Zeolite Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

The presence of Fluoride ions in drinking water in concentration more than 1.5mg/lit is injurious to health. For this reason its removal is very essential from potable water. This paper describes the use of Zeolitic adsorbent (scolecite)... more

The presence of Fluoride ions in drinking water in concentration more than 1.5mg/lit is injurious to health. For this reason its removal is very essential from potable water. This paper describes the use of Zeolitic adsorbent (scolecite) from Ahmednagar (Pune) area in India, for separation of fluoride ions from the water. Fluoride ions are found to be retained on the zeolite bed while many other ions migrated either partially or completely. Worldwide drinking water is greatly contaminated with fluoride ions in certain areas. This idea can be developed on large scale for the removal of fluoride from drinking water.

En el presente trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un filtro portátil hecho a base de zeolita sódica tipo clinoptilolita, con diámetro de poros de 8.95 nm, sin activación química. Con una etapa de elementos metálicos microbicidas. Con... more

En el presente trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un filtro portátil hecho a base de zeolita sódica tipo clinoptilolita, con diámetro de poros de 8.95 nm, sin activación química. Con una etapa de elementos metálicos microbicidas. Con una zona de carbón activado y por último con una zona libre iluminada con diodos LED´s ultravioleta (400 nm). Se hizo fluir
1250 l de agua del suministro municipal y se analizó icrobiológicamente para el recuento de coliformes totales, coliformes fecales y Escherichia coli en agua. Se encontró algas visibles en la entrada del filtro, sin embargo no comprometió la calidad bacteriológica del agua. Teniendo como resultado, el crecimiento negativo de bacterias. En tanto que los
valores de salinidad, conductividad y solidos disueltos totales mostraron un ligero incremento al pasar por el filtro.

In recent years, along with the continuous improvement of existing materials, contributing to a significant technical and economic effect due to a unique combination of properties, there have been trends in the creation of new materials... more

In recent years, along with the continuous improvement of existing materials, contributing to a significant technical and economic effect due to a unique combination of properties, there have been trends in the creation of new materials capable of actively interacting with external factors [1]. Such materials are called "intellectual". They are able to "feel" their physical condition, external influences and react in a special way to these "sensations", i.e. able to self-diagnose the occurrence and development of the defect, its elimination and stabilize their condition in critical areas. Due to the variety of properties of "intelligent" materials, their use will allow monitoring and predicting the state of various structures and structures at the required time and even in hard-to-reach areas, significantly increasing the service life of the systems and their reliability. It is known that animals and plants have the natural ability to heal small bodily injuries in a relatively short period of time without any external influence. In concrete, there is also a built-in recovery mechanism, which is caused by continuously ongoing physical, chemical and mechanical processes.

Over the past couple of years, the resurgence of placing an effective and sustainable amendment to combat against the auxiliary industrial entities, remains a highly contested agenda from a global point. With the renaissance of activated... more

Over the past couple of years, the resurgence of placing an effective and sustainable amendment to combat
against the auxiliary industrial entities, remains a highly contested agenda from a global point. With the
renaissance of activated carbon, there has been a steadily growing interest in the research field. Recently, the
adoption of zeolite composite, a prestigious advanced catalyst which formulates the enhancement of
adsorption rate and hydrogen storage capability, has fore fronted to be a new growing branch in the scientific
community. Confirming the assertion, this paper presents a state of art review of activated carbon/zeolite
composite technology, its fundamental background studies, and environmental implications. Moreover, its
major challenges together with the future expectation are summarized and discussed. Conclusively, the
expanding of activated carbon/zeolite composite represents a potentially viable and powerful tool, leading to
the plausible improvement of environmental preservation

Generally, bitumen mix comprises of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and binder material but in order to improve the engineering properties of the mix, the need for the suitable material arises which enhance the properties of the... more

Generally, bitumen mix comprises of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and
binder material but in order to improve the engineering properties of the mix, the need
for the suitable material arises which enhance the properties of the mix. The main
motive of this study is to enhance the engineering properties by using banana fibre and
zeolite in the bitumen mix against the normal mix. The banana fibre and zeolite is added
in the mix at different percentages to find the effect in the bitumen mix by laboratory
tests in which stability and flow parameter is analysed. The content of binder ranges
from 4% to 6 % with an increment of .5 % and the Optimum Binder Content for bitumen
mix were found to be 5%. The percentage of both banana fibre and zeolite ranges from
0.05% to 0.3% with an increment of 0.05%. The use of banana fibre and zeolite proves
economical and environmentally friendly as the use of banana fibre improves the
stability of the mix and zeolite helps in lowering the mixing and compacting
temperatures which ensure highly useful especially for heavy traffic roads and multiaxle
loads as the size of the heavy load vehicles are also increased. Marshall Test is
carried out in this study.

Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde zengin rezervleri olduğu bilinen, Balıkesir-Bigadiç üst tüf birimi zeolitik tüfleri (klinoptilolit) ile su sertliğinin giderilme potansiyeli araştırılmış; su kaynağı olarak, klorlama hariç herhangi bir ön arıtma... more

Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde zengin rezervleri olduğu bilinen, Balıkesir-Bigadiç üst tüf birimi zeolitik tüfleri (klinoptilolit) ile su sertliğinin giderilme potansiyeli araştırılmış; su kaynağı olarak, klorlama hariç herhangi bir ön arıtma işlemi uygulanmayan, sertlik derecesi yüksek, Selçuk Üniversitesi Kampüs kullanım suyu kullanılmıştır. Bunun için -0.85+0.60 mm fraksiyon aralığında zeolit numuneleri NaOH ile rejenere edilerek, iyon değiştirme kolonundaki zeolitik yataktan sabit akış hızında geçen suyun zamana bağlı sertlik değişimi incelenmiştir. Rejenerasyon şartları bu şekilde optimize edildikten sonra zeolitik yatağa beslenen suyun akış hızının ve kolonda bırakılan su birikintisinin suyun sertliğinin giderilmesine etkisi de araştırılmıştır.
Sonuç olarak; zeolit yataktan geçen suyun sertliği, en düşük değere, besleme suyu hızı 10 ml/dak tutularak ve 0.75M NaOH ile rejenere edilmiş zeolit kullanılarak düşürülmüş ve bu şartlarda çalışılması durumunda, en yüksek işletme kapasitesine ulaşılacağı tespit edilmiştir.

This study aims to examine the catalytic pyrolysis of various plastic wastes in the presence of natural and synthetic zeolite catalysts. A small pilot scale reactor was commissioned to carry out the catalytic pyrolysis of polystyrene... more

This study aims to examine the catalytic pyrolysis of various plastic wastes in the presence of natural and synthetic zeolite catalysts. A small pilot scale reactor was commissioned to carry out the catalytic pyrolysis of polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and their mixtures in different ratios at 450 °C and 75 min. PS plastic waste resulted in the highest liquid oil yield of 54% using natural zeolite and 50% using synthetic zeolite catalysts. Mixing of PS with other plastic wastes lowered the liquid oil yield whereas all mixtures of PP and PE resulted in higher liquid oil yield than the individual plastic feed-stocks using both catalysts. The GC–MS analysis revealed that the pyrolysis liquid oils from all samples mainly consisted of aromatic hydrocarbons with a few aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds. The types and amounts of different compounds present in liquid oils vary with some common compounds such as styr-ene, ethylbenzene, benzene, azulene, naphthalene, and toluene. The FT-IR data also confirmed that liquid oil contained mostly aromatic compounds with some alkanes, alkenes and small amounts of phenol group. The produced liquid oils have high heating values (HHV) of 40.2–45 MJ/kg, which are similar to conventional diesel. The liquid oil has potential to be used as an alternative source of energy or fuel production.

A B S T R A C T One of the potential raw materials for preparation of geopolymers is the natural zeolite. In the present report, the used natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) is from huge deposit near Beli Plast, Bulgaria. Geopolymer pastes... more

A B S T R A C T One of the potential raw materials for preparation of geopolymers is the natural zeolite. In the present report, the used natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) is from huge deposit near Beli Plast, Bulgaria. Geopolymer pastes and mortars are prepared by using three different alkaline activators—sodium hydroxide, sodium silicate and sodium carbonate. The hardened geopoly-mers are tested for determination of mechanical properties by traditional standardized methods. The structure and the composition of the materials are studied by direct physical methods—X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (DTA and TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show variable degree of dissolutions of the raw zeolite material when using different activators and formation of solid geopolymer materials with qualitatively different structure. Despite its relatively low compressive strength, geopolymers based on natural zeolite cured at room temperature and used as coating, show very good adhesion to concrete.

This paper reported the optimization of COD and NH3-N reduction from a stabilised leachate by zeolite (ZE) and moringa oleifera leaf powder (MP) mixture using response surface methodology (RSM) and central composite design (CCD).... more

This paper reported the optimization of COD and NH3-N reduction from a stabilised leachate by zeolite (ZE) and moringa oleifera leaf powder (MP) mixture using response surface methodology (RSM) and central composite design (CCD). Quadratic polynomial equations were obtained for the removal process. An initial experiment was conducted to establish the optimum mixed ratio between ZE:MP and resulted in a ratio of 24:16. Independent variables investigated in the subsequent optimization experiments include pH ,dosage and contact time. The results revealed that the optimal reduction of COD and NH3-N from landfill leachate was considerable at pH 5.9 , optimal time of 113 minutes and 100gL-1 of adsorbent dosage with desirability value of 0.917. The upper limits for the actual versus predicted reduction were 70.14 against 69.13% and 86.94 against 86.55 % respectively for COD and NH3-N which defined that the experimental values were relatively close to the predicted values. The study also revealed that ZE:MP mixture has a very high potential for the remediation of COD and NH3-N from a stabilized leachate.

On the basis of the interplay between the metal function of oxo-anions, and structure of zeolites and its acidic properties, we report an innovative approach for enhancing acidity of sulfated zirconia, SZ. This concerns the superiority of... more

On the basis of the interplay between the metal function of oxo-anions, and structure of zeolites and its acidic
properties, we report an innovative approach for enhancing acidity of sulfated zirconia, SZ. This concerns the
superiority of SZ comprised of single-Brønsted acid sites dispersed on ZSM-5 over Ag, Ti and W. The influence
of doping ZrO2 on MFI framework of ZSM-5 was studied against other composite catalysts characterized by
temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia (NH3-TPD), IR spectra of pyridine adsorption, N2 sorption,
powder X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis via FE-SEM and EDX. Results showed uniform pore size, high
mesopore volume, high surface area, and acid densities on the catalysts. Despite lower pore size distribu-
tion, Zr/ZSM-5 exhibited highest total acidity (0.75 mmol/g), and activity in converting >95% used frying oil
(48 wt.%) over SZr/Ag, SZr/Ti, and SZr/W. This is outstanding considering the lower reaction parameter of 5 h,
5:1 methanol-to-oil ratio, and 200 °C compared to prior arts. Evidently, structure and strength of Brønsted
acids have direct effect on the catalytic activity of the materials. This study also illustrated prospects of con-
verting wastes into biodiesel, which is important especially against the backdrop of the current plummeting
price of Brent crude oil.

This research is aimed to study comparison of the effects of applied nanozeolite and zeolite on aggrega-tion and organic carbon (OC) in each aggregate size fraction in treated soil with different levels of some plant residues and... more

This research is aimed to study comparison of the effects of applied nanozeolite and zeolite on aggrega-tion and organic carbon (OC) in each aggregate size fraction in treated soil with different levels of some plant residues and incubation for 90 days. The analysis of variance showed that the effects of applied nanozeolite, zeolite, plant residues, and their interaction and incubation times on MWDw and OC in aggregate size fractions were statistically significant. The results showed that MWDw and OC contents in each aggregate size fraction increased with the additions of nanozeolite, zeolite, and plant residues. This study also revealed that nanozeolite and alfalfa straw were more effective for increasing the MWDw and OC contents in aggregate size fractions than zeolite and wheat straw, respectively. In other words, higher percentage na-nozeolite, zeolite, and plant residues resulted in increasing the MWDw and OC in aggregate size fractions. The highest amounts of OC were observed in A and B compounds compared with the control and other treatments. However, the comparison of OC contents in all the treatments showed that proportion of nanozeolite for increasing the OC content was greater than that of zeolite. Also the highest OC contents were observed in larger aggregate size fractions. The MWDw and OC contents increased with the increasing days of incubation in treated soil. Thus, it was concluded that compound A can be more effective to improve the soil carbon sequestration.

Solar adsorption refrigeration represents important criteria of solar energy due to excellent matching between high sunshine and the refrigeration need. The refrigerant pair can be taken by zeolite in powder form and water as refrigerant.... more

Solar adsorption refrigeration represents important criteria of solar energy due to excellent matching between high sunshine and the refrigeration need. The refrigerant pair can be taken by zeolite in powder form and water as refrigerant. The experiment used different parameters like coefficient performance, temperature different, solar collector design, cooling unit, mass flow rate, pressure difference etc. Several literatures are used to develop experimental analysis to prepare an experimental setup and their results validation. Analysis new style structure adsorbent bed had been designed ,which has some character follows: compact structure, good performance in bearing strength, high efficiency in heat & mass transfer, great packing amount of adsorbent & uniform temperature field in the bed.

Fly ash from two lignite-fed power stations of Greece has been utilized as raw material to synthesize zeolitic materials with upgraded adsorption capacity. Two different siliceous fly ash samples (barely Class C -ASTM C618) underwent... more

Fly ash from two lignite-fed power stations of Greece has been utilized as raw material to synthesize zeolitic materials with upgraded adsorption capacity. Two different siliceous fly ash samples (barely Class C -ASTM C618) underwent hydrothermal treatment at fixed solid/liquid ratio (50 g FA/1 LNaOH) and constant temperature (90°C). The zeolitic products have been characterized for their microstructure, chemical, and mineralogical composition by means of SEM, FAAS, and XRD, respectively. In light of their prospective utilization as liquid-phase sorbents, the specific surface area & porosity of samples were also determined by means of N2-porosimetry. Various types of Na-zeolites have been identified as the predominant phases in the synthetic materials. Selected zeolitic samples were tested for their actual heavy metal-removal capacity by water sampled from lignite mines in Northern Greece. Artificial aquatic samples with known concentration of heavy metals were also used, showing that the synthetic zeolitic materials are able to uptake a wide variety of potential pollutants with up to 100% efficiency. The synthetic zeolitic materials were tested comparatively, showing that the more intense the zeolitic presence in the synthetic materials, the greater the uptake rates for certain groups of trace elements.

In recent years, along with the continuous improvement of existing materials, contributing to a significant technical and economic effect due to a unique combination of properties, there have been trends in the creation of new materials... more

In recent years, along with the continuous improvement of existing materials,
contributing to a significant technical and economic effect due to a unique combination
of properties, there have been trends in the creation of new materials capable of
actively interacting with external factors [1]. Such materials are called "intellectual".
They are able to "feel" their physical condition, external influences and react in a
special way to these "sensations", i.e. able to self-diagnose the occurrence and
development of the defect, its elimination and stabilize their condition in critical areas.
Due to the variety of properties of “intelligent” materials, their use will allow
monitoring and predicting the state of various structures and structures at the required
time and even in hard-to-reach areas, significantly increasing the service life of the
systems and their reliability. It is known that animals and plants have the natural ability
to heal small bodily injuries in a relatively short period of time without any external
influence. In concrete, there is also a built-in recovery mechanism, which is caused by
continuously ongoing physical, chemical and mechanical processes

Natural zeolitic rocks consisting mainly of chabazite-phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and volcanic glass have been evaluated by means of batch methods to remove arsenic from waters with different mineralization degree (from deionized water... more

Natural zeolitic rocks consisting mainly of chabazite-phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and volcanic glass have been
evaluated by means of batch methods to remove arsenic from waters with different mineralization degree
(from deionized water to natural water with a specific conductivity of 1,600 μS cm−1). Arsenic was previously
spiked in the studied waters at concentrations of about 100 μg l−1 to simulate actual cases. The compositional
range of natural waters is representative of large hydrogeochemical regions around the world. The
experiments were focussed on the application of natural common zeolitic rocks to water treatment for
human consumption. The removal efficiency observed rises, in the better cases, 60–80% for chabazitephillipsite
raw materials whereas is 40–60% for clinoptilolite-bearing ones. The arsenic removal tends to
increase with water mineralization degree, independently of the zeolitic rock type. A large zeolitic content in
the chabazite-phillipsite raw materials increase the removal. Instead, the inverse situation is observed in the
clinoptilolite-bearing rocks. The relevance of the quantitative mineralogical analysis, determining also the
content of volcanic glass, as well as the use of natural waters in the removal tests has been demonstrated.

La explotación y labrado de la cantera en la comunidad de Magdalena Apasco Etla, Oaxaca, ha sido practicada por más de 100 años, siendo actualmente una de sus principales actividades económicas. Sin embargo, estudios realizados entre los... more

La explotación y labrado de la cantera en la comunidad de Magdalena Apasco Etla, Oaxaca, ha sido practicada por más de 100 años, siendo actualmente una de sus principales actividades económicas. Sin embargo, estudios realizados entre los maestros artesanos han demostrado que sólo alrededor de un 40% de la cantera que se explota es aprovechada, generando una gran cantidad de residuos. La cantera es una piedra perteneciente a un grupo de minerales denominado zeolitas, cuya estructura de aluminio-silicato genera un sistema de poros
canales con diámetros específicos y uniformes, haciéndolas más ligeras que la arena y proporcionando más volumen por tonelada de producto, así como una dureza y resistencia similares; estás características permitieron plantear el uso de los residuos de zeolita como material principal en la fabricación de bloques constructivos. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar la viabilidad del uso de los residuos de zeolita de tipo clinoptilolita como agregado en la manufactura de tabicones con cemento como material aglutinante, para lo cual se realizaron tres lotes de tabicones de cantera, con 25 unidades cada uno, con tamaños de grano distintos; se dejaron fraguar durante 28 días y posteriormente fueron sometidos a pruebas mecánicas de compresión bajo la norma NMX-C-036-ONNCCE-2013. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron determinar la viabilidad de este material zeolitico para conformar un bloque constructivo regular y estable usando las técnicas de manufactura de tabicones ligeros y pesados. La resistencia mecánica a la compresión registrada durante los ensayos hace a los tabicones de cantera una opción real en la industria de la construcción.

In the last years, many researchers studied production of warm asphalt concrete by usingorganic, chemical and water-bearing additive )synthetic zeolite). The purpose of this research is to study theeffect of Syrian natural zeolite on the... more

In the last years, many researchers studied production of warm asphalt concrete by usingorganic, chemical and water-bearing additive )synthetic zeolite). The purpose of this research is to study theeffect of Syrian natural zeolite on the physical and rheological properties of asphalt binder and verify ofusing it to produce warm asphalt concrete (as a binder modifier or as additive to asphalt concrete), in additionto economic benefits by saving on the cost of synthetic zeolite. In this study, natural zeolite characterizationhas been investigated via X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Thermal Gravimetricanalysis (TGA). Natural zeolite was added to asphalt binder with different percentages (3, 4, 5 and 6%) byweight and to determine the effect of natural zeolite on properties of asphalt binder, penetration at )25(°∁,softening point, ductility, viscosity at (110, 120, 135)°∁ and RTOFT tests were carried out on both modifiedand unmodified aged asphalt binder with natura...

The presence of Fluoride ions in drinking water i n concentration more than 1.5mg/lit is injurious to health. For this reason its removal is very essential from potable water. This paper describes the use of Zeol itic adsorbent... more

The presence of Fluoride ions in drinking water i n concentration more than 1.5mg/lit is injurious to health. For this reason its removal is very essential from potable water. This paper describes the use of Zeol itic adsorbent (scolecite) from Ahmednagar (Pune) area in India, f or separation of fluoride ions from the water. Fluo ride ions are found to be retained on the zeolite bed while many other ions migrated either partially or completely. Worldwide drinking water is greatly contaminated with fluorid e ions in certain areas. This idea can be developed n large scale for the removal of fluoride from drinking water.

This work details the generation of thin films of structured zeolite catalysts (ZSM–5 and Y) onto the surface of a metal substrate (FeCrAlloy) using in-situ hydrothermal synthesis. In addition, the zeolite Y is post-synthetically modified... more

This work details the generation of thin films of structured zeolite catalysts (ZSM–5 and Y) onto the surface of a metal substrate (FeCrAlloy) using in-situ hydrothermal synthesis. In addition, the zeolite Y is post-synthetically modified by acidified ammonium ion exchange to generate US-Y. Finally the catalytic activity of the structured ZSM-5 catalyst films (Si/Al = 11, thickness 146 µm) and structured US–Y catalyst film (Si/Al = 8, thickness 23µm) were compared with the pelleted powder form of ZSM–5 and USY catalysts of similar Si/Al ratios. The structured catalyst films have been characterised using a range of techniques, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), Electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X–ray analysis (EDX) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). The transition from oxide-on-alloy wires to hydrothermally synthesised uniformly zeolite coated surfaces was followed using SEM and XRD. In addition, the robustness of the prepared coating was confirmed by subjecting these t...

The main purpose of this work was the possibility to process the plastic waste into an alternative fuel oil through pyrolysis. This pyrolytic fuel can be utilized as an alternative fuel for cookstoves as a liquid petroleum gas... more

The main purpose of this work was the possibility to process the plastic waste into an alternative fuel oil through pyrolysis. This pyrolytic fuel can be utilized as an alternative fuel for cookstoves as a liquid petroleum gas (LPG)/kerosene substitute for the household. The pyrolysis was conducted in a design of a simple, inexpensive and easy to operate semi-batch reactors that be applied definitely in urban and rural communities. Two type of plastic wastes were pyrolyzed up to 480 °C with and without natural zeolite as catalyst. The higher fuel yield (%) was obtained when using zeolite in the process. The amount of 1000 g of two plastics waste type with natural zeolite yielded 650 mL (65% vol/w) and 550 mL (55% vol/w), respectively. The density of fuel oil product from 0.700 kg/m3 to 0.710 kg/m3, the fuel oil kinematic viscosity in the range of 1.07 cSt to 1.14 cSt, and the heating value of 38 MJ/kg were obtained. The physical properties and the results of Fourier-transform infrar...

A sustainable, green one-pot process for the synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones (DHPMs) derivatives by a three-component reaction of β-ketoester derivatives, aldehyde and urea or thiourea over the alkali-treated H-ZSM-5 zeolite under... more

A sustainable, green one-pot process for the synthesis of dihydropyrimidinones (DHPMs) derivatives by a three-component reaction of β-ketoester derivatives, aldehyde and urea or thiourea over the alkali-treated H-ZSM-5 zeolite under ball-milling was developed. Isolation of the product with ethyl acetate shadowed by vanishing of solvent was applied. The hierachical zeolite catalyst (MFI27_6) showed high yield (86%-96%) of DHPMs in a very short time (10-30 min). The recyclability of the catalyst for the subsequent reactions was examined in four subsequent runs. The catalyst was shown to be robust without a detectable reduction in catalytic activity, and high yields of products showed the efficient protocol of the Biginelli reactions.

The fast depletion of petroleum crude oil reserves and the serious consideration of environmental issues make the implementation of sustainable energy sources a crucial issue worldwide. Biofuel derived from vegetable oils is receiving a... more

The fast depletion of petroleum crude oil reserves and the serious consideration of environmental issues make the implementation of sustainable energy sources a crucial issue worldwide. Biofuel derived from vegetable oils is receiving a great attention as one of the most suitable and logical alternatives of fossil fuels. Therefore, the production of petroleum-like fractions from nonedible oil extracted from jojoba seeds is the main objective of this study. Hydrocracking technique has been applied here, using a fixed bed high pressure flow reactor system and using zeolite as a catalyst. A series of experiments were carried out in the temperature ranges from 350-425oC at the pressure of 1.0-5.0 MPa, liquid hour space velocity (LHSV) of 1-5 hr-1, and H2 to oil feed ratio of 1600 l/l in order to elucidate the influence of operating conditions on the quantity and quality of the biofuel attained. The major products obtained from hydrocracking of jojoba oil feedstock were organic liquid pr...

Generally, bitumen mix comprises of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and binder material but in order to improve the engineering properties of the mix, the need for the suitable material arises which enhance the properties of the... more

Generally, bitumen mix comprises of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and binder material but in order to improve the engineering properties of the mix, the need for the suitable material arises which enhance the properties of the mix. The main motive of this study is to enhance the engineering properties by using banana fibre and zeolite in the bitumen mix against the normal mix. The banana fibre and zeolite is added in the mix at different percentages to find the effect in the bitumen mix by laboratory tests in which stability and flow parameter is analysed. The content of binder ranges from 4% to 6 % with an increment of .5 % and the Optimum Binder Content for bitumen mix were found to be 5%. The percentage of both banana fibre and zeolite ranges from 0.05% to 0.3% with an increment of 0.05%. The use of banana fibre and zeolite proves economical and environmentally friendly as the use of banana fibre improves the stability of the mix and zeolite helps in lowering the mixing and compacting temperatures which ensure highly useful especially for heavy traffic roads and multi-axle loads as the size of the heavy load vehicles are also increased. Marshall Test is carried out in this study.

The fly ash of coal, generated in a thermoelectric plant, was used to synthesize zeolite by hydrothermal treatment with a sodium hydroxide solution. The zeolite synthesized was used as an adsorbent of metals (Fe and Mn) and of the... more

The fly ash of coal, generated in a thermoelectric plant, was used to synthesize zeolite by hydrothermal treatment with a sodium hydroxide solution. The zeolite synthesized was used as an adsorbent of metals (Fe and Mn) and of the methylene blue dye in water. The characterization of the zeolite showed that silicon oxide is the main compound in its composition, followed by aluminum, iron, sodium and calcium, which together correspond to more than 86% of its composition. These were used to investigate the kinetic parameters of adsorption and the isotherm of the metals and the methylene blue dye in aqueous solutions. Three kinetic models, pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order and intraparticle diffusion were used to predict adsorption rate constants. The adsorption kinetics of the dye and metals followed the pseudo-second order kinetics and reached equilibrium in 15 minutes with a 99% removal rate for metals, independently of the pH. The values of the diffusion constants (K2) for iron in pH 5, 7 and 8 were 1.3158; 1.3881 e 0.6053 mg.g-1 .min-1 and for manganese 1.2511; 1.5239 and 1.4336 mg.g-1 .min-1 , respectively. For methylene blue, the removal rate was 90% and the constant (K2) value was 0.5437 mg.g-1 .min-1. The studies showed the existence of different stages in the adsorption of the metals and the methylene blue dye in zeolite.

The Volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted in onshore and offshore facilities have been a major source of concern in the oil and gas industry. The compounds emitted are harmful to the environment and they constitute significant... more

The Volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted in onshore and offshore facilities have been a major source of concern in the oil and gas industry. The compounds emitted are harmful to the environment and they constitute significant economic value that should not be wasted. The presence of inert gases which serve as blanket during the loading and offloading operations has led to some issues with the present technology. These gases are studied and the use of membrane technology for the recovery of these gases is explored. This work looks critically at the use of modified Y-type Zeolite membrane for the separation of CO2, He, C3H8, CH4, N2 and O2, with the aim of achieving high selectivity for the hydrocarbons and subsequent recovery of hydrocarbon gases under varying conditions; at temperatures of 298K, 373K, 473K and 573K and pressure ranges between about 0 - 2 x105 Pa. The Porous α-Al2O3 support was synthesised by a dip-coating process for zeolite membrane. Permeation test was carried out with the zeolite membrane and the flux of all the gases increased linearly as the gauge pressure increases. The positive activation energy values obtained for the hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide validated the high quality characteristics of zeolite membrane. The main transport mechanism governing the flow of the gases was molecular sieving. The high selectivity value of methane over gases at high temperatures validated the high thermal stability property of Y-type zeolite membrane structure at high temperature. The morphology of the modified zeolite membrane was observed with Scanning electron microscope. The elemental composition of the modified zeolite membrane was obtained using Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis. Silicon was found to be present in the result of the modified membrane; this indicated the presence of zeolite after modification. The surface area, pore volume and pore diameter of the membrane computed from the gas pressures using the Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH) model from the Nitrogen physisorption measurement were given as 11.018m2/g, 0.168cc/g and 3.035nm respectively. The modified zeolite membrane was detected to be a micro-porous one.

The local vegetable oils (Coconut and Palm Kernel Oils) are usually faced with short shelf-life which has been associated with the presence of some unwanted materials present in them. This study explores the potential of using locally... more

The local vegetable oils (Coconut and Palm Kernel Oils) are usually faced with short shelf-life which has been associated with the presence of some unwanted materials present in them. This study explores the potential of using locally manufactures Zeolites in removing these impurities to improve the shelf life of these oils. The Zeolite used in this study was synthesized using locally available raw materials such as bauxite and kaolin through the hydrothermal process X-ray diffraction studies of the synthesized Zeolite were found to be part of the ZSM-11 Zeolite type group. FTIR analysis of the sample showed a weak vibrational peak at 1642cm-1 and a strong band at 987cm-1. Batch process for the removal of these unwanted materials was performed. Percentage reduction of 85.71%, 89.22%, 89.36% and 83.81% was recorded for impurities, moisture content, free fatty acid and peroxide value reduction in Palm Kernel Oil and 85.71%, 83.33%, 93.26%, 90.57% for Coconut Oil. Kinetic studies showe...

The aim of this study is to determine the way in which zeolite, zeolite modified with ammonium ions, zeolite modified with calcium ions and bentonite, influence the accumulation of copper, lead, iron, zinc and cadmium in different organs... more

The aim of this study is to determine the way in which zeolite, zeolite modified with ammonium ions, zeolite modified with calcium ions and bentonite, influence the accumulation of copper, lead, iron, zinc and cadmium in different organs of tomatoes with each of the four tested at two different concentrations (5 and 10%). Moreover, the influence of the amendments on the content of chlorophyll and carotenoid was evaluated. The germination and biometric analyses demonstrated that the most vigorous plants were ...

The amount of fly ash generated has been increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world. It is the finely divided mineral residue resulting from the combustion of coal in thermal power plants. It consists of inorganic, incombustible... more

The amount of fly ash generated has been increasing at an alarming rate throughout the world. It is the finely divided mineral residue resulting from the combustion of coal in thermal power plants. It consists of inorganic, incombustible matter that has been fused during combustion into a glassy, amorphous structure. The typical thermal power plant will burn pulverized coal in a furnace with a boiler. The combustion products include fly ash, bottom ash and a boiler slag and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) materials, which creates serious danger if released into environment. This has attracted more attention within a context of progressively more stringent regulation of hazardous air pollutants (viz. fly ash) discharge from thermal power station. The disposal of such a huge quantity has become a pressing issue. Several approaches have been made for proper utilization of fly ash, either to reduce the cost of disposal or to minimize the environmental impact. This study presents the wide variety of utilization of this industrial byproduct - fly ash and its application in the field of an environment. One of the major ways out is the conversion of fly ash to zeolites, which has wide applications in the field of an environment.

A polymer composite of polypropylene (PP) and clinoptilolite (CLI) for the adsorption of lead has been prepared using the melt-mixing compounding technique in a rheomixer. Characterization of the composite was performed using scanning... more

A polymer composite of polypropylene (PP) and clinoptilolite (CLI) for the adsorption of lead has been prepared using the melt-mixing compounding technique in a rheomixer. Characterization of the composite was performed using scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunuer-Emmett-Teller (BET), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The influence of contact time, pH, initial metal-ion concentration, temperature, and pretreatment on the adsorption of lead (Pb) by the PP-CLI composite was investigated. Optimum pH was found to be between pH 6 and pH 8 while the maximum sorption of lead at optimal pH was 95%. No difference was observed between the adsorption behavior of composites functionalized with 20% and 30% clinoptilolite, respectively, while the pretreatment with HCl and NaCl made a slight difference to the adsorption capacity of composites. The findings from this study on the lead adsorption behavior of CLI-PP co...

An experiment was performed in the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran to study the influence of plant densities on physiological traits of six canola cultivars. Treatment conditions included three different plant densities... more

An experiment was performed in the Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran to study the influence of plant densities on physiological traits of six canola cultivars. Treatment conditions included three different plant densities (40, 60, and 80 plants m-2) for triplicates of six canola cultivars, namely, Ahamadi, Opera, Okapi, L72, Karaj1, and Sw102. Results indicated that L72 cultivar exhibited the highest yield at the lowest plant density (40 plants m-2). For all cultivars, both plant densities of 60 and 80 plants m-2 resulted in lower relative water content than 40 plants m-2. Proline and carbohydrate content significantly increased with increasing plant densities. The highest proline content was obtained from L72 under the highest plant density, whereas the lowest was also detected in this cultivar at the lowest plant density. All cultivars grown at the lowest density showed higher amounts of photosynthetic pigments chlorophylls a and b than those at the highest density. Glucosinolate increased with increasing plant densities, with L72 yielding the highest quantity when grown at the highest density. In conclusion, a density of 40 plants m-2 is recommended for growing L72 in this region.

LTA and FAU zeolites were successfully synthesized from a Venezuelan sodium silicate solution, by hydrothermal crystallization under autogenous pressure at 100°C, with 2–24h crystallization times. The synthesized materials were... more

LTA and FAU zeolites were successfully synthesized from a Venezuelan sodium silicate solution, by hydrothermal crystallization under autogenous pressure at 100°C, with 2–24h crystallization times. The synthesized materials were characterized by XRD, BET specific surface area and SEM. A series of synthesis tests were performed to study the influence of the molar composition of the starting mixture over zeolites crystallization. The effect of crystallization time for a particular synthesis mixture composition was studied for both zeolites types. The reuse as alkaline medium of the mother liquor separated during filtration, and the effect of the aging before crystallization were additionally studied. The experimental result are in agreement with the crystallization mechanism proposed for zeolites synthesis in liquid phase. The use of a 2SiO2:Al2O3:6.Na2O:240H2O synthesis mixture composition allows obtaining LTA zeolite within 2h of crystallization. For FAU zeolite, no aging period was...