Solidarity Economy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Perspectives on degree of economic openness have been discussed by different paradigms resulting in concluding remarks which differ widely from each other. However, the existing literature has passed over the importance of the... more

Perspectives on degree of economic openness have been discussed by different paradigms resulting in concluding remarks which differ widely from each other. However, the existing literature has passed over the importance of the relationship between economic openness and income distribution in relation to the bargaining framework and thus its effect on social solidarity. In this paper, the rationale is based on the argument that an increase in the degree of economic openness has a significant impact on the distribution of income through the channels of trade and financial account. The empirical results show that a more open economic environment leads to an unequal distribution of income, both reducing labor's share and increasing income inequality, through the collapse of bargaining power of labor in favor of capital across advanced economies over the 1996–2014 period. However, the results also suggest that the trade channel is a more effective influence on income distribution than the finance channel. Additionally, other globalization measures, including economic, social and political factors, also have negative effects on income distribution by way of reducing the bargaining power of labor, which results in the collapse of social solidarity and cohesion over time.

This is the first in a series of blog posts on realism and social movements. The purpose of it is to refine the explanatory purchase of realist thought within social movement studies and consider what it means ‘to be realist’ about social... more

This is the first in a series of blog posts on realism and social movements. The purpose of it is to refine the explanatory purchase of realist thought within social movement studies and consider what it means ‘to be realist’ about social movements. This first post is dedicated to fleshing out realist thought and making my own argument(s) a little more accessible to social movement theorists.

A következő oldalakon áttekintjük az elmúlt ötven évben kialakult pénzügyi rendszer alapvető működési elveit, és az ezekkel szorosan összefüggő társadalmi meghatározottságokat és pénzügyi feszültségeket. Ezt követően átfogó és specifikus... more

A következő oldalakon áttekintjük az elmúlt ötven évben kialakult pénzügyi rendszer alapvető működési elveit, és az ezekkel szorosan összefüggő társadalmi meghatározottságokat és pénzügyi feszültségeket. Ezt követően átfogó és specifikus kritikáját adjuk a hitelpénzrendszer és kapitalizmus kapcsolatának. Írásunk harmadik részében bemutatunk néhányat a fennálló pénzrendszer reformlehetőségei és alternatívái közül, amelyek segíthetik egy közösségi alapon működő, szolidáris gazdaság kereteinek megteremtését is.

Zusammenfassung: Solidarische Ökonomien betten wirtschaftliches Handeln in so-ziale Beziehungen ein, die natürliche und soziale Qualitäten berücksichtigen und Konkurrenzdynamiken zurückdrängen können, sofern sie demokratisch gestaltet... more

Zusammenfassung: Solidarische Ökonomien betten wirtschaftliches Handeln in so-ziale Beziehungen ein, die natürliche und soziale Qualitäten berücksichtigen und Konkurrenzdynamiken zurückdrängen können, sofern sie demokratisch gestaltet werden. Die Entwicklung Solidarischer Ökonomien ist ein demokratisches Mehrebenenprojekt, das Gabepraktiken anstelle von Markt und Tausch in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Solidarische Ökonomien sind unter Marktbedingungen überlebensfähig und können sich als demokratische Organisationen reproduzieren. Sie stärken soziale und demokratische Orientierungen, und spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Ökologisierung der Produktion. Eine Transformation muss staatliche Verhältnisse mit einbeziehen und den kapitalistischen Sektor durch solidarökonomische Organisationen ersetzen.

ETHICS: A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO MORAL THEORY, FIFTH EDITION provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book... more

ETHICS: A PLURALISTIC APPROACH TO MORAL THEORY, FIFTH EDITION provides a comprehensive yet clear introduction to the main traditions in ethical thought, including virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontology. Additionally, the book presents a conceptual framework of ethical pluralism to help readers understand the relationship among various theories. Lawrence Hinman, one of the most respected and accomplished professionals in ethics and philosophy education today, presents a text that gives readers plentiful opportunities to explore ethical theory and their own responses to them, using fascinating features such as the "Ethical Inventory" sections that appear at the beginning and the end of the text. End-of-chapter discussion questions, and the use of current issues and movies help students retain what they've learn and truly comprehend the subject matter

This paper aims to highlight the role of social networks and solidarity economy in the so-called favelas in Latin America, focusing especially on research held in Mexico. The first part is a theoretical approach to the concept of "... more

This paper aims to highlight the role of social networks and solidarity economy in the so-called favelas in Latin America, focusing especially on research held in Mexico. The first part is a theoretical approach to the concept of " spontaneous settlements " (barrios or favelas) focusing especially in Latin America. The second part is a theoretical approach to the concept of solidarity economy and the role that has been played in local development in Latin America. Finally we presented the results from a diachronically comparative approach in Metropolitan Area of Mexico City and urban social movements (El Molino, Iztapalapa, DF and Colonia Maravillas, Nezahualcoyotl). The methodology used is participatory observation, interpretation of satellite images and bibliographic research.

This paper examine RedditGifts' Secret Santa, a well-participated gift-giving experience that was organized online during Christmas 2009, in relation to Aafke Komter's solidarity model. Komter's model incorporates gift giving as a core... more

This paper examine RedditGifts' Secret Santa, a well-participated gift-giving experience that was organized online during Christmas 2009, in relation to Aafke Komter's solidarity model. Komter's model incorporates gift giving as a core element, while drawing heavily on Alan Fiske's four models of human social relations. There are indications that the solidarity of online communities exceeds the lack of closeness expected in a large, virtual community. As well as giving performed with the expectation of an equal return gift, some givers participated for the abstract reward of an increased sense of community, and there are indications of affective giving based on the ability of givers to come to know recipients through their history of comments on the web site.

Situated at the intersection of economic, rural and food sociology, this work focuses on small-scale agri-food producers selling their products through alternative food channels in Milan, Italy, and Manchester, United Kingdom. It... more

Situated at the intersection of economic, rural and food sociology, this work focuses on small-scale agri-food producers selling their products through alternative food channels in Milan, Italy, and Manchester, United Kingdom. It investigates the role of farmers-producers in alternative urban networks of food provisioning, highlighting their practices, attitudes, representations, and logics of action, and how these are shaped by their collaboration with such networks.
By comparing the cases of Milan and Manchester, this work provides an interpretation of the reality of small-scale farmers in these two regions, highlighting the innovative practices they realize to seek viability for their farms within the alternative food economy, along with the corresponding ‘de-commodification’ modalities with which their activities are re-integrated within an innovative system of social relations.
The analysis therefore aspires to contribute to the debate on food sovereignty, sustainability of local food systems, and rural development, which are issues of increasing scientific interest as well as critical areas of local-regional and national policy.

Este ensayo tiene como propósito mostrar las potencialidades de los mercados solidarios como espacios de construcción para generar alternativas al sistema dominante. Se divide en dos partes, la primera toma como marco de referencia la... more

Este ensayo tiene como propósito mostrar las potencialidades de los mercados solidarios como espacios de construcción para generar alternativas al sistema dominante. Se divide en dos partes, la primera toma como marco de referencia la experiencia subalterna (entendida desde Gramsci) como condición que nos permite visibilizar la subordinación desde sus dos caras: la asimilación a través de la internalización de los valores dominantes pero también la resistencia a la misma a través de prácticas contrarias a esos valores. En la segunda parte se hablará de una de las características de los mercados solidarios, que a nuestro parecer, es la que le imprime la potencialidad de un cambio en la subjetividad de los individuos y, por lo tanto, de las comunidades que los conforman. Esta característica es la de unificar la producción y el consumo, como procesos que forman parte de un todo, al volverse los espacios donde los productos se distribuyen para su consumo de forma directa, en base a lógicas no capitalistas de vida en las que el principal objetivo es la producción/consumo para la reproducción de la vida intentando construir una propuesta de proyecto emancipador. Concluiremos con algunas reflexiones acerca de la necesidad de la construcción de espacios como estos para poder generar, desde el ser y hacer cotidiano, alternativas al sistema dominante resaltando que son alternativas en constante movimiento.

On the basis of a review of the existing literature on popular and solidarity economy as well as an empirical study including structured and semi-structured interviews and partici- pant observation, the aim of the article is twofold.... more

On the basis of a review of the existing literature on popular and solidarity economy as well as an empirical study including structured and semi-structured interviews and partici- pant observation, the aim of the article is twofold. First, we present the four institutional paths that led to the political and legal recognition of solidarity economy (SE) and its enrollment in public policies in Ecuador. Second, we suggest a typology of SE initiatives that arises from those four institutional paths. In the light of the ideal-type proposed by EMES and the work of Coraggio et al. (2015), we identify the main distinctive features of the four models, regarding their legal forms, type of mission, governance structure, and resources, among other criteria. These models are then illustrated in different fields of activity, both established and emerging ones, in the Ecuadorian landscape.

Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014. Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου... more

Συνοπτική παρουσίαση βασικών θέσεων της εισήγησης στο 1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Κοινωνιολογίας της Εκπαίδευσης, ΠΤΝ - Ιωάννινα, 16-10-2014.
Περισσότερα βλέπε στο εκεί θα είναι διαθέσιμα τα ηλεκτρονικά πρακτικά του συνεδρίου τον από τον Φεβρουάριο του 2015

My thesis research attempts to answer those questions: What is the “deaf economy”? What are its attributes in both United States and Europe? Is the “deaf economy” an “ethnic economic enclave” as Chinese businesses in a Chinatown would be?... more

My thesis research attempts to answer those questions: What is the “deaf economy”? What are its attributes in both United States and Europe? Is the “deaf economy” an “ethnic economic enclave” as Chinese businesses in a Chinatown would be? The term “ethnic economic enclave” came from the works of minority economists Alejandro Portes and Leif Jensen. Rather than focusing on the financial aspects, the research looks at the socio-cultural aspects of the “deaf economy.”
There were very little literature on deaf businesses, but virtually none on the “deaf economy.” Qualitative, ethnographic methodologies were used for my case studies of deaf businesses in the United States and Europe (mostly in the United Kingdom). Those businesses were found and surveyed via local deaf social events and the Internet.
Those geographical regions were selected to analyze the significance of geographical regions and proximity in the “deaf economy”. In those regions, participant observation and semi-structured interviews were used to understand the economic networks of deaf entrepreneurs, employees, and consumers (or the “deaf community”). A few themes emerged from the research:
(a) Capitalizing on deaf identity in businesses, where the informants within a “deaf economy” had extensively used their social relationships within the deaf community to hire employees and promote their businesses. The concept of “deaf universalism”, coined by Michele Friedner and Annelies Kusters, were used.
(b) Physical, liminal (temporary), and virtual geographical spaces were important for building the market and network between participants of “deaf economy.” Hilde Haualand’s concept of “Deaf Space” is applied here.
(c) Social/economic programs and geography in a country can make a difference in establishing businesses or relationships.
My preliminary findings propose that the “deaf economy” is an “ethnic economic enclave,” but not strictly confined to a geographical location as a Chinatown would.

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of ethical standards for international volunteer tourism. The standards are focused on promoting fair trade learning principles in the management and operation of volunteer programmes.... more

The purpose of this paper is to articulate a set of ethical standards for international volunteer tourism. The standards are focused on promoting fair trade learning principles in the management and operation of volunteer programmes. Because of the unique social mission, research, and evaluation capacities of higher education, we propose first applying these principles specifically to international volunteer programmes operating at the university-community nexus. These standards have emerged through a collaborative, in-person and online process during the last two years with input by numerous concerned global citizens, international education practitioners and researchers, nongovernmental organization representatives, and community members. The document shared below represents current ‘best practice’ for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the negative impacts of volunteer tourism programmes for both host communities and volunteers.

Dá pra fazer! Guia prático de Economia Solidária e Saúde Mental é uma publicação dirigida a usuários e usuárias, familiares, trabalhadoras e trabalhadores que já desenvolvem, ou pretendem desenvolver, iniciativas em geração de trabalho e... more

Dá pra fazer! Guia prático de Economia Solidária e Saúde Mental é uma publicação dirigida a usuários e usuárias, familiares, trabalhadoras e trabalhadores que já desenvolvem, ou pretendem desenvolver, iniciativas em geração de trabalho e renda junto à Rede de Atenção Psicossocial.

Feminist thinkers have long criticized liberal theory's public/private distinction for perpetuating indifference to injustices within the family. Thinkers such as Susan Okin have extended this criticism in evaluating the theory of... more

Feminist thinkers have long criticized liberal theory's public/private distinction for perpetuating indifference to injustices within the family. Thinkers such as Susan Okin have extended this criticism in evaluating the theory of political liberalism, suggesting that this theory's reliance on a public conception of citizenship renders it indifferent to the way in which the internal politics of the family can undermine equality. However, I argue in this article that the feminist concern to ensure equality within the domestic sphere can in fact be incorporated into a reconstructed account of political liberalism. Central to my strong public reconstruction is the principle of publicly justifiable privacy, according to which the public/private distinction itself must be formulated with reference to the values of free and equal citizenship. On my account, the public values of citizenship should figure prominently in evaluations of family life. This reformulation of the public/private distinction answers feminist critics who suggest that political liberalism fails to offer a politics of the personal.

'Transition movements' in cities are broadly emerging worldwide as new forms of alternative citizen-driven practices and socio-political participation addressing the raising awareness of environmental, economic, social, planning and food... more

'Transition movements' in cities are broadly emerging worldwide as new forms of alternative citizen-driven practices and socio-political participation addressing the raising awareness of environmental, economic, social, planning and food issues. Resistance initiatives for food and space justice 1 discuss the growing concerns about the achievement of long-term security and resilience of food system especially in crisis contexts, about who has access and power to land or who is marginalised or excluded and how can community-based initiatives build self-reliant systems founded on ecological principles. Following the onset of the crisis, austerity measures and neoliberal crisis have given rise to new modes of collective activism and social entrepreneurship in the context of a broader social transformation. While the current depression has shifted politicians' attention away from the climate and ecology, and in a time when traditional green movements and civil society actors are receding due to depression and uncertainty, alternative social movements related to urban agriculture or guerilla gardening initiatives, access to open/public space, solidarity economy, de-growth or real democracy, progress due to the crisis. In particular, initiatives that deal with issues such as urban poverty, food delocalization and environmental constraints favor the emergence of localised consumer-producer networks and spontaneous civic or pubic initiatives aiming at reintegrating agriculture into the city 2. In this article we focus on the development of new forms of social movements and solidarity initiatives that we consider to be part of the green ideals and could help the Greek society to get out of depression. We describe those social movements as 'transition and recovery movements' for they address social and spatial injustices through new forms of space appropriation and decision-making which can redefine livelihoods in today's Greek cities, create political space for civil society and build an enabling environment for new forms of democratic practice.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

A través del uso del método de la interdisciplinariedad -que en este caso implica un enfoque filosófico, político, sociológico y económico- nos hemos acercado a un fenómeno social: el Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (Pronasol), para... more

A través del uso del método de la interdisciplinariedad -que en este caso implica un enfoque filosófico, político, sociológico y económico- nos hemos acercado a un fenómeno social: el Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (Pronasol), para ensayar las diversas herramientas (es decir, las distintas ciencias), que nos provee a unidad racional del conocimiento.
Lo que se analiza y demuestra en esta tesis es e papel que desempeñó el Pronasol como estrategia distractora en el cambio de la naturaleza del estado mexicano, que sufre en los últimos tres sexenios una transición de Estado benefactor, de economía mixta, llamado nacionalista revolucionario; a un Estado ideológico y administrado u operacional. También se analiza el deslizamiento del concepto de solidaridad desde su acepción axiológica, hacia el sentido del principio sobre el que se funda el Estado como una federación de servicios públicos. El programa en cuestión jugó un importantísimo papel como recursos propagandístico para legitimar al gobierno de Salinas de Gortari y para cautivar el voto en favor de Ernesto Zedillo.
Las críticas de los analistas políticos de diversas corrientes, contratan con la versión triunfalista de los voceros oficiales; pero el uso del método estadístico nos permite confirmar las conclusiones, en el sentido de que la política económica neoliberal que contextualiza al Pronasol, ha llevado al país a la depauperización evidente que aqueja a las grandes mayorías; pobreza que no resolvió el Pronasol, como se publicitó en las campañas del gobierno.

As ações do RIO ECOSOL aconteceram em quatro comunidades – Santa Marta, Complexo do Alemão, Complexo de Manguinhos e Conjunto Habitacional de Cidade de Deus. A pesquisa, cujos resultados estão registrados nesta publicação, utilizou-se da... more

As ações do RIO ECOSOL aconteceram em quatro comunidades – Santa Marta, Complexo do Alemão, Complexo de Manguinhos e Conjunto Habitacional de Cidade de Deus. A pesquisa, cujos resultados estão registrados nesta publicação, utilizou-se da metodologia participativa da pesquisa-ação e teve como objetivo mapear e identificar as atividades produtivas existentes nesses quatro territórios, visando o desenvolvimento da economia solidária como alternativa econômica para essas comunidades.
Cabe ressaltar que este trabalho vem se somar às poucas experiências de pesquisa-ação em favelas ou territórios populares, o que significa dizer que, com a sistematização da metodologia utilizada, esperamos contribuir para o avanço no campo teórico da pesquisa-ação sobre economia solidária em favelas e possibilitar mais ações e políticas públicas nesse sentido.

Fair trade, ecovillaggi, transition towns, banche del tempo, slow fashion. È il vocabolario del consumo innovativo, in cui contano non solo il prezzo e la qualità dei prodotti, ma anche il comportamento dei produttori e la sostenibilità... more

Fair trade, ecovillaggi, transition towns, banche del tempo, slow fashion. È il vocabolario del consumo innovativo, in cui contano non solo il prezzo e la qualità dei prodotti, ma anche il comportamento dei produttori e la sostenibilità ambientale e sociale della filiera produttiva. Stiamo parlando di un movimento eco-solidale, variegato arcipelago di esperienze nate come strumento di autodifesa contro un sistema di scambi globali e concorrenziali incapace di fronteggiare problemi ambientali e sociali: una rivoluzione negli stili di vita, efficace anche per modificare il comportamento delle imprese. Questo libro ripercorre le forme più diffuse in Italia del consumo critico, mostrandone la possibile influenza sui processi decisionali e la capacità di ricreare legami di solidarietà dentro e fuori il mondo del lavoro.

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more

This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of a greater number of good case studies.