Homosexuality Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Religious authority figures often use religious texts as the primary basis for censuring homosexuality. In recent years, however, non-heterosexual Christians and Muslims have begun to contest the discursively produced boundary of sexual... more

Religious authority figures often use religious texts as the primary basis for censuring homosexuality. In recent years, however, non-heterosexual Christians and Muslims have begun to contest the discursively produced boundary of sexual
morality. Drawing upon two research projects on non-heterosexual Christians and Muslims, this article explores the three approaches embedded in this strategy. While acknowledging that homosexuality is indeed portrayed negatively in some parts of religious texts, the participants critique traditional hermeneutics by highlighting its inaccuracy and socio-cultural specificity, and arguing for a contextualized and culturally relevant interpretation. They also critique the credibility of institutional interpretive authority by highlighting its inadequacy and ideology, and relocating authentic interpretive authority to personal experience. Finally, they recast religious texts to construct resources for their spiritual nourishment.This strategy generally reflects the contemporary western religious landscape that prioritizes the authority of the self over that of religious institution.

This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender.... more

This was a research paper for a course entitled Feminist and Multicultural Theologies. I unpack what gender complementarianism is, examine its history, and compare it to how Scripture and earlier Christian Tradition understood gender. This allows me to establish that gender complementarianism is a recent innovation in secular and Christian thinking about gender, and that it can be described as a "trajectory" from Scripture and Tradition on gender, influenced by social, ideological, and intellectual developments in secular societies. I then pursue a critique of gender complementarianism, arguing that it is an "unsatisfactory trajectory" because it has troubling implications for orthodox theology, is not borne out by empirical experience and observation, and has harmful effects on human beings and societies and on ethical development.

Feministische Interventionen gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt führten in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu politisch-institutionellen Maßnahmen. Dieser Entwicklung steht eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung gegenüber, die ihren Blick... more

Feministische Interventionen gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt führten in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu politisch-institutionellen Maßnahmen. Dieser Entwicklung steht eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung gegenüber, die ihren Blick zunehmend auf Handlungsmacht von *Frauen richtet und die Debatte um queere sowie postkoloniale Sichtweisen erweitert. Die Autor_innen stellen sich der Frage, wie feministische Ansätze die vielgestaltigen Gewaltformen adäquat erfassen können.

The key issues within this essay are maintaining purity in one’s life and thus being holy as a reflection of one’s salvation in Jesus Christ. I do not believe a homosexual lifestyle constitutes living a pure life or makes one holy and... more

The key issues within this essay are maintaining purity in one’s life and thus being holy as a reflection of one’s salvation in Jesus Christ. I do not believe a homosexual lifestyle constitutes living a pure life or makes one holy and this belief will be tested against the seminal texts of Leviticus 18:22, 29 and 20:13. The terms ‘abomination’ (Lev 18:22, 29; 20:13) and ‘sexual immorality’ (Acts 15:29)will also be investigated in order to unlock the understanding of the original audience of the Bible as to what they meant (i.e., the ‘author-intended meaning’) (Smith 2008:170). Knowledge of the author-intended meaning is important because it aids in correct interpretation and thus in the accurate understanding of the meaning of the seminal texts

In scholarship, the study of male pederastic practices in the ancient Greek world has been used time and time again to reinforce the existence of homosexuality across time, though the same attention has not been given to a feminine... more

In scholarship, the study of male pederastic practices in the ancient Greek world has been used time and time again to reinforce the existence of homosexuality across time, though the same attention has not been given to a feminine equivalent, let alone for the same intentions. This is an extension of the tradition set by antique writers that chose to address male relationships and same-sex love as the ideal, making treatments on the female type much more difficult to perform. This pattern surfaces in discussions of pederastic homosexuality the world over, leaving modern scholars with only scant conclusions on the possibility of a feminine equivalent without any further efforts to elaborate. The following study aims to address this glaring hole in scholarship. First, in looking to the initiatory origins of male pederasty in the Greek world in order to build and account for the feminine; Second, in establishing the feminine’s own origins in mythology and initiatory practices; And, finally, in identifying how it was practiced throughout the ancient Greek world in surviving poetry from the Archaic and Hellenistic periods.

... José Luis Aguirre (Bolivia – Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, La Paz) Lic. Sandra Aliaga (Bolivia – Consejo Nacional de Etica Periodística) Dr. Luis Ramiro Beltrán (Bolivia – ABOIC) Mgr. ... Germán Quiñones Lic. Marcelo... more

... José Luis Aguirre (Bolivia – Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, La Paz) Lic. Sandra Aliaga (Bolivia – Consejo Nacional de Etica Periodística) Dr. Luis Ramiro Beltrán (Bolivia – ABOIC) Mgr. ... Germán Quiñones Lic. Marcelo Herbas SECRAD ...

This dissertation investigates homo- and bisexuality in the Roman world, by focusing primarily on Pompeii’s graffiti. Scratched on walls, street facades, public buildings, within the domus and often inserted in paintings or frescoes,... more

This dissertation investigates homo- and bisexuality in the Roman world, by focusing primarily on Pompeii’s graffiti. Scratched on walls, street facades, public buildings, within the domus and often inserted in paintings or frescoes, Pompeian graffiti differ in topic, structure and kind: they vary from insults to dedications, from political notices to salutations, from jokes to love poems. The quantity of homoerotic graffiti is, in particular, worthy of note, since they offer an important contribution to the study of homo- and bisexual attitudes in the Roman world. If today sexuality is divided into distinct categories and homo- and bisexuality are seen as “unnatural” and “against nature” in some countries, Pompeii’s homoerotic graffiti help us overturn this view: not only do they show that homo- and bisexual behaviours were widespread among the Romans but also that our modern conception of sexuality can be applied only in part to the Roman world, since it was not present in the same form. The graffiti from Pompeii demonstrate that sexuality is a transient concept, which varies according to time, society and culture, and they also invite us to think afresh about our modern way of considering of homo- and bisexual attitudes.

Wilhelm von Gloeden, a minor German aristocrat, and his cousin, Guglielmo Plüschow —both homosexual, both photographers — succumbed to what historian Robert Aldrich has called "the seduction of the Mediterranean," a mythic construct of... more

Wilhelm von Gloeden, a minor German aristocrat, and his cousin, Guglielmo Plüschow —both homosexual, both photographers — succumbed to what historian Robert Aldrich has called "the seduction of the Mediterranean," a mythic construct of southern Italy that was a central theme in homoerotic art and literature from the 1750s to the 1950s. Although Plüschow has been overshadowed by his more famous relative, his work was more transgressive, and as his life demonstrates, he was much more the "sexual outlaw," to borrow the American author John Rechy's locution. This paper compares the lives and work of Gloeden and Plüschow but focuses mainly on the latter. I present biographical detail and cultural history and I discuss the politics of representation as embodied in his (and his cousin's) images of Southern Italian masculinity

Using a broad suicide risk assessment (suicidal ideation, hopelessness, hostility) with 100 youth ages 17 to 19, this study examined the relationship between sexual orientation and youth suicide risk. Participants were compared across... more

Using a broad suicide risk assessment (suicidal ideation, hopelessness, hostility) with 100 youth ages 17 to 19, this study examined the relationship between sexual orientation and youth suicide risk. Participants were compared across sexual orientation, as well as level of perceived external support, which may be a mitigating variable in suicide risk. The suicide risk demonstrated by sexual minorities in this study was no greater than that of their heterosexual peers. Youth who reported more external support demonstrated lower overall suicide risk and, specifically, lower levels of hostility, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. The results indicated that suicide risk is not determined by demographic criteria alone, and may be influenced by psychosocial variables, such as support.

This paper explores how symptoms of mental health problems influence acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related risk behaviors, and how changes in those symptoms relate to risk behaviors engaged in by young adults. Repeated interviews... more

This paper explores how symptoms of mental health problems influence acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related risk behaviors, and how changes in those symptoms relate to risk behaviors engaged in by young adults. Repeated interviews with 602 youths since 1984 provide a history of change in behaviors. Mental health symptoms during adolescence (alcohol/drug [r = .28]; conduct disorder [r = .27]; depression [r = .16]; suicide [r = .14]; anxiety [r = .16]; and posttraumatic stress [r = .09]) are associated with higher numbers of risk behaviors (specifically, prostitution, use of intravenous drugs, and choice of a high-risk sex partner) during young adulthood. Changes in mental health symptoms between adolescence and young adulthood are related to the number of risk behaviors engaged in by young adulthood (total number of symptoms [B = .10], alcohol/drug abuse or dependence [B = .34], depression [B = .20], suicidality [B = .35], anxiety [B = .13], and posttraumatic stress [B = .14]). Changes in symptoms of mental health problems are associated specifically with those risk behaviors that are initiated primarily in young adulthood: intravenous drug use, prostitution, and choice of risky partners. The findings show that prevention and treatment of mental health problems are important components of preventive interventions for human immunodeficiency virus infection in high-risk teens and young adults.

Reducing youth suicide in the United States (U.S.) is a national public health priority, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at elevated risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention... more

Reducing youth suicide in the United States (U.S.) is a national public health priority, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at elevated risk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) endorses six evidence-based (EB) strategies that center on meeting the needs of LGBTQ youth in schools; however, fewer than 6 % of U.S. schools implement all of them. The proposed intervention model, "RLAS" (Implementing School Nursing Strategies to Reduce LGBTQ Adolescent Suicide), builds on the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) conceptual framework and the Dynamic Adaptation Process (DAP) to implement EB strategies in U.S. high schools. The DAP accounts for the multilevel context of school settings and uses Implementation Resource Teams (IRTs) to facilitate appropriate expertise, advise on acceptable adaptations, and provide data feedback to make schools implementation ready and prepared to sustain ch...

rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti. V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na heterofaksimilitu, ktorá... more

rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané
behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne
orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti.
V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na
heterofaksimilitu, ktorá predstavuje výrazný aktivačný
prvok pasívnych copingových stratégií, ako je napríklad
abúzus alkoholu, ktorého zdrojom je napríklad ego
obranný mechanizmus racionalizácie. Suicidálne konanie,
ako konanie, ktoré predstavuje útek pred niečím, čo môže
degradovať sebaúctu a môže Tieto fenomény predstavujú
najvýraznejšie dôsledky vplyvu vyššie uvedenej
heterofaksimility. V sociálnej oblasti analyzujeme
predovšetkým fenomény, ako je sociálna anxieta (úzkosť)
a sociálna izolácia, ktorých spúšťačom sú osamelosť,
pomyselné hodnotenie inými, či aj samotné fenomény
uvádzané v oblasti behaviorálnych špecifík.

Cross-gender behavior in Myanmar (formerly Burma) is reported. Western concepts of transsexualism, gynemimesis, transvestism, and homosexuality are not distinct categories by the Burmese. Males with cross-gender behavior are referred to... more

Cross-gender behavior in Myanmar (formerly Burma) is reported. Western concepts of transsexualism, gynemimesis, transvestism, and homosexuality are not distinct categories by the Burmese. Males with cross-gender behavior are referred to as acaults. Although Myanmar is a profoundly Buddhist society, the people still have strong animistic beliefs with an elaborate system of 37 nats (spirit gods). One of these nats is a female named Manguedon who may take possession of males and impart femininity on them. The cross-gender status of the acaults is sanctioned by their spiritual marriage to Manguedon. The acaults, while not envied, are respected for their roles as shamans and seers.

The discomfort reported by the general public at the prospect of personal contact with marginalised groups is an expression of the stigma they experience. This has been widely studied in relation to ethnic minorities and immigrants but... more

The discomfort reported by the general public at the prospect of personal contact with marginalised groups is an expression of the stigma they experience. This has been widely studied in relation to ethnic minorities and immigrants but less so for persons with disabilities. A national survey with a representative sample of over 1100 Irish adults provided an opportunity to examine reported discomfort with persons who had different impairments, including mental health conditions, with four other minority groups. Moreover, the personal and situational variables associated with expressions of discomfort were identified. Respondents were most comfortable having persons with physical and sensorial disabilities living in their neighbourhood or in their workplace but less so for persons with intellectual disabilities and even less for people with mental health conditions. They were much less comfortable with the four other social groups: gay, lesbian or bisexual people; Eastern European mig...

Paper presented at Concordia University, Feminist Media Studio, April 4 2019

Čoraz častejšie sa terčom extrémistických skupín, populistických vyjadrení politikov a cirkvi stávajú príslušníci neheterosexuálnych menšín ako jednoduchý nástroj získavania politického kapitálu a vplyvu. V predloženom príspevku... more

Čoraz častejšie sa terčom extrémistických skupín, populistických vyjadrení politikov a cirkvi stávajú príslušníci neheterosexuálnych menšín ako jednoduchý nástroj získavania politického kapitálu a vplyvu. V predloženom príspevku ozrejmujeme termíny súvisiace s problematikou extrémizmu, populizmu a popisujeme niektoré hostilné prejavy
v postojoch mládeže k LGBTI komunite. /// As a simple tool of acquiring political capital and influence, the members of sexual minorities are increasingly becoming the victims of extremist groups, populistic political statements and religious organisations. It is the aim of the following report to introduce the various notions connected to extremism, populism as well as to describe hostile manifestations in the opinions of the youth towards the LGBTI community.