Hoarding Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Domestic storage spaces are containers for the concealment of things whose value is inarticulable. Unlike the curation of collections, material accumulations grow of their own accord, accruing mass and animacy and inserting their... more
Domestic storage spaces are containers for the concealment of things whose value is inarticulable. Unlike the curation of collections, material accumulations grow of their own accord, accruing mass and animacy and inserting their affective hooks into the tissue of our sociality. Those who fail to contain accumulations are labelled hoarders.
Within the past decade, material disorder—especially that of the domestic variety—has come to stand alternately as evidence, symptom, and potential cause of mental disorder in the North American popular and psychiatric imagination.... more
Within the past decade, material disorder—especially that of the domestic variety—has come to stand alternately as evidence, symptom, and potential cause of mental disorder in the North American popular and psychiatric imagination. Sources ranging from the newly defined Hoarding Disorder diagnosis in the DSM-V, to popular media, to agents of the burgeoning clutter-management industry describe disorder in terms of an irrational attachment, closeness, or overidentification with objects. At the same time, these sources imagine order to result from the cool distance and controlled passion a person is able to maintain toward his or her possessions. Drawing on more than twenty interviews and numerous fieldwork encounters with professional organizers (POs) in Toronto between 2014 and 2015, this article describes how POs aim to reorient their clients materially, morally, and affectively to relieve the disorder they report in their lives. Here, I argue, POs emerge as a species of late capitalist healer whose interventions are animated by a paradoxical double movement. For just as POs act to loosen the object attachments and disrupt the “secret sympathy” their clients share with their possessions, they operate within a realm of magical correspondence where matter and mind are imagined to reflect and affect one another, and where bringing order to a client’s possessions means also bringing order to his or her mind.
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the local landscape, reveals that particular sorts of artefacts were associated with particular places in the landscape. In particular a strong association between later Bronze Age hoards and causeways connecting the Isle of Ely to the outside world is identified, and an interpretation suggested. This study demonstrates the potential of a detailed contextual approach for providing a more nuanced understanding of later Bronze Age metalwork deposition that moves away from a simplistic wet-dry dichotomy.
Three studies of nonfood hoarding are reported. Findings support the reliability and validity of a Hoarding Scale. Furthermore, the findings indicate a number of features of hoarding behavior. Hoarding was associated with indecisiveness,... more
Three studies of nonfood hoarding are reported. Findings support the reliability and validity of a Hoarding Scale. Furthermore, the findings indicate a number of features of hoarding behavior. Hoarding was associated with indecisiveness, perfectionism (especially maladaptive evaluative concern) and obsessive compulsive symptoms among college students and community volunteers. Hoarders tended to buy extra things in order not to be caught without a needed item. and they carried more 'just-in-case' items in purses, pockets and cars. Onset of hoarding was childhood and adolescence. Hoarders had more first degree relatives who engaged in excessive saving than nonhoarders, and hoarders were less likely IO be married. There was no evidence to suggest that hoarding was related to material deprivation. A model was suggested which conceptualizes hoarding as an avoidance behavior tied to indecisiveness and perfectionism. Saving allows the hoarder to avoid the decision required to throw something away, and the worry which accompanies that decision (worry that a mistake has been made). Also, it allows hoarders to avoid emotional reactions which accompany parting with cherished possessions, and results in increased perception of control.
In the periphery, arrays of self-storage facilities are part of the light industrial landscape of warehouses and ex-urban alienation. Within the urban fabric, storage buildings represent both container and camouflage architecture, and are... more
In the periphery, arrays of self-storage facilities are part of the light industrial landscape of warehouses and ex-urban alienation. Within the urban fabric, storage buildings represent both container and camouflage architecture, and are perfect examples of what Professor Crawford calls " background buildings. " 1 Self-storage facilities are an architectural typology worthy of study, and not only for their growing impact on the city and suburban sprawl, or for the uncanny ability to mimic other design typolo-gies and adapt to the target market. They can be examined in terms of building type and construction methods. From the economic point of view, storage facilities are compelling: they are a by-product of shopping/goods architecture, consumerism and planned obsolescence. They embody currently popular issues of surplus and clutter/hoarding. The issue of " material excess " becomes an (ex) urban pathology , endemic to a culture of wholesale commerce and warehouse buying experiences. The clutter culture can be mapped and becomes tangible in the form of the " country of storage facilities " , a veritable document to " stuff obesity ". The current rise of self-storage facilities is also a physical reminder of the consequence of changes in social and living conditions. How do we, as architects and urban designers, confront the typology of the self-storage facility and the new urban/exurban enclaves that these commercial containers of space have created? How can we better understand the nature of the singularly camouflaged " housing of stuff " often found in the downtowns of second-tier U.S cities? The content of these buildings, the " user " if you wish, is constituted entirely of stuff we cannot or do not wish to fit in our homes. What is it that we store, and why?
Animal Hoarding Disorder (AHD) is a recently acknowledged psychiatric syndrome regarded as a form of Hoarding Disorder. Despite its great complexity, AHD has been underestimated both within and outside the academic community. This... more
Animal Hoarding Disorder (AHD) is a recently acknowledged psychiatric syndrome regarded as a form of Hoarding Disorder. Despite its great complexity, AHD has been underestimated both within and outside the academic community. This systematic review of the literature will assess some features to give a description of the syndrome. We have selected 26 empirical investigations which have been analyzed for such purpose. Moreover, we have estimated the mean values of some variables such as age (55.6 years old), gender (74.9% women), households (51.8% single-person), unemployment (53.6%), number of animals per case (64.1), presence of dead animals (32.9%) and object hoarding co-morbidity (59.5%). Results will be discussed to highlight AHD particular features, the need for an integrated view around the One Welfare concept and the need for an interdisciplinary approach. Given its complexity, we recommend acknowledging AHD as a separate nosographic entity.
- by Marcos Díaz Videla and +1
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- Anthrozoology, Companion Animals, Hoarding, Pets and Animals
This chapter takes up the question of media archaeology as a mode of collecting, and the collection as a media archaeological object. It asks whether media archaeology, in its materialist attitude, emancipates the object, as Ernst and... more
This chapter takes up the question of media archaeology as a mode of collecting, and the collection as a media archaeological object. It asks whether media archaeology, in its materialist attitude, emancipates the object, as Ernst and Benjamin suggest, or whether it verges towards a mere connoisseurship in its fetishisation of outmoded processes and technologies. It takes as a case the recently rediscovered Chicago street photographer, Vivian Maier. It interrogates Maier's hoarding and media archaeological practices, as well as those of the guardian of the largest part of her archive, John Maloof, whose own media archaeological passions are much in evidence in his film Finding Vivian Maier (2013).
Unwrapping the Galloway Hoard is a three-year UK Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project (2021- 2024) which aims to challenge current understanding of the process of hoarding through an interdisciplinary study of one of the... more
Unwrapping the Galloway Hoard is a three-year UK Arts
& Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project (2021-
2024) which aims to challenge current understanding
of the process of hoarding through an interdisciplinary
study of one of the best-preserved hoards found in
Britain to date.
A Kárpátmedence területén a rómaiak megjelenése előtt a Krisztus előtti 14. és 10. század között élt késő bronzkori emberek hagyták hátra a legtöbb és legváltozatosabb emlékanyagot. Ők voltak azok is, akik halom sírjaikkal és... more
A Kárpátmedence területén a rómaiak megjelenése előtt a Krisztus előtti 14. és 10. század között élt késő bronzkori emberek hagyták hátra a legtöbb és legváltozatosabb emlékanyagot. Ők voltak azok is, akik halom sírjaikkal és monumentális földváraikkal addig soha nem látott mértékben formálták át a táj arculatát, fel töretlen földeket hódítottak meg és új települések tucatjait alapították az erdővel borított hegységek mélyén. Leglátványosabb tárgyi emlékeik azok a különleges bronz és aranytárgyakat tartalmazó kincsek, melyek földbe kerülésének és elrejtésének titokzatos okairól több mint egy évszázada folyik a tudományos vita. Mára bizonyossá vált, hogy az értékes fegyvereket, ékszereket és munka eszközöket tartalmazó együtteseket meghatározott szabályok szerint válogatták össze. A kincsek sokféle emléket őriznek: vannak köztük olyan tárgyak, amelyek távoli földekre tett utazásokról, látványos szertartásokról, pazar lakomákról tudósítanak, mások a mindennapok munkáit vagy éppen véres harcokat idéznek. Elrejtésük szokása kizárólag a Krisztus előtti második évezred bronzkori Európá jában előforduló jelenség, hasonlóra nem ismerünk példát a törté nelem folyamán sem kontinensünkön, sem azon kívül. A kötet szerzője egy egyetemi kutatási program ke retében fémkereső műszeres csapatával másfél évtizede járja Magyarország bronzkori lelőhelyeit azzal a céllal, hogy minél többet felderítsen és megmentsen a még föld alatt rejtőző bronzkori kincsekből. Ebben a könyv ben az így felfedezett leletek segítségével mesél a korról, a tárgyak elrejtőiről és a kincsek földbe kerülésének lehetséges történetéről.
Pietas et Virtus – Aurum et Memoria. Concerning the Interpretation of the Find Complexes from Pietroasa and Şimleul Silvaniei in Romania Rich protohistorical hoards are often interpreted as hidden finds that were buried in politically... more
Pietas et Virtus – Aurum et Memoria. Concerning the Interpretation of the Find Complexes from Pietroasa
and Şimleul Silvaniei in Romania
Rich protohistorical hoards are often interpreted as hidden finds that were buried in politically turbulent times. To this
is added a connection with events mentioned in the written sources. These moments of crisis, however, are mostly
of local importance, whereby »local« can also mean a larger area, for instance the Balkans. Yet, in the first half of
the 5th century, a more extensive horizon of rich depositions appears between southern Scandinavia and the Ukraine.
Consequently, a different approach is followed in this article: The extensive Migration period treasure troves from
Şimleul Silvaniei and Pietroasa are set within a large geographical context. Thereby it appears that they often served
the design of landscapes of remembrance in the direct vicinity of central places. Especially the large gold hoards show
how north of the Danube something new developed and new spatial structures were created
Hoards of metal objects dated to the 3rd – 4th century AD in Bohemia This paper refers to three hoards of metal objects. Recent one from Rosovice and two older (but originally incorrectly dated) from Lety near Dobřichovice and Benátky nad... more
Hoards of metal objects dated to the 3rd – 4th century AD in Bohemia
This paper refers to three hoards of metal objects. Recent one from Rosovice and two older (but originally incorrectly dated) from Lety near Dobřichovice and Benátky nad Jizerou in central Bohemia region. The analysis confirmed that all three hoards were buried during 3rd – 4th century AD. The paper also includes the results of the archeometalurgical analysis of scythes found in Rosovice and description of making functional replicas.
The discovery of twelve denarii found individually between 1985 and 1991 at New Fordey Farm, Barway, Soham in Cambridgeshire complements finds of aurei and denarrii at the same location reported in 1958, 1979, 1981 and 1984. The presence... more
The discovery of twelve denarii found individually between 1985 and 1991 at New Fordey Farm, Barway, Soham in Cambridgeshire complements finds of aurei and denarrii at the same location reported in 1958, 1979, 1981 and 1984. The presence of associated pottery sherds, and progressively decreasing wear from oldest to youngest coin, identify this as a disturbed hoard of at least 451 coins (the total found to date) with a closing date of AD 180 in the reign of Commodus (AD 180–92). This paper describes the most recent finds and places them in the context of the earlier reports and what is known of Roman activity in the immediate vicinity, before considering possible reasons for their deposition.
Hoarding disorder is characterized by the persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of the value others may attribute to these possessions. The behaviour usually has harmful effects—emotional, physical,... more
- by Erin Prater and +1
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- Hoarding
This quirky film by director Ramaa Mosley has been begging for analysis since I first saw it in 2014. It follows the fate of a disenfranchised couple, living permanently on the breadline, whose lives are changed when they fatefully... more
A palstave from Libeř (Prague-West District) and other bronze finds from the Lower Sázava River region. A contribution to the genesis of Middle Bronze Age palstaves. In 2016 a bronze palstave with a trapezoidal flanged recess was found... more
A palstave from Libeř (Prague-West District) and other bronze finds
from the Lower Sázava River region. A contribution to the genesis
of Middle Bronze Age palstaves. In 2016 a bronze palstave with a trapezoidal flanged recess was found with the help of a metal detector in the
cadastral area of Libeř (Prague-West District). The artefact is relatively unusual from the typological viewpoint
and lacks exact analogies in Bohemian material (Fig. 1–5). The palstave can roughly be classified as of Early to
Middle Bronze Age date (Br A2/B1) when new palstave types with heart-shaped and especially pointed flanged
recesses started to develop. At the close of the Middle Bronze Age and at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age
(Br C2/D), they changed into relatively massive palstaves with a pointed lobate recess (Fig. 6). However, the
Libeř palstave seems to stay out of the main development line.
This new find also originates from an area where practically no traces of settlement or funerary activities
during the Early or Middle Bronze Age are known and the only relevant evidence for the presence of man is
represented by isolated finds of bronze objects (Fig. 7). From among the earlier finds made in the broader area
of the Lower Sázava River region, we may mention three Únětice culture bronze axes (Jílové u Prahy, Blažim –
Fig. 8). More recent metal detector finds from 2010–2013 also included the discovery of three bronze artefacts
datable to the time of the Middle Bronze Age Tumulus culture. It is a palstave with an elongated, pointed
flanged recess, a decorated disc-head of a two-piece pin (Slapy – Fig. 9:1–2) and a sickle with a perpendicular
side tang (Březová – Fig. 9:3).
The discoveries of these bronze objects in an agriculturally not very suitable area which was probably predominantly
forested, without any evidence for contemporary settlement, rather indicate their intentional deposition
during some non-specific activities in the region (a "traveller's" or "propitiating" thanksgiving offering?)
than a mere unintentional loss suffered on the way or during work in the forest.
iv Abstract The aim of this qualitative study is to contribute to empirical knowledge about compulsive hoarding behavior for social workers, educators, psychoeducators and other professionals involved with hoarders in order to improve... more
The aim of this qualitative study is to contribute to empirical knowledge about compulsive hoarding behavior for social workers, educators, psychoeducators and other professionals involved with hoarders in order to improve services offered to these people. We tried to know how users of CSSS, who received social services for compulsive hoarding behavior, perceive and assess interventions conducted by social professionals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six users of Centre de santé et de services sociaux of Quebec City area (CSSS Alphonse- Desjardins, Portneuf, Québec-Nord and Vieille-Capitale). They also answered the French version of the questionnaire Working Alliance Inventory – Short Version (WAI-SR). Focus group were conducted with eleven professional implicated with hoarders to complete and contextualize data. Results: Compulsive hoarding disorder is a life condition before being a psychiatric condition, and that hoarding behaviors are part of the perception that the users have of themselves, of their priorities, objectives and conditions in which they want to live. Users also have predominantly a favorable opinion about social services in CSSS, which can be linked at a good recognition of the problem. Finally, both users and social professionals perceived a lack of resources in the Quebec City area to answer the specifics needs of people with problems inherent to their compulsive hoarding behaviors.
The main topic of the article is the topography of hoards and assemblages of finds from the Roman period and Urnfield period in the northern part of the Boskovice Furrow. Focus is laid on the distance from undated roads and water sources.... more
The main topic of the article is the topography of hoards and assemblages of finds from the Roman period and Urnfield period in the northern part of the Boskovice Furrow. Focus is laid on the distance from undated roads and water sources. Attention is also paid to the location in a sloping terrain. The aim of this text is to outline a working hypothesis elucidating the reasons for depositing Roman period artefacts in the southern part of the Bohemian-Moravian borderland (districts of Svitavy and Blansko). The text opens a discussion about the approach which uses available cartographic and digital data to find out the already forgotten “memory of the landscape” and its specifics focused on regularities in human behaviour (deposition) depending on the surrounding environment.
The article focuses on Megiddo hoards dating to the Late Bronze Age and Iron I. As many as 17 such hoards have been discovered thus far. One particular hoard, as yet unpublished, is presented. The remaining 16 hoards, several of which... more
The article focuses on Megiddo hoards dating to the Late Bronze Age and Iron I. As many as 17 such hoards have been discovered thus far. One particular hoard, as yet unpublished, is presented. The remaining 16 hoards, several of which have never been identified as such, are cataloged. A classification of the hoards based on their ritual versus non-ritual nature is presented, as well as an analysis of other aspects of hoarding activity at Megiddo.
Background: Addictive-like behaviors (e.g., hoarding and shopping) may be the result of the cumulative effects of dopaminergic and other neurotransmitter genetic variants as well as elevated stress levels. We, therefore, propose that... more
Background: Addictive-like behaviors (e.g., hoarding and shopping) may be the result of the cumulative effects of dopaminergic and other neurotransmitter genetic variants as well as elevated stress levels. We, therefore, propose that dopamine homeostasis may be the preferred goal in combating such challenging and unwanted behaviors, when simple dopaminergic activation through potent agonists may not provide any resolution. Case presentation: C.J. is a 38-year-old, single, female, living with her mother. She has a history of substance use disorder as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, inattentive type. She had been stable on buprenorphine/naloxone combination and amphetamine, dextroamphetamine mixed salts for many years when unexpectedly she lost her job for oversleeping and not calling into work. KB200z (a pro-dopamine compound) was added to her regimen for complaints of low drive and motivation. After taking this nutraceutical for 4 weeks, she noticed a marked improvement in her mental status and many behaviors. She noted that her shopping and hoarding addictions had appreciably decreased. Furthermore, her lifelong history of terrifying lucid dreams was eliminated. Finally, she felt more in control; her locus of control shifted from external to more internal. Discussion: The hypothesis is that C.J.'s reported, behavioral, and psychological benefits resulted from the pro-dopamine-regulating effect of KB220Z across the brain reward system. Conclusions: This effect, we surmise, could be the result of a new dopamine balance, across C.J.'s brain reward system. Dopamine homeostasis is an effect of KB220Z seen in both animal and human placebo-controlled fMRI experiments. Keywords: reward deficiency syndrome (RDS), pro-dopamine regulation (KB220Z), hoarding and shopping behaviors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Th. Le Cozanet, dans sa contribution « Quelle méthode pour étudier les contextes de découverte des dépôts à composante métallique ? » a souligné le manque de prise en compte des contextes de découverte dans l’analyse des dépôts rituels :... more
Th. Le Cozanet, dans sa contribution « Quelle méthode pour étudier les contextes de découverte des dépôts à composante métallique ? » a souligné le manque de prise en compte des contextes de découverte dans l’analyse des dépôts rituels : contextes naturels ou anthropiques, enfouis ou immergés. La mise en place d’une grille d’analyse des contextes intégrant le milieu, la taphonomie et l’environnement archéologique des dépôts lui a permis de définir plusieurs modes de dépôt et d’en révéler les évolutions chronologiques et spatiales.
Accessible summaryIt is estimated that between 2% and 5% of the population experience symptoms of compulsive hoarding. Recent investigation into hoarding has shown that it is a problem in its own right and is therefore being added to a... more
Accessible summaryIt is estimated that between 2% and 5% of the population experience symptoms of compulsive hoarding. Recent investigation into hoarding has shown that it is a problem in its own right and is therefore being added to a diagnostic manual of mental disorders.This integrative literature review examines the impact that hoarding has on family members.The comprehensive literature review spans a period from database inception to November 2012. A search of the databases Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, and psycINFO, together with hand searches, was completed.Thematic analysis revealed three overriding themes: quality of life, shattered families and rallying around. These themes illuminate the negative impact that hoarding behaviour has on families and the inadequacy of available services.The relative lack of robust evidence about the impact of hoarding behaviour on families suggests that further research is needed in this emergent field.It is estimated that between 2% and 5% of the population experience symptoms of compulsive hoarding. Recent investigation into hoarding has shown that it is a problem in its own right and is therefore being added to a diagnostic manual of mental disorders.This integrative literature review examines the impact that hoarding has on family members.The comprehensive literature review spans a period from database inception to November 2012. A search of the databases Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, and psycINFO, together with hand searches, was completed.Thematic analysis revealed three overriding themes: quality of life, shattered families and rallying around. These themes illuminate the negative impact that hoarding behaviour has on families and the inadequacy of available services.The relative lack of robust evidence about the impact of hoarding behaviour on families suggests that further research is needed in this emergent field.AbstractCompulsive hoarding affects approximately 2–5% of the adult population. Increasing recognition has led to its inclusion as a distinct condition in forthcoming revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V. Hoarding behaviour can have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of family members. A rigorous review of available evidence using a novel three-stage literature search was undertaken: (1) an extensive scoping review; (2) a traditional search of databases including Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, and psycINFO using combinations of keywords; and (3) review of cited references and hand-searching of selected journals. Evidence was selected using predefined inclusion criteria. Papers included two surveys, one qualitative study and one case study. An integrative review methodology was used to synthesize the evidence presented. Analysis revealed three overriding themes: quality of life, shattered families and rallying around. These illuminated the experiences of family members. These papers revealed families under strain and often at breaking point but with the resolve to pull together if the right support is available. This review concludes that further research is needed to investigate the effects of hoarding on family members and how these may best be met.Compulsive hoarding affects approximately 2–5% of the adult population. Increasing recognition has led to its inclusion as a distinct condition in forthcoming revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V. Hoarding behaviour can have a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of family members. A rigorous review of available evidence using a novel three-stage literature search was undertaken: (1) an extensive scoping review; (2) a traditional search of databases including Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, and psycINFO using combinations of keywords; and (3) review of cited references and hand-searching of selected journals. Evidence was selected using predefined inclusion criteria. Papers included two surveys, one qualitative study and one case study. An integrative review methodology was used to synthesize the evidence presented. Analysis revealed three overriding themes: quality of life, shattered families and rallying around. These illuminated the experiences of family members. These papers revealed families under strain and often at breaking point but with the resolve to pull together if the right support is available. This review concludes that further research is needed to investigate the effects of hoarding on family members and how these may best be met.