Learning and Development Research Papers (original) (raw)

It comes as no surprise that the students we serve are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Liu and colleague’s (2019) research “point to an urgent need for service utilization strategies, especially among racial/ethnic,... more

It comes as no surprise that the students we serve are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Liu and colleague’s (2019) research “point to an urgent need for service utilization strategies, especially among racial/ethnic, sexual, or gender minorities. Campuses must consider student experiences to mitigate stress during this developmental period” (p.1) is a call that can’t be ignored. Many campus leaders are seeking to implement specific ways to heighten students’ sense of belonging and safety as well as reduce their stress and anxiety in- and out-of- the classroom. Recent research from a number of scholars such as Kang and colleagues (2018), Magyari (2016), Treleaven (2018), and Rothschild (2017) illustrate that mindful compassion practices show promising effects in alleviating stress and anxiety, however they can also potentially have negative impact on mental health and wellbeing when implemented without a heightened awareness of well-researched trauma informed practices.
What follows are a few of the trauma-informed mindful compassion practices that you may consider implementing in your in-and out-of-classroom learning and development opportunities.

This study seeks to better understand what models of CPD would be most effective and have the greatest impact on teaching, learning and assessment and ultimately on student achievement and success, in a Further Education (FE) college. A... more

This study seeks to better understand what models of CPD would be most effective and have the greatest impact on teaching, learning and assessment and ultimately on student achievement and success, in a Further Education (FE) college.
A systematic review of the literature has been undertaken, related to the development, delivery and impact of CPD in FE. A questioning and critical approach was used in reading the literature and is related to the proposed question for this dissertation project which is made up of three parts:
1. What are the barriers to accessing CPD?
2. What makes CPD effective or ineffective?
3. How should we shape our CPD offer for teachers going forward?
The research has been carried out by interviewing ten FE teachers who have been selected for their ranges of experience, subject matter, location, gender and level of students taught in order to gain teacher perspectives across the spectrum.
Seven key areas were highlighted through thematic analysis of the data. In distilling down the response to questions, the seven key factors began to emerge. The most commonly mentioned issue was that of “workload” which was nearly always followed by “time”. Also raised was the operational matter of knowing what CPD was available (or not available) – clarity of offer. As interviews progressed, the focus centred on what was considered to be important CPD for teacher development.
As a result of the evaluation of the research findings, a number of areas have been identified for further exploration and action.

Firms may invest in corporate universities for many reasons, but the ultimate goal always remains keeping the organization and its people competitive in a changing marketplace. Developing a detailed step-by-step “how to” for the creation... more

Firms may invest in corporate universities for many reasons, but the ultimate goal always remains keeping the organization and its people competitive in a changing marketplace. Developing a detailed step-by-step “how to” for the creation of a corporate university would be inadvisable as each university must be uniquely designed to meet the needs of the organization in which it operates. However, best practices can be identified and grouped into categories of commonalities by analyzing research surrounding successful corporate university implementations. Utilizing this methodology, we have developed a four-part framework with the inherent flexibility necessary to be applied to any organization while achieving the level of detail required to retain its usefulness as schema for corporate university implementation.

Leadership is something that many aspire to and something that people holding leadership positions, especially in schools, generally aspire to do well. Leadership is by its nature illusory. Over the years, many researchers have explored... more

Leadership is something that many aspire to and something that people holding leadership positions, especially in schools, generally aspire to do well. Leadership is by its nature illusory. Over the years, many researchers have explored the challenge of leadership. This paper seeks to explore what lies beyond the leadership challenge and how professional standards from the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership might assist school leaders seeking to go beyond the challenge of leadership.

Today, entire world became a global network, treated as a global economy that drives organizations to be competitive. Thus, Organizations tend to be more concern on innovations and establish an innovative culture to be unique and gain... more

Today, entire world became a global network, treated as a global economy that drives organizations to be competitive. Thus, Organizations tend to be more concern on innovations and establish an innovative culture to be unique and gain competitive advantage. In this process, Training and Development acts a critical role that accelerates employees thinking ability and their behavior. This study investigated the impact of training and development on innovation capability of employees. The study context was an Apparel organization in Sri Lanka. The primary purpose of this study to fill the literature gap while giving stimuli to Sri Lankan organizations towards to be innovative. To measure effectiveness of training and development, researcher used the model developed by Wise and Ezell (2003) and innovation capability was measured by the model developed by Dadfar et al. (2013). Findings of the study reveals that organizational effective training and development positively affects to boost...

The paper highlights the need for using instructional design based on outcome-based learning (OBL) for training courses. It then presents the notion of breadth and depth of training and identifies five phases in which quality standards... more

The paper highlights the need for using instructional design based on outcome-based learning (OBL) for training courses. It then presents the notion of breadth and depth of training and identifies five phases in which quality standards must be in order to achieve overall training effectiveness in any HRD system at an organization. The paper was presented at a Trainers' Retreat by HRDN, Pakistan, in 2003.

Today, entire world became a global network, treated as a global economy that drives organizations to be competitive. Thus, Organizations tend to be more concern on innovations and establish an innovative culture to be unique and gain... more

Today, entire world became a global network, treated as a global economy that drives organizations to be competitive. Thus, Organizations tend to be more concern on innovations and establish an innovative culture to be unique and gain competitive advantage. In this process, Training and Development acts a critical role that accelerates employees thinking ability and their behavior. This study investigated the impact of training and development on innovation capability of employees. The study context was an Apparel organization in Sri Lanka. The primary purpose of this study to fill the literature gap while giving stimuli to Sri Lankan organizations towards to be innovative. To measure effectiveness of training and development, researcher used the model developed by Wise and Ezell (2003) and innovation capability was measured by the model developed by Dadfar et al. (2013). Findings of the study reveals that organizational effective training and development positively affects to boost innovation capability of organization. In addition, the study proposed how an organization inculcate an innovative culture within by improving learning, productive behavior and personal/group achievements.

Η παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζει μια βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση στα οφέλη της εκπαίδευσης και ανάπτυξης των εργαζομένων για τους ίδιους αλλά και για τους οργανισμούς. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η εκπαίδευση και ανάπτυξη των εργαζομένων δίνει τη... more

Η παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζει μια βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση στα οφέλη της εκπαίδευσης και ανάπτυξης των εργαζομένων για τους ίδιους αλλά και για τους οργανισμούς. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η εκπαίδευση και ανάπτυξη των εργαζομένων δίνει τη δυνατότητα στους οργανισμούς να αποκτήσουν ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα, στα πλαίσια του ανταγωνισμού της ελεύθερης αγοράς μέσω της βελτίωσης του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού τους, αλλά και στους εργαζόμενους να αποκτήσουν επιπλέον γνώσεις και δεξιότητες. Οι αιτίες που καθιστούν αναγκαία την εκπαίδευση των εργαζομένων αφορούν την τεχνολογική πρόοδος, τις διαρκείς απαιτήσεις της αγοράς καθώς και τις νέες οργανωτικές αλλαγές στον ίδιο οργανισμό. Οι εργαζόμενοι ωφελούνται με την εκπαίδευση καθώς βελτιώνουν τις δεξιότητες τους και αποκτούν νέες γνώσεις και ικανοποίηση από την εργασία τους, ενώ οι οργανισμοί προσαρμόζονται στην σύγχρονη αγορά, παραμένοντας ανταγωνιστικοί και διατηρώντας το υπάρχον ανθρώπινο δυναμικό. Τα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα πρέπει να εστιάσουν στις κοινωνικές δεξιότητες, να είναι εξατομικευμένα, εύκολα προσβάσιμα και να ακολουθούν το σχέδιο της στρατηγικής ανάπτυξης του οργανισμού.

Designing effective instructional programs that can cater to diverse learning styles and academic backgrounds is of paramount importance in any modern day classroom. This acts as the decisive factor separating a sound teaching and... more

Designing effective instructional programs that can cater to diverse learning styles and academic backgrounds is of paramount importance in any modern day classroom. This acts as the decisive factor separating a sound teaching and learning process from other humdrum approaches. Effective teaching strategies on part of the teacher lead to effective learning for the student. In order to develop effective lesson plans to bring about the attainment of desired objectives, teachers must possess a variety of skills and have a solid understanding of different concepts, ideas, and learning theories. It has even been said that teachers who do not make use of a systematic body of theory in their day-by-day decisions are behaving blindly. My study shall look at instructional practices from the perspectives of content, pedagogy and assessments that can be successfully applied in varied classroom contexts using minimal resources.

In a rapidly changing business environment, knowledge and human capital are viewed as the main drivers of organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage. Organizational learning is founded on the idea that organizational... more

In a rapidly changing business environment, knowledge and human capital are viewed as the main drivers of organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage. Organizational learning is founded on the idea that organizational effectiveness depends on the organization’s capacity to acquire, share, use and store valuable knowledge. Based on that, training has become an increasingly popular tool for enhancing employee and managerial performance. For that reason, more and more firms invest on Learning and Development programs (L&D). However, as organizational priorities shift and new skills and ways of learning emerge, the L&D industry is becoming increasingly more complex. This paper will focus on exploring all these new trends and challenges and analyzing how they shape the L& D field. Moreover, it will explore different key strategies that can help organizations overcome the challenges and boost the efficiency of their learning programs.

This independent study has been conducted to analyse and establish whether any relationship exists between effective risk management practices and project success in the construction industry of Pakistan. The industry under question is... more

This independent study has been conducted to analyse and establish whether any relationship exists between effective risk management practices and project success in the construction industry of Pakistan. The industry under question is marred with inefficiencies both in the public as well as private sector, and success rate of projects are very low. The study aims to investigate, through the use of questionnaires, whether a relationship between effective risk management and improved project success exists., and whether the organisations that undertake risk management processes are able to achieve a better project success rate and, in the process, establish a link between the two. Literature suggests that an effective risk management system comprises of a four-step process which includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and overall control of risk. Further study of the literature suggests that the first three elements help enforce and reaffirm the fourth element. Hence, the first three elements were taken as independent variables and a mediation relationship was suggested in the theoretical framework for the fourth element. Questionnaires were adapted from previous research in this area, with country specific factors such as training on risk management issues, policies in this regard and overall understanding and acknowledgement of risk management incorporated into the questionnaires to make it more relevant to the population and chosen sample. This research paper is relevant in today's context since infrastructure projects are at a peak in Pakistan, and the importance of risk management in the overall project planning and execution needs to be determined so that effective measures can be taken to improve the project success ratio in terms of schedule, cost and quality, so that the mediocre performance of construction projects as a whole can be improved and efficiencies can be achieved in this sector of the economy.

This good practice framework has been produced as part of a cutting edge research project on positive youth development in Australia. It incorporates extensive primary data and has benefited from sustained industry consultation. It... more

This good practice framework has been produced as part of a cutting edge research project on positive youth development in Australia. It incorporates extensive primary data and has benefited from sustained industry consultation. It provides youth development practitioners, researchers and policy makers with a set of clear and user friendly good practice principles, indicators and comprehensive guidelines for
implementation and evaluation.

Managing Human Resources Assessment 2 Toward the finish of the report you will have the capacity to comprehend the significance of the human resource office, how the human resource division encourages an organization to reach to their... more

Managing Human Resources Assessment 2
Toward the finish of the report you will have the capacity to comprehend the significance of the human resource office, how the human resource division encourages an organization to reach to their ideal benchmark. In this report there is a concise information on the procedure of how human resource management manages the issues looked by the organization. Significance of learning and advancement is being clarified with the procedure how to suggest them in a workforce, even techniques are incorporated through which representatives can take in more productively. The procedure of execution the board is even included and the strategies to build the execution the executives are clarified. There are laws known as employment laws which are vital and must be pursued and is trailed by a portion of the genuine cases held.

Technology advancement in the learning and development domain is increasing at a rocketing pace to satisfy the demands of learners at the professional end. Training is proved to remain as a key for development. This paper speaks of... more

Technology advancement in the learning and development domain is increasing at a rocketing pace to satisfy the demands of learners at the professional end. Training is proved to remain as a key for development. This paper speaks of virtual reality and its bond with the learning and development function. A global survey report has been provided on the virtual reality. We have chalked out a ten step procedure for utilizing VR in commerce and management studies. The research at world level has satisfying numbers to prove that virtual reality along with e-learning and 3D technology is going to take over the modern learning era and emerge to be as the biggest market by 2025. The extrapolated results of Goldman Sachs have been presented.

This article is based on research carried out to investigate the prevailing conditions of schooling and classroom teaching and learning in southern Zimbabwe, using the Vygotskian socio cultural theory to analyze the consequences that the... more

This article is based on research carried out to investigate the prevailing conditions of schooling and classroom teaching and learning in southern Zimbabwe, using the Vygotskian socio cultural theory to analyze the consequences that the breakdown of schooling and classroom teaching and learning had on learners' performance and cognitive development. According to findings from the case study of a specific primary school in Gwanda district, classroom teaching and learning in rural Zimbabwe were adversely affected by a conglomerate of contextual factors and worsened by the prevailing socio-economic and political problems resulting in contradictory classroom practices of teaching and learning. The analysis reveals the extent to which classroom teaching and learning have deteriorated and how the cultural practices of this particular tradition of schooling impede on possibilities for meaningful learning activities in the classroom. The article contributes to an understanding of how s...

This study was conducted to discover the impact of work-life conflict on organizational commitment of female faculty at private universities in Karachi, Pakistan. To test association between the two variables, correlation was used. The... more

This study was conducted to discover the impact of work-life conflict on
organizational commitment of female faculty at private universities in Karachi,
Pakistan. To test association between the two variables, correlation was used. The
results were further corroborated by the use of contingency table. The target
population was permanently employed female faculty of private universities. The
study was done through interviews and questionnaire survey. The method employed
for this purpose wast-test of correlation and chi-square test of association. The study
revealed that faculty members at private universities in Karachi had time-based
conflict but they did not have strain-based and behaviour-based Conflict. The female
faculty were committed to their organizations and the affective commitment showed
higher result than continuance and normative commitment. The study reveals that
there exists a weak association between two critical variables i.e. work-life conflicts
and organizational commitment.
Keywords: Work- Life Conflict, Organizational Commitment, Female Faculty.

This article-based thesis examines students’ learning with digital tools in Science and English writing classes and teachers’ facilitating the learning process. The thesis also provides an insight into the implications of learning with... more

This article-based thesis examines students’ learning with digital tools in Science and English writing classes and teachers’ facilitating the learning process. The thesis also provides an insight into the implications of learning with digital technology for the development of students’ understanding of what it means to learn and the design of digital tools.
Two case studies have been conducted to examine students’ learning: i) with digital animations in Science in the Norwegian lower secondary school and ii) in the writing process in English in the upper secondary school in Norway with the feedback from the computer-based program EssayCritic. The data consist of video recordings of observations of students’ learning in groups with digital tools. The qualitative analyses of student-student and teacher-student interactions are complimented by the quantitative analyses of the pre- and posttests and the number of teachers’ interventions in students’ learning at different times of the learning process.
Cultural-historical theory and, in particular Galperin’s conceptualisation of learning, inform the theoretical perspective and the analytical framework. Three aspects of the learning process are examined: 1) the complexity of learning with technology: how material and social resources interplay in supporting and guiding students’ learning; 2) how students learn in the writing process in English with the feedback from EssayCritic and collaborating peers and 3) how teachers facilitate students’ writing process in English with and without technology.
The thesis contributes to the research on learning with digital tools in three ways: i) by examining students’ learning with digital resources and relating students’ interactions with technology to broader questions about how students may enhance their capacity to learn when engaging with digital tools; ii) by conceptualising the role of the teacher facilitating students’ learning and iii) by employing the cultural-historical perspective and, in particular the contributions of Galperin as an analytical tool to understand what students do at different times in the learning process.
The contributions of this study may also have implications for the design of digital tools to enhance students’ capacity to learn in becoming life-long learners in the 21st century.

This article is based on research carried out to investigate the prevailing conditions of schooling and classroom teaching and learning in southern Zimbabwe, using the Vygotskian socio cultural theory to analyze the consequences that the... more

This article is based on research carried out to investigate the prevailing conditions of schooling and classroom teaching and learning in southern Zimbabwe, using the Vygotskian socio
cultural theory to analyze the consequences that the breakdown of schooling and classroom teaching and learning had on learners' performance and cognitive development. According to findings from the case study of a specific primary school in Gwanda district, classroom teaching and learning in rural Zimbabwe were adversely affected by a conglomerate of contextual factors and worsened by the prevailing socio-economic and political problems resulting in contradictory classroom practices of teaching and learning. The analysis reveals the extent to which classroom teaching and learning have deteriorated and how the cultural practices of this particular tradition of schooling impede on possibilities for meaningful learning activities in the classroom. The article contributes to an understanding of how specific cultural conditions of schooling affect learners’ learning and cognitive development within the prevailing context of socio-economic and political instability in Zimbabwe and suggests ways in which teachers could organise pedagogy to assist their learners’ learning and cognitive development.

This study aimed to assess the degree of utilization on the approaches employed in teaching Literature, determine the most common used techniques, and propose a Learning and Development Activity (LDA) to improve the quality of its... more

This study aimed to assess the degree of utilization on the approaches employed in teaching Literature, determine the most common used techniques, and propose a Learning and Development Activity (LDA) to improve the quality of its teaching-learning. The quantitative research design was used in this descriptive research and adapted the Teaching Literature Component of Hwang and Embi (2007) to collect the data from 35 Junior and Senior High School literature teachers in Southern Nueva Vizcaya particularly at

This dissertation examines how eight adult beginners of Italian as a foreign language (IFL) used a Schema of a Complete Orienting Basis of Action (SCOBA) to learn the concept of Genre and Register in the typified situation of a service... more

This dissertation examines how eight adult beginners of Italian as a foreign language (IFL) used a Schema of a Complete Orienting Basis of Action (SCOBA) to learn the concept of Genre and Register in the typified situation of a service encounter in a restaurant. During six two-hour lessons, students participated in the Concept-Based Approach to foreign language education (Negueruela, 2003; Negueruela & Lantolf, 2008) based on Gal’perin’s (1967, 1992c) model of instruction. A qualitative analysis based on data from learners’ classroom interactions and study abroad experiences revealed that the learners were able to transform their SCOBAs according to their own communicative needs. Accordingly, students developed awareness of how to use cultural and linguistic concepts to orient themselves in classroom tasks and in study abroad experiences in Italy with native speakers. Additionally, students were able to recognize typified and non-typified situations (i.e., Register variation), produ...

A study to understand the training need for better employability and explore the probable ways to influence the nursing student community to enhance their employability in one of the cities of India, Chennai, which serves as a city that... more

A study to understand the training need for better employability and explore the probable ways to influence the nursing student community to enhance their employability in one of the cities of India, Chennai, which serves as a city that houses many corporate hospitals in India. Our country has a unique stature in the world, having a staggering percentage of the youth population, including those aspirants who wish to pursue higher education in paramedical sciences from institutions, this situation laments in Chennai too, the Capital city of Tamilnadu. This city is established as a place to pursue nursing education, as there is a strong employability scope in and around Chennai and neighboring cities. When students join these colleges a, sizable majority of them are expected to join as students, expecting to be in the corporate hospitals, as "Staff nurses", which is quite predictable. We attempted to understand the need for training the students in the Soft skills, and emphasize the necessity of incorporating soft skills training programs in colleges, highlighting the objectives of soft skills techniques teaching methods to be applied, if given such importance, what would be the ideal methodology and tools and aids for such practices.

Human Resource Competencies are knowledge, skills, and characteristics significant in defining employees' satisfaction. Its demonstration in an organization provides an opportunity to design a platform intended to remedy deficiencies and... more

Human Resource Competencies are knowledge, skills, and characteristics significant in defining employees' satisfaction. Its demonstration in an organization provides an opportunity to design a platform intended to remedy deficiencies and thereby increasing satisfaction and adequate performance among employees. Anchored on the Human Resource Integrative Model, this descriptive-correlational study intends to measure the influence of the human resource competencies to employee satisfaction among government agencies. Using Data Mining Technique, data from the Agency HR Climate Survey was retrieved from the website of the Civil Service Commission at https://goo.gl/2wkCiC. Descriptive analysis of data reveals that government employees assessed their human resource personnel competencies as intermediate and advance. At first, this level of HR personnel competencies would give us a favorable idea that HR competencies at the advance level would yield towards employee satisfaction. Ordinal regression analysis, however, shows that none of these variables are significant predictors of the latter. Despite this result, the odds ratio manifests that Learning and Development competencies and, Record Management and other competencies are more likely to affect employee satisfaction. This study concludes that valuing employees by constantly monitoring their records and status in the organization, as well as providing them with opportunities of learning or relearning new skills and competencies through training and development are HR competencies that promote and encourage practical, though not statistical, satisfaction among government employees in the Philippines.

Most mainstream schools of thought during the 1900s kept education and profession de facto well distinct and separated moments of personal growth, as if the only purpose of the first was to introduce an individual to the latter, with no... more

Most mainstream schools of thought during the 1900s kept education and profession de facto well distinct and separated moments of personal growth, as if the only purpose of the first was to introduce an individual to the latter, with no other chance whatsoever for the unfortunate rookie than sink or swim in the new work environment. Self-learning and professional updating used to be either relegated to a guilty personal initiative or put forward by big, mass designed corporate programs, too often insensible to real individual needs. The situation changed radically for the best at the turn of the millennium, in the sign of an increasing compenetration of these two crucial moments and continuous feedback and adjustment of skills and professional needs Modern Learning and Development aims to improve group and individual performance by increasing skills and knowledge. LD forms part of an organisation's talent management strategy and is designed to align group and individual goals and performance with the organisation's overall vision and goals. Practically speaking, individuals in charge of talent development are asked to identify skills gaps among groups and teams (often through SMART objectives, one-to-one interviews and performance appraisals) and then finding suitable training to fill these shortcomings. Trainers must be cost-effective and appropriate for the organisation's needs. Good training gives individuals tools and skills, but it also shows them how to apply these new tools and skills within their own company and position. LD is mostly about creating the culture and environment for individuals and organisations to learn and grow. Awareness of the current and future capability needs of the organisation, as well as of how to create a learning culture, drives engagement in continuous professional development. Learning design and delivery requires a blend of learning approaches, including face-to-face, digital and coaching, as well as the application of behavioural science. How effectively learning is transferred to the learner is key to understanding its impact at an individual and organisation level. TNA is an ongoing process of gathering data to determine what training needs exist so that training can be developed to help the organization accomplish its objectives. Conducting needs assessment is fundamental to the success of a training program. Often, organizations will develop and implement training without first conducting a needs analysis. These organizations run the risk of overdoing training, doing too little training, or missing the point completely. Training needs analysis is the initial step in a cyclical process which contributes to the overall training and educational strategy of staff in an organisation or a professional group. The cycle commences with a systematic consultation to identify the learning needs of the population considered, followed by course planning, delivery and evaluation. Though much has been written about training needs analysis in relation to post-registration nursing education, there is disagreement concerning its impact on the training cycle and its potential to influence service delivery. This started up the literature review presented below. Initial searches of nursing databases identified 266 works. Twenty three (roughly 8.6%) contained findings relating to post-registration nursing education in which assessment of training needs was presented as the major goal. Most of these accounts were concerned with the training needs of nurses in more than one organisation and were classified as macro-level training needs analysis. However, seven studies were concerned with a single, specific organisation (micro-level training needs analysis). Despite their smaller scale and more

The study examined the improvement and learning needs of children in primary schools. The study was carried out in Aguata Education Zone of Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey... more

The study examined the improvement and learning needs of children in primary schools. The study was carried out in Aguata Education Zone of Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. A total sample size of 80 respondents (teachers) was drawn through simple random sampling technique. The researcher developed 20items structured questionnaire titled: Teachers' Assessment of Children Development and Learning (TACDL) used for data collection. The instrument was face validated by three experts from the Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. A reliability coefficient of 0.70 was established for the instrument using Cronbach's Alpha method. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The findings of the study showed that the aspect of children's cognitive development and learning were been mainly assessed by teachers at the primary school level while the psychomotor and affective domains of child's development are often ignored. The findings of the study also revealed that reading skills and recitation are often the priority areas of assessment. In view of these findings, it was recommended among others that government should organize regular assessment training workshops, seminars and conferences to train primary school teachers on assessment techniques that emphasize the development of the learning domains including the cognitive, psychomotive and affective domains of development.

This article-based thesis examines students’ learning with digital tools in Science and English writing classes and teachers’ facilitating the learning process. The thesis also provides an insight into the implications of learning with... more

This article-based thesis examines students’ learning with digital tools in Science and English writing classes and teachers’ facilitating the learning process. The thesis also provides an insight into the implications of learning with digital technology for the development of students’ understanding of what it means to learn and the design of digital tools. Two case studies have been conducted to examine students’ learning: i) with digital animations in Science in the Norwegian lower secondary school and ii) in the writing process in English in the upper secondary school in Norway with the feedback from the computer-based program EssayCritic. The data consist of video recordings of observations of students’ learning in groups with digital tools. The qualitative analyses of student-student and teacher-student interactions are complimented by the quantitative analyses of the pre- and posttests and the number of teachers’ interventions in students’ learning at different times of the l...

Why do you think it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others, and how would you promote equality and diversity in the classroom through your approaches to education and training. How can you ensure a safe and... more

Why do you think it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others, and how would you promote equality and diversity in the classroom through your approaches to education and training. How can you ensure a safe and supportive learning environment?

Human Resource Competencies are knowledge, skills, and characteristics significant in defining employees' satisfaction. Its demonstration in an organization provides an opportunity to design a platform intended to remedy deficiencies... more

Human Resource Competencies are knowledge, skills, and characteristics significant in defining employees' satisfaction. Its demonstration in an organization provides an opportunity to design a platform intended to remedy deficiencies and thereby increasing satisfaction and adequate performance among employees. Anchored on the Human Resource Integrative Model, this descriptive-correlational study intends to measure the influence of the human resource competencies to employee satisfaction among government agencies. Using Data Mining Technique, data from the Agency HR Climate Survey was retrieved from the website of the Civil Service Commission at https://goo.gl/2wkCiC. Descriptive analysis of data reveals that government employees assessed their human resource personnel competencies as intermediate and advance. At first, this level of HR personnel competencies would give us a favorable idea that HR competencies at the advance level would yield towards employee satisfaction. Ordina...

M uch understandable confusion resides around the meaning of the terms benchmark indicators, performance indicators, dashboard indicators, scorecard indicators, and performance metrics. As such, just as it is important for the members of... more

M uch understandable confusion resides around the meaning of the terms benchmark indicators, performance indicators, dashboard indicators, scorecard indicators, and performance metrics. As such, just as it is important for the members of your organization to determine a conceptual framework for outcomes based assessment (e.g., an explanation of why you are engaging in outcomes-based assessment and what you hope to gain from it), as well as developing a common language for engaging in outcomes-based assessment (e.g., define what each term used means), it is important that the terms benchmark indicators, performance indicators, dashboard indicators, scorecard indicators, and performance metrics are also defined. For purposes of this manuscript, we will use benchmark indicators, performance indicators, dashboard indicators, scorecard indicators, and performance metrics interchangeably. Dolence and Norris (1995) defined performance indicators as "measures that are monitored in order to determine the health, effectiveness, & efficiency of an institution" (p. 35). For practical application of what this means, consider the following analogy: I used to drive a red Jeep Wrangler that only had three indicators on the dashboard: (1) the temperature gauge-which was an indicator of how hot or cool the engine was, (2) the speedometer-an indicator of how fast or slow the Jeep was going, and (3) the gas gauge-an indicator of how much fuel was in the tank. These three indicators were broad signals of three areas of Jeep performance. As such, they informed some decisions I could make in order to optimize the performance of the Jeep. For example, if the gas gauge became low, I would determine that the Jeep needed more fuel and I knew how to respond to that. However, I learned through trial and error by recording some data points in a notebook which kind of fuel provided the most optimal performance for my Jeep. I also learned that the Jeep ran out of gas before the indicator actually recorded the fuel as empty. So, the decision I would make was to put more fuel in the gas tank when the indicator reached 1/4 full as opposed to 1/8 full. This was true about my Jeep Wrangler, but I don't know whether it was true for other Jeep Wranglers because I never collected that data. Taking this analogy further, if the temperature gauge indicated the engine was hot, I needed to make a decision to take the Jeep to a mechanic who would lift the hood and conduct diagnostics in order to determine why the Jeep was no longer performing well. Often during this process of gathering additional data, the mechanic would discover other things that were not

Where do heritage professionals look for when they are in need of advice on preventive conservation? How do they update their knowledge? As promoters and producers of preventive conservation knowledge, ICCROM and the Canadian Conservation... more

Where do heritage professionals look for when they are in need of advice on preventive conservation? How do they update their knowledge? As promoters and producers of preventive conservation knowledge, ICCROM and the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) wanted to know more... A little less than a year ago, they posted a survey on ICCROM website (in English only). Within two weeks, 444 professionals from 70 countries replied. They told us about the context in which they work and learn, their commitment to lifelong learning, the way they like to learn and which resources they prefer. At their request, we are pleased to share here the summary of findings of this snap-shot survey, rich of insights to design future resources!

This study reports on an evaluation tool for instructors of a non-traditional vocational program and the effectiveness of providing frequent formative feedback to instructors based on data collected from students. A comprehensive survey... more

This study reports on an evaluation tool for instructors of a non-traditional vocational program and the effectiveness of
providing frequent formative feedback to instructors based on data collected from students. A comprehensive survey on
instructional effectiveness was administered across eight urban sites across the USA. Fidelity measures were taken in
administrating the survey, which enabled uniform procedures in collecting data and for reporting the data. The vocational
training consisted of three 7-week modules that spanned 6 months. Around 3000 students participate in the vocational
training program.
Students completed the survey after each module. The instructors received the unpacked feedback from the survey
administrators in digestible format, as well as through discussions with their academic supervisors. The goal of the feedback
framework was to enhance accountability between students and instructors, providing instructional transparency, and
narrowing the lag time variance in acting on student feedback. Unlike broad summative assessments carried out at the end of
trainings, the content and frequency of the feedback in formative evaluations offered instructors quick insights into their
practices and the opportunity to adjust their teaching to students’ learning styles.
The survey was designed based on established educational theories and practices, and instructors were given feedback based
on the practices included in the survey. This study showcases the usefulness of formative assessments of instructors based on
quantitative and qualitative evaluations over a six-month cycle. Results indicated that the instructors employed suggested
teaching practices more frequently in later modules compared to their performance after the first module.

The article examines rural South African primary school learners’ performance on classification and generalisation tasks to demonstrate the connection between verbal forms of thinking and the sociocultural activities in which, and through... more

The article examines rural South African primary school learners’ performance on classification and generalisation tasks to demonstrate the connection between verbal forms of thinking and the sociocultural activities in which, and through which, verbal thinking develops. The study explored the relationship between learning and development and the specific linguistic practices and sociocultural activities in which learners’ development takes place to demonstrate the functioning of heterogeneous thought processes employed by learners during problem solving activities. The results suggest that different ways of thinking and concept development are rooted in and shaped by the forms of sociocultural activities and discourse modes in which learners participate. The specific finding on the peculiar differentiation of abstract-categorical mode of reasoning; informed by TshiVenda discourse modes of thinking, emphasizing abstract but functional class relations, has important implications on how formal knowledge and classroom learning activities for these learners are to be organized.

Firms may invest in corporate universities for many reasons, but the ultimate goal always remains keeping the organization and its people competitive in a changing marketplace. Developing a detailed step-by-step “how to” for the creation... more

Firms may invest in corporate universities for many reasons, but the ultimate goal always remains keeping the organization and its people competitive in a changing marketplace. Developing a detailed step-by-step “how to” for the creation of a corporate university would be inadvisable as each university must be uniquely designed to meet the needs of the organization in which it operates. However, best practices can be identified and grouped into categories of commonalities by analyzing research surrounding successful corporate university implementations. Utilizing this methodology, we have developed a four-part framework with the inherent flexibility necessary to be applied to any organization while achieving the level of detail required to retain its usefulness as schema for corporate university implementation.

For-profit social enterprises are facing the dual challenges of fulfilling social purpose on the one hand and surviving business competition on the other. Being a sustainable for-profit social enterprise, the company must balance between... more

For-profit social enterprises are facing the dual challenges of fulfilling social purpose on the one hand and surviving business competition on the other. Being a sustainable for-profit social enterprise, the company must balance between economic, social and environmental aspects throughout their business operations. In order to achieve the desired end of sustainability, organization need to keep learning about the social needs and the business environment in order to develop sustainable business processes, and better fulfill their purpose as organizations formed to create social value. The study aims to fill the gaps in sustainability research literature about organizational learning in for-profit social enterprises by exploring how effective learning processes occur at individual, group and organizational level and how to facilitate these learning processes to improve sustainability. The study develops an analytical framework by combining the 4I framework for organizational learning process (Crossan et al., 1999) and an AKO (activities, knowledge source, outcomes) framework for understanding learning activities, knowledge sources and learning outcomes. Four for-profit social enterprises in both Denmark and Sweden are chosen as cases. Based on findings, three organizational learning mechanisms are identified on selected cases. Practical implications and insights are also generated for for-profit social enterprises to facilitate organizational learning for sustainability.

Lorsque les professionnels du patrimoine ont besoin d’un conseil en conservation préventive, où vont-ils le chercher ? Comment mettent-ils leurs connaissances à jour ? En tant que promoteurs et créateurs de connaissances en conservation... more

Lorsque les professionnels du patrimoine ont besoin d’un conseil en conservation préventive, où vont-ils le chercher ? Comment mettent-ils leurs connaissances à jour ? En tant que promoteurs et créateurs de connaissances en conservation préventive, l'ICCROM et l'Institut canadien de conservation (ICC) ont voulu en savoir plus... Il y a onze mois, ils ont publié un sondage sur le site Web de l'ICCROM (en anglais seulement). En deux semaines, 444 professionnels de 70 pays ont répondu. Ils nous ont parlé du contexte dans lequel ils travaillent et apprennent, de leur engagement pour la formation continue, de la façon dont ils aiment apprendre et des ressources qu'ils préfèrent. À leur demande, nous sommes heureux de partager ici le résumé des résultats de cette enquête éclair, riche en idées pour concevoir les ressources futures !