ADHD Research Papers - (original) (raw)

With many co-authors: Allesandro Caforio, Ali Rashidi, Ana maria Cotovonu, Denis Riabov, Dimitar Ivanchev, Mirolyba Madjarova, Imma Miralles, Joce LLorka, Persa Tserkezou, Luka Cerniglia, Mario Spatafora, Vaso Anastasoupoulou

Objective: Agomelatine is a relatively new antidepressant, with affinities to MT1 and MT2 (responsible for the circadian rhythm) as well as to 5-HT2C receptors. Since antidepressants have demonstrated some benefit in the treatment of ADH... more

Objective: Agomelatine is a relatively new antidepressant, with affinities to MT1 and MT2 (responsible for the circadian rhythm) as well as to 5-HT2C receptors. Since antidepressants have demonstrated some benefit in the treatment of ADH and because of the fact, that ADHD is often associated with sleep disorders, we assumed, that it might be a therapeutic alternative also for ADHD. Method: We proved this assumption in ten ADHD patients in a placebo controlled manner. Results: Agomelatine’s effect was superior to that of placebo, but seems to be less than that of Methylphenidate or placebo. Conclusion: If ADHD therapy with Methylphenidate or Atomoxetine is not indicated e.g. because of adverse side effects and if an ADHD patient suffers from additional sleep disorders, Agomelatine might be a helpful therapeutic alternative.

This article describes a key finding that emerged from a small-scale qualitative study that explored parental views of the impact of having a child diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on family relationships.... more

This article describes a key finding that emerged from a small-scale qualitative study that explored parental views of the impact of having a child diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on family relationships. The term, protective vigilance, describes a strategy
used by parents to manage the risk that children can present to themselves and to others with whom they might come in contact, such as their siblings or peers. The term draws attention to the challenges parents face
in supervising their children in a manner that others might describe as overprotective or over-controlling. In this article the parents’ voice is heard describing their dilemmas and the article invites professionals working with families, with a child diagnosed with ADHD to consider protective vigilance as an inevitable aspect of the parental role and incorporate
this idea into their clinical practice.

This case study reflects upon the experience of implementing a plan for a student with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder attending a high school within an EFL environment in Costa Rica. The plan consisted of a set of four... more

Patterns and structures in the built environment often contain features associated with visual discomfort. Reported symptoms include eye-ache, fatigue and headaches. Individuals with sensory processing differences report more serious... more

Patterns and structures in the built environment often contain features associated with visual discomfort. Reported symptoms include eye-ache, fatigue and headaches. Individuals with sensory processing differences report more serious issues including migraine, nausea, vestibular issues, anxiety, and sensory overload. Visual discomfort has a significant impact on autistic, ADHD, dyspraxia. and dyslexic groups because they experience differences in sensory engagement and are less likely to be accommodated in one-size-fits-all design approach. Current best-practice guidance does not provide adequate information to address visual discomfort, or tools to identify potential issues.
This paper uses a multi-method approach to identify if materials specified in commercial buildings contain physical properties associated with visual discomfort and if groups with sensory processing differences are more affected. It analysed statistical properties of images, perceived environmental conditions, task fitness, emotional response and ratings of visual discomfort, and found patterns in commercial flooring have statistical properties associated with unpleasant effects.
This result show that in this study, neurodivergent groups with sensory processing differences report greater discomfort when looking at these patterns compared to the neurotypical group. Finally, we conclude that methods used in this study demonstrate virtual modelling techniques can successfully be used for assessment of visual discomfort and provide a practice tool for architects and designers in the pre-construction design stage.

Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs) is challenging because these students have highly individualised learning needs, which stem from the complexity and comorbidity of these... more

Teaching foreign languages to students with specific learning difficulties or differences (SpLDs) is challenging because these students have highly individualised learning needs, which stem from the complexity and comorbidity of these difficulties. To respond appropriately, teachers need to consider a range of approaches and classroom accommodations to ensure effective foreign language learning. Dyslexia, as the most commonly occurring SpLD, has received a lot of attention in the current literature, but less attention has been given to the challenges presented by Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), especially for developing skills in a foreign language. This paper outlines potential approaches, including Multisensory Structured Learning, and accommodations that can be applied in teaching a foreign language to students with ADHD in a classroom setting. The focus was given to English as a foreign language. A. Kałdonek-Crnjaković: Teaching an FL to students with ADHD 205-222 206

Objectives: To study the association of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with heroin addiction. Study design: A cross-sectional, hospital based study. Place and duration of study: The study was carried out at Lady Reading... more

Objectives: To study the association of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with heroin addiction. Study design: A cross-sectional, hospital based study. Place and duration of study: The study was carried out at Lady Reading Hospital and Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan from 4th April 2012 to 13th September 2012. Subjects and Methods: A sample of 137 adult heroin addicts were analyzed that whether they were ADHD and that childhood problem continues to manifest symptoms in adults. For retrospective assessment of childhood ADHD, the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) as well as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) symptom checklist for ADHD was used. The Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) was used to assess the persisting symptoms of ADHD in adults. Inclusion criteria: Patient diagnosed with heroin addiction according to ICD-9 and DSM-IV. Exclusion criteria: Patient has co-morbid with any other mental illnesses. Results: The di...

Objective: Examine the moderating effects of response inhibition on the longitudinal association between social preference/relational aggression measured in childhood, and intimate partner violence (IPV) measured in young adulthood, among... more

Objective: Examine the moderating effects of response inhibition on the longitudinal association between social
preference/relational aggression measured in childhood, and intimate partner violence (IPV) measured in young adulthood,
among women with (n = 140) and without (n = 88) histories of childhood ADHD. Method: During childhood, social
preference was measured through confidential peer sociometric nominations, yielding negative and positive peer regard;
relational aggression was assessed via staff behavioral observations; and response inhibition was assessed using commission
errors from the continuous performance task. During young adulthood, IPV was ascertained via a clinician-administered,
semistructured interview. Results: Social preference and relational aggression independently predicted IPV; this prospective
link was moderated by response inhibition. Conclusion: In combination with low social preference or high relational
aggression in childhood, poor response inhibition predicted the highest levels of young-adult IPV. Given the developmental
significance of peer relationships, additional research on the causes of and treatments for poor social functioning in ADHD
is warranted.

Worldwide, up to 20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders, which are the leading cause of disability in young people. Research shows that serum zonulin levels are associated with increased intestinal permeability (IP),... more

Worldwide, up to 20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders, which are the leading cause of disability in young people. Research shows that serum zonulin levels are associated with increased intestinal permeability (IP), affecting neural, hormonal, and immunological pathways. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize evidence from observational studies on IP in children diagnosed with mental disorders. The review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A systematic search of the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, PubMed, and the Web of Science identified 833 records. Only non-intervention (i.e., observational) studies in children (<18 years) diagnosed with mental disorders, including a relevant marker of intestinal permeability, were included. Five studies were selected, with the risk of bias assessed according to the Newcastle–Ottawa scale (NOS). Four articles were identified as strong and on...

This dissertation was a qualitative examination of the band participation of three adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This investigation of individual experiences and perceptions could help readers... more

This dissertation was a qualitative examination of the band participation of three adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This investigation of individual experiences and perceptions could help readers understand what adolescents with ADHD value about their band participation and what academic, interpersonal, and
behavioral challenges adolescents with ADHD face during band
participation. Research questions included: (a) What is the nature of band participation for three adolescents who have been diagnosed with ADHD? (b) How do adolescents with ADHD, their music teachers, and their parents describe the band participation of adolescents with ADHD? (c) In what ways do adolescents with ADHD interact with their music teachers and peers in bands? Data collection methods included interviewing, observing, and a researcher joumaling; analysis involved data coding, selecting representative quotes, sorting thematically, and summarizing. Important themes included isolation from peers, a sense
of belonging, the perception of peers as family, music learning and achievement motivations, behavior management strategies such as self-monitoring and hyperfocus, and ADHD-symptoms of impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. All participants were high-achieving musicians. Notable findings included close relationships with band
directors, the use ofhyperfocus to manage individuals' ADHD impulses or to be musically expressive, diminutive descriptions of individual skills by adolescents with ADHD, unknowingly supportive behaviors of band directors toward students with ADHD, and positive social interactions with peers when advanced musical skills coupled with leadership roles exist for adolescents with ADHD.

Attention deficit−hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been a common psychiatric diagnosis in both children and adults since the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. But the diagnosis was much less common—even unknown—in other parts of the... more

Attention deficit−hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been a common psychiatric diagnosis in both children and adults since the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. But the diagnosis was much less common—even unknown—in other parts of the world. By the end of the twentieth century, this was no longer the case, and ADHD diagnosis and treatment became an increasingly widespread global phenomenon. As the diagnosis was adopted around the world, the definition and treatment of ADHD often changed in the context of different psychiatric professions, medical systems, and cultures.
Global Perspectives on ADHD is the first book to examine how this expanding public health concern is diagnosed and treated in 16 different countries. In some countries, readers learn, over 10% of school-aged children and adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD; in others, that figure is less than 1%. Some countries focus on medicating children with ADHD; others emphasize parent intervention or child therapy. Showing how a medical diagnosis varies across contexts and time periods, this book explains how those distinctions shape medical interventions and guidelines, filling a much-needed gap by examining ADHD on an international scale.

Background/aim: The importance of play in the social development of children is undisputed. Even though children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience serious social problems, there is limited research on their... more

Background/aim: The importance of play in the social development of children is undisputed. Even though children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience serious social problems, there is limited research on their play. By integrating literature on ADHD with literature on play, we can postulate how play is influenced by the characteristics of ADHD. These postulations enabled us to propose a theoretical model (proposed model) to depict the interactive process between the characteristics of ADHD and factors that promote play. This paper presents the revised model and principles for intervention based on the results of a study investigating the play of children with ADHD (reported elsewhere).Methods: We tested the proposed model in a study comparing two groups of children (n = 350) between the ages of 5 and 11 years. One group consisted of children diagnosed with ADHD (n = 112) paired with playmates (n = 112) who were typically developing; the control group consisted of typically developing children paired with typically developing playmates (n = 126). The Test of Playfulness was administered, and the model was revised in line with the findings.Results and conclusions: The findings suggest difficulties in the social play and lack of interpersonal empathy in the play of children with ADHD. We draw on the revised model to propose preliminary principles for play-based interventions for children with ADHD. The principles emphasise the importance of capturing the motivation of children with ADHD, counteracting the effects of lack of interpersonal empathy, and considerations for including playmates in the intervention process.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and persists throughout adulthood and is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Societal attitudes... more

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and persists throughout adulthood and is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Societal attitudes classify the diagnosis of ADHD differently in establishing what behaviors are deemed acceptable or tolerable in children depending on the particular region or area. American culture provides an important framework for societal perspectives of how ADHD is expressed through behaviors that are considered an abnormal pathology. The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review of ADHD in various cultures to ascertain why the prevalence of this disorder continues to rise in American society. The hypothesis we assume for the increased rates of ADHD in our society is based on a linkage of events created by effects from a lack of parent-child interactions that lead to an increase in technology use which develops behaviors that mimic ADHD-like traits.

Με την επιμέλεια των δύο συγγραφέων που συνέγραψαν την πρώτη μονογραφία για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ στη χώρα μας πριν από δώδεκα χρόνια, δεκαεφτά ειδικοί από το χώρο των επιστημών της ψυχολογίας, της παιδοψυχιατρικής και της παιδονευρολογίας, οι οποίοι... more

Με την επιμέλεια των δύο συγγραφέων που συνέγραψαν την πρώτη μονογραφία για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ στη χώρα μας πριν από δώδεκα χρόνια, δεκαεφτά ειδικοί από το χώρο των επιστημών της ψυχολογίας, της παιδοψυχιατρικής και της παιδονευρολογίας, οι οποίοι διαθέτουν σημαντική ερευνητική και κλινική εμπειρία σε θέματα τα οποία σχετίζονται με τη διαταραχή αυτή, συνεργάστηκαν για τη συγγραφή αυτού του συλλογικού τόμου. Μέσα από τα δεκατέσσερα κεφάλαια του παρόντος βιβλίου, παρουσιάζονται οι πιο σημαντικές θεωρητικές και πρακτικές προσεγγίσεις για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, σε θέματα που προβληματίζουν έντονα τόσο τους ειδικούς όσο και τους γονείς και τους εκπαιδευτικούς των παιδιών που παρουσιάζουν τη διαταραχή αυτή. Ορισμένα από αυτά τα κεφάλαια αφορούν στη φύση της διαταραχής, την αιτιολογία και τη διάγνωσή της. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση όμως δίνεται στην εκτεταμένη παρουσίαση των πιο σύγχρονων προγραμμάτων θεραπευτικής αντιμετώπισης της ΔΕΠ-Υ. Το βιβλίο αυτό απευθύνεται βασικά στους ειδικούς οι οποίοι δραστηριοποιούνται ή ενδιαφέρονται να δραστηριοποιηθούν στο χώρο της ψυχικής υγείας του παιδιού και του εφήβου αλλά μπορεί να αποδειχτεί επίσης ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμο και στους γονείς και τους εκπαιδευτικούς των παιδιών με ΔΕΠ-Υ, οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να κατανοήσουν τη φύση της διαταραχής αυτής και να ενημερωθούν για τις πιο σύγχρονες μεθόδους και τεχνικές που προτείνονται για την αντιμετώπισή της, με άμεσες πρακτικές εφαρμογές στο χώρο της οικογένειας και του σχολείου.

This study analyzes the discursive construction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and self in relation to a socioculturally shared understanding of moral norms. Thirteen Finnish youth aged 11 to 16 diagnosed with ADHD... more

This study analyzes the discursive construction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and self in relation to a socioculturally shared understanding of moral norms. Thirteen Finnish youth aged 11 to 16 diagnosed with ADHD were interviewed during this discourse analysis study. The youth accounted for their culturally undesirable behavior, performance and traits through three different types of accounts: (1) externalizing personal responsibility due to a compelling medical condition, (2) internalizing personal responsibility through moral self-condemnation, and (3) distancing oneself from the socially imposed stereotypes and stigmas related to ADHD. This study challenges dominant understanding of young people with a diagnosis of ADHD and contributes to our understanding of how ADHD is constructed in their lives.

This forensic evaluation sample will cover the competency to confess and waive Miranda rights. The Fifth Amendment guards against self-incrimination. In order to confess, one must waive Miranda rights. However, Miranda rights must be... more

This forensic evaluation sample will cover the competency to confess and waive Miranda rights. The Fifth Amendment guards against self-incrimination. In order to confess, one must waive Miranda rights. However, Miranda rights must be knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived without law enforcement coercion. The individual must be of sound cognitive function, free of mental disorders, absent of abnormal mental states, and delinquent from deviant personality traits. An example of impaired mental processing would be someone that suffers from ADHD. According to Gaskell (2021), ADHD critically diminishes the capacity to register and process new information. Because confessions and self-incriminating statements are leveraged against the suspect during the trial, a guilty verdict is 26% more likely than suspects that do not provide self-incriminating statements (Psycholegal Assessments, Inc., 2021). Therefore, an Independent Medical Exam (IME) will be conducted to evaluate the suspect's competency to waive his or her Miranda rights and competence to stand trial. The use of forensic assessment tools facilitates opinions formed by the Forensic Psychologist. Competency evaluations have the potentiality of profoundly influencing court decisions, thereby affecting defendant consequences. Ultimately, the IME Forensic Psychologist will provide a Forensic Mental Health Assessment to the courts and all involved legal personnel as needed.

The dominant understanding of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is that of diagnosed children “suffering” from neurodevelopmental condition owing to which they are prone to develop adverse life trajectories. This master... more

The dominant understanding of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is that of diagnosed children “suffering” from neurodevelopmental condition owing to which they are prone to develop adverse life trajectories. This master narrative of ADHD and psychomedical and normative discourses it adheres to and employs have been integrated into the daily activities of homes and schools. This compilation dissertation study employs a social constructionist discourse framework and is located in the intersection of the disciplines of disability studies and special education. The aim of the dissertation is to further our understanding of “life with ADHD” from the viewpoint of the families in Finland who supposedly live the master narrative. By conducting interviews for 13 young Finnish teens (aged 11–16 years) diagnosed with ADHD and 18 Finnish mothers of diagnosed children, it analyzes the meanings given to and built around ADHD in the context of the compulsory schooling. The data are analyzed using both discourse and narrative analysis methods. The study finds that the mothers and youth positioned themselves differently in relation to ADHD. For mothers, the voice behind the label, their strong endeavor to explain their child’s traits, behavior, and performance by adhering to and advocating psychomedical discourse functioned as a counter-means to school practices. For them, the ADHD label entailed a cultural promise of recognition of their child and themselves: it was expected to promote the match between the child and school and translate as a mediator between parents and teachers. Children, the voice beyond the label, on the other hand, constructed the label as a priori stigmatizing and thus, adherence to psychomedical discourse as potentially impeding the process of identity building. Instead, they constructed themselves in relation to ADHD, and vice versa, in the vortex of discourses internalized by them providing deeply embedded varying and contradictive cultural meanings. The results problematize the master narrative as unproductive. Further, the un- critical reproduction of psychomedical discourse in educational practices is questioned, as it is oversimplified and insufficient to understand the experiences of “life with ADHD”. As regards school practices, this study provides theoretical implications for inclusive education. It suggests a change in discourses employed in everyday school practices and the conceptualization of educational special need in order to truly live up to the values of inclusive education

Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης σε 2 μαθητές με διάγνωση ΔΕΠ-Υ (Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής- Υπερκινητικότητα) καθώς και η ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων συνεργασίας με συμμαθητές τυπικής ανάπτυξης. Η... more

Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης σε 2 μαθητές με διάγνωση ΔΕΠ-Υ (Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής- Υπερκινητικότητα) καθώς και η ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων συνεργασίας με συμμαθητές τυπικής ανάπτυξης. Η έρευνα πραγματοποιήθηκε ως τμήμα μιας ολοκληρωμένης παρέμβασης η οποία σχεδιάστηκε από τη δασκάλα της Ένταξης του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Καλάμου Αττικής για τους δύο μαθητές και συνδυάζει με πρωτότυπο τρόπο το θεωρητικό πλαίσιο της Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης, της Συνεργατικής Μάθησης και την Παιδαγωγική της Ένταξης. Οι μαθητές διερεύνησαν βασικές έννοιες της οικονομίας με σκοπό να συντάξουν ενημερωτικές ψηφιακές αφίσες για την ευαισθητοποίηση των συμμαθητών του σχολείου και να επικοινωνήσουν τα ευρήματά τους μέσω του ιστολογίου των μαθητών του Τμήματος Ένταξης του σχολείου. Μετά την ανάλυση των δεδομένων με τη χρήση μιας συνδυαστικής προσέγγισης που περιλαμβάνει στοιχεία της Εμπειρικά Θεμελιωμένης Θεωρίας και Ανάλυση Περιεχομένου, φάνηκε πως οι μαθητές με ΔΕΠ-Υ ωφελούνται από τη συμμετοχή σε παρεμβάσεις οι οποίες βασίζονται στις δεξιότητες Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης καθώς και από τη συνεργασία με συμμαθητές τυπικής ανάπτυξης. Οι μαθητές ανέπτυξαν δεξιότητες Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης και δεξιότητες συνεργασίας στα πλαίσια της συγκεκριμένης παρέμβασης. Επιπλέον, υπάρχουν σημαντικές ενδείξεις πως η ανάπτυξη Υπολογιστικής Σκέψης μπορεί να διευκολύνει τους μαθητές με ΔΕΠ-Υ να προσεγγίσουν ένα πρόβλημα και να σχεδιάσουν τη λύση του.

Abilities and motivation are regarded as two distinct and independent, although interacting components of learning even in professional circles. The strength and direction of effort, however, is closely connected to what the individual... more

Abilities and motivation are regarded as two distinct and independent, although interacting components of learning even in professional circles. The strength and direction of effort, however, is closely connected to what the individual thinks of itself. This determines the level it can reach in different areas. The development of abilities is based on interest, persistent activity and internal drive to get to know a certain area. The background to all these is motivation. The base of the word motivation is motive. A motive is an internal personal condition which induces some act or thought. Motives determine the direction of behaviour and energize it. Understanding obstacles behind specific learning difficulties is aided by a lot of theories that interpret motivation. The most obvious role is played by achievement motivation.

Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί έναν πλήρη οδηγό για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, η οποία έχει αναδειχθεί ως η πιο πολυσυζητημένη νευροαναπτυξιακή ¬διαταραχή της εποχής μας. Μέσα από τις σελίδες του, επιχειρείται η κριτική παρουσίαση της τρέχουσας επιστημονικής... more

Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελεί έναν πλήρη οδηγό για τη ΔΕΠ-Υ, η οποία έχει αναδειχθεί ως η πιο πολυσυζητημένη νευροαναπτυξιακή ¬διαταραχή της εποχής μας. Μέσα από τις σελίδες του, επιχειρείται η κριτική παρουσίαση της τρέχουσας επιστημονικής γνώσης για τη φύση, τη διάγνωση και τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση αυτής της διαταραχής με την εκτεταμένη, εκ βαθέων και εξονυχιστική μελέτη της διεθνούς και ελληνικής βιβλιογραφίας. Σε αυτή την προσπάθεια, οι συγγραφείς του βιβλίου αξιοποιούν την πολυετή κλινική τους εμπειρία με άτομα με ΔΕΠ-Υ και τις οικογένειές τους στο Ψυχολογικό Κέντρο Αναπτυξιακών και Μαθησιακών Δυσκολιών «ΑΡΣΗ». Επίσης, προτείνουν ένα νέο πλαίσιο για τη διάγνωση και τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση της ΔΕΠ-Υ, την πολυεπίπεδη προσέγγιση, η οποία στηρίζεται στις βασικές αρχές της γνωσιακής - συμπεριφορικής θεωρίας και στο αναπτυξιακό μοντέλο της ψυχοπαθολογίας. Οι συγγραφείς προσεγγίζουν τη διαταραχή αυτή από τη σκοπιά του ερευνητή, του ακαδημαϊκού δασκάλου και, κυρίως, του ψυχολόγου, ο οποίος βιώνει καθημερινά στην κλινική πράξη την αγωνία, τις δυσκολίες, τα προβλήματα και τις ανησυχίες των παιδιών με ΔΕΠ-Υ, των νέων ενηλίκων με τη διαταραχή, των γονέων, των φίλων, των δασκάλων τους. Ο οδηγός αυτός μπορεί να αποτελέσει βασική πηγή πληροφόρησης για τους γονείς και σημαντικό εργαλείο για τους εκπαιδευτικούς, οι οποίοι έχουν ανάγκη εξειδικευμένων γνώσεων και τεχνικών προκειμένου να μπορούν να διαχειρίζονται τις ποικίλες δυσκολίες μάθησης και συμπεριφοράς των παιδιών αυτών. Επιπλέον, μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί σε κλινικό επίπεδο από επιστήμονες πολλών ειδικοτήτων στο χώρο της ψυχικής υγείας, καθώς περιλαμβάνει τη δομημένη περιγραφή της διαγνωστικής διαδικασίας αλλά και ενός πλήρους προγράμματος πρώιμης παρέμβασης και θεραπευτικής αντιμετώπισης της ΔΕΠ-Υ από την προσχολική ηλικία μέχρι την ενηλικίωση.

ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is characterized by persistent symptoms of. ADHD. It is characterized by deficits in several sensory modalities-visual, auditory, tactile ,... more

ADHD is a neurobiological disorder of individual mental and behavioral development and it is characterized by persistent symptoms of. ADHD. It is characterized by deficits in several sensory modalities-visual, auditory, tactile , vestibular also. The purpose is to identify violations in sensory processing in children with ADHD. Object: 84 children-26 children with dyslexia and 58 children in the norm were examined. Methods: The sensory disturbances determination was studied by questionnaire of Dunn (1997). Results: Analysis of the results showed that children with ADHD have difficulty in many areas of sensory processing-vestibular, visual, auditory, tactile and oral treatment. The biggest violations were found in tactile and oral treatment, followed by vestibular and visual processing. Conclusion: Children with ADHD show deficits in sensory processing. Analysis of sensory deficits of these children is essential for proper organization of the rehabilitation process.

There is no empirical evidence in Jordan that addresses the overlap and coexistence of overexcitability (OE) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in gifted students. This study aims to investigate (a) the relationship... more

There is no empirical evidence in Jordan that addresses the overlap and coexistence of overexcitability (OE) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in gifted students. This study aims to investigate (a) the relationship between characteristics of OE forms and ADHD subtypes and (b) the gender differences in OE profiles among gifted students in Jordan. The participants included 265 gifted adolescents from the Jubilee Institute. They were administered the Jordanian version of the Overexcitability Questionnaire-Two (OEQII) and the Conners ADHD/DSM-V Scales-Adolescent scale. The Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) revealed a noteworthy collective relationship between OE and ADHD constructs, and another noteworthy relationship in relation to the gender of gifted adolescents. The findings also revealed small, significant positive correlations between (a) Psychomotor OE and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD, (b) Imaginational OE and ADHD subtypes, and (c) a small significant negative correlation between Intellectual OE and inattentive ADHD scores. Additionally, there was a significant gender difference in the Psychomotor OE in favor of boys and significant differences in the Emotional, Sensual, and Imaginational OEs in favor of girls. No significant gender differences were found in the Intellectual OEs of the participants.

In this article, I integrate research in social construct theory, the medicalization of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and strengths-based theory to propose a change in the way American society negatively labels and... more

In this article, I integrate research in social construct theory, the medicalization of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and strengths-based theory to propose a change in the way American society negatively labels and interacts with people diagnosed with ADHD. This article presents examples of global perspectives on ADHD, the nature of stigma that occurs to those who receive a medical diagnosis of ADHD, and the need to reframe ADHD from a disease to that of a positive difference. The reader is asked to consider the implications for millions who suffer from the stigma of ADHD. Starting with children diagnosed with ADHD, I suggest that members of society begin to reframe ADHD as a social construct recognizing the strengths and positive traits because there are many. This is a call to all members of society, especially those professionals of the medical, psychological, social, and educational systems, to adopt a strengths-based model of support for those diagnosed with ADHD.

Dijagnoza "Deficit pažnje", "ADD", "ADHD"...nije odomaćena u kliničkoj praksi kod nas. Deca sa problemima pažnje dobijala su, uglavnom, neke druge dijagnoze kako bi se njihova simptomatologija uklopila u sliku nekog od problema koji su... more

Dijagnoza "Deficit pažnje", "ADD", "ADHD"...nije odomaćena u kliničkoj praksi kod nas. Deca sa problemima pažnje dobijala su, uglavnom, neke druge dijagnoze kako bi se njihova simptomatologija uklopila u sliku nekog od problema koji su bliži znanjima naših stručnjaka. To su obično bile dijagnoze kao što su : "Pervazivni razvojni poremećaji", "hiperkinetički sindrom", "Poremaćaj ponašanja", i sl.
Cilj ove knjige je da se naša stručna javnost detaljnije upozna sa specifičnostima ADD strukture ličnosti (ADD se ne može smatrati poremedjajem u užem smislu te reči.), dijagnostičkim metodama za otkrivanje ovog stanja i mogućnostima tretmana dece sa ADD strukturom. U ovom tekstu ponudićemo i konkretne savete koje psiholozi i drugi stručnjaci koji se bave tretmanom ADD dece mogu da ponude roditeljima i nastavnicima. Ponudićemo konkretne modele za modifikaciju ponašanja ADD deteta, organizaciju porodice, podešavanje porodice za uspeh, podešavanje sredine deteta za uspeh deteta u školi, metakognitivne strategije (učenje kako da se uči), savete za ishranu ADD deteta...kao i primere uspešnih i neuspešnih roditeljskih strategija u vaspitavanju deteta sa ADD temperamentom...

This interview study addresses the gap in earlier research by focussing on the narratives of 13 ADHD-diagnosed Finnish students regarding teacher reactive classroom management strategies. The data are analysed through narrative analysis.... more

This interview study addresses the gap in earlier research by focussing on the narratives of 13 ADHD-diagnosed Finnish students regarding teacher reactive classroom management strategies. The data are analysed through narrative analysis. Five different narrative types are identified, in which teacher behaviour is evaluated as (1) disproportionate, (2) traumatising, (3) neglectful, (4) unfair and (5) understanding. The dominant storyline – common to the first four types – constructed the narrator's transgression as contingent upon and a justified reaction to teacher conduct. The vicious cycle of coercive classroom management strategies and the culture of blame between students and teachers are discussed.

ىذا مقياس نوعي مصمم لفحص مهارات ) إستراتيجيات ( نظرية العقل Theory of Mind . حيث تم تقنين الدقياس ليمكن الباحثين والتربويين والدتخصصين الإكلينيكيين من تطبيقو على الأطفال من سن الروضة ) 5 سنوات ( إلى سن الدرحلة الإبتدائية ) 10 سنوات (. . ... more

ىذا مقياس نوعي مصمم لفحص مهارات ) إستراتيجيات ( نظرية العقل Theory of Mind . حيث تم تقنين الدقياس ليمكن الباحثين والتربويين
والدتخصصين الإكلينيكيين من تطبيقو على الأطفال من سن الروضة ) 5 سنوات ( إلى سن الدرحلة الإبتدائية ) 10 سنوات (. .
 يمكن أستخدام ىذه الأداة للأغراض البحثية وللمتابعة وفحص النمو والتطور في مهارات الإدراك الإجتماعي الإنفعالي ضمن إستراتيجيات ToM وضمن
متابعة تطور الحالات الخاصة خلال البرامج التعليمية، العلاجية ا والتأىيلية ومن قبلها ضمن البرامج الوقائية. ولا يصح إستخدام ىذا الدقياس كأداة تشخيص
منفردة في الحقل العيادي الإكلينيكي.