Symposium Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A short analysis of new Sappho's poem and of the questions about its problems of contextualizing. In my work I try to specify if the Brothers Poem could be linked to VIIth centry's symposium. Larichos as possible addressee and other... more

A short analysis of new Sappho's poem and of the questions about its problems of contextualizing. In my work I try to specify if the Brothers Poem could be linked to VIIth centry's symposium. Larichos as possible addressee and other evidences of the question.

... And eerily, the Talmud's very words for “Rava created a man,” ruvu beru guvru, involve a threefold recombination of three letters. ... Jews were all too familiar with the fate of Moses' two nephews, who had offered... more

... And eerily, the Talmud's very words for “Rava created a man,” ruvu beru guvru, involve a threefold recombination of three letters. ... Jews were all too familiar with the fate of Moses' two nephews, who had offered sacrifice in drunken rhap-sody, or the four Talmudic sages who had ...

ABSTRACT Ethylene Oxide (EO) is one of the essential chemicals in industrial processes. At ambient temperature, EO is an uncoloured gas with a somewhat sweet odour. The market value of EO is very high since its field of application is... more

ABSTRACT Ethylene Oxide (EO) is one of the essential chemicals in industrial processes. At ambient temperature, EO is an uncoloured gas with a somewhat sweet odour. The market value of EO is very high since its field of application is large. Above all, EO is used as input ...

– Malaysia is a land and structure deformation active country due to long term rainy season which is common phenomena in monsoon tropical region. To secure this hazard under control, Land Stability Monitoring System (LandSMS), a web-based... more

– Malaysia is a land and structure deformation active country due to long term rainy season which is common phenomena in monsoon tropical region. To secure this hazard under control, Land Stability Monitoring System (LandSMS), a web-based deformation ...

The Kartvelologist #22
ქართვეოლოგი #22

As designers we tell stories as we engage in the design process. But how does one story differ from another? Are there storytelling types used during different parts of the process? What form and function do these stories take? In this... more

As designers we tell stories as we engage in the design process. But how does one story differ from another? Are there storytelling types used during different parts of the process? What form and function do these stories take? In this paper we explore the nature of storytelling in the context of design and how it plays different roles throughout the process: (1) during research to explain user stories; (2) during ideation to expand the design space and explore problems; (3) as a prototyping tool; and so on. We also will describe inappropriate uses of storytelling in the design process; for example, telling pristine and unreal stories rather than keeping the story "roughly right." Examples of each of these classifications will be presented in the paper, illustrating good techniques throughout. Finally, implications for design pedagogy will be discussed.

List of Travel grant for present research paper at abroad

Il Simposio è lo straordinario e raffinato dialogo che Platone dedica all'amore. A casa del poeta Agatone si riuniscono Socrate, il giovane Fedro, il commediografo Aristofane, il retore Pausania, il medico Erissimaco e il rampante... more

Il Simposio è lo straordinario e raffinato dialogo che Platone dedica all'amore. A casa del poeta Agatone si riuniscono Socrate, il giovane Fedro, il commediografo Aristofane, il retore Pausania, il medico Erissimaco e il rampante Alcibiade. Nel corso del banchetto Dioniso e Afrodite-il vino e l'amore-si incontrano. Le voci dei personaggi che descrivono il gioco erotico e intellettuale tra amante e amato, le due forme di Afrodite, la scien-za dell'amore dei corpi, il mito dell'androgino, la morbidezza e l'asprezza di Eros conducono al nu-cleo della dottrina platonica dell'eros. La sua pre-sentazione è affidata a Socrate e alla sacerdotessa Diotima, la quale rivela che Eros, celebrato come un dio, è in realtà un dèmone che mette in comu-nicazione umano e divino. Eros non è altro che l'immagine della filosofia, e Socrate, in mezzo tra gli ignoranti e i sapienti, è la personificazione di Eros, con il quale condivide la natura demonica.

This paper will seek to understand the context of first century Greco-Roman meal culture. As a conclusion, it will provide evidence that proves that, based on religious, social, and political meals across first century Mediterranean, the... more

This paper will seek to understand the context of first century Greco-Roman meal culture. As a conclusion, it will provide evidence that proves that, based on religious, social, and political meals across first century Mediterranean, the Christian church was not unfamiliar with worship and unity through religious banquets. As a result, members of the Christian church in Corinth abused the Eucharist in light of their erroneous grasp—namely due the cultural and religious influence that came from their understanding of δεῖπνον and συμπόσιον.

Toplumsal cinsiyet (gender) ilişkileri içerisinde, hâkim yapının (ataerkil) argümanlarının yanında cinsiyete dayalı ötekileştirilme beraberinde kendine özgü yaşam pratiklerini getirir. Söz konusu yaşam pratiklerinin uzantılarını sosyal... more

Toplumsal cinsiyet (gender) ilişkileri içerisinde, hâkim yapının (ataerkil) argümanlarının yanında cinsiyete dayalı ötekileştirilme beraberinde kendine özgü yaşam pratiklerini getirir. Söz konusu yaşam pratiklerinin uzantılarını sosyal yaşamın her anında gördüğümüz gibi, fikir ve sanat üretimlerinde de açık bir şekilde gözlemleriz. 1970'li yıllardan bu yana, söz konusu cinsiyete dair ötekileştirmenin merkezinde yer alan kadın ve kadın üretimi olan sosyal mefhumlarla ilgili edinilen yetersiz bilgilerle mücadele, kadın hareketlerinin etkisi ile tüm sosyal bilimlerde olduğu gibi etnomüzikoloji ve performans sanatlarının da temel ilgi alanları içine girmiştir. Her alanda kadına dair tespitler yapılma gereksinimleri, geleneksel toplum yapısında olduğu kadar, modern ve postmodern toplum yapılarında da var olan cinsiyete dayalı ötekileştirmelerden kaynaklanmakta olup, toplumsal yapı örüntüleri içerisinde dezavantajlı grup haline gelen kadınların müzik üretimi, müzik performansları ile günlük ve özel ritüeller içerisinde yer alış yollarının çeşitli katmanlar üzerinden ele alınması gerekliliğini de ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Toplumsal cinsiyet (gender) odaklı araştırmaların ekseninde yatan en önemli faktörlerden biri olan "toplum içerisinde kadın kimliği" bu sempozyumun odak noktasını oluşturacaktır. Sempozyum vasıtasıyla sanat ve düşünce tarihinin çok katmanlı olarak yeniden yazılması ve inşa edilmesi, disiplinler arası bir etkileşim ve üretim ile irdelenmesi için bu alanda çalışan araştırmacıları, sanatçıları bir araya gelmeye, tartışmaya ve bilgiyi paylaşmaya davet ediyoruz.

Christians used to gather around the table for a full meal in the style of the Roman Symposium. They did so because it was culturally normal and a way to tell the Jesus story. Over the first four centuries the full banquet meal held on... more

Christians used to gather around the table for a full meal in the style of the Roman Symposium. They did so because it was culturally normal and a way to tell the Jesus story. Over the first four centuries the full banquet meal held on Saturday evening becomes the Eucharistic Rite of only bread and cup on Sunday morning. This is a brief examination of some of the historical and cultural realities that led to this shift.

Eski Yunan kültürünün sosyal hayatı ilgilendiren konuları, birçok akademik çalışmaya konu olmuşsa da Türkiye’deki akademik görüntü, çalışmaların çok uzağında seyir izlemektedir. Çalışılan konularda ise aile, kadın ve benzeri çalışma... more

Eski Yunan kültürünün sosyal hayatı ilgilendiren konuları, birçok akademik çalışmaya
konu olmuşsa da Türkiye’deki akademik görüntü, çalışmaların çok uzağında seyir
izlemektedir. Çalışılan konularda ise aile, kadın ve benzeri çalışma alanlarının dışına mümkün
mertebe çıkılamamaktadır. Bu çalışmayla amaç edinilen ise; Eski Yunan kültürünün konuk,
ev sahibi, konukseverlik kavramlarını, Türkiye’de yek pare biçimde yapılan çalışmaların
arasına katabilmektir. Bu arzu doğrultusunda, belirtilen kavramların Eski Yunan’ın bir
gününde yaşayan insanlar için neler ifade ettiğini, ozan/şair/filozof tipolojileri açısından ise
üzerine sayfalarca yazılacak kadar neden önemli olduğunu ifade çabasına girişmekteyiz.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Eski Yunan, Konuk, Ev Sahibi, Konukseverlik, Homeros, İlyada,
Odysseia, Symposion

Kongre Bildirileri - Cild I

This paper examines Plato's "Symposium" from the perspective of narcissistic 'love' relationships and will be of interest to people studying the psychology of high-control groups or mystery cults. Given the importance of the "Symposium"... more

This paper examines Plato's "Symposium" from the perspective of narcissistic 'love' relationships and will be of interest to people studying the psychology of high-control groups or mystery cults. Given the importance of the "Symposium" to the Western Esoteric tradition, and recent scholarship highlighting how mystery-cults have historically
been used as covers for political praxis, reexamination of Plato's masterwork is timely and important. The paper concludes by looking at the military tactics which inspired Plato's "Symposium" and the influence that the "Symposium" had on Renaissance Esotericism through the patronage of Cosimo de'Medici.

Technological developments have changed many things, but one of the biggest changes is in the playing habits of children. No sooner had video games been put on the market in 1970, than the spare time habits of children and adults became... more

Technological developments have changed many things, but one of the biggest changes is in the playing habits of children. No sooner had video games been put on the market in 1970, than the spare time habits of children and adults became very different than they have ever been before. The children in the most prolific computer using countries such as the North America, Europe, Korea and Japan have exponentially spent more time on playing computer games. According to the latest statistics, 92% of youngsters aged 2-17 play video or computer games in the U.S, but, unfortunately, families and educators are not aware of what video games contain and how their children are influenced by them. The previous widespread opinion was that video games enhance visual attention, spatial visualization and hand-eye coordination, and help facilitate children gaining computer skills. However, in the recent studies, after evaluating the behaviors and brain functioning of the children playing video games, it is denoted that video games are not innocent. Not only are they addictive but also negatively affect children's behavior and brain functioning. As a result, these studies address the fact that violent and mature content in computer games pollutes children's cultural environment, stunts their brain development, and provokes aggressive behaviors in children. This article reviews the research on the social, organic and behavioral effects of video games on children and presents the summary of those findings.

Tekstove sažetaka pripremili potpisani autori koji su odgovorni za njihov sadržaj. Text prepared by authors, who are fully responsible for the abstracts.

Alla base di questo studio vi è l’approfondimento della definizione di simposio in chiave storica e archeologica. In particolare, si pone l’attenzione sul confronto speculare tra la concezione dionisiaca greca ed etrusca, analizzando gli... more

Alla base di questo studio vi è l’approfondimento della definizione di simposio in chiave storica e archeologica. In particolare, si pone l’attenzione sul confronto speculare tra la concezione dionisiaca greca ed etrusca, analizzando gli illustri esempi della Tomba del Tuffatore di Paestum e il corredo della Tomba 128 della necropoli di Spina.
La tesi è strutturata in tre capitoli. Il primo è introduttivo e approfondirà, anche con l’ausilio di testi storici, la definizione di simposio greco coinvolgendo tutti i diversi elementi che lo compongono. Il vino, ad esempio, troverà ampio spazio nella ricerca e sarà compreso ed analizzato come dono di Dioniso: una bevanda che, solo se consumata seguendo determinati canoni imposti dalla religione e tradizione attica, libererà momentaneamente l’uomo dalle pene e dagli affanni terreni. Un altro elemento presentato sarà lo studio delle ceramiche attiche di fine età arcaica e le loro funzioni nel contesto dionisiaco. Si comprenderà che il vasellame attico non solo era indispensabile per la riuscita del simposio, ma era anche un perfetto veicolo iconografico in grado, attraverso il commercio, di diffondere immagini ed iscrizioni tipiche dell’ellenismo.
Un altro argomento fondamentale per questa ricerca, esaminato attraverso studi archeologici, sarà l’evoluzione dell’edilizia ellenica, prestando particolare attenzione alle modifiche apportate alle sale destinate al banchetto nel corso della storia. Si comprenderà, quindi, dove si teneva il simposio e in quali contesti architettonici veniva praticato.
La fase culminante del banchetto greco verrà presentata, però, non solo come un semplice ritrovo di aristocratici pronti a lasciarsi andare agli ebbri piaceri dell’alcol, ma come un evento fondante della religione, della filosofia, della politica e della società ellenica.
A partire dal secondo capitolo, la tesi entrerà nel vivo della ricerca dando voce agli affreschi della Tomba del Tuffatore di Paestum. Attraverso gli studi e le ricerche svolte da Luca Cerchiai e Bruno D’Agostino verrà proposta una lettura iconografica innovativa che unirà l’immagine del tuffo con quella del simposio, interpretati come metafora del passaggio dalla vita terrena a quella ultraterrena. Argomento tanto spinoso quanto coinvolgente sarà l’identità del defunto e del reperto. Greci o Etruschi? A partire dalla seconda metà del secolo scorso tanti archeologi hanno cercato di dare una spiegazione a questo quesito e, ancora oggi, sono molto attivi in questo campo.
Il terzo capitolo vedrà come protagonista un altro contesto geografico: l’Etruria. In questa fase della tesi il simposio assumerà un’identità totalmente etrusca e verranno segnalati i relativi aspetti che si opporranno alla fase culminante del banchetto della tradizione ellenica. Fondamentale per la conclusione di questo confronto sarà il corredo della Tomba 128 di Spina che fornirà un’immagine insolita nel mondo dionisiaco. A proposito di questo verrà preso in esame il cratere della scuola di Polignoto prodotto ad Atene per un ricco abitante etrusco, appassionato di miti e pratiche del simposio.

Bu çalışma, çeşitli kaynaklarda Molla Fenârî’ye ait olduğu söylenen eserlerin gerçekten ona ait olup olmadığını sorgulamakta ve bir Molla Fenârî Bibliyografyası oluşturma çabasına girişmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle Molla Fenârî’ye ait... more

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana, önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler doğrultusunda... more

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana, önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler doğrultusunda Üniversitemiz çatısı altında yer alan Fakültelerimiz, düzenli olarak sempozyum, kongre ve çalıştay gibi etkinlikler düzenleyerek bulundukları yörede bu anlamda bilgi ve deneyimlerini sunmakta ve paylaşmaktadırlar.

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa yön verecek bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler... more

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi kurulduğu tarihten bu yana önemli ilerlemeler, gelişmeler gerçekleştirerek bulunduğu Muğla iline, ülkemize ve insanlığa yön verecek bilimsel çalışmalarla katkıda bulunmaktadır. İşte bu hedefler doğrultusunda Üniversitemiz çatısı altında yer alan Fakültelerimiz, düzenli olarak sempozyum, kongre ve çalıştay gibi etkinlikler düzenleyerek, bulundukları yörede bu anlamda bilgi ve deneyimlerini sunmakta ve paylaşmaktadırlar. Akademik kadromuz eğitim ve öğretimin yanı sıra; bulunduğu yörenin ihtiyaçlarını bilen ve yeni ihtiyaçlarını tespit ederek, yöreye ve ülkemize bilimsel, sanatsal, toplumsal hizmetler sunmaya yönelik araştırmalar yürütmektedirler.

The book is divided into three chapters which revolve around human attempts to penetrate and overcome the porous interfaces between the world experienced by mortal humanity and the other-worlds they envision. The first chapter, Drinking... more

The book is divided into three chapters which revolve around human attempts to penetrate and overcome the porous interfaces between the world experienced by mortal humanity and the other-worlds they envision. The first chapter, Drinking against Death, which is also the title of the book, is divided into two chapters.
In the first, From libation to symposium, the gradual emergence of complex drinking sets in graves in the western Carpathian Basin is traced from the 13th to the 6th century BC and related to transformative ritual anchored in Dionysian concepts of immortality. In the second part, Performing death, related vessel sets in Hallstatt Period graves from Upper Lusatia are contextualized and interpreted within the dynamic sequence of cremation ritual and the complex topography of the furnished chambered tomb. Libation and feasting are seen as crucial elements which accompany the death of the individual and the birth of the ancestor.
The second chapter – The violent interface – explores ritual violence as an aspect material sacrifice. In the first contribution – Rent asunder – the remarkable tradition of scrap-hoarding: violently destroying bronze artifacts, curating the shattered remains and finally burying them, is seen within the context of ecstatic ritual destruction. Analogous customs accompanying cremation rituals are explored with reference to Early Urnfield Period elite graves in the sub chapter – Sparagmos. They are seen within the unfolding ritual drama which spans the gap between the death and apotheosis.
The last chapter, Images as agents, examines the context and meaning of three very different late prehistoric iconographies which are enmeshed in the ritual use of vessels. Wild décor which occurs on pottery vessels from the Middle Bronze Age to the advent of the Late Iron Age represents a radical break with decorative norms and is seen within the context of female agency and domestic magic. The second subchapter – Myths in translation – explores engendered patterns of iconographic interchange at the interface between Central Europe and Scandinavian in the Late Bronze Age. In particular it reveals the crucial importance of women and female-denoted ritual in the cultural communication between north and south. Finally in Scythian eagles with Ionic honeysuckle the iconography of libation in late 6th to 5th century BC grave contexts the northern Pontic steppes is explained within the context of a highly original attempt to amalgamate Greek and Scythian concepts of sacrifice, immortality and communication between earth and eternity.

This paper examines the changes in settlement patterns, internal trade relations and material culture that occurred in Philistia and the Shephelah during the Iron I–II transition. It appears that the Philistines were hegemonic during the... more

This paper examines the changes in settlement patterns, internal trade relations and material culture that occurred in Philistia and the Shephelah during the Iron I–II transition. It appears that the Philistines were hegemonic during the Iron Age I. They lived in large fortified settlements, accompanied by smaller settlements
in the coastal areas. The Shephelah was only sparsely settled at the time, probably as a result of Philistine policy. Since it was to their advantage to maintain high boundaries with their neighbours, the Philistines increased their use of ‘foreign’ elements in their material culture. The Philistines were significantly weakened during the transition to the Iron Age IIA, with many sites becoming
significantly smaller and others abandoned. As the Philistines withdrew westward, the Shephelah was gradually filled with new Israelite/Judahite settlements. In tandem with their weakening, the Philistines changed their boundary maintenance strategy, and in a quick process of cultural change, abandoned many of the foreign traits that previously characterised them. Instead, they adopted a local material vocabulary, symbolising that they had become ‘one of the neighbours’. The city of Gath is an exception: Philistine identity was negotiated there differently than in other sites in Philistia.

The book consists of several papers in Turkish and English that treat Muslih al-Din Mustafa Khojazada (838-893/1434-1488) who is one of the most prominent thinkers of Ottoman period and the author of Tahafut al-falasifa, a comparison and... more

This essay undertakes a close analysis of Leo Strauss's remarkable but undertreated Leo Strauss on Plato's "Symposium," reading it as opening a privileged purview of his own (and his students') wider understandings of philosophy, poetry,... more

This essay undertakes a close analysis of Leo Strauss's remarkable but undertreated Leo Strauss on Plato's "Symposium," reading it as opening a privileged purview of his own (and his students') wider understandings of philosophy, poetry, and politics. The essay begins by drawing out Strauss's three framing justifications for his manner of reading the Symposium as a document in the "ancient quarrel" of philosophy and poetry concerning which of the two should rightly shape the culture and ethical ideals of the Greeks (part 1). Then, following the course of Plato's Symposium, the essay ascends through Strauss's readings of the first five speeches in Plato's dialogue (part 2) toward the highlight of Strauss's reading, namely, his three remarkable sessions on Socrates's speech. Part 3 analyses Strauss's reading of this speech up to its climax, which Strauss argues involves the philosophical "demotion of poetry": a criticism of poets as motivated by the Eros of fame and of tragic poetry as at its best creating captivating images of gods and heroes which reflect their creators' self-love and patriotic love of "one's own," as against any transpolitical truth. Part 4 then looks at Strauss's unusual reading of the culmination of Socrates's great speech (Diotima on the "higher mysteries") alongside Alkibiades's speech in the Symposium as representing Plato's "poetic presentation of philosophy." The essay becomes more critical as it proceeds. Strauss's reading of the Symposium, like his reading of the Republic, is remarkable for its own "demotion of metaphysics" in Plato, and in my concluding remarks, I will question this status, or disappearance, of metaphysics in Strauss's Platonism. Strauss's reading of the Symposium, like his wider oeuvre, aims at a defense of philosophy as meaningfully different from and superior to poetry. Yet he is unable to give coherence to the central idea of the

In the field of studies on the 'theatricality' of Plato’s dialogues, this article deals with Plato's 'Symposium', its references to theatre (real and metaphorical), and in particular its relationship with Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' and... more

In the field of studies on the 'theatricality' of Plato’s dialogues, this article deals with Plato's 'Symposium', its references to theatre (real and metaphorical), and in particular its relationship with Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' and Euripides' 'Bacchae'.
In fact, in his dialogue Plato refers repeatedly to these classical plays, that share their Dionysiac nature with the 'Symposium' their Dionysiac nature: in the verbal competition of the philosophic symposium, the arbiter of which is called Dionysus, Socrates is seen as the comic Aeschylus of Aristophanes’ 'Frogs' (winner of the challenge with Euripides in the underworld, and crowned by Dionysus like Socrates by Alcibiades), and also as the tragic Dionysus of Euripides’ 'Bacchae' (the only tragedy with this god as a character). Thus Socrates appears the absolute king of theatre.
The message we receive from these echoes and allusions, is that the mysterious 'player who is able to write comedies as well as tragedies' (mentioned by Socrates in the final part of 'Symposium'), is precisely the philosopher: Platonic philosophy is proposed as a new form of theatre that puts together comedy and tragedy in a single search for truth.

The early 5th c. BC Attic black-figured column kraters of the Mikra Karaburun Group were named by J. Beazley after the site where some of them have been found, i.e. the cemetery of the ancient settlement at Karabournaki, near... more

The early 5th c. BC Attic black-figured column kraters of the Mikra Karaburun Group were named by J. Beazley after the site where some of them have been found, i.e. the cemetery of the ancient settlement at Karabournaki, near Thessaloniki. Many more similar kraters have been found during the last decades in various sites around Thessaloniki and the Thermaic Gulf, as well as in Etruria and Sicily. All of them are small (ca. 20 cm height, capacity measured to 2-3 liters) and their decoration is mostly of mediocre quality, with a preference to added red and white color.
In this paper I present all the today known column-kraters of the Mikra Karaburun Group, examine their shape and iconography, propose new attributions, and discuss their close connections with the vases painted by the Painter of Oxford 216, who should probably be included in the Group. The vases are furthermore examined within the wider framework of the numerous imported and local (plain, painted and grey ware) column-kraters found in Macedonia, which date from the late 7th to the 4th c. BC. Special mention is made to imported Attic column-kraters by the Lydos’ workshop, which abound in Central Macedonia after the middle of the 6th c. B.C. The column-krater is primarily a symposium vase and we know of symposia in Macedonia already since the Mycenaean times, while the ancient historian Herodotos (5.17-21) refers to a late 6th c. BC symposium in the Macedonian royal court at the capital city of Pella. However, these kraters were probably too small to be used in real symposia unless, of course, they were used as table-ware, for serving separately one or two guests. On the other hand, numerous large bronze vases which were produced in Archaic Macedonia (i.e. situlae, lebetes, etc.) which could have been used for mixing wine and water in drinking parties.
I propose that the Mikra Karaburun kraters were massively-produced Attic symposium vases destined for markets that wanted small, therefore rather cheap but still ‘luxury’ imported vessels, to be used mostly as grave offerings, in order to symbolize the symposium in the afterlife. According to the known excavation data (since many of the kraters appeared in the arts market and have unknown provenance) these markets were South Italy and Sicily and, mainly, Central Macedonia. Almost all of the Mikra Karaburun kraters from Macedonia were found in male burials, and we know from Herodotos that women in Macedonia (like women in Southern Greece) were not normally participating in the symposia.

Az antik mediterrán világban a közös étkezések nem csupán a szociális, hanem a vallási életben is fontos szerepet játszottak. "A közös étkezéseket, banketteket tekinthetjük a görög-római világ szociális intézményének. […] a leletek az... more

Az antik mediterrán világban a közös étkezések nem csupán a szociális, hanem a vallási életben is fontos szerepet játszottak. "A közös étkezéseket, banketteket tekinthetjük a görög-római világ szociális intézményének. […] a leletek az sugallják, hogy ezek az étkezések hasonló formában zajlottak és egészen hasonló módon gondolkodtak ezekről, értelmezték ezeket széles körben, az antik világban" Ezek az étkezések kötötték össze a különféle csoportok tagjait, számtalan formájuk létezett, viszont az közös vonásuk volt, hogy szociális vonatkozásukon túl, minden esetben megjelent azok vallási jellege is. Jelen írásunk egy izgalmas szakasszal foglalkozik Jézus, Sirák fia könyvéből.

This essay is a tribute to the work of the philosopher Gary B. Madison (1940-2016) and especially his very personal book On Suffering. Philosophical Reflections on What it Means To Be Human first published in 2009, read here as a book of... more

This essay is a tribute to the work of the philosopher Gary B. Madison (1940-2016) and especially his very personal book On Suffering. Philosophical Reflections on What it Means To Be Human first published in 2009, read here as a book of wisdom that correspond’s to one’s idea of philosophy. It is a book that rejuvenates the strand of philosophy that understood itself as an answer to the inescapable predicament of human suffering. Madison teaches how one has to learn to accept one’s condition, among other things through the experience of wonder that the world is and that we are part of it. Madison also acknowledges in this regard the legitimacy of the religious experience of the world. This paper argues that he also draws metaphysical consequences out of this.

... 13.06. 1946 Orman ĠĢletmelerinin Bazı Vergilerden Muaf Tutulması HakkındakiYasa 21.01. 1947 5050 Sayılı Toprak Mahsulleri Vergisi Artıklarının Silinmesi Hakkında Yasa 26.10. 1960 113 Sayılı Af Yasası 28.12. 1961 281 ...

This is a booklet accompanying the 2018 Calendar published by Thrace Foundation, which presents in a general-public-format some silver vases from the V. Bojkov Collection. Some of them are thus far unpublished and will be included in the... more

This is a booklet accompanying the 2018 Calendar published by Thrace Foundation, which presents in a general-public-format some silver vases from the V. Bojkov Collection. Some of them are thus far unpublished and will be included in the forthcoming: Sideris A., 2021: "Metal Vases and Utensils in the Vassil Bojkov Collection, vol. 2", Thrace Foundation, Sofia.

In this essay I argue that to understand Plato's philosophy, we must understand why Plato presented this philosophy as dialogues: namely, works of literature. Plato's writing of philosophy corresponds to his understanding of philosophy as... more

In this essay I argue that to understand Plato's philosophy, we must understand why Plato presented this philosophy as dialogues: namely, works of literature. Plato's writing of philosophy corresponds to his understanding of philosophy as a transformative way of life, which must nevertheless present itself politically, to different types of people. As a model,