Michel de Certeau Research Papers (original) (raw)

The essay concentrates on the Martyrdom of Polycarp, a script largely believed to contain the earliest extant occurrences of a Christian technical martyrdom vocabulary. On the one hand, we will lay bare the distinctively urban character... more

The essay concentrates on the Martyrdom of Polycarp, a script largely believed to contain the earliest extant occurrences of a Christian technical martyrdom vocabulary. On the one hand, we will lay bare the distinctively urban character of this death performance by showing how and to what extent all the components of the martyrdom apparatus relate to the city as socio-spatial condition of production and consumption, textualisation and memorialisation of an ‘urban religious event’. On the other, we will look at how the text manages to turn a Roman death spectacle into a Christian propaganda event by hijacking practices and re-routing sequences of a public urban show. For both purposes, the critical conceptual toolkit will be provided by the most quintessentially urban among the 20th-century artistic-cum-political avant-gardes: the Situationists.

Georg Bertram recently argued that a consistent and accomplished philosophy of art should consider not only the specific nature of art, but also its value as human practice. Moreover, he resorted to artistic improvisation in order to... more

Georg Bertram recently argued that a consistent and accomplished philosophy of art should consider not only the specific nature of art, but also its value as human practice. Moreover, he resorted to artistic improvisation in order to illustrate a characteristic aspect of the constitution of artworks: the self-referential relations implied in the artworks and shaping the artworks do not result from an alleged closure of the artwork’s form, but are negotiated locally, in relation to each individual artwork. Following this line of reasoning, and while offering arguments both in the context of contemporary analytical aesthetics as well as in reference to Michel De Certeau’s philosophy of everyday life and to philosophy of art of the Turin philosopher Luigi Pareyson, I will defend that “art” may be a particular way to look at and to develop human practices and that the link between human practices and art is provided by improvisation.
Improvisation is not only a particular artistic technique. Improvisation incorporates and genetically shows the specificity of autonomous art as well as the value of art, that is, the link between human practices and art as a specific human practice. Indeed, as I will explain, art both derives from and is a particular way to improvise (upon) human practices, i.e. to develop them in unprecedented and valuable ways. Accordingly, improvisation, as a specific artistic procedure, will be understood as that kind of artistic production in which the human practices art is based in come, as it were, exemplarily to the fore. Hence, improvisation can be understood as the paradigm of art as human practice: as I shall suggest, art begins with, and ends in, improvisation.

In this essay I would like to show how writing history by Jesuits historians changed in the last decades. For many years the Jesuit Historical Institute based in Rome published sources concerning history of this Catholic religious order.... more

In this essay I would like to show how writing history by Jesuits historians changed in the last decades. For many years the Jesuit Historical Institute based in Rome published sources concerning history of this Catholic religious order. The typical and most representative publication of Jesuits historians is Diccionario Historio de la Compania de Jesus. Bibliografico-tematico in 2001. What is characteristic for this kind of historiography is the concentration on facts and limitation of interpretation. More hermeneutical approach toward the history of the order could be seen in publications by John O’Malley, particularly in his First Jesuits and Four Cultures of the West. In both books O’Malley presented the Jesuits more as a cultural phenomenon than as a missionary organization. From the same perspective I wrote the history of the Jesuits in Poland in 1564-1668.

L’usage grandissant des smartphones aux applications les plus diverses de géolocalisation peut inquiéter quant aux progrès d’une société de contrôle, mais il est en même temps une promesse d’efflorescence des ruses individuelles qui sont... more

L’usage grandissant des smartphones aux applications les plus diverses de géolocalisation peut inquiéter quant aux progrès d’une société de contrôle, mais il est en même temps une promesse d’efflorescence des ruses individuelles qui sont le pendant de la société disciplinaire décrite par Foucault.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical connotation of the idea of our digital body surviving the death of our natural body, advocated by such evangelists of digital afterlife as Bell and Gemmel. For this purpose, I will... more

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical connotation of the idea of our digital body surviving the death of our natural body, advocated by such evangelists of digital afterlife as Bell and Gemmel. For this purpose, I will explore the seminal notion of 'two bodies in one' first minutely analyzed by Ernst Kantorowicz in his The King's Two Bodies, which details the emergence of the legal concept by which the king has both a natural body and a mystical body (corpus mysticum) understood as the everlasting polity. To explore the possibility of applying this notion to ideas concerning the body in the digital era, I will elaborate on two additional concepts, namely, the concept of diarchy in traditional authority, as proposed by Rodney Needham, and Toyo Ito's concept of the natural and digital body originating from his peculiar view of contemporary architecture. Through the method of abductive comparison, I will discuss the limitation of Bell and Gemmel's concept of an everlasting digital body. I will discuss the intrinsic lack of institutionality upon which the very notion of the two bodies of the king relies. I will introduce the concepts of the corpus mysticum digitale, a figure which, in the time of the decline of the power of ritual, legitimizes the dead as the collective entity that lives eternally but also anonymously.

El siguiente estudio se enfocó en las prácticas artísticas desarrolladas en el espacio urbano por artistas y gestores culturales que se involucran con la vida social y comunitaria de grupos vulnerables y excluidos. Se estudiaron los... more

El siguiente estudio se enfocó en las prácticas artísticas desarrolladas en el espacio urbano por artistas y gestores culturales que se involucran con la vida social y comunitaria de grupos vulnerables y excluidos. Se estudiaron los proyectos presentados en los “Encuentros de arte urbano y comunitario al zur-ich” (2002-2018); realizados en el sur de Quito-Ecuador; sector de extracción popular, obrera y campesina. Los proyectos artísticos se midieron y analizaron en su aspecto comunicacional y espacial, basándose en las categorías que James Scott encontró en las prácticas políticas de los “dominados”, y relacionándolas con la delimitación espacial que, según Michel de Certeau, produce el relato como relato de viaje. Los resultados dieron cuenta de un espacio urbano “oculto” en lo comunitario, donde sus prácticas, con características estéticas propias, evocan el vínculo existente entre arte y política.

L’Invention des morts explore les relations que les Mongols entretiennent au quotidien avec leurs défunts. S’appuyant sur une enquête menée chez les pasteurs nomades Dörvöd et dans la capitale Ulaanbaatar de 1999 à 2005, Grégory Delaplace... more

L’Invention des morts explore les relations que les Mongols entretiennent au quotidien avec leurs défunts. S’appuyant sur une enquête menée chez les pasteurs nomades Dörvöd et dans la capitale Ulaanbaatar de 1999 à 2005, Grégory Delaplace montre que les morts sont au centre de pratiques discrètes, par lesquelles éleveurs et citadins embrassent ou rejettent des idéologies modernistes et socialisent un environnement peuplé de « maîtres » invisibles. L’étude successive des sépultures, des histoires de fantômes et des usages sociaux de la photographie conduit le lecteur à travers les multiples procédés et petites trouvailles tactiques par lesquels les morts sont « inventés » comme les partenaires de relations formelles ouintimes qui subvertissent les cadres institutionnels imposés par l’État et le clergé. En décrivant à travers des matériaux originaux l’art de vivre avec les morts dans la Mongolie d’aujourd’hui, ce livre ne comble pas seulement un manque dans la littérature ethnographique régionale, il propose une méthode renouvelée pour l’anthropologie.

This research seeks to conceptualize streaming media as a cultural practice, a style or poetics, which tactically challenges the " propre " strategies of mass consumer and television culture. This is a site of agonistic struggle, cunning,... more

This research seeks to conceptualize streaming media as a cultural practice, a style or poetics, which tactically challenges the " propre " strategies of mass consumer and television culture. This is a site of agonistic struggle, cunning, and constant adaptation within the emergent space of streaming. Unsanctioned streaming is wandering through the strategic " place " of copyright. Streaming is the prerogative of the in-between and deterritorialized poaching. These nodes are temporary collectives or alliances that exist as tactical, ephemeral spaces of digital media. Poaching from de Certeau (1984, p. 174), streamers are " travellers; they move across lands belonging to someone else, like nomads poaching across fields they did not write. " Just as there is a " rhetoric of walking " (de Certeau, 1984, p. 100) we might think of a " style of use " (de Certeau, 1984, p. 100) for streamers traversing the geographies of nation-states and the lands of copyright holders throughout the Internet. Unsanctioned streaming of content has become a much wider cultural practice, an everyday practice, which is perceived by consumers as beyond the control of states and territorial government. Users are " making do " through cunning tactics within the practice of everyday Internet life through streaming. The employment of participant observation has yielded a series of insights: streaming has had dramatic impact on the mobility and materiality of media flow; streaming is a process that leads to aesthetic experiences (jouissance); and streamers both assume and are cast in the role of the cunning trickster. These activities of unsanctioned streamers have informed industry approaches to streaming technology, leading to emergent industry logics and the growth of a streaming industry.

The paper draws on the speaker’s 25-year history of busking in UK city centres, and notes the increasing importance of playful loitering in the urban space. It notes the changing attitudes of the general public to costumed performance in... more

The paper draws on the speaker’s 25-year history of busking in UK city centres, and notes the increasing importance of playful loitering in the urban space. It notes the changing attitudes of the general public to costumed performance in the city in recent years and considers the role of leisure technology, CCTV and the roving nature of street-policing in influencing public response to live urban performance. It suggests that singing– particularly acapella singing – brings a necessary breath to the streets and is essential to maintain. The paper further argues that costumed performance in the current climate effects a disruptive and transgressive intervention that troubles the British public with an uneasy nostalgia. It considers whether buskers increasingly provoke 'unheimlich' conditions with song, and asks how performers can adapt to changing social and legal conditions that render the simple act of public singing ghostly, subversive and queer. The paper reflects on the history of street-singing in the UK, suggesting that it has always enjoyed an ambivalent relationship to commerce, and brought mixed responses from the public and from city authorities. It considers the recent imposition of £1,000 fines by Camden Council, London on buskers performing without a license. It asks what cultural or economic values street-singers represent and whether these values are increasingly in tune or at odds with the British public’s perception of normalcy, performance and the function of city spaces. Noting Michael de Certeau’s ideas on space, the paper asks whether buskers effect a necessary delinquency to the ‘practiced place’ of the street, and how the singing, busking, performative body can resist marginalisation and ‘inscribe itself into the interstices of the codes’ of the urban space it both ‘undoes and displaces’.

'Even for mental life, our assumption that everything past is preserved holds good only on condition that the organ of the mind remains intact and its structure has not been injured by traumas or inflammation. Destructive influences... more

'Even for mental life, our assumption that everything past is preserved holds good only on condition that the organ of the mind remains intact and its structure has not been injured by traumas or inflammation. Destructive influences comparable to these morbid agencies are never lacking in the history of any town, even if it has had a less chequered past than Rome, even if, like London, it has hardly ever been pillaged by an enemy. Demolitions and the erection of new buildings in the place of old occur in cities which have had the most peaceful existence; therefore a town is from the outset unsuited for the comparison I have made of it with a mental organism' (Sigmund Freud). In this essay I will be exploring the relationship between the city, consciousness and literature through Djuna Barnes' Nightwood and Frank O'Hara's Second Avenue. Through this I will simultaneously be challenging Freud's statement and uncovering the assumptions behind it. By unmasking it, the statement will serve as symbolic of dominant discourses of power in patriarchal society and the texts as works of literature that try to dismantle these discourses. Using Michel De Certeu's notion of 'pedestrian rhetorics' as a template for my analysis I will show how both Djuna Barnes and Frank O'Hara manage to do this.

Tres décadas después de su fallecimiento, el trabajo intelectual de Michel de Certeau sigue teniendo vigencia para las ciencias sociales, así como humanidades por igual. Esto es porque sus conceptos e ideas nos impulsan propiamente a... more

Tres décadas después de su fallecimiento, el trabajo intelectual de Michel de Certeau sigue teniendo vigencia para las ciencias sociales, así como humanidades
por igual. Esto es porque sus conceptos e ideas nos impulsan propiamente a reflexiones que reflejen su estilo de pensar: Un estilo interdisciplinario, heterodoxo y multiforme. Actualmente, tales cualidades son necesarias para el planteamiento adecuado de problemas relacionados con la agencia, y por extensión, mente humanas, pues permitirán comprender el rol que tienen éstas últimas en la experiencia de la vida cotidiana. Esta fue la tarea que emprendió el jesuita y que aquí buscaremos complementar estableciendo puntos de
encuentro entre los temas que le ocuparon, y diversos estudios realizados en un campo que comparte las cualidades de su pensamiento como fundamento
para hacer investigación: las ciencias cognitivas. A través de este ejercicio, lograremos una mayor capacidad de inteligibilidad desde ambos itinerarios de
investigación hacia el fenómeno humano.

Goran Trbuljak (b. 1948) is recognized as one of the central figures of Yugoslav Nova umjetnička praksa (New Art Practice), primarily for his early works that engaged in a questioning of the status of the figure of the artist and the... more

Goran Trbuljak (b. 1948) is recognized as one of the central figures of Yugoslav Nova umjetnička praksa (New Art Practice), primarily for his early works that engaged in a questioning of the status of the figure of the artist and the institution of the exhibition. This article focuses on the centrality of various forms of self-concealment, primarily anonymity and the use of pseudonyms, in Trbuljak’s art. I also discuss what I refer to as the involuntary obfuscation that has come through Trbuljak’s association with conceptual art and institutional critique, labels that have tended to block rather than advance the discussion of his practice. I urge new paths to interpretation through considerations of Trbuljak’s interest in the street, walking, the body, and his insistence on a position of liminality, never quite committing himself to one particular role, ideology or space. I refer to Michel de Certeau’s notions of the tactic and la perruque from The Practice of Everyday Life as a way to understand the political dimensions of Trbuljak’s tendencies.

There has been much recent debate about the nature of the omnivoyant image that introduces Nicholas of Cusa’s De visione Dei. In this paper I argue that Cusa’s concept of contraction and his “radical perspectivism” lead us toward... more

There has been much recent debate about the nature of the omnivoyant image that introduces Nicholas of Cusa’s De visione Dei. In this paper I argue that Cusa’s concept of contraction and his “radical perspectivism” lead us toward stretching the concept of omnivoyance beyond a simple dichotomy between a phenomenology of the image and a phenomenology of the icon. Instead of putting such emphasis on what is seen by the omnivoyant, we should think an omnivoyant optics starting from the material milieu from which it sees. To this end I define the concept of omnivoyance through the concept of the elemental. Using both the concept of an element derived from Presocratic Ionian philosophy and recent French and American continental philosophy, I put these discourses into conversation with Cusa in several ways: 1) the way omnivoyance functions as a substratum of contracted seeing rather than as a transcendence, 2) its operation as a pure frontality without objectifiable aspects, and 3) the way in which omnivoyance implies, not only a gaze that sees “all and each” (Cusa’s formula for omnivoyance), but also a plurality of modes of vision. To help us understand this enlarged concept of omnivoyance, I use the example of animal vision, particularly the gaze of the whale. With respect to cetacean vision, I deploy Melville's metaphysical speculations in Moby Dick as our primary guide.

Esta pesquisa verifica a adaptação do conceito de “tática” desenvolvido por Michel de Certeau e utilizado como fundação teórica de um movimento denominado Midia Tática. Com origens na Europa no final do século XX, este movimento herda... more

Esta pesquisa verifica a adaptação do conceito de “tática” desenvolvido por Michel de Certeau e utilizado como fundação teórica de um movimento denominado Midia Tática. Com origens na Europa no final do século XX, este movimento herda modos de expressões culturais aliados à uma construção crítica do aparato tecnológico, notadamente das mídias eletrônicas e informáticas. Situamos a discussão
sociológica a partir do conceito de racionalidade emergido no debate sobre recentes mutações na configuração do capitalismo e da tendências à novas formas de dominação que se erguem apoiadas no desenvolvimento tecnológico e na mudança das condutas erigidas das transformações do século XX. Para isso, situamos a Mídia Tática no contexto e discussões que deram origem a esta percepção e discutimos aspectos de recentes manifestações de oposição enquanto culturas que se utilizam desta noção em seus diferentes aspectos de intervenção. A intenção é observar os módulos de conflito e contradições que se dão quando o aumento das manipulações tecnológicas entram em contato com novas formações coletivas e padrões individuais e verificar os elementos políticos e culturais que resultam desta junção.

Previous research has identified the " butler lie " —a lie told through text message to explain why someone is, was, or will be unavailable for interaction (Hancock et al., 2009). The concept of butler lying was established by Hancock et... more

Previous research has identified the " butler lie " —a lie told through text message to explain why someone is, was, or will be unavailable for interaction (Hancock et al., 2009). The concept of butler lying was established by Hancock et al. (2009, p. 519) who coined the term in allusion " to the social buffering function that butlers provided for their employers " when lying to visitors about whether family members were home. Several studies indicate that butler lies are a common means of managing social availability (Birnholtz et al., 2010; Birnholtz et al., 2013; Reynolds et al., 2013; Smith et al., 2014). Drawing on an interview based study into the experiences of telling and receiving butler lies via text message, this article argues that butler lies can be understood as a form of technology resistance as they represent an effort to evade the perpetual connectivity afforded by mobile communication technologies. However, as a quotidian and often habitual practice, one enacted through the technology it also resists, butler lies fall outside current conceptualisations of technology resistance which have tended to focus on self-reflexive acts of limiting or rejecting particular technologies. To aid in framing butler lies as a resistant practice, I turn to de Certeau's (1984) concept of " tactics " as a means of theorising mundane, habitual modes of technology resistance. In doing so, I seek not only to introduce butler lying as a concept of technology resistance, but to demonstrate the significance of developing the largely latent connections between de Certeau and research on technology resistance.

Through a critical engagement with the literature on the conceptualizations of culture, this article focuses on the possibilities for empowerment and social agency that may be found in manifestations of everyday popular culture and the... more

Through a critical engagement with the literature on the conceptualizations of culture, this article focuses on the possibilities for empowerment and social agency that may be found in manifestations of everyday popular culture and the critiques of this approach that voice their oppressive nature. The article draws on Michel de Certeau's distinction between strategies and tactics, as qualified by Michel Foucault's use of the same conceptual pair, in order to develop a conceptual grid that emphasizes their imbrication or mutual conditioning. The key advantage offered by this grid is that it makes visible the inherently ambivalent nature of cultural products and the way in which constraining strategies and liberating tactical reversals are both made possible on the same shared site. It thus argues that popular cultural works may subvert the manipulative imperatives of the culture industry only from within a strategically structured social field. It thereby becomes possible to acknowledge the insights of the culture industry perspective of critical theory, while providing a more nuanced interpretation and evaluation of certain works of popular culture. The conceptual analysis is then applied to The School of Life (an online educational organization initiated by the popular author, philosopher, and entrepreneur Alain de Botton) both to offer an examination of this cultural artifact and to test the assumptions the theoretical framework developed.

During the last ten years of his life, Antonin Artaud shows more and more intensively a multi-faceted and caustic refusal for traditional literature and the ordinary practice of writing. But above all, he shows a stylistic impatience for... more

During the last ten years of his life, Antonin Artaud shows more and more intensively a multi-faceted and caustic refusal for traditional literature and the ordinary practice of writing. But above all, he shows a stylistic impatience for the alphabetic use of the word and the language. By the intention of creating an inhuman language, which could be understood also by the illiterate people, Artaud wants to undermine the significant use of the word, so that he can achieve a non-representative language, a language that could make real. In this perspective, the aim of our work consists in an inquiry of the expressive forms through which Artaud’s last literary production shows the refusal of canonical literature: especially, we attempt to work about the use of glossolalias, drawings and pictograms included in several Cahiers which Artaud draws up during his confinement in the Rodez’s madhouse, as well as in some of the letters that he writes since 1943.

Although social movements are concerned with resistance, there has been a surprisingly little effort towards conceptualizing and problematising resistance within social movement studies. This chapter aims to address such a gap. It shows... more

Although social movements are concerned with resistance, there has been a surprisingly little effort towards conceptualizing and problematising resistance within social movement studies. This chapter aims to address such a gap. It shows how a deeper understanding of resistance can in turn allow to better grasp diverse social movements. I give an overview of the social movement studies field, scrutinizing how various currents have been dealing with resistance. Then I show how different intellectual sources outside of the field (e.g. Gramsci, Polanyi, Scott, Foucault, De Certeau) have contributed to fertilize social movement studies literature and conceptualizations of resistance, providing examples of their legacies and limitations. I argue that the dividing line between resistance and alternatives is at best blurring. The new conceptual framework that I draw is able to tackle with diverse “environmental movements” broadly conceived that cannot be fully comprehended through the tools of conventional social movement studies, such as the transition movements, political consumerism or sustainable community movement, and ‘autonomous geographies’, which require a more expansive understanding of what counts are resistance.

This paper aims to show the connection between space, place and subjectivity. According to how we conceive space, place and their relations, it is possible to affirm a certain understanding of what has been called "the subject" in the... more

This paper aims to show the connection between space, place and subjectivity. According to how we conceive space, place and their relations, it is possible to affirm a certain understanding of what has been called "the subject" in the framework of Cartesian, Kantian and Husserlian legacies. Quantitative geography takes the transcendental subject-characterized by a methodical detachment from its environment, constituted as an opposite object-for granted. Many and various reactions to this subject-object model can be traced within the social sciences (and within human geography in particular) in the last four decades. In this paper I propose an overview of these reactions and then provide a new conceptual articulation for them, based on the kind of subjectivity they assume. I have identified three overarching patterns, or meta-theories: one ontological , one critical and one phenomenological. PLACES AND THE SUBJECT: A PHILOSOPHICAL QUESTION Space and place have become highly significant for social theory over the last few decades. A theoretical enrichment of these concepts has been pursued not only by geographers, but also by architects, sociologists , anthropologists, planners, political theorists, historians, economists and philosophers. While efforts to collect many of these contributions have been made,1 less attention was given to how, and to what extent, the transdisciplinary debate on the notions of space and place is of significance to philosophy. In the nineteenth and twentieth century, philosophical inquiry was more focused on human finitude and mortality, on time and temporality, than on the concepts of space and place.2 According to the influential American geographer Edward Space, Place and the Subject Exploring Three Approaches PAOLO FURIA

This is my review of (Nam June Paik Art Center, Feb 25- Jun 3, 2021), an exhibition curated by Lee Chaeyoung, along with Kim Sun Young where a group of artists such as Gu Minja, Song Min Jung, Jun Sojung, Johanna Billing, Bad New... more

Richard Wentworth’s "Making Do, Getting By" series (ongoing since 1970) is exemplary of a kind of photoconceptualism that appears to merge seamlessly in the everyday experiences of the artist, thus setting up a continuum between the... more

Richard Wentworth’s "Making Do, Getting By" series (ongoing since 1970) is exemplary of a kind of photoconceptualism that appears to merge seamlessly in the everyday experiences of the artist, thus setting up a continuum between the camera and the artist’s body, art and everyday life, agency and automatism, the personal and the collective. The series exists at the intersection of sculpture, late-1960s conceptual photography, and studies of everyday life such as Mass Observation’s 1930s ‘day surveys’ and Michel de Certeau’s landmark 1980 theorization of The Practice of Everyday Life. Having set up a dialogic relation between the artist and the world, Wentworth’s "Making Do, Getting By" explores, like the writings of Certeau, Michel Foucault and Roland Barthes, the question of agency at the heart of the everyday, as well the articulation between chance, practical intelligence and memory. Thus "Making Do, Getting By" proposes a definition of the photographic gesture that coincides with ways of doing and living available to contemporary subjects, incessantly inventing and re-inventing their everyday experiences and identities.

In this paper, I critically discuss Riggle’s definition of street art. I argue that his definition has important limitations, and is therefore unsuccessful. I show that his view obscures a defining feature of street art, that is, its... more

In this paper, I critically discuss Riggle’s definition of street art. I argue that his definition has important limitations, and is therefore unsuccessful. I show that his view obscures a defining feature of street art, that is, its subversive power. As a significant consequence of ignoring that essential aspect, Riggle is incapable of fully understanding how street art transforms public space by turning one corner of the city at the time into contested ground. I also suggest that, when appreciating street art's subversiveness, its challenge against the Modern separation of art and life appears more radical than Riggle foresees.

This paper considers Michel de Certeau’s account of “everyday practices” as a means of escaping the totalising forces of social governance and ideological apparatuses, which he believes are deficient of the necessary spatial orientation... more

This paper considers Michel de Certeau’s account of “everyday practices” as a means of escaping the totalising forces of social governance and ideological apparatuses, which he believes are deficient of the necessary spatial orientation to daily activity, and thus unable to comprehend the full complexity of lived experience, particularly in regards to the life of a city. The extent to which resistance is possible will be evaluated in light of the totalising threat of computerised surveilliance and digital architecture, where they are considered to overdetermine and stratify public space. As such, a “rhetorical of walking” will be assessed for its potential in revealing the everyday stories and spaces that are unseen from ‘above’. Particular reference is made to the potential impact and uses of nascent digital cartographic tools in shaping encounters at street level in the contemporary city.

מקובל להנגיד בין שני אופני הכרה של העיר: הכרה מלמעלה והכרה מלמטה. המבט מעל נותן תמונה כולית של העיר, אך עיוור לפרטים ולחיים שבה; ההכרה מלמטה, דרך ההליכה, רגישה לחיים העירוניים על פרטיהם, אך אינה נותנת תמונה מקיפה של המכלול. ולטר בנימין... more

מקובל להנגיד בין שני אופני הכרה של העיר: הכרה מלמעלה והכרה מלמטה. המבט מעל נותן תמונה כולית של העיר, אך עיוור לפרטים ולחיים שבה; ההכרה מלמטה, דרך ההליכה, רגישה לחיים העירוניים על פרטיהם, אך אינה נותנת תמונה מקיפה של המכלול. ולטר בנימין מזוהה, על־פי־רוב, עם אופן ההכרה השני. השוטטות היא דרך הגישה שהוא מציע לשולי, לנשכח ולפרגמנטרי במרחב הזה ובעברו. אורי רוטלוי טוען, כי זוהי תמונה חלקית של תרומתו לחקר העיר. דרך הצגת הפסאז'ים הפריסאיים כמיניאטורה של פריס במאה התשע־עשרה, בנימין מרכיב את הפרטים של הזמן־מרחב העירוני לכדי מכלול, שבו לכל פרט יש מקום ומשמעות. כך, דווקא דרך העיסוק בפרטים, הוא פורש בפנינו תמונה פנורמית רחבה של העיר המודרנית. במובן זה הוא קורא תיגר על עצם הניגוד בין הכרה
מלמעלה ומלמטה.

"Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Bedeutungen und Verwendungen der kroatischen Sprache bei burgenländischen Kroatinnen, deren primäre Alltagssprache deutsch ist. [...] In dieser Abhandlung möchte ich danach fragen, welche Rolle... more

"Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Bedeutungen und Verwendungen der kroatischen Sprache bei burgenländischen Kroatinnen, deren primäre Alltagssprache deutsch ist.
In dieser Abhandlung möchte ich danach fragen, welche Rolle die kroatische Sprache bei deutschsprachigen burgenländischen Kroatinnen einnimmt und wie sie diese bedeuten und verwenden.
Um einen möglichst umfassenden Blick auf die Lebenswelt der befragten Burgenlandkroatinnen zu schaffen, möchte ich auch das deutschburgenländisch geprägte Umfeld als soziale Wertelandschaft behandeln. Davon erhoffe ich mir einerseits Einflüsse in den Deutungsstrategien aufzudecken und andererseits einen ganzheitlicheren Überblick über die Gesellschaft im Südburgenland zu erhalten.
Gleichzeitig ist es mein Ziel, den Lesenden eine Übersicht über die vorliegende Thematik zu geben, um die Problematiken im Feld verständlich, transparent und nachvollziehbar zu machen, wenngleich darauf zu achten ist, dass die Recherchen und Erhebungen zu dieser Arbeit als nicht vollständig aufgrund von Einschränkungen im zeitlichen wie ressourcentechnischen Rahmen zu betrachten sind." (ebd.: 4)

I rimossi della storia
Storia e psicoanalisi
Storia e mistica