Ship Design Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Ships are a vital element in the modern world. They still carry some 95 per cent of trade. In 1994 there were more than 80 000 ships each with a gross tonnage of 100 or more, representing a gross tonnage of over450 million in totals.... more

Ships are a vital element in the modern world. They still carry some 95 per cent of
trade. In 1994 there were more than 80 000 ships each with a gross tonnage of 100
or more, representing a gross tonnage of over450 million in totals. Although aircraft
have displaced the transatlantic liners, ships still carry large numbers of people on
pleasure cruises and on the multiplicity of ferries operating in all areas of the globe.
Ships, and other marine structures, are needed to exploit the riches of the deep.
Although one of the oldest forms of transport, ships, their equipment and their
function, are subject to constant evolution.
Changes are driven by changing patterns of world trade, by social pressures, by
technological improvements in materials, construction techniques and control
systems, and by pressure of economics. As an example, technology now provides
the ability to build much larger, faster, ships and these are adopted to gain the
economic advantages those features can confer.

Wake equalizing duct (WED) Hydrodynamic shape optimization Reynolds averaged navier stokes (RANS) Simulation based design optimization (SBDO) Japab bulk carrier (JBC) A B S T R A C T We propose a Simulation-Based Design Optimization... more

Wake equalizing duct (WED) Hydrodynamic shape optimization Reynolds averaged navier stokes (RANS) Simulation based design optimization (SBDO) Japab bulk carrier (JBC) A B S T R A C T We propose a Simulation-Based Design Optimization (SBDO) approach for the design of an Energy Saving Device (ESD) based on the Wake Equalizing Duct (WED) concept. Pre-Ducts, like Wake Equalizing Ducts, reduce the wake losses, improve the propeller-hull interaction and generate an additional thrust. An integrated design approach, relying on a parametric description of the duct geometry of the WEDs and on a RANSE method, managed by a global convergence optimization algorithm, is developed to maximize the delivered thrust. The Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC) test case, for which model scale experimental data on the effectiveness of the WED are available in the literature, is considered as a baseline. Results obtained by using the adaptive, fully automated proposed design framework highlight significant improvements of the overall propulsive efficiency when the Pre-Duct design is tailored to the actual hull wake shape. In addition, off-design conditions are considered to verify the robustness of the proposed designs with respect to variations of the working point and discuss the opportunity of a robust optimization process.

Many ships are not furnished with an apparatus to bosun and crew of a ship will be able to measure and monitor the use of fuel when the ship sailing. A system in a ship must include the ability to monitoring the fuel use rates are burned... more

Many ships are not furnished with an apparatus to bosun and crew of a ship will be able to measure and monitor the use of fuel when the ship sailing. A system in a ship must include the ability to monitoring the fuel use rates are burned from the bridge of a ship. Including speed (the use of) fuel that is burned on each main engine help, or machines as well as high in the surface of fuel tanks. The measurement of fuel flow is very important in ship fuel management process. An instrument for measuring of the flow called flow meter. This device serves to determine how the amount of fluid that are needed in the process of continuous and how a fluid will distributed, and the fluid referred to is fuel oil in a ship. Viewed in terms of thoroughness, then the method of measurement direct more carefully that compares with a method indirect. But flow meter indirect had a bigger benefits, because a stream that in measuring instrument converted into electrical signals, so flow meter indirect according to monitor and governing process in the industry. In this paper we could see the application of flow meter in tug boat and since the flow meter had erected in tugboat, they could made all the fuel consumption will be maintained and its oil discharging could be lowered.

Increasing propulsion efficiency, safety, comfort and operability are of the great importance, especially for small ships operating on windy sites like the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Seakeeping performance of ships and offshore... more

Increasing propulsion efficiency, safety, comfort and operability are of the great importance, especially for small ships operating on windy sites like the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Seakeeping performance of ships and offshore structures can be analysed by different methods and the one that is becoming increasingly important is CFD RANS. The recent development of simulation techniques together with rising HPC accessibility enables performance of advanced seakeeping simulations for ships in a full scale. The paper presents CFD seakeeping analysis for a case study vessel in two variants: V-shaped bulbous bow hull form (as built) and innovative hull form (X-bow type). The study presents the influence of redesigning the ship on selected seakeeping aspects. The advanced CFD model, with the application of overset mesh technique, was described in detail. Selected numerical results were validated on the basis of experimental testing in a towing tank and showed good agreement. The approach demonstrated here of performing the CFD seakeeping simulations for the analysis of ship performance in a full scale and close to real loading conditions has direct application to the design process as well as in determination of optimal operational parameters of any ship.

In the context of the low speed and high drift angles manoeuvres, a limited number of experimental test cases are available in open literature. Consequently, the ability to reliably predict the hull forces (and the related hydrodynamic... more

In the context of the low speed and high drift angles manoeuvres, a limited number of experimental test cases are available in open literature. Consequently, the ability to reliably predict the hull forces (and the related hydrodynamic coefficients) via computational fluid dynamics calculations may represent a significant added value to further tune or to generate new simplified hull forces models to be employed in a manoeuvring code. Even if some applications can be found in the literature for selected cases and conditions, as those considered in the present work, a more systematic comparison is mandatory to confirm the reliability of these numerical approaches. In light of this, in the present work a systematic application of the open-source viscous-based flow solver OpenFOAM to predict forces at low-speed manoeuvring conditions for two ship test cases (the KCS and the KVLCC) is presented. The proposed numerical setup, specifically designed to be applied in the early ship design stage (limiting computational effort), shows a satisfactory accuracy to cope with the strong off-design conditions related to these specific ship operative conditions.

There are so many accident in sea transportation in Indonesia. Accidents occurring in rivers, lakes, and crossing that reached Marine Court in 2005-2010 is due to human error factor (88%), and only a few accidents in the waters caused by... more

There are so many accident in sea transportation in Indonesia. Accidents occurring in rivers, lakes, and crossing that reached Marine Court in 2005-2010 is due to human error factor (88%), and only a few accidents in the waters caused by natural factors. Given the reasons mentioned above should all accidents can be minimized if prevention efforts from all parties so as not to stumble on the same stone. Water transport accidents occur mainly due to overcrowding and navigation system, which is characterized by a large number of passengers and goods compared to the draft Commission. For passengers who do not have the expertise and skills in emergency situations, it is important to note that users of the waterway into the category of vulnerable population groups (vulnerable). Efforts to ensure the safety of passengers and crew must be a serious problem, especially in this trivial security equipment, such as buoys. Current conditions, many ships that do not have safety equipment that should buoy passengers and crew when the vessel hit the accidents. Most of the accidents occur due to the low awareness of the aspects of security and safety of the crew. The figures differ from the manifest of passengers and number of passengers on the ground become commonplace. There are four main issues in maritime transport, it is said, not the individual agencies or Government willing to hold responsibility for the security and safety, pricing policy, the quality of human resources, as well as the implementation and compliance with the rules are not clear.

The Maritime Communities all around the world are focusing to achieve one goal where maritime industries operate with cleaner energy and reducing greenhouse gas. There are some options to achieve this goal especially implementing it on... more

The Maritime Communities all around the world are focusing to achieve one goal where maritime industries operate with cleaner energy and reducing greenhouse gas. There are some options to achieve this goal especially implementing it on board of a Vessel. Solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, hydrogen energy and liquefied natural gas (LNG), is an effective way of conserving energy and reducing the emissions of ships. To meet the future regulations on cleaner energy, conventional energy system on Vessel must be converted to install renewable or cleaner energy. This conversion needs the further learning on installment of right device type, proper and adequate electricity distribution system around the Vessel, and also the efficiency assessment on cleaner energy working expenditure. The technical specification and installation also must be feasible to operate on Marine's environmental condition. It differs from land installment, where Vessel is dynamic and related to nature's variable like wind, temperature, humidity, and so on.

In recent years, the IMO has introduced new regulations to reduce the negative impact of ships on the natural environment. A particularly important step forcing technological innovations is the increasing requirement of ship energy... more

In recent years, the IMO has introduced new regulations to reduce the negative impact of ships on the natural environment. A particularly important step forcing technological innovations is the increasing requirement of ship energy efficiency. It is expressed by the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Another important step towards green shipping is raising the required quality of fuel used for propulsion, the so-called Tier limits. Higher demand of Low Sulfur Fuel Oil resulted in its price rising up by 200% in the past two years. All these aspects increase the importance of ship fuel economy. As a result, the hull resistance reduction plays a significant role in the design process of new vessels. For vessels operating at sites with moderate and rough waves, the shape of the hull and, in particular, the bow section plays an important role. The paper presents results of some of the research carried out as a part of the "Smart Propulsion System" research project. The pres...

TP 12734 E The new Canadian ice regulations are based on the concept of Fmax, the maximum bow ice force in a headon collision with a large ice feature. This force is part of the definition of all the other ice loading quantities such as... more

TP 12734 E
The new Canadian ice regulations are based on the concept of Fmax, the maximum bow ice force in a headon collision with a large ice feature. This force is part of the definition of all the other ice loading quantities such as hull load area factors and local pressures. The regulations contain a dependence of the maximum force with ship parameters (displacement and propulsion power). This report describes methods to calculate the maximum force explicitly. The head-on collision is treated both analytically and numerically. The
analytical model employs Laplace transform methods, and make use of some linearizations of the problem. The analytical solution is valid for infinite and non-infinite ice, and takes the hull girder response into
account. The analytical solution is corroborated by a numerical model which solves essentially the same equations in a time step manner. The numerical model has the disadvantage that it produces only numerical results, rather than general equations for the solution. However, the numerical model is capable of handling a wider variety of input variables, including any type of ice pressure model. Extensive results of both the analytical and numerical models are given. The report then describes the development of a general 3D collision model, capable of modeling shoulder collisions, taking all vessel motions into account. Initial trends and parameter sensitivities from the 3D collision model are presented. The report contains 3 appendices.

This paper illustrates the current state of creation of personnel in the maritime industry in India and worldwide. We are comparing many different systems of seafarer education, their benefits, the progressive increase of crew costs and... more

This paper illustrates the current state of creation of personnel in the maritime industry in India and worldwide. We are comparing many different systems of seafarer education, their benefits, the progressive increase of crew costs and crew shortage caused by the risk factors and demanding professional requirements make seafarer recruitment more difficult worldwide. About 85 to 90 % of the world’s goods are transported through the shipping industries. Hence shipping need quality and quantity seafarers to operate the ships worldwide and do the maintenance as required. It is only achieved by competent, organized, well trained and educated to meet with updated international requirements. We took into consideration BIMCO’s research pertaining to the supply of and demand for seafarers on the international labor market. We also took into consideration the development of seafarers’ careers in keeping with international conventions governing the systems of education and training of seafarers. This paper focuses on the current condition in seafarers demand and supply for the worldwide operation for the shipping transport.

صناعة بناء السفن في العالم
World Ship Building Industry

We as a human being have a same intelligent, because we was born in the same condition, as a little baby (human : red). so we have same chance and potential to understanding something exist above the surface of the earth. here the one of... more

We as a human being have a same intelligent, because we was born in the same condition, as a little baby (human : red). so we have same chance and potential to understanding something exist above the surface of the earth. here the one of uncountable science in this world, here is a Ship Stability. Everyone could be mastering this if they want, because whe have an authorities when we build and designing the ship, all is following to our desire but there is a value correction for our design so the ship would be stable driving in the ocean.

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Although the design and construction of wooden merchant vessels in the nineteenth century is generally considered to be well understood, the excavation and subsequent analysis of the wreck of the wooden Finnish topsail schooner Pettu... more

Although the design and construction of wooden merchant vessels in the nineteenth century is generally considered to be well understood, the excavation and subsequent analysis of the wreck of the wooden Finnish topsail schooner Pettu (1865) revealed a number of unexpected features, which prompted the authors to take a closer look at the ship. In the following study, it will be attempted to gain an insight into the society that produced and used the merchant vessel through a detailed analysis of its construction and an investigation into the concept behind its design. The wreck of the Pettu, which, considering its loss in 1893, is barely covered by the 100 year rule in Danish heritage legislation, is a good example for the archaeological potential of even relatively 'modern' wreck sites, adding to their significance.

Prof. Ata NUTKU
Gemi dizaynı data kolleksiyonu
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Results of ship resistance predictions obtained from towing tank experiments are affected by the method used to extrapolate from a model scale to a ship scale. Selection of method to determine a form factor is subjective and the... more

Results of ship resistance predictions obtained from towing tank experiments are affected by the method used to extrapolate from a model scale to a ship scale. Selection of method to determine a form factor is subjective and the extrapolation method is accurate for typical hull forms. For innovative hull forms the proper method for calculating the form factor is questionable. Moreover, the influence of the extrapolation method can be equally as important as the influence of a redesigned hull form itself. The paper presents novel numerical and experimental methods used to predict ship's total resistance in calm water. The results determined by towing tank experiments, full-scale CFD simulations and ship's sea trial measurements were compared. Depending on the method used, the determined form factor differed by 19%. As a result, the predicted calm water resistance varied from −6% to 11% relatively to sea trials data. For innovative hull forms in particular, full-scale CFD simulations should support the towing tank method. The results calculated by full-scale CFD varied from −10% to 4% relatively to sea trials data depending on the assumptions on hull roughness and turbulence model. The towing tank testing and full-scale CFD simulations can provide similar accuracy.

In this study, parametric design with set of numerical parameters of trawler yachts design and modeling are presented. This parametric design is utilized to find a superstructure form and interior space design by considering hull,... more

In this study, parametric design with set of numerical parameters of trawler yachts
design and modeling are presented. This parametric design is utilized to find a
superstructure form and interior space design by considering hull, superstructure, lower
deck, staircases and cocpit area. Within the scope of this study, the design phases are
based on the desire to achieve a faster and more accurate result by creating a design
process sequence according to the determined yacht typology. Based on the numerical
values of the yacht form, it is aimed to make the superstructure and interior designs
suitable for the desired typology. This study attempts to visualize trawler typology as a
step to be taken by automatically modeling the desired typology. This approach does not
completely replace the experts’ design knowhow's but at least it suggests a guideline to
initial layout of interior spaces and superstructure design.

MYKLASSHIP.COM is a Knowledge Management (KM) Consulting based maritime service provider being established among experienced and skilled professionals in the naval, maritime and offshore-related services for more than 50years, having a... more

MYKLASSHIP.COM is a Knowledge Management (KM) Consulting based maritime service provider being established among experienced and skilled professionals in the naval, maritime and offshore-related services for more than 50years, having a vision and mission to embark on providing specialized naval and maritime

At the design stage, model testing is required to verify the results of the numerical calculation, such as resistance test, open water test, and self-propulsion test, which associated to the powering of the ship. Besides, engine propeller... more

At the design stage, model testing is required to verify the results of the numerical calculation, such as resistance test, open water test, and self-propulsion test, which associated to the powering of the ship. Besides, engine propeller matching is required to determine the engine load characteristics. In this study, a high-speed vessel with Gawn series propeller type is used. Based on Engine Propeller Matching (EPM) results, it is known that at 28 knots of speed, the propeller has a high enough efficiency which is around 0.56 in rough hull condition. By using the CAT 280-8 engine, at 1000 rpm, ship speeds can reach about 30.5 knots and power requirements are 2400 kW.

This paper is about the current state of shipbuilding industry in India, the major problems in domestic shipyards and exploring methods to improve the situation. The paper starts with the importance of shipbuilding as an industry, its... more

This paper is about the current state of shipbuilding industry in India, the major problems in domestic shipyards and exploring methods to improve the situation. The paper starts with the importance of shipbuilding as an industry, its close association with manufacturing and development of other ancillary industry and its need especially in the Indian context. We then discuss the various policy issues such as taxes, duties and subsidies and how it impacts Indian shipbuilding. Further, we study the growth and competition within the domestic shipbuilding sector with Porter’s Five Forces framework and assess the strength and weaknesses of shipyards operating in different market segments. The paper, then delves into the operational aspects such as planning and scheduling, product strategy, design, production, supply chain management, shipyard layout, construction method etc. In each section, we attempt to identify the major problem areas in domestic shipbuilding and discuss the various issues. In case of easily tractable problems we have tried to address them in reference to standard global best practices. If the problem is unique, we have discussed them in light of the particular context. Towards the end of the paper, in the recommendation section, we have conveyed our views on how to improve the current situation by adopting some strategies as well as some tactical and operational decisions.

SUMMARY The Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) has recently started a Joint Industry Project (JIP) on developing two new propeller series for Controllable Pitch Propellers (CPPs). Following the well known Wageningen B-series... more

SUMMARY The Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) has recently started a Joint Industry Project (JIP) on developing two new propeller series for Controllable Pitch Propellers (CPPs). Following the well known Wageningen B-series and Ka-series, the new C-series comprise open CPPs whereas the new D-series concern ducted CPP's. The primary objective of developing the new CPP series is to help the shipbuilding and offshore industries in understanding the off-design performance of the CPPs, for which systematic information was lacking. CPP blades have been generated for 4-and 5-bladed open propellers and for 4-bladed ducted propellers in two ducts, representing the most contemporary propeller design practice. Systematic measurements of the propeller and duct thrusts, the torque and also the blade spindle torque have been carried out for the entire range of operational conditions and pitch-settings of each propeller. The results of the C4-40 series are presented in this paper as an example case.