Learning approaches Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In this work we wanted to assess the impact of learning-centered methods on various capabilities/abilities of some students and on their perception of the learning environment developed by their professors. The sample consisted of 126... more

In this work we wanted to assess the impact of learning-centered methods on various capabilities/abilities of some students and on their perception of the learning environment developed by their professors. The sample consisted of 126 first-year students from the Catholic University of Valencia. These students belonged to three groups and they were studying the degrees of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. One professor taught one course in Primary Education and the other one taught another course in Early Childhood Education.
A pre-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest measures by means of the SEQ questionnaire; besides, the students assessed the methods used by their professors by means of a quantitative questionnaire. Furthermore, qualitative data were collected from some students from the three groups. Besides, a quasi-experimental design was used to compare the existing results between the groups both in the pre-test and in the post-test.
Both professors used an innovative/centered learning methodology. The two methodological formats used by these two professors had similarities and differences, having in common the approach of aligning teaching.
Significant improvements were found in the skills of the students and in their assessment of teachers’ skills to develop a good learning environment, both in the whole sample and in each group. Comparisons between groups reflected equivalence between the groups in the pre-test and very slight differences in the post-test.
The positive influence of learning-centered methods regarding to the objectives of this research was confirmed, given the aforementioned improvements which took place in the three groups. This work is relevant for the positive results obtained from a more integrative methodological approach than in other analyzed studies.

Feedback has been shown to substantially influence students' learning. However, not everything characterized as feedback is effective. Sustainable feedback places students in an active role in which they generate and use feedback from... more

Feedback has been shown to substantially influence students' learning. However, not everything characterized as feedback is effective. Sustainable feedback places students in an active role in which they generate and use feedback from peers, self or others and aims at developing lifelong learning skills. First-year higher education students and tutors received sustainable feedback during their problem-based learning. To gain insights into how they perceived the sustainable feedback, students were probed via structured, open-ended questionnaires. While all participants positively valued the feedback, their personal characteristics, previous experience with feedback and concomitant perceptions appeared to have greatly influenced both tutors' and students' specific, individual behavior and responses. Conclusion is that sustainable feedback requires an evolving role of students and tutors with respect to sharing their perceptions of what feedback is, understanding the value ...

At the University of Toronto at Scarborough, we provide enhanced flexibility to our students using a blended-learning approach (i.e., the webOption) whereby students can attend lectures live, watch them online at their convenience, or... more

At the University of Toronto at Scarborough, we provide enhanced flexibility to our students using a blended-learning approach (i.e., the webOption) whereby students can attend lectures live, watch them online at their convenience, or both. The current research examines the use of pause and seeks features afforded by the webOption interface and how these features are related to students’ learning approaches and their performance in calculus courses. These courses emphasize the teaching of mathematical proofs; cognitive skills that are enhanced with practice (Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). Access to online lectures allows students to re-experience the professor as they teach these skills. Given this, it was predicted that use of the webOption might be especially potent in these learning contexts. The results we report here do not confirm that prediction. Students do use and appreciate the features of the webOption, however, those students who augmented their class attendance with online viewing, and those who used the lecture-control features the most, were actually the students who performed most poorly. We interpreted the results to be due to different learning strategies and the manner in which these strategies interact with course content. Our results suggest that using the pause feature is related to a surface strategy of learning, which is in turn related to poorer performance in the course.

The relationship between university students' perceptions of their academic environment, their approaches to study, and academic outcomes was investigated for first and fourth-final year students. The responses of 88 first and 92 fourth... more

The relationship between university students' perceptions of their academic environment, their approaches to study, and academic outcomes was investigated for first and fourth-final year students. The responses of 88 first and 92 fourth year students were analysed using a path analysis model. Students' perceptions of the learning environment were measured by an instrument based on the Course Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ) and Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) inventories. The Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI) was used to assess students' approaches to studying. The structure of the ASI inventory was explored by factor analysis. The analysis gave two factors which reflect the deep and surface approaches to studying. Workload does not predict any of the studying approaches and academic outcomes. There was a pattern of relationships between deep approach, perceptions of learning environment which encourage this approach, and outcomes. Assessment methods was the best predictor of satisfaction for all of the students. For the first year students, University grade was not associated with any of the explored variables but the level of satisfaction was predicted by relationships with tutors and fellows. For the fourth year students, good teaching predicted achievement both directly and indirectly through the deep approach to studying. The findings indicate that fourth year students' perceptions of the current learning environment are a stronger predictor of academic achievement than prior academic ability ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/ijedures 0883-0355/$ -see front matter r

This study examines the Internet usage of high school students for educational purposes in relation to their learning approaches. In the study, 921 secondary school students were subjected, and Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) was... more

This study examines the Internet usage of high school students for educational purposes in relation to their learning approaches. In the study, 921 secondary school students were subjected, and Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) was used. This tool consisted of two dimension, deep learning and surface learning. According to the data obtained, surface learners use the Internet more when compared to deep learners, though they use it for non-instructional purposes. The ratios of the Internet use of deep learners for educational purposes are higher when compared to those of surface learners. Ratios of the Internet use for educational purposes by the students who are given assignments requiring the use of the Internet are higher.

Learning styles research has been widely applied within the fields of management education and development. This article intro- duces an alternative concept of learning styles – approach to learning – which has scarcely impacted on the... more

Learning styles research has been widely applied within the fields of management education and development. This article intro- duces an alternative concept of learning styles – approach to learning – which has scarcely impacted on the field of management learning. The development of an approach to learning instrument, the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI) is described. I outline how approaches to learning may contribute to our understanding of teaching and learning in management education using a model of presage–process–product. Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), some psychometric properties of the RASI are examined using samples of business and management undergraduate students. CFAs support the hypothesized structure of Tait and Entwistle (1996). Consequently, use of the RASI by management educators is encouraged. The article concludes with some ways in which the RASI may be applied to enhance the quality of learning of management students.

The application of Behaviourism in the classroom aims to increase student performance, motivation and learning. Knowing students' behaviours, teachers, lecturers or trainers will find it easier to teach as they know how to tackle... more

The application of Behaviourism in the classroom aims to increase student performance, motivation and learning. Knowing students' behaviours, teachers, lecturers or trainers will find it easier to teach as they know how to tackle students to engage in a more meaningful, interesting and motivating work.

Toplumlardaki koşulların değişmesi, eğitim ve öğretimin bu koşullar doğrultusunda planlanmasını ve yönetimini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bireyin ilk öğrenme deneyiminden, ustalığa kadar giden gelişimi, çevresel faktörlere, bireyin genetik... more

Toplumlardaki koşulların değişmesi, eğitim ve öğretimin bu koşullar doğrultusunda planlanmasını ve yönetimini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bireyin ilk öğrenme deneyiminden, ustalığa kadar giden gelişimi, çevresel faktörlere, bireyin genetik donanımına, eğitim ve öğretimin niteliğine ve diğer koşullara bağlıdır. Dünyadaki hızlı değişimler, toplumdaki birçok yapıyı etkilerken, bu yapılardan etkilenen birey her yönden farklı biçimde değişmektedir. Bu değişim zaman zaman olumlu olurken, kaçınılmaz olarak bazen de olumsuz olabilir. Eğitim bireyi olumlu yönde değiştirmeyi ve geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Ancak burada odaklanılması gereken en önemli unsur, bireyin bu değişim ve gelişimi nasıl gerçekleştirebileceği sorusudur. Bu soru yüzyıllardan bu yana sorulmaktadır ancak yanıtı her dönemde ve meydana gelen her yeni gelişim ile değişime uğramaktadır. Bütün bu değişim ve gelişimlere ayak uydurma, bireyin öğrenme becerisi ile ilişkilidir. Bir sınıf içinde öğrenme ve öğretme süreci aynı amaç için farklı biçimlerde yol izler. Öğretme süreci açısından düşünüldüğünde, sınıflarında etkili öğrenmeyi sağlayacak etkinlikler hazırlamaya istekli olan eğitimciler, zaman içinde öğrenmenin daha etkili ve kalıcı olmasına yönelik araştırmalar ve kanıtlar arttıkça, kendi eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerini de geliştirmeye daha açık hale gelmektedirler (Pritchard, 2015). Öğrenme süreci açısından ise eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerinin, öğrenenin düşünme sürecini aktif kılacak şekilde yapılandırılması ve uygulanması sonucunda öğrenen açısından istenen değişimin gerçekleşmesi beklenir. Bu çalışmanın odağı olan ters yüz sınıf modeli, hem eğitimcinin hem de öğrenenin alışmış olduğu geleneksel öğrenme-öğretme yapısını değiştirmektedir.

The aim of the current work is to assess the challenges that gamification in education are facing nowadays. Benefits and disadvantages of using gamification in classroom are both discussed to offer a clearer view on the impact of using... more

The aim of the current work is to assess the challenges that gamification in education are facing nowadays. Benefits and disadvantages of using gamification in classroom are both discussed to offer a clearer view on the impact of using gamification within learning process. Exploratory study cases are provided to investigate the relation between motivation and engagement of the students and gamification in training. Following this idea, a survey was conducted to assess how students behavior and motivation is affected by introducing a single, specific gamification element during a semester learning process. To stimulate competition among students, a ranking type plugin was introduced within the university learning management system used for extramural education. The results prove that motivation decreases by comparison to the previous semester.

The NTC (Nikola Tesla Center) system of learning is an activity program designed to promote the development of motor skills and cognitive abilities in preschool and school-age children. This research aims to investigate the activity-based... more

The NTC (Nikola Tesla Center) system of learning is an activity program designed to promote the development of motor skills and cognitive abilities in preschool and school-age children. This research aims to investigate the activity-based learning process prepared by NTC system of learning approach. In this qualitative research, case study design was used. The research group consisted of 34 fourth-grade students and four female teachers from a public primary school in the 2018-2019 academic year. Data were collected by using semi-structured interview and observation techniques. The research data was collected after 12 lessons on eight Flags. In the social studies course, themed activities based on the NTC system of learning approach were prepared by the researchers. Descriptive analysis method was used to analyse semi-structured interviews with teachers, and the content analysis method to analyse semi-structured interviews with students. According to research results, students described the flag-country matching, classifying flags according to their characteristics, learning colours, shapes, and emblems on the flag, and learning the capitals and national anthems of the countries as activities they liked. Research suggestions include implementing them at different levels of education and structuring them mainly for musical and motor skills development.
Keywords: NTS System of Learning, Activity-Based Learning, Learning Approach, Logical Thinking, Case Study

Pada bidang matematika, pengetahuan dapat dimunculkan dengan berpikir secara logis, kritis dan sistematis. Fungsi trigonometri merupakan salah satu materi dalam bidang matematika. Pada saat ini masih terdapat siswa kurang mampu... more

Pada bidang matematika, pengetahuan dapat dimunculkan dengan berpikir secara logis, kritis dan sistematis. Fungsi trigonometri merupakan salah satu materi dalam bidang matematika. Pada saat ini masih terdapat siswa kurang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam materi fungsi trigonometri. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena siswa kurang aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Siswa hanya menerima segala yang ditransfer oleh guru tanpa adanya dorongan untuk berpikir kreatif, yang akhirnya hasil belajar tidak optimal. Untuk meningkatkan taraf keberhasilan belajar siswa, hendaknya guru lebih memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi prestasi balajar siswa. Hal ini antara lain dengan mengembangkan model, strategi dan pendekatan pembelajaran sesuai dengan materi yang disajikan. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat mengaktifkan siswa adalah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan open-ended. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan open-ended mengarahkan siswa untuk dapat mengapresiasikan pikiran mereka dengan leluasa, sehingga pengetahuan yang diperoleh oleh siswa bermakna. Penelitian yang berjudul "Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Open-ended dalam materi fungsi trigonometri bagi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh" ini mengangkat masalah apakah melalui penerapan pendekatan open-ended pada materi fungsi trigonometri bagi siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh, siswa dapat mencapai taraf berhasil?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui taraf keberhasilan belajar siswa melalui pendekatan open-ended pada materi fungsi trigonometri di kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh. Sampel yang dipilih adalah kelas X6 dengan jumlah siswa 32 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah tes hasil belajar siswa. Selanjutnya data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji-t pada taraf signifikan = 0,05. Hasil analisis data didapat ℎ = 1,71 dan = 1,698 , sehingga ℎ > ini berarti H 0 ditolak pada taraf nyata = 0,05. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui penerapan pendekatan open-ended pada materi fungsi trigonometri di kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh, siswa dapat mencapai taraf berhasil. Kata Kunci: Taraf berhasil, pendekatan open-ended, fungsi trigonometri

Despite the advances that have taken place in the last decades in the methodology used to teach languages, the origin of the student is rarely taken into account. Through some internal and external studies, we have the certainty that the... more

Despite the advances that have taken place in the last decades in the methodology used to teach languages, the origin of the student is rarely taken into account. Through some internal and external studies, we have the certainty that the Spanish are well below the average in learning foreign languages. This shortage is something disturbing since globalisation has made spectacular advances in recent years and these improvements reduce the distances between countries. Nowadays, job opportunities are endless, but to take full advantage of it, we must keep up with regarding communication. From this study, the specific needs to assimilate the English language by the Spanish speakers are analysed. The study also points out some of the deficiencies during the learning of the Anglo-Saxon language in the curriculum. Therefore, this shortage is the cornerstone of this proposal: the introduction of a methodology used successfully in the UK: Synthetic Phonics.

There are three common views of what constitutes teaching: teaching as transmission, teaching as transaction, and teaching as transformation. This chapter excerpt describes each with the conclusion that the transformational view has the... more

There are three common views of what constitutes teaching: teaching as transmission, teaching as transaction, and teaching as transformation. This chapter excerpt describes each with the conclusion that the transformational view has the greatest potential to make an impact on the learner and education. Video mini-lectures are included.

The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) approach against the traditional teaching approach (TTA) in enhancing students' conceptual understanding and attitude towards chemistry. Specifically, it... more

The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) approach against the traditional teaching approach (TTA) in enhancing students' conceptual understanding and attitude towards chemistry. Specifically, it sought to find out if: (1) students exposed to PLTL have higher conceptual understanding than those students exposed to traditional teaching approach (TTA); and (2) students exposed to PLTL have higher positive attitude towards chemistry than those students exposed to traditional teaching approach (TTA). Peer-Led Team Learning approach is a student-centered instruction in which it provides meaningful mentoring and leadership roles for students who bring a renewed sense of enthusiasm and insight. In this approach there is a PLTL workshop made by the researcher which used by the peer leaders in facilitating the discussions.The study used the quasi-experimental pre-test-posttest control group design. The sample of the study consisted of two (2) intact heterogeneous sections of Third Year High School students in a public school in Pasig City who are enrolled during the School Year 2013-2014. Forty three (43) students are in the PLTL class while forty five (45) students are in the TTA class. Instruments used in the study were: (1) Chemistry Concepts Inventory (CCI) to evaluate students' conceptual understanding and (2) Chemistry Attitude and Experiences Questionnaire (CAEQ) to assess students' attitude towards Chemistry. The instruments were all content validated by panel of experts and were pilot tested.

Many English learners are not confident and competent in speaking English language. To find out more about the problem and solution, the researcher has employed a role-play training programme to see its effects. The programme conducted in... more

Many English learners are not confident and competent in speaking English language. To find out more about the problem and solution, the researcher has employed a role-play training programme to see its effects. The programme conducted in this study was analyzed from social constructivist perspectives. The conceptual framework was used to examine learners’ perception as well as to measure the impact of role-play training programme on learners’ speaking fluency. The study found that role-play training programme in a conversational course showed a positive result using both quantitative and qualitative instruments such as pre-post tests, questionnaire and reflection journals for students. The overall findings proved that all participants strongly agreed role-playing helped them improve their speaking fluency. Role-play training programme has brought a positive impact on learners’ speaking fluency because of its flexibility, design (mainly for peer learning and collaboration) and suitability to learners’ needs and levels.

This study examines the Internet usage of high school students for educational needs in respect to their learning approaches. The “learning approach” categorizes individuals as ‘surface learners’ and ‘deep learners’. Surface learners... more

This study examines the Internet usage of high school students for educational needs in respect to their learning approaches. The “learning approach” categorizes individuals as ‘surface learners’ and ‘deep learners’. Surface learners mainly choose to rehearse and memorize the course material they work on and they acquire the information they need to learn in a disconnected way, by memorization. On the other hand, deep learners want to grasp the meaning of the course material. In the study, adapted Turkish version of Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) was used to determine high school students’ learning approaches. 921 secondary school students were subjected and the Cronbach alpha values were 0.73 for a deep approach and 0.66 for a surface approach. According to the data obtained, surface learners use the Internet more when compared to deep learners, though they use it for non-instructional purposes. The ratios of the Internet use of deep learners for educational needs are higher ...

Along with development of information technology and its important applications in educational, the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has developed significantly during the past decades and an increasing number of... more

Along with development of information technology and its important applications in educational, the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) has developed significantly during the past decades and an increasing number of research studies have been conducted in this area. In an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of CALL in EFL/ESL learning, the current study surveys a number of EFL/ESL International learners in Malaysia. The findings of this research reveal that majority of learners find CALL system helpful in improving their language skills, specifically in grammar component.

Este artigo trata das contribuições do aplicativo Kahoot no ensino de Jornalismo da Faculdade Estácio de São Luís. Analisa a inserção e uso do Kahoot para avaliar os conhecimentos dos alunos na disciplina Práticas de Jornalismo Multimídia... more

Este artigo trata das contribuições do aplicativo Kahoot no ensino de Jornalismo da
Faculdade Estácio de São Luís. Analisa a inserção e uso do Kahoot para avaliar os conhecimentos
dos alunos na disciplina Práticas de Jornalismo Multimídia em tempo real. Versa sobre um estudo
exploratório e descritivo, que utiliza a pesquisa bibliográfica para discutir os aspectos conceituais a
respeito da inserção estratégica do app-learning (aprendendo com aplicativos) na educação.
Descreve o Kahoot e apresenta suas funcionalidades. Utiliza como instrumento de coleta de dados
a realização de um grupo focal. Verifica que o uso do Kahoot despertou a curiosidade e
engajamento dos alunos, aumentou o interesse pelos estudos e tornou o processo de avaliação da
aprendizagem mais motivacional, colaborativo, interativo e, principalmente, significativo.

Today, increasing communication among people from various countries of the world increase not only the need of foreign language learning but also the methods, approaches and techniques. In parallel with these needs, Common European... more

Today, increasing communication among people from various countries of the world increase not only the need of foreign language learning but also the methods, approaches and techniques. In parallel with these needs, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (C.E.F.R.) suggests Action-Oriented Approach where the learners are " social agents " (C.E.F.R., 2000,9). Learners/users are responsible for their own learning in this approach where the social dimension is first mentioned in language teaching. The need to use the language that emerged while fulfilling the tasks makes learning process effective and the learner active. Action oriented approach considers the learner as a social agent in classroom where learning is a social learning environment and develops linguistic and pragmatic skills besides communicative skills. The creation of social language environment where the learner will be able to jointly communicate with each other in the middle of pluricultural and plurilingual environment depends on teachers' skills and knowledge. Because the tasks in classroom or out of classroom must be parallel to the needs of the learners and these are the teachers who make learner feeling these needs which facility their learning process and direct them. If considered that language learning is divided into two as knowledge and skills, Action-Oriented approach is the name of these two processes from the constructive learning where the learner is autonomous and directs his own process in which knowledge is constructed that Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner emphasized till to the process that the skills are acquired commonly and internationally.

Como Conquistar Uma Amiga Passo-A-Passo. Esta é uma das perguntas mais recorrentes nos e-mails e comentários que recebo todos os dias. O tempo todo há um cara interessado em saber como conquistar uma amiga. Descubra agora 5 dicas... more

Como Conquistar Uma Amiga Passo-A-Passo. Esta é uma das perguntas mais recorrentes nos e-mails e comentários que recebo todos os dias. O tempo todo há um cara interessado em saber como conquistar uma amiga. Descubra agora 5 dicas poderosas para conquistá-la sem perder a amizade. E se você se identificar com alguma das fotos publicadas neste artigo é porque muito provavelmente você está na Friend zone. A maioria dos homens já ouviu a famosa frase: " vamos ser apenas amigos ". Quando a mulher diz que quer ser somente sua amiga, ela quer dizer nas entrelinhas que não sente qualquer atração por você, ou seja: não te vê como um homem para se relacionar. O problema não está nela e nem em você, significa apenas que você se comporta como um amigo, o que é muito frustrante principalmente quando se está apaixonado. Mas porque isso ocorre? Como Pegar Uma Amiga: Entenda O Processo Da Sedução Antes de seguir em frente e para que aprenda Como Pegar Uma Amiga eu quero que você entenda três questões importantes sobre as mulheres: 1. A atração pelo homem ocorre através de uma comunicação sexual a nível inconsciente, ou seja, ela não escolhe por quem se sentir atraída. 2. Um homem desperta atração na mulher muito mais pelas suas atitudes do que por palavras, por isso é que você deve aprender a agir da forma correta. 3. Compreender o processo da conquista fará toda a diferença no relacionamento com sua amiga ou com qualquer outra mulher, isso é garantido! O processo da conquista ocorre em 3 fases, que são: Fase da Atração Fase do Conforto Fase da Sedução A fase da atração é aquela que ocorre a partir do primeiro contato quando você se aproxima e puxa conversa. É a sua abordagem e a forma como você se comporta neste momento que vai gerar nela o interesse por você. Na fase seguinte, você deve gerar conforto () estabelecendo um nível maior de conexão – inclusive emocional-, com ela. O problema é que, é nesta etapa que a maioria dos caras estaciona. São aqueles que conseguem passar pela fase do conforto os que geralmente seduzem e pegam mulheres. Veja mais em: http://segredosdaseducao.net/como-pegar-uma-mulher

This paper takes a panoramic view of language, situates English and ESP in the broad spectrum and argues that Polytechnic students are ESP learners whose needs must be identified before deciding on what to teach them. The paper explains... more

This paper takes a panoramic view of language, situates English and ESP in the broad spectrum and argues that Polytechnic students are ESP learners whose needs must be identified before deciding on what to teach them. The paper explains the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, the precursor of ESP, and makes some recommendations which it hopes will enhance the relevance of ESP in Nigerian Polytechnics.

Natural-Based Approach and Communicative Language Teaching Approach share certain similarities. Both approaches share the same goal, which focuses on teaching speaking competence. To be competent in a language, the child must go through... more

Natural-Based Approach and Communicative Language Teaching Approach share certain similarities. Both approaches share the same goal, which focuses on teaching speaking competence. To be competent in a language, the child must go through three main stages namely Comprehension, Early Production, and Emergent Language. Besides, referring to Irvine Valley College (2013), the Natural-Based Approach is designed to develop communication skills while Richards (2006) stated that Communicative Language Teaching Approach aims at teaching communicative competence, and which includes the following aspects of language knowledge:

İnsan, yaşantıları neticesinde meydana gelen değişimler ile öğrenmektedir. Öğrenmenin kaynağı, çok eskiye, bilginin kökenini inceleyen bilgi felsefesine dayanmasına karşın öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiği ile ilgili geleneksel bir kabul... more

İnsan, yaşantıları neticesinde meydana gelen değişimler ile öğrenmektedir. Öğrenmenin kaynağı, çok eskiye, bilginin kökenini inceleyen bilgi felsefesine dayanmasına karşın öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiği ile ilgili geleneksel bir kabul yoktur. Öğrenmenin insanda nasıl gerçekleştiğine dair bilgiler veren öğrenme yaklaşımları tanımlayıcı (açıklayıcı) yaklaşımlar olarak ifade edilmektedir. Öğrenme yaklaşımları, öğrenme sürecini farklı bakış açılarıyla tanımlamaktadır. Öğrenme yaklaşımları öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiği ile ilgili bir çerçeve sunmaktadır ve öğrencilerin ilgili öğrenme yaklaşımlarına dayalı etkinliklere katıldıklarında farklı yetenekler kazandıkları varsayılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla “en iyi öğrenme yaklaşımı” yoktur, bağlama ve hedeflere özgü olarak dikkate alınabilecek öğrenme yaklaşımları vardır. Öğrenme yaklaşımları sadece bilinmesi gereken yapılar olmaktan öte etkili uygulamalar ve öğretim tasarımları gerçekleştirme noktasında kullanılarak işe koşulması gerekmektedir. Öğretim teknolojilerinin öğrenme yaklaşımlarına bakış açısı aslında bu yaklaşımların sunmuş olduğu ilkelerin uygulamaya dönüştürülmesi noktasındadır. Öğrenme yaklaşımları öğretim teknolojilerine öğrenme ortamlarının oluşturulmasında bir çerçeve sunar. Öğretimin öğrenmeyi gerçekleştirme ve destekleme işi olarak tasarlandığı düşünüldüğünde, öğrenmenin nasıl gerçekleştiğini açıklayan öğrenme yaklaşımlarının bilinmesinin ne denli önemli olduğu görülmektedir.

This article contains review a book “Approaches to The Study of Religion” by Peter Connolly. This book discuss about various kinds of approaches to the study of religion, such as anthropology approach, sociology approach, also philosophy... more

This article contains review a book “Approaches to The Study of Religion”
by Peter Connolly. This book discuss about various kinds of approaches to the study of religion, such as anthropology approach, sociology approach, also philosophy approach, etc.

In the 21st century individuals are expected to use their knowledge to find user-centric solutions in a variety of circumstances, places and times. Design thinking is a human-centric process application compatible with 21st century skills... more

In the 21st century individuals are expected to use their knowledge to find user-centric solutions in a variety of circumstances, places and times. Design thinking is a human-centric process application compatible with 21st century skills such as innovation, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and cooperation. Design thinking takes the theoretical structure of thinking and turns it into action. The design thinking approach is a tool to raise individuals who solve problems, question situations and create products. Design thinking asks students to solve complex problems with more than one applicable solution and evaluates the students in a flexible and dynamic structure. This study aimed to ascertain student teachers’ opinions about the concept of design thinking before they started to work as teachers. The phenomenology approach, which is a qualitative research design was used in the study. The participants of this study comprised 28 student teachers in different departments of the selected faculty of education. The purposeful criterion sampling method and maximum variation sampling method were used to identify the participants. Semi-structured and non-directive focus group interviews were conducted to collect the data. During the focus group interview, the data were enriched and deepened through social interaction and group dynamics. The opinions were obtained via the focus group interviews qualitatively in accordance with the content analysis and presented through the program Maxqda-20. The results showed that student teachers saw design thinking as a flexible and dynamic structure that could facilitate high quality cooperative interaction. Also, in the changing and developing structure of a world with ever more complex problems, the student teachers found design thinking to be a strong alternative to combat challenges. The findings, additionally, indicated that looking into the concept of design thinking as a sustainable learning tool in teacher training was very important to raise students with a focus on design thinking.

This study investigated the associations among intellectual styles in the three approaches: cognition-centered, personality-centered, and activity-centered approaches. Field dependence-independence, psychological types, and learning... more

This study investigated the associations among intellectual styles in the three approaches: cognition-centered, personality-centered, and activity-centered approaches. Field dependence-independence, psychological types, and learning approaches were respectively selected as the representatives of the cognition-centered, personality-centered, and activity-centered styles. This study also explored the relationships between intellectual styles and ability as well as between intellectual styles and personality. The participants in this study were 510 students in a Chinese university. The results showed that the three style constructs did not significantly share common variance, implying that styles in different approaches likely represent different rather than similar constructs. Also, field dependence-independence strongly associated with ability, whereas psychological types and learning approaches strongly associated with personality. This suggested that different style constructs relate to ability and personality to different degree: cognition-centered styles may closely relate to ability, whereas personality-centered and activity-centered styles may highly relate to personality.

The main purpose of using active learning approaches to archaeological sources is to encourage the active role of learners, enhance their motivation, develop their abilities and skills, enable a better understanding of history topics, and... more

The main purpose of using active learning approaches to archaeological sources is to encourage the active role of learners, enhance their motivation, develop their abilities and skills, enable a better understanding of history topics, and promote a positive evaluation of cultural heritage. The paper highlights the role, importance and types of active learning approaches to archaeological sources. It highlights experiential learning, multi-perspective learning, multisensory learning, enquiry-based learning and critical thinking. Active learning approaches to archaeological sources are categorized into two types, namely those that can be used during history lessons in a classroom (in school) and those relating to museums. Learning approaches differ from one another on account of several factors, all of which are based on the active role of the learner. Active learning approaches intended for use in schools are mostly founded on cross-curricular integration, and on promoting the learners’ research work and critical thinking. The active learning approaches highlighted as examples in archaeological museums focus on experiential learning, creative expression and multisensory learning. This paper aims to illustrate the diverse possibilities of using archaeological sources in schools and museums.

This paper explores how undergraduates’ conceptions of mathematics, approaches to learning and their attitudes towards numeracy skills are related. The preliminary dataset was obtained using an online survey completed by 174... more

This paper explores how undergraduates’ conceptions of mathematics, approaches to learning and their
attitudes towards numeracy skills are related. The preliminary dataset was obtained using an online survey
completed by 174 self-selecting, volunteer undergraduates from four faculties at a post-1992 UK university.
Although the responding undergraduates were studying a variety of academic disciplines, all their degree
programmes incorporated some mathematical, numerical and/or statistical elements. A positive association
was observed between cohesive conceptions of mathematics and deep approaches to the learning of
mathematics and the development of numeracy skills. Students possessing cohesive conceptions also held
more positive attitudes towards mathematics. Variations due to gender, age, academic discipline (i.e. faculty
in which students were enrolled) and students’ highest pre-university mathematics (or -related) qualifications
are discussed.

Dissemination Level PU Public X PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members... more

Dissemination Level PU Public X PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) http://www.Metafora-project.org/ Deliverable D3.2 Report of the pilot studies and refinement of the research design WP3-Activity design, classroom implementation and the assessment of learning outcomes Final 31.01.2012 Nikoleta Yiannoutsou and Chronis Kynigos With contribution from all partners: UNEXE: Pifarre M., Wegerif R., Yang Y., ETL: Daskolia M., Moustaki F., Smyrnaiou Z. Xenos M. LKL: Geraniou E., Mavrikis M., Noss R. HUJI: Abdu R., DeGroot R., Steinitz D. Abstract In this document we present the work done for WP3 during the second year of the project with respect to the implementation/reporting of the pilot studies and the refinement of the Research Design. We focus on describing a) the design of the pilot studies b)some representative findings from the pilot studies that guide the refinement of the research design and c) which elements of the research design changed and how d) the actual pilot study reports. Keyword list Pilot studies, refinement of research design: scenarios, research questions, interventions Deliverable D3.2

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) among Chinese university students. Four hundred and thirty-nine students participated at Time One, and 352 students from... more

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) among Chinese university students. Four hundred and thirty-nine students participated at Time One, and 352 students from Time One participated at Time Two nine months later. The R-SPQ-2F tested students’ learning approaches at both the sessions. The NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3 assessed students’ personality at Time One to examine the external construct validity of the R-SPQ-2F. The results suggested that among Chinese university students, the R-SPQ-2F had acceptable internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability, as well as good internal and external construct validity. However, without the division into the learning motivation and strategy subscales, this instrument had a simpler construct and better psychometric properties. Practical implications for education were discussed.

En este artículo se documenta el origen y la evolución de la línea “Students Approach to Learning” (SAL). Se parte de la escuela de Gotemburgo, de donde se propagó esta tendencia de investigación hacia Edimburgo y Australia. Se resaltan... more

En este artículo se documenta el origen y la evolución de la línea “Students Approach to Learning” (SAL). Se parte de la escuela de Gotemburgo, de donde se propagó esta tendencia de investigación hacia Edimburgo y Australia. Se resaltan los autores pioneros y sus correspondientes investigaciones, y se hace énfasis en las investigaciones pioneras que en nuestro idioma se gestaron en España. Este estudio confi gura unos
sólidos antecedentes que han de servir de base para los investigadores que en Colombia y Latinoamérica deseen emular lo realizado en SAL, así como también desde las investigaciones pioneras que se gestaron desde España.

Students’ approaches to learning are heavily researched in higher education, and are of particular concern in the field of mathematics where many students have been found to struggle with the transition to university mathematics. This... more

Students’ approaches to learning are heavily researched in higher education, and are of particular concern in the field of mathematics where many students have been found to struggle with the transition to university mathematics. This article outlines a mixed methods study which sought to describe undergraduate mathematicians’ approaches to learning using the deep-surface-strategic ‘trichotomy’ using the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students with 414 mathematics students and semi-structured interviews with a subset of 13 at a leading British university. Analysis found that neither the ‘approaches to learning’ framework nor the inventory can effectively describe students’ study practices, and conceal important elements of how students learn advanced mathematics for examinations. Therefore, it is important that educators do not try to oversimplify students’ methods using quantitative questionnaires but do seek to support those who would otherwise rely solely on memorisation as a means of passing high-stakes examinations.

Learning style is one of the main factors attributed to the success and failure of students’ study. Many students are not aware of what learning style they should practice in order to upgrade their performance for future success, and the... more

Learning style is one of the main factors attributed to the success and failure of students’ study. Many students are not aware of what learning style they should practice in order to upgrade their performance for future success, and the classroom teacher usually fails to help their students learn effectively by not giving them enough constructive advice and different techniques in learning. The results of the data indicate that the participants prefer group learning rather than individual learning most of the time. They consider Group Learning to be less boring, yet more understanding and more effective.

This study is signifying to find out approaches and attitude concerning the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) among trainee teachers. To conduct the study 180 trainee teachers randomly selected pursuing B.Ed. and M.Ed. in Aligarh district in... more

This study is signifying to find out approaches and attitude concerning the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) among trainee teachers. To conduct the study 180 trainee teachers randomly selected pursuing B.Ed. and M.Ed. in Aligarh district in the northeastern region of India participated in this study. The study being proceeded through survey design. TET scale was used to collect data from trainee-teachers. To analyse the data, statistical tools as mean, standard deviation correlation and t-test is used. It exhibited through the result of the study the trainee teachers reside in urban areas are more aware about TET than the rural resident subject. Further, the science stream background trainee teachers had more awareness about TET and on the basis of gender and area of living have significant effect on approaches of teacher eligibility test. So it is recommended that the essential resources and amenities should be provided to the trainee-teachers in the period of their training to get knowledge and awareness about Teacher Eligibility Test.

Pembelajaran bermakna perlu diimplementasikan oleh setiap pendidik pada setiap materi pembelajaran, terlebih materi pembelajaran yang abstrak. Salah satu inovasinya menggunakan pendekatan analogi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan... more

Pembelajaran bermakna perlu diimplementasikan oleh setiap pendidik pada setiap materi pembelajaran, terlebih materi pembelajaran yang abstrak. Salah satu inovasinya menggunakan pendekatan analogi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan kekuatan analogi sebagai pendekatan untuk menciptakan pembelajaran yang bermakna. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan analogi merupakan proses penalaran yang membandingkan dua buah obyek yang memiliki kesamaan untuk menghasilkan pengetahuan baru berdasarkan pengetahuan yang telah dimiliki peserta didik. Kekuatan analogi tidak terbatas untuk materi berupa konsep saja, melainkan jenis materi proses maupun struktur. Lebih dari itu, penggunaan analogi dalam pembelajaran menyebabkan peserta didik sulit melupakan konsep yang sudah terpatri di otak mereka.