Nuclear Terrorism Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This work is about accelerators in the field of security and defense applications.

This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield.... more

This article addresses the problem of international law enforcement within the War on Cyberterrorism. Hybrid conflicts have replaced the traditional ones, and new threats have emerged in cyberspace, which has become a virtual battlefield. Cyber threats-cybercrimes, cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare-are a major concern for Western governments, especially for the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The international community has begun to consider cyberattacks as a form of terrorism, to which the same measures apply. Because the term "terrorism" is ambiguous and legaly undefined, there is no consensus on a definition of the derivative term "cyberterrorism", which is left to the unilateral interpretations of states. Pretending to consider the cyberspace domain as traditional domains, and claiming to apply IHL for the sole purpose of lawfully using armed forces in contrast to cyberterrorism is a stretch. This paper addresses the question of whether or not current laws of war and international humanitarian law apply to cyber domain, and gives some recommendations on how to tackle this issue.

The literature suggests there is ~0.3 percent chance per year of full-scale nuclear war. This event would have ~20 percent probability of causing U.S. mass starvation due to collapse of conventional agriculture from smoke blocking the... more

The literature suggests there is ~0.3 percent chance per year of full-scale nuclear war. This event would have ~20 percent probability of causing U.S. mass starvation due to collapse of conventional agriculture from smoke blocking the sun. Alternate foods exploit fossil fuels (e.g. methane digesting bacteria) and stored biomass (e.g. mushrooms growing on dead trees) and are technically capable of saving all Americans from starving. However, current awareness is low and the technologies need to be better developed. This Monte Carlo study investigates the economics of three interventions including planning, research and development. Even the upper bound of $20,000 per life saved is far lower than the millions of dollars typically paid to save an American life. Therefore, it should be a high priority to implement these interventions as they would improve American resilience and reduce the possibility of civilization collapse.

The deep web allows anonymous communication. Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer assets around the globe in seconds, also in absolute anonymity. ISIS has a war chest of over USD $2 billion, seeks to attack the west and is attributed the... more

The deep web allows anonymous communication. Bitcoin makes it possible to transfer assets
around the globe in seconds, also in absolute anonymity. ISIS has a war chest of over USD $2
billion, seeks to attack the west and is attributed the ability to operate very strategically. Jihadists
have been known to embrace technology. Gaping vulnerabilities in the technology-reliant western
infrastructure make easy targets.

Miasta zamknięte w Rosji. Jak upadek tajnych ośrodków wojskowych mógł wpłynąć na zagrożenie pozyskania przez ugrupowania terrorystyczne broni masowego rażenia? Abstrakt Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie upadku miast zamkniętych w... more

Miasta zamknięte w Rosji. Jak upadek tajnych ośrodków wojskowych mógł wpłynąć na zagrożenie pozyskania przez ugrupowania terrorystyczne broni masowego rażenia? Abstrakt Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie upadku miast zamkniętych w Związku Radzieckim (Rosji) jako zagrożenia proliferacji broni masowego rażenia. Tekst składa się ze wstępu, dwóch części merytorycznych i zakończenia. W pierwszej części autor przestawia, czym są miasta zamknięte w Rosji. Opisuje ich genezę, życie codzienne mieszkańców, rozwój w czasach Związku Radzieckiego oraz charakter prowadzonych w nich na rzecz wojska badań. W części drugiej przedstawione zostały przyczyny upadku miast zamkniętych w czasach transformacji ustrojowej, zagrożenie proliferacji broni masowego rażenia oraz niebezpieczeństwo " ucieczki umysłów " z Rosji do państw zbójeckich lub ugrupowań terrorystycznych. Autor przedstawił także międzynarodowe działania, jakie podjęły Rosja oraz Stany Zjednoczone, celem ograniczenia arsenału broni atomowej oraz jej bezpiecznej neutralizacji. Wstęp Jak zauważył Herfried Münkler (2004: 127) – większość badaczy terroryzmu jeszcze kilka lat temu wychodziła z założenia, że dynamit i broń palna, jakich używali już terroryści końca XIX wieku, nadal pozostanie ulubioną bronią ugrupowań terrorystycznych, a użycie atomowej, biologicznej, lub chemicznej broni masowego rażenia nie będzie konieczne z taktycznego punktu widzenia, ani politycznie opłacalne. Ta perspektywa w międzyczasie uległa zmianie. Wpłynęła na nią konieczność przebicia się do szerokiej opinii publicznej za pomocą szybkich i brzemiennych w skutki akcji oraz potraktowanie zamachu jako oferty przyłączenia się do ugrupowania.

Monash Univrsity PhD Pre-Submission Seminar / Final Review documentation. My thanks to the Monash University committee in the School of Political and Social Inquiry: Associate Professor Steven Roberts, Associate Professor Ben MacQueen,... more

Monash Univrsity PhD Pre-Submission Seminar / Final Review documentation. My thanks to the Monash University committee in the School of Political and Social Inquiry: Associate Professor Steven Roberts, Associate Professor Ben MacQueen, and Dr Bill Flanik, and to my PhD Supervisors, Dr Luke Howie and Dr Zareh Ghazarian. This PhD milestone was passed on 14th November 2018.

Nuclear terrorism denotes the detonation of a yield-producing nuclear bomb containing fissile material by terrorists, popularly named as “dirty bomb. Dirty bomb is however not to be confused with a nuclear explosion, such as a fission... more

Nuclear terrorism denotes the detonation of a yield-producing nuclear bomb containing fissile material by terrorists, popularly named as “dirty bomb. Dirty bomb is however not to be confused with a nuclear explosion, such as a fission bomb, which releases nuclear energy and produces blast effects, millions of times more than a typical dirty bomb. As early as December 1945, politicians worried about the possibility of smuggling nuclear weapons into the United States. Discussions about non-state nuclear terrorism amongst experts go back at least to the 1970s. After 9/11, there is intense international attention to the risks of nuclear terrorism. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has acknowledged an urgent need to improve protection of civilian and military nuclear materials at plant sites as well as in transit. The two words “nuclear” and “terrorism” radiate chill waves down the spine when they are used individually. In unison their psychological impact is much lower than their linear sum total. Underlying reason is that the term has been hijacked for some other motives. It has in fact become a vehicle advancing some of the nuclear objectives that encroach upon the nuclear rights granted to Non-nuclear Weapon States (NNWS). Formulations coming out of the structures professing counter nuclear terrorism as their objective are indirectly advancing arrangements; whereby legitimate R&D space is being squeezed for the NNWS. Nuclear terrorism is a reality and a global concern; however, robust solutions can be found to mitigate the severity of the threat to a great extent. There is a need to strike a balance between confidentiality and openness; and steer away from both alarmism and complacency.

Preemption was first articulated by US Secretary of State George P. Shultz during the Reagan administration when a “war on terrorism” was declared in the aftermath of the bombings of U.S. Embassy and Marines barracks in Beirut in 1983.... more

Preemption was first articulated by US Secretary of State George P. Shultz during the Reagan administration when a “war on terrorism” was declared in the aftermath of the bombings of U.S. Embassy and Marines barracks in Beirut in 1983. The “Shultz doctrine” subsequently found expression in NSDD-138 that was closely modelled on Israeli counterterrorism doctrine. Following the attacks on 9/11, many of Shultz’s former colleagues in the State Department found themselves in the Pentagon where they would once more try to shape US counterterrorism policy. The counterterrorism model that they would try to shape in NSS-2002 was influenced by their experiences in the Reagan administration and the difficulties they had encountered while implementing NSDD-138. In short, the argument that is being advanced here is that the Bush doctrine that found expression in NSS-2002 is taken from the Shultz doctrine, and that the Shultz doctrine in NSDD-138 is taken from Israeli doctrine. To illustrate how the Shultz doctrine was taken from Israeli doctrine this article revisits the US intervention in the Lebanon following Israel’s 1982 invasion when the US Embassy and Marine’s barracks was bombed. Reference is made to declassified documents from the Reagan Presidential Library on the drafting of NSDD-138 and to early drafts of NSS-2002 that have been published in The Zelikow Papers at the University of Virginia. The article also makes reference to documents from the British National Archives on Israel’s raid on an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981 when the doctrine of preemption was first articulated at the UN; The Rumsfeld Papers on the Iraq War; contemporary newspaper reports; and the report of the United Kingdom’s Iraq Inquiry. The article has been informed by discussions with senior officials who served in both the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations whom the author met in Washington.

In this exchange in International Security, I contest Barbara Walter's thesis that groups like ISIS benefit from being super extreme. I argue that extremism is counterproductive -- a point developed in far greater detail in my book, Rules... more

In this exchange in International Security, I contest Barbara Walter's thesis that groups like ISIS benefit from being super extreme. I argue that extremism is counterproductive -- a point developed in far greater detail in my book, Rules for Rebels, which comes out in fall 2018.

This paper begins by tracing back the development of nuclear deterrence as a strategical theory of mutual assured destruction(MAD) during the cold war era. It then closely analyses the India- Pakistan relation through the lens of nuclear... more

This paper begins by tracing back the development of nuclear deterrence as a strategical theory of mutual assured destruction(MAD) during the cold war era. It then closely analyses the India- Pakistan relation through the lens of nuclear deterrence and all the crisis situation and conflicts in the post nuclear era of India Pakistan relation is studied to understand how the possession of nuclear power by both the neighbours prevented a major conventional war. Then the paper analyses how far nuclear deterrence has been successful in restoring stability among the neighbouring states through the stability/instability paradox which to some extend was failed to achieve . The pattern suggest that the acquisition of nuclear power and employment of nuclear deterrence gave a chance for Pakistan to engage in lower level conflicts with India which are short of high intensity conventional war that might include nuclear escalation. The paper also suggests various limitations to the practical application of nuclear deterrence theory and suggest that the question of irrationality and deterrence as the spread of nuclear weapons might not result in a nuclear war or a conventional war, but that does not mean that it will not cause suffering and bloodshed.

Today there are major imbalances between the new and expanding nuclear weapons research and production capacities of Russia and the declining capabilities of the United States. The end of the Cold War brought many changes including the... more

The threat of nuclear terrorism is real. Focusing on the prevention of this horrendous scenario, it is however necessary to question existing assumptions and critically assess today’s nuclear environment. This edited collection... more

The threat of nuclear terrorism is real. Focusing on the prevention of this horrendous scenario, it is however necessary to question existing assumptions and critically assess today’s nuclear environment.
This edited collection approaches this complex phenomenon from different angles: legal, criminal, technical, diplomatic, cultural, economic, and political. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used. Particular challenges related to three types of nuclear terrorism are identified and elaborated on in-depth: radiological terrorism, terrorist attack/sabotage on a nuclear facility, and the detonation of a (crude) nuclear device by a terrorist organization. The edited collection describes, e.g., the security of the Pakistani nuclear arsenal, the outcome and prospects of the Nuclear Security Summitry, a geospatial model of potential illicit radiological and nuclear material trafficking pathways, potential technical alternatives to radiological sources, and the complexity for terrorist organizations to construct a crude nuclear device.
This way, the book aims to provide an additional understanding of contemporary debates on nuclear security and the prevention of nuclear terrorism.
(Forthcoming March 2016, Routledge)

Long-standing efforts to develop a commercially viable laserbased process for uranium enrichment, initially with atomic and later molecular isotope separation, have had limited success. This article discusses a model for a third... more

Long-standing efforts to develop a commercially viable laserbased
process for uranium enrichment, initially with atomic and
later molecular isotope separation, have had limited success. This
article discusses a model for a third generation of laser enrichment
technology where CO2 laser light is Raman scattered to generate
16 μm photons that excite a vibrational mode in uranium-
235 hexafluoride molecules within an adiabatically expanding
free carrier gas jet, allowing for the partial separation of uranium
isotopes by condensation repression. The SILEX (Separation of
Isotopes by Laser Excitation) process being developed as part of
the Global Laser Enrichment project may be one example of this
separation technique. An ideal, asymmetric cascade for enriching
uranium to weapon-grade levels is presented, and an analysis of
the minimum laser performance requirements is included. Optimal
running parameters, physical space constraints, and energy
efficiency estimates are discussed. An assessment of the technical
skills required is also provided. Finally, material available in an
online supplement discusses possible lasers that may be utilized
in such a process, and offers an introduction to dimer formation, a
laser-based enrichment cascade, and a model for estimating the
enrichment factor.

Till the time there is an efficient leadership in place, it would be difficult to elicit popular support for the government's moves in fighting terror. However, I am still convinced that P Chidambaram is our best bet as home minister,... more

Till the time there is an efficient leadership in place, it would be difficult to elicit popular support for the government's moves in fighting terror. However, I am still convinced that P Chidambaram is our best bet as home minister, says Bibhu Prasad Routray.

Colocar essas palavras juntas, na forma de “terrorismo nuclear”, cria um espectro ainda mais assustador que cada uma individualmente já desperta. Essa combinação de palavras soa como a “soma de todos os medos” da humanidade. Esse temor... more

Colocar essas palavras juntas, na forma de “terrorismo nuclear”, cria um espectro ainda mais assustador que cada uma individualmente já desperta. Essa combinação de palavras soa como a “soma de todos os medos” da humanidade. Esse temor foi ainda reforçado recentemente, desde que as autoridades europeias revelaram que o grupo por trás dos ataques terroristas de novembro de 2015 em Paris também estava espionando um funcionário sênior do Centro de Estudos Nucleares de Möl (SCK/CEN), na Bélgica, dando concretude a essa terrível ameaça potencial.
Entretanto, o que ‘terrorismo nuclear” realmente significa? As matérias veiculadas pela mídia sobre o tema nem sempre explicam, e às vezes não conseguem distinguir entre eventos completamente diferentes um do outro e que, felizmente, nunca vieram a efetivamente acontecer até hoje. Na verdade, o "terrorismo nuclear" pode se referir a diversos eventos possíveis, com diferentes graus de probabilidade de ocorrência e de gravidade de consequências. Devemos buscar entender esses eventos para priorizar a prevenção, proteção e remediação daqueles que representam os maiores riscos. Desde já é importante saber, para reduzir a angústia gerada por esse espectro ameaçador, que o cenário mais terrível associado ao terrorismo nuclear é também o menos provável.

La complejidad de la tecnología nuclear y los requerimientos técnicos, materiales y humanos condicionan sobre manera las posibilidades de un atentado nuclear. Ante tal complejidad, un grupo terrorista buscará entre los lugares que... more

La complejidad de la tecnología nuclear y los requerimientos técnicos, materiales y humanos condicionan sobre manera las posibilidades de un atentado nuclear. Ante tal complejidad, un grupo terrorista buscará entre los lugares que presenten las mayores debilidades de seguridad u otras alternativas no tan dañinas; pero con un planeamiento de menor dificultad. El riesgo que conlleva hacerse con un arma nuclear y el tedioso camino a través del asalto, robo o soborno puede implicar que esta solución ni si quiera sea contemplada por una organización terrorista. Además, las capacidades actuales de los grupos terroristas ponen en seria duda la potencialidad de convertirse en una amenaza nuclear. Sin embargo, las consecuencias tan nefastas de la consecución de tal acto terrorista, a pesar de su improbabilidad, hacen necesario el desarrollo de régimen de seguridad nuclear que prevenga y disuada cualquier acto terrorista. La arquitectura de seguridad nuclear es relativamente joven y carece de suficientes elementos imperativos; pero a pesar de su bisoñez, se puede considerar suficiente para enfrentar una amenaza cuestionable, además de contar con el apoyo de una amplia experiencia en lucha antiterrorista.

This paper argues that the current and emerging threat in the international system stems from Asia, most specifically Afghanistan. It affirms the belief that with the withdrawal of the US-NATO forces from the region this December 2014,... more

This paper argues that the current and emerging threat in the international system stems from Asia, most specifically Afghanistan. It affirms the belief that with the withdrawal of the US-NATO forces from the region this December 2014, there is an eminent risk of nuclear terrorism for the international community and more specifically for the US homeland. The paper further argues that through its transnational network and because of fragmented political control by the Pakistani government, the AQ could potentially get access to tactical nuclear weaponry; endangering world stability.

More than 600 Muslim women from Western countries have joined forces with ISIS and hailed from their home countries to the proclaimed ‘Islamic Caliphate’ in Syria and Iraq. As the conflict has lasted for almost five years, dramatic... more

More than 600 Muslim women from Western countries have joined forces with ISIS and hailed from their home countries to the proclaimed ‘Islamic Caliphate’ in Syria and Iraq. As the conflict has lasted for almost five years, dramatic changes to family structure have occurred, with approximately 1.6 million widows in Iraq and even more female-headed households. The ongoing conflict with ISIL has increased the number of widows and female-headed households. Essential findings in my current research have articulated clearly that Iraqi women, displaced women, widows and female –headed households living in territories- controlled by ISIL are vulnerable to abuses and maltreatment.
No terrorist group has been able to lure so many female Western recruits so far, although the numbers of females moving to ISIL have started to decrease due to US-RUS areal strikes and the ground offensive which has been jumpstarted by the Iraqi army. My research aims at explaining the reasons behind such unprecedented success, the motivation and driving forces of Western Muslimas to team up with ISIS and their roles in the ‘Islamic State’ (women used for propaganda purposes, women participating in the so called law-enforcement as part of the women´s police force “al-Khansaa Brigade”, etc.)
The research compares living conditions in ISIS’-occupied territories with the expectation induced by ISIS’ recruiters in women from Western counries who had expressed their willingness and an interest to make hijra and gang up with ISIS. According to a report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW), ISIL imposes abusive restrictions on Iraqi and Syrian women and girls and severely limits their freedom of movement and access to health care and education in areas under its control. Interviewed women reported that they have to deal with restricted access to health care and education due to discriminatory ISIS policies, including rules limiting male doctors from touching, seeing, or being alone with female patients. In rural areas, ISIS opted for a policy which prevents girls to take school classes; a practice sloganeered also by terrorist organizations such as Boko Haram.
Understanding the motivations for women to join ISIL is vital to figure out how to stem the flow of females heading towards ISIL and to address the security threat posed to the Western world by possible female returnees, or radicalized sympathizers who are unable to leave their countries of origin.

This paper is presented as an theoretical addendum and modest improvement in the debates about nuclear terrorism. It propounds a two-level analytical framework which integrates the subtle challenges in organizing the construction and... more

This paper is presented as an theoretical addendum and modest improvement in the debates about nuclear terrorism. It propounds a two-level analytical framework which integrates the subtle challenges in organizing the construction and detonation of a crude nuclear device: first, this paper elaborates on the willingness versus opportunity tradeoff that terrorist organizations have to make with respect to pursuing a nuclear capacity. This (decision-) process to go nuclear, however, is to a large extent influenced by the second level in the analytical framework: the technical and organizational challenges related to implementing the construction and detonation of a crude nuclear device. A better understanding of both levels - and their interaction - is necessary to comprehensively assess the likelihood of terrorist organizations actually carrying out a major nuclear terrorist attack.
(forthcoming in 'B.Volders & T. Sauer (2016), Nuclear Terrorism: Countering the Threat, Routledge')

This paper studies the phenomenon of fictionalizing terrorism as a literary response to the violence paradigm within nuclear narrative from the perspective of nuclear awareness formation as a critical thinking product about the nuclear... more

This paper studies the phenomenon of fictionalizing terrorism as a literary response to the violence paradigm within nuclear narrative from the perspective of nuclear awareness formation as a critical thinking product about the nuclear energy related issues within the Nuclear Anthropocene. Focusing on James Reich’s Bombshell (2013), the paper goes beyond literary critical analysis of exploring the ways of fictionalizing the sociopolitical and psychic motives and ideas behind an act of terrorism. The paper highlights the factual component of the literary figurations of terrorism and terrorist activities in nuclear fiction, which is regarded here not only as a factor of weakening the apocalyptic rhetoric of nuclear narrative by transforming its “fabulously textual” nature, but mainly as a trigger of shaping public awareness and knowledge management on nuclear history and nuclear industry with a view to considering the possible patters of nuclear terrorism within the contemporary nucle...

Os ataques do 11 de Setembro de 2001 deixaram a percepção em muitos cidadãos americanos de que aqueles terroristas teriam utilizado armas nucleares caso tivessem tido acesso a elas. Neste sentido, face a esta ameaça, o escopo do presente... more

Os ataques do 11 de Setembro de 2001 deixaram a percepção em muitos cidadãos americanos de que aqueles terroristas teriam utilizado armas nucleares caso tivessem tido acesso a elas. Neste sentido, face a esta ameaça, o escopo do presente trabalho visa analisar se a política encetada pela Administração Bush foi a mais correcta para lidar com terrorismo nuclear. Apesar de alguns sucessos iniciais, aquela política não tem conseguido debelar essa ameaça, pelo que, a nova Administração deve encetar uma nova política no respeito pelo multilateralismo e pelo combate à proliferação de armas de destruição massiva - embora não descurando o uso da força militar

For more than a decade, the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism has been on the forefront of the international security agenda. In an increasingly globalized society, detecting and interdicting illicit trafficking of... more

For more than a decade, the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism has been on the forefront of the international security agenda. In an increasingly globalized society, detecting and interdicting illicit trafficking of radiological and nuclear (RN) materials to prevent individuals and organizations – who are willing to perpetrate the atrocious act of WMD terrorism – from acquiring such materials is of utmost priority and import. In this context, the international community has launched various political and legal initiatives to prevent illicit trafficking of RN materials via maritime means. Indeed, given that over 58 million twenty-foot equivalent units of containers are shipped around the world over 490 maritime trade routes annually, commercial maritime shipping industry is uniquely vulnerable to exploitation by nefarious actors. Yet, are the existing initiatives implemented with efficiency and respected by those connected to the maritime industry, or is the reality far from ideal?
Employing the grounded theory approach, this paper examines ways the international maritime security initiatives (i.e. Proliferation Security Initiative, Megaports Initiative, etc.) are implemented at the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. In doing so, this paper also analyzes the impact different authorities involved in the security and operation of the port have on the implementation of such initiatives. Ultimately, this paper seeks to identify strengths and potential weaknesses of the current legal and political framework designed to curb illicit RN materials trafficking and generate a theoretical foundation and a series of hypotheses that can be tested and utilized to improve the future design of international maritime security initiatives.

Divorced from reality, the Obama administration insists “nobody can claim justifiably that the United States hasn’t had success against terrorist networks.” State Department spokesperson Rear Admiral John Kirby announced in a press... more

Divorced from reality, the Obama administration insists “nobody can claim justifiably that the United States hasn’t had success against terrorist networks.” State Department spokesperson Rear Admiral John Kirby announced in a press briefing on July 1, 2015. He went on to boast about the progress against these networks and their ability to maneuver, to finance, to train, to equip, and to conduct attacks.”

The article discusses the issue of development of views on an atomic bomb and a nuclear war created by scientists, politicians, military commanders, as well as civilian strategists, starting from the vision of an atomic bomb as a herald... more

The article discusses the issue of development of views on an atomic bomb and a nuclear war created by scientists, politicians, military commanders, as well as civilian strategists, starting from the vision of an atomic bomb as a herald of the New Deal, social and political, till the American military plans of a nuclear attack on hundreds of targets in the Soviet Union. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that the nuclear revolution which involved not only to military matters, but also strategy, international policy or war ethics was primarily linked to, apart from new technology, the idea of the future nuclear war and how its range, course and consequences were imagined.

Still Thinking About the Unthinkable

Accessing or attempting to access nuclear material in order to carry out terrorist acts is the most important nightmare of the international community in the current century. The activists of the international law system aimed at... more

Accessing or attempting to access nuclear material in order to carry out terrorist acts is the most important nightmare of the international community in the current century. The activists of the international law system aimed at counteracting nuclear terrorism in the form of the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism in 2005. Thus, the recommendation to criminalize a certain set of actions and to draw up appropriate sanctions against them is a criminal strategy adopted in the face of nuclear terrorism. In this way, Iran, by not joining the convention, has not yet carried out an independent criminalization of nuclear terrorism; nevertheless, the national legislator, following an innovative action by using jurisprudential doctrines, clarifies the crime of Efsad-e-fel-arz [corrupt on earth] in Article 286 of the Islamic Penal Code 2013. Accordingly, it is found that the definition of the crime as a result crime, the ambiguity in the psychological pillar and not consisting of certain instances of nuclear terrorism is among the most important challenges facing nuclear terrorism. Thus, during this study, the intention was to take the pathology of compatibility of Efsad-e-fel-arz [corrupt on earth] and Moharebeh against nuclear terrorism and then the numbers of solutions were proposed