Paradoxes Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie... more

Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie zufolge ist ein Gesetz, das wahrhaft normativ ist, eines, als dessen Urheber wir uns selbst betrachten können; und eine Freiheit, die im vollen Sinne wirklich ist, drückt sich in Gestalt eben solcher selbstgegebener Gesetze aus. Die Idee der Autonomie artikuliert so die Einsicht, dass man Freiheit und Gesetz nicht durch ihre Entgegensetzung bestimmen kann, sondern durcheinander erläutern muss. Wirkliche Freiheit ist nicht Freiheit von Gesetzen, sondern Freiheit in Gesetzen; verbindliche Normen sind nicht das, was Freiheit äußerlich beschränkt, sondern das, was Freiheit innerlich verwirklicht. Die Idee der Autonomie, die für die moderne praktische Philosophie seit Rousseau und Kant grundlegend ist, zielt so darauf, Freiheit und Verbindlichkeit in einem Zuge zu artikulieren: durch die Form selbstgegebener Gesetze. Mit Beiträgen von Robert Brandom, Judith Butler, Thomas Khurana, Christoph Menke, Terry Pinkard und Sebastian Rödl.

Though distant in subject, structure and narrative voice, these two novels, Herman Melville‘s Moby-Dick and Toni Morrison‘s Beloved, share unexpected common ground. Both are remarkable for their breathtaking poetic treatment of suffering,... more

Though distant in subject, structure and narrative voice, these two novels, Herman Melville‘s Moby-Dick and Toni Morrison‘s Beloved, share unexpected common ground. Both are remarkable for their breathtaking poetic treatment of suffering, brutal exploitation and killing. Both weave their narrative fabric in the rich territory where the struggle for survival overlaps with a desperate will to break barriers. And both, somehow, amidst the carnage, create an opening through which reaches the presence of the divine.

Hanna Trubicka Between loneliness and solidarity. Around the problems of subjectivity in later literary critical texts by Stanisław Barańczak The issue of subjectivity is raised in the theoretical and critical works on poetry authored by... more

Hanna Trubicka
Between loneliness and solidarity. Around the problems
of subjectivity in later literary critical texts
by Stanisław Barańczak
The issue of subjectivity is raised in the theoretical and critical works
on poetry authored by Barańczak, so to speak, marginally. Despite the
fact, the issue of identity seems to constitute their core subject and is
organically related to other relevant key threads such as, primarily, the
issue of the “ethics of distrust”. Interestingly enough, the ambivalence
of the situation of an individual, — placed somewhere between the individualistic and the community perspective — which is emphasized
by Stanisław Barańczak by making rhetoric figure of paradox particularly privileged — is also expressed in the language in which the critic
describes the problem. His observations come down ultimately to one
thing: a consistent search in different writers for a confirmation of the
assumption on the paradoxical nature and bi-dimensionality of human

У зв’язку з розвитком концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, який розпочався у 50 рр. ХХ сторіччя і продовжується досі, з'являються нові відкриття у сфері конкурентних стратегій. Кожний дослідник із стратегічного менеджменту абсолютизує... more

У зв’язку з розвитком концепцій стратегічного менеджменту, який розпочався у 50 рр. ХХ сторіччя і продовжується досі, з'являються нові відкриття у сфері конкурентних стратегій. Кожний дослідник із стратегічного менеджменту абсолютизує свій власний підхід, і якщо проаналізувати публікації за останні два десятиріччя, то часто вони подібні між собою у використанні слів «новий підхід» чи «нова парадигма». Але не варто забувати, що всі нові дослідження були результатом натхнення працями попередників, які потрібно проаналізувати в історичній послідовності для того, щоб виявити закономірності у твердженнях, трактуваннях та застосуваннях стратегій сучасної організації. Автором проаналізовано розвиток підходів до трактування стратегії та запропоновано класифікацію підходів щодо визначення змісту стратегії. У роботі представлено трактування стратегії коопетиції як нового парадоксального погляду на стратегічне управління.
Развитие концепций стратегического менеджмента, которое началось в 50 гг. ХХ столетия и продолжается до сих пор, преподносит новые открытия в области конкурентных стратегий. Каждый исследователь в области стратегического управления абсолютизирует свой подход, и если проанализировать публикации за последние два десятилетия, то часто они схожи между собой в использовании слов «новый подход» или «новая парадигма». Но не стоит забывать, что все эти новые исследования были результатом вдохновения работами предшественников, которые нужно проанализировать в исторической последовательности для того, чтобы выявить закономерности в утверждениях, трактовке и использовании стратегий современной организации. Автором проанализированы подходы к трактовке стратегии и предложена классификация подходов по определению содержания стратегии. В работе представлена трактовка стратегии коопетиции как нового парадоксального взгляда на стратегическое управление.
The strategic management concepts development had started in 50-ties of XX century and still brings new discoveries in the field of competitive strategies. Every strategy specialist absolutizes his or her own approach in the field of strategic management. Many recent publications have a lot in common in using “new approach” or “new paradigm” expressions. But we should remember that new approaches are built as a result of inspiration by the previous researchers. These approaches must be analysed in a historical order to reveal patterns in the statements, interpretation and using of strategy at modern organization. Author analysed the approaches to interpretation of strategy, the classification of the approaches to identify strategy was offered. In the paper the coopetition strategy as new paradoxical view on the strategic management was presented.

“Perhaps not all the stories that follow are true. They could, however, be true, and the Reader is invited to ponder this.” So begins this collection of dialogues, epistles, and imaginary documents illustrating the many philosophical... more

“Perhaps not all the stories that follow are true. They could, however, be true, and the Reader is invited to ponder this.” So begins this collection of dialogues, epistles, and imaginary documents illustrating the many philosophical conundrums that hide in the wrinkles of everyday life. Why do mirrors seem to invert left and right but not up and down? How do we know whether strawberries taste the same for everyone? Where is it written that we must observe the law? What if we could swap brains—or the rest of our bodies? Is the train we took today the same we took yesterday? Is everything interesting?

В работе показана возможность и необходимость распространения принципа движения электромагнитного поля на электродинамические процессы. На основе анализа известных парадоксов электромагнетизма также показано, что закон электромагнитной... more

В работе показана возможность и необходимость распространения принципа движения электромагнитного поля на электродинамические процессы. На основе анализа известных парадоксов электромагнетизма также показано, что закон электромагнитной индукции Максвелла является частным случаем закона электромагнитной индукции Фарадея. Рассмотрены физические причины и условия движения компонент электромагнитного поля.

This paper explores paradox as a gateway to spirituality in the training of future leaders. It is precisely the irresolvable duality and the associated dichotomy of paradox that require leaders to tap into deeper levels of understanding.

L'affirmation de l'individu s'avère paradoxale chez Emerson car, qu'il cherche à s'affirmer esthétiquement ou éthiquement, l'individu se nie nécessairement. L'affirmation doit donc passer par la médiation d'un autre qui l'appelle à... more

L'affirmation de l'individu s'avère paradoxale chez Emerson car, qu'il cherche à s'affirmer esthétiquement ou éthiquement, l'individu se nie nécessairement. L'affirmation doit donc passer par la médiation d'un autre qui l'appelle à devenir unique et irremplaçable, c'est-à-dire un Individu. Chez Emerson, cet autre s'incarne chez le poète, cet hétéronyme d'Emerson. Or Emerson conçoit le poète comme un "dieu libérateur", un individu divin qui possède les mêmes attributs que Dieu. Cet article entend ainsi montrer comment Emerson construit, à l'épreuve du texte, une arche divine sous laquelle l'individu est appelé à mener son existence et l'affirmer. Cet habiter divin doit ainsi permettre à l'individu de procéder à la réforme d'une méthode métaphysique enlisée dans l'impasse logique de la pensée normative et de surmonter cette difficulté par le mouvement, non plus unilatéral mais bilatéral, de transcendance.

In his essay, The Language of Paradox, Cleanth Brooks argues that although we tend to see poetry more so as " the language of the soul " rather than " the language of sophistry, " the poet is inevitably forced to approach his truth, "... more

In his essay, The Language of Paradox, Cleanth Brooks argues that although we tend to see poetry more so as " the language of the soul " rather than " the language of sophistry, " the poet is inevitably forced to approach his truth, " …only in terms of paradox " (Brooks 3). This doesn't mean Brooks sees poetry as dealing exclusively in paradox or that poetry involving paradox eschews any sort of emotional outpouring. Rather, he sees paradox as revelatory, insofar as it exposes a new meaning hidden underneath the apparent tension stemming from its configuration. Brooks maintains that by delving into existing paradoxes within a poem, a reader may potentially discover the thrust behind a poem's fervency. Building on this notion, I will argue that not only is there an existing paradox in Browning's " My Last Duchess, " but that beneath the apparent discordance exists the very power by which the reader is affected. Before providing an example to substantiate his case, Brooks concedes that Wordsworth's poetry is known for its simplicity and for its candidness. Few would argue, after a first reading of Wordsworth's oeuvre, that his poetry deals in anything sophistical. Yet Brooks contends that underpinning the typical, simplistic Wordsworthian poem is, " a paradoxical situation " (Brooks 4). He gives us " Composed upon Westminster Bridge " as an example that, through its underlying paradox, we can understand its power and account for its success. On its surface, Worthsworth's poem seems devoid of any paradoxical language. We see the speaker construct a metaphor at the poem's beginning, noting how London's skyline, its,

We introduce a framework for a graph-theoretic analysis of the semantic paradoxes. Similar frameworks have been recently developed for infini-tary propositional languages by Cook [7], [9] and Rabern, Rabern, and Macauley [20]. Our focus,... more

We introduce a framework for a graph-theoretic analysis of the semantic paradoxes. Similar frameworks have been recently developed for infini-tary propositional languages by Cook [7], [9] and Rabern, Rabern, and Macauley [20]. Our focus, however, will be on the language of first-order arithmetic augmented with a primitive truth predicate. Using Leitgeb's [15] notion of semantic dependence, we assign reference graphs (rfgs) to the sentences of this language and define a notion of paradoxicality in terms of acceptable decorations of reference graphs with truth values. It is shown that this notion of paradoxicality coincides with that of Kripke [13]. In order to track down the structural components of an rfg that are responsible for paradoxicality, we show that any decoration can be obtained in a three-stage process: first, the rfg is unfolded into a tree, second , the tree is decorated with truth values (yielding a dependence tree in the sense of Yablo [23]) and third, the decorated tree is re-collapsed onto the rfg. We show that paradoxicality enters the picture only at stage three. Due to this we can isolate two basic patterns necessary for paradoxicality. Moreover, we conjecture a solution to the characterization problem for dangerous rfgs that amounts to the claim that basically the Liar-and the Yablo graph are the only paradoxical rfgs. Furthermore, we develop signed rfgs that allow us to distinguish between 'positive' and 'negative' reference and obtain more fine-grained versions of our results for unsigned rfgs. 1

The meaning of the meaning – logical-rational and holistic-spiritual approach In my paper I compare logical-rational to holistic-spiritual approach to what constitutes the meaning of an expression or text and how they are formed. The... more

Paradoxes and Their Resolutions. This 'thematic compilation' comprises expositions and resolutions of many (though not all) ancient and modern paradoxes, including: the Protagoras-Euathlus paradox, the Liar paradox and the Sorites... more

Paradoxes and Their Resolutions. This 'thematic compilation' comprises expositions and resolutions of many (though not all) ancient and modern paradoxes, including: the Protagoras-Euathlus paradox, the Liar paradox and the Sorites paradox, Russell’s paradox and its derivatives the Barber paradox and the Master Catalogue paradox, Grelling’s paradox, Hempel's paradox of confirmation, and Goodman’s paradox of prediction. This volume also presents and comments on some of the antinomic discourse found in some Buddhist texts (namely, in Nagarjuna and in the Diamond Sutra).

Modern scholarship maintains the Gospel of John is dualistic. This view is uneasily held as there is a growing move to distance the gospel from the original history-of-religions concept of dualism that reached its peak in the... more

Modern scholarship maintains the Gospel of John is dualistic. This view is uneasily held as there is a growing move to distance the gospel from the original history-of-religions concept of dualism that reached its peak in the mid-twentieth century with expectations of incipient Gnosticism in John. Instead of further nuancing the dualistic-sounding ideas in John, this essay challenges directly the claim that John is dualistic-and it proposes that what is often understood to be a dualistic metaphysic is actually paradoxical language as part of the Gospel's oral and literary language games. Starting with a survey of how dualism entered into the scholarly purview of John, the essay then turns to the meaning and function of paradox in the ancient world. Since scholars point to John's 'light' and 'darkness' imagery as the most prominent example of dualism, this essay uses the paradox language of 'light' and 'darkness' as a test case to demonstrate how paradox, and not dualism, is a more accurate and historical descriptor for John's communicative strategy.

This is the original Italian edition of "Insurmountable Simplicities. Thirthy-nine Philosophical Conundrums" (2006). Other editions: French, 2005; Korean, 2005; Portuguese, 2005; Greek, 2006; Spanish, 2007; Chinese, 2007; Polish, 2008,... more

This is the original Italian edition of "Insurmountable Simplicities. Thirthy-nine Philosophical Conundrums" (2006). Other editions: French, 2005; Korean, 2005; Portuguese, 2005; Greek, 2006; Spanish, 2007; Chinese, 2007; Polish, 2008, Finnish, 2014

Resumen El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el modo en que Borges, en su relato Tigres azules, desarrolla varias ideas interesantes en torno a la lógica, el lenguaje y las matemáticas. El punto de partida es el escepti-cismo borgeano... more

Resumen El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el modo en que Borges, en su relato Tigres azules, desarrolla varias ideas interesantes en torno a la lógica, el lenguaje y las matemáticas. El punto de partida es el escepti-cismo borgeano sobre la capacidad de la lógica clásica para abordar el problema de la verdad y los mundos imposibles. Se defiende que ob-jetos inconsistentes e, incluso, autocontradictorios no necesariamente dan lugar a mundos física o lógicamente imposibles. Se sugiere que las paradojas que Borges construye en el cuento no son paradojas de autorreferencia, sino variantes de la paradoja de Moore y de las para-dojas de implicación material, por lo que para superarlas se requiere un enfoque no-clásico que neutralice ECQ, esto es, un sistema de lógica paraconsistente. Abstract Tigres azules of J. L. Borges. Logic, Truth and Impossible Worlds. The aim of this text is show how Borges, in his story Tigres azules, develops several interesting ideas about logic, language and mathematics. The starting point is Borgesian skepticism about the ability of classical logic to take the problem of truth and impossible worlds. It is defended that inconsistent and even self-contradictory objects do not necessarily give rise to physically or logically impossible worlds. It is suggested that the paradoxes that Borges constructs in the story

Sustainable development requires coopetition, that is, the cooperation of organizations that compete at the same time. Research on coopetition for sustainability is sparse. From a sustainability perspective, coopetition contributes to... more

Sustainable development requires coopetition, that is, the cooperation of organizations that compete at the same time. Research on coopetition for sustainability is sparse. From a sustainability perspective, coopetition contributes to sustainability when it makes a positive contribution on the societal level. Existing research on coopetition however focuses on organizational outcomes. In this paper, we link organizational and societal outcomes of coopetition. We show that for the simple case of two coopting firms and an economic and an environmental dimension, there are 51 different combinations that make a positive contribution to sustainability. All but one of these combinations consist of a mix of positive and negative outcomes. We identify four types of trade-offs that can occur in coopetition for sustainability and that point to different pathways of achieving sustainability.

The two envelope paradox can be dissolved by looking closely at the connection between conditional and unconditional expectation and by being careful when summing an infinite series of positive and negative terms. The two envelope paradox... more

The two envelope paradox can be dissolved by looking closely at the connection between conditional and unconditional expectation and by being careful when summing an infinite series of positive and negative terms. The two envelope paradox is not another St. Petersburg paradox and that one does not need to ban talk of infinite expectation values in order to dissolve it. The article ends by posing a new puzzle to do with infinite expectations.

The study examined what it was like for leaders in academia, private practice, and business organizations to be in a state of negative capability during periods of uncertainty and conflict in the workplace. "Negative Capability" is an... more

The study examined what it was like for leaders in academia, private practice, and business organizations to be in a state of negative capability during periods of uncertainty and conflict in the workplace. "Negative Capability" is an expression that was coined by the English romantic poet John Keats and suggests a peculiar disposition to stay in mysteries, doubts, and uncertainty without the irritable reaching after fact and reason. Interviews were conducted using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) methodology. The analysis indicates that the context in which a leader is embedded does not have a significant bearing on how that individual experiences and makes sense of negative capability. The majority of leaders interviewed appear to have a diminished capacity to contain uncertainty when faced with paradoxical dilemmas. In such situations, they resort to behaviors such as problem solving, consulting others, shutting down, and dispersing as a means of defending against the uncertainty. Exercising servant leadership and the intermingling of the leaders' personal and professional lives are strongly emerging themes.

I uploaded this because it is the most revolutionary piece of work that helped spark a financial shift and the 4th industrial revolution including artificial intelligence and virtual reality. As a well respected iot specialist I have... more

I uploaded this because it is the most revolutionary piece of work that helped spark a financial shift and the 4th industrial revolution including artificial intelligence and virtual reality. As a well respected iot specialist I have expert knowledge in SEO, SEM, SMMA, domain flipping and automation with almost every social media platform. Bitcoin alone had more audience and internet action then any business or subject before it. This can be verified using google tends and alerts.

I. Modernity as " âge de mode " Fashion is a typically modern phenomenon-­‐ in the sense that it only exists in modern society, and in the sense that it expresses in a concentrated way the essence of modernity. This is the assumption... more

I. Modernity as " âge de mode " Fashion is a typically modern phenomenon-­‐ in the sense that it only exists in modern society, and in the sense that it expresses in a concentrated way the essence of modernity. This is the assumption underlying the present article, which I will try to illustrate and comment in the following pages. This approach can be surprising, because we often think that fashion existed in all societies, and also because we tend to define modernity on the basis of more "serious" phenomena, like the emergence of scientific rationality or of national states. But fashion, in its apparent frivolity, involves crucial aspects of modern semantics, as the forms of individuality and the relationship with time. The key issue, as we shall see, is the concept of contingency, which in modern times acquires a new significance and unprecedented significance, illustrated by fashion and its forms. Why modernity leads to these changes is an enigmatic question, although the concept continues to attract the attention of scholars, especially in the fields of sociology and history of ideas. What we can observe, however, is the gradual dissolution of the ordered setting of traditional semantics and the transition to a different form of order-­‐ vastly more flexible, contingent, compatible with components of disorder. The univocal order of the cosmos, as it was reflected in metaphysics and theology, but also in the systems of rhetoric and of various disciplines, gives way to a plurality of orders not always coordinated, with criteria, methods and priorities that are different and independent from each other.

I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more

I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant (on some interpretations) and pragmatists such as William James, as well as numerous Twentieth-Century philosophers make use of it. In this ‘paper’ I put forward for general discussion such questions as whether Hobbes was the first 'nonsensicalist', whether Kant was a 'nonsensicalist' at all, which philosophers if any have considered contradictions to be meaningless and whether Wittgenstein thought that his concept of criterion could legitimately be used verificationistically. I shall continue to add further questions as they occur to me.

How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more

How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with incredulity? How do people react to being accused to talking nonsense themselves? Is anything analogous to an illusion of meaning recognised in everyday life? In dream-reports perhaps? Or in the utterances of schizophrenics or those under the influence of drugs? Or in certain jokes and hoaxes? Are contradictions felt to be meaningless? I argue that, though it is clear that experimental philosophy could shed some light on these questions, their subject matter creates special difficulties. First, it is more difficult than usual to formulate questions and produce ‘vignettes’ that do not subtly encourage certain responses at the expense of others. Second, the fact that philosophical nonsense is a metaphilosophical concept ensures that its investigation is going to be more indirect than would be that of knowledge or intention, for example.

This chapter focused on challenges and tensions that characterize leadership in the military context. It aims to identify and analyze key paradoxes that are reflected in this unique setting, while exploring the challenges, opportunities,... more

This chapter focused on challenges and tensions that characterize leadership in the military context. It aims to identify and analyze key paradoxes that are reflected in this unique setting, while exploring the challenges, opportunities, and advantages posed by these core paradoxes for leadership. It addresses different types of paradoxes, among them: (a) shared leadership versus hierarchical leadership, (b) flexibility and creativity versus conformity and discipline, (c) complexity and chaos versus simplicity and linearity, (d) hegemonic and prototypical leadership versus leadership of multiple identities, and last (e) distant leadership and exchange relationship versus intimate leadership and communal relationship. For each focal paradox, we uncover the dynamics, processes, management tensions, and possible subsequent outcomes. We suggest that leadership that is able to effectively attend to competing expectations and paradoxical tensions is essential in the current hybrid and complex organizational structure and unique context of the military. The chapter draws on interviews and prior research of leadership in the Israeli military,

Le paradoxe de Banach-Tarski est l'un des résultats les plus surprenants des mathématiques: On se donne une boule de l'espace d'intérieur non vide. Alors, il est possible de la "découper" en un nombre fini de morceaux et de les réarranger... more

Le paradoxe de Banach-Tarski est l'un des résultats les plus surprenants des mathématiques: On se donne une boule de l'espace d'intérieur non vide. Alors, il est possible de la "découper" en un nombre fini de morceaux et de les réarranger sans les déformer pour obtenir deux boules identiques à la boule initiale à ordre près.
A premier abord, une telle duplication semble manifestement impossible. Cependant, un moment de réflexion nous rappelle que le monde mathématique n'obéit pas toujours à l'intuition.
Le but de ce document est de fournir un exposé autonome de ce paradoxe et d'introduire des sujets connexes.

Przedłożona książka stanowi efekt zbiorowej pracy nad naukowym opracowaniem wybranych z epoki starożytności i średniowiecza opisów wydarzeń i zjawisk osobliwych, cudownych, czy uznanych za nadprzyrodzone. Redaktorzy niniejszego tomu... more

Przedłożona książka stanowi efekt zbiorowej pracy nad naukowym opracowaniem wybranych z epoki starożytności i średniowiecza opisów wydarzeń i zjawisk osobliwych, cudownych, czy uznanych za nadprzyrodzone. Redaktorzy niniejszego tomu postanowili zaprosić do współpracy naukowców z różnych ośrodków naukowych,
w celu poczynienia próby wzbogacenia dotychczasowej refleksji zarówno nad charakterem literackich prezentacji zjawisk niewytłumaczalnych, ale także nad ich kategoriami
i pełnionymi funkcjami. Arcyciekawa materia, której dostarczają opisy wszelakich kuriozów i wymykające się ludzkiej percepcji zjawiska, wydaje się odkrywać przed badaczem nowe rejony wiedzy. Pozwala chociaż w niewielkiej skali dokonać rekonstrukcji kierunku, w którym podążać mógł sposób myślenia i opisywania świata, także przez pryzmat rozwijającej się duchowości. Poprzez wyobrażenia na temat osobliwej deformacji rzeczywistości manifestowały się bowiem indywidualne i zbiorowe
lęki o byt teraźniejszy, jak też uwidaczniały się nadzieje na poznanie przyszłości. Od starożytności cudowne wydarzenia stanowiły bowiem pewnego rodzaju transmisję rzeczywistości, zawierając pewien niekonwencjonalny jej opis, mieszczący w sobie
jednocześnie pewnego rodzaju profetyczną implikację przyszłości. W obszar szeregu niewytłumaczalnych zjawisk naturalną koleją rzeczy wpisywały się również takie anomalie, które interpretowane były jako znaki. Cudowny znak zostawał przeto sprzężony z wydarzeniami przeszłymi, bieżącymi i przyszłymi, albowiem wyzyskując
doświadczenie przeszłości zapowiadał jednak coś nowego.
Dla badaczy prezentujących swoje prace na łamach niniejszej publikacji istotna stała się próba związania literackiego opisu z rzeczywistą sytuacją historyczną, czy kulturową. Zakres rozważań naukowych prowadzonych w tej pracy nad materiałem paradoksograficznym, wymagał dookreślenia tej dziedziny nauki – dziedziny zajmującej
się w głównej mierze paradoksografią. Dlatego też jako tytuł niniejszego tomu zaproponowano pojęcie ujmujące całość w ramy tytułu Paradoksologia w starożytnościi średniowieczu. Tytuł ten wydał się również odpowiedni do zastanowienia się nad problematyką starożytnych znaków, które miały później swoje odzwierciedlenie
w literaturze chrześcijańskiej, gdzie występowały jako proroctwa. Z pewnością odważna decyzja połączenia dwóch epok jako obszaru porównawczego dla dyskutowanych zjawisk, wydała się natomiast najbardziej odpowiednia również z uwagi na próbę odnalezienia zawsze koniecznego w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych dystansu czasowego.

A fundamental component of philosophy is its engagement with paradoxes. What is distinctive of paradoxes is that they seem to naturally arise out of our own pre-theoretical commitments and thereby expose a deep tension within our own... more

A fundamental component of philosophy is its engagement with paradoxes. What is distinctive of paradoxes is that they seem to naturally arise out of our own pre-theoretical commitments and thereby expose a deep tension within our own conceptual framework, such that they appear to demand the revision of our natural ways of thinking. One way of responding to a paradox--the overriding strategy--involves embracing such revisionism, and thus in the process discarding the conceptual framework that generated the paradox. A second style of response--the undercutting strategy--involves instead demonstrating that the paradox is illusory, in that our pre-theoretical commitments are not in fact in conflict after all. Both strategies inevitably generate some degree of cognitive dissonance, whereby one's commitment to the solution to the paradox sits side-by-side with a certain unease regarding one's overall rational situation. Indeed, this dissonance is part of the phenomenology of our philosophical engagement with paradoxes. Taking the putative paradox of radical scepticism as an example, an exploration is offered of how even a fully adequate response to this puzzle--even one cast along undercutting lines--could nonetheless be compatible with a certain kind of ambivalence about the solution posed. This ambivalence is explained in terms of the notion of epistemic vertigo, in that it arises when one attempts a particular kind of detached perspective on one's ordinary practices (when one philosophically 'ascends', as it were), and which is in addition a response to one's overall rational position which is in a sense phobic. Ultimately, it is argued that this particular kind of ambivalence is not to be thought of as involving conflicting beliefs, in that the propositional attitude in play is not one of belief but rather an alief. Finally, a case is offered for thinking that this phenomenon is not restricted to the epistemic case, and hence that there might be a general phenomenon of philosophical vertigo.

The sartrean autobiographical text The Words may be read as a testament that paradoxically establishes the silence through the excessive word. Sartre says when he does not utter, silences when he speaks and, through the dialectal... more

The sartrean autobiographical text The Words may be read as a testament that paradoxically establishes the silence through the excessive word. Sartre says when he does not utter, silences when he speaks and, through the dialectal articulation that he establishes between uttering and silencing, offers us a truly original autobiographical form.

La monumental obra del historiador de Halicarnaso es un compendio inagotable de información histórica, geográfica y etnográfica de la antigüedad, sin embargo, insertas y diseminadas por ella, aparecen noticias y menciones de pueblos... more

La monumental obra del historiador de Halicarnaso es un compendio inagotable de información histórica, geográfica y etnográfica de la antigüedad, sin embargo, insertas y diseminadas por ella, aparecen noticias y menciones de pueblos autres, que a medio camino entre la barbarie y el mito, proporcionan información de mundos desconocidos: argipeos, isedones o arimaspos son descritos en el logos escita y, a su vez, pueden aportar valiosos conocimientos de la sociedad a la que iban dirigidas estas narraciones fabulosas.

Argues that Calvin's use of paradox and divine accommodation, which on its own might lead to a fracture between God in Himself and our knowledge of Him, ought to be understood in light of his doctrines of union with Christ and... more

Argues that Calvin's use of paradox and divine accommodation, which on its own might lead to a fracture between God in Himself and our knowledge of Him, ought to be understood in light of his doctrines of union with Christ and illumination by the Spirit

Il noto e dibattuto “paradosso del mentitore”, in cui il parlante dichiara una cosa come vera e al contempo asserisce di mentire, è fatto risalire a un passo polemico dell’indovino cretese arcaico Epimenide. Alla luce delle citazioni... more

Il noto e dibattuto “paradosso del mentitore”, in cui il parlante dichiara una cosa come vera e al contempo asserisce di mentire, è fatto risalire a un passo polemico dell’indovino cretese arcaico Epimenide. Alla luce delle citazioni antiche del frammento e di recenti acquisizioni filologiche sull’opera epimenidea, questo esempio illustra ottimamente quanto una citazione possa avere il potere di distorcere e deformare il senso dell’originale, fino a perderne (e ricostruirne) completamente il significato originario.

Este texto presenta, y en cierta medida analiza, ambigüedades existentes en textos de lógica y filosofía de la lógica (como la interpretación de los llamados principios, postulados, leyes o verdades lógicas, la coexistencia de la tesis de... more

Este texto presenta, y en cierta medida analiza, ambigüedades existentes en textos de lógica y filosofía de la lógica (como la interpretación de los llamados principios, postulados, leyes o verdades lógicas, la coexistencia de la tesis de que toda relación presupone la existencia de al menos dos relata y la de que una cosa puede relacionarse consigo misma, o la llamada "paradoja del mentiroso") bajo el supuesto de que, dado que la lógica no es anterior a la semántica, un análisis semántico puede mostrar no solo que tal polisemia sugiere que ni la disciplina ni las teorías lógicas son tan rigurosas como se ha afirmado, sino también que varias afirmaciones de esas disciplinas carecen de sentido.

Questa tesi intende presentare l’implicazione connessiva da due punti di vista: uno logico (parte I) e uno storico (parte II). Nell’introduzione si darà un rapido sguardo ai paradossi dell’implicazione materiale e si indicheranno alcuni... more

Questa tesi intende presentare l’implicazione connessiva da due punti di vista: uno logico (parte I) e uno storico (parte II). Nell’introduzione si darà un rapido sguardo ai paradossi dell’implicazione materiale e si indicheranno alcuni tentativi di soluzione: in particolare, si presenteranno i vari approcci connessivi, con particolare attenzione per quello di Graham Priest. Nel capitolo 1 della parte I, si presenterà sintassi e semantica della logica connessiva PrC, così come è esposta in Priest [47], servendosi dei modelli kripkeani. Si mostreranno anche alcune proprietà peculiari della nozione di conseguenza logica connessiva: essa è transitiva e chiusa sotto modus ponens ma non è riflessiva, né monotona né chiusa sotto sostituzione uniforme. I principi connessivi sono validi in tale semantica, però delle tesi di Boezio sono valide solo le versioni deboli, ovvero quelle che hanno per connettivo principale un’implicazione materiale. Verrà poi definita una nuova semantica per PrC, equivalente alla precedente, ma la cui relazione di accessibilità è esplicitata ed è una relazione di equivalenza. Inoltre, si mostrerà come sia possibile, tramite una funzione di traduzione e la sua inversa, tradurre, salva veritate, formule di PrC in formule della logica modale S5 e viceversa. Nel capitolo 2, verrà rapidamente descritto un calcolo di sequenti etichettati per S5 e si accennerà alle proprietà del suddetto calcolo. In seguito, si definirà un calcolo etichettato per PrC (rispetto alla semantica con relazione di equivalenza), chiamato G3.PrC: se ne presenteranno le regole e si dimostreranno i due risultati fondamentali di validità e completezza per G3.PrC. Nella parte II, analizzeremo il passo degli Analitici Primi nel quale alcuni logici rintracciano alcune delle più famose formule connessive. Dopo un commento del passo e una rapida panoramica su alcune delle più autorevoli esegesi del brano, si esporrà una nuova interpretazione del testo, che si basa sui capitoli degli Analitici che fanno da contesto al passaggio in questione: lo Stagirita vorrebbe dimostrare che una conclusione vera non può seguire per necessità da premesse false. Si motiveranno, sulla base della filosofia aristotelica, le due tesi che fungono da base alla nuova interpretazione proposta: (i) le regole logiche cui Aristotele fa riferimento sono semantiche (in termini moderni: lo Stagirita starebbe parlando della nozione di conseguenza logica); (ii) con le due lettere A e B, Aristotele intende le due premesse di un sillogismo (A) e la conclusione (B) e non due enunciati qualsiasi (non sarebbero, dunque, variabili enunciative tout court). Infine, si analizzeranno le tre figure sillogistiche per saggiare la validità del ragionamento aristotelico nella nuova esegesi data, mostrando come, sebbene insorgano alcune difficoltà, sia possibile affermare che la nuova interpretazione valida l’argomento dello Stagirita.

This piece continues the tradition of arguments by John Lucas, Roger Penrose and others to the effect that the human mind is not a machine. Kurt Gödel thought that the intensional paradoxes stand in the way of proving that the mind is not... more

This piece continues the tradition of arguments by John Lucas, Roger Penrose and others to the effect that the human mind is not a machine. Kurt Gödel thought that the intensional paradoxes stand in the way of proving that the mind is not a machine. According to Gödel, a successful proof that the mind is not a machine would require a solution to the intensional paradoxes. We provide a partial vindication of Gödel and show that if a particular solution to the intensional paradoxes is adopted, one can indeed give an argument to the effect that the mind is not a machine.

a non-meaning in a contradictory harmony.

"It has long been stated that, in Isocrates’ Helen, there seems to be an open contradiction between the author’s harsh criticism of logoi paradoxoi and the simple fact that his own encomia of Helen and Busiris appear to be specimens of... more

"It has long been stated that, in Isocrates’ Helen, there seems to be an open contradiction between the author’s harsh criticism of logoi paradoxoi and the simple fact that his own encomia of Helen and Busiris appear to be specimens of that very genre. Traditionally, this contradiction has been explained by Isocrates’ need to distanciate his own work from that of his predecessors.
This paper undertakes a different approach. Isocrates’ criticism of paradoxographic literature is based upon observations about what is and what is not allowed in moral epideictic discourse. Isocrates’ specific instructions about proper and improper moral argumentation can function as hermeneutical tool to analyze Helen and Busiris. Only in Helen does he observe the rules of argumentation formulated in that very discourse. In Busiris, however, Isocrates adopts the typical modes of argumentation in paradoxographic literature as represented in the works of Gorgias or Polycrates. In consequence, his arguments in Busiris prove to be unconvincing when measured by his own standards formulated in the proemium of both Helen and Busiris. Consequently, the discourse ends in an apology of these arguments which is, once again, defective. In his corresponding discourses Helen and Busiris, Isocrates implictly demonstrates the moral and technical defects inherent in paradoxical discourse.He explicitly reflects these defects in the proemia and epilogues of both speeches. Helen and Busiris should, therefore, be understood as Isocrates’ manifesto for moral discourse as opposed to paradoxographic showpieces."