Space Research Research Papers - (original) (raw)

... donning. This system is designed to be embedded in Bio-Suit, a revolutionary space suit concept developed for many years by Prof. Dava ... exploration. I.Bio-SUIT SYSTEM The Bio-Suit System is a project developed by Prof. Dava ...

На 4 октомври 1957 г. първото в историята на човечеството изкуствено небесно тяло - първият съветски сnътник, се издигна в коомическото пространство. Основните задачи на съветската програма „Восток" . и американската „Меркурий" бяха да се... more

На 4 октомври 1957 г. първото в историята на човечеството изкуствено небесно тяло - първият съветски сnътник, се издигна в
коомическото пространство. Основните задачи на съветската програма „Восток" . и американската „Меркурий" бяха да се изследват възможностите на човешкия организъм в космически условия и се разработят технически средства за обезпечаване на пилотируеми космически полети. Най-важна перспективна задача на астронавтиката си остава осъществяването на полети на Човека към Луната и други планети.

This paper analyses the possibility of exploiting a small spacecrafts constellation around Mars to ensure a complete and continuous coverage of the planet, for the purpose of supporting future human and robotic operations and taking... more

This paper analyses the possibility of exploiting a small spacecrafts constellation around Mars to ensure a complete and continuous coverage of the planet, for the purpose of supporting future human and robotic operations and taking advantage of optical transmission techniques. The study foresees such a communications mission to be implemented at least after 2020 and a high data-rate requirement is imposed for the return of huge scientific data from massive robotic exploration or to allow video transmissions from a possible human outpost.In addition, the set-up of a communication constellation around Mars would give the opportunity of exploiting this multi-platform infrastructure to perform network science, that would largely increase our knowledge of the planet.The paper covers all technical aspects of a feasibility study performed for the primary communications mission. Results are presented for the system trade-offs, including communication architecture, constellation configuration and transfer strategy, and the mission analysis optimization, performed through the application of a multi-objective genetic algorithm to two models of increasing difficulty for the low-thrust trajectory definition.The resulting communication architecture is quite complex and includes six 530 kg spacecrafts on two different orbital planes, plus one redundant unit per plane, that ensure complete coverage of the planet’s surface; communications between the satellites and Earth are achieved through optical links, that allow lower mass and power consumption with respect to traditional radio-frequency technology, while inter-satellite links and spacecrafts-to-Mars connections are ensured by radio transmissions. The resulting data-rates for Earth–Mars uplink and downlink, satellite-to-satellite and satellite-to-surface are respectively 13.7 Mbps, 10.2 Mbps, 4.8 Mbps and 4.3 Mbps, in worst-case.Two electric propulsion modules are foreseen, to be placed on a C3∼0 escape orbit with two Zenith Sea Launch rockets in March 2021 and carrying four satellites each. After the entrance in Mars sphere of influence, the single spacecrafts separate and spiral-down with Hall effect thrusters until they reach the final operational orbits in April 2025, at 17,030 km of altitude and 37 deg of inclination. The preliminary design includes 105 kg and 577 W of mass and power margin for each satellite, that can be allocated for scientific payloads.The main challenges of the proposed design are represented by the optical technology development and the connected strict pointing constraints satisfaction, as well as by the Martian constellation operations management.This mission study has therefore shown the possibility of deploying an effective communication infrastructure in Mars orbit employing a small amount of the resources needed for the human exploration programme, additionally providing the chance of performing important scientific research either from orbit or with a network of small rovers carried on-board and deployed on the surface.

Il saggio tratta dell’uso della categoria delle res communes omnium nel campo del diritto dello spazio cosmico, prendendo le mosse da un recente articolo di Andrea Capurso, vincitore del Diederiks-Verschoor Award per il diritto... more

This research focuses on the application of HyMap airborne hyperspectral data and ASTER satellite multispectral data to mineral exploration and lithologic mapping in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland. The study area is the Kap... more

This research focuses on the application of HyMap airborne hyperspectral data and ASTER satellite multispectral data to mineral exploration and lithologic mapping in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland. The study area is the Kap Simpson complex in central East Greenland. The Kap Simpson complex is one of the largest exposed Palaeogene felsic complexes of East Greenland. It has been the target of several mineral exploration projects. The analysis of the HyMap data produced a detailed picture of the spatial distribution of the alteration minerals in the Kap Simpson complex, unavailable from field-based studies in the area. The analysis of the ASTER data produced mineral maps which due to the moderate spatial and spectral resolution of the ASTER imagery can be useful for reconnaissance level mineral exploration. Colour composites of the mean normalized ASTER thermal bands display lithological information and detected a large felsic igneous intrusion that has not been shown on the recently compiled geological maps of the area. The results of this research have considerable potential to evaluate the use of hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for geological purposes in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland.

Design decisions to aid the development of future space-based biological life support systems (BLSS) can be made with simulation models. Here we develop the biochemical stoichiometry for 1) protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, and lignin... more

Design decisions to aid the development of future space-based biological life support systems (BLSS) can be made with simulation models. Here we develop the biochemical stoichiometry for 1) protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, and lignin production in the edible and inedible parts of plants; 2) food consumption and production of organic solids in urine, feces, and wash water by the humans; and 3) operation of the waste processor. Flux values for all components are derived for a steady-state system with wheat as the sole food source. The large-scale dynamics of a materially-closed (BLSS) computer model is described in a companion paper /1/. An extension of this methodology can explore multi-food systems and more complex biochemical dynamics while maintaining whole-system closure as a focus.

Resumen (see English Abstract below) El lanzamiento de cohetes para el estudio de la atmósfera ha sido una actividad rutinaria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Una de esas pruebas se produjo el 22 de abril de 1966. Un cohete Rubis... more

Resumen (see English Abstract below)
El lanzamiento de cohetes para el estudio de la atmósfera ha sido una actividad rutinaria durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Una de esas pruebas se produjo el 22 de abril de 1966. Un cohete Rubis lanzado desde la base francesa de Hammaguir con dos cargas de sustancias químicas, produjo nubes de ionización en la atmósfera que fueron vistas desde varios puntos de Europa. En este trabajo, hemos reunido varios testimonios y comparado la información de variables como la elevación, distancia, dirección y tamaño aparente, con respecto a la trayectoria del cohete y las nubes. Con ello, revisamos la falibilidad de la observación humana. También mostramos y explicamos un avistamiento OVNI en Nuevo México (EE. UU.) coincidente en fecha, pero no relacionado.
Rocket sounding of the atmosphere was a usual activity during last half of 20th century. One such test was done on April 22nd, 1966. A Rubis rocket launched from the French base of Hammaguir released two loads of metallic chemicals, producing ionizing clouds in the atmosphere that were seen from several points across Europe. This work gathers most of those sightings and compares reported variables like elevation, distance, direction, and apparent size against the calculated trajectory of the rocket and clouds. The fallibility of human observation is reviewed. A coincidental but unrelated UFO sighting in New Mexico (USA) is also presented and explained.

This paper presents the results of the cross-validation of a multivariate logistic regression model using remote sensing data and GIS for landslide hazard analysis on the Penang, Cameron, and Selangor areas in Malaysia. Landslide... more

This paper presents the results of the cross-validation of a multivariate logistic regression model using remote sensing data and GIS for landslide hazard analysis on the Penang, Cameron, and Selangor areas in Malaysia. Landslide locations in the study areas were identified by interpreting aerial photographs and satellite images, supported by field surveys. SPOT 5 and Landsat TM satellite imagery were used to map landcover and vegetation index, respectively. Maps of topography, soil type, lineaments and land cover were constructed from the spatial datasets. Ten factors which influence landslide occurrence, i.e., slope, aspect, curvature, distance from drainage, lithology, distance from lineaments, soil type, landcover, rainfall precipitation, and normalized difference vegetation index (ndvi), were extracted from the spatial database and the logistic regression coefficient of each factor was computed. Then the landslide hazard was analysed using the multivariate logistic regression coefficients derived not only from the data for the respective area but also using the logistic regression coefficients calculated from each of the other two areas (nine hazard maps in all) as a cross-validation of the model. For verification of the model, the results of the analyses were then compared with the field-verified landslide locations. Among the three cases of the application of logistic regression coefficient in the same study area, the case of Selangor based on the Selangor logistic regression coefficients showed the highest accuracy (94%), where as Penang based on the Penang coefficients showed the lowest accuracy (86%). Similarly, among the six cases from the cross application of logistic regression coefficient in other two areas, the case of Selangor based on logistic coefficient of Cameron showed highest (90%) prediction accuracy where as the case of Penang based on the Selangor logistic regression coefficients showed the lowest accuracy (79%). Qualitatively, the cross application model yields reasonable results which can be used for preliminary landslide hazard mapping.

The Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) has been prioritized as the next Outer Planets Flagship Mission that would be devoted to exploring the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants. This joint NASA and ESA endeavor would focus... more

The Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) has been prioritized as the next Outer Planets Flagship Mission that would be devoted to exploring the emergence of habitable worlds around gas giants. This joint NASA and ESA endeavor would focus on the Galilean moons Europa and Ganymede but would also investigate Io, Callisto, and the Jupiter system as a whole. The NASA-contributed Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) and the ESA-contributed Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO) would be launched on separate launch vehicles in 2020. Here we focus on JEO. After 2-3 years of performing science in the Jovian system, JEO would orbit Europa and would operate in a high radiation environment. The life-limiting radiation environment complicates hardware and software performance as well as operations strategy. These challenges would require the Europa science goals to be met in an efficient duration of 9 months. To maximize the science while in orbit at Europa, JEO needs to develop strategies to make the system easily operable and robust to radiation degradation. In addition to radiation tolerant hardware and software designs along with robust margins, the project has already been considering operability features in its baseline design for JEO. Operability is the combination of aspects of a system that make it simple and inexpensive to operate, robust to changing system behavior, responsive to modified goals, and adaptive to deviations in expected environments or operating conditions. For JEO, being robust and flexible to meet science goals in the face of a harsh environment is paramount. The mission must be designed to have multiple means of meeting critical science goals; accommodate operation in the face of radiation-based noise, degradation and failure; and be flexible to changing science goals based upon discoveries. As a result, JEO has kept science goals and operability in mind for all system design processes and trade studies. The most stringent and driving operational requirements and con- - straints for the JEO concept are encountered during Europa Science orbit phase. Some of the key operability issues incorporated from the earliest concept studies include: (1) Make the flight and ground systems operable and survivable for a high intensity, rapid turn-around operations environment in Europa orbit in the presence of radiation based anomalies. (2) Use modern system engineering methods to model the system behavior as early as possible to balance mission scope with system capability, complexity, risk, and cost. Systems design based on behavior models allows for accommodation of changing behaviors in operating the systems. (3) Use lessons learned from previous applicable missions to guide design philosophy and trade studies specifically for operability issues. In this paper, we discuss the key flight system design trades, operations scenarios and lessons learned developed in recent JEO mission studies.

A review of the fundamental physical processes in the planetary-exoplanetary environment is presented, with emphasis on nonlinear phenomena. First, we discuss briefly the detection of exoplanets and search for radio emissions from... more

A review of the fundamental physical processes in the planetary-exoplanetary environment is presented, with emphasis on nonlinear phenomena. First, we discuss briefly the detection of exoplanets and search for radio emissions from exoplanets. Next, we give an overview of the concepts of waves, instabilities, chaos and turbulence in the planetary-exoplanetary environment based on our present knowledge of the solar-terrestrial environment. We conclude by discussing cyclotron masers and chaos in nonthermal radio emissions in the planetary-exoplanetary environment.

Some techniques developed recently at DLR's Institute of Theoretical Fluid Mechanics in order to cope with the demands arising from today's work in aerodynamics are illustrated. Such new demands arise from new aerodynamical... more

Some techniques developed recently at DLR's Institute of Theoretical Fluid Mechanics in order to cope with the demands arising from today's work in aerodynamics are illustrated. Such new demands arise from new aerodynamical problems like the hypersonic flow field around re-entry vehicles, the study of unsteady phenomena which comes more and more within reach due to the increased availability of computing power and the tendency towards enhanced international co-operation especially within Europe which calls for the use of co-operative systems on wide area networks.

Development of human society in the course of the whole history of mankind significantly depended on a lot of natural factors such as climatic conditions, soil fertility, and availability of water sources, the vegetable world and the... more

Development of human society in the course of the whole history of mankind significantly depended on a lot of natural factors such as climatic conditions, soil fertility, and availability of water sources, the vegetable world and the animal world. However perhaps only natural calamities distinguished by its unpredictability and scope exerted fatal impact on development of civilizations. There are many examples in the history of mankind that evidence destruction and dark oblivion for many centuries and sometimes millenniums of the whole civilizations as a result of natural calamities.
Investigation of shelf of Absheron peninsula using space photographs allowed scientists to find an extraordinary structure on the bottom of sea, near the eastern boundaries of Absheron peninsula i.e. Shikhov bay-bar and the shape of this structure reminded the ruins of an ancient fortress. Authors temporarily titled this structure as “Zyrinskaya fortress”. Closer viewing of the picture allows us to see clearly the perimeter and the interior design of the structure. Special filters providing for viewing of the space photograph in various spectral ranges have been used in order to improve visual capacity of the obtained picture. As you see from the space photograph the walls of the ancient structure are clearly showing up. The structure has oblong shape and stretches in the North-eastern direction. Ruins of several walls that have lateral and cross cut orientation in regard to exterior walls are clearly distinguished inside the structure. There is a semicircular structure near the southern wall, in the central part of the conditional fortress.
Meanwhile we haven’t found any notes in historical sources that would confirm availability of an ancient fortress in the detection area of underwater ruins. The next successive step of relevant investigations shall consist of archeological digs.

Space systems play an important role in sustaining the development, prosperity and security of many nations. As more nations become critically reliant on space systems, questions of maintaining safety and strategic stability in outer... more

Space systems play an important role in sustaining the development, prosperity and security of many nations. As more nations become critically reliant on space systems, questions of maintaining safety and strategic stability in outer space have come to the fore. Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs) for outer space activities have an important role to play inproviding clarity about the intentions of States and in articulating norms of behaviour in outer space. TCBMs take several forms. They may be the elaboration of basic principles related to the exploration and use of outer space, political measures related to establishing norms of conduct, information-sharing activities to improve the transparency of outer space activities, operational practices which demonstrate a commitment to mutual cooperation in outer space, or consultative mechanisms. We present an analytical framework for evaluating potential TCBMs and illustrate the application of this framework to examples of potential operational, regulatory, treaty-based and declaratory TCBMs.

Civil Engineering is getting prepared for operations in space. The Moon will presumably be the focal point in this new era. Civil Engineering professionals, in close cooperation with other scientists and engineers are in the phase of... more

Civil Engineering is getting prepared for operations in space. The Moon will presumably be the focal point in this new era. Civil Engineering professionals, in close cooperation with other scientists and engineers are in the phase of planning operations on the Moon. The experience gained on the Earth through four millenniums is now on the eve of being applied in a new environment. In this paper, an assessment is aimed to show the new challenges of Civil Engineering in front of this new Nature, and the necessary considerations for surpassing the difficulties. Different aspects of the problem, with similarities and differences as compared to applications on the Earth, like choice and design of the structures, methods of construction, project management and cost engineering, use of imported and local materials, mounting and fabrication on the Moon are discussed.