Learning Strategies Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

O propósito do presente artigo é discutir a respeito das questões relacionadas ao estabelecimento de objetivos de aprendizagem para as interações que se dão no contexto virtual do teletandem. Para tanto, fundamentamos nossa discussão no... more

O propósito do presente artigo é discutir a respeito das questões relacionadas ao estabelecimento de objetivos de aprendizagem para as interações que se dão no contexto virtual do teletandem. Para tanto, fundamentamos nossa discussão no aporte teórico da abordagem do Ensino de Línguas para Fins Específicos (HUTCHINSON; WATERS, 1987; ROBINSON, 1991, CELANI; FREIRE; RAMOS, 2005), que considera o ensino de línguas a partir das necessidades de aprendizagem dos estudantes e pode ser aplicada a diferentes contextos educacionais. Os dados analisados são oriundos de questionários propostos a interagentes de teletandem, alunos de uma universidade brasileira que fizeram interação com alunos de uma universidade mexicana, durante o segundo semestre de 2018. A perspectiva metodológica do trabalho está ancorada na teoria fundamentada (CHARMAZ, 2009), cujos métodos estão baseados na coleta sistemática de dados, os quais, após a análise, dão origem a conceitos. As discussões aqui empreendidas poder...

This article proposes a structural model of English language learners’ self‐efficacy beliefs, attitudes toward learning pronunciation skills, and choice of pronunciation learning strategies. Participants’ responses (N = 704) to two... more

This article proposes a structural model of English language learners’ self‐efficacy beliefs, attitudes toward learning pronunciation skills, and choice of pronunciation learning strategies. Participants’ responses (N = 704) to two self‐reported questionnaires—Strategies for Pronunciation Improvement (SPI) inventory and Learner Attitudes for Pronunciation (LAP) inventory—were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine the direct and indirect relationships among the latent variables. The results showed that perceived practical and linguistic values related to pronunciation learning led students to be concerned about their pronunciation and thus increased their intentional behavior to improve their pronunciation skills. Also, the greater the intentional behavior, the more likely students were to select strategies to advance their pronunciation skills. Furthermore, a multigroup SEM analysis revealed that self‐efficacy about pronunciation skills significantly influen...

Peer feedback is one of the commonly practised pedagogical approaches in writing classes. It can be seen as a powerful tool to provide students with an authentic audience who give different views on their writings and, thus, able to... more

Peer feedback is one of the commonly practised pedagogical approaches in writing classes. It can be seen as a powerful tool to provide students with an authentic audience who give different views on their writings and, thus, able to increase the student writers’ confidence and motivation. The aim of this exploratory classroom study was to investigate how peer feedback was valued in a writing course. It also explored the potential benefits of peer feedback application in the writing class. The findings reveal that peer feedback was well-received by the students as it gave them the benefits of additional point of views from a wider audience. However, the findings also show that peers’ linguistic competence, attitude and cultural values could affect the value and validity of the feedback which, in turn, could affect the effectiveness of this approach.

Our research focuses on Technology for Human Learning, particularly on assistance to learners in their online learning courses. This method of learning has profoundly benefited from important technological innovation of the 21st century,... more

Our research focuses on Technology for Human Learning, particularly on assistance to learners in their online learning courses. This method of learning has profoundly benefited from important technological innovation of the 21st century, and the emergence of the Web 2.0. The integration of social networks at the distance learning systems, focused on new features for users, which changed their behavior in the web and created a new methods of collaboration and information sharing. Our approach is to integrate a social network at our distance learning platform and conducted experiments to observe and study the behavior of learners in these new platforms.

The prevalence and burden of pain has long been reported as problematic. Comprehensive pain education in undergraduate programmes is essential for developing knowledgeable, skilled and effective healthcare professionals. This... more

The prevalence and burden of pain has long been reported as problematic. Comprehensive pain education in undergraduate programmes is essential for developing knowledgeable, skilled and effective healthcare professionals. This cross‐sectional survey describes the nature, content and learning strategies for pain curricula in undergraduate healthcare programmes in major universities in the United Kingdom (UK). Document analysis also highlighted gaps in pain‐related standards from professional regulators and a higher education quality assurance body. The sample consisted of 19 higher education institutions delivering 108 programmes across dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy and veterinary science.Seventy‐four (68.5%) questionnaires were returned averaging 12.0 h of pain content with physiotherapy and veterinary science students receiving the highest input. Pain education accounted for less than 1% of programme hours for some disciplines...

The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cooperative learning strategies will help to increase nutrition knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants caring for the elderly in different institutional communities of the... more

The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cooperative learning strategies will help to increase nutrition knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants caring for the elderly in different institutional communities of the Basque Country, Spain. The target population was a sample of volunteers, 16 nurses and 28 nursing assistants. Training consisted of 12 nutrition education sessions using cooperative strategies conducted over a period of 3 consecutive weeks. The assessment instruments included two pretest and two posttest questionnaires with questions selected in multiple-choice format. The first questionnaire was about general knowledge of applied nutrition (0-88 point scale) and the second one on geriatric nutrition knowledge (0-18 point scale). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 11.0. The outcomes indicated a significant increase in general nutrition knowledge (difference between the pre- and post-test mean score: 14.5+/-10.1; P<0.001) and in geriatric nutrition k...

This study aimed to examine the effect of the Learning Cycle 4E-RE on the vocational school students’ chemistry learning outcomes in light vehicle engine maintenance subject. The research subjects were 164 Vocational High School (SMK)... more

This study aimed to examine the effect of the Learning Cycle 4E-RE on the vocational school students’ chemistry learning outcomes in light vehicle engine maintenance subject. The research subjects were 164 Vocational High School (SMK) students majoring in Technology and Engineering, the Automotive Engineering expertise program, consisting of 100 students in the experimental group and 64 students in the control group. The research instrument was a learning outcome test with 30 multiple-choice items with reliability of Kuder-Richardson ρ (KR 20) = 0.837. This study used a quasi-experimental pre / posttest control group design. The mean similarity of the experimental class and the control class was tested from the pretest results using t-test statistical analysis. The research hypothesis was tested using the ANCOVA test with a significance level of 5% (0.05). The results showed that there were differences in the learning outcomes of students who were taught with the Learning Cycle 4E-R...

This article is the author’s professional reflectivity as a TESOL lecturer at an Australian University over the past sixteen years. Observing and responding to students’ interests, concerns, and challenges has allowed this work to take... more

This article is the author’s professional reflectivity as a TESOL lecturer
at an Australian University over the past sixteen years. Observing and
responding to students’ interests, concerns, and challenges has allowed
this work to take shape. It signifies a range of issues that shape student
learning with a strong focus on problematic features of online education
practices. These issues include the absence of non-verbal cues, responsive
latency, the pressure of teacher multiple-roles, and digital learning
boredom. Thanks to collected data from student feedback, conversation
with colleagues, and field notes, the author has put together a set of
principles and strategies for making teaching and learning in the virtual
space a more rewarding experience for both teachers and students. The
strategies include making learning content interesting and useful,
personalised communication, clear participation protocols, mediation of
student workload and participation, scaffolding online learning,
organising choices, diversifying approaches to tasks, encouraging student
voices, and collaboration with non-teaching staff.

The paper investigates the difference between the appearance and reality of “excellent results” that 49 university students obtained in their listening course which was designed to deal with the lowest learning domain of Revised Bloom’s... more

The paper investigates the difference between the appearance and reality of “excellent results” that 49 university students obtained in their listening course which was designed to deal with the lowest learning domain of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT)—“remember” (Anderson et al., 2001). The subjects of this study were the students from the department of Engineering who were studying English at their foundation course in King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. The mean scores of the regular test based on “remember” given at the end of the semester were compared with those of another similar test based on “remember” and “understand” of RBT (Anderson et al., 2001) given after three weeks of the regular test. The statistical analysis of the results shows that the students’ memorization of some words and phrases help them identify the same words and phrases in new context but it does not help them answer “understand” questions. The students who did excellent in “remember” questions did mis...

Aprender a aprender es una de las competencias claves fijadas por la Comisión Europea (2005 y 2006) para los sistemas educativos de los países miembros. Las últimas investigaciones ponen de relieve la importancia de que los estudiantes... more

Aprender a aprender es una de las competencias claves fijadas por la Comisión Europea (2005 y 2006) para los sistemas educativos de los países miembros. Las últimas investigaciones ponen de relieve la importancia de que los estudiantes universitarios aprendan a aprender, por lo que este estudio se ubica en la universidad. El objetivo es concretar un modelo teórico sobre dicha competencia que permita su operacionalización en los grados universitarios. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema. Después de estudiar su fundamentación científica y la normativa reguladora, se analizaron múltiples modelos -especialmente provenientes de la literatura europea- y se propuso uno propio. Esta propuesta incluye cinco dimensiones, tres de las cuales (cognitiva, metacognitiva y afectivo-motivacional) provienen de la psicología cognitiva y de las teorías sobre estrategias de aprendizaje y aprendizaje autorregulado. La cuarta (social/relacional) está vinculada al enfoque ...

Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. la tidak terhad kepada penyampaian syarahan di dalam bilik... more

Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) melibatkan beberapa aktiviti dan kaedah yang dilaksanakan secara berterusan ke arah menyediakan pendidikan komprehensif dan efektif. la tidak terhad kepada penyampaian syarahan di dalam bilik kuliah sahaja. Kini, kaedah P&P lebih menjurus kepada pendedahan secara praktikal dan pengalaman antaranya melalui kaedah lawatan akademikpelajar. UiTM(Perak) turut melaksanakan kaedah ini sebagai salah satu metod pengajaran yang ditekankan dalam kurikulum. Namun begitu, proses permohonan aktiviti lawatan akademik pelajaryang kurang efisien seringkali menjadi permasalahan yang mengganggu proses P&P di UiTM (Perak). Justeru, kertas kerja ini membincangkan kelemahan dalam proses permohonan lawatan akademik pelajar sedia ada dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan. Penemuan daripada kajian empirikal ini telah mendedahkan beberapa kelemahan dalam proses permohonan sedia ada antaranya pihak Hal Ehwal Akademik (HEA) sukar untuk membuat pemantauan terhadap permohonan...

Listening is considered the most challenging skill for numerous English foreign language students. However, learners can enhance their proficiency and self-confidence by employing their language learning strategies appropriately. This... more

Listening is considered the most challenging skill for numerous English
foreign language students. However, learners can enhance their proficiency and self-confidence by employing their language learning strategies appropriately. This paper attempts to investigate English foreign language learners‟ listening comprehension strategies. The participants were twelve
English majors at a university in Vietnam. The case study design was
adopted in this research project. The source of data was captured using the
think-aloud approach. The data was coded and classified with the use of
O‟Malley and Chamot‟s (1990) and Oxford‟s (1990) taxonomies of
Language Learning Strategies, then quantitatively analysed using SPSS for
descriptive and inferential statistics. Results indicated that the students
utilized the three categories: metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective
strategies. Furthermore, there emerged several variations in the learners‟
choice of learning strategies regarding gender and task types. Specially, the
students‟ use of listening comprehension strategies pertaining to task types was found statistically significantly different despite no significant
difference between the male and female listeners. The study suggests
implications for the language classroom instruction on listening
comprehension strategies in future inquiries.

Se comparten los resultados principales de un estudio interdisciplinario a cargo de una profesora de lenguas y un profesor de ingeniería sobre los resúmenes como estrategia de aprendizaje en el curso Resistencia de Materiales, ofrecido... more

Se comparten los resultados principales de un estudio interdisciplinario a cargo de una profesora de lenguas y un profesor de ingeniería sobre los resúmenes como estrategia de aprendizaje en el curso Resistencia de Materiales, ofrecido para estudiantes de ingeniería en la Universidad del Valle, con el propósito de que los estudiantes tomen conciencia sobre sus procesos de escritura y sobre el papel fundamental de la escritura en el aprendizaje. Estos resúmenes, a diferencia de la práctica tradicional, no se escriben para el profesor con el propósito de que este evalúe si el estudiante ha estudiado o no, sino para que cada estudiante revise su proceso de aprendizaje y exprese por escrito lo que ha entendido; en la clase hay espacio para revisarlos de modo que los estudiantes vean su progreso. El análisis de la experiencia, con una metodología mixta –cuantitativa y cualitativa–, se basó en la información recolectada por medio de unas encuestas que se diseñaron para ello, así como en l...

Resumen Actualmente disponemos de gran cantidad de investigaciones que ponen de manifiesto que la implicación activa del sujeto en su proceso de aprendizaje aumenta cuando se siente autocompetente. Esta implicación motivacional influye... more

Resumen Actualmente disponemos de gran cantidad de investigaciones que ponen de manifiesto que la implicación activa del sujeto en su proceso de aprendizaje aumenta cuando se siente autocompetente. Esta implicación motivacional influye tanto en la ...

One of the goals of Industrial Technology Education (ITE) is to equip students with the requisite skills to enable them to become self-reliant and contribute to the nation's development. This study focused on identifying strategies for... more

One of the goals of Industrial Technology Education (ITE) is to equip students with the requisite skills to enable them to become self-reliant and contribute to the nation's development. This study focused on identifying strategies for improving ITE programs in universities in South-East Nigeria for job creation. Two research questions and two corresponding hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for the study was 527, comprising 86 lecturers and 441 students in the universities offering ITE programs in South-East, Nigeria. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 265 respondents, comprising 42 lecturers and 233 students of ITE across five universities in South-East Nigeria. A 24-item structured questionnaire titled: Strategies for Improving ITE Programmes in Universities for Job Creation Questionnaire (SIITEPUJCQ) was used to generate data for the study. The instrument was validated by two experts from the Department of ITE and one expert from the Measurement and Evaluation unit in the Department of Science Education all in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia State. The reliability of the instrument was estimated through trial testing subjected to the Cronbach Alpha formula with an internal consistency of 0.95. Mean was used to answer the research questions while independent t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The data gathered was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found that there was no significant difference between the mean responses of lecturers and students on the instructional and funding strategies for improving ITE programs in Universities in South East Nigeria. Also, the study showed that all 24 items were agreed upon as various strategies for improving ITE programs in Universities as all of them had their mean above the cutoff point of 3.5. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that the Federal Government should demonstrate sincere political will and utmost commitment towards the development of ITE programs through a significant increase in its annual budgetary allocation to the education sector as well as adopt an effective framework for policymaking, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation to achieve the objectives of the program and ensure job creation; ITE instructors should employ the use of modern instructional strategies like augmented reality, virtual reality, scaffolding, Artificial Intelligence, collaborative/cooperative learning, online learning, as effective strategies to effectively impart in the students as well as to improve ITE programs for job creation.

Recent studies show the importance of fostering the development of different self-regulative components: the cognitive, the metacognitive, the motivational and the affective. The focus has shifted from the theoretical study of the... more

Recent studies show the importance of fostering the development of different self-regulative components: the cognitive, the metacognitive, the motivational and the affective. The focus has shifted from the theoretical study of the processes implied in self regulation to educational interventions. Specifically, the importance of research that analyzes the relationship among self regulation, new technologies and cooperative learning is growing. This study investigated how the participation in blended learning activities involving cooperation and metacognitive reflection, could promote the development of different self-regulation competencies among first year university students. The study highlights the existence of a relation between cognitive and metacognitive components on one hand and between motivational and affective components from the other. It does not show any relationship between the two dyads of components.

When an agent interacts with an opponent there are many factors that make it difficult to determine the appropriate action to take. The outcomes of the possible actions may be uncertain because of hidden information or simultaneous... more

When an agent interacts with an opponent there are many factors that make it difficult to determine the appropriate action to take. The outcomes of the possible actions may be uncertain because of hidden information or simultaneous actions by the opponent. The value of a game state may be uncertain because of the complexity of analyzing the game or because of uncertainty about how the opponent will act in the future. Finally, in general-sum games, the agent is uncertain about how its own actions will affect the opponent’s future play. The Gift Exchange game [10] has been developed to study the problem of how an agent’s actions can affect the opponent’s future actions. In the Gift Exchange game the action space is continuous; an opponent’s intentions can be observed from the action they choose. In this paper we will explore the effect of discretizing the action space of the Gift Exchange game. We will describe the discretized Gift Exchange game and discuss how to learn an optimal res...