Mongolian Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Toronto Studies in Central and Inner Asia, 2008 (9):71-94

Коллективная монография посвящена исследованию этнокультурных процессов эпохи средневековья в Байкальском регионе. Рассматривая эту территорию расширительно - в рамках Предбайкалья, Забайкалья и Кругобайкалья, авторы определяют ее как... more

Коллективная монография посвящена исследованию этнокультурных процессов эпохи средневековья в Байкальском регионе. Рассматривая эту территорию расширительно - в рамках Предбайкалья, Забайкалья и Кругобайкалья, авторы определяют ее как историческую зону пограничья ранних тюрко-монгольско-самодийско-тунгусско-палеоазиатских контактов и на этом фоне основное внимание уделяют проблемам этногенеза и этнической истории бурят и якутов. Предпринята попытка исследователей разных научных школ осмыслить общие генетические корни и глубинные основы культуры этносов-предков, подробнее изучить поздние этноэволюционные процессы и исторические судьбы этих народов в местах их современного проживания. Читатель заметит новизну методологического видения рассматриваемых проблем и оригинальную интерпретацию вопросов этно- и культурогенеза. Издание предназначено археологам, этнологам, историкам, востоковедам, краеведам и всем, кто интересуется историей народов Центральной Азии и Восточной Сибири.

This article deals with an important festival in Tibet dedicated to the future Buddha Maitreya. It was held on three days in summer when three giant thangkas showing Buddhas Amitābha, Śākyamuni and Maitreya were put on public display.... more

This article deals with an important festival in Tibet dedicated to the future Buddha Maitreya. It was held on three days in summer when three giant thangkas showing Buddhas Amitābha, Śākyamuni and Maitreya were put on public display. Introduced in the seventeenth century, it became a defining feature of the monastic life in the Dge lugs monastery of Bkra shis lhun po, the seat of the Panchen Lamas. It attained a supra-regional importance, which even extended to Mongolia. Based on a number of textual sources, this essay examines various aspects of this festival, how it was funded, who participated, and which rituals and ceremonies were conducted. It also analyses the history and iconography of the three giant textile thangkas by discussing in detail the contributions made during the reign of each respective Panchen Lama from the past to the present. In sum, the article argues that this festival has to be seen in the context of a special bond the Dge lugs school of Tibetan Buddhism maintained to have with the future Buddha Maitreya

Боловсролын сэтгэл судлалын талаархи онол, бүтэц, судлах зүйл. Боловсролын сэтгэл судлал нь Сэтгэл судлал, Боловсрол судлал нь хавсарга шинжлэх ухаан болох нь. Сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан нь аргазүй, Сэтгэлзүйн зарим онолууд, Сургалтын... more

Боловсролын сэтгэл судлалын талаархи онол, бүтэц, судлах зүйл. Боловсролын сэтгэл судлал нь Сэтгэл судлал, Боловсрол судлал нь хавсарга шинжлэх ухаан болох нь. Сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан нь аргазүй, Сэтгэлзүйн зарим онолууд, Сургалтын онолууд: Бихеворизм, Нийгмийн сурахуйн онол, Л.С.Выготскийв Дэлгэрэнгүйг нь доорх линкээс орж уншина уу.

1162 yılında, sağ elinde gücün simgesi olarak nitelendirilecek bir kan pıhtısı ile doğan bir bebek dünyaya geldi. Çocukluğu ve gençliği ölüm tehlikeleri ile geçen: Temüçin. Babası düşman Tatarlar tarafından zehirlenmişti. Bozkır’ın sert... more

1162 yılında, sağ elinde gücün simgesi olarak nitelendirilecek bir kan pıhtısı ile doğan bir bebek dünyaya geldi. Çocukluğu ve gençliği ölüm tehlikeleri ile geçen: Temüçin. Babası düşman Tatarlar tarafından zehirlenmişti. Bozkır’ın sert ikliminde annesi ve kardeşleriyle birlikte hayata tutunmaya çalıştı. Öyle bir büyüdü ki adını Dünya tarihine altın harflerle yazdırdı.
Dünya tarihinin gördüğü son büyük kabile imparatorluğunu teşkil eden Çengiz Han, bozkırda yaşayan göçebe insanları tek bir çatı altında birleştirdi. Verdiği mücadeleler sayesinde, yerleşik halklara karşı avcı ve çobanların muzaffer önderi oldu. Moğol atlılarının toynakları Kuzey Çin, İran, Afganistan, Anadolu coğrafyalarından geçti. Çengiz Han, Dünya tarihinde en geniş siyasi sınırlara ulaşan imparatorluğun kurucusu olmuştur.
Bu tez çalışması, Çengiz Han’ın hayatına dair her şeyi araştırmayı amaç edinmiş olup bu önemli şahsiyetin Dünya tarihindeki yerinin unutulmaması için çaba sarf edilmiştir.
3 bölümden meydana gelen bu çalışmada, birinci bölümü “XII. Asırda Moğolistan” oluşturmaktadır. Bu bölümde XII. Asırda Orta Asya’nın coğrafi ve siyasi şartları ele alınırken, Çengiz Han’ın Kökeni ve Ailesi ile Doğumu ve Gençlik Yılları ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölüm “Çengiz Han’ın Siyasi Kariyeri” adlı başlıkla başlamış olup Çengiz Han’ın yetişkinlik döneminin başlamasından mütevellit askeri faaliyetlerini konu edinmektedir. Son bölüm ise “Çengiz Han’ın Son Faaliyetleri ve Ölümü” ve “Çengiz Han’ın Karakteri ve Eseri” konularından oluşturularak çalışmaya son şekil verilmiştir.

Research on the Old Uyghur secular documents has become an ever more important branch of Old Turkic studies, and many relevant publications have seen the light of day. The manuscripts provide a glimpse into the daily life and material... more

Research on the Old Uyghur secular documents has become an ever more important branch of Old Turkic studies, and many relevant publications have seen the light of day. The manuscripts provide a glimpse into the
daily life and material culture of the Uyghurs. However, the terminology of some areas of life still needs in-depth investigations. Especially in the semantic field of textiles and clothing several lexical items are still unexplained. The present article identifies one such item, kükü, as a designation of the high embroidered headdress of married Mongol women, adopted from Chinese gugu.

ХХ зууны Монголын түүхэнд, ялангуяа эрдэм судлалын талбарт өөрийн арилшгүй мөрийг үлдээсэн нэртэй эрдэмтэн, төр нийгмийн зүтгэлтэн Мэргэн гүн Гомбожавын мэндэлсний 110 жилийн ойг 2016 онд Монгол улсад ёслол төгөлдөр тэмдэглэн өнгөрүүлэв.... more

ХХ зууны Монголын түүхэнд, ялангуяа эрдэм судлалын талбарт өөрийн арилшгүй мөрийг үлдээсэн нэртэй эрдэмтэн, төр нийгмийн зүтгэлтэн Мэргэн гүн Гомбожавын мэндэлсний 110 жилийн ойг 2016 онд Монгол улсад ёслол төгөлдөр тэмдэглэн өнгөрүүлэв. Үүнд, миний бие Монгол улсынхаа ХХ зууны ээдрээт баялаг түүхийг халдан судалж хараахан зүрхлээгүй байгаа тул Мэргэн гүн Гомбожавын ажил үйлс, амьдралын талаар өмнөх судалгааг ахиулж нэмсэн зүйлийг энэ хэр хэлж, хийж чадахгүй, хүчин мөхөсдөх учир харин түүний өвөг дээдэс, ялангуяа манай өмнөх түүх бичлэгт ихээхэн бүдэг бичигдэж ирсэн Манж Чин улсын эрхшээлд орохоос өмнөх үеийн Халхын зүүн гарын Сайн ноёны төрөл ноёд тайж нарын намтар үйл ажиллагаа, тэдний харьяат улс, хошуу нутаг
бүрэлдсэн байдлын тухай бяцхан өгүүлэл өөрийн судалгаан дээр тулгуурлан бэлтгэснээ өргөн олон эрдэмтэн мэргэдийн мэлмийд өргөн толилуулж байна.

This thesis draws on a synthesis of foreign policy analysis (FPA) and constructivism in order to demonstrate how post Cold War Mongolia’s relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) can be analysed through a multi-sectoral... more

After establishment of the Grand Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan at the beginning of the thirteen century, one of the targets of the Mongol army under the command of Jebe and Subutai became the Desht-i Qipchaq. When the Mongol army came to... more

After establishment of the Grand Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan at the beginning of the thirteen century, one of the targets
of the Mongol army under the command of Jebe and Subutai became the Desht-i Qipchaq. When the Mongol army came to
this wide area, extending from Irtysh River to the Carpathian Mountains, they encountered the Cuman-Kipchaks. As a result
of the Battle Of Kalka in 1223, the Cuman-Kipchaks took the heaviest blow from the Mongols in the region they have been
ruling since one hundred and fifty years. After the victory of the Mongols in the territory of Cuman-Kipchaks, some groups
were submitted to the Golden Horde and some groups had to migrate to the lands of the Balkans and the Volga Bulgarians.
Cuman-Kipchaks who took important missions in the Golden Horde, also played an important role in the Turkification of this
state. Some group of Cuman-Kipchaks which had to migrate to the Balkans after the defeat they had suffered as the result of
the second Kipchak campaign have played an important role in the Bulgarian and Romanian states established in the region by
providing the Turkification of the Balkans before the Ottoman Empire. After establishment of the Golden Horde, the name of
region was also known as Desht-i Qipchaq and those who came from Batu Khan’s dynasty were named Khan of Kipchak. In
this article the relation of the Mongols and Cuman-Kipchaks will be dealt during domination of Mongol armies Desht-i Qipchaq
region and during the domination struggles.
Keywords: Mongols, Golden Horde, Cumans-Kipchaks, Battle Of Kalka , Desht-i Qipchaq.

Özet Fahri KAYHAN* Yapmış olduğum bu çalışmada Çin'i tamamen hâkimiyet altına almış ve Moğol bölgesiyle Çin'i birleştirerek burada Yuan İmparatorluğu kurmayı başaran Moğol Han'ı Kubilay'ın dönemi incelenmiştir. Orta Asya'da adından uzun... more

Özet Fahri KAYHAN* Yapmış olduğum bu çalışmada Çin'i tamamen hâkimiyet altına almış ve Moğol bölgesiyle Çin'i birleştirerek burada Yuan İmparatorluğu kurmayı başaran Moğol Han'ı Kubilay'ın dönemi incelenmiştir. Orta Asya'da adından uzun dönem söz ettiren Kubilay, Moğolları yağmacı bir toplum olmaktan çıkarmaya çalışarak bir medeniyet haline getirmek için uğraş vermiştir. Çin kültürüne olan hayranlığı ve kendini aynı zamanda bir Çin imparatoru olarak görmesi, göçer Moğollar tarafından kötü karşılanmış ve onun karşısında her zaman muhalif bir kesimin durmasına sebep olmuştur. Tüm bunları yaparken kendi Moğol kimliğini de kaybetmemiş ve Çinlileşmemek amacıyla önemli mevkilere Moğolları ve farklı etnik kökenden insanları getirmiştir. Yaşamı boyunca vermiş olduğu meşruiyet sorunu onu kötü etkilemiş ve sürekli kendini kanıtlamak amacıyla savaşmasına neden olmuştur. Özellikle yaşının ilerlediği dönemlerde bu kaygı onu yanlış tercihlere itmiş ve devletin mali yönden zayıf düşmesine sebebiyet vermiştir. Kubilay Han'ı Avrupalılara tanıtan ünlü gezgin Marco Polo'dur. Polo, Han'ın yakınında olması ve Moğol ülkesinde kendisinin iddia ettiği üzere bazı önemli görevlerde bulunması onun hakkında birçok bilgi edinmesini sağlamıştır. Ayrıca dönem hakkında İranlı tarihçi olan Reşüdüddin' de seyahatnamesinde önemli bilgiler verir. Çalışmamda Kubilay'ın muhaliflerine karşı verdiği mücadele, Ulu Han olmadan önceki dönemi, yapmış olduğu seferler, Çin'i hakimiyet altına alışı ve dinlerle yaşadığı münasebetler ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır.

This blog post examines the promise of a new road in an Ulaanbaatar ger district. It argues that the notion of voter 'choice' in Mongolia is complicated by three factors: 1. the disconnection of political ideology from the major political... more

This blog post examines the promise of a new road in an Ulaanbaatar ger district. It argues that the notion of voter 'choice' in Mongolia is complicated by three factors: 1. the disconnection of political ideology from the major political parties, 2. the forces at work that influence voting through semi-and non-legal means, and 3. a phenomenon I will call " the inverted logic of the vote-return exchange ".

The concept of Pan-Asianism focused on the common origins and cultures of Asian peoples, and the common purpose of protecting this common culture from Western intrusion. Many Asian peoples were inspired by this idea. However, the attitude... more

The concept of Pan-Asianism focused on the common origins and cultures of Asian peoples, and the common purpose of protecting this common culture from Western intrusion. Many Asian peoples were inspired by this idea. However, the attitude of the Mongols was ambiguous because Pan-Asianism was an idea used by big powers, Japan and China, to protect their own interests. This idea would potentially undermine Mongol aspiration for creating an independent state from China. Mongols avoided using the term pan-Asianism or Asianism, but instead used various indirect expressions such as "Peace in East Asia," "Order in East Asia," or "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" to showed their interest in the wide-area international community. This paper examines how Mongols under Japanese influence in the 1930s understood and imagined an East Asian Community.

By examining Mongol and Chinese documents, this article analyses Mongolian official titles from the 14th to the 16th centuries. It shows that there are many historical layers in the set of official titles. The titles inherited from the... more

By examining Mongol and Chinese documents, this article analyses Mongolian official titles from the 14th to the 16th centuries. It shows that there are many historical layers in the set of official titles. The titles inherited from the Mongol-Yuan administration were still used within the ordinary nobility. In the late 15th century, the Mongol royal family suppressed all non-royal warlords. At that moment, it was frequently Chinese captives who suggested the 'updated' official nomenclature to the Mongolian warlords. The official titles recorded in the Mongolian "White History" Chaghan Teuke clearly preserve these historical layers. This proves that the White history was indeed written in the late 16th century, and not during the Yuan era (13-14 centuries).

Milk and milk tea occupy a special place in Mongolian hearts. Historical writings of Roman Catholic missionaries confirm the sacredness of milk and its abundant use for Mongolians. Milk offerings, sprinkled into the air, are offered to... more

Milk and milk tea occupy a special place in Mongolian hearts. Historical writings of Roman Catholic missionaries confirm the sacredness of milk and its abundant use for Mongolians. Milk offerings, sprinkled into the air, are offered to Tenger (Sky/ Sky God), Buddha, ancestors or nature spirits, and are an everyday part of traditional Mongolian worship, nearly always in the morning. This ceremony traditionally is performed alone by women, mothers praying in a supplication of blessing and protection for their families. Yet in recent times a few men have been doing this ancient ritual. Are possible Mongolian Christian responses to reject this traditional custom as being syncretistic, or to see it as being a potential form of Christian expression of devotion to God? May there be analogies from milk offerings to better engage in discipleship or worship? If this ancient practice is not addressed, there is the risk, especially for women, of this ritual being driven underground, of split-level living among Christians.

Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades February 2021 Seminar

O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar os aspectos do cotidiano da sociedade mongol. Analisaremos a organização social, política e religiosa desta comunidade, abordando ainda aspectos relacionados a Genghis Khan e sua influência na Ásia... more

O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar os aspectos do cotidiano da sociedade mongol. Analisaremos a organização social, política e religiosa desta comunidade, abordando ainda aspectos relacionados a Genghis Khan e sua influência na Ásia Central.

The article discusses the Qonggirad migration to the Jochid ulus in the aftermath of the Mongol conquests as well as the roles the Qonggirad elite played in the Jochid and Khwārazmian political history in the late 13th – early 15th... more

The article discusses the Qonggirad migration to the Jochid ulus in the aftermath of the Mongol conquests as well as the roles the Qonggirad elite played in the Jochid and Khwārazmian political history in the late 13th – early 15th centuries. Based on genealogical and numismatic analyses, this paper, on the one hand, provides insights into the formation and developments of the autonomous Qonggirad power in Khwārazm in the second half of the 14th century and, on the other hand, stresses the importance of the Islamisation for the Mongol tribal elite’s accustomisation to the regional and geopolitical historical setting during the troubled period of 1359‑1380s in the Jochid ulus.
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There are three approaches to promoting judicial ethics: the code approach, the guidebook approach and the reflective approach. The code approach uses an enforceable code of judicial conduct. The guidebook approach involves explaining the... more

There are three approaches to promoting judicial ethics: the code approach, the guidebook approach and the reflective approach. The code approach uses an enforceable code of judicial conduct. The guidebook approach involves explaining the principles of judicial ethics and advising judges to conduct themselves ethically. The reflective approach involves providing judges with lists of questions that allow them to reflect on issues related to judicial ethics and develop their own answers. Mongolia relies on the code approach, but has never used the other two approaches. This paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of these three approaches, and argues that the Code of Professional Conduct for Lawyers could make the judiciary in Mongolia more independent, impartial and fair if it were to incorporate elements from the guidebook and the reflective approaches.

Full book available at In this book, the author offers a complete reconstruction of the Chinese-Mongol vocabulary of the 17th century comprehensive Chinese military work called Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略,... more

Full book available at In this book, the author offers a complete reconstruction of the Chinese-Mongol vocabulary of the 17th century comprehensive Chinese military work called Lulongsai lüe (盧龍塞略, LLSL), a document of key importance containing one of the last Sino-Mongol glossaries without proper critical reconstruction until now. The work has resulted in a clarification of the earlier sources the compilers of LLSL used in the bilingual part. Apatóczky argues that contrary to what scholars have thought of it until now, the linguistic corpus of the glossary is not homogeneous and does not represent a single linguistic status; it does, however, shed some light on chronological and philological questions concerning the earlier works incorporated in it.

This article examines how Ladakhi songs represent cultural self-images through associated musical, textual, and visual tropes. Many songs of the past, both from the old royal house and the rural Buddhist populations, reflect the... more

This article examines how Ladakhi songs represent cultural self-images through associated musical, textual, and visual tropes. Many songs of the past, both from the old royal house and the rural Buddhist populations, reflect the socio-political structure of Ladakhi society. Although some songs, past and present, reflect a pan-Tibetan identity, a distinct Ladakhi identity is nevertheless consistently asserted. Situated on the caravan routes between India, Tibet, China, and Central Asia, Ladakhi culture developed distinctive hybrid characteristics, including in its musical styles. The article discusses this tradition of hybridity from the 17th Century to the present day. Ladakhi music has moved into modern media space, portrayed through scholarly works, concerts, mass media, and the internet. The article examines various contemporary representations of “tradition” and ethnic identity in both traditional and popular music. Looking at Ladakhi popular music, we see further hybridity base...