Union Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Brief article providing an outline of the Global Compact and the polarized opinions of critics and supporters of the nine principles embodied within it. It also discusses the trade-offs and diversions that the compact generates.

In this research the main question: (1) To what extent does organization among the street vendors contribute to the realization of their goals and (2) what are the consequences for their livelihoods? Street vendors have desired goals.... more

The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture as a source of additional... more

The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture as a source of additional income for rural and urban households. The sector is uniquely placed within the informal sector, where it represents both conditions of

The Somali Republic was the result of a political marriage between Somaliland, a former British protectorate that was the first Somali territory to become independent on 26th June 1960, and Italian Somalia in the south, which gained its... more

The Somali Republic was the result of a political marriage between Somaliland, a former British protectorate that was the first Somali territory to become independent on 26th June 1960, and Italian Somalia in the south, which gained its independence from Italy four days later, 1st July 1960. As International Crisis Group (2003) indicates, Somaliland is the third incarnation of the territory established by the British in the Horn of Africa towards the end of the nineteenth century. It covers a land area of 137,600 square kilometers, roughly equivalent to 22% of the former Somali Republic. Due to nationalist sentiment at the time of independence, and the broader goal of uniting all Somalis, a political marriage was adopted and the Somali Republic was formed on 1st July 1960, four days after Somaliland's independence from Britain, and the day that southern Somalia gained independence from Italy. Frequently, however, academic literature confuses the name 'Somalia' with 'the Somali Republic,' the latter which was the official name adopted at the time of this union. T0is study examines the origins of this name and the differences between 'Somalia' and 'The Somali Republic'. It also shed the light on the difference between the first Somali Republic and the following governments that was formed later. The study mainly relied on desk research. From legal and official perspective, the findings of this study are that there were huge ovulation on the nation's name and structure. In addition, the current 'Somalia' is different from the Republic that was formed by the two Somali Republics that gained their independence from the British and Italian governments back in 1960. The study suggests a solid solution to end the confusion on the difference between 'Somalia' and 'The Somali Republic' which have an adversary impaction the academic work.

Global processes of trade and finance are shaping employment structures and relationships, wages and working conditions, opportunities for women and men, and their participation in paid work. This paper focuses on two aspects of these... more

Global processes of trade and finance are shaping employment structures and relationships, wages and working conditions, opportunities for women and men, and their participation in paid work. This paper focuses on two aspects of these global processes: first, global supply chains and production networks that reflect the current nature and pattern of international trade and investment; and second, the international migration of care services workers. These two aspects particularly illuminate women's position and issues pertaining to gender equality. The main questions posed in this paper are: Have these two facets of globalization enhanced women's economic opportunities and the value of their labour vis-a-vis that of men or are these generating poor conditions of employment and reinforcing social divisions along sex, ethnicity and race? Are current governance frameworks and instruments able to ensure benefits for all and protect workers from a downward spiral of employment co...

This essay explores the interaction between medicine and metaphysics in early modern natural philosophy and especially in Descartes's philosophy. I argue that Descartes's account of birthmarks provides an argument for the metaphysical... more

This essay explores the interaction between medicine and metaphysics in early modern natural philosophy and especially in Descartes's philosophy. I argue that Descartes's account of birthmarks provides an argument for the metaphysical necessity of substantial union between mind and body. This argument relies on a temporal conception of alethic modalities and provides a new answer to Henricus Regius who in 1641 claimed that, for Descartes, the human being was an ens per accidens.

Realistic mathematics education is one model to improve student’s motivation in learning and students' achievement. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research is nine grade students of Junior high... more

Realistic mathematics education is one model to improve student’s motivation in learning and students' achievement. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of the research is nine grade students of Junior high school Bumiayu. It is conducted in two cycles, each cycles consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The data revealed from observation, questionnaire, test and documentation. The result of the research was there are increasing student motivation and students' achievement. This forum can be teachers' reflection to be much better in mathematic teaching and learning.

The following portrays the string of events that led to the successful transfer of a company in the Philippines from one place to another despite the existence of several laws in the Philippine Labor Code to Protect the Interest of... more

The following portrays the string of events that led to the successful transfer of a company in the Philippines from one place to another despite the existence of several laws in the Philippine Labor Code to Protect the Interest of Filipino workers