Itc Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The ATransC publishes an occasional update email to a list which you may join using the form in the right column of each page. The focus of the update is current information about transcommunication from the perspective of... more

With shrinking feature sizes of manufacturing processes, the occurrence of systematic defects is expected to increase. In this paper, we present techniques for identifying potential systematic defect candidates from... more

With shrinking feature sizes of manufacturing processes, the occurrence of systematic defects is expected to increase. In this paper, we present techniques for identifying potential systematic defect candidates from design-for-manufacturing (DFM) layout guidelines. DFM guidelines are tightened to find layout locations as potential sites for systematic defects, affected transistors are identified at the schematic level, and defect behaviors are translated to gate level logic faults. Experimental results are presented on an Intel Pentium ® 4 design for the evaluation of existing tests in screening systematic failures and identifying potential test holes. Additional test content is generated for improving test quality.

Esta asignatura desempeña un papel fundamental en el plan de estudio de estas ingenierías porque a través de ella el estudiante conoce en detalle los componentes, las estructuras y las funciones de un sistema operativo concreto, así como... more

Esta asignatura desempeña un papel fundamental en el plan de estudio de estas ingenierías porque a través de ella el estudiante conoce en detalle los componentes, las estructuras y las funciones de un sistema operativo concreto, así como aspectos generales de la construcción de sistemas operativos.

România a fost marcată, din punctul de vedere al tehnologiilor de comunicare, de mari mutații tehnologice care, parcurgând mai multe etape, au dus la modificarea modurilor de producere, difuzare și consumare a informației. Realizarea de... more

România a fost marcată, din punctul de vedere al tehnologiilor de comunicare, de mari mutații
tehnologice care, parcurgând mai multe etape, au dus la modificarea modurilor de producere, difuzare și
consumare a informației. Realizarea de noi rețele sau suporturi, cum ar fi sateliții, magistralele electronice
sau discurile optice, a dus astăzi la crearea unei astfel de mutații, numită uneori drept “revoluție digitală”,
aceasta putând avea repercusiuni semnificative asupra modului cetățenilor de a comunica, de a munci și
chiar de a se distra. Obiective: Scopul acestei lucrări este acela de a oferi o viziune asupra elementelor care
ar trebui îmbunătățite de către autoritățile ce au puterea și răspunderea de a face acest lucru, în vederea
unei mai bune abordări asupra perspectivei viitorului administrației publice. Abordare: Acest articol s-a
bazat pe o cercetare bibliografică a lucrărilor de specialitate care se concentrează pe tehnologiile folosite în
vederea comunicării digitale, cu prioritate în sectorul public, având ca parte finală un studiu de caz ce
întrunește informații completate de către cetățeni diferiți în cadrul unui chestionar pe tema abordată.
Rezultate: Importanța pe care dezvoltarea acestor tehnologii o are asupra administrației publice trebuie
înțeleasă și ca un mijloc prin se poate face față măsurilor actuale de austeritate și, pe termen lung, aceasta
este utilă pentru a răspunde unei mai bune globalizări și, de asemenea, marilor provocări lansate de
societate, luând totodată în considerare nevoile și cerințele acesteia.
Cuvinte cheie: administrație publică, IT, comunicare digitală.

Remote sensing provides the basic data to undertake inventory of land, as well as the temporal information required to monitor sustainable land management practices. In this paper, the current use of remote sensing for sustainable land... more

Remote sensing provides the basic data to undertake inventory of land, as well as the temporal information required to monitor sustainable land management practices. In this paper, the current use of remote sensing for sustainable land management is reviewed, and the potential of future (new) satellite systems to contribute to sustainable development is explored. Other elements for successful sustainable development (ie, good policy and participatory approaches) are then compared and contrasted with information requirements.

Voltage transients from circuit activity impact operation, testing and debug of complex designs. This paper describes a system which enables voltage transient detection and a capability to induce voltage transients in a controlled manner.... more

Voltage transients from circuit activity impact operation, testing and debug of complex designs. This paper describes a system which enables voltage transient detection and a capability to induce voltage transients in a controlled manner. Usage models and silicon results are described, along with limitations and future options for improvements.

La implementación del aprendizaje móvil en el ámbito educativo se ha acelerado en los últimos años. Existen centros educativos en España que incorporan dispositivos electrónicos posibilitando, por medio de metodologías activas como el... more

La implementación del aprendizaje móvil en el ámbito educativo se ha acelerado en los últimos años. Existen centros educativos en España que incorporan dispositivos electrónicos posibilitando, por medio de metodologías activas como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, en problemas o en estudios de caso, que el alumnado se acerque a la construcción colectiva del conocimiento, con base en a una pedagogía participativa y un modelo comunicativo bidireccional; un planteamiento que se puede entender como el conjunto de acciones pedagógicas y didácticas que garantiza un verdadero aprendizaje a través de la participación directa del alumnado sobre el acto educativo. A pesar de esta realidad esperanzadora, aún quedan propuestas didácticas que se acercan más a la tradición conductista que ha imperado durante siglos, que a la nueva realidad digital que posibilita una forma alternativa de aprender. El proyecto de innovación analizado en este estudio, ha pretendido apostar por un modelo pedagógico participativo, tomando los dispositivos móviles como recurso clave para el desarrollo de los aprendizajes. A través de una investigación sobre la acción y teniendo como referente la consideración de la comunidad educativa y el grado de motivación del alumnado ante la tecnología, hemos observado una valoración positiva, considerando el aprendizaje móvil como un canal que puede ayudar a la mejora de la calidad de la educación.
There are educational centers in Spain that incorporate electronic devices which enable, through active methodologies such as projectbased learning, problems or case studies, that allow a student centres approach as well as the collective construction of knowledge, based on a participatory pedagogy and a bidirectional communicative model. This approach that can be understood as the set of pedagogical and didactic actions that guarantee a real world learning process through the direct participation of the students in an educational act. Despite this hopeful reality, there are still didactic proposals that are closer to the behaviorist tradition that has prevailed for centuries than the new digital reality that enables an alternative way of learning. The innovation project analyzed in this study has supported a participative pedagogical model, taking mobile devices as a key resource for the development of learning. Through research within the participation and taking as a reference the consideration of the educational community and the degree of motivation; the students before using the technology, have observed a positive evaluation, considering the mobile learning as a digital channel that can help to improve the quality of education.

This is an explanation of the model being considered by the Association TransCommunication (ATransC) to help study Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). The model is based on lessons learned from instrumental and personal forms of mediumship,... more

This is an explanation of the model being considered by the Association TransCommunication (ATransC) to help study Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). The model is based on lessons learned from instrumental and personal forms of mediumship, theories related to psi functioning and mainstream emerging understanding of the relationship between unconscious and conscious mind. The model is applicable to the study of many forms of transcommunication and may further understanding of mindfulness.

Any thing that has got value is known as asset. Since the inception of the business, assets get created. The establishment of business starts with creation of assets only. The business needs many types of assets to conduct its activities.... more

Any thing that has got value is known as asset. Since the inception of the business, assets get created. The establishment of business starts with creation of assets only. The business needs many types of assets to conduct its activities. The assets start building up as soon as the cash is arranged in order to purchase assets. The accumulation of assets starts with land and building. If the business operates in rented premises then the generation of assets starts with purchase of machineries, equipments, fixtures, furniture etc. as per the requirement in business. In the process of utilization of these assets, man power is required and to manufacture goods, raw material is required. The goods manufactured are also the part of assets. Thus, the business organization creates many types of assets which are used by it to conduct its business activities.

The objective of this article is to present three groups of analysis in urban mobility studies, their relationship with the use of ICT and how the findings promote urban sustainability. 40 documents in the Scopus database were... more

The objective of this article is to present three groups of analysis in urban mobility studies, their relationship with the use of ICT and how the findings promote urban sustainability. 40 documents in the Scopus database were systematically reviewed. The research methodology used was mixed, where methods of qualitative analysis and bibliometric analysis were combined with the Vantage Point software. The results made it possible to establish which projects are at the forefront of the study of urban mobility. This article will contribute to future research and could be useful for discussions on public policy on urban mobility.

A recente vulgarização da Internet e do uso de computadores portáteis em sala de aula tem contribuído para introduzir nas escolas portuguesas rotinas de aprendizagem abertas, socializadoras e promotoras de autonomia. Neste quadro de... more

A recente vulgarização da Internet e do uso de computadores portáteis em sala de aula tem contribuído para introduzir nas escolas portuguesas rotinas de aprendizagem abertas, socializadoras e promotoras de autonomia. Neste quadro de reconfiguração de práticas, as tecnologias hipertexto e hipermédia associadas aos dispositivos de interacção virtual assumem importante papel na disponibilização e representação dos saberes contribuindo para a vulgarização nas nossas escolas de metodologias cada vez mais comprometidas com literacias fundamentais no mundo actual.

El reconocimiento de la existencia de una brecha digital por parte de los organismos internacionales puso en la agenda de los países la implementación de políticas públicas encaminadas a lograr la accesibilidad de la sociedad a estas... more

El reconocimiento de la existencia de una brecha digital por parte de los organismos internacionales puso en la agenda de los países la implementación de políticas públicas encaminadas a lograr la accesibilidad de la sociedad a estas tecnologías, ya que esto podría representar una vía para el progreso, reflejándose en las esferas sociales y económicas. Sin embargo, hoy no es claro que un mayor acceso a la tecnología haya logrado que en lo cotidiano se refleje un mayor desarrollo, ya que las métricas existentes no evalúan el “logro” personal de cada agente.
La presente ponencia da cuenta de los resultados de la evaluación del uso significativo del Internet entre la población mayor a 15 años en Colima, México; esto como parte de una investigación de tesis doctoral. La base teórica tiene su fundamente en la propuesta de la británica Ellen Heslper, quien plantea un modelo para identificar las áreas comunes entre la inclusión digital y la inclusión social. Para ello, plantea la hipótesis de cómo áreas específicas de la exclusión digital y social influyen entre sí. Las áreas identificadas se ubican en las dimensiones económica, cultural, social y personal. El modelo propuesto considera, además, que la influencia de los campos de exclusión no digital en los campos de exclusión digital es mediada por el acceso, habilidades y aspectos de actitud o motivación. “Por ejemplo, es probable que los más pobres realicen menos compras por Internet o gestiones bancarias, y que los desempleados de larga duración sean los que con menor probabilidad usen Internet para buscar empleo” (Helsper & Godoy-Etcheverry, 2011, p.137). El uso significativo entre campos se encuentra determinado, a su vez, por variables sociodemográficas tales como el género, la educación, tipo de empleo, etc.
Para ello, se diseñó un cuestionario basado en los instrumentos del Proyecto Disto, cuyo objetivo es medir las habilidades digitales de las personas y los resultados del uso de Internet. Se aplicaron en un periodo de ocho meses 1102 instrumentos para conformar una muestra representativa del estado de Colima. Los resultados encontrados permiten evaluar los campos en que la población colimense encuentra una mayor significancia en el uso de internet, así como establecer determinantes entre quienes obtuvieron mayores logros. El trabajo resulta significativo al aplicar esta metodología por primera vez en una investigación en México.

Background: Concept of e-readiness is used in many areas such as e-business, e-commerce, e-government, and ebanking. In terms of healthcare, e-readiness is a rather new concept, and is propounded under the title of Ehealthcare. E-health... more

Background: Concept of e-readiness is used in many areas such as e-business, e-commerce, e-government, and ebanking. In terms of healthcare, e-readiness is a rather new concept, and is propounded under the title of Ehealthcare. E-health readiness refers to the readiness of communities and healthcare institutions for the expected changes brought by programs related to Information and Communications Technology (lCT). The present research is conducted aiming at designing E-health Readiness Assessment Framework (EHRAF) in Iran. Methods: The e-health readiness assessment framework was designed based on reviewing literature on e-readiness assessment models and opinions of ICT and health experts. In the next step, Delphi method was used to develop and test the designed framework. Three questionnaires developed to test and modify the model while determining weights of the indices; afterward they were either sent to experts through email or delivered to them in face.

For information extraction from image data to create or update geographic information systems, objects are identified and labeled using an integration of segmentation and classification. This yields geometric and thematic information,... more

For information extraction from image data to create or update geographic information systems, objects are identified and labeled using an integration of segmentation and classification. This yields geometric and thematic information, respectively. Bayesian image classifiers calculate class posterior probabilities on the basis of estimated class probability densities and prior probabilities. This thesis presents refined probability estimates, which are local, i.e pertain to image regions, rather than to the entire image. Local class probability densities are estimated in a non-parametric way with an extended k-Nearest Neighbor method. Iterative estimation of class mixing proportions in arbitrary image regions yields local prior probabilities. The improved estimates of prior probabilities and probability densities increase the reliability of posterior probabilities and enhance subsequent decision making, such as maximum posterior probability class selection. Moreover, class areas are...

""En este trabajo se analizan las ponencias presentadas en las ocho ediciones del congreso TURITEC celebradas entre los años 1999 y 2010. Se trata... more

""En este trabajo se analizan las ponencias presentadas en las ocho ediciones del congreso TURITEC celebradas entre los años 1999 y 2010. Se trata de ordenar sistemáticamente la información relativa a las entidades que han realizado dichas ponencias, de los contenidos tratados así como del ámbito temático objeto de estudio. El resultado de este análisis demuestra que en el estudio de las TIC aplicadas al turismo se ha tratado un amplio abanico temático. Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo principalmente por la universidad, aunque también se ha colaborado con institutos de I+D y otros organismos públicos y privados vinculados al turismo. El análisis muestra también un bajo índice de colaboración entre las universidades y otros organismos del sector. El creciente interés y aplicación de las TIC en el turismo hace necesaria una mayor colaboración entre la universidad, el sector, tanto turístico como de las TIC, y la administración. De esta manera, se establecerán las bases para estimular la innovación en este campo con el fin último de mejorar la competitividad del destino España y de las empresas vinculadas al sector. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this paper we analyze the papers presented at the eight editions of TURITEC conference held between 1999 and 2010.We have sorted systematically the information on the entities that have made ​​the presentations , the content covered and the subject area under study. The result of this analysis shows that the study of ICT applied to tourism has treated a wide thematic range. This work has been carried out mainly by the university, but also R & D institutes and other public and private tourism knowledge organizations have contributed with their papers to the TURITEC conference. The analysis also shows a low level of collaboration between the universities and other sector bodies. The growing interest and application of ICT in theTourism calls for greater collaboration between the academia, the industry, both in ICT and in tourism, and the public administration. This would establish the foundation to stimulate innovation in this field with the ultimate aim of improving the competitiveness of Spain as a tourist destination and of the companies involved in the sector.""

"En este trabajo se analizan las ponencias presentadas en las ocho ediciones del congreso TURITEC celebradas entre los años 1999 y 2010. Se trata de ordenar sistemáticamente la información relativa a las entidades que han realizado dichas... more

"En este trabajo se analizan las ponencias presentadas en las ocho ediciones del congreso TURITEC celebradas entre los años 1999 y 2010. Se trata de ordenar sistemáticamente la información relativa a las entidades que han realizado dichas ponencias, de los contenidos tratados así como del ámbito temático objeto de estudio. El resultado de este análisis demuestra que en el estudio de las TIC aplicadas al turismo se ha tratado un amplio abanico temático. Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo principalmente por la universidad, aunque también se ha colaborado con institutos de I+D y otros organismos públicos y privados vinculados al turismo. El análisis muestra también un bajo índice de colaboración entre las universidades y otros organismos del sector. El creciente interés y aplicación de las TIC en el turismo hace necesaria una mayor colaboración entre la universidad, el sector, tanto turístico como de las TIC, y la administración. De esta manera, se establecerán las bases para estimular la innovación en este campo con el fin último de mejorar la competitividad del destino España y de las empresas vinculadas al sector.
In this paper we analyze the papers presented at the eight editions of TURITEC conference held between 1999 and 2010.We have sorted systematically the information on the entities that have made ​​the presentations , the content covered and the subject area under study. The result of this analysis shows that the study of ICT applied to tourism has treated a wide thematic range. This work has been carried out mainly by the university, but also R & D institutes and other public and private tourism knowledge organizations have contributed with their papers to the TURITEC conference. The analysis also shows a low level of collaboration between the universities and other sector bodies. The growing interest and application of ICT in theTourism calls for greater collaboration between the academia, the industry, both in ICT and in tourism, and the public administration. This would establish the foundation to stimulate innovation in this field with the ultimate aim of improving the competitiveness of Spain as a tourist destination
and of the companies involved in the sector."

The ATransC publishes an occasional update email to a list which you may join using the form in the right column of each page. The focus of the update is current information about transcommunication from the perspective of... more

ABSTRACT This paper presents a method for accelerating simulations to estimate the probability of occurrence of rare events. The method, called RESTART (REpetitive Simulation Trials After Reaching Thresholds), is quite general and has a... more

ABSTRACT This paper presents a method for accelerating simulations to estimate the probability of occurrence of rare events. The method, called RESTART (REpetitive Simulation Trials After Reaching Thresholds), is quite general and has a straightforward application, allowing dramatic reductions of the simulation time for an equal confidence of the results. The paper proves the efficiency of the method and shows an appliction example.

In the last years a shift in the practice of medical communication has occurred and it leads to a displacement from a paternalistic model of patient-provider information toward a model implying an embeddedness of the medical and human... more

In the last years a shift in the practice of medical communication has occurred and it leads to a displacement from a paternalistic model of patient-provider information toward a model implying an embeddedness of the medical and human values in the medical interaction and in the decision-taking process of the informed patient. Researches show that older adults respond differently to online communication than younger adults. In this context, seniors face new challenges as regards health-related information and medical communication. The present study deals comparatively with the health-related internet use by the seniors in two European countries: Romania and Germany. Using a qualitative methodology, which involved the in-depth semi-structured interviewing of twenty persons aged 65 years or over who used the internet including for health-related search, we tried to find out which are the similarities and differences between the two samples as concerns health-related online informing ...

New Book This is a short update to announce the availability of my new book Exploring the Mindful Way. As you can see in the Table of Contents (below), this new book is a collection of 21 essays. Each has been written to answer specific... more

New Book
This is a short update to announce the availability of my new book Exploring the Mindful Way. As you can see in the Table of Contents (below), this new book is a collection of 21 essays. Each has been written to answer specific questions concerning the “so what” of survival and ways for a person to consciously seek spiritual maturity.

Careful evaluation of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery after a fire event provides vital information useful in land management. The use of remotely sensed data is considered to be especially suitable for monitoring ecosystem... more

Careful evaluation of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery after a fire event provides vital information useful in land management. The use of remotely sensed data is considered to be especially suitable for monitoring ecosystem dynamics after fire. The aim of this work was to map post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery on the Mediterranean island of Thasos by using a combination of very high spatial (VHS) resolution (QuickBird) and hyperspectral (EO-1 Hyperion) imagery and by employing object-based image analysis. More specifically, the work focused on (1) the separation and mapping of three major post-fire classes (forest regeneration, other vegetation recovery, unburned vegetation) existing within the fire perimeter, and (2) the differentiation and mapping of the two main forest regeneration classes, namely, Pinus brutia regeneration, and Pinus nigra regeneration. The data used in this study consisted of satellite images and field observations of homogeneous regenerated and revegetated areas. The methodology followed two main steps: a three-level image segmentation, and, a classification of the segmented images. The process resulted in the separation of classes related to the aforementioned objectives. The overall accuracy assessment revealed very promising results (approximately 83.7% overall accuracy, with a Kappa Index of Agreement of 0.79). The achieved accuracy was 8% higher when compared to the results reported in a previous work in which only the EO-1 Hyperion image was employed in order to map the same classes. Some classification confusions involving the classes of P. brutia regeneration and P. nigra regeneration were observed. This could be attributed to the absence of large and dense homogeneous areas of regenerated pine trees in the study area.

With the evolution of Electronic System Level (ESL) design methodologies, we are experiencing an extensive use of Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM). TLM is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of the... more

With the evolution of Electronic System Level (ESL) design methodologies, we are experiencing an extensive use of Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM). TLM is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of the communication among modules are separated from the those of the implementation of functional units. This paper represents a first step toward the automatic insertion of testing capabilities at the transaction level by definition of testable TLM primitives. The use of testable TLM primitives should help designers to easily get testable transaction level descriptions implementing what we call a "Plug & Test" design methodology. The proposed approach is intended to work both with hardware and software implementations. In particular, in this paper we will focus on the design of a testable FIFO communication channel to show how designers are given the freedom of trading-off complexity, testability levels, and cost.

Various in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the anti-inflammatory and anticancer potential role ofethyl pyruvate. Bio-distribution of drugs is significantly influenced by the drug-serum protein binding.Therefore, the binding mechanism... more

Various in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the anti-inflammatory and anticancer potential role ofethyl pyruvate. Bio-distribution of drugs is significantly influenced by the drug-serum protein binding.Therefore, the binding mechanism of the ethyl pyruvate with bovine serum albumin was investigatedusing UV–vis absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroism, isothermal titration calorimetry and molec-ular docking techniques. Absorption and fluorescence quenching studies indicated the binding of ethylpyruvate with protein. Circular dichroism spectra of bovine serum albumin confirmed significant changein the conformation of protein upon binding. Thermodynamic data confirmed that ethyl pyruvate bindsto bovine serum albumin at the two different sites with high affinity. Binding of ethyl pyruvate to bovineserum albumin involves hydrogen bonding, van der Waal and hydrophobic interactions. Further, dockingstudies indicated that ethyl pyruvate could bind significantly at the three binding sites. The results willdefinitely contribute to the development of ethyl pyruvate as drug.

Objectives: To objectively evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of cochlear implantation in an elderly population. Design: Retrospective comparative study. Setting: Neurotology unit at Manchester Royal Infirmary, a supraregional... more

Objectives: To objectively evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of cochlear implantation in an elderly population. Design: Retrospective comparative study. Setting: Neurotology unit at Manchester Royal Infirmary, a supraregional tertiary referral centre in collaboration with Adult Cochlear Implant Programme at The University of Manchester. Participants: All cochlear implant procedures (38) undertaken on post-lingually deafened elderly patients (age range at the time of implantation 65-80 years, n ¼ 34) in the period from 1989 to 2002. Main outcome measures: Medical and surgical outcomes. Audiological performance outcomes for isolated words, words in sentences in quiet and noise. Functional outcome measures used are self-reported measures of the social, psychological and emotional aspects of quality of life, and the differences between expectations for functional outcomes and the realization of functional outcomes. They included expectation profiles, Glasgow Benefit inventory (GBI) and Glasgow Health Status Inventory Questionnaire (GHSI). Results: There was statistically significant improvement post-implantation of both open and closed set test scores (P < 0.01). Eighty-two percentage of patients were completely satisfied with their cochlear implants. Patients judged that implantation restored half the loss of quality of life that they had experienced as a result of severeprofound deafness with a highly significant (P < 0.001) improvement in overall quality of life after implantation. The commonest post-operative observation was transient mild pyrexia. Conclusions: The age of a cochlear implant candidate should not be a factor in the candidacy decision-making process. The quality of life of our elderly recipients was significantly improved after cochlear implant.

Page 1. From hardware to software testability Yves Le Traon and Chantal Robach LGI-IMAG - 46, avenue Felix Viallet - 38031 Grenoble Cedex 1-FRANCE Abstract This paper presents the application of some hardware testability concepts to... more

Page 1. From hardware to software testability Yves Le Traon and Chantal Robach LGI-IMAG - 46, avenue Felix Viallet - 38031 Grenoble Cedex 1-FRANCE Abstract This paper presents the application of some hardware testability concepts to data-flow software. ...

Abstract: We propose a new modeling approach for variable bit rate (VBR) traffic in packet networks based on a Markov chain with memory. The model is simple, comprehensive, and facilitates the modeling of strong positive correlations over... more

Abstract: We propose a new modeling approach for variable bit rate (VBR) traffic in packet networks based on a Markov chain with memory. The model is simple, comprehensive, and facilitates the modeling of strong positive correlations over a considerable range of lags. The model can easily be adapted to measured traffic sequences, e.g. MPEG video or packet interarrival time sequences. Due to its simplicity and its close relationship to Markov chains the model is valuable to both simulation and analysis of ...

Terrain classification and land system mapping of a part of the Garhwal Himalaya (India) have been used to provide a base map for land hazard evaluation, with special reference to landslides and other mass movements. The study was based... more

Terrain classification and land system mapping of a part of the Garhwal Himalaya (India) have been used to provide a base map for land hazard evaluation, with special reference to landslides and other mass movements. The study was based on MSS images ...

Capacitive Leadframe testing is an effective approach for detecting faults in printed circuit boards. Capacitance measurements, however, are affected by mechanical variations during testing and by tolerances of electrical parameters of... more

Capacitive Leadframe testing is an effective approach for detecting faults in printed circuit boards. Capacitance measurements, however, are affected by mechanical variations during testing and by tolerances of electrical parameters of components, making it difficult to use threshold based techniques for defect detection. A novel approach is presented for identifying boards that are likely to be outliers. Based on Principal Components Analysis (PCA), this approach treats the set of capacitance measurements of individual connectors or sockets in a holistic manner to overcome the measurement and component parameter variations inherent in test data. The effectiveness of the method is evaluated using measurements on three different boards. Enhancements to the technique to increase the resolution of the method are presented and evaluated.

La sociología tiene como uno de sus grandes quehaceres explicar el cambio social. Lo anterior, no es una tarea fácil, sobre todo cuando nos encontramos gran variedad de teorías que se han enfocado a dilucidar las razones de las... more

La sociología tiene como uno de sus grandes quehaceres explicar
el cambio social. Lo anterior, no es una tarea fácil, sobre
todo cuando nos encontramos gran variedad de teorías que se han
enfocado a dilucidar las razones de las metamorfosis sociales. El
cambio del paradigma social suele darnos pistas de que nos encontramos en dicho proceso, y aunque se puede atribuir a un sinnúmero de razones la causalidad de los cambios y adaptaciones de la
realidad social, existe un factor que suele estar presente para algunas
líneas de pensamiento en la historia de estos cambios, la tecnología.

We describe recently developed algorithms for numerically inverting transforms to calculate cumulative distribution functions and moments of random quantities of interest in teletraffic models. This new work goes considerably beyond... more

We describe recently developed algorithms for numerically inverting transforms to calculate cumulative distribution functions and moments of random quantities of interest in teletraffic models. This new work goes considerably beyond direct one-dimensional numerical inversion. We give a broad overview and describe two developments in some detail. The first combines numerical transform inversion with numerical integration of Pollaczek's classical contour integrals to treat the general GI/G/1 queue. The second combines numerical transform inversion (ordinary and multidimensional) and matrixanalytic methods to describe the transient behavior of the BMAP/G/1 queue (with a batch Markovian arrival process).

Resumo O presente artigo aborda a utilização de uma plataforma de aprendizagem (Moodle) em contexto educativo e descreve uma experiência pedagógica que decorreu no ano lectivo 2007/2008 onde participaram três turmas (do 8º, 9º e 12º anos)... more

Resumo O presente artigo aborda a utilização de uma plataforma de aprendizagem (Moodle) em contexto educativo e descreve uma experiência pedagógica que decorreu no ano lectivo 2007/2008 onde participaram três turmas (do 8º, 9º e 12º anos) de duas Escolas Portuguesas. Enquanto exemplo de integração da plataforma Moodle nas práticas educativas ao nível dos ensinos básico e secundário, o projecto aqui relatado foi assumidamente orientado para a construção de uma comunidade virtual de aprendizagem, com base em propostas pedagógicas centradas em temáticas transversais e com recurso a ferramentas colaborativas. Inspirado num modelo de aprendizagem colaborativa, proposto por diversos autores, foi desenhado um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem que contribuísse não só para potenciar a integração da tecnologia ao serviço da aprendizagem em alguns domínios curriculares, mas também para desenvolver nos alunos competências transversais baseadas na colaboração.

and System In Package (SIP) assemblies are presented. This method allows for high speed testing at the wafer level for SoCs as well as testing during and after assembly for panel or wafer level SIP technologies. Wafer testing at advanced... more

and System In Package (SIP) assemblies are presented. This method allows for high speed testing at the wafer level for SoCs as well as testing during and after assembly for panel or wafer level SIP technologies. Wafer testing at advanced nodes is carried out without damaging underlying metallurgy -an issue with current contact testing techniques. The technology utilizes non-contact GHz short-range transceivers to transfer test signals and results to and from SoC ICs. The wireless probes convert standard tester ATE logic levels to high frequency RF (GHz) transceiver signals and thus allow the use of standard test equipment. A reduced set of contact probes are used for test power only. A 45 nm fully CMOS compatible IC with wireless test transceivers is designed and fabricated. Enhancing the reliability and economics of IC manufacture by enabling non-contact testing of SoCs before and during packaging is a key benefit of this technology. Figure 1 Ultra low K dielectric and standard Silicon IC bond pad compliance.

The objective of this article is to present three groups of analysis in urban mobility studies, their relationship with the use of ICT and how the findings promote urban sustainability. 40 documents in the Scopus database were... more

The objective of this article is to present three groups of analysis in urban mobility studies, their relationship with the use of ICT and how the findings promote urban sustainability. 40 documents in the Scopus database were systematically reviewed. The research methodology used was mixed, where methods of qualitative analysis and bibliometric analysis were combined with the Vantage Point software. The results made it possible to establish which projects are at the forefront of the study of urban mobility. This article will contribute to future research and could be useful for discussions on public policy on urban mobility.

New digital technologies without doubt are transforming practically all spheres of our lives. In education, many new concepts emerge with technological development. One such concept is Smart Education, which is an education strategy for... more

New digital technologies without doubt are transforming practically all spheres of our lives. In education, many new concepts emerge with technological development. One such concept is Smart Education, which is an education strategy for Smart Cities. Smart Education can be considered as technology enhanced education emerging in technology-enhanced cities. This paper presents the concept of CyberParks, a new context for Smart Education. The basic assumptions and the theoretical background of CyberParks are discussed, in light of the concepts of Smart Cities and Smart Education. CyberParks are considered as an innovative educational solution where new modes of learning are promoted as an integral element of Smart Education. Study results are presented showing how CyberParks are rated by pre-service teachers, in their role as architects of future education. Pre-service teachers rated CyberParks very low as an educational and pedagogical solution considering these digital-enhanced conte...

In this paper a test-based hardware/software partitioning approach is presented for a co-design specification. Depending on the hardware or software implementation choice for each unit-level component, the test cost for the whole system... more

In this paper a test-based hardware/software partitioning approach is presented for a co-design specification. Depending on the hardware or software implementation choice for each unit-level component, the test cost for the whole system is evaluated. The unit test costs are estimated by means of mutation-based analysis with respect to the implementation choices

Careful evaluation of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery after a fire event provides vital information useful in land management. The use of remotely sensed data is considered to be especially suitable for monitoring ecosystem... more

Careful evaluation of forest regeneration and vegetation recovery after a fire event provides vital information useful in land management. The use of remotely sensed data is considered to be especially suitable for monitoring ecosystem dynamics after fire. The aim of this work was to map post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery on the Mediterranean island of Thasos by using a combination of very high spatial (VHS) resolution (QuickBird) and hyperspectral (EO-1 Hyperion) imagery and by employing object-based image analysis. More specifically, the work focused on (1) the separation and mapping of three major post-fire classes (forest regeneration, other vegetation recovery, unburned vegetation) existing within the fire perimeter, and (2) the differentiation and mapping of the two main forest regeneration classes, namely, Pinus brutia regeneration, and Pinus nigra regeneration. The data used in this study consisted of satellite images and field observations of homogeneous regenerated and revegetated areas. The methodology followed two main steps: a three-level image segmentation, and, a classification of the segmented images. The process resulted in the separation of classes related to the aforementioned objectives. The overall accuracy assessment revealed very promising results (approximately 83.7% overall accuracy, with a Kappa Index of Agreement of 0.79). The achieved accuracy was 8% higher when compared to the results reported in a previous work in which only the EO-1 Hyperion image was employed in order to map the same classes. Some classification confusions involving the classes of P. brutia regeneration and P. nigra regeneration were observed. This could be attributed to the absence of large and dense homogeneous areas of regenerated pine trees in the study area.

Isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC, has been used to determine the thermodynamics (ΔG, ΔH, and −TΔS) for binding netropsin to a number of DNA constructs. The DNA constructs included: six different 20-22mer hairpin forming sequences and... more

Isothermal titration calorimetry, ITC, has been used to determine the thermodynamics (ΔG, ΔH, and −TΔS) for binding netropsin to a number of DNA constructs. The DNA constructs included: six different 20-22mer hairpin forming sequences and an 8-mer DNA forming a duplex dimer. All DNA constructs had a single -AT-rich netropsin binding with one of the following sequences, (A 2 T 2 ) 2 , (ATAT) 2 , or (AAAA/TTTT). Binding energetics are less dependent on site sequence than on changes in the neighboring single stranded DNA (hairpin loop size and tail length). All of the 1:1 complexes exhibit an enthalpy change that is dependent on the fractional saturation of the binding site. Later binding ligands interact with a significantly more favorable enthalpy change (∂ΔH 1-2 from 2 to 6 kcal/mol) and a significantly less favorable entropy change (∂(−TΔS 1-2 )) from −4 to −9 kcal/mol). The ITC data could only be fit within expected experimental error by use of a thermodynamic model that includes two independent binding processes with a combined stoichiometry of 1 mol of ligand per 1 mol of oligonucleotide. Based on the biophysical evidence reported here, including theoretical calculations for the energetics of "trapping" or structuring of a single water molecule and molecular docking computations, it is proposed that there are two modes by which flexible ligands can bind in the minor groove of duplex DNA. The higher affinity binding mode is for netropsin to lay along the floor of the minor groove in a bent conformation and exclude all water from the groove. The slightly weaker binding mode is for the netropsin molecule to have a slightly more linear conformation and for the required curvature to be the result of a water molecule that bridges between the floor of the minor groove and two of the amidino nitrogens located at one end of the bound netropsin molecule.

L'article présente les résultats d’une enquête effectuée de 2010 à 2013 auprès d'élèves moldaves (n=728). Le chercheur décrypte les données collectées en liens aux conditions d’accès, aux pratiques et à l'usage des technologies de... more

L'article présente les résultats d’une enquête effectuée de 2010 à 2013 auprès d'élèves moldaves (n=728). Le
chercheur décrypte les données collectées en liens aux conditions d’accès, aux pratiques et à l'usage des technologies
de l’information et de la communication (TIC)1 dans les écoles secondaires. La recherche a été effectuée par
questionnaire pour collecter les données quantitatives. Le chercheur a également eu recours aux groupes d'entretien
focalisé pour collecter les données qualitatives. La démarche croise, la territorialité du phénomène d'usage
des technologies en soutien à l'apprentissage en milieu éducatif. La communication s’achève par une discussion.
L'enquête s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une thèse de doctorant menée au sein de Laboratoire Éducation et Apprentissage
(ea 4071), Université Paris René Descartes.

A utilização do computador portátil apresenta cada vez maior visibilidade no contexto educativo do nosso país. A sua utilização configura-se cada vez mais como um meio propiciador de práticas alargadas e colaborativas. Neste artigo... more

A utilização do computador portátil apresenta cada vez maior visibilidade no contexto educativo do nosso país. A sua utilização configura-se cada vez mais como um meio propiciador de práticas alargadas e colaborativas. Neste artigo apresenta-se um estudo de caso, onde se averiguou o impacto da utilização do computador portátil no ambiente da sala de aula. A investigação envolveu uma amostra formada por nove alunos por turma e respectivos professores, de duas turmas do 6.º e 8.º ano de escolaridade. Utilizaram-se métodos qualitativos e quantitativos de recolha de informação, a partir de entrevistas aos docentes envolvidos e observações na sala de aula. Os resultados mostraram que estes professores se encontram numa fase de adaptação à integração tecnológica nos seus processos de ensino e aprendizagem, onde adaptam práticas tradicionais à introdução do computador portátil. Neste processo são influenciados pelas suas atitudes e concepções, pelo papel do desenvolvimento profissional e pela infraestrutura técnica da escola. A utilização dos computadores portáteis por parte dos alunos propiciou um aumento da participação, interesse, motivação, e autonomia, aliados à utilização de uma diversidade de recursos e das suas formas de apresentação, bem como a um maior domínio da tecnologia.

Soybean is a major ingredient for animal feeding in the EU, which is highly dependent on its import. Brazil is the main exporter of soy meal to Europe contributing to nearly 30% of EU total import of meal. The last ten years saw an... more

Soybean is a major ingredient for animal feeding in the EU, which is highly dependent on its import. Brazil is the main exporter of soy meal to Europe contributing to nearly 30% of EU total import of meal. The last ten years saw an increased demand from the EU feed and food industry in using sustainable raw material. In this context, the European Feed Manufacturer Federation (FEFAC) is currently discussing a guideline for the characteristics that sustainable soy production should have. At the same time, China has increased its share of import of soy and has become the main importer of soy in the world. Competition between Europe and Chine for the supply of soy is increasing. Trade barriers, due to complex sustainability requirements from the EU, could affect its import from Brazil. The SOJAPLUS program is a key initiative concerning the sustainability of soy production in Brazil. It was set up by the Brazilian Vegetable Oil Industries Association (ABIOVE) and by the Soybean Farmers ...

This paper focus on increasing rural incomes through ICT led procurement is positioned as a way to unleash the latent demand for industrial and retail goods for fuelling the continued growth of the Indian economy. The economic development... more

This paper focus on increasing rural incomes through ICT led procurement is positioned as a way to unleash the latent demand for industrial and retail goods for fuelling the continued growth of the Indian economy. The economic development perspective lends weight for the creation of ecology the creation of ecology of strategic rural markets, where products and services are especially targeted towards improving agricultural value chains. Additionally fast moving consumer goods (FMCGs) banking and insurance services are routed through the ITC channel while quality retail product are provided at affordable prices with an accent on brand building. The study of e-choupal was conducted in the state of Maharashtra. Through e-Choupal procurement hubs and Choupal sagars (a kind of rural supermarket), information and products in urban centres are made available at the rural level thus reducing travel and time investments for rural populations especially for farmers. E-Choupal therefore seeks ...