adolescents on how to conduct themselves as human beings with sentience that transcends sexuality.
human sexuality revolves around expressing the interrelationship of people’s biological, psychological and social-cultural characteristics. To bring a deep and diverse definition of human sexuality, three different dimensions of human... more
human sexuality revolves around expressing the interrelationship of people’s biological, psychological and social-cultural characteristics. To bring a deep and diverse definition of human sexuality, three different dimensions of human sexuality are reviewed. This paper seeks to give an evaluation of these three dimensions of human sexuality concerning their significance in my life.
Transgendered and transexual individuals greatly disturb most God-fearing Christians, who believe that everything other than 'conventional' marital sex is a mortal sin. The ancient Hawaiians were not as tightly strung, in their graceful... more
Transgendered and transexual individuals greatly disturb most God-fearing Christians, who believe that everything other than 'conventional' marital sex is a mortal sin. The ancient Hawaiians were not as tightly strung, in their graceful understanding that all human beings possess a complete Tao of male and female qualities within themselves. 'Mahu' is a Hawaiian term that describes a man who has chosen to live as a woman and in the ancient (pre-missionary) culture, such individuals were respected and regarded as important members of the community. (The image shown is that of a Hawaiian transgender hula group, taken from the excellent 2001 Kathryn Xian and Brent Anbe documentary on traditional Hawaiian sexual attitudes).
Opisano szczegółowo kilka rodzajów parafilii, które są znane opinii publicznej. Zainteresowanie badaniem seksualności człowieka skutkuje odkrywaniem nowych rodzajów parafilii. Wiele nowoopisanych rodzajów parafilii nie posiada znacznego... more
Opisano szczegółowo kilka rodzajów parafilii, które są znane opinii publicznej. Zainteresowanie badaniem seksualności człowieka skutkuje odkrywaniem nowych rodzajów parafilii. Wiele nowoopisanych rodzajów parafilii nie posiada znacznego podłoża empirycznego. Celem referatu jest przedstawienie kilku nowoopisanych parafilii patologicznych oraz analizę ich podłoża empirycznego.
Ignorance of one's sexuality is dangerous to any society. Sex has being a very interest topic since the creation of mankind. We are all by-products of this very important creation of God. Speaking about it, helps us understand the... more
Ignorance of one's sexuality is dangerous to any society. Sex has being a very interest topic since the creation of mankind. We are all by-products of this very important creation of God. Speaking about it, helps us understand the relevance of it to our society. Lack of comprehensive knowledge has led to many misinformation, misinterpretations, misconceptions and abuse of it in our society. Knowledge about sexuality has a great percentage of reducing moral decadence in any society. Sex education is the mandate of all parents, it should begin from the home, then religious centers or institutions, schools and the society at large.
The literature on pubic hair removal (PHR) practices primarily focuses on women in Western societies and attributes recent increases in PHR to product marketing, pornography, and pop culture. Here, we explore PHR and retention practices... more
The literature on pubic hair removal (PHR) practices primarily focuses on women in Western societies and attributes recent increases in PHR to product marketing, pornography, and pop culture. Here, we explore PHR and retention practices outside the cultural West through content coding of societies in the Human Relations Area Files' database, eHRAF World Cultures. Thirty-one societies noted distinct PHR or retention practices. Descriptive data on 72 societies provided additional context to the perception of pubic hair and reasons for its removal or retention. Results indicate that women practice PHR more commonly than men cross-culturally and practices are often tied to concerns about hygiene and sexual activity. Findings show that some features of PHR cross-culturally resemble those of the cultural West in which these practices have been best characterized, though these practices cannot be attributed to the same suite of factors such as exposure to pornography or product marketing. We interpret these findings within cross-cultural and evolutionary perspectives.
Race, Class, and Gender is an interdisciplinary course that touches on the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, science, literature, media, and art to introduce students to the study of identity in American society.... more
Race, Class, and Gender is an interdisciplinary course that touches on the fields of sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, science, literature, media, and art to introduce students to the study of identity in American society. Placing experiences at the center of interpretation, Race, Class, and Gender introduces basic concepts and perspectives in the field of Women's and Gender Studies. Focusing on contemporary issues (with reference to historical trends), we will examine lived experience with an emphasis on how gender interacts with other identities (in particular, race, class, ability, and sexuality). The central goal is to foster critical thinking about how interlocking systems of racism, sexism, ableism, and heterosexism shape who we are, based on our individual social location and experiences of privilege and oppression. We will also examine how individuals have resisted inequality, worked to create new systems of change, and engaged in transformational and liberatory politics. Specific topics include beauty ideals, body image, non-binary gender identity (trans* and intersex), sexuality, gender violence, reproductive justice, birthing practices, and disability. We will place these contemporary issues within their historical, cultural, and theoretical contexts, and students will have the opportunity to engage in active discussion on a daily basis.
This is a story of eugenics – how pornographers (and their close kin, promotors and marketers) exploited the topic in the 1930s, and how in the process they undermined the puritanical authority of both America’s moral censors and its... more
This is a story of eugenics – how pornographers (and their close kin, promotors and marketers) exploited the topic in the 1930s, and how in the process they undermined the puritanical authority of both America’s moral censors and its would-be managers of human reproduction.
Prior research has documented shifts in sexual orientation identity, attractions, and partnering behavior over time and social context, commonly referred to as sexual fluidity (Diamond, 2008). Social contextual factors may include... more
Prior research has documented shifts in sexual orientation identity, attractions, and partnering behavior over time and social context, commonly referred to as sexual fluidity (Diamond, 2008). Social contextual factors may include relationship status and type of relationship, and these may be particularly salient in polyamorous communities where multiple relationships and some degree of fluidity are common. Also common, and potentially important for experiences of fluidity, are nonheteronormativities and nonmononormativities. This study aimed to explore the sexual trajectories (experiences of sexual identity, sexual attractions, and sexual and romantic partnering) over time in people of diverse relational identities and genders. A sample of 55 polyamorous or otherwise consensually nonmonogamous individuals and 61 monoamorous individuals completed online questionnaires regarding sexual identity, attractions, and partnering behaviors at two time points approximately 7 months apart. Relational identity had a number of implications for sexuality. Polyamorous individuals were more likely than monoamorous participants to identify their sexuality in nonpolar and nontraditional ways. Polyamorous women shifted attraction ratings over time at a higher rate than polyamorous men or monoamorous women or men, and differences in present and ideal attractions at Time 1 partially predicted these shifts. Results indicate the importance of relational identity alongside sexual identity and gender in sexuality research.