Schleswig-Holstein Research Papers - (original) (raw)

For many years, scholars consistently dated cup marks - shallow depressions found on both portable and immovable stones - of northern Germany and southern Scandinavia to the Bronze Age. Novel findings trace them back to at least as far as... more

For many years, scholars consistently dated cup marks - shallow depressions found on both portable and immovable stones - of northern Germany and southern Scandinavia to the Bronze Age. Novel findings trace them back to at least as far as the Late Neolithic period (LN, c. 2350 BC). Recently, portable cup marked stones belonging to a late Funnel Beaker context (c. 2800 BC) have been found. There are even indications of cup marks dating back to the 4th millennium BC. At present, a gap exists in the knowledge of cup marks and non-figurative art in general during the Younger Neolithic (YN) Corded Ware Culture (CWC) (c. 2800-2250 BC). This paper establishes the significance of three related types of secondary treatments of battle axe fragments, namely the addition of (hourglass shaped) unfinished shaft holes, deep pecking holes, and shallow cup marks. The argument put forward is that they were present in small numbers in the 4th millennium BC, becoming increasingly common during the proposed 'gap phase' in the context of CWC societies. The late 3rd millennium is a period of enormous social change. During this period, of the three types of secondary treatment only cup marks persist, while the potential media on which such cup marks are applied diversifies, with them appearing on objects and items other than battle axe fragments. It is proposed that this development is related to the social changes that characterise the onset of the LN. Finally, it is suggested that the LN and Bronze Age cup mark tradition is based on an earlier tradition initially associated with battle axes.

Oplæg for foreningen Antikkens Venner

Hrsg. v. der Europäischen Vereinigung zur Förderung der Experimentellen Archäologie.

Das Martinstift ist eine in der Südstadt am Ende der Eckernförder Landstraße (Nummer 200) gelegene Einrichtung, die 1846 als „erstes Rettungshaus für verwahrloste Jungen und Mädchen in Schleswig-Holstein“ von einer aus Pastoren... more

Das Martinstift ist eine in der Südstadt am Ende der Eckernförder Landstraße (Nummer 200) gelegene Einrichtung, die 1846 als „erstes Rettungshaus für verwahrloste Jungen und Mädchen in Schleswig-Holstein“ von einer aus Pastoren bestehenden Stiftung Flensburger Bürger zum 300. Todestag Martin Luthers gegründet worden ist.
Das Erziehungsheim eröffnete am 8. Juli 1847 nach einjähriger Bauzeit. Während der nationalsozialistischen Zeit wurde das Heim aufgelöst. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg befand sich auf dem Areal bis 1975 ein städtisches Altersheim.
Nach einigen Jahren des Leerstandes nutzte die Norddeutsche Gesellschaft für Diakonie e.V. das Haus ab 1982 als Asylbewerberheim, das zur Unterbringung von anfangs 55 Asylbewerbern vorgesehen war. Im selben Jahr begann das Arbeitsamt Flensburg junge Menschen in den Bereichen Malerei, Tischlerei, Garten- und Landschaftsbau, Küche und Hauswirtschaft innerhalb vorberuflicher Maßnahmen überbetrieblich aus- und weiterbilden zu lassen.
(Quelle: wikipedia)

Article in Danish (with an English summary) about a meeting in Copenhagen in the late summer of 1941 between various leading Danish and German Egyptologists and Orientalists, including Herman Grapow, Helmuth Scheel, H.O. Lange, Wolja... more

Article in Danish (with an English summary) about a meeting in Copenhagen in the late summer of 1941 between various leading Danish and German Egyptologists and Orientalists, including Herman Grapow, Helmuth Scheel, H.O. Lange, Wolja Erichsen and C.E. Sander-Hansen.

Background: The knowledge and estimation of genetic and non-genetic factors on the production and reproduction traits of Ongole cattle are important to enable the breeders to design efficient conservation strategies and adopt better... more

Background: The knowledge and estimation of genetic and non-genetic factors on the production and reproduction traits of Ongole cattle are important to enable the breeders to design efficient conservation strategies and adopt better selection methods, management practices and culling operations. Methods: Data available on 220 Ongole cows mated to 22 sires-at the Livestock Research Station, Mahanadi, Kurnool (District), Andhra Pradesh over a period of eight years was used for the present analysis. Result: Results in the present study revealed that performance of animals was improved in lactation milk yield (LMY, 1063.33±31.13), 305 lactation milk yield (LMY, 1019.83±29.22), lactation length (LL, 266.26±5.6), less calving interval (CI, 497.95±8.58), service period (SP, 188.19±5.17) and dry period (DP, 214.79±19.6) compared to earlier reports. Parity and period have shown significant effect on all production traits and calving interval. Effect of season was non-significant on all productive and reproductive traits. Most of the heritability estimates for milk production traits were medium in range but low for reproductive traits. The correlations between productive traits and calving interval were negative.

The history of the Riga Cathedral organ façade began in 1601 with its oldest dated part, and over more than 400 years the façade has experienced several phases of reconstruction, crucially changing its visual and compositional exterior... more

The history of the Riga Cathedral organ façade began in 1601 with its oldest dated part, and over more than 400 years the façade has experienced several phases of reconstruction, crucially changing its visual and compositional exterior and supplementing it with new stylistic elements. Today the organ façade can be considered an exceptional art object paradigmatic of stylistic hybridity in Latvia. Recent restoration work materials and various solutions for computer programmes enable individual analysis of each of the construction phases and exploration of the diversity of the façade’s ornamental, sculptural and architectural features. Using visualization, the most detailed changes that have affected the organ façade are revealed.

The conquest of french fortress of Bremen by Russian Gen. Tettenborn is taken as a case study of an improvisional siege as compared to classical attack by trenches. The fortress itself had been dismantled about 1800 and was reestablished... more

The conquest of french fortress of Bremen by Russian Gen. Tettenborn is taken as a case study of an improvisional siege as compared to classical attack by trenches. The fortress itself had been dismantled about 1800 and was reestablished as an improvisional fortress (place de moment) in summer 1813 to serve as base in the communication between the French fortresses Hamburg and Wesel and to gard some magazines. The very weak garrison was reenforced by a Swiss battalion only three days prior of the attack by Russian patrol corps (Streifkorps) mainly consisting of cavalry. The fortress surrendered due to lack of ammunition and insurrection of German citizens.

Jakobe, the heroine of Henrik Pontoppidan’s novel Lykke-Per (A Fortunate Man), can have been built on a real life model. Jakobe in the novel shares a lot of traits with Hanna Adler, a Jewish lady living in Copenhagen 1859-1947 who, after... more

Jakobe, the heroine of Henrik Pontoppidan’s novel Lykke-Per (A Fortunate Man), can have been built on a real life model. Jakobe in the novel shares a lot of traits with Hanna Adler, a Jewish lady living in Copenhagen 1859-1947 who, after an MA in Physics from University of Copenhagen opened a private school in Copenhagen. In this article, Bent Blüdnikow describes the interesting life of Hanna Adler, also the aunt of later Danish Nobel prize winner, physicist Niels Bohr.

The comparative study was conducted at Alage and Ardaita ATVET College, to evaluate milk production performance of Holstein Friesian dairy cows under two different agro ecological systems. The compiled data collected from 2000-2015 G.C on... more

The comparative study was conducted at Alage and Ardaita ATVET College, to evaluate milk production performance of Holstein Friesian dairy cows under two different agro ecological systems. The compiled data collected from 2000-2015 G.C on milk production traits were studied and analyzed. Three months follow-up study was also conducted to obtain morning and evening milk production based on agro ecology, lactation stages, parity class and lactation months. The results of the follow up study showed that the overall least square means and standard errors of morning and evening milk yield were 6.65±0.02 kg and 5.46±0.02 kg, respectively. Whereas, the overall least square means and standard errors of lactation milk yield and lactation length were 3078.51±54.74 kg and 314.11±4.24 days. All non-genetic factors showed source of variation for morning and evening daily milk yield. Season of calving (p<0.05), year of calving and parity (P<0.001) had significant effect on LMY and LL. Where...

Historical portrayals of the episcopal castle in Schwabstedt are mostly focused on its medieval period. While aspects such as its construction in the early 14th century and especially its role during the conflict over the Duchy of... more

Historical portrayals of the episcopal castle in Schwabstedt are mostly focused on its medieval period. While aspects such as its construction in the early 14th century and especially its role during the conflict over the Duchy of Schleswig in early 15th century were regularly discussed, the history of the further approxi mately 200 years tended to fade into the background. The present article presents an outline of the post-Reformation history of Schwabstedt Castle from the Reformation to its destruction in 1705, illustrating Schwabstedt's important, albeit often marginalized role in early modern regional history. It is shown that Schwabstedt was not only considered several times as a backup residence for princes, but also remained a constant source of conflict in the disputes between Danish kings and Dukes of Gottorf.

Die Arbeit stellt das Siedlungsgeschehen einer siedlungsarchäologisch bisher wenig beachteten Landschaft an der Nordseeküste dar. Ergebnisse von Ausgrabungen einschließlich des umfangreichen Fundgutes werden besonders im Hinblick auf den... more

Die Arbeit stellt das Siedlungsgeschehen einer siedlungsarchäologisch bisher wenig beachteten Landschaft an der Nordseeküste dar. Ergebnisse von Ausgrabungen einschließlich des umfangreichen Fundgutes werden besonders im Hinblick auf den Einfluss des Meeres und der Austauschbeziehungen entlang der Küste dargestellt

uit: De Vrije Fries 103 (2023), pp. 128-145

Dies ist der erste Versuch, das Leben des aus der Karibik stammenden Offiziers William Nicolas Reed zu rekonstruieren, der 1848 der einzige schwarze Offizier einer deutschen Armee war. Reed war eine historisch bemerkenswerte... more

Dies ist der erste Versuch, das Leben des aus der Karibik stammenden Offiziers William Nicolas Reed zu rekonstruieren, der 1848 der einzige schwarze Offizier einer deutschen Armee war. Reed war eine historisch bemerkenswerte Persönlichkeit, die zwischen Identitäten und Staaten wechselte, dabei in den großen revolutionären Fragen jener Zeit eine interessante Rolle spielte und dennoch fast völlig von der Geschichtsschreibung übersehen wurde. Dies ist auch ein Artikel über das Erstaunen und damit über die Kontraste zwischen Erwartung und Tatsächlichem: Ein Afroamerikaner in einer deutschen Armee im 19. Jahrhundert? Und dann auch noch ein Offizier? Ein Afrodeutscher in den Revolutionsumtrieben von 1848? Warum wussten wir davon bisher nichts? Besonders aussagekräftig ist ein im Detail dokumentierter Konflikt mit zahlreichen Originalzitaten – hier ist beispielsweise bemerkenswert, dass seine afrikanische Herkunft zu keinem Moment Gegenstand herabsetzender Bemerkungen ist. Es gelingt ihm, ...