Humanae Vitae Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The Roman Catholic Church, through the Magisterium teaches the faithful the right way to Christian living. Controversial among these teachings was Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae(On the Regulation of Birth) which indicates that... more
The Roman Catholic Church, through the Magisterium teaches the faithful the right way to Christian living. Controversial among these teachings was Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae(On the Regulation of Birth) which indicates that the use of contraceptives is incompatible with the Christian message. This study situated the practices and perspectives of contraception in the context of Humanae Vitae.It then engaged students of the Catholic University College of Ghana on their practices and perspectives regarding the subject matter.The acceptance of the teachings of Humanae Vitae continues to be a critical test casefor the Catholic and Christians not only in Europe and the Americas but also in Ghana.
1968: Culture and Counterculture—A Catholic Critique Sexual revolution, terrorism, student riots, civil rights, Stonewall Riots, feminism, and the publication of Humane vitae. The year 1968 is a milestone in twentieth-century history. The... more
Nel 1968, anno in cui fu divulgata l’enciclica di Paolo VI Humanae vitae (firmata il 25 luglio), il mondo stava vivendo profonde trasformazioni e la scienza stava cominciando a «mettere le mani» sui meccanismi della procreazione.... more
Nel 1968, anno in cui fu divulgata l’enciclica di Paolo VI Humanae vitae (firmata il 25 luglio), il mondo stava vivendo profonde trasformazioni e la scienza stava cominciando a «mettere le mani» sui meccanismi della procreazione.
L’enciclica, preceduta dai pareri spesso discordi di numerose commissioni, venne a suo tempo criticata da teologi vescovi ed episcopati. Le dichiarazioni dei più importanti episcopati, furono finalizzate prevalentemente a minimizzare la portata delle indicazioni magisteriali, a sottolineare il primato della coscienza secondo quanto emerso dalla costituzione pastorale Gaudium et spes, e a sollecitare una larga comprensione nei confronti di tutti quei coniugi che di fronte alle impegnative indicazioni in tema di regolazione della fertilità si sarebbero scoraggiati.
Papa Montini, volle rispondere alle nuove sfide, nella consapevolezza che la questione non riguardasse soltanto il «costume», ma che tirasse in ballo anche il futuro dei popoli. Nel 1963 papa Giovanni XXIII, aveva istituito una Commissione che si occupasse delle «nuove questioni riguardanti la vita coniugale, e in particolare una retta regolazione della natalità».
Papa Paolo VI, raccolse quindi i risultati del lavoro di quegli esperti, e diede le sue risposte definitive a queste gravi questioni, proprio nell’enciclica Humane vitae, un documento di 31 paragrafi, diviso in tre parti: I) Aspetti nuovi del problema e competenze del magistero. II) Principi dottrinali. III) Direttive pastorali.
L’enciclica Humanae Vitae (HV), venne dunque promulgata nel difficile contesto socio-culturale del 1968 e venne preceduta dai pareri spesso discordi, di numerose commissioni. Essa venne anche a suo tempo molto criticata da teologi, vescovi ed episcopati.
The author discusses natural law reasoning, from the 1960s in the context of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae vitae, to recent cultural and intellectual currents and their influence on the tradition. The challenges that have skewed acceptance of a... more
The author discusses natural law reasoning, from the 1960s in the context of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae vitae, to recent cultural and intellectual currents and their influence on the tradition. The challenges that have skewed acceptance of a common human nature and the existence of natural law are
addressed. The author shows how the debate on contraception initiated this challenge against natural law reasoning and led to a more evolutive concept of human nature. Attention is drawn to a need for natural law theorists trained in both modern science and Thomistic philosophy to engage the different scientific fields to clarify, adapt, rethink, and even modify the natural law language in accord with the latest discoveries compatitible with evolutionary findings.
In this volume, Charles E. Curran surveys the historical development of Catholic moral theology in the United States from its 19th century roots to the end of Pope John Paul II’s papacy. It is probably the first comprehensive history of... more
In this volume, Charles E. Curran surveys the historical development of Catholic moral theology in the United States from its 19th century roots to the end of Pope John Paul II’s papacy. It is probably the first comprehensive history of Catholic moral theology in the United States. As one can guess from the title, the book only considers those theologians who write from the Catholic moral tradition.
Is postlapsarian sexual desire primarily altruistic or disordered? This paper utilizes the resources in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the contemporary magisterium to argue that recent phenomena such as the #MeToo movement... more
Is postlapsarian sexual desire primarily altruistic or disordered? This paper utilizes the resources in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the contemporary magisterium to argue that recent phenomena such as the #MeToo movement underscore the inherently unstable and aggressive nature of sexual desire when it is uprooted from its natural end (i.e., is endless). Aquinas highlights three aspects of desire that more sex-positive accounts of sexuality would do well to heed: its natural infinity, its self-referential nature (grounded in amor concupiscentiae), and its power of rationalization. By directing the motor of desire toward its natural ends, virtue-led by reason-can redirect desire away from self and toward the good. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 18.4 (Winter 2018): 629-646.
Texte paru en italien : « Paternità e maternità responsabili. Le ragioni di un'incomprensione », dans L. Scaraffa (ed.) Custodi et interpreti della vita, Attualità dell'enciclica Humanae vitae, Roma, Lateran University Press, 2010, p.... more
Texte paru en italien : « Paternità e maternità responsabili. Le ragioni di un'incomprensione », dans L. Scaraffa (ed.) Custodi et interpreti della vita, Attualità dell'enciclica Humanae vitae, Roma, Lateran University Press, 2010, p. 217-229
Is postlapsarian sexual desire primarily altruistic or disordered? This paper utilizes the resources in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the contemporary magisterium to argue that recent phenomena such as the #MeToo movement... more
Is postlapsarian sexual desire primarily altruistic or disordered? This paper utilizes the resources in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the contemporary magisterium to argue that recent phenomena such as the #MeToo movement underscore the inherently unstable and aggressive nature of sexual desire when it is uprooted from its natural end (i.e., is end-less). Aquinas highlights three aspects of desire that more sex-positive accounts of sexuality would do well to heed: its natural infinity, its self-referential nature (grounded in amor concupiscentiae), and its power of rationalization. By directing the motor of desire toward its natural ends, virtue—led by reason—can redirect desire away from self and toward the good.
The following article aims to develop an analytical reflection regarding the occupation of the cathedral, following the main events that took place during that day: the occupation itself, the main characters behind the occupation (Grupo... more
The following article aims to develop an analytical reflection regarding the occupation of the cathedral, following the main events that took place during that day: the occupation itself, the main characters behind the occupation (Grupo Iglesia Joven), a review of proclamations and demands made by the Grupo Iglesia Joven, the consequences of the occupancy and the long term ramifications of this event. This will help us to explain and understand what triggered these incidents at the cathedral, what the Grupo Iglesia Joven wished to achieve, what were its consequences, as well as the reactions of the catholic authorities, and the conflict originated based on the positions adopted on this matter. In addition, we will also analyze the cathedral event within its relationship to the historical processes being faced by the Catholic Church during the sixties (Second Vatican Council).
Msgr. Reynold Hillenbrand, 1904-1979, was a saintly and visionary Chicago seminary rector, pastor, liturgical leader, and “Specialized Catholic Action” chaplain who profoundly influenced generations of clergy and laity involved in such... more
Msgr. Reynold Hillenbrand, 1904-1979, was a saintly and visionary Chicago seminary rector, pastor, liturgical leader, and “Specialized Catholic Action” chaplain who profoundly influenced generations of clergy and laity involved in such organizations as the Young Christian Students, Young Christian Workers, Friendship House, the Cana Conference, the Christian Family Movement, the Catholic Labor Alliance, and the La Leche League. Unlike many of his protégés, Msgr. Hillenbrand publicly supported the teachings of Humanae Vitae in 1968, an act which isolated him from some prominent friends and advisees, leading him after his death to be called a “papalist” by a distinguished former student. But also unlike a number of his protégés, Msgr. Hillenbrand did not so much synthesize differing social action techniques into the Catholic tradition, but approached from different Catholic sources a communion of holiness and action through an integrating and grounding focus on the Sacred Liturgy and upon the Gospel and the Magisterium, which then allowed Catholics to take great initiative in addressing social problems while maintaining their Catholic identity. This essay discusses a number of filters placed upon Msgr. Hillenbrand’s significance by his heirs, and then looks to reassess and reclaim Msgr. Hillenbrand’s approaches to the spiritual direction of lay leadership, families, parishes, clergy, and social action organizations.
En la semana de inauguración del curso académico 2017 - 2018 me recibe el Vice Presidente de esta Institución ya extendida en todo el mundo, en su despacho en Roma donde conversamos sobre la familia, el matrimonio, y los estudios de la... more
Texto realizado hacia 1997 para utilizar con los estudiantes de la asignatura "Antropología Filosófica yTeológica" de la carrera de Magisterio Normal Superior del Profesorado de la Diócesis de Morón "Mons.Raspanti". Es un esquema básico... more
Texto realizado hacia 1997 para utilizar con los estudiantes de la asignatura "Antropología Filosófica yTeológica" de la carrera de Magisterio Normal Superior del Profesorado de la Diócesis de Morón "Mons.Raspanti". Es un esquema básico y descriptivo para adentrarse en las temáticas principales de la encícica.
Il contributo vuole essenzialmente ricordare la vicenda di padre Ermenegildo Lio, frate Minore la cui vicenda biografica è importante da approfondire per comprendere maggiormente il concilio Vaticano II. Fa seguito la bibliografia di p.... more
Il contributo vuole essenzialmente ricordare la vicenda di padre Ermenegildo Lio, frate Minore la cui vicenda biografica è importante da approfondire per comprendere maggiormente il concilio Vaticano II. Fa seguito la bibliografia di p. Lio curata dalla dott. Alessandra Di Girolami.
This paper responds to a polarisation in Catholic reactions to the quincentenary year of the Lutheran Reformation with an examination of Martin Luther's and Joseph Ratzinger's respective theologies of conscience, and their... more
This paper responds to a polarisation in Catholic reactions to the quincentenary year of the Lutheran Reformation with an examination of Martin Luther's and Joseph Ratzinger's respective theologies of conscience, and their shared late-scholastic background. Luther's key contributions to discussions of conscience follow from his abandoning of the traditional two-level ('bi-dimensional') model, which enables his move to a more personal and less abstract articula-tion, and clears the way for his conviction that an erroneous conscience must be respected ('Here I stand, I can do no other'). Joseph Ratzinger's approach will then be shown to take-up important elements of Luther's, while re-establishing conscience's bi-dimensionality. Ratzinger maintains a person-centred approach, and acknowledges the rights of an erroneous conscience, but he also importantly reconfigures these considerations within a bi-dimensional model which preserves the collective or communal dimension of Catholic tradition, thus offering a 'herme-neutic of continuity' of sorts for understanding the Reformation in relation to theologies of conscience.
I discuss the arguments put forth in Griswold v. Connecticut and show that in the Papal Commission set up prior to Humanae Vitae and show that similar arguments are made in both cases with regard to privacy within the institution of... more
I discuss the arguments put forth in Griswold v. Connecticut and show that in the Papal Commission set up prior to Humanae Vitae and show that similar arguments are made in both cases with regard to privacy within the institution of marriage. I also briefly look at the different kind of response of Catholics after the Griswold case and the current reaction to the ACA contraceptive mandate by showing how different issues are at stake.
The suspicion of a fallacy of biologism against the encyclical "Humanae vitae" of Pope Paul VI results from a flawed analysis of the concept of nature on which "Humanae Vitae" is based. This essay will therefore begin by analyzing this... more
The suspicion of a fallacy of biologism against the encyclical "Humanae vitae" of Pope Paul VI results from a flawed analysis of the concept of nature on which "Humanae Vitae" is based. This essay will therefore begin by analyzing this concept and will then provide underpinnings in terms of moral philosophy.
Cuando Karol Wojtyla abordó el tema de la paternidad, lo hizo considerando el público tan diverso que lo leía y escuchaba. Sus escritos académicos y divulgativos reflejaron en todo momento el profundo interés pastoral que el sacerdote... more
Cuando Karol Wojtyla abordó el tema de la paternidad, lo hizo considerando el público tan diverso que lo leía y escuchaba. Sus escritos académicos y divulgativos reflejaron en todo momento el profundo interés pastoral que el sacerdote polaco sintió por los jóvenes universitarios que lo seguían y que –según afirmó desde la Sede de Pedro– a la larga le enseñaron el camino a él. Siempre tuvo un gran afán por dar respuestas concretas a la problemática social y cultural que acosó a los matrimonios y a las familias de su época. Quizás aquí se encuentra la característica principal que distingue a Wojtyla como un autor de forzosa consulta en relación a la crisis familiar está avasallando a Occidente.
La Paternidad en el Pensamiento de Karol Wojtyla es un análisis de los principales escritos de unos de los afamados defensores de la institución familiar en el siglo XX, que puede servir de guía para aquellos interesados en restituir la dignidad del padre y de la madre en el centro de la vida familiar.
Argumentul meu este că pentru orice dezbatere publică, în acest caz, cea legată de contracepție, trebuie să facem apel la Revelație, repovestind mereu, complet, până la capăt o narațiune creștină, în spiritul cristocentric al Conciliului... more
Argumentul meu este că pentru orice dezbatere publică, în acest caz, cea legată de contracepție, trebuie să facem apel la Revelație, repovestind mereu, complet, până la capăt o narațiune creștină, în spiritul cristocentric al Conciliului Vatican II și al Magisteriului recent. Creștinismul, de fapt, nu are nicio miză în mitul rațiunii dezinteresate, spunea David Bentley Hart. Noi nu suntem interesați de stabilirea unor „punți”, prin intermediul filosofiei, cu lumea seculară, ci de dislocarea acesteia și supunerea ei domniei lui Hristos, iar dialogul nu are sens decât ca pretext pentru a-l converti, prin persuasiune, pe interlocutor. În final, cel mai puternic argument împotriva contracepției este că ea este simbolul unei culturi a morții care nici măcar nu permite ca anumite persoane să fie aduse în ființă pentru a se bucura pe veșnicie de iubirea Sfintei Treimi.
El Profesor José Granados, vicepresidente del Pontificio Instituto Teológico Juan Pablo II para las ciencias del Matrimonio y la Familia Llegados ya al final de nuestra conversación en la ciudad eterna, Roma, el profesor José Granados... more
Approcher historiquement Humanae vitae permet de déplacer le regard sur des enjeux et des dimension non perçus. D'une certaine manière, Paul VI choisit la voie d'un échec de la réception de son encyclique. D'un autre côté, le texte ne... more
Approcher historiquement Humanae vitae permet de déplacer le regard sur des enjeux et des dimension non perçus. D'une certaine manière, Paul VI choisit la voie d'un échec de la réception de son encyclique. D'un autre côté, le texte ne peut se comprendre sans le mettre en relation avec les politiques démographiques des Etats modernes.
Co-organised by Alana Harris and Wannes Dupont. In anticipation of the 50 th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's promulgation of the encyclical Humanae Vitae (1968), which sought to prohibit the use of contraception by practising Catholics... more
Co-organised by Alana Harris and Wannes Dupont. In anticipation of the 50 th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's promulgation of the encyclical Humanae Vitae (1968), which sought to prohibit the use of contraception by practising Catholics through deeming it 'intrinsically dishonest', this colloquium seeks to bring together worldleading historians of gender, sexuality and modern Catholicism to discuss the differing reactions to and reception of the encyclical by Catholic laity and clergy across Europe. Situating the Vatican's highly controversial intervention in sexual ethics within the larger trajectory of debates about 'birth control' and the role of sex within marriage emerging since the Second World War, and as a little explored analogue to the social and sexual upheavals of the 1960s countercultural movements, the workshop will make an essential contribution to a growing historiography exploring 'around '68' by illuminating the gendered, material and metaphysical grounds for heated opposition and reinterpretation of the Vatican ruling. The format of the colloquium will be highly discussionorientated, based on the precirculation of papers and very short presentations (with a designated respondent) at the gathering. This is to ensure that there is ample time for indepth consideration of commonalities and contrasting factors in the 'reception' of HV and the identification of constructive theoretical and methodological perspectives. Welladvanced conversations are underway for the subsequent publication of selected contributors' papers within an edited volume to be published by Palgrave Macmillan . Research questions and scholarly objectives of the focused, comparative and interdisciplinary discussions include:
Since both men and women, made in the divine image, bear rational souls, and the Catholic understanding of redemption requires that persons respond freely to the gift of grace, Saint Paul’s comment to Timothy that women can be saved... more
Since both men and women, made in the divine image, bear rational souls, and the Catholic understanding of redemption requires that persons respond freely to the gift of grace, Saint Paul’s comment to Timothy that women can be saved through through childbearing (cf. 1 Timothy 2:13-15) indicates that motherhood must be rational. This thesis responds to three different arguments against that premise—those of Simone deBeauvoir, Julia Kristeva, and Gertrude von le Fort—by illustrating that Thomas Aquinas’ application of Aristotelian principles restores both a proper understanding of rationality and how our hylemorphic construct directs us to our supernatural end. Weaving together a Thomistic view of natural law, the Church’s use of munus in Humanae Vitae, and Charles de Koninck’s explanation of how maternity contributes to the common good, I will show specifically how motherhood itself is rational and why it bears the potential not only to perfect the mother, but also to positively influence the common good—with the Virgin Mary standing as the most perfect example.
Abstract: 1968 was an annus terribilis. Riots on American and European university campuses provoked a jeremiad by the late Alan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind. Demonstrations against the Vietnam War and violence in the streets... more
Abstract: 1968 was an annus terribilis. Riots on American and European university campuses provoked a jeremiad by the late Alan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind. Demonstrations against the Vietnam War and violence in the streets provided symptoms of cultural and moral apostasy. In this turbulent setting Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae vitae, the focus of which is on the unitive and procreative role of human sexual activity at the heart of the family. In this paper I propose to consider not the infallible teaching of the document but some of the fallible predictions Pope Paul made about what would happen to human relations in the social and political setting if this teaching were neglected. I propose to show how these noninfallible predictions played out, with specific reference to the long-classified 1974 Kissinger Report NSSM 200 on “the implications of worldwide population growth for U.S. security and overseas interests.”
This paper responds to a polarisation in Catholic reactions to the quincentenary year of the Lutheran Reformation with an examination of Martin Luther's and Joseph Ratzinger's respective theologies of conscience, and their shared... more
This paper responds to a polarisation in Catholic reactions to the quincentenary year of the Lutheran Reformation with an examination of Martin Luther's and Joseph Ratzinger's respective theologies of conscience, and their shared late-scholastic background. Luther's key contributions to discussions of conscience follow from his abandoning of the traditional two-level ('bi-dimensional') model, which enables his move to a more personal and less abstract articula-tion, and clears the way for his conviction that an erroneous conscience must be respected ('Here I stand, I can do no other'). Joseph Ratzinger's approach will then be shown to take-up important elements of Luther's, while re-establishing conscience's bi-dimensionality. Ratzinger maintains a person-centred approach, and acknowledges the rights of an erroneous conscience, but he also importantly reconfigures these considerations within a bi-dimensional model which preserves the collective or communal dimension of Catholic tradition, thus offering a 'herme-neutic of continuity' of sorts for understanding the Reformation in relation to theologies of conscience.
"Christianitas", nr 73/2018
The Catholic Church is experiencing a fundamental crisis, a key aspect of which is a crisis of authority. This problem is part of a bigger story. It is part of a development which has been unfolding since the nineteenth century, when the... more
The Catholic Church is experiencing a fundamental crisis, a key aspect of which is a crisis of authority. This problem is part of a bigger story. It is part of a development which has been unfolding since the nineteenth century, when the magisterium established the practice to issue doctrinal statements in the form of decisions. Over the past two centuries, it seems, Catholic teaching has become less an endeavour to discover the truth and more an endeavour to decide what truth is.
This rather juridical approach to deciding epistemic issues has come under increasing criticism from many Catholics. Many Catholics have become reluctant to accept the magisterium’s decisions, thereby challenging the very essence of its authority. A remedy to this home-grown conflict is not currently at hand. However, studying rabbinic texts on authority and interpretation may help to comprehend the roots of this conflict and may also help to identify alternative approaches to solving conflicts over difficult issues in challenging times. By studying Halachic examples of how to discern God’s will under critical circumstances, the Catholic debates may profit from these dialectic approaches to power and authority which serve truth finding and decision making.
Die Enzyklika Humanae vitae über die Weitergabe des Lebens von Papst Paul VI. hat seit ihrer Entstehung viel Kritik innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Moraltheologie erfahren. Das 50. Jubiläum des päpstlichen Schreibens ist eine gute... more
Die Enzyklika Humanae vitae über die Weitergabe des Lebens von Papst Paul VI. hat seit ihrer Entstehung viel Kritik innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Moraltheologie erfahren. Das 50. Jubiläum des päpstlichen Schreibens ist eine gute Gelegenheit, manche Missverständnisse bzgl. ihrer Argumentationslinien auszuräumen. Insbesondere soll die Berufung auf das Naturrecht bei der untrennbaren Verbindung vom unitiven und prokreativen Aspekt des ehelichen Geschlechtsverkehrs nicht naturalistisch bzw. biologistisch ausgelegt werden. Vielmehr handelt es sich um hier um eine Implikation der menschlichen Natur, wie sie durch die Vernunft erfasst wird und sich in freien, personalen Akten kundtut. Auf diese Weise bestimmt die Ordnung der Natur die Ordnung der Liebe.