Leguminosae Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

"LEGUMINOUS PLANTS - family Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Boguslav S. Kurlovich. The review of the most outstanding species of 46 genera of the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) is given. This third family on size... more

"LEGUMINOUS PLANTS - family Leguminosae (Fabaceae).
Boguslav S. Kurlovich.
The review of the most outstanding species of 46 genera of the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) is given. This third family on size includes of 23 535 species united in 917 genera according to the newest data. A large number of legume species are cultivated worldwide as ornamentals, used as living fences and firebreaks, as soil binders, green manures, fodder for livestock, forage for honey bees, food for humans, in agro forestry and reforestation (for nitrogen fixation), as pulp for paper production, fuel woods, timber, and as sources of chemicals (e.g., dyes, tannins), oils (industrial, food, aromatherapy), and medicines. Many of the more common ones are listed below. Family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) can be divided into three subfamily: Caesalpinioideae, Papilionodeae or Faboideae and Mimosoideae. The major of species belonging to 11 genera in subfamily Caesalpinioideae are described: Caesalpinia; Bauhinia; Ceratonia; Cercis; Gleditsia; Gymnoclаdus; Parkinsonia; Delonix; Copaifera; Guibourtia; Tamarindus. The description of the major species belonging to 31 genera of subfamily Papilionodeae is given: Arachis; Dalbergia; Lupinus; Astragаlus; Cicer); Glycyrrhiza; Hedysarum; Lathyrus; Lens; Pisum; Vicia, including Vicia sativa and Vicia faba; Vavilovia; Melilotus; Medicago; Onobrychis; Oxytropis; Trifolium; Wisteria; Cajanus; Canavalia; Derris; Millettia; Glycine; Indigofera; Phaseolus; Vigna; Pachyrhizus; Pueraria; Lotus; Robinia; Sesbania. Subfamily Mimosoideae is presented by 4 ge-nera in our review: Mimosa; Acacia; Calliandrа and Entada. The description of plants is stated partially on the basis of our 40-year-old researches, according to Wikipedia and other sources of the Internet and generalization of the world literature.

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an underutilized legume used as food, medicine and animal feed. Despite of the many useful properties of this pulse, it remains a neglected crop in sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of... more

Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is an underutilized legume used as food, medicine and animal feed. Despite of the many useful properties of this pulse, it remains a neglected crop in sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this paper is to record the ecology of Bambara groundnut on the basis of data from the literature in order to raise awareness on its importance. The following aspects are discussed: the origin and current distribution of Bambara groundnut, its classical and vernacular nomenclature, appropriate climatic conditions for its growth, soil requirements and the adaptability of the crop to climate change in relation to its ecology, origin, distribution and intrinsic properties. It is hoped that this review will enhance Bambara groundnut production given its high potential as a future crop that could be well adapted to various agro-ecological conditions.

Legumes are the richest source of protein, starch, minerals, vitamins and are considered as the earliest domestic plants. Legumes belong to leguminosae family, which is one of the largest and most important families of flowering plants.... more

Legumes are the richest source of protein, starch, minerals, vitamins and are considered as the earliest domestic plants. Legumes belong to leguminosae family, which is one of the largest and most important families of flowering plants. The present review describes the history, consumption, nutritional aspects, traditional medicinal uses pharmacology and commercial aspects of legumes.

Durante el 6º milenio cal. a.C. se ha identificado en la Península Ibérica una gran variedad de cultivos que incluyen varias especies de trigos y cebadas, vestidos y desnudos, así como varias leguminosas. Esta diversidad agraria implica... more

Durante el 6º milenio cal. a.C. se ha identificado en la Península Ibérica una gran variedad de cultivos que incluyen varias especies de trigos y cebadas, vestidos y desnudos, así como varias leguminosas. Esta diversidad agraria implica en nuestra opinión la existencia de una agricultura madura que desde un principio lleva implícita un vasto conocimiento sobre prácticas agrarias y sobre cómo manejar, procesar, consumir y utilizar todos los productos (granos) y subproductos (paja, cascabillo, malas hierbas) de las cosechas. La posible especialización o uso preferente de cereales vestidos en algunos yacimientos como Los Cascajos o el conjunto de Ambrona podría relacionarse con factores específicos como los condicionantes ecológicos, las preferencias humanas o ciertos usos concretos que habrá que explorar en el futuro.

Резюме Целта на настоящето изследване е да се сравни апетитността на зелена маса от цяло расте-ние от многогодишни бобови култури – люцерна, еспарзета и звездан; едногодишни бобови – соя, бакла, грах, фий, нахут; и зърно от грах, фий,... more

Резюме Целта на настоящето изследване е да се сравни апетитността на зелена маса от цяло расте-ние от многогодишни бобови култури – люцерна, еспарзета и звездан; едногодишни бобови – соя, бакла, грах, фий, нахут; и зърно от грах, фий, нахут, бакла, нетретирана и термично тре-тирана соя. От сравнените три многогодишни бобови с най-висока апетитност е люцерната, следвана от еспарзетата, а апетитността на звездана е два пъти по-ниска от тази на еспарзе-тата и шест пъти по-ниска от тази на люцерната. Люцерната е с най-висока апетитност и при сравняването й с едногодишните бобови култури. От едногодишните бобови култури с най-висока апетитност е фий, а грахът, нахутът, соята и баклата са с много ниска апетитност. При зърното от бобовите култури с най-висока апетитност е соята, следвана от апетитността при зърното от грах и фий. Термично третираното зърно от соя има с 39% по-ниска апетитност от нетретираното соево зърно, а нахутът и баклата са с почти нулева апетитност. Люцерната може да се приеме като стандарт при сравняване апетитността или консумацията на бобови многогодишни и едногодишни фуражни култури.

This study has examined petiole and leaflet anatomy characteristics of 20 species of the Astragalus sect. Caprini from Khorassan Razavi Province (NE Iran) using light microscopy. For this, cross section of the fresh or dried mature... more

This study has examined petiole and leaflet anatomy characteristics of 20 species of the Astragalus sect. Caprini from Khorassan Razavi Province (NE Iran) using light microscopy. For this, cross section of the fresh or dried mature petiole and leaflet were prepared and stained by differential staining. Some differences were notice in the outline shape of petioles cross section, the shape of pith, the number of collenchymatous layers and vessels, the type of sclerenchymatous tissue above the phloem and the shape of midrib and lamina. Here is suggested this study on the other species of sect. Caprini around the world. Maybe stem anatomy results can show some differences among the species.

Canavalia is a pantropical legume genus of lianas comprising approximately 60 species distributed in a wide range of habitats. In the last taxonomic revision, the genus was divided into four subgenera: Canavalia (Pantropical), Catodonia... more

Canavalia is a pantropical legume genus of lianas comprising approximately 60 species distributed in a wide range of habitats. In the last taxonomic revision, the genus was divided into four subgenera: Canavalia (Pantropical), Catodonia (Neotropical, excepting one species also found in the Old World), Maunaloa (Hawaiian), and Wenderothia (Neotropical). In this study, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Canavalia using a broad taxon sampling and analyses of nuclear (ETS and ITS) and plastid markers (trnK/matK). We evaluated the infrageneric classification of the genus and investigated its biogeograph-ical history using molecular dating analyses and ancestral area reconstructions. The phylogenetic analyses resolved subgenus Wenderothia as monophyletic. Subgenus Catodonia needs to be recircumscribed and the relationships between subgenera Canavalia and Maunaloa remain unclear. Canavalia arose during the Miocene with a mean stem age estimate of 13.8 Ma and mean crown age estimate of 8.7 Ma, and most extant species evolved during the Pleistocene. Several climatic and geological events are chronologically coincident with the divergence of the major clades of Canavalia (glacial/interglacial periods, Andes uplift and the formation of Pebas and post-Pebas systems, closure of the Isthmus of Panama, and change in the direction of ocean currents). Ancestral area reconstructions for the early divergence of the genus are equivocal, although, some evidence suggests Canavalia originated in the wet forests of South America and achieved its current pantropical distribution through recent transoceanic dispersal. The evolution of Canavalia is better explained by a series of several processes than by discrete historical events.

Background and aims Boron (B) deficiency negatively affects legume–rhizobia symbiotic interactions and the development of N 2-fixing nodules. Many described alterations are related to plant-derived carbohydrates involved in plant–microbe... more

Background and aims Boron (B) deficiency negatively affects legume–rhizobia symbiotic interactions and the development of N 2-fixing nodules. Many described alterations are related to plant-derived carbohydrates involved in plant–microbe interactions; however, the effects of B on the bacterial polysaccharides that are crucial for correct symbiosis are unknown. Methods Exopolysaccharide (EPS) production in several rhizobial strains grown in B-free media was analyzed following acetone extraction and silver-stained electrophoretic profiles of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Moreover, the effects of B deficiency and mutations of the pathogenesis-related ABR17 protein on rhizobia cell surface polysaccharides on legume root coloniza-tion, nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and induction in pea nodules were investigated. Results B-deficiency led to a 65–80 % reduction in the amount of EPS and to modifications of LPS in all strains tested. B-deficient rhizobia were not affected in the degree of adsorption to roots. However, nodu-lation and nitrogen fixation were reduced or inhibited by B starvation or in plants inoculated with EPS or LPS defective mutants, and ABR17 was induced. Conclusion The results provide evidence that B is important for production of rhizobia cell surface poly-saccharides essential to establish a symbiotic rather than a pathogenic-like interaction, and for development of the N 2-fixing legume root nodule.

DESCRIPTION O Estado de Mato Grosso possui uma riqueza de epífitas vasculares ainda pouco avaliada. Apesar dos impactos sobre a diversidade biológica na região, causados pelas usinas hidrelétricas, as atividades de resgate de flora... more

DESCRIPTION O Estado de Mato Grosso possui uma riqueza de epífitas vasculares ainda pouco avaliada. Apesar dos impactos sobre a diversidade biológica na região, causados pelas usinas hidrelétricas, as atividades de resgate de flora realizadas têm favorecido o preenchimento dessa lacuna. O Programa de Resgate de Flora ocorreu no canteiro de obras da Usina Hidrelétrica Colíder, de Abril a Agosto de 2011. A usina foi instalada às margens do rio Teles Pires, abrangendo os municípios de Nova Canaã do Norte, Itaúba, Colíder e Cláudia. Foram resgatados espécimes das famílias Araceae, Bromeliaceae, Cactaceae, Gesnericeae, Orchidaceae e Piperaceae. As amostras férteis foram herborizadas e o material testemunho depositado no Herbário da Amazônia Meridional - HERBAM. Os espécimes inférteis foram instalados em Área de Preservação Permanente na área da usina. O presente trabalho apresenta novos registros de ocorrência de epífitas vasculares para o Estado de Mato Grosso, sendo uma espécie de Arac...


and in the urban area of the city. The results showed that Fabaceae is euripalinous, displaying small, medium, large and very large sized pollen grains, dispersed in monads, tetrads and polyads, 3-colporate, 3-colpate,... more

and in the urban area of the city. The results showed that Fabaceae is euripalinous, displaying small, medium, large and very large sized pollen grains, dispersed in monads, tetrads and polyads, 3-colporate, 3-colpate, 4-(5)-(6)-24-porate, and with psilate, rugulate, reticulate-rugulate, retipilate to striate-reticulate sexine.

Although plant-inhabiting ants are known to act as effective deterrents to a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores, this has been reported only once before for primates, a group better known for their predation of ants. In the... more

Although plant-inhabiting ants are known to act as effective deterrents to a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores, this has been reported only once before for primates, a group better known for their predation of ants. In the present study, we investigated the effects that colonies of Pseudomyrmex viduus ants living in individual Macrolobium acaciifolium (Fabaceae) trees have on the rates of visitation and fruit removal by four taxa of seed-predating vertebrates: the primate Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary; macaws (Ara spp.); large parrots (Amazona spp.); and the Northern Amazonian red squirrel (Sciurus igniventris). We found that ant presence significantly reduced both rates of visitation and of fruit removal by C. m. ouakary. The same pattern of reduced fruit removal was also observed for other seed predators (parrots, macaws, and squirrels) but not for visitation rates (although this may be a result of the small sample size). This appears to be only the second-known d...

En tres sitios arqueológicos formativos de la ladera occidental del Aconquija (Prov. Catamarca, Rea. Argentina) se encontraron disemínulos carbonizados de: Zea mays L, Geoffroea decorticans (Hook. et Am.) Burk., Phaseolus vulgaris L var.... more

En tres sitios arqueológicos formativos de la ladera occidental del Aconquija (Prov. Catamarca, Rea. Argentina) se encontraron disemínulos carbonizados de: Zea mays L, Geoffroea decorticans (Hook. et Am.) Burk., Phaseolus vulgaris L var. vulgaris y Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus (Burk.) Baudet. Los restos se identificaron empleando caracteres de morfología externa e interna, por comparación con material actual de referencia Estos restos de Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus constituirían el primer hallazgo arqueológico de semillas de esta variedad de poroto. Se examina la significación de estos taxa para las poblaciones prehistóricas asociadas y el medioambiente.

Mimosa is an important genus of legumes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the world, but scarce information is available about its interaction with microbial symbionts. In Mexico, there are no reports on the responsive of endemic Mimosa... more

Mimosa is an important genus of legumes in arid and semi-arid ecosystems of the world, but scarce information is available about its interaction with microbial symbionts. In Mexico, there are no reports on the responsive of endemic Mimosa species to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization. In this study, the AM association with seedlings of six endemic Mimosa species, M. adenantheroides, M. calcicola, M. lacerata, M. luisana, M. polyantha and M. texana var. filipes, is reported. Field conditions were simulated in the greenhouse. Seeds were collected from plants and soil from the localities where the species occur within the semi-arid Tehuaca ´ n–Cuicatla ´ n Valley, Mexico. Four treatments were applied: (1) control, (2) benomyl, (3) phosphorus, and (4) benomyl plus phosphorus. Mycorrhizal seedlings of five species, M. adenantheroides, M. lacerata, M. luisana, M. polyantha and M. texana var. filipes, showed a higher shoot and total dry weight than non-mycorrhizal seedlings. The only species that did not show any difference between mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal seedling performance was M. calcicola. M. luisana, M. polyantha and M. texana var. filipes had a higher root/shoot ratio; in general, benomyl treatments promoted seedling biomass allocation to the root, while control, phosphorus and benomyl plus phosphorus treatments decrease root/shoot ratio. Shoot P content was significantly higher in mycorrhizal than in non-mycorrhizal plants, although no significant differences were found for M. adenantheroides in all treatments. Benomyl and benomyl plus phosphorus treatments reduced AM colonization in all the species under study. Benomyl significantly reduced the number of N
-fixing root nodules, while the phosphorus treatment generally stimulated nodulation. The species M. lacerata, M. luisana, M. polyantha and M. texana var. filipes had a high mycorrhizal dependency index indicating that plant growth was strongly increased by arbuscular mycorrhiza activity. Our results indicate that the response of all Mimosa species to mycorrhization was highly variable. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the effect of AM fungi and phosphorus on Mimosa species, which may be useful in biodiversity and soil conservation programs.

Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa biuncifera are frequently found in arid and semiarid shrublands, but scarce information is available about their influence on plant community structure and soil fertility. We compared plant community... more

Prosopis laevigata and Mimosa biuncifera are frequently found in arid and semiarid shrublands, but scarce information is available about their influence on plant community structure and soil fertility. We compared plant community structure, diversity and soil nutrients of three semiarid shrubland sites located in Mezquital Valley, Mexico. These sites differ in their dominant species: Site 1 (Bingu) P. laevigata, Site 2 (González) M. biuncifera, and Site 3 (Rincón) with the presence of both legumes. The results showed that the plant community with P. laevigata and M. biuncifera (Site 3) had more cover, taller plants and higher plant diversity than sites with only one legume (Site 1 and Site 2). Soil organic matter (SOM), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), phosphorus-Olsen (P) and C mineralization were higher in the soil under the canopy of both legumes than in bare soil. In contrast, soil cation concentrations were lower under the canopy of P. laevigata, but not for M. biuncifera. In addition, the density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi spores was higher within the soil under the canopy of M. biuncifera than in the soil under the canopy of P. laevigata. Thus, resource islands (RI) created by P. laevigata increased the amounts of SOC, TN and P when compared with the RI of M. biuncifera. This study provided evidences about the importance of species identity in order to expand the niche availability for the establishment of other plants, and highlights that P. laevigata and M. biuncifera jointly influencing plant colonization within semiarid ecosystems

The ethyl acetate extract of the stem bark of Erythrina abyssinica showed anti-plasmodial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum with IC(50) values of 7.9+/-1.1 and... more

The ethyl acetate extract of the stem bark of Erythrina abyssinica showed anti-plasmodial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum with IC(50) values of 7.9+/-1.1 and 5.3+/-0.7 microg/ml, respectively. From this extract, a new chalcone, 2',3,4,4'-tetrahydroxy-5-prenylchalcone (trivial name 5-prenylbutein) and a new flavanone, 4',7-dihydroxy-3'-methoxy-5'-prenylflavanone (trivial name, 5-deoxyabyssinin II) along with known flavonoids have been isolated as the anti-plasmodial principles. The structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic evidence.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils cause uncertainties within Agricultural LCA. N2O affects global warming and is estimated with IPCC guidelines, agroecosystem models or direct measurements. CERES-EGC model was used to estimate N2O... more

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils cause uncertainties within Agricultural LCA. N2O affects global warming and is estimated
with IPCC guidelines, agroecosystem models or direct measurements. CERES-EGC model was used to estimate N2O emissions
from faba bean and winter cereals grown in two trials (ICC and CIMAS) with different climates. Model outputs were compared
with IPCC estimates. Simulated N2O emission patterns showed emissions can be independent from fertiliser application dates or
rates. This was due to soil moisture, rainfall and farming practices. Results showed the IPCC procedure estimated higher annual cereals
emissions of 740 g N2O-N ha-1 y-1 than simulation results and a lower estimation of 304 g N2O-N ha-1 y-1 for faba bean. Results
revealed inclusion of climate, soil properties and management resulted in major variations of N2O emissions which CERES-EGC was
able to capture. Thus, model estimates may increase accuracy of soil GHG emission in Agricultural LCA.

En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la reconstrucción paleoecológica y paleoeconómica, mediante análisis polínico, carpológico y antracológico del entorno de Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava), complementando dos tipos de contextos... more

En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la reconstrucción paleoecológica y paleoeconómica, mediante análisis polínico, carpológico y antracológico del entorno de Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava), complementando dos tipos de contextos sedimentarios: el yacimiento arqueológico de la catedral de Santa María de Vitoria, y la turbera de Prados de Randulanda en el Condado de Treviño. En conjunto, ambos contextos nos han permitido realizar una lectura diacrónica de la historia de la vegetación y las bases paleoeconómicas del área de estudio entre los siglos VI a XV d.C., tanto a nivel local como regional. La reconstrucción paleoambiental da cuenta de un paisaje antropizado desde el siglo VI, con un elenco arbóreo relativamente rico de quercíneas caducifolias y perennifolias, hayedos, abedules, etc. Ganadería y agricultura parecen ser los factores que delimitan la dinámica antrópica de estos ecosistemas, detectándose desde el siglo VIII, en el entorno de la catedral, el cultivo de trigo, cebada, y leguminosas; entre los siglos XII-XIV se detecta el cultivo de centeno.

Although plant-inhabiting ants are known to act as effective deterrents to a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores, this has been reported only once before for primates, a group better known for their predation of ants. In the... more

Although plant-inhabiting ants are known to act as effective deterrents to a variety of vertebrate and invertebrate
herbivores, this has been reported only once before for primates, a group better known for their predation of ants.
In the present study, we investigated the effects that colonies of Pseudomyrmex viduus ants living in individual
Macrolobium acaciifolium (Fabaceae) trees have on the rates of visitation and fruit removal by four taxa of
seed-predating vertebrates: the primate Cacajao melanocephalus ouakary; macaws (Ara spp.); large parrots
(Amazona spp.); and the Northern Amazonian red squirrel (Sciurus igniventris). We found that ant presence
significantly reduced both rates of visitation and of fruit removal by C. m. ouakary. The same pattern of reduced fruit
removal was also observed for other seed predators (parrots, macaws, and squirrels) but not for visitation rates
(although this may be a result of the small sample size). This appears to be only the second-known demonstration
of the repellent effect of ants on primates and, indeed, the first for squirrels and psittacine birds. © 2014 The
Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114, 260–273.
ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Amazona – Ara – Cacajao – Formicidae – plant defence – Sciurus.

Se realizó la primera caracterización fisicoquímica y nutricional de las semillas de Ebenopsis caesalpinioides, una leguminosa infrautilizada de Sinaloa, México. En estas semillas se registró: alto contenido de sustancias lipofílicas... more

Se realizó la primera caracterización fisicoquímica y nutricional de las semillas de Ebenopsis caesalpinioides, una leguminosa infrautilizada de Sinaloa, México. En estas semillas se registró: alto contenido de sustancias lipofílicas (triterpenos/esteroles y ácidos grasos); los principales componentes nutricionales fueron lípidos (274 g/kg b.h.), proteínas (271,5 g/kg b.h.), fibra dietaria (127,8 g/kg % b.h.), α-tocoferol (75,8 mg/kg), cobre (12,7 mg/kg), magnesio (2531 mg/kg), manganeso (7,7 mg/kg) y potasio (12686,9 g/kg); los ácidos grasos mayoritarios fueron oleico (619 g/kg), linoleico (122,2 g/kg) y palmítico (94,7 g/kg); proteínas con contenido alto de fenilalanina + tirosina (99,7 g/kg) y bajo en aminoácidos azufrados (14,8 g/kg) y lisina (8,3 g/kg); taninos (8,7 g/kg), ácido fítico (3,2 g/kg); y actividad antioxidante (ABTS = 23246,6 μmolET/kg). De acuerdo a sus propiedades, el consumo de semillas de E. caesalpinioides puede proveer beneficios a la salud para la prevención o manejo de enfermedades cardiovasculares.It is reported for the first time the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of the Ebenopsis caesalpinoides seeds, an underused edible-leguminous-plant from Sinaloa, Mexico. In these seeds were registered: a high content of lipophilic compounds (triterpenes/sterols and fatty acids); the main nutritional components were lipids (274 g/kg b.h.), proteins (271.5 g/kg b.h.), dietary fiber (127.8 g/kg b.h.), α-tocopherol (75.8 mg/kg), copper (12.7 mg/kg), magnesium (2531 mg/kg), manganese (7.7 mg/kg) and potassium (12686.9 mg/kg); the main fatty acids were oleic (619 g/kg), linoleic (122.2 g/kg) and palmitic (94.7 g/kg); proteins with a high content of phenylalanine + tyrosine (99.7 g/kg) and low in sulfur amino acids (14.8 g/kg) and lysine (8.3 g/kg); tannins (8.7 g/kg), phytic acid (3.2 g/kg); and antioxidant activity (ABTS = 23246.6 μmolET/kg). By these properties, consumption of E. caesalpinoides seeds could provide health benefits for prevention or management of cardiovascular diseases.

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família Leguminosae no morro Pedra do Lagarto, distrito de Santo Antão, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a fim de contribuir para o... more

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento das espécies campestres da família Leguminosae no morro Pedra do Lagarto, distrito de Santo Antão, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a
fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis)
e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.

Increases in the deposition of nitrogen affect biodiversity and the composition of natural vegetation. A significant amount of this nitrogen may originate not only from intensive agricultural and livestock farming, but also from wild... more

Increases in the deposition of nitrogen affect biodiversity and the composition of natural vegetation. A significant amount of this nitrogen may originate not only from intensive agricultural and livestock farming, but also from wild ungulates whose abundance and area of distribution are currently increasing in the Iberian Peninsula. In this study we have estimated the abundance of two species of wild ungulates (red deer and wild boar) and the amount of nitrogen contained in their droppings and in the grass. We have also recorded the herbaceous community. The results show that the density of these ungulates is positively correlated to an increase in the grass nitrogen, which adversely affects the percentage of leguminosae in pastures. These results suggest that high densities of ungulates may be affecting plant communities by increasing the amount of nitrogen as a result the deposition of droppings. The current system of big game management should therefore be reviewed to make it compatible with the conservation of plant communities and small herbivore species that may be negatively affected by changes in pasture quality and quantity.

This study has examined petiole and leaflet anatomy characteristics of 20 species of the Astragalus sect. Caprini from Khorassan Razavi Province (NE Iran) using light microscopy. For this, cross section of the fresh or dried mature... more

This study has examined petiole and leaflet anatomy characteristics of 20 species of the Astragalus sect. Caprini from Khorassan Razavi Province (NE Iran) using light microscopy. For this, cross section of the fresh or dried mature petiole and leaflet were prepared and stained by differential staining. Some differences were notice in the outline shape of petioles cross section, the shape of pith, the number of collenchymatous layers and vessels, the type of sclerenchymatous tissue above the phloem and the shape of midrib and lamina. Here is suggested this study on the other species of sect. Caprini around the world. Maybe stem anatomy results can show some differences among the species.

Previous palynological works on the genus Tephrosia involved only a small number of species though showed some discrepancies regarding morphological descriptions. Our study used a palynotaxonomic approach to analyse 13 species of... more

Previous palynological works on the genus Tephrosia involved only a small number of species though showed some discrepancies regarding morphological descriptions. Our study used a palynotaxonomic approach to analyse 13 species of Tephrosia (T. adunca, T. candida, T. cinerea, T. egregia, T. marginata, T. nitens, T. noctiflora, T. purpurea subsp. purpurea, T. domingensis, T. rufescens, T. sessiliflora, T. sinapou, T. vogelii), either native or cultivated in Brazil. Pollen was studied using light microscopy as well as scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen grains are isopolar, small to large size, oblate to prolate, 3-colporate, mostly operculate with an ornamented colporus membrane. Sexine show a nanoreticulate to reticulate, microreticulate-perforate, rugulate-perforate, rugulate, psilate or psilate-perforate ornamentation; the sexine is thicker than the nexine. Exine consists of a compact tectum that varies from eutectate, tectate perforate to semitectate; the infratectum is collumelar or granular; the foot layer is discontinuous and endexine continuous. An unprecedented characterisation of the operculum, colporus membrane and granular structure of the infractectum in Tephrosia is described for the first time. The pollen morphology in Tephrosia is eurypalynous based mainly on the exine sculpturing that is the most variable morphological feature and also on the details of the aperture, which is important for infrageneric delimitation, and warrants attention in future phylogenetic analysis combining molecular and morphological data.

Several experiments, mostly carried out under controlled conditions, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis enhances nutrient uptake and improves drought tolerance of host plants. The present research, carried out in a... more

Several experiments, mostly carried out under controlled conditions, have shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis enhances nutrient uptake and improves drought tolerance of host plants. The present research, carried out in a typical Mediterranean environment, evaluated the effect of AM symbiosis on berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) grown in the field under both late drought stress and well-watered conditions. The crop was subjected to repeated defoliation. N2 fixation was estimated using the 15 N dilution method and using ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum var. Westervoldicum) as the reference crop. In late drought conditions, AM symbiosis resulted in a significant increase in biomass yield, total N uptake, total amount of N fixed, and proportion of N derived from the atmosphere. The results suggest that AM symbiosis could play a key role in alleviating the stress effects of late drought on berseem forage production in the field.

The ethyl acetate extract of the stem bark of Erythrina abyssinica showed anti-plasmodial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum with IC(50) values of 7.9+/-1.1 and... more

The ethyl acetate extract of the stem bark of Erythrina abyssinica showed anti-plasmodial activity against the chloroquine-sensitive (D6) and chloroquine-resistant (W2) strains of Plasmodium falciparum with IC(50) values of 7.9+/-1.1 and 5.3+/-0.7 microg/ml, respectively. From this extract, a new chalcone, 2',3,4,4'-tetrahydroxy-5-prenylchalcone (trivial name 5-prenylbutein) and a new flavanone, 4',7-dihydroxy-3'-methoxy-5'-prenylflavanone (trivial name, 5-deoxyabyssinin II) along with known flavonoids have been isolated as the anti-plasmodial principles. The structures were determined on the basis of…

The diversity of components for fourproteinase inhibitors found in species ofthe genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis are described. Trypsin,chymotrypsin, subtilisin and cysteineproteinase inhibitors were analyzedby isoelectric focusing... more

The diversity of components for fourproteinase inhibitors found in species ofthe genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis are described. Trypsin,chymotrypsin, subtilisin and cysteineproteinase inhibitors were analyzedby isoelectric focusing followed by thegelatin replica method. Of these proteinaseinhibitors, trypsin inhibitors showedmost polymorphism both within and betweenspecies. Many trypsin inhibitor componentswere also active to chymotrypsin. Severalaccessions had very low levels or absenceof some inhibitors, such as very low levelsof trypsin inhibitor in two accessions ofthe V. tenuicaulis and absence ofchymotrypsin inhibitors in V.grandiflora and V. subramaniana.Proteinase inhibitor polymorphism broadlyagreed with the taxonomic system for thesubgenus Ceratotropis. Based oninhibitor variation species analyzed couldbe divided into three groups whichcorresponding to sections Aconitifoliae, Angulares and Ceratotropis. Some species have verylittle variation in trypsin inhibitorsdespite wide distribution, such as, V.radiata and V. reflexo-pilosa.Accessions of other species showedconsiderable intraspecific variation fortrypsin inhibitors, such as, V.grandiflora, V. aconitifolia andV. stipulacea. Proteinase inhibitorpolymorphism provides an indication of thespecies that may have contributed a genometo the tetraploid species, V. reflexo-pilosa.

Phylogenetic relationships of 35 species and one subspecies of Lespedeza and four species representing related genera (2 species of Kummerowia, 1 species of Campylotropis and 1 species of Dendrolobium) in tribe Desmodieae (Leguminosae)... more

Phylogenetic relationships of 35 species and one subspecies of Lespedeza and four species representing related genera (2 species of Kummerowia, 1 species of Campylotropis and 1 species of Dendrolobium) in tribe Desmodieae (Leguminosae) were explored with chloroplast DNA sequences of trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer regions. Maximum parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood analyses constructed trees of almost the same topologies resolving 1) the monophyly of Lespedeza and Kummerowia, 2) the two main clades of Lespedeza consisted of Asian species and North American species, 3) two main clades in North American species, and 4) the monophyly of subgenus Macrolespedeza. The monophyly of the genus Lespedeza and that of the subgenus Lespedeza were not supported by the present results. The two main clades dividing the genus Lespedeza are supported by seedling morphology. Moreover, the two main clades of North American species are congruent with the traditional separation into two groups based on the color and morphology of flowers. The intercontinental relationships between North American and Asian species proposed by Maximowicz (1873) were not supported by the present study, while the separation of Asian species from North American ones by Schindler (1913) was almost supported. The present result suggests that earlier divergence had occurred in Asia resulting into two lineages in Lespedeza, and then one of them remained in Asia and the other migrated to North America. After the isolation of both lineages speciation had occurred independently in Asia and North America.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils cause uncertainties within Agricultural LCA. N2O affects global warming and is estimated with IPCC guidelines, agroecosystem models or direct measurements. CERES-EGC model was used to estimate N2O... more

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils cause uncertainties within Agricultural LCA. N2O affects global warming and is estimated with IPCC guidelines, agroecosystem models or direct measurements. CERES-EGC model was used to estimate N2O emissions from faba bean and winter cereals grown in two trials (ICC and CIMAS) with different climates. Model outputs were compared with IPCC estimates. Simulated N2O emission patterns showed emissions can be independent from fertiliser application dates or rates. This was due to soil moisture, rainfall and farming practices. Results showed the IPCC procedure estimated higher annual cereals emissions of 740 g N2O-N ha-1 y-1 than simulation results and a lower estimation of 304 g N2O-N ha-1 y-1 for faba bean. Results revealed inclusion of climate, soil properties and management resulted in major variations of N2O emissions which CERES-EGC was able to capture. Thus, model estimates may increase accuracy of soil GHG emission in Agricultural LCA.