Information Systems Research Research Papers (original) (raw)

The Information Systems field is structured by the research topics emphasized by communities of journals. The Latent Categorization Method categorized and automatically named IS research topics in 14,510 abstracts from 65 Information... more

The Information Systems field is structured by the research topics emphasized by communities of journals. The Latent Categorization Method categorized and automatically named IS research topics in 14,510 abstracts from 65 Information Systems journals. These topics were clustered into seven intellectual communities based on publication patterns. The technique develops categories from the data itself, it is replicable, is relatively insensitive to the size of the text units, and it avoids many of the problems that frequently accompany human categorization. As such LCM provides a new approach to analyzing a wide array of textual data.

A practitioner is a professionally employed person in a selected discipline such as information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT practitioners often operate in the domain of Information Systems (IS), the social science branch of... more

A practitioner is a professionally employed person in a selected discipline such as information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT practitioners often operate in the domain of Information Systems (IS), the social science branch of ICT. Practitioner research comprises of research that practitioners undertake with a view to the advancement of their practice. Questions arise in respect of research conducted by ICT practitioners: (1) What is the context of the IS professional when conducting practitioner-based research; and (2) Does practitioner-based research have a theoretical base and does practitioner-based research challenge the traditional dichotomy between positivist and interpretivist research in IS? An investigation and discussion of these questions in the IS discipline is the objective of this article. In this article, ICT practitioner-based research in organisations is discussed. Some philosophical underpinnings of practitioner-based research are probed and a reflection on practitioner research is given. It is suggested that active ICT practitioners are a necessity in the IS research domain. Their participation requires that the actual context in which IS practices are conducted, should be analysed. To ensure that such IS research is valid, an epistemological base is needed for critical reflection and thoughtful action from which to draw.

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to reflect on the issues of social and digital exclusion and inclusion arising from the development of a digitalised society. It aims to highlight the significance of this for the study of information... more

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to reflect on the issues of social and digital exclusion and inclusion arising from the development of a digitalised society. It aims to highlight the significance of this for the study of information systems by describing the context for this special issue, outlining a number of previously under‐researched areas, giving an overview of the papers chosen for this special issue and describing future directions for research that recognise non‐users and marginal users as important actors in designing and evaluating systems in use.Design/methodology/approachThe paper sets the scene by discussing the impact of mass involvement in digital culture on the field of information systems and analyses each paper, suggesting ways in which they relate to the chosen themes and drawing conclusions from this discussion.FindingsThe papers chosen address thematic issues, theoretical foundations, methodological issues, empirical studies and reflections on inclusion and...

Information systems researchers have a long tra- dition of drawing on theories from disciplines such as economics, computer science, psychology, and general management and using them in their own research. Because of this, the information... more

Information systems researchers have a long tra- dition of drawing on theories from disciplines such as economics, computer science, psychology, and general management and using them in their own research. Because of this, the information sys- tems field has become a rich tapestry of theore-

In recent years, market competitions and internal efficiency requirements derived many Information Technology (IT) functions to shift their paradigms from IT asset management to IT service management (ITSM). Consequently, a growing number... more

In recent years, market competitions and internal efficiency requirements derived many Information Technology (IT) functions to shift their paradigms from IT asset management to IT service management (ITSM). Consequently, a growing number of public and private organizations are implementing the ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) " best practice " as a framework for improving IT service management processes. This paper presents an exploratory in-depth case study of two public service organizations in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia deemed successfully implemented ITIL V3 processes. The case studies identify several critical success factors (CSF) associated with ITIL implementation success. These CSF are then compared with factors identified in the literature to shed light on success factors and challenges to offer a learning experience for organizations currently undergoing or planning ITIL implementation.

In this article we develop a typology of review types and provide a descriptive insight into the most common reviews found in top IS journals. Our assessment reveals that the number of IS reviews has increased over the years. The majority... more

In this article we develop a typology of review types and provide a descriptive insight into the most common reviews found in top IS journals. Our assessment reveals that the number of IS reviews has increased over the years. The majority of the 139 reviews are theoretical in nature, followed by narrative reviews, meta-analyses, descriptive reviews, hybrid reviews, critical reviews, and scoping reviews. Considering the calls for IS research to develop a cumulative tradition, we hope more review articles will be published in the future and encourage researchers who start a review to use our typology to position their contribution.

*) in the context of bachelor students.

Modern research has engendered frameworks, such as the management support system (MSS), that are designed to provide comprehensive and integrated support for the decision making process. While one recent study has empirically measured the... more

Modern research has engendered frameworks, such as the management support system (MSS), that are designed to provide comprehensive and integrated support for the decision making process. While one recent study has empirically measured the effects of these frameworks on decision making, there have been few, if any, corroborating or deprecating investigations. This article offers further empirical evidence on MSS effectiveness.

Dalam penelitian yang dilakukannya, seorang peneliti perlu mengetahui paradigma yang dianut, yaitu pendekatan yang bercirikan asumsi-asumsi filosofis—meliputi ontologi, epistemologi, dan metodologi—tertentu mengenai apa yang menjadikan... more

Dalam penelitian yang dilakukannya, seorang peneliti perlu mengetahui paradigma yang dianut, yaitu pendekatan yang bercirikan asumsi-asumsi filosofis—meliputi ontologi, epistemologi, dan metodologi—tertentu mengenai apa yang menjadikan penelitian itu “sahih” dan metode-metode penelitian mana yang tepat. Dalam tulisan ini dibahas paradigma-paradigma dalam penelitian sistem informasi sebagai hasil dari suatu tinjauan literatur, dengan fokus kepada implikasi-implikasi etis yang melekat pada paradigma-paradigma tersebut. Terlihat adanya kesepakatan umum bahwa penelitian-penelitian sistem informasi dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga paradigma, yaitu positif, interpretif, dan kritis. Dapat ditunjukkan pula bahwa masing-masing dari ketiga paradigma tersebut memiliki implikasi etis. Implikasi etis dari paradigma kritis sangat mudah ditemukan karena paradigma ini memiliki sisi etis yang melekat dalam dirinya: Dengan keinginan untuk melakukan perubahan terhadap kenyataan sosial, penelitian kritis harus mengajukan saran-saran normatif mengenai arah yang harus ditempuh oleh perubahan-perubahan tersebut. Etika juga melekat dalam paradigma interpretif: Interaksi yang akrab dengan subjek-subjek penelitian, sebagaimana diperlukan dalam penelitian interpretif, tentunya memiliki konsekuensi-konsekuensi etis. Meskipun paradigma positif kerap dicirikan sebagai bebas etika, dapat ditunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa titik di mana etika memasuki dasar-dasar paradigma tersebut; seringkali implikasi-implikasi etis tersebut tersembunyikan, sehingga para penganut paradigma positivisme, jika dibandingkan dengan para penganut paradigma lainnya, kurang melihat perlunya mempertimbangkan pembenaran etis atas posisi mereka.

The aim of this paper is to elaborate on the concept of action research. With inspiration from work performed by Checkland and McKay & Marshall the conceptualisation we are suggesting is illustrated in a model consisting of three... more

The aim of this paper is to elaborate on the concept of action research. With inspiration from work performed by Checkland and McKay & Marshall the conceptualisation we are suggesting is illustrated in a model consisting of three different practices. Action research means that a research practice and a business practice are interacting. This interaction constitutes a third practice, which

An understanding of culture is important to the study of information technologies in that culture at various levels, including national, organizational, and group, can influence the successful implementation and use of information... more

An understanding of culture is important to the study of information technologies in that culture at various levels, including national, organizational, and group, can influence the successful implementation and use of information technology. Culture also plays a role in managerial processes that may directly, or indirectly, influence IT. Culture is a challenging variable to research, in part because of the

Business knowledge is the major asset of business organizations, which empowers them not only to survive, but also make proactive decisions in rapidly changing business situation. Therefore mapping business knowledge to the computable... more

Business knowledge is the major asset of business organizations, which empowers them not only to survive, but also make proactive decisions in rapidly changing business situation. Therefore mapping business knowledge to the computable form is the primary task for information systems research. Structuring business knowledge using business rules approach is convenient for both business representatives and system analysts. However, the

Thrs study seeks to tughlight construct measurement issues in dormatiori systems (IS) research It describes the normative process of COnstNCi measurement and identifies the dlfficult problems involved in measurement and some ways in wtuch... more

Thrs study seeks to tughlight construct measurement issues in dormatiori systems (IS) research It describes the normative process of COnstNCi measurement and identifies the dlfficult problems involved in measurement and some ways in wtuch these difficulties may be overcome. An ...

The effect of culture has been popular topic in recent information system research. However, it is not a simple task to either collect or analyze data containing elements of "culture". This paper presents previous literature on... more

The effect of culture has been popular topic in recent information system research. However, it is not a simple task to either collect or analyze data containing elements of "culture". This paper presents previous literature on how to measure culture, the theoretical background how to build this construct and a short description of empirical study we conducted in a multicultural

Design science in Information Systems (IS) research pertains to the creation of artifacts to solve reallife problems. Research on IS artifact evaluation remains at an early stage. In the design-science research literature, evaluation... more

Design science in Information Systems (IS) research pertains to the creation of artifacts to solve reallife problems. Research on IS artifact evaluation remains at an early stage. In the design-science research literature, evaluation criteria are presented in a fragmented or incomplete manner. This paper addresses the following research questions: which criteria are proposed in the literature to evaluate IS artifacts? Which ones are actually used in published research? How can we structure these criteria? Finally, which evaluation methods emerge as generic means to assess IS artifacts? The artifact resulting from our research comprises three main components: a hierarchy of evaluation criteria for IS artifacts organized according to the dimensions of a system (goal, environment, structure, activity, and evolution), a model providing a high-level abstraction of evaluation methods, and finally, a set of generic evaluation methods which are instantiations of this model. These methods re...