Plant Nutrition Research Papers - (original) (raw)

SUMMARY Theobroma cacao L. originated in America and has been as- sociated with the development of various Indian cultures in the tropical forest. Its beans are used for the production of food, beverages and sweets. The demand of cocoa... more

SUMMARY Theobroma cacao L. originated in America and has been as- sociated with the development of various Indian cultures in the tropical forest. Its beans are used for the production of food, beverages and sweets. The demand of cocoa cultivated without agrochemical products has increased. Plant nutrition with mi- crobial fertilizers is an alternative for increasing its organic production. In

tCoffee is Uganda’s biggest export commodity, produced mainly by an estimated one million smallholderfarmers (<2.5 ha). Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) and Robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehn.) are thetwo coffee species grown. Robusta... more

tCoffee is Uganda’s biggest export commodity, produced mainly by an estimated one million smallholderfarmers (<2.5 ha). Arabica (Coffea arabica L.) and Robusta (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehn.) are thetwo coffee species grown. Robusta is dominantly cultivated at lower elevations (<1400 m) such as inCentral and Northern Uganda and Arabica is dominant at higher elevations (>1400 m) such as Eastern,Southwest, and Northwest Uganda. Actual yields are far below (<30%) potential due to various biotic, abi-otic, and management constraints. Yet, there is no quantitative information on site-specific productionconstraints and the yield gaps attributed to those constraints. In this study, yields and diverse produc-tion factors were monitored in 254 plots of five major coffee growing regions (i.e., Central, North, East,Southwest, and Northwest). Boundary line analysis was applied to evaluate the relative importance ofthe individual production factors in limiting coffee production and to quantify the associated yield gapsat regional level. The impacts of rainfall variation on coffee yield were evaluated separately by regressionanalysis. The results of boundary line analysis indicated that biotic constraints (coffee twig borer) andpoor management practices (unproductive coffee trees and low coffee plant density) restricted Robustaproduction in the Central region; poor soil nutrient status (especially potassium) and lack of mulchingwere the causes of yield loss of Robusta grown in the Northern region. For Arabica, unfavorable soilproperties (high soil pH and phosphorus concentration) and excessive number of shade trees were themost important constraints in the East; high soil magnesium concentration and poor mulching limitedcoffee yield in the Southwest; poor soil nutrient status (especially phosphorus and potassium) and lowcoffee plant density were the important yield limitations in the Northwest. Average explained yieldgaps of individual coffee plot due to the most important production constraints were 45%, 52%, 57%,49%, and 50% of attainable yield, respectively, in the Central, Northern, Eastern, Southwest, and North-west regions. Considerably less annual precipitation was received in 2009/2010 coffee growing seasoncompared with that in the previous three years (2006–2008). Seasonal rainfall shortage occurred in theSouthwest was a significant limitation to Arabica production, while excessive rainfall across the wholegrowing season was associated with yield reduction in the Eastern and Northwest regions. We concludethat there was a large yield gap for both Robusta and Arabica coffee grown in Uganda. Boundary lineanalysis allows the evaluation of relative importance of individual production constraint directly in theplot. The important production constraints varied strongly depending on the regions, which calls forsite-specific management implementations. Soil fertility can be improved by implementing integratedsoil fertility management (ISFM) that makes use of nutrients from the soil, recycled crop residues, mulchand chemical fertilizers. Attentions should also be given to other management practices such as coffeeplant density, unproductive coffee trees and shade trees etc.

This study was carried out to determine effects of humus and humic acid application on yield and plant nutritional contents of lettuce in Bulancak ecological conditions. Experiment was established in completely randomized designed with 3... more

This study was carried out to determine effects of humus and humic acid application
on yield and plant nutritional contents of lettuce in Bulancak ecological conditions.
Experiment was established in completely randomized designed with 3 replicates
including 0, 25, 50 and 100 kg/da humus and 0, 1500 and 3000 ml/da humic acid
applications. Yield, yield components and some macro and micro nutrition contents
of plants were measured. The results showed that effects of humus and humic acid
applications on leaf number per plant, leaf width, leaf length, yield, dry matter, K,
Mg, B, Zn, Fe and Mn contents of lettuce were found to be significant. Results
showed that the highest doses of organic matter applications increased the yield
approximataly by two fold than control plots.

Caesium (Cs) is an alkali metal with chemical properties similar to potassium (K). It has no known role in plant nutrition and it is not toxic to plants at the micromolar concentrations occurring naturally in soil solutions. However, two... more

Caesium (Cs) is an alkali metal with chemical properties similar to potassium (K). It has no known role in plant nutrition and it is not toxic to plants at the micromolar concentrations occurring naturally in soil solutions. However, two radioisotopes of Cs (134Cs and 137Cs) are of environmental concern due to their relatively long half-lives, emissions of β and γ radiation during decay, and rapid incorporation into biological systems. There is considerable interest in remediating sites contaminated by these isotopes using phytoextraction and, since the produce from radiocaesium-contaminated areas may enter the food chain, the introduction of ‘safe’ crops that do not accumulate Cs. This article reviews the molecular mechanisms of Cs uptake by plants, and provides a perspective on strategies to develop: (1) plants that extract Cs efficiently from soils (for the phytoremediation of land), or (2) ‘safe’ crops that minimise the entry of radiocaesium directly into the human food chain.

Commercial horticulture in many regions of the world depends upon Sphagnum peat as a potting-media substrate, but extracting peat has serious environmental consequences. Composts may be able to serve as effective substitutes for peat and... more

Commercial horticulture in many regions of the world depends upon Sphagnum peat as a potting-media substrate, but extracting peat has serious environmental consequences. Composts may be able to serve as effective substitutes for peat and offer potential environmental advantages. The suitability of compost as potting media depends upon the raw materials as well as processing methods used. This study includes two related experiments—one with beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and the other with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)—aimed at assessing the potential viability of farm-produced, food-residuals compost as a replacement for peat-based potting media in the production of organic vegetable transplants. The experiments were conducted in 2021 on the Berea College Farm in Kentucky, USA, a USDA certified organic farm. The results indicated that potting media composed of 75% to 100% compost performed as well as fertilized, peat-based growing media for plant growth. Further, although weeds were pre...

SOIL samples collected from five newly reclaimed areas; (namely; Al-Hamoul, Bern-Suer, Maryuit. AI-Arish and Al-Salhia) were intensively cropped with alfalfa in a greenhouse experiment for twelve months. The obtained results show that the... more

SOIL samples collected from five newly reclaimed areas;
(namely; Al-Hamoul, Bern-Suer, Maryuit. AI-Arish and Al-Salhia) were intensively cropped with alfalfa in a greenhouse experiment for twelve months. The obtained results show that the highest rates of K uptake are found in the alluvial soils (I,e, AI- Hamoul and Beni-Suef) and the lowest in AI-Arish sandy loam soils. The contribution of non-exchangeable-K to plant uptake is about 44% for alluvial soils and 20% for sandy soils. The amounts of the non-exehangeable-K, which recovered during the latter periods of intensive cropping. are significant.
ly correlated to the K-hearing minerals content. (for mica,
r = 0.960**. and for K-feldspars, r = 0.922••).
The biological essay reveals also that AI-Salhia and AIArish
soils show good response. while the alluvial ones have weak response to K-fertilization. The field survey shows highly Significant correlations between available-K and plant-K in each of the studied soils. The fertility significance of the best fitting curves of this relation is discussed in relation to the future susceptibility of potassium in the newly reclaimed soils of

... Correspondence: Prof. Dr M. Kaleem Abbasi, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan. Tel: + 92 (0) 58710 42688. Fax: + 92 (0) 58710... more

... Correspondence: Prof. Dr M. Kaleem Abbasi, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir-Pakistan. Tel: + 92 (0) 58710 42688. Fax: + 92 (0) 58710 42826. ...

Salinity is one of the main environmental stresses, and it affects potato growth and productivity in arid and semiarid regions by disturbing physiological process, such as the photosynthesis rate, the absorption of essential nutrients and... more

Salinity is one of the main environmental stresses, and it affects potato growth and productivity in arid and semiarid regions by disturbing physiological process, such as the photosynthesis rate, the absorption of essential nutrients and water, plant hormonal functions, and vital metabolic pathways. Few studies are available on the application of combined nanomaterials to mitigate salinity stress on potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Diamont). In order to assess the effects of the sole or combined application of silicon (Si) and potassium (K) nanoparticles and biochar (Bc) on the agro-physiological properties and biochemical constituents of potato plants grown in saline soil, two open-field experiments were executed on a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with five replicates. The results show that the biochar application and nanoelements (n-K and n-Si) significantly improved the plant heights, the fresh and dry plant biomasses, the numbers of stems/plant, the leaf relat...

In this study was investigated the effect of manure and cocoa shell biomass addition on soil chemical properties and microflora, when the above mentioned organic materials areused in different proportions in soil mixtures. For this... more

In this study was investigated the effect of manure
and cocoa shell biomass addition on soil chemical
properties and microflora, when the above mentioned
organic materials areused in different proportions in
soil mixtures. For this reason different amounts (0.2,
0.4, and 0.6g) of air dried cocoa beans residue, were
mixed with 50g of soil and 5.0g of manure. The
control mixtures that contained only soil and manure
as well as the mixtures which contained different
amount of cocoa shells, were placed in incubator at
28oC for a period of 21 weeks. The organic matter
and the concentration of nutrient elements in the soil,
manure, cocoa shells biomass and in their mixtures,
were measured before and after the incubation
period. The results showed that the addition of more
than 1% of cocoa shell biomass to soil-manure
mixtures, may influence the mineralization of N, C
and K, and reduce the time needed for mixtures
maturation. The higher organic P content measured
in mixtures contained lower than 1% cocoa shell
biomasswhere the microbial activity was still high.
However the concentration of the available P was not
affected from the addition of cocoa shell biomass to
the soil-manure mixtures.

This study intends to assess the effect of compost types and rates on lettuce growth. A pot experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine experimental station, Saudi Arabia. Three types... more

This study intends to assess the effect of compost types and rates on lettuce growth. A pot experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine experimental station, Saudi Arabia. Three types (chicken residues, animal residues, and mixed organic residues) and four rates (1%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) were added to sandy soil. Lettuce seeds were sown in a nursery. After two weeks, each seedling was transplanted to a pot that contained 15 kg of soil. The lettuce plants were irrigated regularly for 60 days, then harvested following dry weight (DW) and chemical analyses. The results showed great variation in the DW, nutrient content, and heavy metals concentrations between the different compost treatments. It noted that DW of lettuce decreased with increasing rates of compost in certain treatments. Moreover, no plant growth occurred in some treatments derived from the mixed organic residue with higher application rates. The nutrient status of lettuce tissues varies greatly among different types of compost. The concentration of heavy metals and microelements present within the lettuce tissues was significantly affected by the types of compost. Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Nickel (Ni) concentrations in lettuce tissues ranged between 7.4 and 9.6, 81.5 and 104, 23.3 and 28.2, 3.7 and 5.8, and 27 and 30mg kg1, respectively. It revealed that heavy metals concentration increased in lettuce tissues with an increasing application rate of composts. The content of Zn, Pb, Cd, and Ni in lettuce plants were higher and did not meet the requirement set by national standards.

In this preliminary article we present data on plant nutrient concentrations in aquaponic systems, and compare them to nutrient concentrations in " standard " hydroponic solutions. Our data shows that the nutrient concentrations... more

In this preliminary article we present data on plant nutrient concentrations in aquaponic systems, and compare them to nutrient concentrations in " standard " hydroponic solutions. Our data shows that the nutrient concentrations supplied by the fish in aquaponic system are significantly lower for most nutrients, compared to hydroponic systems. Nevertheless, plants do thrive in solutions that have lower nutrient levels than " standard " hydroponic solutions. This is especially true for green leafy vegetables that rarely need additional nutritional supplementation. It is concluded that in the highly complex system of aquaponics, special care has to be taken, via continuous monitoring of the chemical composition of the circulating water, to provide adequate concentrations and ratios of nutrients, and special attention has to be paid to the potentially toxic component, ammonium. If certain plants require nutrient supplementation, we consider that one based on organic...

The rainfed agriculture plays an important role in Indian economy. The experiment of four planting patterns viz ridge, bed seed drill and broadcast were evaluated during the kharif season of 2009. The objectives were to evaluate the... more

The rainfed agriculture plays an important role in Indian economy. The experiment of four planting patterns viz ridge, bed seed drill and broadcast were evaluated during the kharif season of 2009. The objectives were to evaluate the performance of pearl millet as influenced by planting patterns and to understand the relationships of rainfall and water use efficiency (WUE) on pearl millet at rainfed condition. Grain yield and WUE were increased significantly with ridge system. Ridge increased the grain yield (18.43qha -1 ) over the broadcast at least by 22% under rainfed condition. Consequently, the WUE for ridge, bed and seed drill were 3.68, 3.54 and 3.38 kg ha -1 mm -1 , which was 16.65, 11.39 and 5.20% higher over broadcast, respectively.

Bioenvironmental management, Plant Nutrition. "The article on Rational Agriculture is entirely inspired by the words of Jerry Stoller and his deep understanding of the living processes in the Plant. This small contribution to increasing... more

Bioenvironmental management, Plant Nutrition.
"The article on Rational Agriculture is entirely inspired by the words of Jerry Stoller
and his deep understanding of the living processes in the Plant. This small contribution to increasing quality and quantity production, which is certifiably Eco-friendly, owes a depth of gratitude to Stoller Products that have been prominently demonstrated in remote and poverty-stricken locations in Rural Pakistan. The earth-friendly tillers of the soil and especially the contact youth who shouldered the responsibility of applying the Stoller Advantage for the larger interest of Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Nurturing Nature in order to ensure that Nature continues to Nurture us, are warmly acknowledged and humbly thanked.
Pakistan is expected to be one of the most affected Countries in South Asia by
climate change.3 With 45% of the labor force employed in the agricultural sector and 24% of the National GDP deriving from agriculture,4 the resilience of agricultural production is of high importance to the development of Pakistan’s economy. One adaptation could be to change the time that crop planting takes place. For instance, to counter rising temperatures, farmers could shift planting to cooler times of the year.

Field experiments were conducted during two consequent years in semi-arid, subtropical climate of Rohtak district situated in North-West Indian state Haryana to evaluate the effects of eco-friendly organic matrix entrapped urea (OMEU) on... more

Field experiments were conducted during two consequent years in semi-arid, subtropical climate of Rohtak district situated in North-West Indian state Haryana to evaluate the effects of eco-friendly organic matrix entrapped urea (OMEU) on wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. WH-711). The OMEU prepared in granular form contained cow dung, rice bran (grain cover of Oryza sativa), neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves and clay soil (diameter of particles < 0.002 mm) in 1:1:1:1 ratios and saresh (plant gum of Acacia sp.) as binder entrapping half of the recommended dose of urea. A basal application of organic matrix entrapped urea showed increase in plant growth in terms of fresh and dry weights, root length, root number, leaf number, tillers, plant height earlet number, earlet length and productivity in terms of grain yield and straw yield over free form of urea (FU) and no fertilizer (NF) application. The OMEU increased total soluble proteins, organic N and free ammonium content in the leaves...

A fertilização via solução nutritiva é comumente utilizada na produção comercial de flores em vaso, sendo empregadas formulações solúveis a base de NPK. Entretanto, a maioria das formulações comerciais disponíveis no mercado apresentam... more

A fertilização via solução nutritiva é comumente utilizada na produção comercial de flores em vaso, sendo empregadas formulações solúveis a base de NPK. Entretanto, a maioria das formulações comerciais disponíveis no mercado apresentam custos elevados e a utilização de fertilizantes agrícolas pode ser uma alternativa economicamente viável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de fertilizantes agrícolas, aplicados via solução nutritiva, na substituição de formulações comerciais, no crescimento inicial de Cattleya labiata. Mudas de C. labiata propagadas in vitro foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação com temperatura controlada, 27 ± 3° C, e retenção de 50% da luminosidade. Foram utilizados vasos de polipropileno com capacidade de 0,415 L, contendo mistura de casca de pinus e carvão (1:1, v:v), como substrato. Ao todo foram utilizados 4 tratamentos, sendo: Sem fertilização (Testemunha); Peters ®-NPK 20 20 20 (3 g L-1); NPK-ureia (1,3 g L-1), superfosfatos simples (3,3 g L-1) e cloreto de potássio (1,0 g L-1); NK-ureia (1,3 g L-1) e de cloreto de potássio (1,0 g L-1). Foram aplicados 50 mL da solução nutritiva por vaso quinzenalmente de acordo com os tratamentos. Foram avaliadas características fitométricas, pH e a condutividade elétrica do substrato além dos teores e o acúmulo de macronutrientes. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 12 repetições, sendo considerado cada vaso com duas plantas como uma unidade experimental. Os parâmetros foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Em relação aos parâmetros fitométricos não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos que receberam fertilizações, porém os mesmos foram superiores à testemunha em altura e massa seca de parte aérea. Os nutrientes mais acumulados foram o K>Ca>N, nos tratamentos que receberam fertilizações. O uso de ureia, superfosfato simples e cloreto de potássio, aplicados em solução nutritiva, apresentam potencial para substituir as formulações comerciais no crescimento inicial da orquídea nativa Cattleya labiata.

A pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the National Research Centre, Egypt to investigate the effect of potassium foliar fertilizer and irrigation by agricultural drainage water (ADW) on mineral status of Jatropha plants.... more

A pot experiment was conducted in the
greenhouse of the National Research Centre, Egypt to
investigate the effect of potassium foliar fertilizer and
irrigation by agricultural drainage water (ADW) on mineral
status of Jatropha plants. Plants sprayed twice with Mono
potassium phosphate (MKP). Potassium foliar fertilizer (100
and 200 ppm) and irrigated by mixed drainage water (0, 25
and 50 % ADW). Irrigation by ADW adversely affected the
mentioned growth characters. The highest effect was shown
by irrigation of water contains 50 % FW+50 % ADW. Some
macronutrients ratios were included.

The effect of nitrogen (N) on the boron (B) nutrition of plants is of great significance because N may promote or reduce B absorption. Therefore, a fertilizer factorial experiment of randomized complete block design was conducted in pots... more

The effect of nitrogen (N) on the boron (B) nutrition of plants is of great significance because N may promote or reduce B absorption. Therefore, a fertilizer factorial experiment of randomized complete block design was conducted in pots under greenhouse conditions using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) as test plant. Plants of lettuce were grown in a calcareous sandy clay loam soil with different N and B fertilizer levels to investigate the effect of applied N and B as well as their interactions on nutrient distribution in leaves and roots of lettuce plants. Treatments consisted of four levels of N (0, 200, 400, and 600 mg N kg−1 soil) and two levels of B (0 and 5 mg B kg−1 soil). The results showed that increasing N level up to 600 mg N kg−1 significantly increased soil nitrate (NO3 −) N and potassium (K) but had no effect on soil available phosphorus (P) and B. Application of 5 mg B kg−1 soil significantly decreased available K, whereas P concentrations increased. Nitrogen application increased leaf and root N and reduced leaf P and K. By increasing N concentration in the soil, leaf B concentration was reduced in all N treatments. However, B had no effect on the N, P, and K contents of leaves. In the case of roots, B was affected by N treatments and it was reduced significantly in the treatment of 600 mg N kg−1 soil + 5 mg B kg−1 soil. These results suggest that N fertilization potentially may prevent B toxicity and keep leaf B concentration at normal levels in lettuce plants. Therefore, the appropriate management of N fertilizers in soils with excess B is very important.

Farmers who want to venture to organic radish production would become hesitant because of the possibility that yield be sacrificed. The experiment was conducted at Kauswagan, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur to evaluate the... more

Farmers who want to venture to organic radish production would become hesitant because of the possibility that yield be sacrificed. The experiment was conducted at Kauswagan, Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur to evaluate the agro-morphological characteristics of radish using nutrient omission plot technique as basis on nutrient reaction to compare conventional and organic agriculture; determine the percent increase or decrease on agro-morphological characteristics relative to control using nutrient omission plot technique; determine the genotype and phenotype that need to focus for crop improvement under organic breeding method; correlate agronomical and morphological traits existing in radish using nutrient omission plot technique; and calculate return on investment (ROI) in radish. It was carried out using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with six treatments (T1-no fertilizer applied, T2- Complete Fertilization, T3- -N, T4- -P, T5- -K, and T6- Organic Fertilizer) and three replications.
Results of the study showed that the highest length of leaves from 15-60 DAS was taken from T2 (Complete Fertilization). However, the result was comparable to T6 (Organic Fertilization). In terms of the number of leaves, the highest was taken from different treatments considering the number of DAS. At 15 DAS was found the highest from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). At 30 DAS, it was taken from T1 (no fertilizer applied). At 45 and 60 DAS, it was derived from T3 (-N). However, at 45 DAS, it was found comparable to all other treatments while at 60 DAS it was comparable to others except from T4 (-P), T1 (no fertilizer applied), and T6 (Organic Fertilizer). Moreover, the longest length of tuber was derived from T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and was found comparable to T6 (Organic Fertilizer), T3 (-N), T5 (-K), and T4 (-P). Furthermore, the average widest diameter was taken from T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and was found comparable to T3 (-N), T5 (-K), and T4 (-P). The highest average weight was derived from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). It was found comparable to T2 (Complete Fertilizer) and T4 (-P).
Percent increase and decrease relative to the control was also taken. A fluctuating increase was noted from 15 to 60 DAS in length of leaves. Likewise, fluctuating increase and decrease in the number of leaves was also noted from 15-60 DAS. It was also observed that at the middle stage of the radish, usually at 30 and 45 DAS, there was reduction in the number of leaves relative to the unfertilized plot. In agronomical data, the length of the tuber and diameter was at highest percent increase in T2 (Complete Fertilization). However, the highest percent increase on the average weight was taken from T6 (Organic Fertilizer). Percent average weight decreased was noted from T3 (-N) and T5 (-K).
Very strong correlation existed between length of tuber and length of leaves; length of tuber and number of leaves; diameter of tuber and length of leaves; diameter of tuber and number of leaves; average weight of tuber and number of leaves; however, only strong correlation was found between average weight of tuber and length of leaves.
On the other hand, T6 (Organic Fertilization) has the highest return on investment among treatments and was only found higher compare to unfertilized plot. Other treatments were found lower compare to T1.

SUMMARYAn on-farm trial was conducted in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria, over a period of five years, with the objectives of quantifying the effects on maize of applying cattle manure in combination with synthetic fertilizer with... more

SUMMARYAn on-farm trial was conducted in the northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria, over a period of five years, with the objectives of quantifying the effects on maize of applying cattle manure in combination with synthetic fertilizer with regard to soil characteristics, yield, plant nutrition and profitability. Maize grain yield was significantly increased by the annual application of cattle manure, compared to maize receiving an equal amount of N through synthetic fertilizer, but only from the third year of the experiment. The application of manure resulted in higher soil Kjel N, Bray-I P and exchangeable K values, and an increased N utilization efficiency by maize, suggesting that yield-limiting factors other than N deficiencies were of lesser importance than in the treatment receiving sole inorganic fertilizer. Nutrients other than N applied via the manure, particularly P, K and/or B, may have contributed to the higher grain yields in treatments receiving manure. A partial budgeti...

Cadmium and chromium are toxic to most organisms and different mechanisms have been developed for overcoming with the toxic effects of these heavy metals. We studied the uptake and distribution of cadmium and chromium in different organs... more

Cadmium and chromium are toxic to most organisms and different mechanisms have been developed for overcoming with the toxic effects of these heavy metals. We studied the uptake and distribution of cadmium and chromium in different organs of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants in nine heavy metal polluted soils in western Hormozgan province, Iran. The accumulation of chromium was in increasing pattern of fruit peel<edible pulp<shoots<roots. Cadmium was detected neither in the peel nor in the pulp of fruits. Shoots cadmium concentration was more than that of the roots. Determination of bio-concentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) revealed that tomato was suitable for phytoextraction of cadmium, but not chromium, in all examined soil. In addition, tomato showed no suitability for phytostabilization in the soils polluted with cadmium and chromium.

Aim: To obtain specific references for the nutritional diagnosis of ten essential nutrients for leaf blade and petiole of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.). Methods and results : Leaf blades and petioles from 36 vineyards of ‘red... more

Aim: To obtain specific references for the nutritional diagnosis of ten essential nutrients for leaf blade and petiole of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.).
Methods and results : Leaf blades and petioles from 36 vineyards of ‘red Grenache’ (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on Richter 110 were collected and analyzed at flowering and veraison between 1992 and 2008. Using the compiled data bank, nutritional references for ten elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B were calculated. Optimal values were those around the central data (μ ± 0.25σ), while excessive and deficient values were those beyond the tails of the distribution (μ ± 0.84σ). Percentile calculation was performed when transformations to normal distributions became unlikely.
Conclusion : References for Sufficiency Ranges (SR) and Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) methods were obtained for those ten nutrients studied. Significance and impact of the study : The proposed ‘red Grenache’ references for leaf blade and petiole contribute to the improvement of the accuracy of ‘red Grenache’ grapevine nutrient diagnosis based on tissue analysis. These references are a guide to assess the nutritional status of ‘red Grenache’ grapevine around the world in general and, with higher accuracy, for the Rioja region and areas with similar vineyard conditions.

Chicken manure is one of the popular organic fertilizers used in vegetable farming in Malaysia. Chicken manure is divided into two types, namely broiler chicken manure (BCM) and layer chicken manure (LCM). The effectiveness of these... more

Chicken manure is one of the popular organic fertilizers used in vegetable farming in Malaysia. Chicken manure is divided into two types, namely broiler chicken manure (BCM) and layer chicken manure (LCM). The effectiveness of these chicken manures is often questionable due to the different method of raising broilers and layers. Therefore, the present study was carried out to determine the effect of the broiler and layer chicken manures on the growth of choy sum (Brassica chinensis L. var. parachinensis), a common farmed leafy vegetable in the country. This study was carried out in the Agricultural Park of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (Perak Campus), Malaysia from February to May 2019. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) methods were used in this study. The chicken manures were composted for roughly 2 months before the experiment. There was no significant difference in the dry weight, plant height and root length of the choy sum treated with either BCM or LCM. Although the choy...

Under optimized biological and technical conditions, aquaponics provides more advantages than conventional (soil-based greenhouse) and hydroponic cultivations as the result of reusing the wastewater and thereby improving energy, water and... more

Under optimized biological and technical conditions, aquaponics provides more advantages than conventional (soil-based greenhouse) and hydroponic cultivations as the result of reusing the wastewater and thereby improving energy, water and nutrient use efficiency, productivity, financial gain, as well as plant and ecosystem health. Tomato is one of the most consumed nutritive vegetables and a good model plant for developing aquaponic techniques. So far, numerous attempts have been made to demonstrate the efficacy of safe use of materials and applying environmentally-safe materials in aquaponics. Optimizing the interacting species-specific responses, biological activities and operations management have the potential to maximize the performance of aquaponics. Thus, the advanced approaches from integrated inorganic-organic-bio fertilizers in different components of an aquaponic system and different aquaponic systems are evaluated in this work to make the most benefit of tomato productio...

Soil is the basic natural resource on which the human civilization survives. Failure to protect it will undermine sustainability and long term competitiveness of our country. Today it is under increasing threat from several anthropogenic... more

Soil is the basic natural resource on which the human civilization survives. Failure to protect it will undermine
sustainability and long term competitiveness of our country. Today it is under increasing threat from several
anthropogenic activities. These activities are damaging the capacity of soil to continue to perform in full its
broad variety of crucial functions. Moreover, soil degradation has strong impacts on other areas of common
interest to the community, such as food safety, water, human health, climate change, and nature and biodiversity
protection. We must work out strategy on protection of soil to halt and reverse soil degradation. The national
policies governing the land and agriculture appears to have not emphasised much on the protection of health
of agricultural soils and related ecosystems and their services and to ensure sufficient agricultural land for
assured food security. This paper brings out the status of our existing policies and highlights the need for a
national soil policy