Standard of Living Research Papers (original) (raw)

Child health as an area of policy option has been given much attention by health economists, public health experts, planners etc. children are vital to the nation's present and her future. The increasing interest on child health and... more

Child health as an area of policy option has been given much attention by health economists, public health experts, planners etc. children are vital to the nation's present and her future. The increasing interest on child health and nutrition has been justified on many ways. Under five years old children are targeted for priority care under various maternal and child health programmes, but these age groups (5-15 years) remain a neglected lot. The recent health statistics of Kerala tell a dark narrative of degenerating public health system. This study analyses the problems of children's health and nutritional status in rural Kerala with special reference to Kasargod district, focusing on

The promises and pitfalls of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are tied to two quintessential motifs of our times: globalisation and the learning society. Both ideas have a rather different purchase in Africa than they do in... more

The promises and pitfalls of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are tied to two quintessential motifs of our times: globalisation and the learning society. Both ideas have a rather different purchase in Africa than they do in Europe, North America and Australasia. So, too, do the promises of information technology.

In this paper we use the rich set of unit-level data from the most recent Egyptian household surveys (1995 -1996 and 1999 -2000) to assess changes in poverty and inequality between 1995 and 2000. The study analysis is based on the new... more

In this paper we use the rich set of unit-level data from the most recent Egyptian household surveys (1995 -1996 and 1999 -2000) to assess changes in poverty and inequality between 1995 and 2000. The study analysis is based on the new methodology of constructing household-specific poverty lines that account for the differences in regional prices, as well as differences in the consumption preferences and size and age composition of poor households. The results show that average household expenditures rose in the second half of the 1990s and the poverty rate fell from 20% to less than 17%. In addition to the ongoing divide in the urban-rural standard of living, a new geographical/regional divide emerged in the late 1990s. Poverty was found predominantly among less-educated individuals, particularly those working in agriculture and construction, and among seasonal and occasional workers. These groups could suffer the most from the slowing economic growth evident after 1999 -2000.

Around the world, in high- and low-income countries alike, mental illness and high-risk behaviors contribute to profound suffering and loss at the level of the individual and the state. In the case of China as in other developing... more

Around the world, in high- and low-income countries alike, mental illness and high-risk behaviors contribute to profound suffering and loss at the level of the individual and the state. In the case of China as in other developing countries, gains made in the areas of economics, technology, education, and overall standard of living are being offset by a rise in

Service applications of robotic technologies begin to appear in several aspects of daily life, motivated by a number of different reasons. One of the most significant is the over -aging and decreasing of the population in Europe that will... more

Service applications of robotic technologies begin to appear in several aspects of daily life, motivated by a number of different reasons. One of the most significant is the over -aging and decreasing of the population in Europe that will cause dramatic social changes in all European Countries. The poor state of most of Health Care Systems in Europe is not

The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and... more

The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and various economic indicators on the societal level) using newly culled data of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist cells. This paper performs a statistical analysis of the determinants of participation in Hamas and PIJ terrorist activities in Israel from the late 1980's to the present, as well as a time series analysis of terrorist attacks in Israel with relation to economic conditions. The resulting evidence on the individual level suggests that both higher standards of living and higher levels of education are positively associated with participation in Hamas or PIJ. With regard to the societal economic condition, no sustainable link between terrorism and poverty and education could be found, which I interpret to mean that there is either no link or a very weak indirect link. Special attention is given to the suicide bomber phenomenon, and the analysis of the determinants of becoming a suicide bomber provides additional intriguing findings. In contrast with the "classic" characteristics of a suicidal individual , suicide bombers tend to be of higher economic status and higher educational attainment than their counterparts in the population. Suicide bombers, however, come from lower socioeconomic groups when compared to other, non-suicidal, terrorists.

8. HANDBOOK OF MONETARY ECONOMICS (in 2 volumes) Edited by Benjamin Friedman and Frank Hahn 9. HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS (in 4 volumes) Volumes 1 and 2 edited by Hollis B. Chenery and TN Srinivasan Volumes 3A and 3B edited by Jere... more

8. HANDBOOK OF MONETARY ECONOMICS (in 2 volumes) Edited by Benjamin Friedman and Frank Hahn 9. HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS (in 4 volumes) Volumes 1 and 2 edited by Hollis B. Chenery and TN Srinivasan Volumes 3A and 3B edited by Jere ...

The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and... more

The primary goal of this paper is to investigate whether participation in terrorist activity can be linked to ignorance (measured through schooling) or to economic desperation (measured through poverty on the individual's level and various economic indicators on the societal level) using newly culled data of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist cells. This paper performs a statistical analysis of the determinants of participation in Hamas and PIJ terrorist activities in Israel from the late 1980's to the present, as well as a time series analysis of terrorist attacks in Israel with relation to economic conditions. The resulting evidence on the individual level suggests that both higher standards of living and higher levels of education are positively associated with participation in Hamas or PIJ. With regard to the societal economic condition, no sustainable link between terrorism and poverty and education could be found, which I interpret to mean that there is either no link or a very weak indirect link. Special attention is given to the suicide bomber phenomenon, and the analysis of the determinants of becoming a suicide bomber provides additional intriguing findings. In contrast with the "classic" characteristics of a suicidal individual , suicide bombers tend to be of higher economic status and higher educational attainment than their counterparts in the population. Suicide bombers, however, come from lower socioeconomic groups when compared to other, non-suicidal, terrorists.

We argue that historical climatology is crucial for understanding human living standards, for which anthropometric indices are an important proxy variable, given the biological relationship with quality and quantity of nutrition. For... more

We argue that historical climatology is crucial for understanding human living standards, for which anthropometric indices are an important proxy variable, given the biological relationship with quality and quantity of nutrition. For example, did climatic change cause the demographic catastrophes of the 14 th and 17 th centuries, as Galloway (1986) argued (see e.g. also Kelly, n.y.)? This study uses recent estimates of human stature over the last two millennia in three different European regions and compares them directly with estimates of temperature. We employ both a climatic index based on a number of series, and a recent series by Mann and Jones (2004). The basic finding is that overall, the impact of temperature is economically, but not statistically significant. Starting in the 9 th century statistical significance is given, however, when population density exceeds a previously unknown level. It seems that population pressure made the European populations, especially north of the Alps, more vulnerable to climatic shocks. Climatic influence on height One of the most fascinating topics of long-run economic history is the relationship between climate and human living standards. Especially in pre-industrial times, we would expect an impact of climate on agricultural production (especially protein production), and thus on the quality of nutrition, and therefore mean height. Furthermore, due to more humid or colder winters, food storage becomes more difficult in Central Europe. Indeed, the impact on human history was immense: on the 18 th century climate-height effect see Baten (2002). Grove (2002) demonstrated how the switch from the medieval warm period (900 to the early 13 th century) to the Little Ice Age, starting around the late 13 th century, has decreased harvests and protein production from cattle and sheep. 1 Not only did temperatures decline, but as colder winters tended to be generally correlated with more frequent weather extremes, other climatic problems also created a deadly synergy. For example, cattle epidemics spread rapidly in Northern and

One of the primary challenges facing ecotourism management is to establish a profitable and ecologically sustainable industry, while simultaneously achieving a satisfying experience for visitors and raising standards of living in the host... more

One of the primary challenges facing ecotourism management is to establish a profitable and ecologically sustainable industry, while simultaneously achieving a satisfying experience for visitors and raising standards of living in the host community. This paper analyses the management practices and challenges faced by two ecotourism attractions on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, namely Couran Cove Island Resort and Boondall Wetlands Reserve. As an ecotourism-based resort on one of the world's few naturally-occurring sand islands, Couran Cove is active in implementing a range of initiatives for sustainable environmental management. This is particularly important as Couran Cove is home to a wide variety of plant communities and one of the largest remnants of the rare Livistona rainforest on the Gold Coast. The Boondall Wetlands Reserve is internationally recognized as an important feeding and resting habitat for migratory wading birds from Alaska, China, Japan, Mongolia and Siberia. Through the activities of the Visitor Centre, the Boondall Wetlands Reserve aims to: (i) promote environmental awareness within the local and regional communities; (ii) provide community education and information about wetlands systems within the local, regional and global context; (iii) offer nature-based recreation and tourism services; and (iv) demonstrate how wetlands can diversify the tourism and ecotourism industries.

RESUME : Les Algies Pelviennes Aiguës (APA), d'origine gynécologique, provoquent bien de problèmes socio-professionnels. Une étude rétrospective, menée durant l'année 1996 à la Maternité de Befelatanana, a eu comme objectif de préciser le... more

RESUME : Les Algies Pelviennes Aiguës (APA), d'origine gynécologique, provoquent bien de problèmes socio-professionnels. Une étude rétrospective, menée durant l'année 1996 à la Maternité de Befelatanana, a eu comme objectif de préciser le profil épidémiologique des femmes enceintes souffrant d'APA et de rechercher les facteurs favorisants et les causes déterminantes afin de déterminer une stratégie susceptible de réduire leur incidence et d'offrir un soin de qualité. 1 612 cas d'APA, d'origine gynécologique, ont été enregistrés, soit une incidence de 15,5%. Les APA aiguës non périodiques ont été de loin les plus fréquentes (99,6%). L'âge moyen a été de 26 ans. Les facteurs de risque et les causes déterminantes ont été des infections, des troubles hormonaux, une nulliparité ou une primiparité, et un bas niveau de vie. L'APA était associée à une hémorragie (37,4%), un état de choc (14,5%) ou une fièvre (63,5%). Il y eut 83 décès (5,1%). Les décès sont dus aux complications infectieuses des avortements, à des hémorragies, des intoxications hépato-rénales provoquées par l'ingestion de décoctions de plantes à visée abortive. Le meilleur traitement des APA est préventif : programme d'Information-Education-Communication orienté sur l'éducation sexuelle et la Santé de la Reproduction, meilleure prise en charge des infections génitales. Mots-clés : Grossesse -Complication -Algie pelvienne aiguë -Infection -Epidemiologie -Prévention -MADAGASCAR. ABSTRACT : "Epidemiology of acute pelvic pains of pregnancy at the Maternity of General Hospital of Befelatanana, Antananarivo" : Acute pelvic pains of pregnancy (APPP) generate a lot of social and professional problems to pregnants. A retrospective study was carried out in 1996 at the Maternity Hospital of Befelatanana, Antananarivo in order to specify epidemiological feature of APPP suffering pregnants and to search favourising factors and determinative causes of this disease so that a strategy will be drawn up to reduce its frequency and to organize correct cares. 1 612 APPP were registered for the study period, i.e. an annual incidence of 15.5 per cent. Non periodic APPP were the most frequent clinical forms (99.6 per cent). The average age of pregnants was 26 years old. Risk factors and determinative causes are infections, hormonal diseases, nulliparity and primiparity, low standard of living. APPP had been associated to hemorrhages (37.4 per cent), circulatory shock (14.5 per cent), and hyperthermia (63.5 per cent). 83 deaths were noted. Deaths are provoked by abortion infectious complications, hemorrhages, hepato-nephric lesions due to abortifacient plants. The authors conclude that prevent measures remain as the best therapy. They are based on Information-Education-Communication program drawn towards sexual education, Reproduction Health and improvement of genital infections cares.

Isparta ilinin güneyinde bulunan Sütçüler ilçesi, çok dağlık, arazinin eğim değerleri yüksek ve ormanlık bir alandır. Arazinin bu yapısı nüfus ve yerleşmeyi şekillendirmiş, yörede az nüfuslu küçük köy ve bu köylere bağlı mahallelerin... more

Isparta ilinin güneyinde bulunan Sütçüler ilçesi, çok dağlık, arazinin eğim değerleri yüksek ve ormanlık bir alandır. Arazinin bu yapısı nüfus ve yerleşmeyi şekillendirmiş, yörede az nüfuslu küçük köy ve bu köylere bağlı mahallelerin oluşumuna ortam hazırlamıştır. Bir köy merkezine bağlı bulunan mahalleler, bazen sadece birkaç ailenin yaşadığı üç beş ev ve eklentisinden meydana gelmekte, bazen de bağlı olduğu köyden daha fazla nüfusa sahip olabilmektedir. Bu kır yerleşmelerinde tarım, hayvancılık, balıkçılık, arıcılık, orman işçiliği gibi ekonomik faaliyetler sürdürülmektedir. Ancak bu kır yerleşmelerinin dağınık, az nüfuslu ve ekonomik gelir düzeyinin çok düşük olmasından dolayı, Sütçüler kırsalından, başta Isparta şehrine olmak üzere göç olayı yaşanmaktadır. Ayrıca ulaşım standartlarının düşük olması, eğitim, sağlık gibi hizmetlerin yeterince verilememesi yöre insanının karşı karşıya olduğu sorunlardır.

Water is one of the most important inputs for economic development. As the demand increases, so too does the importance of water. This is clearly the case in Egypt, where rainfall is rare and the governmentally enforced quota for... more

Water is one of the most important inputs for economic development. As the demand increases, so too does the importance of water. This is clearly the case in Egypt, where rainfall is rare and the governmentally enforced quota for withdrawal from the Nile River has not changed since 1959. The water demand has multiplied as a result of population growth, agricultural expansion, as well as industrial development and a rise in the standard of living. In this paper, a vision for the future water status in Egypt is presented. This vision is based on a perception of the current status of the available water resources. The water uses, the water use efficiency, the institutional and legislative frameworks of water management, and the strategies and policies to rationalize water use and to augment water supply are discussed. The local, regional and international governing and controlling factors of water utilization and management in Egypt are also analyzed and discussed. Three future water scenarios for year 2020, each reflecting alternate programs to develop the water systems and to rationalize the water uses, are presented. All scenarios showed that Egypt will suffer considerable water shortages in the near future. Recommendations to help overcome anticipated water challenges and to optimize the available opportunities are provided.

Waste is an unavoidable by product of human activities. Economic development, urbanization and improving living standards in cities, have led to an increase in the quantity and complexity of generated waste. Rapid growth of population and... more

Waste is an unavoidable by product of human activities. Economic development, urbanization and improving living standards in cities, have led to an increase in the quantity and complexity of generated waste. Rapid growth of population and industrialization degrades the urban environment and places serious stress on natural resources, which undermines equitable and sustainable development. Inefficient management and disposal of solid waste is an obvious cause of degradation of the environment in most cities of the developing world. Municipal corporations of the developing countries are not able to handle increasing quantities of waste, which results in uncollected waste on roads and in other public places. There is a need to work towards a sustainable waste management system, which requires environmental, institutional, financial, economic and social sustainability.This study explores alternative approaches to municipal solid waste (MSW) management and estimates the cost of waste management in Mumbai, India. Two alternatives considered in the paper are community participation and public private partnership in waste management. Data for the present study are from various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and from the private sector involved in waste management in Mumbai. Mathematical models are used to estimate the cost per ton of waste management for both of the alternatives, which are compared with the cost of waste management by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). It is found that the cost per ton of waste management is Rs. 1518 (US$35) with community participation; Rs. 1797 (US$41) with public private partnership (PPP); and Rs. 1908 (US$44) when only MCGM handles the waste. Hence, community participation in waste management is the least cost option and there is a strong case for comprehensively involving community participation in waste management.

Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of... more

Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of online products and additional customer resources and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 4 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.

The inflation rate of Ghana still remains high in absolute terms and by comparison with many other countries in the sub-region and the world in general. Inflation is simply the general increase in the level of prices of goods and services... more

The inflation rate of Ghana still remains high in absolute terms and by comparison with many other countries in the sub-region and the world in general. Inflation is simply the general increase in the level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level grows; each unit of our currency buys less goods or services hence, the need for all to know the exact nature of the relationship that exists between inflation and living standards of people. This paper dealt with the effects of inflation on standard of living in terms of expenses on food and non-food items, income, savings, loan and recreation over the period (2010-2013). A sample of 100 heads of families was taken from Navrongo community in Ghana using stratified sampling. Structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used as tools for collecting data. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression model. From analysis of the data, inflation did h...

Dedicarea acestui supliment al revistei "Economie teoretică şi aplicată" Simpozionului anual al AGER a pornit de la ideea că astfel de manifestări publice ale cercetării trebuie cunoscute. Cât de mult aceste lucrări vor reuşi să convingă... more

Dedicarea acestui supliment al revistei "Economie teoretică şi aplicată" Simpozionului anual al AGER a pornit de la ideea că astfel de manifestări publice ale cercetării trebuie cunoscute. Cât de mult aceste lucrări vor reuşi să convingă este mai puţin important.

Foodborne diseases are an important reason for diarrhoeal deaths among Indian children (<5 years). Since many foodborne illnesses arise from home kitchens, mothers can be the final line of defense. It was attempted to assess perceptions... more

Foodborne diseases are an important reason for diarrhoeal deaths among Indian children (<5 years). Since many foodborne illnesses arise from home kitchens, mothers can be the final line of defense. It was attempted to assess perceptions and practices of mothers on food safety. Quantitative data collected from respondents (n = 90) using a Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices (KABP) questionnaire, showed that, over 90% wash hands before feeding children, eating, serving or cooking food, but usage of soap is very limited. Over 60% store leftover cooked foods at room temperature as a majority (82%) do not own refrigerators. High incidence of foodborne illnesses was reported in the families (21%) and the community (12%). Though 48% buy packed foods, a majority (78%) do not recognize symbols on food labels. Significant associations (p < 0.05) were found between standard of living/literacy and certain food safety practices. Qualitative data obtained from three focus group discussions, reiterated most of the observations made in the survey. Television is the preferred medium to seek information on food safety.

Solid waste management is one of the most challenging issues in urban cities, which are facing a serious pollution problem due to the generation of huge quantities of solid waste. This paper presents an assessment of the existing... more

Solid waste management is one of the most challenging issues in urban cities, which are facing a serious pollution problem due to the generation of huge quantities of solid waste. This paper presents an assessment of the existing situation of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in major cities in India. The quantity and composition of MSW vary from place to place, and bear a rather consistent correlation with the average standard of living. Extensive field investigations were carried out for quantification, analysis of physical composition, and characterization of MSW in each of the identified cities. The MSW management status (per the MSW Rules, 2000) has also been assessed, and an action plan for better management has been formulated; both are presented in this paper. Studies carried out in 59 selected cities in India have revealed that there are many shortcomings in the existing practices used in managing the MSW. These shortcomings pertain mainly to inadequate manpower, financial resources, implements, and machinery required for effectively carrying out various activities for MSWM. To overcome the deficiencies in the existing MSWM systems, an indicative action plan has been presented incorporating strategies and guidelines. Based on this plan, municipal agencies can prepare specific action plans for their respective cities.

a b s t r a c t Fuel cells are energy transformation technologies and they are clean, don't damage to environment, have high efficiency and provide uninterruptible energy generation. Research and development studies about fuel cells have... more

a b s t r a c t Fuel cells are energy transformation technologies and they are clean, don't damage to environment, have high efficiency and provide uninterruptible energy generation. Research and development studies about fuel cells have been done increasingly. In the recent years, fuel cell technologies have performed in some sectors such as military, industrial, space, portable, residential, transportation and trading.

The conference sought to bring together an international and interdisciplinary audience, and in particular, researchers, government officials, company representatives or environmental activists. The aims of the conference were to tackle... more

The conference sought to bring together an international and interdisciplinary audience, and in particular, researchers, government officials, company representatives or environmental activists. The aims of the conference were to tackle many of the issues connected with the sustainable management and development of mountainous and island areas, share experiences and work towards solutions. The three-day meeting included presentations from 10 different countries, in particular,

NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. N either t he U nited S tates Government, n or an y a gency t hereof, n or an y o f their e mployees, nor a ny of t heir c... more

NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. N either t he U nited S tates Government, n or an y a gency t hereof, n or an y o f their e mployees, nor a ny of t heir c ontractors, s ubcontractors, or t heir e mployees, m ake an y warranty, e xpress or i mplied, or a ssume a ny l egal l iability or responsibility for t he a ccuracy, completeness, or us efulness of a ny i nformation, a pparatus, pr oduct, or process di sclosed, or represent t hat its us e would not infringe pr ivately owned r ights. R eference h erein t o an y s pecific commercial p roduct, p rocess, o r s ervice b y t rade n ame, t rademark, m anufacturer, o r o therwise, does not ne cessarily c onstitute or i mply i ts e ndorsement, r ecommendation, or f avoring b y t he United States Government, any agency thereof, or any of their contractors or subcontractors. T he views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof, or any of their contractors.

By employing leverage to gain more exposure to stocks when young, individuals can achieve better diversification across time. Using stock data going back to 1871, we show that buying stock on margin when young combined with more... more

By employing leverage to gain more exposure to stocks when young, individuals can achieve better diversification across time. Using stock data going back to 1871, we show that buying stock on margin when young combined with more conservative investments when older stochastically dominates standard investment strategies-both traditional life-cycle investments and 100%-stock investments. The expected retirement wealth is 90% higher compared to life-cycle funds and 19% higher compared to 100% stock investments. The expected gain would allow workers to retire almost six years earlier or extend their standard of living during retirement by 27 years.

Energy plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development by raising standard of living. It is becoming gradually accepted that current energy systems, networks encompassing every thing from primary energy sources to final energy... more

Energy plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development by raising standard of living. It is becoming gradually accepted that current energy systems, networks encompassing every thing from primary energy sources to final energy services, are becoming unsustainable. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Governments. In recent years, public and political sensitivities to environmental issues and energy security have led to the promotion of renewable energy resources. Diversification of fuel sources is imperative to address these issues; and limited fossil resources and environmental problems associated with them have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options that use renewable energies. Development and promotion of new non-conventional, alternate and renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, etc. are now getting sustained attention. Solar power is one of the hottest areas in energy investment right now, but there is much debate about the future of solar technology and solar energy markets. This investigates the progress and challenges for solar power in Pakistan according to the overall concept of sustainable development, and identifies the region wise potential of solar power in Pakistan and its current status. Barriers are examined over the whole solar energy spectrum and policy issues and institutional roles and responsibilities are discussed.

We study the state of food retail system serving an ethnic minority community. This group, Israeli Arabs, enjoys a relatively high standard of living but continues to make many food purchases in a variety of small, specialized retail food... more

We study the state of food retail system serving an ethnic minority community. This group, Israeli Arabs, enjoys a relatively high standard of living but continues to make many food purchases in a variety of small, specialized retail food formats. In contrast, the surrounding Jewish population is mostly shopping in supermarkets.

PDB dan kualitas hidup: seberapa bagus PDB per kapita sebagai indikator pembangunan? oleh, Aldi Andalan Sudah begitu banyak usaha dengan berbagai macam cara untuk menjelaskan kualitas hidup, dan kesejahteraan manusia di selurah negara di... more

PDB dan kualitas hidup: seberapa bagus PDB per kapita sebagai indikator pembangunan? oleh, Aldi Andalan Sudah begitu banyak usaha dengan berbagai macam cara untuk menjelaskan kualitas hidup, dan kesejahteraan manusia di selurah negara di dunia. Mulai dari indikator seperti GDP

ph: (865) 576-8401 fax: (865) 576-5728 email: Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161 ph: (800) 553-6847 fax:... more

ph: (865) 576-8401 fax: (865) 576-5728 email: Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161 ph: (800) 553-6847 fax: (703) 605-6900 email: online ordering:

Rapid industrialization has transformed the agricultural economy of Puerto Rico, creating employment opportunities and raising standards of living. Success, however, is marred by widespread pollution that outstrips the infrastructural... more

Rapid industrialization has transformed the agricultural economy of Puerto Rico, creating employment opportunities and raising standards of living. Success, however, is marred by widespread pollution that outstrips the infrastructural capacity necessary for the preservation of environmental quality and of human health. The result today is a landfill crisis, a heritage of toxic dumps, and an advancing tide of pollution• Rivers and reservoirs are nearly ubiquitously affected and groundwaters, long thought to be naturally protected, show evidence of increasing contamination. Limestone aquifers are at particular risk. Public awareness and inter-sectoral political leadership are urgently needed to reverse the trend towards environmental deterioration.

Commissioning California's houses can result in better performing systems and houses. In turn, this will result in more efficient use of energy, carbon emission reductions, and improved occupant comfort. In particular, commissioning... more

Commissioning California's houses can result in better performing systems and houses. In turn, this will result in more efficient use of energy, carbon emission reductions, and improved occupant comfort. In particular, commissioning houses can save a significant amount of HVAC-related energy (15 to 30% in existing houses, 10 to 20% in new conventional houses, and up to 8% in advanced energy efficiency houses). The process that we considered includes corrective measures that could be implemented together during construction or during a single site visit (e.g., air tightening, duct sealing, and refrigerant and air handler airflow corrections in a new or existing house). Taking advantage of additional, more complex opportunities (e.g., installing new windows in an existing house, replacing the heating and air conditioning system in a new or existing house) can result in additional HVAC-related energy savings (60 to 75% in existing houses, and 50 to 60% in new conventional houses).

This essay is a preliminary summary of a fuller exposition of the topic in preparation. I would like to thank Shireen Hormozdi and Nicole Kibert for their research assistance, Professor Berta Hernandez for her patience as my teacher, and... more

This essay is a preliminary summary of a fuller exposition of the topic in preparation. I would like to thank Shireen Hormozdi and Nicole Kibert for their research assistance, Professor Berta Hernandez for her patience as my teacher, and the students in my International Trade Law, Trade and Human Rights, Dispute Settlement, and International Trade and the Environment courses for their intellectual curiosity.

This paper presents a new Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for 104 developing countries. It is the first time multidimensional poverty is estimated using micro datasets (household surveys) for such a large number of countries which... more

This paper presents a new Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for 104 developing countries. It is the first time multidimensional poverty is estimated using micro datasets (household surveys) for such a large number of countries which cover about 78 percent of the world´s population. The MPI has the mathematical structure of one of the Alkire and Foster poverty multidimensional measures and it is composed of ten indicators corresponding to same three dimensions as the Human Development Index: Education, Health and Standard of Living. The MPI captures a set of direct deprivations that batter a person at the same time. This tool could be used to target the poorest, track the Millennium Development Goals, and design policies that directly address the interlocking deprivations poor people experience. This paper presents the methodology and components in the MPI, describes main results, and shares basic robustness tests.

Energy plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development by raising standard of living. It is becoming gradually accepted that current energy systems, networks encompassing every thing from primary energy sources to final energy... more

Energy plays a pivotal role in socio-economic development by raising standard of living. It is becoming gradually accepted that current energy systems, networks encompassing every thing from primary energy sources to final energy services, are becoming unsustainable. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Governments. In recent years, public and political sensitivities to environmental issues and energy security have led to the promotion of renewable energy resources. Diversification of fuel sources is imperative to address these issues; and limited fossil resources and environmental problems associated with them have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options that use renewable energies. Development and promotion of new non-conventional, alternate and renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, etc. are now getting sustained attention. Solar power is one of the hottest areas in energy investment right now, but there is much debate about the future of solar technology and solar energy markets. This investigates the progress and challenges for solar power in Pakistan according to the overall concept of sustainable development, and identifies the region wise potential of solar power in Pakistan and its current status. Barriers are examined over the whole solar energy spectrum and policy issues and institutional roles and responsibilities are discussed.

Entrepreneurship is one of the ways of creating wealth in every economy. A country might remain backward not for lack of natural resources or dearth of investment capital but because of its inability to tap the entrepreneurial talents... more

Entrepreneurship is one of the ways of creating wealth in every economy. A country might remain backward not for lack of natural resources or dearth of investment capital but because of its inability to tap the entrepreneurial talents existing in that society for wealth creation. This study focuses on the effect of entrepreneurship on employment generation and improved standard of living in Niger State. The population for the study comprises 1,694 Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) operating within Minna Metropolis of Niger State. The sample size of 324 was determined using Taro Yamane method of 1973. A combination of purposive and simple random sampling was used to select the respondents. Descriptive statistics and one sample t-test were employed for the data analysis and test of hypotheses respectively. The results show that entrepreneurship generates significant employment and also has significant effects on the standard of living in Niger state. It is recommended that the government, at all levels, should provide an enabling business environment that will encourage entrepreneurship. Policy makers equally, should not only introduce practical skills acquisition programs but design it to foster creativity and innovation. This will encourage entrepreneurship to create more employment opportunities and raise the standard of living of the people in Niger State.

The article analyses the situation which exists in the private health sector in Greece, it presents data on the growth of the private sector and discusses the reasons for this phenomenon in relation to privatisation trends in other... more

The article analyses the situation which exists in the private health sector in Greece, it presents data on the growth of the private sector and discusses the reasons for this phenomenon in relation to privatisation trends in other European countries. The growth of private health care in Greece in the last 10 years is evident despite governmental attempts to minimise its role through the development of the National Health System in 1983 and the legislative restrictions on the private sector. Private health expenditure has increased, reaching 3.9% of the country's GNP (43% of the total expenditure in health) in 2000. The number of private hospitals and hospital beds has decreased (hospitals decreased from 468 in 1990 to 218 in 2000 and private beds decreased from 25,075 in 1980 to 15,806 in 2000) mainly because of the reduction in the number of small private hospitals. On the other hand, private doctors and private diagnostic centres have significantly increased. This situation is believed to be attributed mainly to the provision of inadequate and low quality public health services which have caused widespread dissatisfaction among the general public, and factors associated to improved standards of living, as well as the rapid growth of private insurance.