Parion Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Antik Troas Bölgesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Parion, Çanakkale İlinin Biga İlçesi, Kemer Köyü, Bodrum Burnu sınırları içerisinde kalmaktadır. Eusebius’a göre Parion MÖ. 709 yılında kurulmuştur. Parion asıl önemine Roma Dönemi’nde... more

Antik Troas Bölgesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Parion, Çanakkale İlinin Biga İlçesi,
Kemer Köyü, Bodrum Burnu sınırları içerisinde kalmaktadır. Eusebius’a göre
Parion MÖ. 709 yılında kurulmuştur. Parion asıl önemine Roma Dönemi’nde
ulaşmıştır. Parion Bizans Dönemi’nde de önemini korumaya devam etmiş, uzun
yıllar bishopluk merkezi olmuştur. Parion Kent Merkezi’nde yer alan hamam
yapıları kentte sosyal hayatın boyutlarını gösteren sivil mimari yapılardır. Parion
Roma Hamamı, Parion Tiyatrosu’nun 70 metre doğusunda sahile 150 metre
uzaklıkta yer almaktadır. Roma Hamamı kazı çalışmaları sonucunda 2015 yılında
praefernium bölümünün kuzeyinde bir adet mezar; 2017 yılında piscinanın doğu
duvarı yakınlarında, apodyterium bölümün doğusunda ve praeferniumun yüzey
toprağında olmak üzere üç adet mezar; 2018 yılında ise peristili alanda bir adet
mezar bulunmuştur. Bizans Dönemi’ne ait mezarlardan 5 iskelet çıkarılmıştır.
Mezarlardan çıkarılan iskeletler Parion Antik Kenti Kazı Evi’nde paleoantropoloji
çalışmalarının yapılması için düzenlenmiş laboratuvarda temizlik ve onarım
çalışmaları tamamlandıktan sonra çalışmaya hazır hâle getirilmiş ve daha sonra
yaş, cinsiyet, patolojik durumları ve varyasyonları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu
çalışmada arkeolojik değerlendirmeler Alper Yılmaz tarafından antropolojik
değerlendirmeler ise Emel Acar tarafından yapılmıştır.

Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- cepted to be erected to the honour of Homeric heroes, were continuously in use in the region during the whole antiquity. Unfortunately,... more

Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- cepted to be erected to the honour of Homeric heroes, were continuously in use in the region during the whole antiquity. Unfortunately, studies on tumuli from Troad are either insufficient or limited. Within this frame, every discovery and its proper scientific analysis gains an essential role.
Nevertheless, such a discovery took place in 2018 as a tumulus located a few kilometres southwest of Parion was rescue excavated under the directorship of Çanakkale Museum. Known as the Beyoba Tumulus this mound and a tomb structure built under it rests on a high hill overlooking one of the plains that were once dominated by Parion. Revealed to be partially destroyed as a result of several illicit excavations the Beyoba Tumulus sup- plied a notable amount of artefacts and an interesting architectural layout. Especially the architecture, reflect- ing a hybrid Thraco-Macedonian character, supplied us with a rare exemplar for its subject matter when the region of Troad is into consideration.
This paper focuses primarily on the more important architectural traits of the Beyoba Tumulus. Within its course firstly a descriptive sharing of the tumulus’ plan, building technique and main architectural traits will be achieved. Following this, in-detail analogies will be established with parallels originating respectively from Thrace and Macedonia. This analogical approach will be further harmonized with certain contemporary local tumuli. By doing so, it is aimed to contextualise the origin and existence of this hybrid structure originating from the Beyoba Tumulus. A further historical and geopolitical contextualisation will also be achieved by the interpretation of this tumular tomb with the historical events of its era.
Keywords: Parion, Thraco-Macedonian tumuli, Late 4th century BC, corbelled roof, barrel-vault

Parion is situated in the village of Kemer, and is connected to the town of Balıklı Çeşme, in the Biga District of Çanakkale. The city was established around a stream that flows into the sea and has a natural harbor, as have other... more

Parion is situated in the village of Kemer, and is connected to the town of Balıklı Çeşme, in the Biga District of Çanakkale. The city was established around a stream that flows into the sea and has a natural harbor, as have other colonial cities established in the region during the 7th and 8th centuries BC. Excavations were carried out from 2008 until now, in a building with rooms of different sizes, walls, water channels, mosaic pieces, glass products, ceramic pieces from different periods, and many bronze coins in poor condition. In addition, excavations conducted on the northern side of the structure showed the remains of a cylindrical ground support with pilae, which belong to a 'hypocaust system'. This article discusses the ways in which caldarium and tepidarium rooms from Early Roman to Byzantine period bathhouses and villas were provided in that period of time with a hypocaust wall heating system. One of the new construction methods is the use of 'spacer tubes': small hollow terracotta tubes which were used during a long time because they were cheaper. In Parion, one of the most important cities of Troas Region in the Roman period, the excavated small building showed three building phases. The spacer tubes have revealed new information of their building function. They are very important as there are only few examples of this building method in the Troas region. Examples of their types and features are described in a catalogue.

Metal objects which are one of the most prominent discoveries of humankind has entered into the life of humans with copper which is easily accessible in nature. Since Anatolia is rich in regard to mineral deposits, people have always been... more

Metal objects which are one of the most prominent discoveries of humankind has entered into the life of humans with copper which is easily accessible in nature. Since Anatolia is rich in regard to mineral
deposits, people have always been able to access mines easily. In pre-historic times, people using flint stones, obsidians and bones as well as wood collected copper and started doing objects. Since metal
materials are more durable compared to other things and easier to be formed, they were improved quickly in the life of human beings. Later metal materials were regarded as the major signifier of wealth, definitive
in wars and the assistant of being garnished which stems from the feeling of human beings that is being liked. All those factors contributed to the increase and improvement of metal material use with the help
of technological factors for ages. In this context, Parion excavations also contribute to the data in use and improvement of metal materials. Metal materials which have been unearthed in theater excavations since
2006 have contributed a lot to the data associated with metal use.
The aim of this study is to highlight the changes and practices of theater in ages by means of comparing the metal artifacts with similar samples and introducing them to the scientific world as well as evaluating
the layer and the context materials where the artifacts were unearthed. As well as giving information about the structure of theater, these metal artifacts help us to understand the socio-economic state of Parion.

Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern limits of the ancient city of Parion. The tombs that were built... more

Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense
excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern
limits of the ancient city of Parion.
The tombs that were built by means of using rubble and mortar were found to be covered
with a layer of stucco both from inside and outside. Entrance to the tombs, which are all below
the ground level, was made possible by small entrances all opening to the south and understood
to be closed by monolith blocks. All tombs were covered by a built barrel vault. Floors of the
chambers were carved from the bedrock itself and in some examples was divided by two basins
or was left undivided.
A total of 47 artefacts were recovered from the chambers as well as from the soil taken out
by the illegal excavations. The overall repertory comprises of ceramics, glass artefacts, metal
objects, coins and jewellery. One of the tombs with a partially preserved context, named as
OM5, especially stands out from the rest as it housed a mass burial made of more than forty
bodies piled on top or aside of each other.
All these tombs and their remains, which will be evaluated within this study, posses a high
potential for a better understanding of the social, demographic and religious identity of Parion
as well as its burials customs during the Early Imperial Roman Period.

Mimari yapılar üzerinde önemli bir yere sahip olan alınlık düzenlemesi, antik çağda taş mimariye geçişle birlikte yapıların vazgeçilmez unsuru olmuştur. Parion Antik Kenti 2012 yılı kazılarında tiyatroda ele geçen Victoria’lı alınlık,... more

Mimari yapılar üzerinde önemli bir yere sahip olan alınlık düzenlemesi, antik çağda taş mimariye geçişle birlikte yapıların vazgeçilmez unsuru olmuştur. Parion Antik Kenti 2012 yılı kazılarında tiyatroda ele geçen Victoria’lı alınlık, bitkisel süsleme ve figürsel olarak önemli bir buluntudur ve tiyatroda sonraki yıllarda yapılan kazılarda da benzer şekilde işlenmiş figürlü alınlıklar açığa çıkarılmıştır. Bu alınlıklar arasında en iyi korunmuş olanı Victoria’lı alınlıktır. Akanthuslardan çıkan ve yanlarda kıvrıkdal tutan figürlerin işlenmesi geleneği Geç Klasik Dönem’den itibaren kullanılmaya başlanmış olup; Hellenistik Dönem’de artmış ve bu figürlerin tanrı ve tanrıçaları temsilen yapıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Tanrı ve tanrıçaların, akanthus ve kıvrıkdallarla işlenmesi de yapılardaki dini işlevlerinden kaynaklanmakta olup; doğadaki güçlerinden ve insanlara etkisi göz önünde bulundurularak, insan ile tanrı arasındaki bağın kuvvetli olduğunu göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Bu figürlerin işlenişindeki temel amac doğaya hayat vermek, kök salmak ve bereketi simgelemek olduğu düşünülmektedir. Roma imparatorları, kendi dönemlerinde yaptırdıkları tapınaklar, villalar, forumlar ve bu forumlar içinde yer alan kamusal yapılarda alınlık ikonografisine önem vermişler ve bu yapıların işlevine göre tanrı veya tanrıça betimlemelerine, alınlıklarda yer vermişlerdir. Özellikle, imparatorların kendi inandıkları tanrı ve tanrıça figürlerine yer verdikleri görülmektedir. Süsleme ögesi olan akanthus ve kıvrıkdallar da bu betimlemelerle birlikte kullanılmıştır.

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın 10 Haziran 2016 Tarih ve 111054 Sayılı ruhsatnamesine göre Parion kazısı 2016 yılı çalışmaları, 12 akademisyen, 9 arkeolog, 2 mimar, 8 restoratör- konservatör, 23 arkeoloji öğrencisi ve 18 işçiden oluşan bir... more

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın 10 Haziran 2016 Tarih ve 111054 Sayılı
ruhsatnamesine göre Parion kazısı 2016 yılı çalışmaları, 12
akademisyen, 9 arkeolog, 2 mimar, 8 restoratör- konservatör, 23 arkeoloji
öğrencisi ve 18 işçiden oluşan bir ekip tarafından, 13 Temmuz- 06 Eylül
2016 tarihleri arasında Bakanlığımıza sunulan kazı programı çerçevesinde,
güney nekropolis, tiyatro, odeion, Roma hamamı, yamaç hamamı, agora ve
dükkânlar, su kemeri, su kuyusu 1, oda mezarlar ve mozaikli yapı olmak
üzere, antik kentin 10 ayrı bölgesinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup, 487 kalem etütlük
ve 15 adet envanterlik eser ortaya çıkarılmıştır.

Coin finds of 1905 coins, and the works conducted on these coins during the works carried out through the 2010-2014 excavation seasons in the ancient city of Parion: one of the most important cities of the Troas Region will be briefly... more

Coin finds of 1905 coins, and the works conducted on these coins during the works carried out through the 2010-2014 excavation seasons in the ancient city of Parion: one of the most important
cities of the Troas Region will be briefly introduced in this article. The coins by being divided among
groups, their distribution in regards of periods and mint marks will be presented and the some of the
preliminary results will be briefly presented. In this manner it has been aimed for the reader of this article to have a preliminary ideas regarding the coins discovered during the Parion Excavations.

Parion, a colony founded on the Asiatic shore of the Propontis in the Troas Region, similar to most colony cities was founded on a cape overlooking trade routes, adjacent to a fertile hinterland and a water source. The water sources the... more

Parion, a colony founded on the Asiatic shore of the Propontis in the Troas Region, similar to most colony cities was founded on a cape overlooking trade routes, adjacent to a fertile hinterland and a water source. The water sources the vitalizing rivers are of the utmost importance. Two rivers are known in Parion: the Hermotos and Rhesos. These two rivers which by granting the Parianoi water to drink and fish to eat along with fertile agricultural lands (through feeding the plains by irrigation channels or in a natural manner) have directly effected and ensured life in Parion.
This paper aims to establish the ancient knowledge regarding rivers as the source of the water required by the city by referring to ancient geographical and hydrographical information provided by ancient and modern sources for Parion as well as the ancient world.

yarıdeğerli taşlardan yakut, amatist

Parion antik tiyatrosunda 2006 yılında başlayan bilimsel kazı çalışmaları günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan metal eserler, tiyatronun geçirdiği evrelere ve değişikliklere açıklık getirilmesine katkıda... more

Parion antik tiyatrosunda 2006 yılında başlayan bilimsel kazı çalışmaları günümüzde de devam etmektedir. Kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan metal eserler, tiyatronun geçirdiği evrelere ve değişikliklere açıklık getirilmesine katkıda bulunacak niteliktedir. Çalışmanın konusu 2006-2015 yılları arasında yapılan kazı çalışmalarında ortaya çıkarılan bronz, demir ve kurşun eserlerden oluşmaktadır. Metal eserler antik dönem içerisinde çok farklı işlevlere sahiptir. Özellikle tiyatroda ortaya çıkarılan, birçok farklı kullanım özelliğine sahip metal eserlerin büyük kısmı, günümüzde olduğu gibi mimari konstrüksiyonda bağlayıcı eleman olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın içeriğinde 39 bronz, 17 demir ve 1 adet kurşun olmak üzere toplamda 57 eser incelenmiştir. Bronz eserler demir ve kurşun eserlere göre daha yoğun bir kullanım görmüştür. Bu durum bronzun diğer malzemeden yapılan eserlere göre daha dayanıklı olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Tiyatroda ortaya çıkarılan çok sayıda bronz tıp aleti, tiyatronun ikinci evrede değiştirilerek gladyatör oyunlarının oynandığı bir mekân olarak kullanıldığına işaret etmektedir. Çünkü antik dönemde gladyatörlere ilk müdahale tiyatro içerisinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Tıp aletlerinin özellikle versurae bölümünün içerisinde yer küçük bir odada ortaya çıkması, tiyatronun ikinci evresinde bu bölümün ilk tıbbi müdahale odası olarak kullanıldığı göstermektedir. Ortaya çıkarılan demir eserler ise tiyatronun ahşap konstrüksiyonunda kullanılmıştır. Ele geçen buluntuların hepsi Roma ve Bizans dönemine aittir. Bu durum tiyatronun Roma döneminden Bizans’ın içlerine kadar kesintisiz bu kullanıldığını göstermektedir.

Parion, a colony of Paros, and (?) Miletos as well as Erythrai was founded in 709 BC on the Asiatic shore of the Propontis. Today the ancient city is located within the borders of Kemer Village in the Biga Municipality of Çanakkale... more

Parion, a colony of Paros, and (?) Miletos as well as Erythrai was founded in 709 BC
on the Asiatic shore of the Propontis. Today the ancient city is located within the borders of Kemer Village in the Biga Municipality of Çanakkale Province, Turkey. The Parianoi, are known to have rejoiced for hosting a number of famous statues within their city. Information regarding these sculptures is given by ancient authors. Sadly no archaeological evidence of the art work which decorated Parion in antiquity has been found so far. Works fashioned of bronze or marble were created for Parion by renowned Greek sculptors: Hegesias, Euphranor and Praxiteles. In one case, the statue of Eros by Praxiteles, Parian marble was used. In the article, literary evidence regarding the sculptures is examined, combined with evidence from archaeological context of Parion.

Spectacles performed in the theatres of the Roman cities were of importance for the general public as well as for the benefactors of these events. Within the theatres water spectales, gladiatorial and beast combats were performed along... more

Spectacles performed in the theatres of the Roman cities were of importance for the general public as well as for the benefactors of these events. Within the theatres water spectales, gladiatorial and beast combats were performed along with drama acts. For gladiatorial combats amphitheatres are known to have been built within the empire although in geographical locations such as Greece and Asia Minor where Greek influence and theatre culture had flourished before the Roman Empire’s conquest very few amphitheatres were built. Instead theatres were altered in architecture or built to be multi-functional structures of entertainment.
Parion’s theatre is thought to have been built during the Flavian Period in the late 1st century AD and was altered/renovated several times during the second half of the 2nd century and the early 3rd century AD. Having water discharge related components installed in the orchestra, hyposcaeneium and the versura suggests that Parion’s theatre was used as a multi-functional theatre. A further hint of the theatre being a multi-funtional entertainment structure is the gladiatorial combat and venatio (beast combat and displays) related graffiti.
This work intends to introduce the water system of the theatre of Parion and evaluate the system along with some architectural aspects of the theatre. Understanding the purpose of these water systems with regard to theatrical spectacles is another intent of this work.

ÖZET Antik Parion Kenti, Troas Bölgesi'nin kuzeyinde, günümüzde Çanakkale ili Biga ilçesi sınırları içerisindeki, Kemer Köyü'nde yer almaktadır. Parion'un, Hadrianus Dönemi'nde, ikinci kez elde ettiği koloni statüsünden sonra, kentteki... more

ÖZET Antik Parion Kenti, Troas Bölgesi'nin kuzeyinde, günümüzde Çanakkale ili Biga ilçesi sınırları içerisindeki, Kemer Köyü'nde yer almaktadır. Parion'un, Hadrianus Dönemi'nde, ikinci kez elde ettiği koloni statüsünden sonra, kentteki mimari faaliyetlerde hızlanma olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Bu faaliyetler çerçevesinde Odeion'un MS 2. yüzyılda inşa edildiği düşünülmektedir. 2010 yılı kazı çalışmaları sırasında Odeion'un 1375-1435 plankareli açmasında, 249 adet Geç Roma Dönemi sikkesinden oluşan bir define bulunmuştur. Odeion definesi sikkelerinin imparatorlara göre dağılımına baktığımızda göze çarpan bir konu, sikkelerin Theodosius Hanedanlığı Dönemi'nde (MS 375-450) yoğunlaşmasıdır. Arcadius, Honorius ve II. Theodosius Dönemleri'ne ait çok sayıda örneğin bulunduğu define sikkeleri MS 3. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından MS 5. yüzyılın ilk yarısına kadar uzanmaktadır. En erken MS 5. yüzyılın ilk yarısında kaybedildiği düşünülen Odeion definesinin, diğer arkeolojik kalıntılar ve buluntuların da yardımıyla yapının ilk kullanımının son evresini temsil eden sikkeler olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.
The ancient city of Parion is located in Kemer village, north of the Troas region, within the boundaries of the Biga district of Çanakkale province. It is estimated that architechtural activities accelereted after city had gained colony statue for the second time during the Hadrian Period. It is thought that Odeion was also built in 2nd century AD within the framework of these activities. During the 2010 excavation, the hoard consisting of 249 Late Roman Period coins, was found at the 1375-1435 grid trench of Odeion. When we look at the distribution of Odeion hoard coins according to the emperors, a striking issue is the of coins condensation in the Theodosius Dynasty Period (AD 375-450). Containing numerous examples of Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius II periods dates back from the second half of 3rd century AD to first half of 5th century AD. Odeion hoard which was thought to be lost in the earliest first half of 5th century AD, can be assumed that the coins were the last phase of the usage of the structure with the help of other archaeological remains and finds.

Parion, which is a city of the Propontis, is now located within the borders of Kemer Village of Biga district in Çanakkale province. The archaeological excavations started in 2005 in the city, which was visited and localized by the... more

Parion, which is a city of the Propontis, is now located within the borders of Kemer Village of Biga district in Çanakkale province. The archaeological excavations started in 2005 in the city, which was visited and localized by the European travelers since the 17th century. The settlement in this city, which is reported to have been established in the 8th century BC, lasted until the 13th century AD. The pottery evaluated in our study was obtained in gallery 5 during the excavations in the Roman Bath, which is an important public building where the social life of the city was shaped, in 2016. In our study in which 50 pieces of Late Roman Red Slip pottery
were examined, evaluations were made about the use of pottery in the Late Antiquity in Parion with the help of Late Roman pottery. Accordingly, red slip pottery of the Late Roman Period found in room 5 in the Roman
Bath was first classified, and especially its production sites and formal features were taken into account. They
were grouped as Africa (Late Roman A, B) Phokaia (Late Roman C), and Late Roman Light Colored Ware, and information was provided about the clay and slip properties, decoration and production techniques of the
material. With the pottery found in room 5, it was attempted to reveal the estimated usage time and the phases
of the Roman Bath.

GILDED TERRACOTTA WREATHS IN PARION SOUTH NECROPOLIS Two Stone Chest Tombs (SCT-TSM) adjacent to each other were found in the excavation in 2009 in the South Necropolis of Parion, one of the cities of Troad Region. Two terracotta wreaths... more

Two Stone Chest Tombs (SCT-TSM) adjacent to each other were found in the excavation in 2009 in the South Necropolis of Parion, one of the cities of Troad Region. Two terracotta wreaths were left for SCT 11, and one terracotta wreath was left in SCT 12 as burial gifts. The fact that terracotta wreaths were found in Parion is a situation to think about from multiple aspects. Terracotta, bronze, lead and golden gilding were used in making wreaths. Thus, it is remarkable in terms of production techniques that materials in different natures were combined in one object. The fruitlets of the wreaths were made of terracotta, the leaves and wires made of bronze, and the strap sheet that serves as the main holder was made of lead. Each unit constituting the wreath, except for the lead strap stiffener, was gilded with gold. This technique, defined as gold-plated in many Turkish articles, is golden gilding technique. Gilding technique was performed with amalgam compound during the ancient period. The main component consituting amalgam is mercury and it is derived from cinnabar. Several authors of ancient period wrote that red pigment is obtained from cinnabar. The most detailed information about the use of mercury as liquid is provided by Vitruvius. Many researchers suggest that the gilding technique with the use of amalgam compound was discovered and used in the Roman period. These wreaths revealed in the Parion South Necropolis were dated to the end of 4th century B.C. and the beginning of 3rd century B.C. under the light of similar samples and context objeckts. Within this context, terracotta wreaths revealed in Parion are significant as it shows that the golden gilding technique with the use of amalgam compound was not discovered in the Roman period and that it was used before the Roman period. Finding of terracotta wreaths in tombs is an important topic to be considered in terms of burial customs. It’s interesting that no terracotta wreaths were revealed until today in necropolis excavations in Anatolia. The fact that terracotta wreaths are found particularly in necropolises in the regions of Greece, Italy and Macedonia brings the question of whether Parion was in a social and cultural relationship with these regions. Previously conducted scientific works in Parion revealed that Parion was in close relationships with Thracia and Macenodia during B.C. 4th – 3rd century. In relationship to this, not having seen terracotta wreaths in Anatolian burial customs and this being seen often in the Macedonia region particularly support the existence of Parion-Macedonian relationships that were revealed in previous scientific works. This study also focused on the question of whether terracotta wreaths were an object that was used during daily life or that it is produced only as a burial gift. It is more likely that terracotta wreaths were produced only as burial gifts as they are not appropriate for daily use. Although the wreaths were made in alignment with the period’s high sense of art, materials used may have been to decrease the costs. This shows that terracotta wreaths are not for daily use and that they were gilded with gold to show the importance that was given to the deceased by the relatives. Findings of golden wreaths with oak leaves and a terracotta wreath in the SCT 12 supports this thought. Terracotta wreaths indicate to an extent both the economical and the social status of Parion during B.C. 4 - 3 century. Additionally, this study aims to reveal the existence of terracotta wreaths as burial gift within the Anatolian burial customs.

Antik Troas Bölgesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Parion, Çanakkale İlinin Biga İlçesi, Kemer Köyü, Bodrum Burnu sınırları içerisinde kalmaktadır. Eusebius’a göre Parion M.Ö. 709 yılında kurulmuştur. Parion asıl önemine Roma Dönemi’nde... more

Antik Troas Bölgesi’nin kuzeyinde yer alan Parion, Çanakkale İlinin Biga İlçesi, Kemer Köyü, Bodrum Burnu sınırları içerisinde kalmaktadır. Eusebius’a göre Parion M.Ö. 709 yılında kurulmuştur. Parion asıl önemine Roma Dönemi’nde ulaşmıştır. Parion Bizans Dönemi’nde de önemini korumaya devam ettirmiş, uzun yıllar baş bishopluk merkezi olmuştur. Parion Kent Merkezi’nde yer alan hamam yapıları sosyal hayatın devam ettiği özel yapılardır. Parion Roma Hamamı, Parion Tiyatrosu’nun 70 metre doğusunda sahile 150 metre uzaklıkta yer almaktadır. Parion Roma Hamamı kazı çalışmaları sonucunda 2015 yılında praefernium bölümünün kuzeyinde bir adet mezar; 2017 yılında piscinanın doğu duvarı yakınlarında, apodyterium bölümün doğusunda ve praeferniumun yüzey toprağında olmak üzere üç adet mezar; 2018 yılında ise peristili alanda bir adet mezar bulunmuştur. Bizans Dönemi’ne ait mezarlardan 5 iskelet çıkarılmıştır. Mezarlardan çıkarılan iskeletler Parion Antik Kenti Kazı Evi’nde paleoantropoloji çalışmalarının yapılması için düzenlenmiş laboratuvarda temizlik ve onarım çalışmaları tamamlandıktan sonra çalışmaya hazır hâle getirilmiş ve daha sonra yaş, cinsiyet, patolojik durumları ve varyasyonları değerlendirilmiştir

Spectacles performed in the theatres of the Roman cities were of importance for the general public as well as for the benefactors of these events. Within the theatres water spectales, gladiatorial and beast combats were performed along... more

Spectacles performed in the theatres of the Roman cities were of importance for the general public as well as for the benefactors of these events. Within the theatres water spectales, gladiatorial and beast combats were performed along with drama acts. For gladiatorial combats amphitheatres are known to have been built within the empire although in geographical locations such as Greece and Asia Minor where Greek influence and theatre culture had flourished before the Roman Empire’s conquest very few amphitheatres were built. Instead theatres were altered in architecture or built to be multi-functional structures of entertainment.
Parion’s theatre is thought to have been built during the Flavian Period in the late 1st century AD and was altered/renovated several times during the second half of the 2nd century and the early 3rd century AD. Having water discharge related components installed in the orchestra, hyposcaeneium and the versura suggests that Parion’s theatre was used as a multi-functional theatre. A further hint of the theatre being a multi-funtional entertainment structure is the gladiatorial combat and venatio (beast combat and displays) related graffiti.
This work intends to introduce the water system of the theatre of Parion and evaluate the system along with some architectural aspects of the theatre. Understanding the purpose of these water systems with regard to theatrical spectacles is another intent of this work.

This study, which investigates the urban development and architecture of the Roman Period in Parium, one of the important cities of the Troas Region, is a preliminary evaluation. The City, which is thought to have been founded during the... more

This study, which investigates the urban development and architecture of the Roman Period in Parium, one of the important cities of the Troas Region, is a preliminary evaluation. The City, which is thought to have been founded during the Greek colonization in 709 BC, completed its proper urbanization until the Roman Period and became a "Greek polis". With the Roman rule in Troad Parium’s transformation into a Roman city began, and this process came to an end in the second century AD. It was at this time, that Parium completely transformed into a Roman city. The special statuses that were given to the city provided the main financing of this transformation. It is observed that during this process various buildings constituting the Roman identity were constructed along with the Romanization policies. Within this study, the factors influencing the development of the architecture of the Roman Period in the city were explained, and the reflection of the prosperity brought by the Pax Romana on the architecture was emphasized. The construction dates of the Roman buildings in the city were determined in compliance with the chronology

Parion OM 5 is dated to the Roman period. As a result of paleodemographic analysis, the number of male and female individuals in the OM 5 Society is 13. A total of 26 adult individuals accounted for 78.8% of the whole population. A total... more

Parion OM 5 is dated to the Roman period. As a result of paleodemographic analysis, the number of male and female individuals in the OM 5 Society is 13. A total of 26 adult individuals accounted for 78.8% of the whole population. A total of 2 babies and 5 children were identified in the population. Parion OM 5 The smallest individual is a 9-month-old infant. The oldest person in the society is a 57-year-old woman. The oldest male in the community is 56 years old. In Parion OM 5, the age at which the death range of women is high is 25-35. It is a possible idea to link the mortality rate to the adverse conditions that develop after birth in this age group. The average age of male individuals in the society was higher than that of women. The mean age of women was 43.9 years and the mean age of women was 39.4 years. The biggest reason for the difference in age between men and women is the differentiation in social status. The average age of the adult population of Om 5 is 41.03 years. Considering the OM 5 and contemporary Roman communities, it can be said that the high age average is a result of being advantageous in accessing nutritional resources.

Through finding small fragment of mine, individuals began to proceed minerals, because there are not many mineral in the nature. The important part of Anatolia metallurgy is Northwest Anatolia. It is been examined out of all mining... more

Through finding small fragment of mine, individuals began to proceed minerals, because there are not many mineral in the nature. The important part of Anatolia metallurgy is Northwest Anatolia. It is been examined out of all mining ventures the ones close to Parion city will be highlighted. Some of those mineral stretum has relationship with Parion. Iron tacks that has been found by Parion has analysed through XRay Fluorensons. Located around the Parion and the samples taken from the mine operated known in antiquity, it was made the same analysis applied to the nails. In the analysis results produced in parione and MS.1 century AD. 5. Çakırlı ore nails belonging to a period of up to a century emerged that overlap with samples of the iron furnace. These results are important Parion in so far as the evidence despite the fact that the production of metal products reveal a workshop.

Publications about Parion

The Slope Bath of Parion where the excavations were begun in 2008 located on the western slope of the hill 300 m east of the acropolis and the theatre, 100 m northeast of the Sedat-Naciye NUROVA Parion Excavation House. During survey... more

The Slope Bath of Parion where the excavations were begun in 2008 located on the western slope of the hill 300 m east of the acropolis and the theatre, 100 m northeast of the Sedat-Naciye NUROVA Parion Excavation House. During survey works carried out on the slope a vaulted strocture remain of 1 m diameter was observed. The vaulted structure remain was thought to be related to the wall remain or to belong to either an important structure or structure group therefore the desicion for excavating this area was given. The Slope Bath having nine sections revealed during excavations so far, besides sheding light to the social and economical aspects of Parion, does present significant information regarding the architecture of the city. These revealed sections are significant due to their different features. By having no similar examples in Anatolia the laconicum section does give an idea about the bath’s architect. The need of a very hot section in a geography where the climate is warm will be investigated in this work. Other sections revealed during excavations besides the laconicum will be introduced in light of similar examples. Along with the structure’s architecture discovered artifacts will also be introduced with regards to their relation to the structure. Additionally the localization of the bath has been introduced and the effect of the close proximity of the location to the harbour on the desicion making of the bath’s location has been mentioned. Finally by investigating the finds and architectural remains discovered during Excavations preliminary conclusions on the Slope Bath’s construction date and usage phases have been reached.

Th e ancient city of Parion is located in Kemer village, within the borders of Biga district of modern-day Çanakkale province. Th e city, which was established as a Greek colony at the end of the 8th century BC, had colonial city status... more

Th e ancient city of Parion is located in Kemer village, within the borders
of Biga district of modern-day Çanakkale province. Th e city, which was
established as a Greek colony at the end of the 8th century BC, had colonial city status in the Roman Period. Parion did not lose its importance in the Byzantine Period when it became one of the important episcopal centers of the region. As a result of the excavations carried out in the ancient city of Parion between 2006 - 2018, 53 Anonymous Folles were recovered. Within the scope of excavation, these coins were compared with the published samples of Anonymous Folles found in the Anatolian collections, museums and archaeological excavations by giving the variances according to the types and findings areas of Anonymous Folles; the variance of the type of these coins was seen to be in line with the findings of the Anatolian archaeological excavations. All of the Anonymous Folles found in thearchaeological excavations in Parion were discovered in the additions of the structures of the Roman Era, which show that the usage of these structures continued even if they underwent functional changes by additions and restorations in the 10th and 11th centuries AD. Th ese provide some of the most important data supporting both the fact that the settlement continued there and that the city did not lose its position as an important port in the era when the findings of the Anonymous Folles were minted in Parion. This excavation has an important place as it included samples of double minted Anonymous Folles seen rarely in Anatolia; also there are almost no published samples of the Anonymous Folles in the cities found around Parion despite the fact that there are many publications on the Anonymous Folles findings of common areas of Anatolia.

Bu çalışmada, Parion kent merkezinde konumlandırılmış olan Roma Hamamı’nda ele geçen Herakles tipindeki heykel parçasının ön değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Söz konusu eser, Hamam’ın 4 nolu mekânında, geç dönemde inşa edilmiş olan yapıda... more

Bu çalışmada, Parion kent merkezinde konumlandırılmış olan Roma Hamamı’nda ele geçen Herakles tipindeki heykel parçasının ön değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Söz konusu eser, Hamam’ın 4 nolu mekânında, geç dönemde inşa edilmiş olan yapıda spolia (devşirme) olarak kullanım görmüştür. Baş, kollar ve belden aşağısı eksik olarak gün yüzüne çıkarılan heykel parçasının, ikonografi k ve stilistik özelliklerine bakılarak benzer örnekleri ile kıyaslanmış olup, tanımlama ve analizi yapılmıştır.

2016 yılı içerisinde Kemer Köyü su deposuna, su getiren borularının patlaması sonucunda boru hattının tamiri sırasında, birisi Klasik Döneme ikisi ise Hellenistik Döneme tarihli toplam üç adet lahit mezar ele geçmiştir. Söz konusu... more

2016 yılı içerisinde Kemer Köyü su deposuna, su getiren borularının patlaması
sonucunda boru hattının tamiri sırasında, birisi Klasik Döneme ikisi ise
Hellenistik Döneme tarihli toplam üç adet lahit mezar ele geçmiştir. Söz konusu
lahitlerin çıktığı bölgede Çanakkale Arkeoloji Müzesi uzmanları kurtarma kazısı
gerçekleştirmiştir. Lahitlerin ele geçtiği parsel Parion Antik Kenti sit sınırlarının
yaklaşık olarak 100 m dışında kalmaktadır. Bu durumun sonuncunda kazı
başkanlığı olarak sit sınırların yeniden irdelenmesi ve kentin arkeojeofizik
haritasının çıkartılmasının için bu çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir

The archaeological excavations in the Roman Bath of Parion started in 2006 and have been carried out in an area of 2000 m2 until now. The excavations have been carried out in ten sections of the structure since 2006. 55 coins which were... more

The archaeological excavations in the Roman Bath of Parion started in 2006 and have been carried out in an area of 2000 m2 until now. The excavations have been carried out in ten sections of the structure since 2006. 55 coins which were recovered during the excavations carried out in 2017 in the Roman Bath of Parion, which is thought to have been heated by two praefurnii, constitute the subject of this study. The coins are in very poor condition due to both excessive moisture and water exposure and low metal quality, while 14 of them have been damaged beyond recognition. The earliest of the 41 coins that can be identified is dated to the Emperor Hadrian Period (117-138 AD), while the latest to Leo I Period (457-474 AD). The presence of the findings belonging to 13 different emperors among these emperors is very important in terms of demonstrating that the Roman Bath of Parion was in service during the period between these emperors. In addition, the coin findings in praefurnium I are of great importance in terms of supporting the view that the Roman Bath of Parion was built in the IInd century AD and continued to be used until the end of the Vth century AD, and it started to be used as a dump since the end of this century with the help of archaeological remains and coin findings.