Manpower Planning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona... more

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona virus COVID-19 is a large task for the human being as well as the government. This paper is focusing tool for prediction of corona virus infection with a markov chain model. Markov chain model had been used to predict the corona virus (COVID-10) based at the secondary data as on 13 th March 2020. The 1 st order markov models had been used to predict the impact of corona virus using probability matrices and Monte Carlo simulation. To present the applications of this model, 2020 corona virus pandemic in India by country and union territory become used as a case study. It will be useful for prediction of the corona virus COVID-19 in destiny.

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona... more

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona virus COVID-19 is a large task for the human being as well as the government. This paper is focusing tool for prediction of corona virus infection with a markov chain model. Markov chain model had been used to predict the corona virus (COVID-10) based at the secondary data as on 13 th March 2020. The 1 st order markov models had been used to predict the impact of corona virus using probability matrices and Monte Carlo simulation. To present the applications of this model, 2020 corona virus pandemic in India by country and union territory become used as a case study. It will be useful for prediction of the corona virus COVID-19 in destiny.

Aircraft Maintenance is a combination of complicated tasks that ensures the safety of the technicians, airworthiness of the aircraft as well as the safety of the passengers where the workload is subdivide as base and line maintenance.... more

Aircraft Maintenance is a combination of complicated tasks that ensures the safety of the technicians, airworthiness of the aircraft as well as the safety of the passengers where the workload is subdivide as base and line maintenance. Traditionally, the prearrangement of the maintenance manpower supply in accordance with the scheduled maintenance tasks is been based on staff experience and been performed manually which is time-consuming as well as an ineffective criterion. Therefore, formulating an optimized framework with the purpose of allocating the right amount of workforce in the right combination of skills and experience levels to eradicate any shortfalls or surpluses is essential for the continuation of efficient and effective maintenance in any organization. Hence, this research mainly aims at devising of a manpower-planning model for the aircraft maintenance industry. Sri Lanka Air Force and Sri Lankan airlines that are the predominant aviation operators of the country reviewed as case studies in identifying the correlation between maintenance manpower requirement with respect to aircraft flying hour demands. In order to ascertain intended outcome, interdependency between an aircraft total maintenance deployment, its operational flying ratio would have identified, and subsequently the maintenance friendliness factor for the individual aircraft type would have determined. The ultimate result of this research would provide a solid framework to eradicate disparities between the current available and the actual required manpower quantities for maintenance events. Moreover, the proposed model would facilitate the aviation industry in solving capacity-planning issues related to manpower scheduling and requirement, and to find feasible roistering and task scheduling of shift workers that minimize peak fatigue while satisfying their days off demands.

This project is based on an agricultural model used for ploughing and dropping seeds into the ploughed land using a robot which is controlled via Wi-Fi module and helps in making an interconnection between the user and the robot allowing... more

This project is based on an agricultural model used for ploughing and dropping seeds into the ploughed land using a robot which is controlled via Wi-Fi module and helps in making an interconnection between the user and the robot allowing him to control over very large distances using IoT enabled devices and wireless smart automation of sensors and actuators in the agricultural field as is the only solution to overcome the scarcity of labor in the agriculture sector as mentioned using IoT (Internet of Things). These IoT enabled devices are used in Ploughing, Seeding, and many other applications controlled through the Internet.

Civil Engineer by profession married a daughter of a famous hotelier family. Over the years, he helped to build the finest hotels on the Indian landscape using his skills and talent that he honed over the years. He learnt the minute... more

Civil Engineer by profession married a daughter of a famous hotelier family. Over the years, he helped to build the finest hotels on the Indian landscape using his skills and talent that he honed over the years. He learnt the minute intricacies of the job of building hotels and running them successfully. However, he subsequently realized later in life that he does not own any thing-in spite of what he has done over the past decades in life. This realization was an awakening call for him to do some thing for him self. However, he knew that building hotels was not a piece of cake. He also realized that It takes lots of money-skills and guts were not a problem for him to establish a hotel chain or a single hotel for the matter of fact.

This paper reviews Population Regulation Technology to check population growth rate in relation to levels of education in Gwagwalada town, FCT, Nigeria. This is achieved by investigating the methods and the determinant of Population... more

This paper reviews Population Regulation Technology to check population growth rate in relation to levels of education in Gwagwalada town, FCT, Nigeria. This is achieved by investigating the methods and the determinant of Population Regulation Technology and by determining sources of Population Regulation Technology among residence wards. This is because the people in the study area need to be informed on the health and economic benefits of PRT for sustainable development. This will curtail unintended pregnancy among women of Child bearing age that led to increase in population, children abandonment and child abuse in the area. Systematic sampling was however employed to administer six hundred questionnaires in the study area to select couples to sample their views on PRT issues. Information gathered was analysed and compared with both national and international expectation with a view to account for the associated PRT problems in the town. The result shows that education motivates couples to take joint decision on PRT to reduce number of children to be born for sustainable development. When couples have a good perception of PRT, they are likely to adopt a method to space children to be born for sustainable development. Hence, education has influence on the sources of PRT and the patronage of PRT service providers in Gwagwalada wards.

The Latin Square Design is one of the maximum essential designs used in lots of experimentation. It gives greater possibility than Complete Randomized Design and Randomized Block Design for the Reduction of experimental mistakes through... more

The Latin Square Design is one of the maximum essential designs used in lots of experimentation. It gives greater possibility than Complete Randomized Design and Randomized Block Design for the Reduction of experimental mistakes through skilful planning. In this examine, we're discussing approximately the mathematical houses of Latin squares layout and the utility of Latin squares in experimental layout.The examiner confirmed that there has been a large distinction amongst 4 styles of visitors violation for avenue accidents. And we are discussing approximately which visitor’s violation reason greater accidents. Next, we use Minitab statistical software program to calculate the ANOVA table to find the significant level.
Keywords: Road Accident, Latin Square Design, traffic violation, Minitab software

Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir memiliki beraneka ragam mata pencaarian salah satunya adalah bertani, di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir telah dibentuk kelompok tani salah satunya adalah Kelompok tani Sari Buah dan Kelompok Tani lading Sari yang... more

Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir memiliki beraneka ragam mata pencaarian salah satunya adalah bertani, di Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir telah dibentuk kelompok tani salah satunya adalah Kelompok tani Sari Buah dan Kelompok Tani lading Sari yang memiliki beragam usaha seperti pembuatan kerupuk namun produk yang dihasilkan selama ini tidak dikemas dengan baik sehingga sulit menembus pasar yang lebi luas lagi. Tujuan dari diadakannya IPTEKS bagi masyarakat ini adalah diharapkan produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok tani mampu bersaing dipasaran sehingga tidak ada lagi produk primer yang dijual dipasar dengan harga yang relatif murah. Dengan adanya diversifikasi produk diharapkan akan munculnya pengusaha baru yang tentunya dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi masyarkat setempat. Dengan adanya program IPTEKS ini akan muncul produk lain yang memiliki nilai jual lebih tinggi karena sudah diberi kemasan yang lebih elegan sehingga menarik bagi konsumen. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah agar kelompok mitra dan masyarakat bisa lebih kreatif dan inovatif untuk menghasilkan beraneka produk kerupuk aneka rasa dan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga serta mampu meningkatkan nilai jual dari produk kerupuk yang hasilkan dan produk yang hasilkan oleh mitra dapat masuk ke supermarket dan untuk jangka panjang bisa di eksport dengan kemasan yang menarik dalam bentuk alumunium voil dilengkapi dengan PIRT untuk tiap produk yang dihasilkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan pelatihan, penyuluhan tentang pentingnya manajemen usaha bagi tiap usaha yang dijalani oleh kelompok mitra dan membuat desain kemasan bagi produk yang hasilkan agar dapat bersaing dan dikenal banyak orang serta mengurus PIRT agar produk dapat masuk ke supermarket. Juga memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan bagaimana memasarkan produk yang sudah dihasilkan, disamping itu para kelompok tani dan masyarakat juga diajarkan bagaimana cara membuat aneka produk agar ada variasi produk yang hasilkan. Untuk produk yang sudah lama dihasilkan oleh masyarakat atau kelompok tani tersebut namun sulit bersaing di pasaran maka metode yang digunakan adalah bagaimana membuat penampilan dari produk tersebut menjadi lebih menarik sehingga memiliki ciri khass tertentu yang membuat orang ingin mencobanya.

Manpower Planning atau biasa disebut Human Resource Planning merupakan suatu langkah menempatkan seseorang dengan keahlian yang tepat, dengan jumlah yang tepat, dan pada posisi yang tepat untuk menunjang tercapainya tujuan suatu... more

Manpower Planning atau biasa disebut Human Resource Planning merupakan suatu langkah menempatkan seseorang dengan keahlian yang tepat, dengan jumlah yang tepat, dan pada posisi yang tepat untuk menunjang tercapainya tujuan suatu organisasi (Dessler,1999; Noe, 2003;Gazperz, 2004). Manpower planning bertujuan mengorganisasi SDM agar dipenuhi oleh individu yang tepat, di tempat yang tepat, pada waktu yang tepat, dan pada jabatan yang tepat (the right man, one the right place, at the right time, and one the right job)

Για λόγους που βρίσκονται περά από το στενό αντικείμενο αυτής της μελέτης η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων έδειξε κατά τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια έναν εξαιρετικό δυναμισμό ο όποιος την οδήγησε στην κορυφή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας εκθρονίζοντας... more

Για λόγους που βρίσκονται περά από το στενό αντικείμενο αυτής της μελέτης η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων έδειξε κατά τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια έναν εξαιρετικό δυναμισμό ο όποιος την οδήγησε στην κορυφή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας εκθρονίζοντας άλλες μεγάλες ναυτικές δυνάμεις. Στο διάστημα αυτό παρέμεινε σταθερά στην πρώτη θέση της κοινοτικής εμπορικής ναυτιλίας και η αδιαμφισβήτητη πρωτοκαθεδρία της απέκτησε μεγαλύτερη διαχειριστική ευχέρεια στα όργανα της ΕΕ μετά την ένταξη της Κύπρου και της Μάλτας.
Η θριαμβευτική πορεία στον τομέα της αύξησης χωρητικότητας και αριθμού πλοίων συνοδεύτηκε από μια πτωτική τάση στις τάξεις των Ελλήνων αξιωματικών με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούνται προβλήματα στενότητας στην επάνδρωση των πλοίων. Η δυσκολία ανεύρεσης πλοιάρχων και μηχανικών αναφέρεται σε κάθε δημόσια εκδήλωση και ο ανταγωνισμός των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών για την προσέλκυση αξιωματικών αντανακλάται σε κάθε έκδοση ναυτιλιακού έντυπου.
Στην παγκόσμια αγορά εργασίας, συμφώνα με την ετήσια μελέτη της BIMCO/ISF (2010) η πρόσφορα ναυτικών υστερεί της ζήτησης κατά 13,000 αξιωματικούς, η 2%. Η έλλειψη Ελλήνων αξιωματικών για την κάλυψη θέσεων στα ποντοπόρα κυρίως πλοία είναι η κυρία αίτια ανάσχεσης της πορείας της Ελληνικής σημαίας η όποια προβλέπει ένα ελάχιστο αριθμό Ελλήνων αξιωματικών στην οργανική σύνθεση. Η κατάσταση στενότητας αναμένεται να επιδεινωθεί τα αμέσως επόμενα χρόνια ως αποτέλεσμα της παράδοσης μεγάλου αριθμού πλοίων από τα ναυπηγεία από την μια πλευρά, αλλά και λογω δυσλειτουργιών στη δημόσια ναυτική εκπαίδευση.
Το Ναυτικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδος εκπροσωπώντας όλους τους κλάδους της Ελληνικής ναυτιλίας έλαβε την απόφαση να εξεταστούν αναλυτικά οι παράμετροι αυτής της κατάστασης ώστε να διευκολυνθεί η ανάληψη διορθωτικών μέτρων από τους αρμοδίους φορείς.

A. Definisi Manpower Planning (Human Resource) • Perencanaan sumber daya manusia atau perencanaan tenaga kerja didefinisikan sebagai proses menentukan kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan berarti mempertemukan kebutuhan tersebut agar pelaksanaannya... more

A. Definisi Manpower Planning (Human Resource)
• Perencanaan sumber daya manusia atau perencanaan tenaga kerja didefinisikan sebagai proses menentukan kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan berarti mempertemukan kebutuhan tersebut agar pelaksanaannya dapat berintegrasi dengan baik (Mangkunegara, 2011).

Sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan haruslah diatur sedemikian rupa, baik dari berbagai sisi cara. Sumber daya yang ada, termasuk manusia pun harus direncanakan dengan baik. Kesalahan dan kekeliruan yang terjadi dalam perencanaan alokasi... more

Sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan haruslah diatur sedemikian rupa, baik dari berbagai sisi cara. Sumber daya yang ada, termasuk manusia pun harus direncanakan dengan baik. Kesalahan dan kekeliruan yang terjadi dalam perencanaan alokasi karyawan akan menjadi bencana bagi perusahaan atau organisasi. Maka dari itu itu dibutuhkan sebuah proses yang disebut Man Power Planning (MPP). Man Power Planning (MPP) merupakan suatu proses dan rencana kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana organisasi atau perusahaan mengukur ketersediaan dan kebutuhan akan sumber daya manusia pada masa yang akan datang.

Abstrak: Talent Management (Manajemen Talenta) adalah hal yang tak luput diperhatikan oleh organisasi pada hari ini ketika menjalankan agenda transformasi. Organisasi yang ideal adalah organisasi yang telah menetapkan manajemen tenaga... more

Abstrak: Talent Management (Manajemen Talenta) adalah hal yang tak luput diperhatikan oleh organisasi pada hari ini ketika menjalankan agenda transformasi. Organisasi yang ideal adalah organisasi yang telah menetapkan manajemen tenaga kerja dengan baik. Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang diselaraskan dengan kinerja dan kebutuhan bisnis, pemberian remunerasi yang layak dan kompetitif, peramalan akan kebutuhan tenaga kerja di masa mendatang, serta menyiapkan suksesi kepemimpinan pada masa yang akan datang merupakan bagian dari manajemen bakat yang terpadu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan manajemen tenaga kerja yang berlaku pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan Badan Usaha Milik Swasta jika dibandingkan dengan studi literatur yang ada. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa manajemen tenaga kerja pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara lebih baik dibandingkan manajemen tenaga kerja pada Badan Usaha Milik Swasta. Abstract: Talent management is something that organizations don't miss today when executing a transformation agenda. An ideal organization is an organization that has established good workforce management. Managing human resources that is aligned with performance and business needs, providing appropriate and competitive remuneration, forecasting future workforce needs, and preparing future leadership successions are part of an integrated talent management. This study aims to analyze the implementation of workforce management that applies to State-Owned Enterprises and Private-Owned Enterprises when compared with existing literature studies. Based on the analysis, it is known that the workforce management at State-Owned Enterprises is better than the workforce management at Private-Owned Enterprises.

For purposes of "manpower development", postcolonial Tanzania detached students to universities around the world, including capitalist and communist countries such as East and West Germany. Based on archival research and interviews, this... more

For purposes of "manpower development", postcolonial Tanzania detached students to universities around the world, including capitalist and communist countries such as East and West Germany. Based on archival research and interviews, this book chapter discusses the conjuncture of scholarships, selection mechanisms, experiences of Tanzanian students in the two German states and how they pursued their own interests also by crossing the Iron Curtain.

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are fifty-nine scheduled banks including forty-eight private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the... more

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are fifty-nine scheduled banks including forty-eight private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of the central bank of Bangladesh-Bangladesh Bank. There is a paramount importance of manpower planning of these commercial banks for achieving competitive advantage, banks' strategic objectives and keeping this sector stable in the economy. The basic function of manpower planning in a bank is to identify the future needs and availability of human resources along with the skills required to perform bank's activities to achieve their strategic goals. Hence, this paper aims at evaluating the effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the private banks in Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 206 employees of different levels of commercial banks of Bangladesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present manpower planning practices of the commercial banking sector of Bangladesh. Inferential statistics like factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to identify the relationships between the manpower planning practices and the factors that are concerned with effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Results show that Delphi technique and skill inventory practices and key position auditing techniques are the significant manpower planning techniques of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Factors like timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan are also significantly related to the overall effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. This study suggests that the policymakers of the banks of Bangladesh should give importance on timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, providing adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan in order to bring effectiveness of manpower planning practices in the commercial banks of Bangladesh. The policymakers also should adopt Delphi technique and skill inventory practices, and key position auditing techniques in order to make manpower planning more effective in the banks. Keywords: Manpower planning, Delphi Technique, job turnover, comprehensive recruitment plan, key position auditing. Background The economy of any country primarily depends on the stability of the financial sector where bank is the most prominent sub-sector. In Bangladesh, banking industry is an important and stable financial sector compared to other sectors of the country. But the stability of this sector substantially depends on the efficiency of the employees work over there. An effective manpower planning can only make sure the stability of this sector as it identifies the future needs and availability of human resources and their skills requirements. Manpower planning can contribute to the success of the banks by controlling major costs such as, salary, administrative and other costs. To ensure the organizational strategic goal, banks must have clear manpower planning that clearly will foster the internal and external fit. Therefore, there is a paramount importance of manpower planning in the banking industry of Bangladesh for the achievement of goals of the banks and the stability of the economy of the country. Hence, this study aims at measuring the effectiveness of manpower planning practices in the private commercial banks of Bangladesh. Study shows that the manpower planning specifically focuses on selecting the employee for the organization and not for a specific job. The new emerging model focuses on the fact that the employees who are going to be selected must fit not only with the jobs requirements but also with the organization's overall performance and culture (Bowen et al., 1991). Different key human resource drivers pursuing the accomplishment of strategic organizational goals in this regard are employee motivation, loyalty, commitment, satisfaction, citizenship behavior and productivity. These factors can be affected by reliable, integrated and corresponding set of manpower planning procedures and practices (Ali, Ahmad & Iqbal, 2012). Manpower planning in banks refers to present and future human resource needs in order to attain the bank's objectives. It is also to serve as a connection between HRM and the bank's overall strategic plan.

This paper explores perceived gaps between corporate needs and the availability of skills and attributes among the talent pool of the Malaysian services sector. In Phase I of the study, 169 human resource managers from service companies... more

This paper explores perceived gaps between corporate needs and the availability of skills and attributes among the talent pool of the Malaysian services sector. In Phase I of the study, 169 human resource managers from service companies were surveyed. They were asked to indicate (1) the importance of skills, competencies and characteristics for the service workforce, and (2) the ease of recruiting those with such work skills and talents. In Phase II, focus group sessions and interviews were conducted with 37 Malaysian managers, yielding a qualitative summary of industry needs and talent pool shortages. Findings indicated a gap between industry needs and the availability of important competencies within the pool of prospective workers. Individuals with competencies in communication, information technology and customer relationship management, and those with high motivation and career commitment were most sought by service industry employers.

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of... more

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of Bangladesh Bank. There is a paramount importance of manpower planning in these commercial banks for achieving competitive advantage and banks' strategic objectives. The basic function of manpower planning in a bank is to identify the future needs and availability of human resources along with the skills required to perform bank's activities to achieve their strategic goals. Hence, this paper aims at evaluating the impact of manpower planning in the banks' overall performance of Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 206 employees of different levels of the commercial banks of Bangladesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present manpower planning practices of the commercial banking sector in Bangladesh. Inferential statistics like factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to identify the relationships between the manpower planning practices and the factors that are concerned with effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Results show that Delphi technique and skill inventory practices and key position auditing techniques are the significant manpower planning of the banks. Factors like timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan are significantly related to the overall manpower planning effectiveness of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. This study suggests that the policymakers of the commercial banks of Bangladesh should give importance on timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, providing adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan in order to bring effectiveness of manpower planning of the banks.

In the human resource management Manpower had been a significant role for the business. Currently, human resources especially administrative tasks have been affected by the selection for an industry business model. The HR manager will be... more

In the human resource management Manpower had been a significant role for the business. Currently, human resources especially administrative tasks have been affected by the selection for an industry business model. The HR manager will be given their best to achieve their goals. The aim of this paper is, to find the steady state of crisis and steady state of probabilities for the manpower with different conditions with full and nil level of business. The basic assumptions and their model have been given based on the transition probabilities with different parameters.

Air quality has been a vital role for the environmental sustainability. In many cities has enhanced air quality over the past few years. Air quality creates an instant threat; particularly an improtant problems like acid rain, global... more

Air quality has been a vital role for the environmental sustainability. In many cities has enhanced air quality over the past few years. Air quality creates an instant threat; particularly an improtant problems like acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion. The air polltion causes various health problem and environmental issues. In this paper, a detailed study on one an important key factor named air quality and air pollution is taken for this study. Also, It has been carried out based on air pollution during pre pandemic and in te lockdown period COVID-19 in Manali area, Chennai city, Tamilnadu State. The significant study of air quality and the comparision of its performance the statistical measures like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Descriptive statistics and Cumulative percent were used.

In this study we investigate the problem of assigning tasks to operators in a facility characterized by longitudinal parallel machines such as in a shop floor served by an overhead travelling crane. Given a master production schedule (MPS)... more

In this study we investigate the problem of assigning tasks to operators in a facility characterized by longitudinal parallel machines such as in a shop floor served by an overhead travelling crane. Given a master production schedule (MPS) the objective is to assign all the jobs scheduled on the machines (i.e., the tasks) to the operators in order to fill to capacity the available workforce minimizing the distance between operators and tasks. In the model we assume that one task, i.e., a particular production job processed by a particular machine, must be entirely completed by a single operator. Different levels of automation of the machines are considered, from manual machines that require a permanent employee to highly-automated machines where a single operator can oversee several machines. During the setup time or repair time of a machine the operator is considered free to operate on the remaining tasks assigned to him, if any. On the basis of the MPS the number of operators is pre-defined in the long-term planning horizon taking in consideration a fixed mean transfer time between the tasks, that are the different production jobs on different machines. This value has a huge uncertainty because it is highly influenced by the tasks allocation. In fact a simultaneous multiple allocation means a continuous back and forth of the operator between his assigned machines. The objective of the model is the maximization of the operators utilization through minimizing the operator-task distances. The backlogged work is not admitted, therefore each day is independent of the other days, so a daily staffing is modelled.
The study arises from a specific real-world problem but it could be easily extended to other contexts in which the operator-task allocation is subject to spatial-layout considerations. In general, non-optimized operators’ travel times may result in production losses, i.e., machine blocking and work in progress.

In Aditya tokamak ͓S. B. Bhatt et al. Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 27, 710 ͑1989͔͒, an increase in the H ␣ and C 2+ intensity fluctuations from the edge region is observed with an increase in the magnetohydrodynamic ͑MHD͒ activity. Very... more

In Aditya tokamak ͓S. B. Bhatt et al. Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. 27, 710 ͑1989͔͒, an increase in the H ␣ and C 2+ intensity fluctuations from the edge region is observed with an increase in the magnetohydrodynamic ͑MHD͒ activity. Very small fluctuation amplitudes of H ␣ and C 2+ intensity are observed in discharges where there is no MHD activity compared to the discharges with MHD activity. These fluctuations in the H ␣ and C 2+ , measured by optical filter-photomultiplier tube combination-are modulated by Mirnov oscillations having a dominant peak with a common frequency ϳ7-10 kHz. Further investigation reveals the presence of strong coherent fluctuations in density and floating potential at same frequency as well. These observations indicate the existence of a nonelectrostatic instability, which may be based on the coupled mode of the drift mode and the Alfven mode. The coherent density fluctuations give rise to the experimentally observed coherent H ␣ and C 2+ intensity fluctuations.

In Aditya tokamak [SB Bhatt et al. Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys.[bold 27], 710 (1989)], an increase in the and intensity fluctuations from the edge region is observed with an increase in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity. Very small... more

In Aditya tokamak [SB Bhatt et al. Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys.[bold 27], 710 (1989)], an increase in the and intensity fluctuations from the edge region is observed with an increase in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity. Very small fluctuation amplitudes of and intensity are observed in discharges where there is no MHD activity compared to the discharges with MHD activity. These fluctuations in the and, measured by optical filter—photomultiplier tube combination—are modulated by Mirnov oscillations having a ...

This paper is about personnel scheduling in service systems that modeled by queueing theoretic approach. Customer arrival rate varies every time in accordance with nonstationary Poisson process pattern. Peak periods need more personnels... more

This paper is about personnel scheduling in service systems that modeled by queueing theoretic approach. Customer arrival rate varies every time in accordance with nonstationary Poisson process pattern. Peak periods need more personnels as servers than others. It developed modified algorithm to obtain personnel scheduling with three shifts in two-adjacent days-off.

A company expands its business by opening up its branch offices in various parts of the domestic country as well as in other countries. A branch office refers to an establishment, which carries on substantially the same business and... more

A company expands its business by opening up its branch offices in various parts of the domestic country as well as in other countries. A branch office refers to an establishment, which carries on substantially the same business and activity as carried out by its Head Office. But coming up with the locations for these branches and estimating the costs and strength is often challenging. faced similar problem while expanding for increasing its Data Collection and minimizing the collection time. We propose a solution for estimation of branch locations, costs and their capacities by formulating this problem into a mathematical optimization. The optimization used to solve the problem is inspired from the K-means approach of iterating over a cost function until a local minima is reached. We add constraints to the optimization function and solve them using penalties (Bryan et al). We also discuss a heuristic for faster convergence and for covering sparse locations for our solution.

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are fifty-nine scheduled banks including forty-eight private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the... more

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are fifty-nine scheduled banks including forty-eight private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of the central bank of Bangladesh-Bangladesh Bank. There is a paramount importance of manpower planning of these commercial banks for achieving competitive advantage, banks' strategic objectives and keeping this sector stable in the economy. The basic function of manpower planning in a bank is to identify the future needs and availability of human resources along with the skills required to perform bank's activities to achieve their strategic goals. Hence, this paper aims at evaluating the effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the private banks in Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 206 employees of different levels of commercial banks of Bangladesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present manpower planning practices of the commercial banking sector of Bangladesh. Inferential statistics like factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to identify the relationships between the manpower planning practices and the factors that are concerned with effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Results show that Delphi technique and skill inventory practices and key position auditing techniques are the significant manpower planning techniques of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Factors like timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan are also significantly related to the overall effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. This study suggests that the policymakers of the banks of Bangladesh should give importance on timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, providing adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan in order to bring effectiveness of manpower planning practices in the commercial banks of Bangladesh. The policymakers also should adopt Delphi technique and skill inventory practices, and key position auditing techniques in order to make manpower planning more effective in the banks.

The multitrip pickup and delivery problem with time windows and manpower planning (MTPDPTW-MP) determines a set of ambulance routes and finds staff assignment for a hospital. It involves different stakeholders with diverse interests and... more

The multitrip pickup and delivery problem with time windows and manpower planning (MTPDPTW-MP) determines a set of ambulance routes and finds staff assignment for a hospital. It involves different stakeholders with diverse interests and objectives. This study firstly introduces a multiobjective MTPDPTW-MP (MO-MTPDPTWMP) with three objectives to better describe the real-world scenario. A multiobjective iterated local search algorithm with adaptive neighborhood selection (MOILS-ANS) is proposed to solve the problem. MOILS-ANS can generate a diverse set of alternative solutions for decision makers to meet their requirements. To better explore the search space, problem-specific neighborhood structures and an adaptive neighborhood selection strategy are carefully designed in MOILS-ANS. Experimental results show that the proposed MOILS-ANS significantly outperforms the other two multiobjective algorithms. Besides, the nature of objective functions and the properties of the problem are analyzed. Finally, the proposed MOILS-ANS is compared with the previous single-objective algorithm and the benefits of multiobjective optimization are discussed.

This article sets to analyze the manpower planning approach in respect of the Romanian higher education system during communism. The arguments used intend to demonstrate that long-term planning, although commonly used in the context of... more

This article sets to analyze the manpower planning approach in respect of the Romanian higher education system during communism. The arguments used intend to demonstrate that long-term planning, although commonly used in the context of demand economy, was not a reliable instrument in education. Archival research has outlined the connections and the variations between long-term ‘cadre’ plans and higher education outcomes, in an attempt to better assess the feasibility of manpower planning in a socialist economy. The empirical analysis confirms the theoretical approach used by Jan Sadlak in the 1980s, but also provides an additional outlook on the practical and conceptual limitations of centralized normative planning.

Nowadays COVID-19 is very big threat in this world. COVID-19 is a kind of corona virus ailment belonging to the own circle of family Coronaviridae. The ailment is notion to originate from bats and turned into unfold to humans via an... more

Nowadays COVID-19 is very big threat in this world. COVID-19 is a kind of corona virus ailment belonging to the own circle of family Coronaviridae. The ailment is notion to originate from bats and turned into unfold to humans via an unknown medium in Wuhan, China. Ideally, the circumstance is unfolded through inhalation or near interplay with inflamed droplets which have incubation duration among and fourteen days. Today, there are thousands of infections and deaths which have been resulting from the ailment. In this observe, we're focussing the impact of COVID-19 positive and negative cases in Mayiladuthurai district through correlation and regression. The current observe is undertaken to examine the correlation and regression among the COVID-19 positive and negative Cases during the period 1st August 2020 to 31st August 2020 in the same place. To measure the relationship between the positive and negative cases of COVID-19 and its comparison we are using Python software.

In the technological world Spatial Database Management System (SDBMS) has been a vital role to study neighbourhood relation. The core concept of spatial data mining we need to investigate the neighbors of many objects in the single run of... more

In the technological world Spatial Database Management System (SDBMS) has been a vital role to study neighbourhood relation. The core concept of spatial data mining we need to investigate the neighbors of many objects in the single run of typical data mining algorithm. This means that in spatial data mining algorithm we have to efficiently process the neighborhood relation. An integration of spatial data mining algorithms and the potential of spatial database management system (SDBMS) will help efficiently providing general concept of neighborhood relation and its implementation. This paper focusses that the neighbouhood relation of the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandamic in India as on 30th March 2020. For the significant study of the corona virus SPSS and SQL query has been used.

Πρώτη: Έχουν κατά τα φαινόμενα προκύψει σημαντικές ανακατατάξεις ως προς τις παραδοσιακές πηγές προσέλευσης, οι οποίες αντανακλούν τις σημαντικές δομικές αλλαγές που έλαβαν χώρα στην Ελλάδα τις τρεις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Το θέμα αυτό... more

Πρώτη: Έχουν κατά τα φαινόμενα προκύψει σημαντικές ανακατατάξεις ως προς τις παραδοσιακές πηγές προσέλευσης, οι οποίες αντανακλούν τις σημαντικές δομικές αλλαγές που έλαβαν χώρα στην Ελλάδα τις τρεις τελευταίες δεκαετίες. Το θέμα αυτό είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό και πρέπει να ερευνηθεί συστηματικά και σε βάθος σε ένα από τα ελληνικά ναυτιλιακά πανεπιστήμια, με σκοπό να εστιαστεί με περισσότερη ακρίβεια η προσπάθεια προσέλκυσης.

The aim of the study is to examine the HR policy in Radisson Jass Hotel, Shimla. The sample size is 55 consisting of five Head of Departments (HOD) and fifty staff personnel. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the information.... more

The aim of the study is to examine the HR policy in Radisson Jass Hotel, Shimla. The sample size is 55 consisting of five Head of Departments (HOD) and fifty staff personnel. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the information. To conclude, the hotel has a well defined Human Resource policy for every aspect of Human Resource Development. These policies are framed to ensure: Safe, Healthy and Happy Workplace, Open Book Management Style, 360-Degree Performance Management Feedback System, Fair Evaluation System for Employees, Knowledge Sharing. HRM department shall from time to time identify training courses, seek funding, and identify staff to attend such courses, which shall include exchange visits to relevant successful hotels and their departments. HR department should also encourage staff to pursue further training on their own, which it could also support whenever there are funds available.

The application of quadcopter has rooted across various fields. The only constraint in application of this quadcopter is in its battery life or effective utilization of the battery life. The mother and children based system enhances the... more

The application of quadcopter has rooted across various fields. The only constraint in application of this quadcopter is in its battery life or effective utilization of the battery life. The mother and children based system enhances the small drones (children) to get charge from its mother drone in aerial mode itself. This type of technology helps to overcome the battery shortage problem while taking long land survey, forest survey etc where the static charging station is not available .Such remote survey with the help of drone could be continuously done with the help of the proposed mother child dynamic charging system. The wireless aerial charging system is portable through mother drone and it will charge the children drone which ever approaches the mother drone.To find the significant level, we are using student t-test and descriptive statistics. and to find the relationship among the test data, we are using correlation coefficient.

Aircraft Maintenance is a combination of complicated tasks that ensures the safety of the technicians, airworthiness of the aircraft as well as the safety of the passengers where the workload is subdivide as base and line maintenance.... more

Aircraft Maintenance is a combination of complicated tasks that ensures the safety of the technicians, airworthiness of the aircraft as well as the safety of the passengers where the workload is subdivide as base and line maintenance. Traditionally, the prearrangement of the maintenance manpower supply in accordance with the scheduled maintenance tasks is been based on staff experience and been performed manually which is time-consuming as well as an ineffective criterion. Therefore, formulating an optimized framework with the purpose of allocating the right amount of workforce in the right combination of skills and experience levels to eradicate any shortfalls or surpluses is essential for the continuation of efficient and effective maintenance in any organization. Hence, this research mainly aims at devising of a manpower-planning model for the aircraft maintenance industry. Sri Lanka Air Force and Sri Lankan airlines that are the predominant aviation operators of the country reviewed as case studies in identifying the correlation between maintenance manpower requirement with respect to aircraft flying hour demands. In order to ascertain intended outcome, interdependency between an aircraft total maintenance deployment, its operational flying ratio would have identified, and subsequently the maintenance friendliness factor for the individual aircraft type would have determined. The ultimate result of this research would provide a solid framework to eradicate disparities between the current available and the actual required manpower quantities for maintenance events. Moreover, the proposed model would facilitate the aviation industry in solving capacity-planning issues related to manpower scheduling and requirement, and to find feasible roistering and task scheduling of shift workers that minimize peak fatigue while satisfying their days off demands.

ORTEC is a Netherlands-based software company selling decision support systems based on operations research models. One of her products is HARMONY, a workforce scheduling package. We developed a model to predict its return on investment... more

ORTEC is a Netherlands-based software company selling decision support systems based on operations research models. One of her products is HARMONY, a workforce scheduling package. We developed a model to predict its return on investment for a specific customer. The model uses a database of reference implementations to find organizations that are similar to the prospective customer’s organization. The costs and benefits have been broken down into several factors and we use this detailed information from the reference implementations to create a prediction of the return on investment for the workforce scheduling package. Using the information from the reference set allows us to move from industry-averages for potential savings to a prediction of potential savings based on the actual experiences from similar organizations. This also makes the model transparent: the outcomes can be traced to the elements that were selected from the reference set and a detailed description of the model i...

The manpower forecasting approach (MFA) was one of the first attempts in educational planning purposes. Manpower planners at-tempted: 1) to calculate the demand for manpower classified by oc-cupation; 2) to convert this classification of... more

The manpower forecasting approach (MFA) was one of the first attempts in educational planning purposes. Manpower planners at-tempted: 1) to calculate the demand for manpower classified by oc-cupation; 2) to convert this classification of demand by occupation into demand by educational attainment; 3) to devise plans and poli-cies aimed at equating projected demands and probable supplies. The paper recalls the basic principles of the MFA from the perspective of the history of the economic thought and attempts to clarify why there was a virtual failure in MFA during the 1960s. JEL classification: B41, O21, I38.

This paper considers a Manpower system where "exits" of employed personnel produce some wastage or loss. This system monitors these wastages over the sequence of exit epochs {t 0 = 0 and t k ; k = 1, 2,•••} that form a recurrent process... more

This paper considers a Manpower system where "exits" of employed personnel produce some wastage or loss. This system monitors these wastages over the sequence of exit epochs {t 0 = 0 and t k ; k = 1, 2,•••} that form a recurrent process and admit recruitment when the cumulative loss of man hours crosses a threshold level Y, which is also called the breakdown level. It is assumed that the inter-exit times T k = t k−1 − t k , k = 1, 2,

H ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων έδειξε κατά τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια έναν εξαιρετικό δυναμισμό, ο οποίος την οδήγησε στην κορυφή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας, εκθρονίζοντας άλλες μεγάλες ναυτικές δυνάμεις. Το διάστημα αυτό, παρέμεινε σταθερά στην... more

H ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων έδειξε κατά τα τελευταία είκοσι χρόνια έναν εξαιρετικό δυναμισμό, ο οποίος την οδήγησε στην κορυφή της παγκόσμιας ναυτιλίας, εκθρονίζοντας άλλες μεγάλες ναυτικές δυνάμεις. Το διάστημα αυτό, παρέμεινε σταθερά στην πρώτη θέση της κοινοτικής εμπορικής ναυτιλίας, και η αδιαμφισβητη πρωτοκαθεδρία της απέκτησε επιπλέον διαχειριστική ευχέρεια στα όργανα της Ε.Ε. μετά την ένταξη της Κύπρου και της Μάλτας. Η θριαμβευτική πορεία στον τομέα της αύξησης χωρητικότητας και του αριθμού πλοίων συνοδεύτηκε από μια πτωτική τάση στις τάξεις των Ελλήνων αξιωματικών, με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούνται προβλήματα στενότητας στην επάνδρωση των πλοίων. Η δυσκολία ανεύρεσης πλοιάρχων και μηχανικών αναφέρεται σε κάθε δημόσια εκδήλωση και ο ανταγωνισμός των ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών για την προσέλκυση αξιωματικών αντανακλάται στις καταχωρίσεις κάθε ναυτιλιακού εντύπου.

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona... more

A Markov chain model is mainly used for business, manpower planning, share market and many different areas. Because the prediction of the any ideas based on the Markov chain the result need to be efficient. Now, the infection of corona virus COVID-19 is a large task for the human being as well as the government. This paper is focusing tool for prediction of corona virus infection with a markov chain model. Markov chain model had been used to predict the corona virus (COVID-10) based at the secondary data as on 13 th March 2020. The 1 st order markov models had been used to predict the impact of corona virus using probability matrices and Monte Carlo simulation. To present the applications of this model, 2020 corona virus pandemic in India by country and union territory become used as a case study. It will be useful for prediction of the corona virus COVID-19 in destiny.

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of... more

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of Bangladesh Bank. There is a paramount importance of manpower planning in these commercial banks for achieving competitive advantage and banks' strategic objectives. The basic function of manpower planning in a bank is to identify the future needs and availability of human resources along with the skills required to perform bank's activities to achieve their strategic goals. Hence, this paper aims at evaluating the impact of manpower planning in the banks' overall performance of Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 206 employees of different levels of the commercial banks of Bangladesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present manpower planning...

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of... more

Banking sector is the most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors of Bangladesh. At present there are 59 scheduled banks including 48 private commercial banks in Bangladesh operating under the regulation of Bangladesh Bank. There is a paramount importance of manpower planning in these commercial banks for achieving competitive advantage and banks' strategic objectives. The basic function of manpower planning in a bank is to identify the future needs and availability of human resources along with the skills required to perform bank's activities to achieve their strategic goals. Hence, this paper aims at evaluating the impact of manpower planning in the banks' overall performance of Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 206 employees of different levels of the commercial banks of Bangladesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the present manpower planning practices of the commercial banking sector in Bangladesh. Inferential statistics like factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to identify the relationships between the manpower planning practices and the factors that are concerned with effectiveness of manpower planning practices of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. Results show that Delphi technique and skill inventory practices and key position auditing techniques are the significant manpower planning of the banks. Factors like timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan are significantly related to the overall manpower planning effectiveness of the commercial banks in Bangladesh. This study suggests that the policymakers of the commercial banks of Bangladesh should give importance on timely planning and audit, evenly distribution of work, addressing job turnover, providing adequate workload, and comprehensive recruitment plan in order to bring effectiveness of manpower planning of the banks.

Air quality has been a vital role for the environmental sustainability. In many cities has enhanced air quality over the past few years. Air quality creates an instant threat; particularly an improtant problems like acid rain, global... more

Air quality has been a vital role for the environmental sustainability. In many cities has enhanced air quality over the past few years. Air quality creates an instant threat; particularly an improtant problems like acid rain, global warming and ozone depletion. The air polltion causes various health problem and environmental issues. In this paper, a detailed study on one an important key factor named air quality and air pollution is taken for this study. Also, It has been carried out based on air pollution during pre pandemic and in te lockdown period COVID-19 in Manali area, Chennai city, Tamilnadu State. The significant study of air quality and the comparision of its performance the statistical measures like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Descriptive statistics and Cumulative percent were used.

This paper considers a Manpower system where "exits" of employed personnel produce some wastage or loss. This system monitors these wastages over the sequence of exit epochs {t 0 = 0 and t k ; k = 1, 2,•••} that form a recurrent process... more

This paper considers a Manpower system where "exits" of employed personnel produce some wastage or loss. This system monitors these wastages over the sequence of exit epochs {t 0 = 0 and t k ; k = 1, 2,•••} that form a recurrent process and admit recruitment when the cumulative loss of man hours crosses a threshold level Y, which is also called the breakdown level. It is assumed that the inter-exit times T k = t k−1 − t k , k = 1, 2,