North Africa Studies Research Papers (original) (raw)

Alamein covers the events leading up to the battle in North Africa that turned the tides of war against the Axis Powers during World War II: the Battle of Al Alamein. The first part of the book is the history of the battle. Sections... more

Alamein covers the events leading up to the battle in North Africa that turned the tides of war against the Axis Powers during World War II: the Battle of Al Alamein. The first part of the book is the history of the battle. Sections include: the leaders, their weapons, the battles of Tobruk, Gazala, and finally Al Alamein. There is a section on the contribution of spies to the victory of the allies. The second half of the book is devoted to a tour of the battle sites, the memorials, and the Al Alamein Museum.
56 pages. 20 vintage black and white illustrations. 8 color illustrations. 10 maps. 6x9. All rights reserved. copyright © Cassandra Vivian 1992. ISBN: 977-5100-0\8-9.

A typology of the synagogues in Morocco and their ritual objects

While NATO was created with a primary outlook to the East, its Southern rim was neglected strategically until the end of the Cold War. Since then, the Alliance has undertaken a number of efforts to build strategic relationships with the... more

While NATO was created with a primary outlook to the East, its Southern rim was neglected strategically until the end of the Cold War. Since then, the Alliance has undertaken a number of efforts to build strategic relationships with the Middle East and North Africa, recognizing the region’s importance for Allied security. However, looming obstacles may well interfer with NATO's efforts to enhance relations with the region. Geostrategic realities are not in NATO’s favor: it is a region of crisis; suspicious of the West in general; riddled with internal instability; and is a difficult to build ties with. This monograph examines the existing relationships as well as the remaining obstacles, and proposes solutions to the latter.

What are the core issues behind the recent protests? How are Algeria's complex political dynamics playing out with regards to the ongoing protests? What is the significance of Algeria to the wider region? What role do regional and... more

What are the core issues behind the recent protests? How are Algeria's complex political dynamics playing out with regards to the ongoing protests? What is the significance of Algeria to the wider region? What role do regional and international players have in the most recent developments? What are the possible outcomes of the political situation leading up to and after the April presidential elections?

Pb-Zn barite, celestite, florite, celestobarite, fluorite Ore Deposits in Tunisia (North Africa) , Jurassic, Cretcaceous, Triassic Salt diapris Jebel El Kohol, Jebel Stah, Jebel Mecella, Hammam Zriba, Jebel Guebli, Fedj el Adoum, Fej... more

Pb-Zn barite, celestite, florite, celestobarite, fluorite Ore Deposits in Tunisia (North Africa) , Jurassic, Cretcaceous, Triassic Salt diapris
Jebel El Kohol, Jebel Stah, Jebel Mecella, Hammam Zriba, Jebel Guebli, Fedj el Adoum, Fej Lahdoum, Bou Jaber, Fluid inclusion stable isotopes (sulphur, carbon, oxygen) Metallogeneis

Six ans après la première édition, l'histoire de la communauté grecque de Tunisie est désormais en français.L'étude, qui présente pour la première fois l'histoire de la communauté grecque de Tunisie, est basée exclusivement sur des... more

Six ans après la première édition, l'histoire de la communauté grecque de Tunisie est désormais en français.L'étude, qui présente pour la première fois l'histoire de la communauté grecque de Tunisie, est basée exclusivement sur des documents d'archives, résultat de la recherche en Grèce et Tunisie. C’est la première fois que les archives communautaires et consulaires ont été consultées.

This article will challenge the currently accepted notions of weak British consular presence, influence and activity in the southern Mediterranean during the period 1795–1832 through a case study of the careers of three successive consuls... more

This article will challenge the currently accepted notions of weak British consular presence, influence and activity in the southern Mediterranean during the period 1795–1832 through a case study of the careers of three successive consuls in the Regency of Tripoli: Simon Lucas, William Wass Langford and Hanmer Warrington. Utilising the official correspondence of these agents, the extent of the consular bridgehead in the capital, Tripoli, will be investigated, and how, through these consular and diplomatic agents, it served to define imperial interests and activity at the frontiers of empire. Moreover, the overlapping personal and professional networks within which the consuls embedded themselves, the role of enterprising missions and the development of an intelligence-gathering network will be of central significance in understanding the consequent ruptures in the social and political fabric of the Regency of Tripoli. British imperial interest in North Africa during and immediately post the Napoleonic era remains under-studied and misunderstood within both British diplomatic and imperial history. This article challenges the existing literature that underestimates the diplomatic as well as consular power exercised by the British consuls to Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, as well as the importance of these three Barbary regencies to wider strategic interests in the Mediterranean.

THE RELIGION OF THE OTHER Essays in honour of Mohamed Talbi edited by Mohamed Ben-Madani Mohamed Talbi is a leading contemporary modernist Muslim thinker. Born in Tunis on 16 September 1921, and educated there and later in Paris, he was... more

Material heritage is increasingly mobilized within development projects aimed at reducing poverty and promoting economic growth. Often these mobilizations have less to do with poverty and more to do with the creation of new arenas for... more

Material heritage is increasingly mobilized within development projects aimed at reducing poverty and promoting economic growth. Often these mobilizations have less to do with poverty and more to do with the creation of new arenas for competing political and economic interests that seek to appropriate economically viable heritage resources, often through the traveling formalistic rationalities of development organizations. This chapter examines how such appropriations are achieved through channels which territorialize poverty and material heritage in innovative ways: to align community responsibilities with global risk, depoliticize poverty by positioning it as a ‘local’ problem, and thereby obscure those broad structural inequalities at the global level, through which producing wealth simultaneously produces poverty. I demonstrate how, in our globalizing world, poverty is ‘placed’ with material heritage in urban rehabilitation projects in Fes (Morocco), according to a traveling expertise of transnational development plans and policies.

Catálogo de la arquitectura rifeña construida en el Marruecos Español por el interventor Emilio Blanco Izaga. En ella se mezclan los rasgos propios del Art Déco y de las arquitecturas propias del Atlas marroquí. Esta arquitectura... more

Catálogo de la arquitectura rifeña construida en el Marruecos Español por el interventor Emilio Blanco Izaga. En ella se mezclan los rasgos propios del Art Déco y de las arquitecturas propias del Atlas marroquí. Esta arquitectura representa una importante faceta de la actuación colonial española sobre el norte de Marruecos.

First President of independent Algeria, FLN leader

Resumen: A lo largo de esta investigación abordaremos las distintas manifestaciones que tuvo, en algunos estados, uno de los procesos de cambios políticos más complejo y controversial llevado adelante en el Medio Oriente a raíz de las... more

Resumen: A lo largo de esta investigación abordaremos las distintas manifestaciones que tuvo, en algunos estados, uno de los procesos de cambios políticos más complejo y controversial llevado adelante en el Medio Oriente a raíz de las necesidades emanadas por sus pueblos, La Primavera Árabe. Analizaremos los distintos grupos políticos (Desde los Jóvenes, los Campesinos, los Militares y los grupos Islámicos) intervinientes en el proceso de la Primavera Árabe (En los casos de Túnez, Egipto, Libia y Marruecos) y como estos se manifestaron como un factor de cambio del régimen político preexistente o como uno de continuidad. El caso tunecino, libio, marroquí y egipcio son sólo algunos de los que se podrían abordar, no obstante la alta participación de sus electorados en el proceso revolucionario, sus diferencias y similitudes troncales y sus muy distintas vertientes a la fecha nos hacen poner el foco en ellos.

The present paper is one part of a larger research project undertaken on a group of nineteenth-century Moroccan ceramics in the collection of the Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. The scholarly interest in such wares has to date been... more

The present paper is one part of a larger research project undertaken on a group of nineteenth-century Moroccan ceramics in the collection of the Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. The scholarly interest in such wares has to date been biased towards ethnographic studies and formal cataloguing of types. Such approaches have an important place in the study of visual cultures, and indeed a study of forms and decorative types represented within the RMS collection is currently being prepared by the present author. However, a purely formalistic approach reveals virtually nothing of how an object has been viewed by successive audiences, and thus ignores a huge part of its visual existence. In the study of nineteenth-century Moroccan wares there is a gift to the art historian in the sheer volume of travel literature that was written by Europeans and particularly Britons in the nineteenth century, allowing an unusually clear reconstruction of the way in which such pieces were understood by those who collected them and brought them to Britain. In the present study, the means by which the wares of nineteenth-century Morocco entered the British and European visual consciousness, and the implications of the responses they drew from British audiences as attested by the comments of nineteenth-century travel writers, are examined in detail to create a new art-historical discourse of material culture in the colonial Maghreb.

Under what conditions do minorities in the Middle East participate in authoritarian coalitions? Research on authoritarian resilience in the Middle East has been largely silent on linguistic and religious minorities' preferences over... more

Under what conditions do minorities in the Middle East participate in authoritarian coalitions? Research on authoritarian resilience in the Middle East has been largely silent on linguistic and religious minorities' preferences over regime types. Here, we examine whether minorities differ in their support for authoritarianism from the majority groups in four Middle Eastern states. We argue that minorities whose status is threatened by a transition to majoritarian decisionmaking institutions are less likely to be supportive of democratization. We examine how different cleavages affect the preferences of minorities over regime type and identify three historical legacies in the Middle East that have shaped these cleavages: the Ottoman-Islamic legacy of minority accommodation, the ethnic class structure that emerged as a result of the region's integration to world markets in the nineteenth century, and a post-independence pattern of authoritarian secularism. Based on survey research and a comparison of minorities in Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, and Jordan, we find that linguistic minorities tend to be less supportive of authoritarianism while religious minorities tend to be more supportive of authoritarianism.

Industrialization and urbanization are the main sources of pollutions worldwide and particularly in developing countries. This study aims the determination of anthropogenic inputs with trace metals in aquatic ecosystems at the Plain of... more

Industrialization and urbanization are the main sources of pollutions worldwide and particularly in developing countries. This study aims the determination of anthropogenic inputs with trace metals in aquatic ecosystems at the Plain of Annaba (NE Algeria), which is known as one of the largest industrial areas in Africa. Samples of surface waters and upper sediments were conducted in six stations: four in Meboudja wadi and two in Seybouse wadi. Contents of iron, copper, chromium, nickel, zinc, and manganese were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, whereas Cd and Pb were determined using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Measurements of Hg were carried out using atomic fluorescence. Spatiotemporal variations of metal concentrations were tested using generalized linear models (GLM), whereas the influence of water pollution on sediment contamination was tested with generalized additive models (GAMs). Metal contents measured in surface water and sediments varied differently from upstream to downstream of the study wadis and between seasons. The results showed that the surface water was polluted with high levels of iron, nickel, chromium, lead, and cadmium. Values of the contamination index revealed that the surface sediments were contaminated by iron, chromium, lead, and cadmium. The GAMs indicated that water-phase metal concentrations had no significant effects on trace metal concentrations in the sediment. This suggests that seasonal metal concentrations in water phase, which are measured during the study period (2012) and are time-dependent, contribute increasingly and gradually over time—not immediately—to the accumulation of metals into the sediments. Therefore, the long-term accumulation of metals in the sediments resulted from the continuous discharges of metals in the water phase. The anthropogenic impacts are marked by high contaminations of Meboudja wadi particularly in downstream areas of the steel factory and the nearby industrial areas. The direct industrial discharges into the water and atmosphere (iron, lead, cadmium) as well as urban disposals and agricultural activities are at the origin of these contaminations.

Les artistes d darija t certes pas nouveau que la chanson marocaine se fasse en darija, on a toujours créé en marocain, que ce soit dans le domaine du chant ou de la poésie : melhoun et zajal et dans tout le domaine la littérature orale... more

Les artistes d darija t certes pas nouveau que la chanson marocaine se fasse en darija, on a toujours créé en marocain, que ce soit dans le domaine du chant ou de la poésie : melhoun et zajal et dans tout le domaine la littérature orale (contes, énigmes etc.).

Ca obiectiv major mi-am propus întocmirea unor baze de date cu informații cât mai actualizate referitoare la evoluția turismului în țările nord-africane, operațiune urmată de construcția unor grafice pe baza acestor baze de date; al... more

Ca obiectiv major mi-am propus întocmirea unor baze de date cu informații cât mai actualizate referitoare la evoluția turismului în țările nord-africane, operațiune urmată de construcția unor grafice pe baza acestor baze de date; al doilea mare obiectiv a fost realizarea unei analize cât mai complexă și completă asupra potențialului turistic din țările vizate și modul în care Primăvara Arabă a afectat acest potențial iar nu în ultimul rând obiectivul a fost să creez o lucrare cursivă, educativă și care să aducă cât mai multe lămuriri celor care se întreabă cum Primăvara Arabă a influențat turismul.

This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab... more

This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab world more generally. Specifically, it examines the protest of unemployed graduates in Morocco, suggesting that public demonstrations are not only a means to communicate and mobilize demands, but also a technology to reclaim and reproduce a particular “truth” in public. This truth does not necessarily equate with the reality of the neoliberal state as a dispersed material force. As such, by looking at the case of Morocco, we hope to instigate further debate on the nature of the state and its specific relation to phenomena as globalization, society and social protest.

New book on the history of Algeria, 1516-2016. (Extract only from the Introduction)

Review of Wearable Treasures: Jewelry and Ornaments of the Maghreb at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris

The aim of this article is not to introduce Donatism as such, or to rehearse what is known about it. Rather, the focus is on a single aspect of Donatist thought — the shaping of the idea of the separation of church and state. On the basis... more

The aim of this article is not to introduce Donatism as such, or to rehearse what is known about it. Rather, the focus is on a single aspect of Donatist thought — the shaping of the idea of the separation of church and state. On the basis of Donatist martyrologies, imperial documents, Optatus of Milevis’s seven books usually known as Contra Parmenianum Donatistam, and some of Augustine’s relevant treatises and epistles, it will be shown how, in time, the Donatists’ initial collaboration with the empire turned into an eventual confrontation with the empire, and how the doctrine of the separation of church and state began to act as justification for their collective change of mind.

L’architecture judéo-chrétienne des 19ème et 20ème siècles retrace l’évolution chronologique de toute l’architecture coloniale en Algérie. Elle a également accompagné le long processus de renouveau de l’architecture locale, couronné par... more

L’architecture judéo-chrétienne des 19ème et 20ème siècles retrace l’évolution chronologique de toute l’architecture coloniale en Algérie. Elle a également accompagné le long processus de renouveau de l’architecture locale, couronné par l’émergence du style néo-mauresque. En effet, ce style architectural fut parmi les premiers à réinvestir le répertoire architectural local avec la grande synagogue d’Alger, ou encre la basilique Saint Augustin et sa mosaïque, le sacré cœur d’Oran et ses deux tours flanquant sa façade… Ces édifices étaient les figures de proue accompagnant ce glissement sémantique vers le néo-mauresque. Le présent article met l’accent sur la résultante de ce métissage. Nous nous interrogeons essentiellement sur ce processus d’adaptation stylistique et architecturale.

This course is an undergraduate colloquium exploring the topic of women and violence in the context of the Middle East and North Africa from the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula to the contemporary conflicts in Iraq and Syria. We... more

This course is an undergraduate colloquium exploring the topic of women and violence in the context of the Middle East and North Africa from the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula to the contemporary conflicts in Iraq and Syria. We will look at the political, economic, social, religious and ideological trends that shaped women’s experiences during various conflicts. The course will begin by looking at women in armed conflicts during the early Islamic period, with a particular emphasis on portrayals of these women in early Arab histories, popular literature (siyyar) and poetry. The course will then briefly address women who took up arms during the Middle Ages and participated in military invasions, piracy and the Crusades. Subsequently, the course will move to the modern period and evaluate women’s involvement in anti-colonial resistance, national liberation struggles, militias, state militaries, terrorism, civil wars and revolutions from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present. Finally, the course will briefly address the lasting impact of armed conflict on women’s lives.

This paper aims to identify the effect that the terrorist organization has had on the Nigerian government, focusing mainly on Nigeria's declaration of a state of emergency in 2011 and its establishment of the Joint Task Force shortly... more

This paper aims to identify the effect that the terrorist organization has had on the Nigerian government, focusing mainly on Nigeria's declaration of a state of emergency in 2011 and its establishment of the Joint Task Force shortly after. This paper takes into account the constitutional rights of Nigerian citizens, and how these rights have been largely derogated since 2011.

This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more

This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the challenges of the increasing human population and its demands on natural resources: thus, it examines continuity and change in societies over time, in different places, and among various peoples.