Leadership (Political Science) Research Papers (original) (raw)

Tematem publikacji jest przywództwo polityczne polskich premierów w latach 1989–2015. Autor bada, w jaki sposób zdolności, umiejętności i kompetencje szefów rządu oddziaływały na siłę i styl ich przywództwa w określonym kontekście... more

Tematem publikacji jest przywództwo polityczne polskich premierów w latach 1989–2015. Autor bada, w jaki sposób zdolności, umiejętności i kompetencje szefów rządu oddziaływały na siłę i styl ich przywództwa w określonym kontekście sytuacyjnym i instytucjonalnym. Analizuje również strukturę poparcia poszczególnych szefów gabinetu oraz znaczenie poszczególnych grup zwolenników. Książka może zainteresować odbiorcę oryginalnym rozwiązaniem politologicznego problemu badawczego. Dotyczy ona najnowszej historii politycznej i wydarzeń, które oczekiwały na interpretację pod kątem procesów kształtujących przywództwo polityczne. Praca stanowi źródło usystematyzowanej wiedzy o tym fenomenie i ocenia poglądy uczonych na jego temat.

This article shows how the presence of an election campaign affects the way in which the main political leaders of 18 countries communicate on Facebook. Findings indicate the presence of robust qualitative and quantitative differences... more

This article shows how the presence of an election campaign affects the way in which the main political leaders of 18 countries communicate on Facebook. Findings indicate the presence of robust qualitative and quantitative differences between campaign and peace-time periods. More specifically, this comparative analysis points out that election campaigns have a positive effect on the frequency with which political leaders update their Facebook pages and on the personalization of political communication, while a negative effect is associated with the publication of posts about policy issues and with a negative rhetorical strategy. No effect has been discovered concerning the privatization of political communication on Facebook. Finally, independent t-test analyses and bivariate correlations denote a generalized process of homogenization, whereby there is no single main impulse which governs the different communicative choices taken by political leaders on Facebook as an Election Day approaches.

A political leader is most often a nation’s most high-profile foreign policy figure, its chief diplomat. But how do individual leadership styles, personalities, perceptions, or beliefs shape diplomacy? In Japanese Diplomacy, the question... more

A political leader is most often a nation’s most high-profile foreign policy figure, its chief diplomat. But how do individual leadership styles, personalities, perceptions, or beliefs shape diplomacy? In Japanese Diplomacy, the question of what role leadership plays in diplomacy is applied to Japan, a country where the individual is often viewed as being at the mercy of the group and where prime ministers have been largely thought of as reactive and weak. In challenging earlier, simplified ideas of Japanese political leadership, H. D. P. Envall argues that Japan’s leaders, from early Cold War figures such as Yoshida Shigeru to the charismatic and innovative Koizumi Jun’ichirō to the present leadership of Abe Shinzō, have pursued leadership strategies of varying coherence and rationality, often independent of their political environment. He also finds that different Japanese leaders have shaped Japanese diplomacy in some important and underappreciated ways. In certain environments, individual difference has played a significant role in determining Japan’s diplomacy, both in terms of the country’s strategic identity and summit diplomacy. What emerges from Japanese Diplomacy, therefore, is a more nuanced overall picture of Japanese leadership in foreign affairs.

The aspects of the political leadership in South Africa discussed in this article include, among others, abuse of power, corruption and lack of public accountability. In response to these aspects, the article demonstrates that servant... more

The aspects of the political leadership in South Africa discussed in this article include, among others, abuse of power, corruption and lack of public accountability. In response to these aspects, the article demonstrates that servant leadership is an urgent style for the current state of political leadership in South Africa. The article discusses key aspects of the current political leadership in South Africa as a point of departure. The article also discusses the theological foundation and key principles of servant leadership in order to apply them to the current state of political leadership in South Africa

This chapter explores the results of several expert rankings of Canadian prime ministers that have been conducted over the last half-century, the most recent of which was initiated by the authors in 2011. It analyses the importance,... more

This chapter explores the results of several expert rankings of Canadian prime ministers that have been conducted over the last half-century, the most recent of which was initiated by the authors in 2011. It analyses the importance, consistency and reliability of such expert ranking exercises, while also reflecting upon the nature of national politics in Canada and the circumstances under which transformation in the Canadian political system is most effectively managed. The chapter highlights that in a nation of regional and cultural cleavages the ability to maintain national unity is prized as the sine qua non of successful leadership, and, consistent with this, preference is given to prime ministers that have wrought change consensually and unobtrusively. For all that, the authors find that for a prime minister to be assessed as truly successful they must have transformed Canada, even if the country does not take easily to change.

The author undertakes an analysis of the impact of dynamic technological changes on the phenomenon of political leadership. The extent to which these changes affect political, social and economic relations is indisputable. The author will... more

The author undertakes an analysis of the impact of dynamic technological changes on the phenomenon of political leadership. The extent to which these changes affect political, social and economic relations is indisputable. The author will conduct an analysis of the impact of selected technologies on the evolution of political leadership. Artificial intelligence, algorithms and the development of information technologies such as 5G will be investigated to identify vectors of their impact on leadership. There are some questions about how the above-mentioned technology will affect the process of leadership creation, strengthening its parameters. The author will do his best to answer them all. It is also important to answer the question about the factors disrupting the functioning of traditional leaders. The result of the analysis will therefore be a picture of the nature of the impact on political leadership methods and techniques and their prognosis/forecast. The set of scientific methods used to analyse the research problem described as such will be defined by the scientific pragmatism, which emphasizes the efficiency criterion. Therefore, methods such as morphological analysis and heuristic forecasting were used in the study.

What defines a leader? The trait-based approach to leadership tries to answer this question by defining the characteristics an individual needs to be a leader. This essay will discuss how the trait approach helps to gain a better... more

What defines a leader? The trait-based approach to leadership tries to answer this question by defining the characteristics an individual needs to be a leader. This essay will discuss how the trait approach helps to gain a better understanding of leadership. It argues that some points made by contemporary interpretations connecting it with situational circumstances and the interaction with followers are of utmost importance. It will conclude that recent reassessments of formerly used models actually are very useful to the assessment of leadership.

This working paper seeks to assess to what extent European centre-left parties are prepared to face the challenges or exploit the opportunities arising from the Covid-19 crisis. The focus is on four countries: the UK, Germany, Italy and... more

This working paper seeks to assess to what extent European centre-left parties are prepared to face the challenges or exploit the opportunities arising from the Covid-19 crisis. The focus is on four countries: the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain. Three key dimensions are analysed. The first dimension considers the ideological evolution of the parties in the four selected countries and how it is linked to transformations in core social democratic constituencies. The second dimension focuses on the policy context, political challengers and changing dynamics of party competition and how they might shape social democratic responses to the crisis. Finally, the role of party leaders is examined, thus stressing the importance of 'agency' during a 'critical juncture' like the one we are experiencing. Clarifying these aspects is essential to set the stage for future debates on the role of the left in yet another phase of political, social and economic uncertainty.

El liderazgo político es un fenómeno que se construye socialmente. La construcción social del liderazgo puede ser analizada mediante los conceptos de habitus y campo del líder. Ambos conceptos contribuyen a contextualizar el liderazgo... more

El liderazgo político es un fenómeno que se construye socialmente. La construcción social del liderazgo puede ser analizada mediante los conceptos de habitus y campo del líder. Ambos conceptos contribuyen a contextualizar el liderazgo político. Por un lado, el líder es socializado; por otro, el líder se institucionaliza en virtud de sus prácticas políticas. Y por último, las prácticas del líder pueden ser legitimadas por sus seguidores. Partiendo de estos supuestos, se analiza el liderazgo de Felipe González durante el período que va desde su niñez hasta su retirada de la Presidencia del Gobierno de España (1942-1996). Se concluye con una caracterización socio-política del liderazgo de González.

Formal university and college Intelligence Studies degree programs have experienced a pronounced growth in recent years, exhibiting a richness in diversity and engagement in both institutional type and instructional delivery. At face... more

Formal university and college Intelligence Studies degree programs have experienced a pronounced growth in recent years, exhibiting a richness in diversity and engagement in both institutional type and instructional delivery. At face value American academia seems about to embark on a new era of cooperation and understanding with the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). But in seeking to determine whether progress in this development is as significant as is hoped in Washington, DC, this study reveals a persisting historical concern and academic bias that constrains the latent collaboration.

The Hakka Chinese have been known to have attained important political offices in East and Southeast Asia and in South America. This paper contributes to the discussion of Hakka political leaders by analyzing the conditions of Hakka... more

The Hakka Chinese have been known to have attained important political offices in East and Southeast Asia and in South America. This paper contributes to the discussion of Hakka political leaders by analyzing the conditions of Hakka people in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Guyana, and the rise of a few of these Hakka individuals to top leadership positions in their respective country. The argument is that despite being a minority and initially political outsiders, some of their descendants have capitalized on their outsider position to climb to the top political leadership

Special issue on Political leadership in Africa: Renaissance or regression? Guest edited by Jo-Ansie van Wyk

Since 2009, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has used the term "the mafia of power" to critize and villify a perceived alliance of business and political elites in Mexico, dominant since the era of President Carlos Salinas (1988-94).... more

Since 2009, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has used the term "the mafia of power" to critize and villify a perceived alliance of business and political elites in Mexico, dominant since the era of President Carlos Salinas (1988-94). This paper explores three aspects of the “mafia of power”: the evolution of the term in AMLO's rhetoric, the potency of the term as a persuasive device, and the malleability of the rhetorical conception of “mafia” as AMLO transitioned from candidate to president in 2017-18.

Paper presented at an international, interdisciplinary conference on Accountable Leadership and Sustainability in Africa: Religion, Democracy and Civil Society celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of South Africa’s (Unisa)... more

Paper presented at an international, interdisciplinary conference on Accountable Leadership and Sustainability in Africa: Religion, Democracy and Civil Society celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of South Africa’s (Unisa) Research Institute for Theology and Religion, Unisa, Pretoria, South Africa, 21-24 April 2015

In the age of accelerating change, complexity, and chaos, we urgently need new ideas and radical way of thinking that go to the roots of our assumptions and issues. We explore the importance of creativity and leadership for Postnormal... more

In the age of accelerating change, complexity, and chaos, we urgently need new ideas and radical way of thinking that go to the roots of our assumptions and issues. We explore the importance of creativity and leadership for Postnormal Times, explore how they are changing, and discuss the implications of these changes.

The rapid and unexpected outburst of popular empowerment and democratic impulse that led to the 2011 Arab Spring constitutes the best epitomisation of mass political participation in the Middle East yet. Although popular participation is... more

The rapid and unexpected outburst of popular empowerment and democratic impulse that led to the 2011 Arab Spring constitutes the best epitomisation of mass political participation in the Middle East yet. Although popular participation is truly the cornerstone of modern democratic governance, the extent of popular involvement in the process of governance that is necessary for a genuine and efficient execution of democracy remains highly contentious. A detailed analysis of Barber’s model of participatory democracy, and its implementation in Egyptian politics demonstrates not only its opaqueness and self-contradictory character, but also indicates the absence of a convincing argument for a necessary substitution of liberal representative model of democracy.

Call for 2016 special issue of Politeia.

Predmet rada jeste analiza uticaja koji je imala religija na vladare tokom, srpske srednjovekovne istorije, prvenstveno, i ruske predrevolucionarne, a kroz sagledavanje domena pravoslavne hrišćanske religije na pravac njihove vladavine.... more

Predmet rada jeste analiza uticaja koji je imala religija na vladare tokom, srpske srednjovekovne istorije, prvenstveno, i ruske predrevolucionarne, a kroz sagledavanje domena pravoslavne hrišćanske religije na pravac njihove vladavine. Svi vladari, kroz istoriju, od kako je sveta i veka, nastojali su činiti političke poteze koje su ipak – u njihovu korist. Retki izuzetni pojedinci, sagledavali su kao primarne ciljeve, opštu dobrobit naroda koji vode, odnosno čiji su vladari. Cilj rada je objasniti smisao pojedinih postupaka vladara koje su činili za vreme vladavine. Metode koje se koriste u ovom radu su uporedno-istorijska, kao i hermeneutička metoda, prisutna u svakoj interpretaciji teološko-religijskih istraživanja, u sferi društvenih nauka.

“Liderazgo es el proceso de inducir a la acción voluntaria a otros en la persecución de una meta común”

The most significant contribution of this chapter is analysis of factors that have brought about an increase in the social popularity of nationalism in Poland in the second decade of the 21st century. Diagnosis of the factors that... more

The most significant contribution of this chapter is analysis of factors that have brought about an increase in the social popularity of nationalism in Poland in the second decade of the 21st century. Diagnosis of the factors that determine the younger generation’s demand for nationalists ideas, political events, social networks and organisations is an interesting issue, especially in the context of elections, both held in 2014 and 2015. The author intends to verify the thesis that the NM is not a continuation of mainstream post-1989 Polish nationalism but rather that it constitutes a new type of nationalism altogether. Since 2010, we have been able to observe efforts to initiate a modern political doctrine aimed at providing solutions to contemporary challenges and at bringing about a more effective formula of political activity. Secondly, an important question is to identify which of its political wings – moderate or radical – will emerge as dominant in the near future. Consequently, could the NM pose a threat to democracy or is it a mere protest party operating in the legal framework of the political system? Thirdly, it is difficult accurately to assess the NM’s popularity and electoral potential. The final task is to diagnose whether the NM is a symptom of a legitimacy crisis of the political establishment in Poland.

This article opens up a new scholarly subfield (royal-assassination-attempt commemoration) within the long-neglected field of annual (especially, provincial) ruler festivities in the nineteenth-century Russian Empire. It does so by... more

This article opens up a new scholarly subfield (royal-assassination-attempt commemoration) within the long-neglected field of annual (especially, provincial) ruler festivities in the nineteenth-century Russian Empire. It does so by subjecting an array of untapped, geographically dispersed sources to a systematic, highly theoretically underwritten analysis. As a result, the article generates many insights into the principles and pathways of pious thought and action of Russian imperial subjects from all walks of life vis-à-vis their monarch. In the process, it provides a methodological template for future studies of the intersections between belief and belonging going into the modern
age, not only in Russia, but across the world.