Scm Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Supply chain integration is a key strategic priority for firms striving to achieve efficiency and responsiveness in their supply chain. This paper discusses how the supply chain integration is affected by supply chain partnerships,... more

Supply chain integration is a key strategic priority for firms striving to achieve efficiency and responsiveness in their supply chain. This paper discusses how the supply chain integration is affected by supply chain partnerships, information quality and information sharing. This ...

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a socio-technical system designed and managed to deliver products and services from raw materials to end customers through a logistic network of physical, information, financial and human resources.... more

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a socio-technical system designed and managed to deliver products and services from raw materials to end customers through a logistic network of physical, information, financial and human resources. The physical components of a typical supply chain include several production facilities, inventory warehouses, modes of transportation and distribution channels. In order to synchronize demand of end products or services with supply of raw materials cash flow and human resources, it is necessary to have an information system like the popular Enterprise Resources Planning System (ERP) improved with some additional specific modules to strategic planning and corporate management of the Supply Chain. Of course the Supply Chain Management requires an especial organization different from the traditional hierarchy. The paper will describe a recursive special organization for the Supply Chains Management based on the Viable Systems Model (VSM). This model of ...

For companies in any supply chain to achieve their upside potential, more efficient means of collaboration, communication, shared risk and orchestration are needed. Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computer-based programs... more

For companies in any supply chain to achieve their upside potential, more efficient means of collaboration, communication, shared risk and orchestration are needed. Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computer-based programs to store and manipulate information. IT advances directly can correlate to supply chain management improvements, such as through the rise of effective virtual supply chains. Supply chain information collaboration system bases on cloud computing technology provides efficient supply chain information system like software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). With the availability at anytime and anywhere cloud services provide sharing of resources of its services to supply chain. We discuss the basic idea of cloud computing to provide an efficient and scalable solution for supply chain management and also give real-world examples of applications and highlight some vendors who provide cloud computing for SCM.

Data Analytics in today’s Demand Driven Supply chain Management (SCM) involving trusted as well as untrusted fulfilment partners will see exponential improvements with large volumes of reliable, trusted data generated automatically... more

Data Analytics in today’s Demand Driven Supply chain Management (SCM)
involving trusted as well as untrusted fulfilment partners will see exponential
improvements with large volumes of reliable, trusted data generated automatically
through IoT and stored in immutable format in the Blockchain. This paper examines
the challenges which Supply Chain Partners in a Highly Digitized ecosystem have in
getting access to good quality reliable data. It examines Use Cases and benefits of
current IoT and Blockchain integrated frameworks for SCM. It also explores
limitations of the traditional IoT and Blockchain integration patterns and presents an
architectural framework for a permissioned Blockchain that can be used to overcome
these limitations.

Data Analytics in today's Demand Driven Supply chain Management (SCM) involving trusted as well as untrusted fulfilment partners will see exponential improvements with large volumes of reliable, trusted data generated automatically... more

Data Analytics in today's Demand Driven Supply chain Management (SCM) involving trusted as well as untrusted fulfilment partners will see exponential improvements with large volumes of reliable, trusted data generated automatically through IoT and stored in immutable format in the Blockchain. This paper examines the challenges which Supply Chain Partners in a Highly Digitized ecosystem have in getting access to good quality reliable data. It examines Use Cases and benefits of current IoT and Blockchain integrated frameworks for SCM. It also explores limitations of the traditional IoT and Blockchain integration patterns and presents an architectural framework for a permissioned Blockchain that can be used to overcome these limitations.

Supply chain integration is a key strategic priority for firms striving to achieve efficiency and responsiveness in their supply chain. This paper discusses how the supply chain integration is affected by supply chain partnerships,... more

Supply chain integration is a key strategic priority for firms striving to achieve efficiency and responsiveness in their supply chain. This paper discusses how the supply chain integration is affected by supply chain partnerships, information quality and information sharing. This ...

The success of a construction project is evaluated through parameters of quality, cost and time. Construction companies use modern tools and technologies to enhance the quality, cost and time in their supply chain. However, the fragmented... more

The success of a construction project is evaluated through parameters of quality, cost and time. Construction companies use modern tools and technologies to enhance the quality, cost and time in their supply chain. However, the fragmented situation in the construction has left the Industrialized Building System (IBS) supply chain troupes with obvious problems in term of effectiveness. Although, efforts have been undertaken to increase the IBS practice in Malaysia, the challenges of integration among the players have increased from IBS. The main study is to justify the importance of IBS to the economy and the issues in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) integration system of IBS in Malaysia. The aim of this study is to determine current opinion related to the key factors of IBS and SCM effectiveness from contractor’s perspective. The methodologies are based on detailed literature review, questionnaire, interviews and survey via e-mail which were conducted among the contractors who used IBS in their projects. Through literature review the definition, approach, development of IBS in the construction industry was studied. The results of the pilot study indicated that the importance of IBS to a company is an added value. The issues in the SCM integration system of IBS in Malaysia are price offered for IBS commercial conventional is the issue in the supply chain integration system of IBS. This result is determined by using Relative Important Index (RII) calculation. By analyzing the pilot study, the results indicate that the advantages of SCM are still far from being fully understood and recognized. To conclude the relationship between contractors and other IBS players influence the implementation of the SCM concept. Furthermore, SCM integrated with IBS can be remarkably effective in each quality stage in order to reduce the time and expenses.

Self compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight. The highly fluid nature of SCC makes it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in sections with congested... more

Self compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight. The highly fluid
nature of SCC makes it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in sections with congested reinforcement. Knowing this, it
is implied that the industry can save many working hours by reducing the need for people vibrating the fresh concrete to compact it, when there is no need for compacting, the quality assurance of the vibrating as an uncertain factor, regarding the final results of the concrete. SCC generally has a higher powder content then Normal Vibrated Concrete (NVC) and thus it is necessary to replace some of the cement by cementitious material to achieve workable, durable and economical concrete. The benefit of using „Emery‟ as a supplementary material in SCC leads to many technical advantages. Mix design methods, tests, target properties and constituents materials were selected. The result shows that for constant filling ability of the SCC, replacement of cement requires an increase in water/powder ratio and a reduction in superplasticiser dosage. The project can lead to the use of Eamry in SCC, thus saving landfill and reduce CO2 emission by the use of less cement. An attempt has been made to study the behaviour of SCC with Emery as SCM and understands the effect of the mineral admixtures on fresh & hardened properties of SCC. The
paper has investigated the compatibility of above emery powders in SCC along with chemical admixture such as super
plasticizers. Result has indicative of enhancement in self compact ability & hardened strength of SCC by replacement of cement by emery.

RESUMO A evolução dos métodos de gestão nas organizações tem levado muitas empresas a optarem por concentrar seus esforços nas atividades centrais do negócio. Cabe a fornecedores o papel de suprir essas empresas com produtos e serviços... more

RESUMO A evolução dos métodos de gestão nas organizações tem levado muitas empresas a optarem por concentrar seus esforços nas atividades centrais do negócio. Cabe a fornecedores o papel de suprir essas empresas com produtos e serviços complementares, resultando no arranjo logístico conhecido como cadeia de suprimentos. Contudo, esse arranjo estabelece uma relação de dependência entre a empresa-cliente e seus fornecedores, que passam a atuar como parte da própria empresa-cliente. A fim de ...