Transportation Policy Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This study aims to identify the significant attributes that influence the utilization of the park-and-ride scheme in three fringe areas of the Kuala Lumpur conurbation, namely, Shah Alam, Rawang and Seremban. In understanding the... more

This study aims to identify the significant attributes that influence the utilization of the park-and-ride scheme in three fringe areas of the Kuala Lumpur conurbation, namely, Shah Alam, Rawang and Seremban. In understanding the characteristics of the park-and-ride users, three main areas of concern of the study are the socioeconomic characteristics, trip characteristics and the parking-related characteristics of the users at the stations. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is applied in order to delineate the catchment area of the respective stations. Information was retrieved by means of personally-administered questionnaire at the park-and-ride site via random sampling and car park utilization survey to determine the hours of parking. By applying standard multiple linear regression, the attributes that were found to significantly influence the duration of the utilization of the facility are total travel time by rail (via the park-and-ride), income, trip purpose, egress mode and types of rail ticket used.

Abstract: The car is the second (40%) most common mode of transportation in Malaysia. The rapid increase in the use of personal transportation has its roots in the weak Malaysian public transport system. As a result, traffic congestion,... more

Abstract: The car is the second (40%) most common mode of transportation in Malaysia. The rapid increase in the use of personal transportation has its roots in the weak Malaysian public transport system. As a result, traffic congestion, accidents, air pollution and need for parking space among other evils, have escalated. In this study, policies aimed at discouraging the use of private transportation were studied.

Urban passenger transportation in the U.S. has been heavily dependent on car modes, mainly due to prevailing trends in urban development. However, transportation mode choice studies are currently limited to micro-level and regional-level... more

Urban passenger transportation in the U.S. has been heavily dependent on car modes, mainly due to prevailing trends in urban development. However, transportation mode choice studies are currently limited to micro-level and regional-level boundaries, lacking of presenting a complete picture of the issues and the root causes associated with urban passenger transportation choices in the U.S. To this end, further analysis from a system perspective is required to investigate the interdependencies among system parameters more thoroughly, thus revealing the underlying mechanisms contributing or causing the low public transportation use in the U.S. Hence, system dynamics modeling approach is utilized to capture complex causal relationships among the critical system parameters affecting public transportation ridership in the U.S. as well as to identify possible policy areas to improve public transportation ridership rates. Considering the high degree of uncertainties inherent to the problem, multivariate sensitivity analysis is utilized to explore the effectiveness of existing and possible policy implications up to the year 2050 in the terms of their potential to increase transit ridership and locating critical parameters that influences the most on mode choice and emission rates. Transportation mode choice behavior is projected to change slightly and reach up to a maximum of 7.25% of public transportation ridership until 2050. Analysis results reveal that the effects of trip length and rate are by far the most influential factors. Both parameters are 99% sensitive compared to all other factors including the effects of fuel tax policies, federal funds for public transportation, use of alternative green bus technologies, increasing private vehicle occupancy rates, etc. on negative environmental, economic, and social impacts of transportation. This finding highlights how important urban structures are to secure the future of public transportation in the U.S. as the existing urban structures and the shared-idea in the minds of the society about how urban transportation should be (the prevailing paradigm) are the root causes of excessive trip generation and increasing average trip lengths. Thus a paradigm-shift, a radical change in the shared-idea in the minds of the society about existing urban structures, is needed.

با توجه به رشد روزافزون مالکیت وسیله نقلیه در کشورهای مختلف و نقش برجسته آن در زندگی اجتماعی و اقتصادی جوامع، تلاش بسیاری به منظور شناسایی عوامل موثر در افزایش مالکیت خودرو شده است. هدف از این پژوهش انجام مطالعه تطبیقی به منظور شناسایی... more

با توجه به رشد روزافزون مالکیت وسیله نقلیه در کشورهای مختلف و نقش برجسته آن در زندگی اجتماعی و اقتصادی جوامع، تلاش بسیاری به منظور شناسایی عوامل موثر در افزایش مالکیت خودرو شده است. هدف از این پژوهش انجام مطالعه تطبیقی به منظور شناسایی این عوامل موثر در کشورهای توسعه یافته نسبت به کشورهای در حال توسعه است تا بتوان تا انجا که امکان دارد از سیاستهای موثر در کاهش مالکیت خودرو استفاده نمود. با استفاده از اطلاعات دادههای همفزون (در سطح ناحیه) مربوط به مطالعات جامع مشهد و کلن، مدلهای رگرسیون خطی تهیه گردیده و عوامل اثرگذار بر مالکیت وسیله نقلیه در سطح همفزون به همراه نحوه اثرگذازی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. یافته های این تحقیق نشان می دهند که سهم جمعیت نوجوان، سهم واحد مسکونی، چگالی جمعیت ناحیه و میانگین بعد خانوار متغیرهای مشترکی بودند که اثر مشابهی بر مالکیت وسیله نقلیه در هر دو شهر داشتند. اما اثر سهم جمعیت بیوه در هر شهر متفاوت بود. در کلن اثر سهم جمعیت میانسال و لگاریتم سهم افراد بیکار ظاهر شد. تاثیرگذاری متغیرهای شبکه و شرایط حمل ونقل عمومی در مالکیت خودرو در مشهد قابل توجه است. این امر اهمیت سیاست گذاری و برنامه ریزی در جهت اجرای سیستم های حمل و نقل عمومی برای کنترل مالکیت خودروی شخصی و در نتیجه استفاده از آن را نشان می دهد.

The primary objectives of this study are to develop two roundabout entry capacity models using a regression-based multiple non-linear regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence (AI)-based ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference... more

The primary objectives of this study are to develop two roundabout entry capacity models using a regression-based multiple non-linear regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence (AI)-based ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) model under heterogeneous traffic conditions. ANFIS is the latest technique in the field of AI that integrates both neural networks and fuzzy logic principles in a single framework. Required data have been collected from 27 roundabouts in eight states of India. To assess the significance of these models and select the best model among them, modified rank index is applied in this study. The coefficient of determination (R 2) and Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient 'E' values are found to be 0.92, 0.91 and 0.98, 0.98 for the MNLR and ANFIS model, respectively. The ANFIS model is found to be the best model in this study. However, from a practical point of view, the MNLR model is recommended for determining roundabout entry capacity under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Sensitivity analysis reports that critical gap is the prime variable and shares 18.43% for the development of roundabout entry capacity. As compared with the Girabase formula (France), Brilon wu formula (Germany), and HCM 2010 models, the proposed MNLR model is quite reliable under low to medium ranges of traffic volumes. Roundabouts are a specialized form of an un-signalized intersection in which traffic moves in one direction around a central island. Direction of traffic, according to left-hand or right-hand driving rules, depends on the specific country. Roundabouts have been used as an effective intersection control measure to improve safety and operational performance under low to high circulating traffic flow conditions. As compared with other, signa-lized, intersections, roundabouts have several basic advantages, such as speed reduction of vehicles, less delay, pedestrian safety, aesthetics, and reduction of conflict points. A signalized intersection has 32 conflict points, whereas a roundabout with two circulating and entry lanes has 8 and 16 conflict points, respectively. Because of the increase in the use of roundabouts, an assessment regarding operational performance needs to be undertaken. Evaluation of capacity at roundabouts is an important aspect of operational performance that describes the present traffic scenario, level of service, delay, accidents, operational cost, and environmental issues. Under heterogeneous traffic conditions, vehicles of various kinds have varying physical and operational characteristics. In developing countries, driver behavior, vehicular characteristics (size, engine efficiency, and years of usage), and intersection geometric design vary significantly. The vehicle fleet is composed of heavy vehicles (HV), light motor vehicles (LMV), motor cycles/ scooters (MC/S), bicycles (BC) and human-drawn vehicles (HDV). These vehicles share the main carriageway without any physical or marked segregation. When there are vehicles of different types with varying static and dynamic characteristics, follow-the-lane discipline and the follow-the-leader concept become irrelevant. Under constraints of flow and space, small-sized vehicles try to move into the circulating area without following lane discipline. Also, HV forcibly merge into the circulating stream of traffic. These points reflect that the rule of priority is not respected under such a heterogeneous traffic condition. In these circumstances, the study of

This paper attempts to look at the history of ASEAN transformation and regional cooperation in the transport sector in particular. It also attempts to look into the future of ASEAN transport cooperation as it attempts to transform itself... more

This paper attempts to look at the history of ASEAN transformation and regional cooperation in the transport sector in particular. It also attempts to look into the future of ASEAN transport cooperation as it attempts to transform itself into a progressive evolution of the transportation systems in the region. This paper aims to address the following research questions: 1. How did it start as a perspective on formulating transport action plan in the context of ASEAN regionalism? 2. How does it benefit the countries of ASEAN in terms of regional cooperation, multilateral agreements, and other protocols? The methodology employed in this paper borrows from Carol Weiss‘s Theory-based Evaluation (TBE). On that account, there is a need to review the current status and outcome with regards to past practices, current implementation, and future roadmap of ASEAN transport cooperation to move forward and to carry out its mission and service to its people today and tomorrow.

Het mobiliteitsbudget wordt de laatste jaren prominent naar voren geschoven als een van de antwoorden op het verduurzamen van het woon-werkverkeer of de bredere mobiliteitsproblematiek. Meer specifiek wordt het MB gezien als alternatief... more

Het mobiliteitsbudget wordt de laatste jaren prominent naar voren geschoven als een van de antwoorden op het verduurzamen van het woon-werkverkeer of de bredere mobiliteitsproblematiek. Meer specifiek wordt het MB gezien als alternatief of aanvulling op de bedrijfswagen. In deze paper gaan we dieper in op de problemen die geassocieerd worden met het huidige stelsel van vergoedingen en de bedrijfswagen. We snijden enkele onderwerpen aan die in onze optiek ontbreken in de discussies. Voorts behandelen we de ontwerpaspecten van het MB en enkele ervaringen met vormen van het MB. We doen dit aan de hand van internationale literatuur. Dit alles met als doel de huidige discussie te voeden en uiteindelijk te komen tot een optimaal ontwerp van het mobiliteitsbudget.

Deriving from extensive analysis of quantitative survey data in Austria, this chapter focuses on the importance that inherited presuppositions play in the processes of planning and implementation. In a majority of European countries,... more

Deriving from extensive analysis of quantitative survey data in Austria, this chapter focuses on the importance that inherited presuppositions play in the processes of planning and implementation. In a majority of European countries, cycling is considered to play a significant role in a sustainable urban transport system, after decades of car dominance captivating the thoughts and actions of decision-makers and thus appears in transport policy documents ranging from local to national level.
However, when actual measures are implemented, mental barriers of decision makers surface and this often leads to suboptimal results. Mental barriers are shown most clearly in resistance to innovation adoption, a phenomenon well documented in social science. In this context, the resistance to innovation adoption causes reservations and limiting beliefs that hinder decision-makers in the introduction of suitable solutions for everyday and every-use cycling.
The chapter addresses quantitatively two primary questions relating to mental barriers clearly revealed in the analysis of planning processes: of what are mental barriers comprised, and where do they exist? Our quantitative exploration points the way towards two possible approaches to overcome mental barriers: social pressure upon and self-experience by decision-makers.

The autonomous vehicle (AV) appears to be very much on the minds and screens of the motoring public, if not yet in automobile dealership showrooms or on the roadways in large numbers. A great deal of funding is being made available to... more

The autonomous vehicle (AV) appears to be very much on the minds and screens of the motoring public, if not yet in automobile dealership showrooms or on the roadways in large numbers. A great deal of funding is being made available to develop AV technologies by government and within industries associated with such technologies. The AV is also receiving unprecedented, often uncritical--if not confused, attention in the mass media around the globe. The latest technological advance--or setback, is becoming front page material in print media and receiving prominent coverage in the broadcast media. This article will explore the history, various types and promotion of this curious invention’s trajectory as well as evaluating the claims made on its behalf and possible limitations for its adoption on a grand scale. The goal of this article is not a technological or technical evaluation of automated vehicles but rather a review of some of the claims made on its behalf by its promoters in ord...

Author(s): Barbour, Elisa; Grover, Salvador; Lamoureaux, Yulia; Chaudhary, Gyanendra; Handy, Susan | Abstract: This report provides research findings from the first year of a two-year research project on patterns of local policymaking in... more

Author(s): Barbour, Elisa; Grover, Salvador; Lamoureaux, Yulia; Chaudhary, Gyanendra; Handy, Susan | Abstract: This report provides research findings from the first year of a two-year research project on patterns of local policymaking in California to support transit-oriented development (TOD), transit, and active transport. The project aims to assess motivations, perceived obstacles, and priorities for development near transit, in relation to patterns of local policy adoption, from the perspective of city planners in the state’s four largest regions: the San Francisco Bay, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento metropolitan areas. This first-stage report discusses research and policy context that informed the methodology, findings from the analysis of results from an online survey of city planning directors administered in the spring of 2019, and findings from two case studies of TOD policymaking in urban central cities, namely Los Angeles and Sacramento. A sampling methodology for...

The primary objectives of this study are to develop two roundabout entry capacity models using a regression-based multiple non-linear regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence (AI)-based ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference... more

The primary objectives of this study are to develop two roundabout entry capacity models using a regression-based multiple non-linear regression model (MNLR) and artificial intelligence (AI)-based ANFIS (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system) model under heterogeneous traffic conditions. ANFIS is the latest technique in the field of AI that integrates both neural networks and fuzzy logic principles in a single framework. Required data have been collected from 27 roundabouts in eight states of India. To assess the significance of these models and select the best model among them, modified rank index is applied in this study. The coefficient of determination ( R2) and Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient ‘ E’ values are found to be 0.92, 0.91 and 0.98, 0.98 for the MNLR and ANFIS model, respectively. The ANFIS model is found to be the best model in this study. However, from a practical point of view, the MNLR model is recommended for determining roundabout entry capacity under ...

Cycling as a transport mode has gradually become more attractive in cities during the last 10 years. However, not all cities give due consideration to cycling issues in the planning process. In many transport systems, cycling and issues... more

Cycling as a transport mode has gradually become more attractive in cities during the last 10 years. However, not all cities give due consideration to cycling issues in the planning process. In many transport systems, cycling and issues of vélomobility are still neglected. Recent research considers several aspects of cycling, however, few studies have shown why differences in for example modal split and bicycle infrastructure exist between cities. This article deals with the differences in cycling issues between Copenhagen and Stockholm and furthermore why such differences occur in these two Scandinavian capitals. The focus here is on transport planning and the dissimilarities in the structures and aspects that have affected the thinking of planners and politicians and the planning outcomes in these two cities. Questions of marginalisation of cyclists in the public space and different planning politics or politics of vélomobility are touched upon. The results are set in a theoretical frame of power relations, mobility theory and political economies. The results show that these two cities have very different planning approaches and economic, structural and cultural presumptions leading to the fact that Copenhagen prioritises cycling, whereas Stockholm focuses more on facilitating public transport and motorised modes of person transport.

Throughout the world, urban areas have been rapidly expanding, exacerbating the problem of many public transport (PT) operators providing service over different governmental jurisdictions. Over the past five decades, Germany, Austria, and... more

Throughout the world, urban areas have been rapidly expanding, exacerbating the problem of many public transport (PT) operators providing service over different governmental jurisdictions. Over the past five decades, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have successfully implemented regional PT associations (called Verkehrsverbund or VV), which integrate services, fares, and ticketing while coordinating public transport planning, marketing, and customer information throughout metropolitan areas, and in some cases, entire states. A key difference between VVs and other forms of regional PT coordination is the collaboration and mutual consultation of government jurisdictions and PT providers in all decision-making. This article examines the origins of VVs, their spread to 13 German, Austrian, and Swiss metropolitan areas from 1967 to 1990, and their subsequent spread to 58 additional metropolitan areas from 1991 to 2017, now serving 85% of Germany's and 100% of Austria's population. The VV model has spread quickly because it is adaptable to the different degrees and types of integration needed in different situations. Most of the article focuses on six case studies of the largest VVs: Hamburg (opened in 1967), Munich (1971), Rhine-Ruhr (1980), Vienna (1984), Zurich (1990), and Berlin-Brandenburg (1999). Since 1990, all six of those VVs have increased the quality and quantity of service, attracted more passengers, and reduced the percentage of costs covered by subsidies. By improving PT throughout metropolitan areas, VVs provide an attractive alternative to the private car, helping to explain why the car mode share of trips has fallen since 1990 in all of the case studies.

This article compares Turkey and Ukraine’s motivations behind their participation in interregional connectivity projects. Specifically the issue of connectivity between the Black Sea and the Caspian regions was explored. Their policies... more

This article compares Turkey and Ukraine’s motivations behind their participation in interregional connectivity projects. Specifically the issue of connectivity between the Black Sea and the Caspian regions was explored. Their policies towards trans-Caspian connectivity present an opportunity to assess a room for cooperation between two countries that are potential competitors regarding transit routes. In this sense, the article analyzes the countries’ perceptions of their interests in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the recent activities along the trans-Caspian route, the countries’ interaction with the outside great powers, and finally their cooperation with the regional countries of adjacent regions. This case also presents an opportunity to explore motivations of the participants of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global... more

In the past decade, urban regeneration policy makers and practitioners have faced a number of difficult challenges, such as sustainability, budgetary constraints, demands for community involvement and rapid urbanization in the Global South. Urban regeneration remains a high profile and important field of government-led intervention, and policy and practice continue to adapt to the fresh challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century, as well as confronting long-standing intractable urban problems and dilemmas. This Companion provides cutting-edge critical review and synthesis of recent conceptual, policy and practical developments within the field. With contributions from 72 international experts within the field, it explores the meaning of ‘urban regeneration’ in differing national contexts, asking questions and providing informed discussion and analyses to illuminate how an apparently disparate field of research, policy and practice can be rendered coherent, drawing out common themes and significant differences. The Companion is divided into six parts, exploring: globalization and neo-liberal perspectives on urban regeneration; emerging econceptualizations of regeneration; public infrastructure and public space;
housing and cosmopolitan communities; community centred regeneration; and culture-led regeneration. The concluding chapter considers the future of urban regeneration and proposes a nine-point research agenda. This Companion assembles a diversity of approaches and insights in one comprehensive volume to provide a state-of-the-art review of the field. It is a valuable resource for both advanced undergraduate
and postgraduate students in Urban Planning, Built Environment, Urban Studies and Urban Regeneration, as well as academics, practitioners and politicians.

A year ago, gojek a warm conversation in the community. All of a sudden people are flocking to discuss the new stuff. A year ago too, gojek emerged as an online-based alternative transportation modes. Where the user can book the facility... more

A year ago, gojek a warm conversation in the community. All of a sudden people are flocking to discuss the new stuff. A year ago too, gojek emerged as an online-based alternative transportation modes. Where the user can book the facility gojek via cyber technology. Community if you want to use the service gojek can access them through the application via android. This kind of reality, indeed a new form of service transport facilities, where he took advantage of apilkasi via android as a medium to access the facilities of transportation services provided by gojek. In addition to accessing transportation services gojek, people can also participate actively be the service provider or the service provider gojek into itself. This makes the service more gojek low cost. As Uber or Grab Bike for example. He was not exposed to public transportation tax because he is using a private car people who participate actively as facilitators of transport services. Not using the car red plate that must pay taxes on public transport. Transportation services online is also free of charge public transport operating licenses and fees KIR test (test the feasibility of public transport). A wide variety of these costs can be cut with the advent of technology and service-based applications. In other words, the presence of technology-based applications can cut a wide range of costs that could improve the transportation service rates. He could cut costs beyond the production process such as extortion, levies unofficial conducted by both the driver and the state apparatus who entered private pockets. So the transportation business climate so more efficiently. It also makes conventional transportation services become less competitive and threatened with bankruptcy by the presence of online transportation services-based applications. How not burdened many conventional transportation services fee beyond the production process such as vehicle taxes, operating taxes and fees feasibility test vehicle performed 6 months. Not to be calculated with unofficial levies carried out by the state apparatus.

The heavy dependency on private cars has shaped the design of cities. While offering fast, comfortable, and convenient commutes, cars have become the most popular method of transportation, but are also a health crisis due to the toxic... more

The heavy dependency on private cars has shaped the design of cities. While offering fast, comfortable, and convenient commutes, cars have become the most popular method of transportation, but are also a health crisis due to the toxic emissions they release into the atmosphere as well as the high death toll from traffic accidents. For these reasons, there is a need to minimize the use of cars within cities in favor of greener and humanized urban design that would improve the quality of life and reduce the global threat of climate change. Humanizing Cities Through Car-Free City Development and Transformation is an essential publication that explores the concepts of car-free cities and city humanization as possible solutions to reduce the deteriorating effect on the environment and the community. The publication discusses the urban initiative to implement pedestrianization and humanization of cities and public spaces to promote the concept of car-free living. Featuring coverage on a wide range of topics including city humanization, smart mobility, and urban policies, this book is ideally designed for urban planners, environmentalists, government officials, policymakers, architects, transportation authorities, researchers, academicians, and students.

From time immemorial, there has always being the desire by humanity to link places together for a smooth spatial interaction between people, movement of goods and services as well as the wider benefits associated to such linkages. One of... more

From time immemorial, there has always being the desire by humanity to link places together for a smooth spatial interaction between people, movement of goods and services as well as the wider benefits associated to such linkages. One of such linkage media in this contemporary epoch is the Channel Tunnel. This tunnel is a cross-channel fixed link across the stretch of water between Great Britain and France (by extension, continental Europe) and it is regarded as the largest undersea tunnel in the world. The tunnel is one of the largest privately financed projects in the world and was ignited because transportation increases the economic competitiveness of economies.

Our daily life now can not be separated from the development of information systems technology. Almost all areas of work utilize information systems technology to simplify our work. Information systems technology can help computerize our... more

Our daily life now can not be separated from the development of information systems technology. Almost all areas of work utilize information systems technology to simplify our work. Information systems technology can help computerize our work to be faster, more efficient and integrated. However, there are still many areas of work that have not utilized technology to help simplify their work.for example, in the transportation industry, especially transportation of Bajaj which most of its management still use manual system.Bajaj is a public transportation that has existed since the 1970s and can still survive until now,although bajaj has several times experienced a renewal, but the business model that run until now still not computerized properly, where in regulating business activities bajaj the owners still use the recording and processing of data by using the book or not even done the transcribe at all. This poses difficulties to the bajaj owners in running the business because they can not make quick decisions because the data processing they use is still manually. So this application is made to facilitate the transcribe to replace the previous manual system that can facilitate in terms of data processing both in terms of rental and return Bajaj, so Bajaj transportation business can run well. The application is a website based application using First Come First Served algorithm. this application is expected to process bajaj transportation data in order to facilitate bajaj owners in transcribe borrowing and bajaj return and decision making on the bajaj transportation business.

Public Participation in transport planning is often regarded as a formal compulsory phase of the decision-making process and it lacks in its real purpose, i.e. engaging people to find the most shared solution in the shortest time, in... more

Public Participation in transport planning is often regarded as a formal compulsory phase of the decision-making process and it lacks in its real purpose, i.e. engaging people to find the most shared solution in the shortest time, in order to make the process effective and (cost) efficient.
The need to include the public in transport planning and decision-making leads to the effort to understand how to design and speed up the process of taking a public decision and to find out if the communication among stakeholders can influence the process of governance. In this paper an agent-based model is presented as a contribution to build new tools to support decision-makers and practitioners in designing and guiding effective participation processes. The model reproduces the interaction process in a network of stakeholders by means of a multi-state opinion dynamics and bounded confidence model as a basis to investigate the consensus formation phenomenon. The participatory decision-making process about the acceptability of a parking management strategy inside a University campus in Catania (Italy) was simulated to see to what extent interaction among stakeholders can foster the emergence of consensus. A better parking management is one of the priorities for sustainable mobility proposed by the mobility management office of the University. Results show that many links can help the opinion exchange process and the convergence of opinions and that the final outcome (i.e. approval or disapproval of the parking
management strategy) is highly influenced by the initial distribution of opinions. This suggests that having a preliminary knowledge of stakeholders’ opinions can be helpful to arrange the participation process and repeated interaction opportunities contribute in smoothing diverging opinions.

Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic... more

Developments in freight transport and transport infrastructure have a strong influence on economic growth. The Baltic States have recently undergone a transformation from planned economies to market orientation. The interest in the Baltic States originates from their importance as new markets within the European Union, and their transit function for trade with Russia. Rising trade volumes and increasing freight transport are forecasted in the near term for the region. This study aims at developing an understanding of the regulatory, structural and developmental conditions and trends affecting the transport infrastructure in a region in economic transition, namely the Baltic States, in the light of its current economic development. Comparisons are made with Buchhofer’s [Buchhofer, E., 1995. Transport infrastructure in the Baltic States during the transformation to market economies. Journal of Transport Geography 3(1), 69–75] assessment of transport infrastructure in the Baltic States in the early years of transformation to market economies.

It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of... more

It has long been acknowledged that there is a gap between the advancement of GIS in the research field and its application in planning practice. This paper demonstrates the potential for employing simple GIS mapping overlays as a way of communicating complex planning issues in a ‘language’ that is easily understandable and effective at stimulating policy debate, critical thinking, and learning. The analysis focuses on capturing the synergies and conflicts in two key planning challenges in England, progrowth and housing delivery agendas. In a political context where spatial evidence-based policy making has been eroded in recent years, the analysis demonstrates the need for policy makers to ‘think spatially, act spatially’ when developing different policies and programmes. The paper concludes that only by making spatial relationships of policies and programmes explicit in a manner that is easily understood by a range of actors, can different spatial scenarios and metaphors of future opportunities and challenges be developed to inform long-range development and planning.

The paper examines how urban transport systems shape, and in turn are shaped by, urban systems, social interaction, and everyday experience in increasingly polarised cities wherein unequal opportunities for mobility need to be seen as... more

The paper examines how urban transport systems shape, and in turn are shaped by, urban systems, social interaction, and everyday experience in increasingly polarised cities wherein unequal opportunities for mobility need to be seen as part of wider societal problems. We assess how social cohesion is addressed in research and produced in European cities in the interactions between public institutions, transport systems, travelling urban populations, and changing urban landscapes. We then discuss major problems and shortcomings experienced in the intersections between urban transport research, particularly emanating from the European Commission, and transport policy. Finally, we propose elements of a new urban mobility agenda to address current research challenges and to better foster urban social cohesion.

This paper investigates the influence of weather on the Swedish people's mode choice decision in different seasons and regions using a long term series of the Swedish National Transport Survey datasets (NTS) and weather data from the... more

This paper investigates the influence of weather on the Swedish people's mode choice decision in different seasons and regions using a long term series of the Swedish National Transport Survey datasets (NTS) and weather data from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). The weather data includes mean of daily temperature, amount of rain precipitation and road surface condition. The daily mean temperature is normalised based on each region and season and classified into five categories as 'very cold', 'cold', 'normal', 'warm', and 'very warm'. This normalisation approach enables us to investigate the impact of individual's heterogeneity in perceiving regional and seasonal variability of temperature. The impacts of these weather indicators' variability on individual's mode choice is investigated with multinomial logit models. The results show that the impacts of weather differ in different seasons and different regions. Pedestrians' perception of variation of temperature differs between those in the northern Sweden and those in the central and southern Sweden. Such perception also differs in summer and in spring and autumn. Similarly, northern Sweden cyclists are more aware of temperature variation than cyclists in the central and southern Sweden in spring and autumn when temperature changes significantly. The influence of temperature variation on motorised modes also varies among seasons and regions. However, the trend is less straightforward than that on non-motorised modes. The findings highlight the importance to incorporate individual and regional unique anticipation and adaptations behaviours within our policy design and infrastructure management.

According to the American Trucking Associations, the shortage of qualified truck drivers in 2019 reached the level of 59,500 drivers and it will increase to 160,000 by 2028 . This shortage created a good opportunity for self-driving car... more

According to the American Trucking Associations, the shortage of qualified truck drivers in 2019 reached the level of 59,500 drivers and it will increase to 160,000 by 2028 .
This shortage created a good opportunity for self-driving car makers, to navigate the market and seek the opportunity to manufacture self-driving trucks, that can fill the gap and introduce new products to the market, that will allow moving trucks on the highways with limited interactions from drivers or without a driver, by building full automated self-driving trucks (Halsey 2017). Self-driving trucks are already being tested in the U.S., in 2016, Otto’s first self-driving truck successfully delivered a shipment of beer on a 120-mile trip, while the driver is setting in the backseat and observing the behavior of the automated truck (Davies 2016).

Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to... more

Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to injuries at such places. These factors can fall under different dimensions in traffic safety such as environmental conditions, road user behavior, traffic police enforcement, road design and crash characteristics. The paper will analyze the factors related to crash characteristics and traffic signal operation that affect the likelihood of accident severity located at intersections. The data for intersection accidents in Abu Dhabi from 2013 to 2016 were used in this analysis. Ordinal logistic model was considered for the analysis to account for the ordinal nature of severity levels. Several diagnostics tests of the model were preformed such as parameters evaluation, overall model evaluation and prediction accuracy. For parameter evaluation, out of 11 independent variables, 6 were non-significant and dropped from the model. Most of the non-significant variables were related to the driver-at-fault details. The results of the final model showed an overall good fit based on a p-value of less than 0.05, as well as a good accuracy of prediction 84.8%. Finally, odds ratios were estimated to interpret the final results of the model.

This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more

This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and representing different project types, geographical regions, and historical periods, it is found with overwhelming statistical significance that the cost estimates used to decide whether such projects should be built are highly and systematically misleading. Underestimation cannot be explained by error and is best explained by strategic misrepresentation, that is, lying. The policy implications are clear: legislators, administrators, investors, media representatives, and members of the public who value honest numbers should not trust cost estimates and cost-benefit analyses produced by project promoters and their analysts.


Universiteti i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit



The objective of the study was to determine the influence of service excellence on consumer satisfaction in the ridesharing industry of Pakistan. Uber and Careem are two ridesharing services or Transport Network Companies (TNCs) which use... more

The objective of the study was to determine the influence of service excellence on consumer satisfaction in the ridesharing industry of Pakistan. Uber and Careem are two ridesharing services or Transport Network Companies (TNCs) which use mobile-based applications and use GPS to connect passengers and drivers in an efficient way. These ridesharing companies have been operating in the country for the past five years. For TNCs such as Uber and Careem, consumer satisfaction plays an important role in retaining customers and satisfying them thereby boosting their profits. Consumer satisfaction and service excellence are interconnected and associated with each other. This research determined the influence of the five service quality dimensions of SERVQUAL model i.e. assurance, responsiveness empathy, tangibility and reliability on consumer satisfaction of ridesharing services. This questionnaire survey-based research study was carried out on 268 respondents. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson correlation followed by the formulation of the regression model, associating consumer satisfaction with service quality. The research showed that all the service quality dimensions had a positive impact on consumer satisfaction. Assurance, responsiveness, and empathy significantly influenced consumer satisfaction whereas reliability and tangibility had a less significant impact on consumer satisfaction as compared to other service quality parameters. This research study assisted the TNCs in better understanding of service quality parameters which needed improvement for enhancing the consumer satisfaction.

The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more

The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the technological risks associated with them. We then explore strategies that can be adopted to address these risks, and explore emerging responses by governments for addressing AV risks. Our analyses reveal that, thus far, governments have in most instances avoided stringent measures in order to promote AV developments and the majority of responses are non-binding and focus on creating councils or working groups to better explore AV implications. The US has been active in introducing legislations to address issues related to privacy and cybersecurity. The UK and Germany, in particular, have enacted laws to address liability issues; other countries mostly acknowledge these issues, but have yet to implement specific strategies. To address privacy and cybersecurity risks strategies ranging from introduction or amendment of non-AV specific legislation to creating working groups have been adopted. Much less attention has been paid to issues such as environmental and employment risks, although a few governments have begun programmes to retrain workers who might be negatively affected.

The improvements in infrastructure coupled with the growth in population has created tremendous demand for transportation services. The city buses and other mass transit systems often fall short in meeting this demand, resulting in people... more

The improvements in infrastructure coupled with the growth in population has created tremendous demand for transportation services. The city buses and other mass transit systems often fall short in meeting this demand, resulting in people relying on alternative modes like autorickshaws, taxis, etc. for their transit needs. These alternate modes serve as intermediate public transport (IPT) or para-transit, providing first and last mile connectivity, while also bridging the gap in the existing public transport systems. This paper looks at the importance of IPTs in the transport sector of India in terms of their role, benefits, issues, present status and legislative provisions. Legalising and integrating IPTs as a part and parcel of the system is integral in meeting urban India’s growing demand for transportation.