LEGO Mindstorms Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The focus of this paper is to apply sensory branding to the case of Lego. Henceforth, the thesis question for my paper is the following: To what extent does Lego use sensory branding and what should the company do in the future in terms... more
We describe the possibility of using the Lego Mindstorms robots to support the ACM Computing Curriculum 2001, using them in lab exercises and projects for classes from beginning courses in programming to advanced courses in operating... more
We describe the possibility of using the Lego Mindstorms robots to support the ACM Computing Curriculum 2001, using them in lab exercises and projects for classes from beginning courses in programming to advanced courses in operating systems, compilers, networks and artificial intelligence. We first describe the limitations of the robots, both hardware and software, and some third-party programming environments that overcome some of these limitations.
- by Iris Ponte and +1
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- Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood, LEGO Mindstorms, Information
Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to... more
Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to be met. In this context, an educational intervention research was carried out using mixed research methodology. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the“SAS Strategy Training” a strategy that developed to foster the participation of children with autism, at level 2, in inclusive teamwork with peers during construction and programming LEGO Mindstorms. 2 children, 10-11 years old, diagnosed with autism, at level 2, participated in two inclusive educational robotics teams with typical peers. Τhe SaS Strategy has been integrated in the collaboration script that was designed to support the interaction between the team members during their collaboration on programming LEGO Mindstorms. The “SaS Strategy Training” had encouraging results ...
- by Eda Aytaç
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- LEGO Mindstorms
The following paper is a synthesis of the work done based on the LEGO Mindstorms platform for the development of an autonomous systems using programming techniques combined with the use of actuator (gearmotors) and data input (sensor)... more
The following paper is a synthesis of the work done based on the LEGO Mindstorms platform for the development of an autonomous systems using programming techniques combined with the use of actuator (gearmotors) and data input (sensor) hardware.
Përparimet në teknologji kanë rezultuar në zhvillimin e pajisjeve gjeneruese robotike për t'u përdorur në mjediset shkollore me qëllim të rritjes së aftësive dhe shkathtësive të nxënësve për t’u ballafaquar me sfidat e epokës digjitale,... more
Përparimet në teknologji kanë rezultuar në zhvillimin e pajisjeve gjeneruese robotike për t'u
përdorur në mjediset shkollore me qëllim të rritjes së aftësive dhe shkathtësive të nxënësve për
t’u ballafaquar me sfidat e epokës digjitale, të ekonomisë së tregut të lirë dhe të bazuar në dije,
në një botë të marrëdhënieve të ndërvarura.
Në këtë hulumtim kemi shqyrtuar efektet e integrimit të robotëve me LEGO në fushat e STEMit, me qëllim të zgjidhjes së problemeve dhe të arritjeve akademike në ato fusha, e në mënyrë të
veçantë në matematikë.
Hulumtimi është realizuar në shkollën jopublike, International School of Prishtina, në Graçanicë,
ku pjesëmarrës janë shtatë nxënës dhe unë si hulumtues dhe mësimdhënës njëkohësisht. Metoda
e përzier, studim rasti i hulumtimti në veprim është përdorur për të shqyrtuar efektin e përdorimit
të robotëvë me LEGO, kurse testet nga matematika, pyetësorët dhe listat e vëzhgimeve janë
përdorur për mbledhjen e të dhënave.
Nga rezultatet e fituara gjatë hulumtimit është treguar se përdorimi i robotëve me LEGO ka
ndikim në përmirësimin e njohurive dhe shkathtësive të nxënësve në fushat e STEM-it, në
mënyrë të veçantë, në të arsyetuarit për raportin dhe përpjesëtimin. Përveç rezultateve
akademike, efekti i integrimit të robotëve në zgjidhjen e problemeve nga fushat e STEM-it, ka
pasur efekt edhe në ngritjen e interesimit dhe të të kuptuarit më të lehtë të detyrave/problemeve
që konsiderohen më abstrakte.
Fjalët kyçe: STEM, robot, matematikë, shkenca, raport, përpjesëtim, LEGO
La velocidad tecnológica que envuelve a nuestros estudiantes nos hace un llamado a generar o incorporar metodologías de trabajo que permitan ir a la par con sus necesidades educativas, por ello Este trabajo busca caracterizar las diversas... more
La velocidad tecnológica que envuelve a nuestros estudiantes nos hace un llamado a generar o incorporar metodologías de trabajo que permitan ir a la par con sus necesidades educativas, por ello Este trabajo busca caracterizar las diversas aristas que pueden intervenir en un proyecto de robótica escolar, cuya base son la matemática y la física, pero que durante el desarrollo va incorporando conocimiento de diversas áreas. Se incorpora el concepto de biomimética entendido como un aprendizaje de la naturaleza y las propuestas de diseño biomecánico de Theo Jansen. Se propone además un modelo de trabajo a utilizar y la posterior aplicación de este modelo con un grupo de estudiantes, utilizando la metodología de estudio de casos para permitir un mayor acercamiento. Todo lo anterior enmarcado en un gran paradigma denominado Construccionismo, propuesto por Saymour Papert (2002), quien se refiere a este como una evolución del constructivismo.
Lego bricks extend their role as a play toy to contribute to design thinking inside large organizations through the Lego Serious Play tool. Design thinking is an essential process for companies who would like to lead the market through... more
Lego bricks extend their role as a play toy to contribute to design thinking inside large organizations through the Lego Serious Play tool. Design thinking is an essential process for companies who would like to lead the market through creativity and innovation. The target from the process is to build a solid understanding of the problem in order to reach creative solutions. However design thinking is a complex process which combines both logical thinking and creative imagination in order to build innovative products and services.
Read the full article here:
Since the ratification of the Salamanca agreement in 1994 that it is the concern of schools to seek inclusive approaches that may lead all students to academic success through differentiated strategies and adaptations or curricular and... more
Since the ratification of the Salamanca agreement in 1994 that it is the concern of schools to seek inclusive approaches that may lead all students to academic success through differentiated strategies and adaptations or curricular and environmental interventions, whenever necessary [1] [2].
In this study we present a strategy for inclusion and knowledge consolidation based on playful learning using educational robotics (ER) projects.
Participants were two boys aged 15 and a 14 years old girl. All students attended the third cycle in Brazil, and were diagnosed with special needs, with specific learning disabilities.
Students were initially reluctant to participate in the activities but soon were captivated by the project and motivated to take part in all stages, particularly during assembly, programming and interacting with a Lego® Mindstorms® prototype, showing that ER may be significant on allowing students to learn while playing and also by promoting their inclusion on different and engaging activities.
When favouring participants relationships, use of language and concepts ER may also prove helpful for students daily life.
Keywords — Educational Robotics; Lego® Mindstorms®; Learning Disabilities; Inclusion; Playful learning.
In this paper the authors summarize a set of tasks devised as part of a doctoral thesis for two teachers training workshops involving eleven teachers in a distance e-learning approach. Data were collected by teachers enrolled in the... more
In this paper the authors summarize a set of tasks devised as part of a doctoral thesis for two teachers training workshops involving eleven teachers in a distance e-learning approach.
Data were collected by teachers enrolled in the workshops, in Portuguese and Brazilian schools with access to educational robotics sets while working with pupils with special educational needs.
The project benefitted a total of 26 students with six different special educational needs who have been asked to assemble, programme and interact with a prototype of Lego® Mindstorms® robotics.
The collected data helped confirm that educational robotics promotes learning and social inclusion through playing and project learning..
Keywords — Educational Robotic; Lego® Mindstorms®; Inclusive School; Play in education.
Nerantzi, C. (2018) LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® As An Affective Experience In Doctoral Researchers’ Support: Tensions And New Freedoms, International Journal of Management and Applied Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 290-303. DOI:... more
Teaching with Lego in Higher Education is many times seen as a controversial method, carrying troublesome implications for lecturers who sometimes face questions like: Is this serious? Is it useful for students? Can students really learn... more
Teaching with Lego in Higher Education is many times seen as a controversial method, carrying troublesome implications for lecturers who sometimes face questions like: Is this serious? Is it useful for students? Can students really learn by playing with Lego? After all, they are not children anymore. Isn’t this too easy for students? What is often disregarded is the fact that Lego play can be used as a student engagement tool and, if used right, helps students understand difficult concepts in a very positive, provoking and interactive way. Scholars believe that Lego is a “tool for thinking” (Gauntlett 2007) with a great potential to link theory to practice, bridging the gap between thinking and doing in education (Cavaliero 2015). Even so lecturers are still reticent in using Lego play in their lectures.
This session will explore the potential of using Lego as a tool for reflective practice with journalism students at the University of Wolverhampton and the University of Huddersfield. The paper will explore multiple ways of using Lego in lectures and will show evidence of the Lego play efficacy, value and impact on learning in Higher Education. Furthermore, this study will highlight the advantages and opportunities created in class by Lego play to: activate students, aid reflection, link theory to practice, connect with peers, teamwork, inclusion, engagement and interactivity. However, this session will also discuss some of the challenges and possible risks that lecturers face when using Lego play with 1st students as I identified them in my sessions with Broadcast Journalism students and Media and Communication students this academic year at the University of Wolverhampton and University of Huddersfield.
Programmable robots like Lego Mindstorms have proven to be an effective mediator to teach computer programming to school children. Therefore several projects that aim at increasing the interest in computer programming and computer science... more
Programmable robots like Lego Mindstorms have proven to be an effective mediator to teach computer programming to school children. Therefore several projects that aim at increasing the interest in computer programming and computer science in general use robots as a cornerstone in their course concepts. Handing out robotic kits to the school students who have participated in the courses is not feasible, thus the learning content cannot be repeated and enhanced at home.
Resumo: Um grande desafio do mundo moderno é a associação da tecnologia à educação de modelo clássico das escolas. O que, no entanto, representa uma grande oportunidade de melhoria do modo de ensino, tornando-o mais atrativo para os... more
Resumo: Um grande desafio do mundo moderno é a associação da tecnologia à educação de modelo clássico das escolas. O que, no entanto, representa uma grande oportunidade de melhoria do modo de ensino, tornando-o mais atrativo para os alunos. Assim, foi criado o programa Robótica Educacional, com o objetivo de tornar mais
efetivo o aprendizado de conceitos de física, matemática e programação, além de estimular a criatividade, o trabalho em equipe e desenvolver a capacidade de resolução de problemas. Realizado pelo grupo PET-MEC (Programa de Educação Tutorial da Engenharia Mecânica) da Universidade Federal Fluminense junto com a equipe
Joinville/SC – 26 a 29 de Setembro de 2017 UDESC/UNISOCIESC
“Inovação no Ensino/Aprendizagem em Engenharia” Asimuff (equipe de robótica do PET-MEC) e com a Assessoria de Mídias e Novas Tecnologias do município de Niterói-RJ, esse programa faz uso de kits de LEGO, do software Scratch e do microcontrolador Arduino para estimular o aprendizado de Robótica e Automação em escolas da rede pública da cidade de Niterói. O programa tem se mostrado motivador para os alunos envolvidos, não apenas quanto à montagem das oficinas e ao aprendizado proposto, mas quanto à melhoria do comportamento na escola como um todo.
ABSTRACT: This work has the aim of presenting the experience of robotic learning in the basic education, and indicating the importance of that activity for the new knowledge in, not only experimental projects, but also educational ones.... more
ABSTRACT: This work has the aim of presenting the experience of robotic learning in the basic education, and indicating the importance of that activity for the new knowledge in, not only experimental projects, but also educational
ones. The learning of science is a challenge at the national basic education, in comparison to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), an exam applied by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This exam measures the level of ability of the students from various countries in three areas of knowledge: mathematics, reading and science. In 2012, 65 countries participated in the PISA. In mathematics, Brazil was in the 58th place in ranking, with 391 points. In the exam of reading, the national level was 410 points – staying in
the 55th position. In science, the country is the 59th position in the ranking with 405 points. Although the results are better, this isn’t enough. The experience was made through the federal Project Mais Educação, with children form the 4th and 5th grades, of the primary education, at the Escola Municipal Lucia Maria Silveira Rocha, in Jurujuba-Niterói. As a volunteer-monitor, it was possible to see the importance of the creation of new strategies in the education to improve the logical reasoning and the interest in learning.
Introduction: We report two chemical experiments studying the soil on the surface of a planet. Both experiments are built on the HUSAR-5 rover model (Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover) in a Hungarian high school. In the first... more
Introduction: We report two chemical experiments studying the soil on the surface of a planet. Both experiments are built on the HUSAR-5 rover model (Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover) in a Hungarian high school. In the first experiment our rover uses optical lens as classical heating experiment and gas-sensor to measure the chemical components liberated by the heating. In the second experiment we measure chemical characteristics of the soil by using the indicator method. We report the constructions and experiments carried out by our rover. The task of the first mission: The main goal of the experiment is to move and fix the lens so that the plane of the lens should be perpendicular to the axis of the incident solar light. It is important that the focus of the lens should reach the soil exactly, and it should be operated at any incidence position. We solved this problem using three motors. Two move the lens around horizontal axes, and the third one around a vertical one. The technological structure of HUSAR-5 instruments has been built from LEGO elements, driven by LEGO Mindstorms motors and controlled by NXT "brain". We used a photoresistor, whose signal was lead into the NXT. The steps of the measuring process are the followings I. For focusing: 1. Basic position: The lens is in resting position exactly a focus distance above the soil. The holding arm is horizontal, and the plane of the lens is also horizontal, parallel to the soil. 2. After selecting the location of the measurement, the NXT first moves the lens and finds the position (with the help of the lightsensor) where the intensity of the light is the largest. 3. The other motor moves the arm up and down and positions the lens plane perpendicular to the solar lights. The program takes into the memory both measured angles. 4. The forth step is lifting up the arm into the necessary position. From the initial position the lifting motor states the arm to this position which is calculated by the program. II: For detecting the gases: We use CZGCO type gas-sensor for the detection of the liberated carbon monoxide or methane. This is a semiconductor based sensor which is heated up to working temperature (ca. 400 °C). The gas is measured as a resistance change signal lead into the NXT. The measured values are observed on the NXT as well as on the "terrestrial control" computer. Construction of the rover in the second mission: the skeleton of the rover was a field-rovering car model. We constructed two arms and a pump from LEGO elements. On the first arm we placed a wireless camera, which could rotate 360°, and also could bend down. The role of the second arm was to stretch and place the indicator ribbon to the surface and move it along a distance to contact with the wet soil. The role of the pump was to pour water on the soil surface. The main idea behind our solution is that water dissolves important chemical components from the soil and the indicator ribbon reports the main chemical characteristics of this chemistry, starting with the pH of the soil. Conclusion: Even the basic experiments can be interesting in the high school's chemistry teaching process if everyday materials are studied. It can be easily connected to planetary surface chemistry, where the soil, the rocks and the atmospheric gases form a common platform with their counterparts on the Earth. Both the experiment and the rover building was a big task for high school students, but they enjoyed the work and learned a lot.
Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to... more
Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to be met. In this context, an educational intervention research was carried out using mixed research methodology. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the“SAS Strategy Training” a strategy that developed to foster the participation of children with autism, at level 2, in inclusive teamwork with peers during construction and programming LEGO Mindstorms. 2 children, 10-11 years old, diagnosed with autism, at level 2, participated in two inclusive educational robotics teams with typical peers. Τhe SaS Strategy has been integrated in the collaboration script that was designed to support the interaction between the team members during their collaboration on programming LEGO Mindstorms. The “SaS Strategy Training” had encouraging results ...