Green Supply Chain Management Research Papers (original) (raw)

Det er tette bånd mellom fagene logistikk og markedsføring, og denne boka viser hvordan disse fagområdene henger sammen og utfyller hverandre. Enkelt sagt forklarer logistikksiden den fysiske fl yten av varene og hvordan varestrømmene... more

Det er tette bånd mellom fagene logistikk og markedsføring, og denne boka viser hvordan disse fagområdene henger sammen og utfyller hverandre. Enkelt sagt forklarer logistikksiden den fysiske fl yten av varene og hvordan varestrømmene foregår, mens markedsføringsdelen viser hvordan kjedene er bygget opp. Ledelse av forsyningskjeder gir en bred innføring i modeller og prosedyrer for hvordan produkter fl yttes, lagres og distribueres, samt i prinsippene for hvordan kjedene bør bygges opp. Begrepet forsyningskjede har sin rot i logistikkfaget. I markedsføring har en i lang tid analysert distribusjonskanaler – som etter hvert i økende grad er blitt kalt markedsføringskanaler. Logistikkperspektivet konsentrerer seg om varefl yt og prosesser, mens man i markedsføring har vaert mest opptatt av den institusjonelle organiseringen og styringen. Større dynamikk i markedene kombinert med kortere livssyklus for produkter gjør at forsyningskjedene raskt må tilpasse seg endringer. Økt globalisering, internasjonal konkurranse og netthandel øker kjedenes kompleksitet. Denne boka betrakterrfenomenet forsyningskjeder fra forskjellige faglige innfallsvinkler. Det kan gi både større innsikt og bedre forståelse.

Analyzing and designing how service is provided to the customer in a sustainable supply chain in services is crucial. In this respect, there can be barriers to applying sustainable improvements due to regulations, practices and customer... more

Analyzing and designing how service is provided to the customer in a
sustainable supply chain in services is crucial. In this respect, there can be barriers to applying sustainable improvements due to regulations, practices and customer culture. This study is focused on finding the waste produced by the service of one of the biggest Payment Service Provider (PSP) companies in Iran to meet essential needs of the sustainable supply chain. It has been observed that using thermal papers causes environmental problems and even it is hazardous to mix them with normal paper wastes in the recycling process.
Moreover, preventive maintenance of the thermal printers (PM) itself causes a huge number of unnecessary shuttles between the customers and service suppliers, which are a source of CO2 emission, traffic – especially in the capital – and high costs, related to maintenance, for the company. Each maintenance technician is responsible to check the machines in 900 different places (but in the same region) once a month. Thermal papers are the only reason of such waste; therefore, eliminating waste not only can be beneficial in terms of sustainability of the business, but it can also decrease the costs and increase the reliability of the service.

Efficient supply chain management calls for robust analytical and optimal models to automate its process. Therefore, information technology is an essential ingredient that integrates these tools in supply chain. With the emergence of... more

Efficient supply chain management calls for robust analytical and optimal models to automate its process. Therefore, information technology is an essential ingredient that integrates these tools in supply chain. With the emergence of wireless, the high technologies and the reliability of mobile devices, mobile web services draw a promising horizon facing economic challenges. They offer new personalized services to each actor in the supply chain on their mobile devices at anytime and anywhere. This paper presents a literature review of mobile web service implemented on the industry context based on the supply chain management approach. First, a large definition of mobile web service and some proposal architecture are exposed. Then the paper discuss some generic related work on mobile web service focusing on supply chain management. Finally some challenges on m-service oriented supply chain management are proposed.

Though the concept of real-time information processing is spreading across organizations like bush fire, not many companies have embraced its application. The study was conducted to determine: the types of real-time information processing... more

Though the concept of real-time information processing is spreading across organizations like bush fire, not many companies have embraced its application. The study was conducted to determine: the types of real-time information processing technologies used by supermarkets in Nairobi, Kenya; their benefits; and to establish the relationship between real-time information and supply chain optimization. The research adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey of the supermarkets. Data was collected through questionnaires, analyzed using SPSS and presented in tables and figures. The study revealed that all the supermarkets use real-time information

Internal processes of corporate greening have received little scholarly attention. A two-study investigation of consumer-goods producers, implementing environmental management and subject to the 1991 German Packaging Ordinance offers new... more

Internal processes of corporate greening have received little scholarly attention. A two-study investigation of consumer-goods producers, implementing environmental management and subject to the 1991 German Packaging Ordinance offers new insights. Findings from Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis, suggest two independent dimensions of environmental management: Policy Commitment and Approach to Implementation. We expand traditional strategic change models, and generate a typology of four types of corporate greening: Deliberate Reactive, Unrealized, Emergent Active, and Deliberate Proactive greening. These are fleshed out with four known cases in Study 2. Alternative conceptual scenarios, developed to explain those types with inconsistent values for Policy Commitment and Implementation, point to new directions for research on the dynamics of internal processes of corporate greening. We conclude with implications for corporate social performance and strategic change models.

The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of manufacturing performance on green supply chain management amongst Malaysian companies. A conceptual model is proposed and is subjected to an empirical verification with the use of a... more

The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of manufacturing performance on green supply chain management amongst Malaysian companies. A conceptual model is proposed and is subjected to an empirical verification with the use of a survey of manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The AMOS structural equation modelling was used to measure the respondents' overall perceptions of the green supply chain management and current manufacturing performance. Results indicate that improving manufacturing performance leads to an integrated green supply chain, which ultimately leads to an enhancement of environmental compliance as well as an optimisation of the operational resources and product recycling activities. However, most practices have a very weak correlation with overall manufacturing system performance. Being the first ever empirical investigation of the link between manufacturing performance and green supply chain management practices amongst organisations in Malaysia, this ...

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju... more

Naša naloga bo izvesti modeliranje in simulacijo na osnovi treh delovnih procesov. Delovne procese sestavljajo trije pravilniki, ki se izvajajo na Fakulteti za informacijske študije v Novem mestu, in sicer: Pravilnik o anketiranju študentov, pravilnik o študentih s posebnim statusom ter pravilnik o izvajanju delovne prakse. Vse tri pravilnike bomo najprej opisali in nato izdelali tabelo aktivnosti in tabelo lastnosti (metodologija TAD) za vsak delovni proces. Pomagali si bomo s programskim orodjem iGrafx, kjer bomo izvedli modeliranje in simulacijo. Na podlagi rezultatov simulacije bomo ugotovili kako posamezna aktivnost vpliva na celoten proces ter podali predlog za izboljšavo le-te.
Delovni proces, modeliranje, simulacije, metodologija TAD, programsko orodje iGrafx.

Reverse logistics (RL) is gradually becoming more important to manufacturing companies through environmental awareness, competitiveness, and environmental regulations. In the leather footwear industry of Bangladesh, it is possible to... more

Reverse logistics (RL) is gradually becoming more important to manufacturing companies through environmental awareness, competitiveness, and environmental regulations. In the leather footwear industry of Bangladesh, it is possible to recycle and reuse waste, meaning a reverse logistics system could increase return-on-investment and give a competitive advantage. To date, studies on barriers to RL implementation have been conducted in other countries and in other domains, leaving a research gap in RL barrier analyses in the leather footwear industry. There are many obstacles to implementing RL in a developing country like Bangladesh; examining these barriers is a crucial research issue. This paper identifies RL barriers through (1) an extent literature review, (2) advice from Bangladeshi industry experts under the Delphi study, and (3) ranking RL barriers using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. The results indicate that, of the barriers investigated, the 'knowledge and support' category seems to be most critical. A lack of interest and support from top-level management-related to 'knowledge and support' issues-appears to be the major obstacle for RL implementation in the Bangladeshi leather footwear industry. These findings will help the Bangladeshi leather footwear industry, as well as other industries in Bangladesh, to understand the nature of each barrier and overcome the complexity of RL implementation in supply chains. This study will also assist decision-makers in making certain strategic policies. Future studies may contribute to the life cycle assessment and engineering of recycled and reused footwear.

Triple Bottom Line (3 BL) Sustainability has been expressed as a tool in the hands of policy makers to achieve competitive advantage. Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) conceptualizes the design, control, and operation of the supply chain... more

Triple Bottom Line (3 BL) Sustainability has been expressed as a tool in the hands of policy makers to achieve competitive advantage. Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) conceptualizes the design, control, and operation of the supply chain systems to recover the value from the product even after their useful life through the processes of reuse and recycle. Efficient management of CLSC operations in metal recycling industry will enhance 3BL sustainability. The present study investigates and shortlists critical sustainability factors in metal recycling CLSC operations. The study applies Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify the most important factors and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) techniques to check the reliability and validity of these factors through statistical analysis. The study identifies five most important factors to achieve sustainability in metal recycling CLSC. Although the article is focused on the Indian metal recycling industry but factors can be relevant for researchers in other developing countries, where similar economic, social and environmental conditions exist.

Corporate approaches to improve environmental performance cannot be undertaken in isolation, so a concerted effort along the supply chain (SC) entities is needed which poses another important challenge to managers. This work addresses the... more

Corporate approaches to improve environmental performance cannot be undertaken in isolation, so a concerted effort along the supply chain (SC) entities is needed which poses another important challenge to managers. This work addresses the optimization of SC planning and design considering economical and environmental issues. The strategic decisions considered in the model are facility location, processing technology selection and production-distribution planning. A life cycle assessment (LCA) approach is envisaged to incorporate the environmental aspects of the model. IMPACT 2002+ methodology is selected to perform the impact assessment within the SC thus providing a feasible implementation of a combined midpoint-endpoint evaluation. The proposed approach reduces the value-subjectivity inherent to the assignment of weights in the calculation of an overall environmental impact by considering endpoint damage categories as objective function. Additionally, the model performs an impact mapping along the comprising SC nodes and activities. Such mapping allows to focus financial efforts to reduce environmental burdens to the most promising subjects. Furthermore, consideration of CO 2 trading scheme and temporal distribution of environmental interventions are also included with the intention of providing a tool that may be utilized to evaluate current regulatory policies or pursue more effective ones. The mathematical formulation of this problem becomes a multi-objective MILP (moMILP). Criteria selected for the objective function are damage categories impacts, overall impact factor and net present value (NPV). Main advantages of this model are highlighted through a realistic case study of maleic anhydride SC production and distribution network.

Green purchasing (GP) has elicited increasing attention in recent years by both academics and practitioners. However, its industrial issues in developing countries have not been investigated at a regional level. This paper aims to compare... more

Green purchasing (GP) has elicited increasing attention in recent years by both academics and practitioners. However, its industrial issues in developing countries have not been investigated at a regional level. This paper aims to compare practices of GP in connection with a widely applied compliance of RoHS among five countries of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. We sought to determine where the differences occur and which practices are further along. An investigation of 106 manufacturing SMEs in E&E sector shows that a partial difference in the extent of implementation of on RoHS-related GP practices, including documentation, supplier management, and internal management, among these five countries. The implication of this paper indicates that RoHS-related GP enables SMEs to green their purchasing activities by establishing win-win relationships with suppliers, and thus realise sustainable development for the whole supply chains. As a managerial implication, the present study shows that an appropriate monitoring approach involving suppliers in green initiatives can help GP diffusion and greener environment across Southeast Asia.

In the past couple of decades, manufacturing industry began to accept the necessity of environmental management and started to implement environmental management programs to compete in the global market. Thus, green supply chain... more

In the past couple of decades, manufacturing industry began to accept the necessity of environmental management and started to implement environmental management programs to compete in the global market. Thus, green supply chain management (GSCM) has emerged as an important organizational strategy in modern business environment. In Ethiopia, many manufacturing firms adopt GSCM principles into their systems. Environmental concepts are embraced by many manufacturing industries, specifically in Leather industry, is one sector affected due to its unique features such as a raw materials, process and environmental regulations. The main purpose of this study was to identify barriers to implementation of green supply chain management in Ethiopia leather& leather product industry. Data were gathered trough survey methods. Participants represented top and middle levels mangers in the leather industry in Ethiopia. This study employed descriptive type of research and it employed a survey research strategy to capture the relevant information from the respondent. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics (Mean & standard deviation). The finding show that cost of implementation, Lack of customer's awareness towards GSCM & green products, Lack of skilled/quality/ human resource professionals in sustainability , experience training to personals in GSCM were rated as major challenges in implementing green supply chain management

The main focus of this paper is to reduce the inventory aging in an automotive parts industry which directly reduces the cost, the reduction in cost will be a great competitive advantage for the company to have in this competitive market... more

The main focus of this paper is to reduce the inventory aging in an automotive parts industry which directly reduces the cost, the reduction in cost will be a great competitive advantage for the company to have in this competitive market arena. To achieve the objective the inventory management systems have been designed and integrated with the relevant information systems such as (warehouse management system) in order to keep accurate and most current information on to the computer screens for better traceability of the variants. The ABC analysis have been done to categorized the different variants according to which the economic order quantity have been identified for each category of variants to get optimum inventory level.
Published work:

Environmental, social and economic aspects of transport and logistics systems’ operation are considered in the paper. The role of the transport systems and logistic activities for achieving the goals of sustainable development is... more

Environmental, social and economic aspects of transport and logistics systems’ operation are considered in the paper. The role of the transport systems and logistic activities for achieving the goals of sustainable development is presented. Results of the statistical analysis of transport and logistics systems’ influence on the environment are provided. The system of factors of sustainable development of transport and logistics systems based on structural and functional approach emphasizing the main func-tions of elements of a logistics system is proposed. Accounting the factors during transport and logistics systems’ operation will allow to carry out integrated assessment of supply chains and their elements in compliance with the principles of sustainable development and develop activities for achieving the goals of sustainable development.
В статье рассмотрены экологические, социальные и экономические аспекты функционирования транспортно-логистических систем. Показана роль транспортных систем и логистической деятельности по достижению целей устойчивого развития. Представлены результаты статистического анализа влияния транспортно-логистических систем на окружающую среду. Предложена система факторов устойчивого развития транспортно-логистических систем, основанная на структурно-функциональном подходе выделения основных функций элементов логистической системы. Учёт факторов в процессе функционирования транспортно-логистических систем позволит проводить комплексную оценку цепей поставок и их элементов на соответствие принципам устойчивого развития, а также разрабатывать мероприятия по достижению целей устойчивого развития.

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study... more

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study subsequently examines influences of governance mechanisms and culture on the social, ecological, and economic performance in the supply chain. ßased on principal-agency theory, the authors implicate collaboration, monitoring, and specific assets as determinants of the interfirm culture operating in the reverse supply chain. The interfirm culture and collaboration serve as antecedents to triple bottom line performance. Data collected with Norwegian electronics collectors indicate that collaboration and interfirm culture influence ecological, economic, and relational components of sustainable performance.

The highly competitive nature of the manufacturing environment requires manufacturers to consider the ultimate outcome of their green strategy adoption, focusing on those that are strategic to their environmental and business performance.... more

The highly competitive nature of the manufacturing environment requires manufacturers to consider the ultimate outcome of their green
strategy adoption, focusing on those that are strategic to their environmental and business performance. Based on the Natural-Resource-Based framework, a model is proposed to analyse the total effects of green strategy adoption on competitive benefits within the manufacturing industry. The conceptual model has been formulated by applying structural equation modelling and empirically analysed using a dataset collected from a survey of ISO 14000 certified manufacturers from among the Malaysian industries. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the green strategies, environmental performance and competitive benefits. The results also imply that a clean technology strategy has considerable importance in terms of generating competitive benefits, and yet it received the least attention from the manufacturers.

Research related to the natural environment in operations management is still in its infancy. The relatively few studies to date have primarily emphasized environmental issues relating to process technologies, quality, new product... more

Research related to the natural environment in operations management is still in its infancy. The relatively few studies to
date have primarily emphasized environmental issues relating to process technologies, quality, new product development,
and supply chain management. This paper reports on the work of a focus group of environmental and operations
management researchers, which generated a broad framework useful for identifying fruitful research opportunities. This
framework is structured along two dimensions: level of analysis and process of environmental improvement. Research areas
identified by the focus group to be most promising subsequently were mapped onto this framework. Strong opportunities for
building our understanding of environmental issues and improving practice are evident in the areas of manufacturing
strategy, quality, supply chain management, and technology management. Research on intra- and inter-firm diffusion of best
practices, environmental technology investment and transfer, and measurement of environmental performance promises to
lead to a more integrative view of environmental operations management.

Reverse logistics (RL) is gradually becoming more important to manufacturing companies through environmental awareness, competitiveness, and environmental regulations. In the leather footwear industry of Bangladesh, it is possible to... more

Reverse logistics (RL) is gradually becoming more important to manufacturing companies through environmental awareness, competitiveness, and environmental regulations. In the leather footwear industry of Bangladesh, it is possible to recycle and reuse waste, meaning a reverse logistics system could increase return-on-investment and give a competitive advantage. To date, studies on barriers to RL implementation have been conducted in other countries and in other domains, leaving a research gap in RL barrier analyses in the leather footwear industry. There are many obstacles to implementing RL in a developing country like Bangladesh; examining these barriers is a crucial research issue. This paper identifies RL barriers through (1) an extent literature review, (2) advice from Bangladeshi industry experts under the Delphi study, and (3) ranking RL barriers using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. The results indicate that, of the barriers investigated, the 'knowledge and support' category seems to be most critical. A lack of interest and support from top-level management-related to 'knowledge and support' issues-appears to be the major obstacle for RL implementation in the Bangladeshi leather footwear industry. These findings will help the Bangladeshi leather footwear industry, as well as other industries in Bangladesh, to understand the nature of each barrier and overcome the complexity of RL implementation in supply chains. This study will also assist decision-makers in making certain strategic policies. Future studies may contribute to the life cycle assessment and engineering of recycled and reused footwear.

Surge in industrial activities has led to increase of GHG levels in the atmosphere which is continuously resulting into heating the earth and creating global warming and climate change. Currently, India is the third-largest emitter of CO2... more

Surge in industrial activities has led to increase of GHG levels in the atmosphere which is continuously resulting into heating the earth and creating global warming and climate change. Currently, India is the third-largest emitter of CO2 in the world. The automobile sector is the second-largest contributor to the CO2 emission from fossil fuel after the power sector in India. There is pressure from various stakeholders to integrate sustainability with organizations’ operations in order to deal with climate change. The present study attempts to study barriers in implementing sustainable practices based on the firm’s characteristics in automobile industry using one-way ANOVA and Welch & Brown-Forsyth statistics. The paper also examines the impact of these practices on organization’s performance (environment, economic and operation) using multiple regression analysis. Structured questionnaire was used to conduct empirical survey and collecting responses using convenience sampling method from various companies operating in passenger vehicle and its component manufacturing companies. The study suggests that barriers in implementing sustainable logistics practices differs significantly among different characteristics of the automobile organization. It was also observed that sustainable logistics practices have positive impact on organization performances. However, characteristics of the organizations also play very important role on these performances

Companies interested in greening their supply chains quickly realize that carbon and energy waste represents an expense, and thus minimizing this expense not only brings in truckloads of money, but also helps save the environment. This... more

Companies interested in greening their supply chains quickly realize that carbon and energy waste represents an expense, and thus minimizing this expense not only brings in truckloads of money, but also helps save the environment. This paper demonstrates that shipment consolidation, a powerful logistics strategy that combines two or more small shipments into an aggregate load to be dispatched on the same vehicle, can help mitigate carbon and energy waste. Specifically, a Discrete-Time Based Shipment ConsoLidation (DTB-SCL) policy and a new method to calculate CO2 emissions associated with the dispatch of a vehicle are introduced. In addition, an optimization model with the objective of maximizing combined economic and environmental savings is developed in this study. It is shown that, among other benefits, the higher use of transportation capacity decreases environmental damage, one goal of the DTB-SCL policy. The mechanics of the mathematical models are illustrated by numerical examples, and sensitivity analyses are conducted to provide managerial insights that might help companies come to better decisions that are environmentally responsible.

When it becomes publicly known that products are associated with suppliers that engage in unsustainable behaviors, consumers protest, as Nestlé, Zara, and Kimberly Clark, among others, have learned. The phenomenon by which consumers hold... more

When it becomes publicly known that products are associated with suppliers that engage in unsustainable behaviors, consumers protest, as Nestlé, Zara, and Kimberly Clark, among others, have learned. The phenomenon by which consumers hold firms responsible for the unsustainable behavior of their upstream partners suggests the notion of “chain liability.” This study aims to generate insights into the antecedents and consequences of such consumer responsibility attributions. Using data from four vignette-based survey experiments, the authors find that the chain liability effect increases if an environmental degradation incident (1) results from supplier behavior rather than force majeure, (2) results from a company decision rather than the decision of an individual employee, and (3) is more severe. Responsibility attributions do not differ with varying organizational distance from the supplier, firm size, strategic importance of the supplied product, or the existence of environmental management systems. The chain liability effect also creates strong risks for the focal firm; higher responsibility attributions increase consumers’ anger and propensity to boycott. Therefore, firms should work to ensure sustainable behavior throughout the supply chain, to protect them from chain liability.

Michael E Porter developed a value chain model for manufacturing sector with five primary activities and four supporting activities. The value chain model developed by Porter is extended to a steel manufacturing sector due to expansions... more

Michael E Porter developed a value chain model for manufacturing sector with five primary activities and four supporting activities. The value chain model developed by Porter is extended to a steel manufacturing sector due to expansions of steel plants has become a continual process for their growth and survival. In this paper a value chain model for steel manufacturing sector is developed considering five primary activities and six support activities.

Green supply chain management Carbon footprint Lagrangian box model Eulerian box model Heat link a b s t r a c t Environmental consciousness has become critical in the design and operation of globally integrated supply chain networks.... more

Green supply chain management Carbon footprint Lagrangian box model Eulerian box model Heat link a b s t r a c t Environmental consciousness has become critical in the design and operation of globally integrated supply chain networks. This research examines the carbon footprint across supply chains and thus contributes to the knowledge and practice of green supply chain management. The analytical model uses the long-range Lagrangian and the Eulerian transport methods. Analytical and finite difference methods are used to approximate the three-dimensional infinite footprint model. A simplified numerical example validates and illustrates the proposed approach. The results show that carbon emissions across stages in a supply chain can constitute a significant threat that warrants careful attention in the design phase of supply chains.

This research report aims to develop the knowledge of different parameters that are associated with a supply chain business. The role of sustainable logistics in supply chain management. Effect of transportation and inbound and outbound... more

This research report aims to develop the knowledge of different parameters that are associated with a supply chain business. The role of sustainable logistics in supply chain management. Effect of transportation and inbound and outbound sustainable logistics and their impact on a business. Furthermore, the concept of the third party and fourth party logistics is also discussed in this report. The concept of reverse logistics and its applications in modern industry is also discussed. In the last environmental impacts of different elements are discussed. The effect of greenhouse and waste on the environment and methods to reduce the greenhouse effect and waste material from the industry.

Innovative strategies such as Lean, Agile, Resilient, and Green (LARG) emerged as a response to global competition environment of supply chains (SC), requiring high levels of cooperation and great complexity. However, the strategic... more

Innovative strategies such as Lean, Agile, Resilient, and Green (LARG) emerged as a response to global competition environment of supply chains (SC), requiring high levels of cooperation and great complexity. However, the strategic alignment of operations with partners in supply chains is affected by lack of interoperability. The present work provides a methodology to enhance SC competitiveness and performance by assessing interoperable Supply Chain Management (SCM) Practices applied in the automotive industry.
Design/methodology/approach – This work provides a methodology to assess interoperability in a dyadic perspective of the SC, making use of latest developments in LARG and business interoperability. The methodology use a decision model based on Fuzzy Sets with TOPSIS extension to evaluate interoperability of practice toward SC competitiveness.
Findings –This work provides a theoretical exposition of the aim of SCM and what are the main interoperability drivers that rule every area of joint activity. Also, it provides information to identify interoperable practices and demonstrate, through a case study, how to systematize an evaluation of the interoperability problems in the supply chain.
Research limitations/implications – Future work will address the SC performance perspective with the operational perspective of SC.
Practical implications – This methodology provides a systematic way to identify and analyse interoperable practices, ensuring managers a detailed perspective on the execution of practices amongst supply chain partners.
Originality/value – This work establishes link between theoretical findings in LARG SCM and gives new insights to business interoperability from a SCM perspective providing an assessment tool.

A study was made to determine the export supply and value chain analysis of Yard long bean vegetables and to estimate the marketing costs and margins of Yard long beans in 2005-06 in Bangladesh. The study consisted of review of relevant... more

A study was made to determine the export supply and value chain analysis of Yard long bean vegetables and to estimate the marketing costs and margins of Yard long beans in 2005-06 in Bangladesh. The study consisted of review of relevant reports and literatures, semi-structured interview of key informants, and interview of parsons involved in the supply chains of export market on both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from 40 middleman (in Ulokhola 10, Kawranbazar 07, Shambazar 08, Jatrabaribazar 05, Chandina,10), 5 service providers and 10 different types of vegetables exporters in Dhaka city. It was found that the supply chain of Yard long bean is fragmented and complex. The middlemen predominantly control the supply chains. Post-harvest management is poor, resulting lower quality of the produce forced to fetch low prices in the export market. Export supply chain indicate that, in the yearly average exported yard long bean was about 81.0 tons in Singapore, Italy and Malaysia with export quantity of 48.46%, 47.25% and 4.29% respectively. The Value Chain Analysis (VCA) revealed that, the net profit margin of yard long bean was Tk. 12.27/kg for UK and Middle East countries market. Cost analysis showed that, the cost of airfreight was highest (64.68%) of all costs followed by raw material prices (15.39%).

ER DET blitt slik at man er mer opptatt av korrekte holdninger og symboler for å redde klima og baerekraft enn faktisk å gjøre noe med det? Mange er kanskje lei av å lytte til at klima er mer et spørsmål om moral og symboler enn en aktiv... more

ER DET blitt slik at man er mer opptatt av korrekte holdninger og symboler for å redde klima og baerekraft enn faktisk å gjøre noe med det? Mange er kanskje lei av å lytte til at klima er mer et spørsmål om moral og symboler enn en aktiv handling? I en forskningsar-tikkel fant vi nemlig at den symbolske og nedlatende pekefingermoralismen kan få motsatte effekter enn det vi faktisk ønsker å oppnå (Biong mfl., 2010). Vi ser også at mange sprer dystopier som skaper frykt og frustra-sjon rundt kommende klimaendringer. Dette fører til apati-det motsatte av det entreprenørskapet vi nå trenger for å fikse klimaforandringene. Noen hevder at baerekraft bare er en form for oppor-tunisme for å tilegne seg makt og ressurser. Vi ser stadig at det beste presenteres som det godes verste fiende. Det er en lang prosess å få til et baerekraftig samfunn. Men akkurat som Roma ikke ble bygget på én dag, vil det å skape baerekraftig endring vaere en dynamisk prosess der både teknologisk innovasjon og entreprenørskap kan skape positive endringer som kommer alle for-brukere til gode. Vi ønsker bedre produkter og bedre løsninger. Baerekraft er et Kinder-egg som gir oss dette. I den nye boken Grønn markedsføringsledelse-om baerekraftig entreprenørskap, strategi og markedsføring er mitt mål å gi redskaper til de virkelige aktivistene som har kapasitet og kunnskap til å gjennomføre det grønne skiftet-nemlig ledere i naeringslivet, organisasjoner og forvaltning. Naeringslivets oppgave blir da å skape bedre produkter som forbrukerne vil ha. Grunnen til at Tesla har de mest lojale kundene, er jo nettopp at Tesla-kundene er mer tilfredse enn andre bilkjøpere. Dette er de fordi bilen har en raskere akselerasjon, bedre trygg-het, flottere design, lavere støynivå, mindre utslipp og bedre kjøreegenskaper enn andre biler i samme klasse. Både akselerasjon og forbruk er direkte konsekvenser av en baerekraftig teknologi. Tesla-gründer Elon Musk sier at elektriske biler må se spennende ut, slik at kun-dene virkelig ønsker dem, og ikke bare kjøper dem fordi de må eller bør. For at naeringslivet skal lyktes med det grønne skiftet, trenger moderne ledere å knekke Musks Kinder-egg ved bruk av verktøy som blant annet: • grønne delingsøkonomi-modeller for økt baerekraft • nudging (grønn dulting) for å endre automatisk adferd i retning av baerekraft • blockchain-teknologi for å utkonkurrere ikke-baere-kraftige produkter (såkalte lemons) • grønn SWOT-analyse for strategisk endring i retning av baerekraft • grønn BCG-analyse for å strukturrasjonalisere egen produktportefølje i retning av baerekraft • sirkulaere økonomimodeller for å snu avfallspyra-miden • grønn prisstrategi (insentivsystemer) • grønn produktstrategi (innovasjonsbasert grønt entreprenørskap) • grønn distribusjonsstrategi • grønn kommunikasjonsstrategi (unngå grønnvas-king og treffe LOHAS, grønne segmenter i markeder) • kontroll av økoopportunisme • interessentanalyser og strategier Utfordringene er å snu koplingen mellom økonomisk vekst og økende miljøproblemer (figur 1). Dette er en utvikling som krever kunnskap der en må implementere sirkulaere forretningsmodeller i retning av baerekraftig, økonomisk vekst. Det grønne skiftet er en grunnleg-gende og gjennomgripende (disruptiv) endring som drives frem gjennom både teknologiske og markeds-messige drivkrefter (figur 2) (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000). Bedriftsøkonomisk innsikt i hvordan ledelsen kan møte denne utviklingen, er derfor kritisk viktig ARNE NYGAARD er professor ved Institutt for markedsføring, økonomi og innovasjon ved Høyskolen Kristiania.

Environmental consciousness has become critical in the design and operation of globally integrated supply chain networks. This research examines the carbon footprint across supply chains and thus contributes to the knowledge and practice... more

Environmental consciousness has become critical in the design and operation of globally integrated supply chain networks. This research examines the carbon footprint across supply chains and thus contributes to the knowledge and practice of green supply chain management. The analytical model uses the long-range Lagrangian and the Eulerian transport methods. Analytical and finite difference methods are used to approximate the three-dimensional infinite footprint model. A simplified numerical example validates and illustrates the proposed approach. The results show that carbon emissions across stages in a supply chain can constitute a significant threat that warrants careful attention in the design phase of supply chains.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

The link between green supply chain practices (GSCPs) and competitive advantages (CAs) is a subject of growing interest amongst academics and practitioners. Despite the theoretical arguments that environmentally conscious practices would... more

The link between green supply chain
practices (GSCPs) and competitive advantages (CAs)
is a subject of growing interest amongst academics
and practitioners. Despite the theoretical arguments
that environmentally conscious practices would give
competitive advantages for companies, there is no
consensus in empirical research concerning the
positive impact of GSCPs on CAs. Due to this lack of
clarity in the literature, this study undertakes a
comprehensive review to evaluate the circumstances
necessary for GSCPs to achieve sustainable CAs.
Subsequently, a conceptual model is proposed to
elaborate on the causal relationship between GSCPs
and CAs. This conceptual model proposes the
strategic capability as a mediator factor, mediating
the linkage between GSCPs and CAs. It also
introduces four moderating factors which positively
influence the relationship between GSCPs and CAs,
namely, internal environmental management,
environmental proactivity, strategic alignment, and
capability-based management. Future research
opportunities are recommended to expand on the
proposed conceptual model and to address the
shortcomings of the existing literature.

The green smart supply chain is a phenomenon that has emerged as a result of the development of sustainable and smart business and information technology trends. Sustainable and green supply chains are an innovative phenomenon that uses... more

The green smart supply chain is a phenomenon that has emerged as a result of the development of sustainable and smart business and information technology trends. Sustainable and green supply chains are an innovative phenomenon that uses information technology to improve the quality of activities in operating areas. In order to ensure that activities are adapted to social and environmental needs. In this regard, the Internet of Things is one of the most important components of technology infrastructure for smart. For this purpose, in this research, a framework for implementing a green IoT-based supply chain is presented. This framework is based on the four-stage architecture of the Internet of Things and has been created by emphasizing the literature and the interaction and review of the opinions of active experts in this field. This framework illustrates the direct relationship between data generation and how it interacts with the sectors affected by environmental sustainability and outlines a clear pathway for sustainable and green decision-making in the supply chain. This framework has been endorsed by experts in the supply chain field and can pave the way for effective implementation of the green supply chain with an emphasis on technology in manufacturing organizations.

All forecast-driven distribution channels are doomed to the intrinsic characteristic of an oscillating demand pattern leading to a progressively larger swing in inventory levels as moving upstream the supply chain. In supply chain... more

All forecast-driven distribution channels are doomed to the intrinsic characteristic of an oscillating demand pattern leading to a progressively larger swing in inventory levels as moving upstream the supply chain. In supply chain management (SCM), this bullwhip effect is considered as one of the most critical factors that if not controlled appropriately can simply nullify all the efforts done by SCM experts to optimize the overall time and cost of delivering products and/or services.
As the number of intermediates between two extremes of the supply chain increases, monitoring and controlling of demand changes becomes even a more critical managerial issue. Based on Beer Game conceptual framework, in this paper, we will focus on a typical four-component supply chain including: factory, distributor, wholesaler, retailer to simulate and analyze the supply chain behavior during a 24 week period to monitor the system as well as components cost fluctuation trend due to bullwhip effect.

I.T.S fabricates and gathers wooden pallets made to customer prerequisites and particulars. Wooden pallets are a widespread and basic piece of item transportation in the economy. Transportation plays a central role in seamless supply... more

I.T.S fabricates and gathers wooden pallets made to customer prerequisites and particulars. Wooden pallets are a widespread and basic piece of item transportation in the economy. Transportation plays a central role in seamless supply chain operations, moving inbound materials from supply sites to manufacturing facilities, repositioning inventory among different plants and distribution centres, and delivering finished products to customers. Benefits that should result from world-class operations at the points of supply, production, and customer locations will never be realized without the accompaniment of excellent transportation planning and execution. Having inventory positioned and available for delivery is not enough if it cannot be cost effectively delivered when and where needed? To be a world class timber converter while perceiving the estimation of the: HR, Practical Woods, and Entrepreneurial Soul. By using innovation and advancement to end up practical while surpassing client's desire. Timber Supply I.T.S is always searching for approaches to enhance all parts of business by keeping in front of worldwide prescribed procedures. The South African Timber Market is in turmoil right now with steady deficiencies which have been caused by timberland fires which happened in 2002 and 2007, the overall retreat has facilitated the supply lines for the here and now. By reviewing the logistics and supply chain management literature in organisations from different sectors, this study found key issues, namely the operational logistics. These issues have been the obstruction for logistics efficacy. It is observed that major challenges faced by this organization are lack of advanced information technology (IT) and manufacturing systems, unreliable suppliers in terms of raw material quality and distribution time and erroneous forecasting systems.

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of a greater number of good case studies.

Today, one of the top priorities of an organization's modern corporate strategy is to portray itself as socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. As a focal point of sustainability initiatives, green supply chain management... more

Today, one of the top priorities of an organization's modern corporate strategy is to portray itself as socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. As a focal point of sustainability initiatives, green supply chain management has emerged as a key strategy that can provide competitive advantages with significant parallel gains for company profitability. In designing a green supply chain, the intent is the adoption of comprehensive and cross-business sustainability principles, from the product conception stage to the end-of-life stage. In this context, green initiatives relate to tangible and intangible corporate benefits. Sustainability reports from numerous companies reveal that greening their supply chains has helped reduce operating cost, thus boosting effectiveness and efficiency while increasing sustainability of the business. Green Supply Chain Management provides a strategic overview of sustainable supply chain management, shedding light on the theoretical background and key principles of the topic. Specifically, this book covers various thematic areas including benefits and impact of green supply chain management; enablers and barriers on supply chain operations; inbound and outbound logistics considerations; and production, packaging and reverse logistics under the notion of "greening". The ultimate aim of this textbook is to highlight the challenges in the implementation of green supply chain management in modern companies and to provide a roadmap for decisionmaking in real-life cases. Combining chapter summaries and discussion questions, this book provides an accessible and student-friendly introduction to green supply change management and will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners in the fields of sustainable business and supply chain management. Charisios Achillas is a Professor at the Technical Educational Institute of Central Macedonia, Department of Logistics. His work primarily focuses on the areas of environmental engineering, reverse logistics and sustainable development. Dionysis D. Bochtis works in the area of Systems Engineering focused on bio-production, and related provision systems, with enhanced ICT and automation technologies up to fully robotized systems. He

Corruption has been, and continues to be, among the major challenges confronting the politicoadministrative system of the Philippines in the continuing quest for good governance. The Philippines continues to rank very low in the... more

Corruption has been, and continues to be, among the major challenges confronting the politicoadministrative system of the Philippines in the continuing quest for good governance. The Philippines continues to rank very low in the anti-corruption perception index, ranking a very low 126 among the least corrupt countries in the world and 25th in the Asia Pacific Region. Inspite of the many laws that have been enacted to address corruption, and inspite of the many anti-corruption bodies that have been organized and set up, graft and corruption continues at various levels. Reforms to curb corruption over the years have obviously failed.

There has been an increasing interest towards firms' environmental sustainability activities to improve practices in their supply chain. Stringent environmental regulations in Europe and US challenge manufacturers to comply with these... more

There has been an increasing interest towards firms' environmental sustainability activities to improve practices in their supply chain. Stringent environmental regulations in Europe and US challenge manufacturers to comply with these without losing their competitiveness. This study illustrates the case of a printed circuit board manufacturer in Taiwan that seeks to implement green supply chain management (GSCM) and selects a green supplier to meet its requirements. Choosing the suitable supplier is a key strategic direction in eliminating environmental impact on supply chain management for manufacturing firms. The firm's criteria and supplier selection need to be unified as a system to improve the firm's performance. This study identified the appropriate environmental and non-environmental GSCM criteria for the case firm and developed the following selection method: (i) evaluate the weights of criteria and alternatives as described both by qualitative and quantitative information; and (ii) rank alternative suppliers using a grey relational analysis. The result shows Alternative 3 ranks first among the four evaluated suppliers and demonstrated strong performance in the top three important criteria, namely, environmental management systems, profitability of supplier and relationship supplier closeness. Additionally, the perception weights on criteria itself are same as the most top five in weighted alternative.

There are various issues related to cold chain in developing countries, such as lack of cold chain facilities, inadequate capacity of cold chain, lack of cold chain network. Due to this concern it has become difficult for the farmers and... more

There are various issues related to cold chain in developing countries, such as lack of cold chain facilities, inadequate capacity of cold chain, lack of cold chain network. Due to this concern it has become difficult for the farmers and businessman to do their business effectively and get proper remuneration for their produce.

This paper presents an optimization-based model to deal with integrated logistics operational problems of green-supply chain management (G-SCM). In the proposed methodology, a linear multi-objective programming model is formulated that... more

This paper presents an optimization-based model to deal with integrated logistics operational problems of green-supply chain management (G-SCM). In the proposed methodology, a linear multi-objective programming model is formulated that systematically optimizes the operations of both integrated logistics and corresponding used-product reverse logistics in a given green-supply chain. Factors such as the used-product return ratio and corresponding subsidies from governmental organizations for reverse logistics are considered in the model formulation. Results of numerical studies indicate that using the proposed model, the chain-based aggregate net profits can be improved by 21.1%, compared to the existing operational performance in the particular case studied.

That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise... more

That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise problematized. This study, a secondary analysis of interview data, seeks to extend discursive work on place-identity by examining the ways in which 14 residents of a small English village talk about themselves and their locale. The locale accommodates an active quarry, and many residents had lodged complaints to the quarry about dust, noise and vibrations from blasting. Attention to the interactional context of the interviews illustrates the ways in which (simply) interviewing people about their locale can threaten self- and place-identity. When asked about life in the village, interviewees oriented to two main dilemmas in protecting self- and place-identity: (1) how to justify continued residence in a challenging environment and (2) how to complain about the locale whilst maintaining positive place-identity. Discursive responses to these dilemmas drew upon typical identity processes, such as self- and place distinctiveness and the formulation of out-groups, as well as upon constructions of localized power-sharing and morally obligated tolerance of risk. We suggest that research on problematical places, and of environmental risk, needs to be sensitized to how it may constitute a threat to self- and place-identity, and how this may mediate formulations self and place, as well as of environmental risk.

This study investigatesthe role that Information Technology (IT)for the transformation of a Supply Chain into a Green Supply Chain. Green Supply Chain Management is about integrating environmental concem mto the inter-organizational... more

This study investigatesthe role that Information Technology (IT)for the transformation of a Supply Chain into a Green Supply Chain. Green Supply Chain Management is about integrating environmental concem mto the inter-organizational partnerships. Today, companies are seeking ways to meet environmental benefits through CO 2 reduction when they operate their supply chain. Faced with the climate crisis, several companzes are striving to adopt 'green' approach to lower the carbon footprint and conserve the environment. However, most companies are unaware of how to implement climate change initiative in their business models. They must. overcome the challenge of transforming the drive to lower the Green House Gas (GHG)emission in the supply chain into business benefit. An effectwe green supply chain enables a company to track and measure its carbon footprint, minimize carbon-heavy processes, and populanze green product. In order to achieve this, companies must first develop robust techniques, change regulations goveming environmental sustainability, and educate customers on the environmental protection. This paper serves as guide to understand the goals and boundaries of green supply chain and how Information Technology (IT)is used to measure and reduce carbon footprints by serving as an enabler to green supply chain