adult ADHD Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Prevalence of adult ADHD and its treatment is increasing all around the world. However, number of undiagnosed cases of Adult ADHD is also increasing. Undiagnosed cases pose potential threat to patient, family and society at large. Hence... more
Prevalence of adult ADHD and its treatment is increasing all around the world. However, number of undiagnosed cases of Adult ADHD is also increasing. Undiagnosed cases pose potential threat to patient, family and society at large. Hence need of spreading awareness about the disorder is imperative. Case bases communication is aimed to help sensitize, educate and enable medical doctors like psychiatrist, family practitioners, and pediatricians to diagnose ADHD adults. It is challenge to diagnose adult ADHD because of varying presentation, overlapping co morbid conditions, and above all lack of awareness or index of suspicion. Insomnia and forgetfulness since young age of this patient were adequate to trigger the alarm. Careful and well oriented history taking along with screening test can help clinician diagnose most treatable neuro developmental disorder.
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- Insomnia, adult ADHD, Forgetfullness
- by Anneke Meyer
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- adult ADHD
This paper provides a brief introduction to a unique form of cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) which assists in managing the forms of executive dysfunction in ADHD. The hope of this paper is provide patients and professionals with a... more
This paper provides a brief introduction to a unique form of cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) which assists in managing the forms of executive dysfunction in ADHD. The hope of this paper is provide patients and professionals with a means of escaping the revolving door of consciousness common in this condition.
Approximately 15% of US college students have used Adderall or other stimulant medications without a prescription or not as prescribed. The development of college academics into a field of practice amenable to unauthorized pharmaceutical... more
Approximately 15% of US college students have used Adderall or other stimulant medications without a prescription or not as prescribed. The development of college academics into a field of practice amenable to unauthorized pharmaceutical intervention suggests a growing acceptance of pharmaceutical self-fashioning among young people in the United States. However, analyzing illicit stimulant use from college students' perspectives , we documented significant contestation over the practice's acceptability. For some, unauthorized stimulant use violated the rules of fair play, but for others it was an understandable strategy to gain an edge and maximize one's " return on investment. " Viewing college academics in market-oriented terms encouraged students to understand illicit stimulant use as an expectable (if not always morally acceptable) strategy for managing the competition of college life and a postrecession job market. This analysis shows how the moral valence of unauthorized stimulant use is strongly shaped by the sociocultural context that shapes people's realities.
Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί έναν πλήρη οδηγό για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, η οποία έχει αναδειχθεί ως η πιο πολυσυζητημένη νευροαναπτυξιακή ¬διαταραχή της εποχής μας. Μέσα από τις σελίδες του, επιχειρείται η κριτική παρουσίαση της τρέχουσας επιστημονικής... more
Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί έναν πλήρη οδηγό για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, η οποία έχει αναδειχθεί ως η πιο πολυσυζητημένη νευροαναπτυξιακή ¬διαταραχή της εποχής μας. Μέσα από τις σελίδες του, επιχειρείται η κριτική παρουσίαση της τρέχουσας επιστημονικής γνώσης για τη φύση, τη διάγνωση και τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση αυτής της διαταραχής με την εκτεταμένη, εκ βαθέων και εξονυχιστική μελέτη της διεθνούς και ελληνικής βιβλιογραφίας. Σε αυτή την προσπάθεια, οι συγγραφείς του βιβλίου αξιοποιούν την πολυετή κλινική τους εμπειρία με άτομα με ΔΕΠ-Υ και τις οικογένειές τους στο Ψυχολογικό Κέντρο Αναπτυξιακών και Μαθησιακών Δυσκολιών «ΑΡΣΗ». Επίσης, προτείνουν ένα νέο πλαίσιο για τη διάγνωση και τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση της ΔΕΠ-Υ, την πολυεπίπεδη προσέγγιση, η οποία στηρίζεται στις βασικές αρχές της γνωσιακής - συμπεριφορικής θεωρίας και στο αναπτυξιακό μοντέλο της ψυχοπαθολογίας. Οι συγγραφείς προσεγγίζουν τη διαταραχή αυτή από τη σκοπιά του ερευνητή, του ακαδημαϊκού δασκάλου και, κυρίως, του ψυχολόγου, ο οποίος βιώνει καθημερινά στην κλινική πράξη την αγωνία, τις δυσκολίες, τα προβλήματα και τις ανησυχίες των παιδιών με ΔΕΠ-Υ, των νέων ενηλίκων με τη διαταραχή, των γονέων, των φίλων, των δασκάλων τους. Ο οδηγός αυτός μπορεί να αποτελέσει βασική πηγή πληροφόρησης για τους γονείς και σημαντικό εργαλείο για τους εκπαιδευτικούς, οι οποίοι έχουν ανάγκη εξειδικευμένων γνώσεων και τεχνικών προκειμένου να μπορούν να διαχειρίζονται τις ποικίλες δυσκολίες μάθησης και συμπεριφοράς των παιδιών αυτών. Επιπλέον, μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί σε κλινικό επίπεδο από επιστήμονες πολλών ειδικοτήτων στο χώρο της ψυχικής υγείας, καθώς περιλαμβάνει τη δομημένη περιγραφή της διαγνωστικής διαδικασίας αλλά και ενός πλήρους προγράμματος πρώιμης παρέμβασης και θεραπευτικής αντιμετώπισης της ΔΕΠ-Υ από την προσχολική ηλικία μέχρι την ενηλικίωση.
This study explores the advantages and disadvantages of being a professional coach with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The abundant literature on ADHD is reviewed and looked at in light of international and national... more
This study explores the advantages and disadvantages of being a professional coach with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The abundant literature on ADHD is reviewed and looked at in light of international and national (French) coaching performance standards By looking at the relationship one with ADHD tends to have with themselves, with others, with sustained focus and follow-through, and with creative processes, this study concludes that a coach with ADHD who can have the most impairing traits of the disorder under control most probably has an edge over non-ADHD coaches, in particular when it comes to the creative aspects of the coaching process.
Organizations will benefit from learning effective ways to utilize the strengths of neurodiverse workers rather than focusing only on accommodating their challenges. The specific problem with research on issues including Attention Deficit... more
Organizations will benefit from learning effective ways to utilize the strengths of neurodiverse workers rather than focusing only on accommodating their challenges. The specific problem with research on issues including Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is that it is focused on children and caregivers without proof that the impacts are the same in adults as children. The purpose of this qualitative, semi-structured interview study is to learn from neurodiverse adults who have had successful work experiences what their managers at the time were doing to contribute to their success. From this macro view, managers and organizations can begin to understand how to personalize their approach to maximize the positive contributions of neurodiverse adult employees. 172 participants at least 28 years old and working full time at least three of the past 5 years and who reported frequent experiences of 16 behaviors associated with neurodiversity were asked open and closed-ended questions describing management behaviors of the manager for whom they worked during a successful employment time in their lives. Participants were residents of the United States with a full range of educational, industry, work function and responsibility backgrounds. Data were analyzed for frequency as well as themes. Findings were contrary to mass media assumptions of how to manage neurodiverse employees. The result indicated that neurodiverse adults thrive in an environment with a limited structure that has a high threshold for trial and error, pursuing new ideas and collaborative problem solving. Recommendations for future research focus on testing the findings in specific industries and functions to better understand process implementation. Additional studies involving the neurodiverse employee and their chosen manager would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to success.
Starting from the definition of "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD), we proceeded to list the individual forms envisaged by the DSM-V, with a series of focus on clinical, neuropsychological and therapeutic profiles,... more
Starting from the definition of "Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder" (ADHD), we proceeded to list the individual forms envisaged by the DSM-V, with a series of focus on clinical, neuropsychological and therapeutic profiles, concluding the analysis on the context resolution of the problems deriving from the disturbance in question.
54 ikkat Eksikliği/Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) yaşam boyu süren bir bo-zukluktur. Her yaşta DEHB'na eşlik eden başka bozuklar vardır. DEHB ta-nısı konulan erişkin hastaların yaklaşık %90'ında eşlik eden diğer patolojiler olduğu... more
54 ikkat Eksikliği/Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) yaşam boyu süren bir bo-zukluktur. Her yaşta DEHB'na eşlik eden başka bozuklar vardır. DEHB ta-nısı konulan erişkin hastaların yaklaşık %90'ında eşlik eden diğer patolojiler olduğu düşünülmektedir. 1 Erişkin dönemde DEHB ile birlikte en sık görülen sorun depresyondur ve onu anksiyete bozuklukları izler. DEHB olan bir kişinin pek dü-şünmeden hareket ettiğini buna karşılık anksiyete bozukluğu olan bir kişinin tam tersine çok fazla düşündüğünü dikkate alırsak bu bozukluklardan birinin var ol-ması diğeri için koruyucu görülebilir.Bu nedenle DEHB ile birlikte anksiyete bo-zukluklarının sık bir arada görülmesi sıra dışı gelebilir. Ama yakın zamanda yapılan çalışmalar durumun böyle olmadığını ve DEHB hastalarında Anksiyete Bozukluk-ları eştanısı sıklığı %40-60 gibi yüksek bir olduğunu göstermiştir. 2 Fayyad ve ark.nın Erişkin Dikkat Eksikliği/ Hiperaktivite Bozukluğunda Anksiyete ve Tik Bozuklukları Birlikteliği Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Erişkin dönem Dikkat Eksikliği/Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu (DEHB) hastalarının yaklaşık dörtte üçünde bir ya da daha fazla birlikte görülen hastalık vardır. Erişkin DEHB hastalarında en sık birliktelik gösteren durumların başında anksiyete bozuklukları gelmektedir. Erişkin DEHB hastala-rında yapılan çalışmalar %40-60'ında anksiyete bozukluğu eş tanısı saptanmıştır. Anksiyete bozukluğu birlikteliği, DEHB'da görülen dürtüselliği arttırır, işlevselliğin daha çok bozulmasına neden olmanın yanı sıra tedaviye uyumu bozar ve direnç oluşmasına neden olur. DEHB olan kişilerde tik bozukları birlikteliği oldukça yüksektir. Ancak, tik bozukluklarında DEHB eş tanısı daha fazla bildirilmektedir. Bu yazıda DEHB ile birlikte görülen anksiyete bozuklukları ve tik bozuklukları gözden geçirilmiştir. A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Anksiyete bozuklukları; hiperaktivite ile birlikte dikkat eksikliği bozukluğu; tik bozuklukları; eşzamanlı hastalık A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T In adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) nearly three-quarters of all patients suffer from one or more additional disorders. Anxiety disorders are the most common co-morbid psychiatric disorder in adult ADHD. Data from clinical studies point out that 40–60% of all adult patients with ADHD suffer from one or more anxiety disorders. Presence of comorbid anxiety disorder in adults with ADHD gives rise to increase in impulsivity, leading to more functional impairment and also decreases level of treatment adherence. Tic disorders are very common in ADHD patients. But ADHD comorbity in Tic Disorders patients are more common. In this article Anxiety Disores and Tic Disorders that are comobid to adulthood ADHD have been reviewed.
Background: Addictive-like behaviors (e.g., hoarding and shopping) may be the result of the cumulative effects of dopaminergic and other neurotransmitter genetic variants as well as elevated stress levels. We, therefore, propose that... more
Background: Addictive-like behaviors (e.g., hoarding and shopping) may be the result of the cumulative effects of dopaminergic and other neurotransmitter genetic variants as well as elevated stress levels. We, therefore, propose that dopamine homeostasis may be the preferred goal in combating such challenging and unwanted behaviors, when simple dopaminergic activation through potent agonists may not provide any resolution. Case presentation: C.J. is a 38-year-old, single, female, living with her mother. She has a history of substance use disorder as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, inattentive type. She had been stable on buprenorphine/naloxone combination and amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts for many years when unexpectedly she lost her job for oversleeping and not calling into work. KB200z (a pro-dopamine compound) was added to her regimen for complaints of low drive and motivation. After taking this nutraceutical for 4 weeks, she noticed a marked improvement in her mental status and many behaviors. She noted that her shopping and hoarding addictions had appreciably decreased. Furthermore, her lifelong history of terrifying lucid dreams was eliminated. Finally, she felt more in control; her locus of control shifted from external to more internal. Discussion: The hypothesis is that C.J.'s reported, behavioral, and psychological benefits resulted from the pro-dopamine-regulating effect of KB220Z across the brain reward system. Conclusions: This effect, we surmise, could be the result of a new dopamine balance, across C.J.'s brain reward system. Dopamine homeostasis is an effect of KB220Z seen in both animal and human placebo-controlled fMRI experiments. Keywords: reward deficiency syndrome (RDS), pro-dopamine regulation (KB220Z), hoarding and shopping behaviors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
• - Am inteles ce frumos este SA FIU OM, si sa fi putut experimenta tot ce am experimentat si voi mai experimenta. Desigur, cu aceste intelegeri cred ca si viata va fi altfel. Deja este. • - Am reusit SA MA INTELEG PE... more
- by Pieter Carpentier and +2
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- ADHD, adult ADHD, Verslaving
Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have a history of poor occu- pational performance and are more likely to face unemployment than those adults without an ADHD diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).... more
Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have a history of poor occu- pational performance and are more likely to face unemployment than those adults without an ADHD diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The purpose of this article is to review the types of ADHD and discuss the implications of career development and vocational behavior of adult clients with ADHD. Specific strategies for career counselors working with adults with ADHD are provided.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often regarded as a disorder of childhood and adolescence, but it affects millions of adults each year. For adults the symptoms of ADHD can include inattention, impulsivity and a poor... more
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often regarded as a disorder of childhood and adolescence, but it affects millions of adults each year. For adults the symptoms of ADHD can include inattention, impulsivity and a poor working memory. Computerized cognitive working memory training has previously been used with children and adolescents with ADHD to see how it affects their symptoms with some success; however, this work had not been done yet with adults with ADHD. This study used a quantitative quasi- experimental design with an experimental group and a wait list control group to look at the effects of working memory training on ADHD symptoms on a sample of adults with ADHD. All participants met with this researcher for pretest and posttest measures, which consisted of two subtests from the Wechsler Memory Scales III (Spatial Span Board and Letter Number Sequencing) that were combined as one measure, and the overall ADHD score on the Attention of Variable’s Test (TOVA) as a second measure. The experimental group used a computerized working memory training program for a period of five weeks (or 25 sessions) in their homes. A MANOVA was used to look at within and between group differences on post test scores. A statistically significant improvement in working memory scores was seen in the experimental group from pretest to post-test. An improvement on TOVA scores was also seen, but not to a statistically significant degree.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity and impulsivity, which affects about 3% to 7% of children. Recent studies have found several symptoms in adults... more
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity and impulsivity, which affects about 3% to 7% of children. Recent studies have found several symptoms in adults diagnosed with ADHD. The present study aimed to trace the neuropsychological profile of university students with spontaneous complaint of inattention. First, semi-structured interviews were conducted, including items such as sociobiographical data, aspects of learning, and clinical data. The second stage consisted in the administration of neuropsychological tests with the objective of evaluating general and specific cognitive functions. We conclude that: (a) performance in attentional tasks, in most cases, do not match the reports of complaints of inattention of the sample; (b) cognitive deficit may be related to memory functions. Therefore, it is suggested a detailed evaluation of specific cognitive functions, such as memory, to reveal nuances of the participants' academic performance, as well as to allow a differential diagnosis for the reported complaints.
Attention déficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) is characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity with onset in children before the age of seven years. ADHD is the most common disorder presenting to child guidance clinics... more
Attention déficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) is characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity with onset in children before the age of seven years. ADHD is the most common disorder presenting to child guidance clinics and has been shown to be a well- validated diagnosis. Current estimates of prevalence range from 1%-5%. The concept of adult ADHD as a clinical entity is an emerging but controversial area in psychiatry. While childhood ADHD is accepted as a reliable and valid diagnosis, the validity of adult ADHD as a disorder is unclear. This paper reviews the likely presenting features of adult ADHD and common comorbid disorders. Guidelines for assessment and management are discussed and the evidence for validity of the diagnosis is critically examined.
The Adult ADHD Treatment Handbook provides professional guidance, session plans and client resources for all those offering treatment to adults with ADHD. Adults with ADHD can exhibit increased poor concentration, hyperactivity and... more
The Adult ADHD Treatment Handbook provides professional guidance, session plans and client resources for all those offering treatment to adults with ADHD. Adults with ADHD can exhibit increased poor concentration, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Developed to equip services with an efficient approach to meeting the needs of all adults with ADHD, this handbook offers the following benefits: Tried and tested sessions developed by psychologists and therapists. A simple eight-session programme which covers the key ADHD problem areas Additional bolt-on sessions help you tailor your programme to your clients; Varied, succinct and accessible resources. The Adult ADHD Treatment Handbook provides everything clinical psychologists, counsellors and therapists will need to deliver effective treatment, and is also useful for any clinician wanting to provide information for their clients.
The pharmaceutical industry has grown into a global market worth nearly $1 trillion. How are we to make sense of this sudden upsurge? As I argue, the rising demand for pharmaceuticals must be contextualized within a culture of... more
The pharmaceutical industry has grown into a global market worth nearly $1 trillion. How are we to make sense of this sudden upsurge? As I argue, the rising demand for pharmaceuticals must be contextualized within a culture of consumption, where health practices are yoked to individuals’ purchasing habits. Through a case study of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and behavior-controlling drugs affecting six million children in the United States, this analysis shows how discourses of prevention and the quick fix originated in the school, family, and medical establishment; shape consumer demand; and are employed effectively in pharmaceutical advertising. This article concludes that the demand for pills is constructed by entangled discourses that induce new ways of relating to health and illness.
Methylphenidate (MPD) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, which belongs to the phenethylamine group and is mainly used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). However, a growing number of young... more
Methylphenidate (MPD) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, which belongs to the phenethylamine group and is mainly used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). However, a growing number of young individuals misuse or abuse MPD to sustain attention, enhance intellectual capacity and increase memory. Recently, the use of MPD as a cognitive enhancement substance has received much attention and raised concerns in the literature and academic circles worldwide. The prescribing frequency of the drug has increased sharply as consequence of the more accurate diagnosis of the ADHD and the popularity of the drug itself due to its beneficial short-term effect. However, careful monitoring is required, because of possible abuse. In this review different aspects concerning the use of MPD have been approached. Data showing its abuse among college students are given, when the drug is prescribed short term beneficial effects and side effects are provided; moreover studies on animal-models suggesting long lasting negative effects on healthy brains are discussed. Finally, emphasis is given to the available formulations and pharmacology.
Building lasting love is a challenge! Being in a close relationship where one or both partners have ADHD does not make it easier, and has been described as an emotional roller coaster. The Norwegian course "Du og jeg og ADHD" (trans. You... more
Building lasting love is a challenge! Being in a close relationship where one or both partners have ADHD does not make it easier, and has been described as an emotional roller coaster. The Norwegian course "Du og jeg og ADHD" (trans. You and me and ADHD) was developed to be used both as a first-aid kit and as a resource for the lifelong work of managing the ADHD-effect in close relationships.
La relación entre TDAH y la adicción a los video juegos y juegos de azar. En una investigación realizada por Cecilie Schou Andreassen, doctora en psicología y especialista en psicología clínica del Departamento de Ciencia Psicosocial de... more
- by Jean Gehricke
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- Nicotine, adult ADHD
No Small Matter, a 74-minute documentary about early childhood development, is narrated by the actress Alfre Woodward, who also served as executive producer. The documentary was developed and edited by a sizable production team, headed by... more
No Small Matter, a 74-minute documentary about early childhood development, is narrated by the actress Alfre Woodward, who also served as executive producer. The documentary was developed and edited by a sizable production team, headed by Siskel/Jacobs Productions. The "elevator pitch" for this documentary could well be, "The dearth of quality child care services is alarming and we need to do something about it." To support this claim, the doc presents dire statistics, testimonies by early childhood and human development experts, and "up close and personal" glimpses of working-class families going through their daily routines, which include struggles to maintain or attain quality, professional child care.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorders. Each comorbid disorder modifies the overall clinical presentation and treatment response. For example, depressed patients demonstrate... more
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorders. Each comorbid disorder modifies the overall clinical presentation and treatment response. For example, depressed patients demonstrate diminished concentration and it may be difficult to differentiate these symptoms from the cardinal symptoms of ADHD. Children with ADHD and comorbid disorders have poorer prognoses and greater hospitalization rates than those with ADHD alone. Both stimulants and atomoxetine reduce symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder markedly. It often requires adjunctive parent training in behavior management methods. Severely explosive anger may require use of atypical antipsychotics or propranolol. In conduct disorder, stimulants and atomoxetine reduce aggressive behavior and antisocial acts. Atypicals or mood stabilizers may be needed for highly aggressive-explosive cases. It is likely that the majority of patients with comorbid ADHD/ major depressive disorder can be managed with a stimulant. However, initial treatment with antidepressant drugs should exist as an option for treating children presenting with more severe depression. Once pharmacotherapy is initiated and optimized for the most severe disorder, then symptomatology of the co-occurring disorder can be assessed for need for pharmacotherapy. Stimulants can exacerbate symptoms of anxiety disorders. Atomoxetine, SSRIs and behavioral therapies reduce anxiety. If tic disorders are mild or episodic, require no treatment. Most ADHD/tic disorder patients will not experience an exacerbation of their tics with stimulants. Nevertheless, if tics worsen with stimulant use, then an antipsychotic or alpha agonist should be added to the stimulant. ADHD itself (particularly when comorbid with CD) is a risk factor for substance abuse. Some studies suggested that early treatment of ADHD might protect against the development of substance abuse. Recently, several long-term follow-up studies did not find that stimulant treatment of ADHD would increase the risk of substance abuse. Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012;22(Suppl. 1):S10 ÖZET: DEHB ve komorbid durumların tedavi planları ve sonlanım Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) diğer psikiyatrik bozukluklarla yüksek sıklıkta birliktelik gösterir. Her bir eştanılı bozukluk DEHB'nin klinik görünümünü ve tedavi yanıtını etkiler. Örneğin, depresif hastalar dikkati vermede ve sürdürmede sorun-lar yaşarlar ve bu durumu DEHB'nin ana belirtilerinden ayırt etmek güç olabilir. Ayrıca, eştanılı durumlarında daha olumsuz gidiş ve daha sık hastaneye yatış söz konusudur. Hem psikostimülanlar hem atomoksetin eştanılı karşıt olma-karşı gelme bozukluğunun semptomlarını belirgin olarak azal-tırlar. Ancak sıklıkla davranış yönetimi konusunda anne-babanın eğitiminin ilavesini gerektirir. Şiddetli öfke nöbetlerinin olduğu durumlarda atipik antipsikotikler veya propranolol kullanılabilir. Stimulanlar, atipik antipsikotikler ve duygudurum düzenleyiciler davranım bozukluğu olan çocuk ve ergenlerde agresif davranışları ve antisosyal eylemleri azaltabilir. DEHB ve major depresif bozukluk birlikteliğinde; hangi rahatsız-lığın klinik şiddeti baskın ise tedavide ona öncelik verilir. Daha şiddetli depresif belirtiler söz konusu ise antidepresan ilaçlarla tedavi başlanır. Anksiyete bozukluklarının eşlik ettiği durumlarda, psikostimülanlar kaygı düzeyini artırabilirler. Atomoksetin, seçici serotonin gerialım inhibitörleri ve davranış terapileri anksiyeteyi azaltabilir. Eşlik eden tik bozuklukları hafif şiddette veya dönemsel ise, tedavi gerektirmez. Çoğu DEHB hastasında psikostimülanlar ile tiklerde aşırı bir artış beklenmez ancak tiklerde artış çok fazla olursa, teda-viye antipsikotikler veya alfa agonistler eklenebilir. DEHB kendi başına (özellikle davranım bozukluğu ile binişiklik var ise) madde kötüye kullanımı için risk oluşturur. Bazı araştırmalar DEHB'nin erken tedavisinin koruyucu olduğunu ileri sürmektedir-ler. Yakın zamanlarda yayımlanan boylamsal çalışmalarda stimulan tedavisinin madde kötüye kullanımını artırmadığı bulunmuştur.
Conclusion: This study has shown in primary care that there is relatively low use of ADHD medication, low referrals into secondary care, high rates of usage of psychiatric non-ADHD medications for different indications, and an increasing... more
The purpose of this study was to examine perspectives on childhood, coping methods and reasons for deciding to major in education among undergraduates with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While the experiences of children... more
The purpose of this study was to examine perspectives on childhood,
coping methods and reasons for deciding to major in education
among undergraduates with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). While the experiences of children and adolescents
with ADHD have been the focus of much research, empirical evidence
is lacking regarding the experiences of education students
with this disorder. This research seeks to correct this lacuna and in
particular to shed light on what motivates students to return to
a setting they experienced as so difficult and complex. We used
qualitative-phenomenological research methods to examine 30
education students diagnosed with ADHD. Complex childhood
experiences emerged during the course of the research. The study
participants noted difficulties in remaining attentive, a high level of
distractibility, a heightened need to move around and a lack of
focus. These symptoms caused them difficulties at school, harmed
their self-image and left them with feelings of frustration, failure
and jealousy towards their classmates. The participants raised
mainly altruistic considerations in explaining why they chose the
teaching profession, alongside a negative view of the education
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder (BD) show certain overlapping features, such as increased reaction time variability. Here, we tested whether more detailed ex-Gaussian reaction time distribution... more
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder (BD) show certain overlapping features, such as increased reaction time variability. Here, we tested whether more detailed ex-Gaussian reaction time distribution measures identify shared or disorder-specific impairments in ADHD and BD. The total assessed sample consisted of 60 women (20 each in ADHD, BD and control groups). We compared the groups on ex-Gaussian measures of mu, sigma, and tau from a flanker task (congruent and incongruent conditions), an oddball task, and a four-choice reaction time task (baseline and fast-incentive conditions of the`fast task'). The ex-Gaussian measures mu and sigma reflect the speed and variability of typical responses, while tau captures variability in infrequent slow responses. Compared to controls, both ADHD and BD groups showed significantly increased tau in the fast task baseline condition. Participants with BD further showed a significantly increased sigma compared to ADHD and control groups in the flanker task incongruent condition. Our findings indicate that the ex-Gaussian approach is informative in detecting shared and disorder-specific cognitive impairments in ADHD and BD that may represent objective markers of these two disorders.
Neurofeedback (NF) is a form of biofeedback, based on the principles of operant conditioning using electroencephalographic (EEG) data, which trains individuals to control their own brainwaves. This double-blind pilot study examined the... more
Neurofeedback (NF) is a form of biofeedback, based on the principles of operant conditioning using electroencephalographic (EEG) data, which trains individuals to control their own brainwaves. This double-blind pilot study examined the effect of electromyographical (EMG) " artifact " (electrical activity generated through muscle activity that is not associated with brainwaves) and its role in contaminating electroencephalographical (EEG) signals during NF training. The presence of artifact inserts additional signals that are detected by the EEG equipment used to train brainwaves and, therefore, may impair the efficacy of NF training 1. We hypothesized (one-tailed) that artifact-corrected NF training would result in differential outcomes on a CPT. In addition, we hypothesized (two-tailed) that artifact-corrected NF would be more efficacious than non-artifact corrected NF in normalizing EEG. The results of our research lend support for both hypotheses. Thus, elimination of artifact may make use of this intervention more efficacious, as well as more amenable to school psychologists as an intervention to assist students with attention deficits.
In this article we report the findings of a critical discourse analysis of the diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and hyperkinetic disorder (HD) in two clinical manuals – Diagnostic and Statistical... more
In this article we report the findings of a critical discourse analysis of the diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and hyperkinetic disorder (HD) in two clinical manuals – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition and International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition. We examine the actions (behaviors) that are said to indicate the presence of ADHD/HD and analyze what the inclusion of these actions reveals about the relationship between ADHD/HD, cultural knowledge, and values. Our analysis reveals that both manuals use subjective, value-laden language to construct a mentally ill individual in opposition to an unseen, supposedly ‘normal’ person. We argue that the current criteria draw into question whether ADHD/HD meets the manuals’ own definitions of a disorder, and further that the discourse of the manuals is intertwined with the everyday practices of schools and serve to legitimize status quo educational practices.
Background: Autism and ADHD are neurodevelopmental disorders. Children with ADHD and autism face difficulty in interaction, remaining focused, and in communication with the dentist. Dental treatment is often stressful and... more
Background: Autism and ADHD are neurodevelopmental disorders. Children with ADHD and autism face difficulty in interaction, remaining focused, and in communication with the dentist. Dental treatment is often stressful and anxiety-producing. Cortisol is the main indicator of anxiety. Hence the study was conducted to assess the Dental anxiety and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Autistic, ADHD and healthy children Aim: To compare the salivary cortisol level and dental anxiety in Children with Autism and ADHD. Methodology: The study population consists of sixty children divided into three groups which included twenty ADHD, autistic and healthy children. Pre and post-dental examination Salivary cortisol (SC) levels of all the groups were estimated using the Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) method for which about 1-2ml of unstimulated salivary samples were collected. The children were asked to fill an MDAS questionnaire. Inferential statistics was applied to find the equality of means of all the three groups were tested by applying ANOVA followed by post hoc test after the verification of normality assumption. To find the correlation between salivary cortisol levels and anxiety Pearson's correlation coefficient was computed. Results: There was no significant correlation between dental anxiety and salivary cortisol level. Autistic children had the highest MDAS score. ADHD children had an increase in the Post dental examination salivary cortisol level. The extremely anxious response was seen in all the three groups for local anesthesia. Conclusion: No significant correlation is seen in MDAS and salivary cortisol in all the groups. Autistic children were found to be the most anxious.
This study aimed to elicit patient-and treatment related factors that can potentially predict treatment adherence in adult ADHD. Subjects who were over 18 and received a diagnosis of ADHD were included in the study. Chart review data of... more
This study aimed to elicit patient-and treatment related factors that can potentially predict treatment adherence in adult ADHD. Subjects who were over 18 and received a diagnosis of ADHD were included in the study. Chart review data of 102 subjects regarding demographics, medications, comorbidities, concomitant medications and domains of functional impairment were collected, and predictors were assessed using a binominal logistical regression model. One hundred and two patients (78.4 % male) with a mean age of 28.8 (SD = 9.8, range = 18–55) years were enrolled in the study. Childhood diagnosis of ADHD, agents used for treatment (MPH or atomoxetine), individual domains of dysfunction and use of additional psychotropic drugs were not found to be related to treatment adherence. Patients with a university education and those referred for family history of ADHD were more likely to adhere to treatment (p = 0.05 and 0.03, respectively). On the other hand, reasons for referral other than ADHD were significantly more frequently related to non-adherence (p = 0.02). Treatment noncompliance remains a significant problem despite therapeutic effects of medications. Identification of predictors of non-adherence can lead to heightened awareness of special populations at risk. We have found that prior awareness on ADHD (via past his-tory/media/friends) leading to self/clinician referral to rule out ADHD and pervasiveness of symptoms across functional domains led to better compliance in our sample. Future research with prospective design utilizing objective tools for adherence is required.
- by Bengi Semerci and +1
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- Medication Adherence, adult ADHD
Actometry enables quantitative and qualitative analysis of various hyperactivity disorders. Antisocial violent offenders have demonstrated diurnal increases in motor activity that may be related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder... more
Actometry enables quantitative and qualitative analysis of various hyperactivity disorders. Antisocial violent offenders have demonstrated diurnal increases in motor activity that may be related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that often precedes antisocial development. Motor restlessness in ADHD has common features with neuroleptic-induced akathisia. In this study, three-channel actometry was used to compare 15 antisocial violent offenders who had a history of ADHD with 15 healthy control subjects and 10 akathisia patients. The Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) was used for clinical evaluation of akathisia symptoms. Ankle movement indices and the ankle-waist ratio differentiated the antisocial patients from the healthy controls significantly, with no overlap, and the same parameters expectedly differentiated the akathisia patients from the healthy controls. The repetitive, rhythmic pattern of akathisia was found in 13 of the 15 antisocial patients. Nine of the antisocial patients scored 2 or 3 (mild to moderate akathisia) on the BARS. Thus, the motor hyperactivity of antisocial ADHD patients has common features with mild akathisia. This may be due to a common hypodopaminergic etiology of ADHD and akathisia.
- by Jean Gehricke
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- Nicotine, adult ADHD
Do we, the human species, have a forgotten language? And, was it a logical event in the evolution for the human brain to develop a behaviour, spawn for this language, in order to survive rough the environments. A language and behaviour... more
Do we, the human species, have a forgotten language? And, was it a logical event in the evolution for the human brain to develop a behaviour, spawn for this language, in order to survive rough the environments. A language and behaviour that today is today seen as ADHD?
The purpose of this selective review of the literature on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is to evaluate aspects of diagnostics and diagnostic criteria in the case of adult ADHD. I argue for the incorporation of gradience... more
The purpose of this selective review of the literature on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is to evaluate aspects of diagnostics and diagnostic criteria in the case of adult ADHD. I argue for the incorporation of gradience into the diagnostic process by means of techniques to measure Pragmatic Language Use (PLU), with an aim to improve diagnostic validity and clinical utility.