Social Work Education and Practice Research Papers (original) (raw)

Social Work Distance Education Conference 2017
Our Lady of the Lake University

In the world, Palliative and HospiceCare (PHC) are approaches con-ceived to improve the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and... more

In the world, Palliative and HospiceCare (PHC) are approaches con-ceived to improve the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems; physical; psychosocial; spiritual. In Ukraine, the first efforts to develop PHC already have been made 20 years ago. In 2006-2017 the breakthroughwas made. In our research, we have analyzed the activities of both governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations in the field of development of PHC. Our main conclusions are that PHC in Ukraine is just starting to develop; the philosophy of PHC just forming. Organizations which develop PHC are very young. As Ukraine is the former Soviet country, paternalistic traditions are very alive here so that many directives, orders and other documents go from above (from Ministry of Health mostly) and the grass-roots are rather rare. As many organizations have not yet undergone training yet, the main directions of the work to develop PHC are advocacy; improvement of the legislation; training for civic leaders, specialists and other stake-holders.

The aim of the article is to present crisis as the natural phenomenon, which is inherent in the social work profession. The author analyses the subject of crisis in relations to professional tasks and the status of social worker. The... more

The aim of the article is to present crisis as the natural phenomenon, which is inherent in the social work profession. The author analyses the subject of crisis in relations to professional tasks and the status of social worker. The supervision is presented as the innovation tool, which gradually becomes as the technique of support within the social care system. The considerations are rather initiatory and have the proposing, not applied nature.

Every social worker engages in a huge range of formal writing tasks in their professional practice. Equally familiar is writing for advocacy or activism, and the cathartic and healing benefits of narrative and creative writing. Yet the... more

Every social worker engages in a huge range of formal writing tasks in their professional practice. Equally familiar is writing for advocacy or activism, and the cathartic and healing
benefits of narrative and creative writing. Yet the identification of writing as a core practice
skill is uncommon in helping skills texts. The aim of the small study described here was to document some of the ways in which social work and welfare practitioners use writing
within the helping relationship. In-depth interviews were undertaken with a sample of 15 social work and welfare workers. The findings reveal extensive use of formal, practical
and imaginative writing in the professional work of these practitioners, from creative case notes to collaborative processes and cathartic creations. Only a small minority of participants mentioned publishing this inspiring practice. The findings have direct relevance for social work and welfare education, and for transmitting practice wisdom to upcoming generations of practitioners.

Despite decades of practice and development, social work education in India is still Western-centric. Social work in India is still not well recognised: it does not have an accrediting body or professional recognition within the country.... more

Despite decades of practice and development, social work education in India is still Western-centric. Social work in India is still not well recognised: it does not have an accrediting body or professional recognition within the country. This study gives voice to a sample of social work students regarding some of the challenges they face, including the curriculum, pedagogy, recognition of the profession and the practicum. The study is based on interviews with students from five universities in India and includes concrete recommendations for improving the professional training of social work students.

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e... more

I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e organizzativa, teorie locali e saperi situati sul lavoro socioeducativo, apprendimenti condivisi.
Riflettere su questa esperienza ideata e realizzata negli ultimi anni dalla Cooperativa sociale «La Grande Casa» di Sesto San Giovanni è un’opportunità unica di osservare dall’interno un esempio concreto di valorizzazione dei professionisti (gli educatori e le educatrici), che non sono meri esecutori di teorie apprese in formazione, ma, in linea con gli studi di Schon, Wenger, Mezirow, sono dei veri costruttori di teorie locali e di conoscenze pratiche insostituibili, che possono dare un contributo significativo anche alla ricerca, in questo caso, nel settore del Child and Family Welfare.
La pratica professionale dell’educatore, quando raggiunge livelli di qualità elevati, è certamente connessa alla capacità di fare ricerca, di tentare di comprendere la storia e la visione del mondo dell’utente che accompagna, bambino o adulto che sia; di individuare le migliori strategie per risolvere le problematiche e le difficoltà con cui questi si trova a convivere; di valutare la situazione, facendo scelte e assumendone il rischio, che potremmo definire “educativo” o “pedagogico”; di interrogarsi continuamente sulle proprie azioni, sulle modalità dei suoi interventi e sulle conseguenze delle sue decisioni; di verificare i risultati di quanto ha fatto e sta facendo; di esplorare l’ecosistema e tessere connessioni e relazioni.
Emergono così le voci e i percorsi plurali e situati di professionisti competenti che spesso non vengono ascoltati e che, invece, in questo contesto vengono assunti come contributi preziosi nell’arricchire e rinnovare una cultura socioeducativa e pedagogica che è il vero patrimonio di un’organizzazione del terzo settore come La Grande Casa.

It is perhaps regrettably so that one of the defining features of social work is its tendency to become embroiled in and mixed up with controversy. When social workers make the news, the news is usually bad. For publics outrage is often a... more

It is perhaps regrettably so that one of the defining features of social work is its tendency to become embroiled in and mixed up with controversy. When social workers make the news, the news is usually bad. For publics outrage is often a dominant mode of engagement with social work. However, if controversy is prominent in perceptions of social work, it is nevertheless particular types of controversies. Cast in various guises as "crisis", "scandal", "moral panic", "failures" and "tragedy" social work is inevitably caught up in a complex set of inimical circumstances. It's a job that brings practitioners face-to-face with anger, abuse, cruelty and heartbreak. This means social work is sometimes colloquially referred to as "grunt work" or "dirty work" (Hughes, 1962; Flaherty, 2014). In "A Profession Chasing its Own Tail-Again" (1990) Hartman warned that conflicts, controversy and rifts are a sad part of the professional history of social work. Alongside this emotive terms, phrases and concepts which invoke failure and controversy are often strategically deployed to manufacture doubt and suspicion about the credibility of social work as a profession. In the UK recently this has certainly been the case with the likes of parliamentarian Michael Gove and policy advisor Martin Narey casting doubt on the worthiness of social work education in preparing students for front-line practice. Arguably, it only through a thorough investigation of controversy that we can come to understand what permits previously distant characters such as Grove and Narey access to the social work stage. For all the attention given to and preoccupation with these concerns there is no single analysis of the nature of controversy to be found in the social work literature.

This paper discusses the usefulness and challenges associated with utilizing social media technologies in the context of community organizing practice, often referred to as digital advocacy. The authors ground the analysis of digital... more

This paper discusses the usefulness and challenges associated with utilizing social media technologies in the context of community organizing practice, often referred to as digital advocacy. The authors ground the analysis of digital advocacy in the context of a recent organizing effort undertaken by social work academics, grass roots organizers, and allies to support the boycott of Hyatt Hotels in San Antonio, Texas by marginalized hotel workers and labor unions through advocating that the Society for Social Work Research relocate their 2014 conference from the Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, and to work towards better conference planning procedures in the future.

This study aimed to explore the practical experience of child welfare caseworkers and professionalism in child case management in Malaysia. This paper discussed the specific social work practice competency and the challenges faced by... more

This study aimed to explore the practical experience of child welfare caseworkers and professionalism in child case management in Malaysia. This paper discussed the specific social work practice competency and the challenges faced by child caseworkers in the fieldwork. This research was qualitative with grounded theory approach. Four sessions of focused group discussion (FGD) were conducted involving a total of 27 caseworkers (child protector and probation officers) in the Klang Valley. The study found that the four basic principles of knowledge in child case management namely: 1. knowledge in child case management; 2. professional values of caseworkers towards children; 3. skills in managing cases; and 4. culturally competent practice in child case management. In addition, major challenges faced by the child case manager are the capacity and commitment of the family in children's rehabilitation program, the credibility of caseworkers are being challenged, and the challenges of ...

Little is known about newly qualified social worker (NQSW) experiences of education, employment and training in Scotland. This article reports on findings from a national online survey (n=205) and focus groups conducted with newly... more

Little is known about newly qualified social worker (NQSW) experiences of education, employment and training in Scotland. This article reports on findings from a national online survey (n=205) and focus groups conducted with newly qualified social workers during their first year of employment. The study presented here was commissioned by the Scottish Social Service Council (SSSC) as part of a wider strategic review of social work education. Following a mixed-method design, the results of this study were analysed using quantitative and qualitative software. Findings indicate that the majority of NQSWs feel well-prepared by social work education, but less supported by employers in terms of opportunities for continuous professional development. Experiences of good quality induction, supervision and opportunities for professional development demonstrate mixed results across Scotland. This study has important implications for the forthcoming review of social work education in Scotland and builds on research from England and Wales. It provides empirical clarity on what newly qualified social workers know, value and understand about their professional role and tasks. These Scottish findings run contrary to wider UK concerns such as those raised by recent commentators suggesting that newly qualified social workers are inadequately prepared for the challenge of childcare social work.

The paper highlights the fundamental functions of the role of the internal manager – planning, human resources management, staff support, and internal and external communication (Reggio, 2008) – and presents an advanced version of the... more

The paper highlights the fundamental functions of the role of the internal manager –
planning, human resources management, staff support, and internal and external
communication (Reggio, 2008) – and presents an advanced version of the Internal
Management Multidimensional Model (IM3). Attention is paid to the role that internal
managers play in pursuing, managing, and synthesizing the extraordinary complexity of
internal and external processes, dynamics, and issues in which every residential care
centre is involved. Managers’ core competence is identified as an ability to address every
dimension of their role (planning, organisation, staff leadership, relations with
commitments, institutions, external agencies and the community, and the development of
a professional culture) based on a ‘child-centred’ approach from a social pedagogy
perspective (Cameron & Moss, 2011). It may seem particularly challenging to take on
responsibilities in a time of uncertainty and crisis, but in this situation, and particularly in
the caring professions, it is important that there should be a figure who connects and
guides the various professionals in such a way that fatigue and discouragement do not
completely undermine the effectiveness of their interventions.

This exciting new book aims to engage with students, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, service-users and associated professionals to critically reflect on the importance of professional identity as a matter of concern for social... more

This exciting new book aims to engage with students, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, service-users and associated professionals to critically reflect on the importance of professional identity as a matter of concern for social work. It encourages readers to reflect on, compare and contrasts the diverse dimensions of professional identity across several international contexts. Contributing authors including leading international researchers in the field. These talented authors, along with the editor, Stephen A. Webb - one of the world’s leading writers in the field - aim to enrich your understanding of some of the central problems facing social work today and the way these are intimately bound up with matters of professional identity.

“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more

Study abroad has become a common experience for American social work students. However, there is little guidance for facilitation of such courses in an international context. As a result, there is a risk that students and facilitators can... more

Study abroad has become a common experience for American social work students. However, there is little guidance for facilitation of such courses in an international context. As a result, there is a risk that students and facilitators can perpetuate the privileged and Ugly American image. Providing guidance for prevention of such mistakes, the authors present a conceptual model for international learning, based on an ethical framework founded on personal values and supported by traditional ethical principles and values. Included are the pillars of boundaries, self determination, dignity and worth of the person, community capacity, social justice and human rights, facilitative learning, competence, and integrity. Finally, consciousness-raising as professionals, respectful engagement in context, and intercultural competence are discussed.

This paper describes the process of change in attitudes of male social workers' towards themselves and towards their clients who are male perpetrators of partner violence (PV). The process reveals a reconstruction of the therapist's... more

This paper describes the process of change in attitudes of male social workers' towards themselves and towards their clients who are male perpetrators of partner violence (PV). The process reveals a reconstruction of the therapist's beliefs concerning key elements in their work related being, such as masculinity, aggression, perception of their clients and their own male identities. The sample includes 15 male social workers that worked with battering men in social services. Data collection was performed through semi-structured interviews. The therapists' process of questioning the popular and accepted demonization of violent men clarifies what differentiates them from their clients, but also opens an authentic pathway to examining similarities they share as men, without the need to be politically correct or to conform. The implications for practitioners working in batterers' intervention programs are addressed.

Komunikácia je v súčasnosti kľúčovým aspektom fungovania mnohých inštitúcií. Na funkčnej komunikácii záležínielen korporáciám, ale stále častejšie aj samosprávam, regiónom a ajverejnoprospešným inštitúciám. K tejto tendencii sa pripájajú... more

Komunikácia je v súčasnosti kľúčovým aspektom fungovania mnohých inštitúcií. Na funkčnej komunikácii záležínielen korporáciám, ale stále častejšie aj samosprávam, regiónom a ajverejnoprospešným inštitúciám. K tejto tendencii sa pripájajú činnosti v oblasti public relations pomocných inštitúcií a sociálnej integrácie. Potrebu takýchto činností pociťujú stále častejšie nielen vo veľkých mestských jednotkách, ale aj v menších, ktoré disponujú skromnejšími zdrojmi a možnosťami. Článok pojednáva o najtypickejších chápaniach pojmu a modeloch praxe publicrelations používaných v inštitúciách sociálnej pomoci a integrácie. Poukazuje na komplexné chápanie termínu a praxe public relations ako funkcie managementu inštitúcie akcentujúcej aspekty komunikácie a nadväzovania aj udržovania dobrých vzťahov s inštitucionálnym a sociálnym prostredím.

Idag är det alldeles uppenbart att det både finns och krävs en mängd olika metoder för att närma sig och förstå socialt arbete.Den här antologin samlar forskare som har bred erfarenhet av att bedriva både forskning och undervisning inom... more

Idag är det alldeles uppenbart att det både finns och krävs en mängd olika metoder för att närma sig och förstå socialt arbete.Den här antologin samlar forskare som har bred erfarenhet av att bedriva både forskning och undervisning inom socialt arbete. Vi har länge erfarit att det finns stort behov av litteratur för grundstudenter som inte bara introducerar olika forskningsmetoder inom socialt arbete utan även inbjuder till en mer kvalificerad reflektion kring forskningsmetod: Vilka forskningsmetoder är egentligen användbara inom ämnet? Vilken typ av empiriska material är lämpliga och tillgängliga? Vilka arenor eller sektorer i samhället är relevanta att undersöka? Sådana frågor är viktiga att resa och att diskutera inom undervisningen, för att få till stånd en mer fördjupad forskningsanknytning.

This paper will argue that wealth and income inequality are among the most pressing issues for contemporary social work. Despite this, social work as a discipline and profession has, in the main, been slow to respond to this growing... more

This paper will argue that wealth and income inequality are among the most pressing issues for contemporary social work. Despite this, social work as a discipline and profession has, in the main, been slow to respond to this growing problem. Critical approaches to social work, however, have always included a commitment to eliminating poverty, promoting equity and addressing both the causes and consequences of socio-economic disadvantage as a core priority. This paper will discuss the contributions critical social work can make to socially informed and ethical responses, particularly through its critical pedagogic, reflective and activist practices in contesting wealth and income inequality.

Nepal is a developing country and education in social work is still very young. Nepalese social workers are the change agents of Nepalese society. Educational institution is a place from where social workers gain knowledge and skills to... more

Nepal is a developing country and education in social work is still very young. Nepalese social workers are the change agents of Nepalese society. Educational institution is a place from where social workers gain knowledge and skills to transform the society. It is important to know the challenges faced as well as opportunities accessed by social work learners in the academic and field sectors.
Social work educational institutions should be equipped with the basic necessities of education such as qualified professors, experienced field supervisors and sufficient books, as well as opportunities for skills lab, seminars, conferences, and so on. The researcher observed that in Nepal, many students are not able to sufficiently access these resources although they do have a limited opportunity for network building, integration of theory and practice, problem identification and engagement in problem solving process. All of them are not getting opportunity to be trained by experienced social workers.
So far no research studies have been undertaken on social work trainees in Nepal. Hence the researcher wanted to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by social work trainees of Nepal.

This descriptive article explores the uses of poetry and journaling exercises as means of helping students develop their self-reflective capacities within the context of international social work. First, self-reflection and its importance... more

This descriptive article explores the uses of poetry and journaling exercises as means of helping students develop their self-reflective capacities within the context of international social work. First, self-reflection and its importance to social work practice and education is discussed. Second, the importance of self-reflection in international and cross-cultural work is highlighted. Third, the application of poetry and other journal writing exercises as a means of facilitating self-reflection is explored. Poems written in response to structured exercises by students who took part in an international experience in social work education in Leon, Nicaragua, are presented as examples. The exercises presented can be used by educators in various helping professions who seek to help their students expand their self-reflective skills and engage in cross-cultural and international practice.

The South African people continuously engage in social actions characterised by intolerance, pointing to frustrations and disillusionment in a post-apartheid era. A need to find creative ways to engage diverse communities to work together... more

The South African people continuously engage in social actions characterised by intolerance, pointing to frustrations and disillusionment in a post-apartheid era. A need to find creative ways to engage diverse communities to work together to participate in their own development
and well-being was identified. This article is based on long-term transdisciplinary discourse and work. The aim is to explore how the disciplines of social work, theology and the arts could contribute together towards the development of communities where participation,
collaboration and cooperation as key principles of authentic community development are actively implemented. Within a transdisciplinary framework, the disciplines engaged in participatory research projects that resulted in findings that informed the development of a process where people at grassroots level become aware and more tolerant of each other, begin to work together and as such become involved in their own futures. It is concluded that by encouraging participation, collaboration and cooperation in social change processes, the South African people can be empowered towards working together and becoming involved in their own futures.

This article intends to be a contribute to legitimize the paths covered, challenges and contemporary op- portunities that approach the affirmation of Social Education as a professional authority in Portugal and Brazil. It presents the... more

Lessons for Social Work: How do social workers negotiate the difficult terrain of an emergent national populism and how do they unravel the ethical and often deeply politicised dilemmas this poses in the face of insurgent far-right... more

Lessons for Social Work: How do social workers negotiate the difficult terrain of an emergent national populism and how do they unravel the ethical and often deeply politicised dilemmas this poses in the face of insurgent far-right movements? The tensions and dilemmas are particularly acute when case working with migrants, refugees and Roma people. Here social workers are often involved in “bordering practices” and as gatekeepers faced with stark ethical dilemmas and politically nuanced tensions. Immigration raises cultural and security concerns as well as fears of economic displacement, and it weakens the legitimacy of transnational institutions This chapter shows how much of the populist hatred and violence towards Roma and migrants - a dehumanising strategy - is conveyed through visceral representations of disgust, filth and dirt. Moreover, social work as negative protection is increasingly securitised and entangled within populist drives for ‘useful’ and ‘economically active’ citizenship which is prejudicially juxtaposed against images of dirty, lazy people with excess fertility rates.

A szociális ágazat átalakított továbbképzési rendszerében 2018-ban kötelező elemként megjelent a vezetőképzés. Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma elsőként a Semmelweis Egyetemet jelölte ki a képzés megszervezésére. A képzési program négy... more

A szociális ágazat átalakított továbbképzési rendszerében 2018-ban kötelező elemként megjelent a vezetőképzés. Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma elsőként a Semmelweis Egyetemet jelölte ki a képzés megszervezésére. A képzési program négy jól körülhatárolható tanegységből áll, ezeket moduloknak nevezzük. Jelen tanulmányban arra teszünk kísérletet, hogy a szélesebb szakmai közvéleménnyel is megismertessük azokat az elképzeléseket, víziókat, amelyek mentén a program tartalma kialakult. Az említett négy modul koncepciójának, tartalmi elemeinek és a kezdeti időszak tapasztalatainak ismertetésére a képzés vezető oktatóit kértük fel, akik az alábbiakat különálló alfejezetekben mutatják be, nem csupán azok számára, akik a jövőben a Semmelweis Egyetem hallgatói lesznek, hanem valamennyi érdeklődő szociális ágazatban dolgozó szakembernek.