Jean-Paul Sartre Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Qu’est-ce qu’une lettre ? Pourquoi certains enfants « réussissent » à ne pas apprendre à lire ? Comment d’autres, devenus adultes, choisissent de devenir écrivain , de passer leur vie avec les lettres ? A la fois symbole pur mais aussi... more

Qu’est-ce qu’une lettre ? Pourquoi certains enfants « réussissent » à ne pas apprendre à lire ? Comment d’autres, devenus adultes, choisissent de devenir écrivain , de passer leur vie avec les lettres ? A la fois symbole pur mais aussi élément d’un abécédaire subjectif et fantasmatique, la lettre reste mue par la pensée animiste des premiers âges. Des enfants que l’on dit « dyslexisques », incapables de voir le mot derrière les lettres, disent cet effroi : « Tous les mots parlent d’une histoire » murmure l’un d’eux avec angoisse. L’auteur, qui a observé ces enfants à l’unité de psychopathologie de l’Enfant et de l’adolescent à l’hôpital Sainte-Anne, s’embarquent ici dans une aventure : celle de relier, grâce à un éclairage analytique, les non-lecteurs et les écrivains. Avec les premiers, elle nous fait comprendre à quelle position psychique il faut accéder, quels renoncements il faut accepter pour apprendre à lire ; avec les seconds (Blanchot, Proust, Sartre, Cixous, Sarraute…), elle parvient à proposer une nouvelle approche à la fois du plaisir de lire et du passage à l’acte d’écriture. Ce livre pourrait avoir comme sous-titre : De l’illettrisme à la littérature. Il raconte comment, à leur insu, les non-lecteurs et les poètes refusent, d’une certaine façon de désintriquer le corps et les mots ; car cette séparation équivaudrait à commettre un meurtre, celui du petit croyant qu’ils sont, qu’ils étaient, à faire mourir Dieu en son paradis : la langue maternelle, le pays natal de l’être.


Didactic presentation of the existentialist drama by Jean-Paul Sartre.

Matthew Bell defends Jean-Paul Sartre against Terri Murray. Murray’s rebuttal of Sartre is undermined by a failure to distinguish two senses of “cowardice” and “homosexuality.” This leads Murray to misinterpret Sartre. When the terms are... more

Matthew Bell defends Jean-Paul Sartre against Terri Murray. Murray’s rebuttal of Sartre is undermined by a failure to distinguish two senses of “cowardice” and “homosexuality.” This leads Murray to misinterpret Sartre. When the terms are carefully disambiguated, Sartre’s point is upheld and shown to apply equally to heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Entrées encyclopédiques sur : Charles Andler, Alfred Bäumler, Georg Brandes, Karl Hillebrand, Karl Jaspers, Ernst Jünger, Henri Lichtenberger, Karl Löwith, la réception initiale de Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georg Simmel, Oswald... more

Entrées encyclopédiques sur : Charles Andler, Alfred Bäumler, Georg Brandes, Karl Hillebrand, Karl Jaspers, Ernst Jünger, Henri Lichtenberger, Karl Löwith, la réception initiale de Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Georg Simmel, Oswald Spengler, Carl Spitteler, Wilhelm Vischer-Bilfinger, Max Weber

2016, University of Chicago Press
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)

This chapter in an edited collection, published by the CNRS, seeks to establish a new critical approach in Beat Studies; taking the form of a conceptual framework foregrounded in the ontological that intermingles French Existentialist... more

This chapter in an edited collection, published by the CNRS, seeks to establish a new critical approach in Beat Studies; taking the form of a conceptual framework foregrounded in the ontological that intermingles French Existentialist theory with the American philosophical and cultural rationale of Beat writing.
In Part 1, the chapter elucidates the great range of definitions for Existentialism in mid-20th century and proceeds by shaping a version of Existentialism that takes into consideration the variety of cultural and literary legacies referenced in Beat texts. Part 2 explores how the American Romantic tradition in particular – heavily referenced in the writings – may be combined with this ontological model; bringing a vertical and transcendental dimension into the conception of a ‘Beat’ Existentialism.

Jean-Paul Sartre nasceu no dia 21 de Junho de 1905 e morreu no dia 15 de Abril de 1980, foi um filósofo, escritor e critico francês. No ano de 1964, Sartre recusou-se a receber o Prémio Nobel da Literatura, era reconhecido pela sua... more

Jean-Paul Sartre nasceu no dia 21 de Junho de 1905 e morreu no dia 15 de Abril de 1980, foi um filósofo, escritor e critico francês. No ano de 1964, Sartre recusou-se a receber o Prémio Nobel da Literatura, era reconhecido pela sua simplicidade e pela sua gentileza, que contradizia com a arrogância dos homens intelectuais franceses.
O Existencialismo é um movimento filosófico que normalmente nos faz remontar ao filósofo oitocentista dinamarquês Søren Kierkegaard. O nome em si foi introduzido por Jean-Paul Sartre, embora a expressão “filosofia da existência” tenha sido usada antes por Karl Jaspers, que pertencia à mesma tradição.
Jean-Paul Sartre definiu o termo “existencialismo” e usou o método fenomenológico para defender a sua tese central de que os seres humanos são essencialmente livres. Sartre argumenta que a consciência é tal (como “ser para si”) que tem sempre a liberdade de escolher (embora não tenha a liberdade de não escolher) e de “negar” as características dadas do mundo.
Segundo o existencialismo de Sartre, o mundo é habitado de "Em si". Podemos entender um Em si como qualquer objeto existente no mundo e que não é nada além daquilo que é.
A consciência humana é um tipo diferente de ser, por possuir conhecimento a seu próprio respeito e a respeito do mundo, é chamada de para si. É o Para si que faz as ligações temporais e funcionais entre os seres Em si, e ao fazer isso, edifica um sentido para o mundo em que vive. O Para si não tem uma essência definida, não é resultado de uma ideia pré-existente. O existencialismo de Sartre desacredita a existência de um criador que tenha prefixado a essência e os fins de cada pessoa. É preciso que o Para si seja, e durante essa existência ele descreve, a cada momento o que é a sua essência. Cada pessoa só tem como essência imutável, aquilo que já viveu.

This essay examines the problems which face the concept of consent, especially as it has come to be understood: the grounding principal of sexual ethics. I argue that, while consent is of import for developing sexual legislation regarding... more

This essay examines the problems which face the concept of consent, especially as it has come to be understood: the grounding principal of sexual ethics. I argue that, while consent is of import for developing sexual legislation regarding assault and harm, it is insufficient to address the complexities of interpersonal sexual ethics. This is demonstrated by showing the inability of consent to address variations of human sexuality. In place of consent, I examine the possibilities held in a relational rethinking of classical autonomy in the form of the feminist project of relational autonomy. However, this option is limited in that it does not adequately address how it is that human beings are in relation with one another, while maintaining a certain kind of autonomy. In order to address this, I turn to the early work of existential-phenomenologist Jean-Paul Sartre to establish a model by which we may be able to understand our autonomy as interwoven with that of the other, including, and perhaps especially, the other(s) with whom we are having sex.

Sartre è stato a lungo considerato come una delle figure più emblematiche del pensiero esistenzialista. Il concetto di esistenzialismo, spesso applicato a autori molto diversi fra loro, rischia tuttavia di occultare la specificità della... more

Sartre è stato a lungo considerato come una delle figure più emblematiche del pensiero esistenzialista. Il concetto di esistenzialismo, spesso applicato a autori molto diversi fra loro, rischia tuttavia di occultare la specificità della sua posizione teorica. La nozione di 'dualismo' (pur essendo a sua volta molto generica) mi sembra più pertinente e feconda se la si prende nel senso di una differenza categoriale fra i principi che reggono la sfera della natura e quelli che governano il campo umano. Di Sartre, in particolare, si è detto, prendendo spunto da un suo breve articolo su Descartes 1 , che la sua filosofia dell'en soi e del pour soi, nonostante una terminologia di derivazione hegeliana, è in realtà una ripresa novecentesca del dualismo cartesiano di anima e corpo. Una simile convergenza fra Sartre e Descartes, se presenta un indubbio interesse per lo storico della filosofia, rischia tuttavia di essere fuorviante a livello teorico, se non è adeguatamente chiarita.

Prompted by Sartre's play, the question arises: what motivates the choice to submit to objectification by another? In this paper I approach the question of why, in the room with the other two, it is Garcin’s gaze that Estelle desires, and... more

Prompted by Sartre's play, the question arises: what motivates the choice to submit to objectification by another? In this paper I approach the question of why, in the room with the other two, it is Garcin’s gaze that Estelle desires, and not Inez’s. In Sartre's discussion of "the Look" from Being and Nothingness, we are given no criteria for differentiating between the Look of the two sexes. To this end I employ a feminist reading, with the help of Simone de Beauvoir, Julien Murphy, and Phyllis Sutton Morris, that can account for the differential power dynamics in the gaze. This reading makes manifest that, contrary to leading interpretations of the play, in No Exit we witness Sartre thinking through this issue of the Look and the power of others to constitute one’s identity in the context of a power dynamic that is uneven: the difference of the sexes.

The question of the purpose of life has been prevalent for ages. Such question usually emerges in early adulthood stage, but it is not limited to this age group. Haruki Murakami's latest short story collection Men Without Women clearly... more

The question of the purpose of life has been prevalent for ages. Such question usually emerges in early adulthood stage, but it is not limited to this age group. Haruki Murakami's latest short story collection Men Without Women clearly depicts this question of the purpose of life as encountered by middle-age male characters. In the framework of alienation and inertia of Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism, this study investigates the ways these alienation and inertia are portrayed in two short stories "Drive My Car" and "Kino" from Murakami's Men Without Women. Using the method of textual analysis, the study found that the characters' 'bad faith' leads them to a crisis. The alienation and inertia emerge from the main characters reaction towards the infidelity committed by their spouses.

This paper concerns with the emotions of a single-player computer game’s player. It identifies a challenge for games research trying to account for player’s experience from the detached and objective ‘scientific’ point-of-view. The paper... more

This paper concerns with the emotions of a single-player computer game’s player. It identifies a challenge for games research trying to account for player’s experience from the detached and objective ‘scientific’ point-of-view. The paper suggests that by looking at gameplay from the player’s perspective, we can describe defining characteristics, based on which inter-subjectively plausible assumptions about player’s emotions could be made. In this paper one such characteristic is identified as the gameplay condition, which is further elaborated in relation to goals in singleplayer games.

Drawing on Sartre’s account of violence, I argue that not only is bad faith inevitable in practice, but a limited bad faith is necessary for authenticity. Although violating the freedom of others is bad faith, it is impossible to never... more

Drawing on Sartre’s account of violence, I argue that not only is bad faith inevitable in practice, but a limited bad faith is necessary for authenticity. Although violating the freedom of others is bad faith, it is impossible to never violate anyone’s freedom. Moreover, and more fundamentally, the ontological structure of the for-itself entails that the for-itself can only be authentic in the mode of not being authentic. Seeking to altogether avoid bad faith is bad faith, for it is an attempt to constitute oneself as essentially authentic, yet the for-itself has no preexisting essence. By recognizing one’s complete responsibility for choosing bad faith, however, one limits one’s bad faith. This limited bad faith is in fact necessary to authenticity, which is a project lived out in concrete situations and not a categorical moral law that forbids bad faith.

In this paper, I explore the experience of shame and its connections to recognition and love as manifested in Shakespeare’s King Lear. My main focus in this paper is the ethical relevance of shame. I start from Sartre’s account of shame... more

In this paper, I explore the experience of shame and its connections to recognition and love as manifested in Shakespeare’s King Lear. My main focus in this paper is the ethical relevance of shame. I start from Sartre’s account of shame in Being and Nothingness, and I consider Webber’s attempt to reformulate it in terms of bad faith. I reject this and propose a way to rethink shame through a study of the workings of recognition in King Lear, following Stanley Cavell’s reading of this tragedy. I claim that the experience of shame has a relational structure, which makes it a crucial part of our ethical sensibilities. My analysis of King Lear brings out this structure and underlines the ethical significance of shame at this structural level, by highlighting its connection to recognition and love.

The purpose of this brief paper is to elucidate the concept of the person as a member of a communal or civil society. It will try to answer the question as to what makes a person a person, and the corollary question as to how the person... more

The purpose of this brief paper is to elucidate the concept of the person as a member of a communal or civil society. It will try to answer the question as to what makes a person a person, and the corollary question as to how the person should be related to communal society.

An interview with Ron Aronson, one of the leading Sartre scholars in the English-speaking world, about his book Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel That Ended It (2004). This interview originally took place as a... more

An interview with Ron Aronson, one of the leading Sartre scholars in the English-speaking world, about his book Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel That Ended It (2004). This interview originally took place as a public conversation at the (late) Left of Center Bookstore in Chicago and was transcribed and published in the Winter 2005 issue of Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture.

This is a Sample Extract from Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death', the Kerr translation revised and edited by Edouard d'Araille. Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death' is an extended essay philosophical essay on the... more

This is a Sample Extract from Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death', the Kerr translation revised and edited by Edouard d'Araille. Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death' is an extended essay philosophical essay on the nature of Death by a key Existentialist Philosopher who died in a German concentration camp. Part of the group embracing Sartre, Camus and de Beauvoir, Landsberg's essay is worth readin alongside the sections on death from Martin Heidegger's 'Being and Time' ('Sein und Zeit'). It is perhaps the most impactful analysis of death by any of the existentialist philosopher if not by all known authors. This extract includes a page which providesd more biographical information on Landsberg and a brief bibliography of his most significant works. The very first chapter from this essay is included in this sample. The actual essay (as published) is followed by an equally trenchant essay on the nature of suicide. Landsberg approaches his subject from the Christian point-of-view as well as that of a secular existentialist. He was himself a Christian yet he did not force this belief upon readers through his writing. A book that makes a deep impact upon anyone who dares to accompany the author on his dark yet exciting exploration of the ultimate 'end'.

De strekking van de emotie schaamte is bij Max Scheler positief. Bij Sartre negatief. Waar de relatie met de gemeenschap bij Scheler juist deel uit maakt van het persoon zijn, is deze bij Sartre problematisch. Bij Sartre bedreigt... more

De strekking van de emotie schaamte is bij Max Scheler positief. Bij Sartre negatief. Waar de relatie met de gemeenschap bij Scheler juist deel uit maakt van het persoon zijn, is deze bij Sartre problematisch. Bij Sartre bedreigt schaamte de individuele vrijheid, bij Scheler beschermt schaamte de persoon tegen het volledig opgeslokt worden door zijn gemeenschap.

Complete Story of 'The Abyss' from this anthology of ten short stories by Russian master of this genre - Leonid Andreyev. It is a dark and intense work of Expressionist Russian Litareature which at the same time falls in the bracket of... more

Complete Story of 'The Abyss' from this anthology of ten short stories by Russian master of this genre - Leonid Andreyev. It is a dark and intense work of Expressionist Russian Litareature which at the same time falls in the bracket of Popular Fiction. For at the time, Leonid Andreyev really was the equivalent of a Stephen King or Dan Brown in terms of his popularity in Russia. He may not be a familiar name to everyone now but during his life he was as celebrated as Maxim Gorky and Leo Tolstoy. He was a bestselling novelist who at the same time expressed his extreme political views through his fiction. Andreyev's novels are partly forgotten today but due to some excellent translations, many of which have been pulled together in the work from which this extract has been taken, his short stories live on. There is a separate download on this page where you can access the brief biographical essay on this Russian fiction-writer that I have written to the volume 'The Abyss and Other Stories'. This translation from the Russian has been revised and re-edited by Edouard d'Araille. I have included a photo-portrait of Andreyev after the story.

Resumo: Das querelas de Sartre e Merleau-Ponty, delimitaremos a nadificação ontológica, contrastando-a ao projeto de uma consciência encarnada que não só atualiza a distinção entre "em-si" e "para-si", mas encontra na percepção uma via... more

Resumo: Das querelas de Sartre e Merleau-Ponty, delimitaremos a nadificação ontológica, contrastando-a ao projeto de uma consciência encarnada que não só atualiza a distinção entre "em-si" e "para-si", mas encontra na percepção uma via pela qual as atitudes deliberativas são codependentes. Posto o problema da intencionalidade, para Sartre a consciência, além de suscitar um acesso ao Ser (ontologia), só pode ser o que é enquanto for consciência livre e posicional de algo. Vazia, ela é o "para-si" que, perante a realidade objetiva, possui um poder nulificante. Diante do Ser, ela é o Nada: o não-ser, o vazio, a liberdade que surge da negação do em-si quando, por atos interrogativos, transforma seu agir mundano em escolha existencial. Assim, ontologicamente falando, a consciência tanto dá significação ao ser enquanto objeto, quanto tende a tornar-se o único princípio constituinte do mundo; ideia esta que Merleau-Ponty atualiza. Com efeito, visto que o corpo é veículo de ser-no-mundo, em Merleau-Ponty o homem não é nem coisa, nem consciência puros. Aquém da dualidade do "em-si" e do "para-si", delimita-se aqui a soberania da consciência sartriana para, disto, indicar um horizonte pelo qual os posicionamentos téticos expressam engajamentos de ser coabitados por outrem. Sensível entre sensíveis, o homem não é pura negatividade, mas dimensão que, encarnada, não se distancia de si para dizer sobre si ou projetar-se entre as coisas. Portanto, enquanto Sartre nos condena à vacuidade da consciência, Merleau-Ponty o atualiza, sugerindo: se, fenomenologicamente, Sartre suscita o inacabamento necessário à existência humana, metafisicamente, toma a mundaneidade como resultado de um ato deliberativo. Alegando que a consciência encarnada está sempre em situação, Merleau-Ponty assegura que somos concomitantemente autônomos e determinados, visto que nossa conduta só existe pelos olhos de outrem.

Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) é um dos maiores filósofos da segunda metade do século XX. Autor de uma obra gigantesca, o seu estilo sinuoso não parece conter nenhuma tese fundamental, ainda que se ramifique por entre temas tão diversos tais... more

Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) é um dos maiores filósofos da segunda metade do século XX. Autor de uma obra gigantesca, o seu estilo sinuoso não parece conter nenhuma tese fundamental, ainda que se ramifique por entre temas tão diversos tais como a metaforologia, o desenvolvimento da racionalidade científica, o historicismo ou as fragilidades da fenomenologia. O pensamento blumenberguiano manifesta o esforço mais radical para pensar o falhanço de qualquer forma de metafísica, o fracasso de todos os absolutismos: ontológicos, teológicos, científicos e de qualquer realismo. Entre as ruínas da metafísica, este lúcido herdeiro do Iluminismo dedica-se ao paciente trabalho de devolver à razão uma margem de manobra face aos absolutismos que escondem o carácter contingente do sóbrio trabalho de uma razão que se assume como finita. E se a nossa circunstância é o horizonte de uma Modernidade inultrapassável, a nossa situação apela para a reactivação possível do projecto kantiano: o de uma radical antropologia filosófica.

El existencialismo es un humanismo es el texto taquigrafiado, apenas retocado por Sartre, de una conferencia que dio en París el lunes 29 de octubre de 1945 a petición del club Maintenant, creado tras la Liberación por Jacques Calmy y... more

El existencialismo es un humanismo es el texto taquigrafiado, apenas retocado por Sartre, de una conferencia que dio en París el lunes 29 de octubre de 1945 a petición del club Maintenant, creado tras la Liberación por Jacques Calmy y Marc Beigbeder con un propósito de «animación literaria e intelectual»; se publicó el año siguiente en Éditions Nagel. ¿Por qué tiene interés el autor de El ser y la nada en convencer del humanismo de su doctrina?

The sartrean autobiographical text The Words may be read as a testament that paradoxically establishes the silence through the excessive word. Sartre says when he does not utter, silences when he speaks and, through the dialectal... more

The sartrean autobiographical text The Words may be read as a testament that paradoxically establishes the silence through the excessive word. Sartre says when he does not utter, silences when he speaks and, through the dialectal articulation that he establishes between uttering and silencing, offers us a truly original autobiographical form.

Embora nunca tenha escrito um livro sobre o assunto, Jean-Paul Sartre é comumente tido como um filósofo moral, possivelmente por conta da conferência, O existencialismo é um humanismo, pela qual fez não apenas uma defesa do... more

Embora nunca tenha escrito um livro sobre o assunto, Jean-Paul Sartre é comumente tido como um filósofo moral, possivelmente por conta da conferência, O existencialismo é um humanismo, pela qual fez não apenas uma defesa do existencialismo contra as objeções que lhe logravam má-fama como, também, pela qual popularizou suas próprias noções sobre o indivíduo existente, e como este indivíduo, condenado à liberdade, não está verdadeiramente livre de responsabilidade. No presente texto, traçaremos um caminho em vistas de explorar alguns conceitos-chave em Sartre que fundamentam sua percepção sobre a liberdade, e buscaremos entender como os pilares de seu raciocínio fenomenológico desembocam numa consequente conscientização do indivíduo sobre sua própria condição, da qual fugir por um ato de má-fé seria o mesmo que fugir da própria responsabilidade frente ao mundo, a qual se faz causa de angústia porém justifica o agir moral de um sujeito que, à primeira vista, parece ser livre para fazer o que quer. Em suma, veremos que a liberdade radical de Sartre não é tão radical assim, e por isso mesmo concilia-se com uma abordagem ética, que em sentido principiológico tomaremos como estando exposta em seu conceito de responsabilidade.
Although has never written a book on the subject, Jean-Paul Sartre is commonly regarded as a moral philosopher, possibly because of his conference The existentialism is a humanism by which he made not only a defense of existentialism against objections that gave to this philosophy a bad fame, as well as by which he popularized his own notions about the existing individual, and how this individual, condemned to freedom, is not truly free of responsibility. In the present paper we will trace a way to explore some key concepts in Sartre that base their perception on freedom, and we will try to understand how the pillars of their phenomenological reasoning result in a consequent awareness of the individual about his own condition, from which to flee for an act of bad faith would be the same as evading one's own responsibility to the world, which causes anguish but justifies the moral action of a subject who at first sight seems free to do what he wants. In short, we will see that Sartre's radical freedom is not so radical, and for that reason Sartre conciliates her with an ethical approach, which in a principiological sense we will take as being exposed in his concept of responsibility.

Il concetto di storia come storia contemporanea è una tematica che attraversa tutto il pensiero di Benedetto Croce in modo trasversale. In questa mia breve riflessione cercherò di esporre, nel modopiù semplice possibile, cercando di... more

Il concetto di storia come storia contemporanea è una tematica che attraversa tutto il pensiero di Benedetto Croce in modo trasversale. In questa mia breve riflessione cercherò di esporre, nel modopiù semplice possibile, cercando di rimanere fedele ai testi che ho analizzato, come egli venga apresentare questo concetto, e le inevitabili implicazioni che possiamo ricondurre ad esso.

Le 6 novembre 1973, l'avocat et sénateur italien Lelio Basso jette à Bruxelles les bases du Tribunal Russell II sur la répression au Brésil, au Chili et en Amérique latine. Dans la lignée du Tribunal Russell sur les crimes américains au... more

Le 6 novembre 1973, l'avocat et sénateur italien Lelio Basso jette à Bruxelles les bases du Tribunal Russell II sur la répression au Brésil, au Chili et en Amérique latine. Dans la lignée du Tribunal Russell sur les crimes américains au Vietnam (1964), le Tribunal Russell II rassemble des intellectuels du monde entier, scientifiques, universitaires, juristes, écrivains, leaders politiques ou syndicaux et se donne pour objectif de collecter les témoignages et d'apporter les preuves des exactions et violations des droits de l'homme commises par les régimes dictatoriaux d'Amérique latine. Théâtre d'un type d'investissement intellectuel encore peu étudié par les historiens 1 , le Tribunal Russell II constitue un observatoire idéal pour examiner la

Una ricognizione sul tema dell'eroe assurdo, quale emerge da alcune figure letterarie create da scrittori-filosofi come Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre e Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. Diverse le sfumature e diversa l'attitudine nei confronti... more

Una ricognizione sul tema dell'eroe assurdo, quale emerge da alcune figure letterarie create da scrittori-filosofi come Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre e Pierre Drieu La Rochelle. Diverse le sfumature e diversa l'attitudine nei confronti del nichilismo che attanaglia la condizione umana secondo l'esistenzialismo francese, corrente filosofica e letteraria maturata fra anni Trenta e anni Quaranta del Novecento. A latere rispetto a questa galassia filosofico-letteraria francofona, spunti per una risposta efficace al nichilismo provengono dal grande pensatore spagnolo José Ortega y Gasset.

Many elements would seem to reveal a conflict between the sartrian existentialist philosophy and stoicism, however, the often made references by Sartre to the Stoics, and the "stoic" attitude he even says he adopts at the time of the... more

Many elements would seem to reveal a conflict between the sartrian existentialist
philosophy and stoicism, however, the often made references by Sartre to the Stoics, and
the "stoic" attitude he even says he adopts at the time of the mobilization (in 1939), attest to a real influence, in regards to his moral – and this path remains to elucidate. The two unfinished
writings framing L’Être et le Néant [Being and Nothingness] can, thus, deliver important
information about two different types of links to Stoicism on the philosophical problem of
responsibility, that Sartre binds with the problem of commitment.

RESUMEN: En el presente trabajo se trata el problema de la vivencia emocional, se indaga la naturaleza de la conciencia emotiva, es decir, la conciencia de la emoción desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, siguiendo principalmente el... more

En el presente trabajo se trata el problema de la vivencia emocional, se indaga la naturaleza de la conciencia emotiva, es decir, la conciencia de la emoción desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, siguiendo principalmente el pensamiento de Sartre en su obra “Bosquejo de una teoría de las emociones”, obra sigue la tradición fenomenológica de Husserl, haciendo énfasis en las contradicciones en que incurre la teoría psicoanalítica. Se busca evidenciar cómo la conciencia emocional es ante todo conciencia del mundo.
VÁSQUEZ ROCCA, Adolfo, “Sartre; Teoría fenomenológica de las emociones y conciencia posicional del mundo”, En Revista NÓMADAS. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
| Nº 36 (2012. 4)
Dr. Adolfo Vásquez Rocca

Published in 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre's autobiography provides an extraordinary sample of the secular intellectual religion, which spread in Europe after the Romantic age and transformed writers in a sort of saints and prophets. Les Mots is... more

Published in 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre's autobiography provides an extraordinary sample of the secular intellectual religion, which spread in Europe after the Romantic age and transformed writers in a sort of saints and prophets. Les Mots is the description of a literary " vocation " that maintains all the typical traits of its mystical model, but testifies a new laic faith and a new spiritual power. Rereading the text and highlighting its religious vocabulary, this article uses some historical-critical, sociological and anthropological tools to interpret Sartre's Les Mots as the product of a wider tradition, the meeting point for individual and history.

This essay examines the role of fear in J.P. Sartre's Nausea (1938) not as the consequence, but as the primary cause of the sufferings experienced by Antoine Roquentin, the protagonist of the novel. By investigating the theoretical origin... more

This essay examines the role of fear in J.P. Sartre's Nausea (1938) not as the consequence, but as the primary cause of the sufferings experienced by Antoine Roquentin, the protagonist of the novel. By investigating the theoretical origin and development of the protagonist's fear, we find out that it arises in two different moments: firstly, through the great effort of writing about himself and the Marquis de Rollebon; secondly, through the sugary perception of his body. By analyzing the relationship between Nausea and Sartre's critical argumentations about some of the major topics, such as autobiography and body, this essay shows how Antoine realizes that his own existence is the real cause of his Nausea. In this process, the infl uence of Husserl's phenomenology is undeniable, because Antoine will not discover the truth by means of an introspective analysis, but only by observing the absurd existence of things, especially of a chestnut root.