Lifestyle Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Background: Vitality and happiness are one of the important components of social welfare affecting individuals' efficiency and quality of life. Lifestyle variations, especially the type of health-oriented lifestyle, are important... more

Background: Vitality and happiness are one of the important components of social welfare affecting individuals' efficiency and quality of life. Lifestyle variations, especially the type of health-oriented lifestyle, are important determinants of social happiness. According to this, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between lifestyle and social happiness of women over 18 years in Sanandaj in 2017-2018. Methods: The method of this study was descriptive type of correlational. The statistical population consisted of women over 18 years in Sanandaj. The sample size was 380 based on the Cochran formula and were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The research's tool was a combination of Walker's Standard Questionnaire and researcher-made questionnaire. Results: The Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data by SPSS 22 software. Descriptive results indicated that dimensions of healthy lifestyle (spiritual growth and Self-actualization, responsibility about health, interpersonal relationships and nutrition, exercise and physical activity, and stress management) caused 37% of changes in the happiness among women of Sanandaj. In addition, the effect of interpersonal relationships has been more than the others. Conclusion: Based on findings, it can be concluded that choosing a healthy lifestyle will lead to increase happiness among women and in this field, the role of interpersonal relationship as one of lifestyle indicators for happiness is more determinative and important so it would be worthy of attention to the cultural, medical and even educational centers of Iran.

Podstawowym celem III etapu badań realizowanych w ramach projektu Wizualne Niewidzialne. Sztuki wizualne w Polsce – stan, rola i znaczenie było odtworzenie tego, jak sztuki wizualne obecne w życiu Polek i Polaków oraz zrekonstruowanie... more

Podstawowym celem III etapu badań realizowanych w ramach projektu Wizualne Niewidzialne. Sztuki wizualne w Polsce – stan, rola i znaczenie było odtworzenie tego, jak sztuki wizualne obecne w życiu Polek i Polaków oraz zrekonstruowanie ich wyobrażeń oraz przekonań na temat sztuki. Tego rodzaju rekonstrukcja wydaje się nam niezbędna, ponieważ o tym, czym jest sztuka, decydują nie tylko artyści czy osoby działające w ramach świata sztuki, ale także zakres i forma jej obecności w życiu codziennym i w świadomości różnych warstw oraz środowisk społecznych. Zakładamy więc, że status sztuki, role, które ona wypełnia, jej miejsce w życiu jednostkowym i zbiorowym, są efektem negocjacji, sporów, interakcji podejmowanych przez zróżnicowanych aktorów społecznych, w tym osoby, które potocznie określamy mianem odbiorców sztuki. Tym samym zakładamy, iż sztuka, pomimo jej wielowymiarowej specyfiki, jest jednym z wielu zjawisk składających się na społeczny świat, a więc podlega podobnym procesom, co inne jego obszary, w tym konstruowaniu jej znaczeń przez członków określonej zbiorowości.
Dlatego też w trakcie III etapu badań uczestnikami byli właśnie zwykli użytkownicy sztuki, którzy znaleźli się w reprezentatywnej dla Polski, dobranej losowo próbie dorosłych. Obecność sztuki w ich życiu i świadomości rozumieliśmy w trakcie tych badań wielowymiarowo:
• po pierwsze, jako wyobrażenia o sztuce (umiejętność wskazania cech specyficznych zjawisk artystycznych pozwalających na odróżnienie ich od innych społecznych fenomenów);
• po drugie, jako wyobrażenia o artystach i artystkach, specyfice ich pracy oraz problemach, z jakimi się borykają;
• po trzecie, jako różne formy kontaktu ze sztuką (od uczestnictwa w wystawach przez rozmowy o sztuce do posiadania dzieł sztuki w domu czy jej samodzielnego uprawiania);
• po czwarte, jako miejsce sztuk wizualnych wśród innych praktyk kulturowych i zjawisk społecznych, funkcje i role przypisywane przez Polki i Polaków sztuce oraz preferencje odbiorców co do ulubionych i cenionych form sztuki.
Te cztery kwestie można uporządkować jeszcze inaczej, jako z jednej strony pytania o to, co Polki i Polacy wiedzą i myślą o sztuce, z drugiej zaś, jako pytania o formy obecności sztuki w ich działaniach.

Humanism should be inclusive, not exclusive. The term itself implies a true egalitarianism which is much needed in modern society, where a myriad of cultures and beliefs intermingle and require a basic respect for the human without some... more

Humanism should be inclusive, not exclusive. The term itself implies a true egalitarianism which is much needed in modern society, where a myriad of cultures and beliefs intermingle and require a basic respect for the human without some overarching framework in which to place that humanity.
A good example of this is in medical practice. Following the technocratic paradigm, medicine over the last century or so has become significantly more mechanistic, treating the body as a complex organic machine rather than a holistic entity that includes a mind.
We now find ourselves in a place where both doctors and patients are afraid to talk about the effect their beliefs or backgrounds have on matters of life, death, and everything between in times when their mutual humanity should be embraced.
This paper argues for a more inclusive version of secular humanism, one that is in keeping with the historical trend of humanist cultures and sees itself as an outgrowth of this history, rather than a post-enlightenment rejection of everything before the scientific method.
The most obvious example of this newer, inclusive humanism is in the increasing medical use of mindfulness, which is a secular redescription of Buddhist and Confucian thinking.
NOTE: this paper is the fifth and final in a series tracing the development of humanist thought across Eurasia. Previous papers detail the development of humanist spiritual, ethical, legal and professional systems through Buddhist & Taoist Indo-China, Han China, Medieval Islam, and modern medical practice respectively.

ПРЕДГОВОР ЕЛЕКТРОНСКОМ ИЗДАЊУ (2020) Ова практична публикација написана је и објављена пре двадесет година. Тада није наишла на значајнију пажњу читалаца. Од тада до данас мало тога се променило на боље, напротив. Глобални и... more

Do health behaviors cluster together as health lifestyles in adolescence? Are these lifestyles socially patterned? Do these lifestyles impact physical health into adulthood? To answer these questions, we employed data from Waves 1 and 4... more

Do health behaviors cluster together as health lifestyles in adolescence? Are these lifestyles socially patterned? Do these lifestyles impact physical health into adulthood? To answer these questions, we employed data from Waves 1 and 4 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (n = 7,827). Our latent class analysis revealed four health lifestyles: (a) Low-Risk, (b) Moderate-Risk with Substance Use, (c) Moderate-Risk with Inactivity, and (d) High-Risk. As suggested by health lifestyle theory, membership in these classes varied according to gender, race, ethnicity, and family structure. Consistent with the life course perspective, regression analyses indicated that those in the High-Risk lifestyle tend to exhibit worse health in adolescence and adulthood than those in the Low-Risk lifestyle. Our findings confirm that socially patterned lifestyles can be observed in adolescence, and these lifestyles are potentially important for understanding the distribution of physical health across the early life course.B

How can we have a balanced lifestyle and alleviate stress in our work-driven society? Examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from professionals working in health and social care,... more

How can we have a balanced lifestyle and alleviate stress in our work-driven society?
Examining the state of work-life imbalance in our everyday lives and discussing real life examples from professionals working in health and social care, this books reflects on how many of us are living today and illustrates the problems this can cause. Teena J. Clouston provides simple, yet effective, tools and techniques that can be implemented in everyday life to achieve a more balanced lifestyle, which helps to enhance health, happiness and wellbeing.
‘In this very useful book, Teena J. Clouston uses her occupational science expertise to explore lifestyle balance and how doing too much can be addressed by applying concepts of being, becoming and belonging. I recommend this excellent book to all those who work with or experience lifestyle imbalance.’
— Annie Turner, Emeritus Professor of Occupational Therapy, University of Northampton, and Chair, The Elizabeth Casson Trust, UK
‘Teena J. Clouston offers tools to build better lives by balancing what matters most. She pits current research on improving quality of life against the wider forces driving stressful lifestyles worldwide.’
— Gelya Frank, PhD, Professor, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy and Anthropology, University of Southern California, USA
‘In this brilliantly written book, Dr Clouston presents a thought-provoking reconceptualization of the notion of occupational balance. She argues that living a balanced life means resisting the neoliberal capitalistic pressure to value “doing” over other aspects of life, and instead pursuing personally meaningful occupations that enable “doing, being, becoming, and belonging”. This is a “must-read” textbook for anyone who is interested in ideas about meaningful living through focused engagement in valued occupations.’
— Moses N. Ikiugu, PhD, OTR/L, Professor and Director of Research, Occupational Therapy Department, University of South Dakota, USA

Trend , Lifestyle and Consumerism

The article focuses on the non-centered, non-hierarchical structure of life- tasks, which consists of stable periods of life from contentfulness, efficiency, and energy, while in crisis situations the value of creativity, adequacy and... more

The article focuses on the non-centered, non-hierarchical structure of life- tasks, which consists of stable periods of life from contentfulness, efficiency, and energy, while in crisis situations the value of creativity, adequacy and openness increases. It was shown the macro-, meso- and micro-environmental factors, which determine the setting of life-tasks and, accordingly, their variable structural configuration. These are factors of sociocultural contextuality, dialogic communication, multiple identities, axiological originality, and individual semantics.

The problematic I want to initially explore is what would be a Foucauldian description of politics? We can look to his later works, particularly the College de France lectures, to find his work on subjectivation and ethics of the care of... more

The problematic I want to initially explore is what would be a Foucauldian description of politics? We can look to his later works, particularly the College de France lectures, to find his work on subjectivation and ethics of the care of the self. In his lecture course, ‘The Hermeneutics of the Subject’, Foucault examines these issues and in doing so we can gain a sense of what the relationship between politics and ethics was for Foucault. I will show that Foucault’s notion of ‘governmentality’ can provide the key to understanding the relationships between politics and ethics. For Foucault, ethical subjectivation must be linked to politics, including notions of parrhesia as truth and freedom. By showing this was the case, Foucault could then say that we can form new subjectivities, new relationships to ourselves and others and if, or when this happens, then we can also look for a manifestation of a different kind of politics.

We address a largely neglected issue in contemporary research on cultural class divisions: economic capital and its associated lifestyles and symbolic expressions. Using qualitative interviews, we explore how adolescents from wealthy... more

We address a largely neglected issue in contemporary research on cultural class divisions: economic capital and its associated lifestyles and symbolic expressions. Using qualitative interviews, we explore how adolescents from wealthy elite backgrounds, namely students at Oslo Commerce School (OCS), traditionally one of the most prestigious upper-secondary schools in Norway, demarcate themselves symbolically from others. They draw symbolic boundaries against students at other elite schools in Oslo, more characterized by backgrounds with high cultural capital, accusing them of mimicking a 'hipster' style. Within the OCS student body, we describe identity work centring on styles of material consumption and bodily distinctions. The most salient dividing line is between those who manage to master a 'natural' style, where expensive clothes and the desired bodily attributes are displayed discreetly, and those who are 'trying too hard' and thus marked by the stigma of effort. We also show some interesting intersections between class and gender: girls aspiring to the economic elite obey the 'rules of the game' by exercising extensive control over their bodies and adhering to demanding bodily norms for their weight and slimness. Such rules are less evident among the boys, where a lack of discipline, unruliness, hard partying and even fighting constitute parts of the lifestyle valued. This article contributes to the field of cultural stratification, highlighting the importance of the 'hows' of material consumption when expressing elite distinction. It also adds new insight to the research field of elite education by showing how a mastery of 'high-end' consumer culture is involved in fostering favourable dispositions at elite schools.

Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà assopita di cambiare dentro, come individui, diventando più maturi, più consapevoli e conseguentemente più liberi. Questo è l'unico modo per... more

Siamo davanti a profondi e radicali cambiamenti che ci suggeriscono di risvegliare una volontà assopita di cambiare dentro, come individui, diventando più maturi, più consapevoli e conseguentemente più liberi. Questo è l'unico modo per sopravviere all'adolescenza tecnologica senza auto-distruggerci, queste sono le basi del dibattito sul futuro dell'umanità attualmente in atto. Purtroppo le persone sono talmente assuefatte e prese dalla loro quotidianità, che anche se guardano, non vedono. Il dibattito è in atto, ma nessun se ne preoccupa, nessuno realmente ha la percezione dello stato di emergenza nel quale vertiamo tutti. Sembra proprio come nella storiella del tizio che mentre cade da un palazzo dice: "70° piano, fino qui tutto bene"-dimenticando di fatto che sta per sfracellarsi per terra. Dobbiamo ripensarci da capo, pensare nuovi modi di vivere e di esistere, il mondo come lo conosciamo non esisterà più, la rivoluzione tecnologica in atto spazzerà via ogni consuetudine ed ogni fondamento o certezza a cominciare proprio dal lavoro. Questo ci deve costringere a farne un miglior uso, prendendo in considerazione, finalmente e dopo secoli di oscurantismo, il fatto che l'uomo ha necessità di evolvere in coscienza. E' impensabile restare culturalmente

The aim of the present study was to study the influence of reading interest on lifestyle of college going youth. The total sample for the present study consisted of 120 college going boys and girls i.e. 60 boys and 60 girls. Samples were... more

The aim of the present study was to study the influence of reading interest on lifestyle of college going youth. The total sample for the present study consisted of 120 college going boys and girls i.e. 60 boys and 60 girls. Samples were selected from three colleges of Udaipur city, Rajasthan. An inventory titled influence of reading interest on lifestyle was developed, validated and utilized for the research. Mean percent scores were computed for analysis of data. The results of the study revealed that influence of reading was found on personal self, approach towards the family and society and perspective towards the family and society. The findings of the study are helpful for students, parents as well as the society to understand the impact of reading interest on lifestyle of people. Research advocates inculcation of reading interest in individuals during different phases of life ascertaining quality life.

No artigo busco entender, pelas lentes da comunicação e do consumo, a atividade do influenciador digital. À ele compete o alcance de uma audiência através da geração de conteúdo nas mídias sociais, para acumulação de capital simbólico,... more

No artigo busco entender, pelas lentes da comunicação e do consumo, a atividade do influenciador digital. À ele compete o alcance de uma audiência através da geração de conteúdo nas mídias sociais, para acumulação de capital simbólico, possível de ser monetizado. O trabalho é característica da economia cultural (MCROBBIE, 2002), situado no contexto do neoliberalismo. Os usos das plataformas sociais configuram um ritual de consumo (DOUGLAS; ISHERWOOD, 2006), que ultrapassa produtos e serviços e transforma o próprio influenciador em um bem simbólico. Assumo a natureza interdisciplinar da comunicação e adoto a crítica diagnóstica do filme brasileiro enquanto ferramenta metodológica para decodificar uma ordem social (KELLNER, 2001). A crônica aponta para uma realidade totalmente permeada pela mídias e indica uma forma de comunicação e de socialização dominada plenamente, que tece toda a trama e revela ser a cultura de um recorte socioeconômico brasileiro.

In most areas of our lives, we are collaborating with other people. Whether it be driving a car, buying groceries, selling products, seeing patients in an office, defending a client in court, working in an assembly line, leading an... more

In most areas of our lives, we are collaborating with other people. Whether it be driving a car, buying groceries, selling products, seeing patients in an office, defending a client in court, working in an assembly line, leading an organization, or teaching in a classroom, individuals are connected to other people, and they rely on their skills of communication, cooperation, negotiation, and listening to accomplish goals. At the core of these collaboration skills are foundational attitudes, beliefs, and feelings, including trust, respect, and empathy.

Since the day Internet became widespread, it included itself in people’s lives with not only its communication content but also its various services (exchange products, etc.). The Internet users were in that sense consumers of the content... more

Since the day Internet became widespread, it included itself in people’s lives with not only its communication content but also its various services (exchange products, etc.). The Internet users were in that sense consumers of the content that is presented in this platform. However, the more the Internet enriched its content and its mediums (cellphones, I-pads, etc.), the more consumers get out of its traditional meaning. Consumers have been employing the new platforms to their daily lives such as blogs, new social networking sites which modify and recreate the internet content. Except creating a global social network system, there is a side-story which includes the marketing side of all these media technological developments. Many corporations, business firms can no longer ignore the power of social media and in fact there is a whole bunch of new recreational market going on in virtual world.

Social transformation and ethnicity are interwoven. While ethnic representation acts as a catalyst in social transformation process, social transformation on the other hand can restructure the very catalytic character of ethnicity. Again,... more

Social transformation and ethnicity are interwoven. While ethnic representation acts as a catalyst in social transformation process, social transformation on the other hand can restructure the very catalytic character of ethnicity. Again, in ethnicity politics the dominant culture is prone toward objectification of the Other, forcing it into identity traps that confirm the dominant culture's sense of superiority. Or the marginalized culture in reverse develops its pattern to justify an ‘indigenous own‘ which is actually a reflection and positioning of parallels to the dominant culture. Tribal people in most of the forums have always been identified and tagged as ‘savage‘ and ‘uncultured‘ among all ethnic groups in India, junglee ( staying in remote forests), always free from lifestyle diseases, heavy drinkers and so on. While politics of development about dalits largely revolves around Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes have long been lacking in their representation. In recent tim...

این نوشته درباره اوقات فراغت در بریتانیای امروز و جوامع مشابه آن است؛ یعنی جوامعی غربی که دارای اقتصاد بازار، نظام سیاسی دموکراتیک و قانونِ اساسی مکتوب یا غیرمکتوبی هستند که از حقوق شهروندان در مقابل دست‌اندازی دولت‌ها محافظت می‌کند.... more

این نوشته درباره اوقات فراغت در بریتانیای امروز و جوامع مشابه آن است؛ یعنی جوامعی غربی که دارای اقتصاد بازار، نظام سیاسی دموکراتیک و قانونِ اساسی مکتوب یا غیرمکتوبی هستند که از حقوق شهروندان در مقابل دست‌اندازی دولت‌ها محافظت می‌کند. اوقات فراغت در زندگیِ افرادِ این جوامع محصولِ گردهم آمدن چند چیز است: سازمانِ کار در دورة مدرن، اقتصاد بازار، آزادی‌های اجتماعی‌ای که از آن بهره‌مندیم، و تضعیف خانواده، جامعه و کنترل دینی که شیوه‌های متداول زندگی را در زمان‌های گذشته تجویز و تقویت می‌کردند. سخنان بالا به این معنا نیست که مردمان دیگر جوامع اوقات فراغت نداشته‌اند و هنوز هم ندارند، بلکه می‌خواهم بگویم که به مفهومی نسبتاً متفاوت از اوقات فراغت نیاز داریم تا بتوانیم مشخصه‌های اصلی [فراغت در دورة مدرن] را منتقل کنیم.

В статье охарактеризован паттерн пищевого поведения студентов Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета по результатам мониторинговых исследований в сфере здоровья студенческой молодежи в 2006 и 2010 гг. Выявлены связи пищевого... more

В статье охарактеризован паттерн пищевого поведения студентов Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета по результатам мониторинговых исследований в сфере здоровья студенческой молодежи в 2006 и 2010 гг. Выявлены связи пищевого поведения студентов с условиями воспитания в родительской семье, с актуальным отношением студентов к своему здоровью, установками по отношению к здоровому образу жизни.

This chapter examines the interactions between artistic critique on capitalism and the social change, focusing on the normative role of artists in the context of "network capitalism" and the imperative to creativity in the "Creative Age"... more

This chapter examines the interactions between artistic critique on capitalism and the social change, focusing on the normative role of artists in the context of "network capitalism" and the imperative to creativity in the "Creative Age" (Florida). Drawing on recent debates about capitalism, critique, and crisis prompted by Boltanski and Chiapello's seminal work The New Spirit of Capitalism (2005) and other subsequent interventions, as well as on the notion of "critique" supported by Foucault, the author reconsiders artists' role in the normative change through artistic critique on capitalism. Thus are shown both its paradoxical consequences in terms of the emergence of new norms of excellence and creative lifestyles, adaptable, hyper-mobile and flexible, and artists' divergent contribution to redevelop a particular sense of self-realization and self-fulfilment.

Pojęcie „klasy” od zawsze było w centrum zainteresowania marketingu i badań konsumenta. Jednak ostatnio badacze zaczęli kwestionować ważność tego narzędzia (np. w segmentacji rynku czy pozycjonowaniu produktu). Wskazuje się, iż w... more

Pojęcie „klasy” od zawsze było w centrum zainteresowania marketingu i badań konsumenta. Jednak ostatnio badacze zaczęli kwestionować ważność tego narzędzia (np. w segmentacji rynku czy pozycjonowaniu produktu). Wskazuje się, iż w warunkach postmodernistycznych nie występuje już bezpośrednia korespondencja między kategoriami społecznymi a wzorami konsumpcji. W rezultacie marketerzy sugerowali, iż to inne niż klasa społeczną czynniki (np. styl życia) będą lepszymi predyktorami zachowań nabywczych. Co więcej marketing zdominowany jest przez badania jednostek a badacze nie są na bieżąco z teorią klas społecznych.
Celem artykułu jest ocena przydatności klas jako narzędzi analiz marketingowych, przedstawienie różnych koncepcji klasowych (w tym tych najnowszych) a także wyników badań, które mogą rzucić światło na omawianą problematykę.

Largely organized via commercial relations of some kind, gyms are key sites for studying consumer culture and practices as well as subjectivity in contemporary societies. Gym-goers are typically addressed as individuals who take control... more

Largely organized via commercial relations of some kind, gyms are key sites for studying consumer culture and practices as well as subjectivity in contemporary societies. Gym-goers are typically addressed as individuals who take control of both the market and themselves. Through a variety of
qualitative sources – ethnographies, interviews and discourse analysis – this book explores how consumers and producers collaborate in the production of the
fitness scene. It examines how individuals become fitness participants, at locally sustained relationships, the framing of discipline as fun, the meanings attached to the idea of fitness and the negotiation of broader body ideals, to provide a critical discussion of fitness as lived consumer culture. Choice is revealed as a process, rather than a cost-benefit decision; a
transformative, ongoing practice rather than an accomplished, rational calculation. Consumption is revealed as an ambivalent practice, with consumers increasingly asked to be active producers of cultural forms that are nevertheless largely circulated and managed by producers who need to consume much of the very same sort they produce. PAPERBACK EDITION, 2014, WITH NEW FOREWORD

My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more

A B S T R A C T While the female activewear market is growing rapidly, research on activewear consumption and female consumers is lagging. Existing researchers have failed to produce an in-depth understanding of female consumers'... more

A B S T R A C T While the female activewear market is growing rapidly, research on activewear consumption and female consumers is lagging. Existing researchers have failed to produce an in-depth understanding of female consumers' perceptions of activewear, thereby providing limited insights for the activewear industry. Drawing upon brand association theory and the functional, expressive, and aesthetic model, the authors identify important attributes of activewear brands and how attributes lead to benefits pursued by female activewear consumers. Focus groups were conducted with 72 female activewear consumers in Australia. Findings reveal three product-related attributes (functional design, colour, and size and fit) and two non-product-related attributes (price and model imagery) influence the fulfillment of four benefits (mood enhancement, exercise facilitation, healthy and active lifestyle, and physical fit body image). This research contributes theoretical and empirical knowledge about activewear consumption and the vertical structure of brand associations. Findings of this research can help activewear brands deliver benefits to female consumers through improved product designs and marketing strategies. Crown

Over 50 years the food pattern changed considerably which changed our diet by the use of lots of processed foods, foods with saturated fats, foods with sugar content less and less fruits and vegetables. The result is drastic change... more

Over 50 years the food pattern changed considerably which changed our diet by the use of lots of processed foods, foods with saturated fats, foods with sugar content less and less fruits and vegetables.
The result is drastic change which shows 28% carbohydrates, 12% protein, 40% fats and 20% sugar, though the requirement remains almost the same. This can be understood as the midhya ahara practices in Ayurveda.
Decreased physical activity of humans, as machines pay the place of that. It leads to less usage of the energy. Thus leading to
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Diabetes mellitus
Arteriosclerosis which will again cause atherosclerosis etc.

Abstract Purpose: Although patients demonstrate a range of problematic health-related lifestyle behaviours preceding suicidal behaviour, there is little research that routinely measure these behaviours. This paper seeks to establish the... more

Purpose: Although patients demonstrate a range of problematic health-related lifestyle behaviours preceding suicidal
behaviour, there is little research that routinely measure these behaviours. This paper seeks to establish the utility of
health-related lifestyle measure (Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist) in people presenting to a major inner city Emergency
Department with a range of suicidal behaviours.
Methods: From 2007–2014, data from the 366 patients who had completed the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist, after referral
by the Emergency Department to a service for people with deliberate self-harm or suicidal ideation, were included in
the analysis study. A Maximum Likelihood factor analysis was performed to assess the factor structure of the Fantastic
Lifestyle Checklist and the resultant factors were explored in relation to measures of health; namely the Depression,
Anxiety and Stress Scale and the 12-item Short-Form Health Survey.
Results: A three-component factor structure emerged comprising Component 1 ‘positive life investments’, Component 2
‘poor emotional regulation’ and Component 3 ‘poor health behaviours’. There was a significant negative correlation between
‘positive life investments’ and each of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress scales subscales and significant positive associations
with ‘poor emotional regulation’ and Short Form Health Survey-12 mental health scores. Only the Short Form Health
Survey-12 physical health subscale was weakly correlated with ‘poor health behaviours’, in females.
Conclusion: Our findings support the construct and concurrent validity of the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist measure.
The three factors obtained for the Fantastic Lifestyle Checklist were coherent and seem useful for research and clinical
Deliberate self-harm, depression, factor analysis, lifestyle, lifestyle measure

Le palestre popolari sono una delle tante attività proposte dai centri sociali di tutta Italia. Non parliamo di un particolare lifestyle sport ma di un progetto inserito in una determinata subcultura che tenta di ripensare lo sport. Nate... more

Le palestre popolari sono una delle tante attività proposte dai centri sociali di tutta Italia. Non parliamo di un particolare lifestyle sport ma di un progetto inserito in una determinata subcultura che tenta di ripensare lo sport. Nate infatti all’interno dei movimenti antifascisti, autogestiti e di occupazione, le palestre popolari sono un interessante progetto che non riflette solo sull’uso e il concetto di sport, ma in maniera trasversale anche sull’inserimento del corpo nella società, come corpo politico che può e deve essere ragionato e ricreato. Lo sport popolare vuole essere lontano dalle logiche di profitto, competizione e atomizzazione, e promuove, in contrapposizione alla società capitalistica, lo sport come momento di aggregazione, socializzazione e crescita collettiva. Vuole essere, soprattutto, un momento che può essere vissuto da tutti: da chi lavora o è disoccupato o non può permettersi i costi proibitivi delle palestre o, ancora, non si sente a proprio agio all’interno del pensiero mainstream della cura del corpo.
Le palestre popolari quindi, sono un progetto alternativo di riappropriazione degli spazi e del corpo, in contrapposizione al pensiero generale diffuso. Per questo motivo va investigato come fenomeno, nelle sue criticità e modalità d’azione.

Aydın ili Didim ilçesi, özellikle son yıllarda İngiliz turistlerin uzun süreli tatillerini geçirdikleri, hatta sıklıkla kendilerine ev satın aldıkları bir tatil beldesi olarak dikkat çekmektedir. 2005 yılında yapılan bir gazete haberinde,... more

Aydın ili Didim ilçesi, özellikle son yıllarda İngiliz turistlerin uzun süreli tatillerini geçirdikleri, hatta sıklıkla kendilerine ev satın aldıkları bir tatil beldesi olarak dikkat çekmektedir. 2005 yılında yapılan bir gazete haberinde, yaklaşık 3.500 İngiliz’in Didim’den ev satın aldığı belirtilirken (, 2010 yılında yayımlanan başka bir haberde, bu sayının 12.000’e ulaştığı bildirilmektedir ( Ev sahibi olan İngilizlerin bir kısmı sadece yaz tatillerini Didim’de geçirirken, bir kısmının da Didim’e tamamen yerleştiği gözlemlenmektedir. Dolayısıyla, Didim’de yaşayan yerli halk, yaz tatillerini Didim’de geçiren yazlıkçılar, turizm sektörü çalışanları, kamu çalışanları vb. kişi ve kurumlar, Didim’de uzun süreli tatil yapan veya yaşayan İngilizler ile iç içe bir yaşam paylaşmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Didim’de üç aydan fazla kalan İngilizlerin genel profillerinin anlaşılması, sosyal ve kültürel yaşama adaptasyonlarının ve katılım düzeylerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmaktadır. İngilizlerin Didim’de yaşarken karşılaştıkları sorunlar,
ihtiyaçları ve beklentileri de araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır.

Nutrition and exercise on cardiovascular disease prevention and control Cardiovascular diseases represent the major worldwide cause of death, and their significant growth in developing countries alerts against their impact on... more

Nutrition and exercise on cardiovascular disease prevention and control Cardiovascular diseases represent the major worldwide cause of death, and their significant growth in developing countries alerts against their impact on underprivileged classes. Cardiovascular diseases are subject to a set of risk factors, some of which can be altered through changes in lifestyle, such as balanced diet and regular exercising. The purpose of this review is to approach these factors in order to prevent and control cardiovascular diseases. The consumption of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, soybeans, olive oil, and fish must be increased, although limiting the amount of fat. Saturated and trans fatty acids must be avoided , as well as excessive use of salt and alcoholic beverages. Besides aerobics, resistance training activities are increasing their importance in cardiac rehabilitation. Such lifestyle changes should be prioritized by Public Health authorities in order to hold back cardiovascular disease occurrence in our country. INTRODUÇÃO As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) constituem uma im-portante causa de morte nos países desenvolvidos e tam-bém naqueles em desenvolvimento, onde o seu crescimen-to significativo 1 alerta para o profundo impacto nas classes menos favorecidas e para a necessidade de intervenções eficazes, de baixo custo e caráter preventivo. Em 1988, no Brasil, as DCV foram responsáveis pela maior proporção de óbitos no país: 31% das mortes em homens e 39% nas mulheres, sendo a principal causa mortis a partir dos 40 anos de idade e contabilizando 33% dos óbitos na faixa de 40 a 49 anos de idade. Comparando-se a taxa de mortali-dade por infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) de oito capitais brasileiras (Belém, Recife, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Curitiba e Porto Alegre) com a de outros países, verificou-se que no grupo etário mais jovem RESUMO As doenças cardiovasculares constituem a principal causa de mortalidade no mundo e o seu crescimento significati-vo nos países em desenvolvimento alerta para o potencial impacto nas classes menos favorecidas. São influenciadas por um conjunto de fatores de risco, alguns modificáveis mediante alterações no estilo de vida, como a dieta ade-quada e o exercício regular. O objetivo da presente revisão é abordar esses aspectos a fim de prevenir e controlar as doenças cardiovasculares. O consumo de vegetais, frutas, grãos integrais, soja, azeite e peixes deve ser aumentado, ainda que limitando a quantidade de gordura. Os alimen-tos ricos em ácidos graxos saturados e trans devem ser evi-tados, assim como o uso excessivo de sal e bebidas alcoó-licas. Além do exercício aeróbio, as atividades contra resistência vêm aumentando sua importância na reabilita-ção cardíaca. Essas mudanças de estilo de vida deveriam ser prioridades na Saúde Pública a fim de deter o avanço das doenças cardiovasculares em nosso país. Palavras-chave: Doenças cardiovasculares. Fatores de risco. Nu-trição. Exercício físico. Mudanças de estilo de vida.