Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria (original) (raw)
Formula: Ag2S
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Zapfenschuh section, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: ◻Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Zn2(AsO4)(OH)
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotenstein Mine, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
ⓘ Adamite var. Copper-bearing Adamite
Formula: (Zn,Cu)2AsO4OH
Formula: (Y,Ln,Ca,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6
Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)
Localities: Reported from at least 19 localities in this region.
Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)
Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Niedere Barm, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Sonntagsfeld (Sonntaglaner), Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ochsner-Rotkopf massif, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Al2O3)(SiO2)1.3-2 · 2.5-3H2O
Formula: Fe2+3Al2(SiO4)3
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: C10H16O + (H2S)
Formula: A B2C5((Si,Al,Ti)8O22)(OH,F,Cl,O)2
ⓘ 'Amphibole Supergroup var. Byssolite'
Formula: AX2Z5((Si,Al,Ti)8O22)(OH,F,Cl,O)2
Formula: TiO2
Localities: Reported from at least 10 localities in this region.
Formula: Ca3Fe3+2(SiO4)3
Formula: CaSO4
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Vomper Loch mines, Vomp, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: Ni3(AsO4)2 · 8H2O
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
Hollenzen, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Diopsidrinne (Schwarzenstein Alp), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ochsner-Rotkopf massif, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
Localities: Reported from at least 11 localities in this region.
Formula: (Fe,Mg,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8
Formula: CaCO3
Localities: Reported from at least 12 localities in this region.
Description: Found close to Mörchnerkees
Formula: CaCO3
Heiligkreuz adit, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Palleiten, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: FeAsS
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lamark (Lamark Alp), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Fe0.90Co0.10)AsS - (Fe0.65Co0.35)AsS
Formula: (Ni,Co)2-xMn4+(O,OH)4 · nH2O
Formula: NaMg3(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Type Locality:
Description: As olive-green mica, brownish yellow in thin leaves with pearly, submetalic luster. Occurs in aggregates of prismatic crystals
Formula: (CaxMgyFez)(Mgy1Fez1)Si2O6
Formula: (Zn,Cu)5(CO3)2(OH)6
Formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
Localities: Reported from at least 12 localities in this region.
Formula: Ba0.5Fe3+4(AsO4)3(OH)4 · 5H2O
Formula: BaSO4
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Ca4Be2Al2Si9O26(OH)2
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Stampfl glacier, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schrammach ridge, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Häusling pressure duct, Brandberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: PbCu3(AsO4)2(OH)2
Formula: Be4(Si2O7)(OH)2
Formula: Be3Al2(Si6O18)
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Pb2Sb2O6O
Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Cu5FeS4
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Pb5Sb4S11
Formula: PbCuSbS3
Zapfenschuh section, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Magnesite mine, Tux, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Mn2+Mn3+6(SiO4)O8
Formula: Cu4(SO4)(OH)6
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: TiO2
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Haupenscharte (Haupentalscharte), Haupen valley, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Melker Scharte, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Mg(OH)2
Formula: CaCO3
Localities: Reported from at least 27 localities in this region.
Formula: SrSO4
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Großer Greiner, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
ⓘ Celestine var. Barium-rich Celestine
Formula: (Sr,Ba)SO4
Formula: PbCO3
Vomper Loch mines, Vomp, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Sb3+Sb5+O4
Formula: (Ca,K2,Na2)2[Al2Si4O12]2 · 12H2O
Formula: CuSO4 · 5H2O
Formula: Cu2S
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lamark (Lamark Alp), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu18Al2(AsO4)4(SO4)3(OH)24 · 36H2O
Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: CuFeS2
Localities: Reported from at least 16 localities in this region.
Formula: CuSbS2
Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Fe2+)5Al(Si,Al)4O10(OH,O)8
Formula: (Fe,Mg,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(OH)8
Formula: (Fe,Fe,Mg,Al)6(Si,Al)4O10(O,OH)8
Localities: Reported from at least 16 localities in this region.
Formula: Fe2+Cr3+2O4
Formula: Cu2-xAlx(H2-xSi2O5)(OH)4 · nH2O, x < 1
Rotenstein Mine, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
Formula: HgS
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: (Cu,Zn)15(CO3)4(AsO4)2(SO4)(OH)14 · 7H2O
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8
Localities: Reported from at least 14 localities in this region.
ⓘ Clinochlore var. Leuchtenbergite
Formula: Mg5Al(AlSi3O10)(OH)8
Formula: Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3
Formula: Mg9(SiO4)4F2
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlAl)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
Formula: CoAsS
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfunds (Pfunds Alp; "Pfuns"), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria ? (more information)
Formula: CaCu(AsO4)(OH)
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Antoni adit, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: CuS
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Sr(Mn,Y,U)Fe2(Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18(O,OH)38
Formula: AD21O38 or A{DE2G6 Ti12}O38
ⓘ 'Crichtonite-Senaite Series'
Formula: CuFe2S3
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu2O
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Burgstall, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu2Sb2(O,OH)7
Formula: CaCu4(SO4)2(OH)6 · 3H2O
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: AlO(OH)
Formula: CaMgSi2O6
Diopsidrinne (Schwarzenstein Alp), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schwarzenstein (Schwarzenstein glacier), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ochsner-Rotkopf massif, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Habit: prismatic crystals to 30 cm
Formula: CaMg(CO3)2
Localities: Reported from at least 18 localities in this region.
Formula: CaMg(CO3)2
Formula: PbCu(AsO4)(OH)
Formula: Cu3AsS4
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.
Formula: Co3(AsO4)2 · 8H2O
Glückauf Mine, Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfunds (Pfunds Alp; "Pfuns"), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: BeAl(SiO4)(OH)
Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.
Formula: Cu3SbS4
ⓘ 'Famatinite-Luzonite Series'
ⓘ 'Fayalite-Forsterite Series'
Melker Scharte, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Talggenkopf (Talggenköpfe), Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ultramylonite occurrence, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: YNbO4
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schrammach ridge, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Fe2(MoO4)3 · nH2O
Formula: Ca5(PO4)3F
Localities: Reported from at least 14 localities in this region.
ⓘ Fluorapatite var. Carbonate-rich Fluorapatite
Formula: Ca5(PO4,CO3)3(F,O)
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: KCa4(Si8O20)(F,OH) · 8H2O
Formula: CaF2
Localities: Reported from at least 14 localities in this region.
Formula: (Ag6,[Ag6]4+)(Cu4 C2+2)Sb4S12S0-1
Formula: Y2Fe2+Be2Si2O10
Formula: ZnAl2O4
Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Grawand Alp, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: PbS
Localities: Reported from at least 14 localities in this region.
Formula: X3Z2(SiO4)3
Formula: NiAsS
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Co0.50Fe0.50)AsS
Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)
Formula: Au
Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rohrberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: C
Formula: CdS
Formula: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
Ochsner-Rotkopf massif, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Diopsidrinne (Schwarzenstein Alp), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Furtschaglkar, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria ? (more information)
Formula: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
Diopsidrinne (Schwarzenstein Alp), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ochsner-Rotkopf massif, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: AgPbBi3S6
Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O
Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Vomper Loch mines, Vomp, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Spannagel cave, Tux, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ba2(Si12Al4)O32 · 12H2O
Formula: CaFe2+Si2O6
Formula: Be3Mn2+4(SiO4)3S
Formula: Fe2O3
Localities: Reported from at least 12 localities in this region.
Formula: Fe2O3
Saurüssel, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Kleiner Mörchner, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Mörchnerkar, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
ⓘ 'Hornblende Root Name Group'
Formula: ◻Ca2(Z2+4Z3+)(AlSi7O22)(OH,F,Cl)2
Formula: K(Mg,Fe2+)6((Si,Al)8O20)(OH)4 · nH2O
Formula: Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2
Formula: WO3 · 2H2O
Formula: Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6
Formula: Fe2+TiO3
Formula: KFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)6
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachl, Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Mg,Al)6.5(BO3)3(OH)4(◻,Cl)0.5
Type Locality:
Localities: Reported from at least 13 localities in this region.
Formula: KAlSi3O8
Localities: Reported from at least 11 localities in this region.
Formula: Al2(SiO4)O
Formula: Cu4(SO4)(OH)6 · 2H2O
Formula: CaAl2Si4O12 · 4H2O
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Stillupgrund (Stillup valley), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schwarzenstein (Schwarzenstein glacier), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu10(AsO4)4(SO4)(OH)6 · 8H2O
Formula: γ-Fe3+O(OH)
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Localities: Reported from at least 11 localities in this region.
Formula: Co2+Co3+2S4
Formula: (Mn2+,Zn,Mg)4Zn3(CO3)2(OH)10
Description: Needs chemical analysis to confirm this is not sclarite.
Formula: Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2
Formula: Cu3AsS4
Formula: MgCO3
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: (Mg,Fe)CO3
Großer Greiner, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lavitz Alp, Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
Localities: Reported from at least 13 localities in this region.
Formula: FeS2
Formula: CaAl2(Al2Si2O10)(OH)2
Type Locality:
Description: Hintze (Vol. 2, 1897) gives Sterzing (Vipiteno), South Tyrol as the TL for margarite and refers to Mohs (1820). In fact, Mohs described the mineral, but did not provide an analysis. According to Zepharovich (1873), Greiner Mt has to be regarded as the TL, based on the data provided by Senger.
Großer Greiner, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Talggenkopf (Talggenköpfe), Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lavitz Alp, Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Hg
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: K(AlSi3O8)
Formula: Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
Formula: MoS2
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Schrammach ridge, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ce(PO4)
Formula: REE(PO4)
Floitenturm northeast slope, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Sonntagsfeld (Sonntaglaner), Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Melker Scharte, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Localities: Reported from at least 26 localities in this region.
Formula: K(Al,Mn3+)2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Formula: K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Formula: KAl1.5(Mg,Fe)0.5(Al0.5Si3.5O10)(OH)2
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Lamark (Lamark Alp), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Pfunds (Pfunds Alp; "Pfuns"), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ni(SO4) · 6H2O
Formula: NiAs
Formula: Cu2(AsO4)(OH)
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Antoni adit, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: As2S3
Formula: Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6 · 3H2O
Formula: As4S4
Formula: Cu9(AsO4)2(SO4)(OH)10 · 7H2O
Formula: Be2SiO4
Formula: Cu5Zn(AsO4)(PO4)(OH)6 · H2O
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlMn3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
Gerlos valley, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Plattenscharte - Mitterkopf area, Schönach valley, Gerlos, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Grund hut (Grund huts), Gerlos, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2]O8
Formula: Cu4(SO4)(OH)6 · H2O
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2
Formula: Ag3SbS3
Formula: FeS2
Localities: Reported from at least 16 localities in this region.
Formula: (Fe,Ni)S2
Formula: Fe1-xS
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Hainzenberg gold mine, Hainzenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: SiO2
Localities: Reported from at least 49 localities in this region.
Formula: SiO2
Saurüssel, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Mörchnerkar, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rotbachlspitze (Rote Wand), Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Grasleiten, Brandberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: SiO2
Schwader Eisenstein, Schwad Alp, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Rodaun, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: SiO2
Formula: SiO2
Formula: SiO2
Localities: Reported from at least 8 localities in this region.
ⓘ Quartz var. Rutilated Quartz
Formula: SiO2
Formula: SiO2
Mörchnerkar, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Großer Greiner, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Saurüssel, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: SiO2
Stillupgrund (Stillup valley), Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lapenspitze southwest slope, Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Tux valley, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: As4S4
Heiligkreuz adit, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: MnCO3
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Weittal, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Bruderwald mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Ba,H2O)2(Mn4+,Mn3+)5O10
Formula: TiO2
Localities: Reported from at least 18 localities in this region.
Formula: TiO2
ⓘ Rutile var. Sagenite (of Saussure)
Formula: TiO2
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Saurüssel, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Mörchnerkar, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Melker Scharte, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Cu,Zn)2Zn(AsO4,SbO4)(OH)3
Formula: Ca(WO4)
Magnesite mine, Tux, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Mörchner area, Zemmgrund, Zillertal, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Kälberlahnerspitze (Kälberlahner Spitze), Haupen valley, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Vordere Stangenspitze, Brandberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: NaFe2+3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH)
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Formula: (Cu,Zn)7(SO4)2(OH)10 · 3H2O
Formula: Fe3+16(OH,SO4)12-13O16 · 10-12H2O
Formula: CaAl2Si3O10 · 3H2O
Schlegeis tunnel, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Grasleiten, Brandberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Floitengrund, Mayrhofen, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6 · 3H2O
Formula: FeCO3
Localities: Reported from at least 11 localities in this region.
Formula: (Fe,Mg)CO3
Lamark (Lamark Alp), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Ag
Zapfenschuh section, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: ZnCO3
Formula: Cu6Al(SO4)(OH)12Cl · 3H2O
Formula: Mn2+3Al2(SiO4)3
Description: Described by Koark (1949) as occurring in clefts, therefore not very probable.
Formula: ZnS
Localities: Reported from at least 9 localities in this region.
Formula: Fe2+2Al9Si4O23(OH)
Formula: Sb3+Sb5+2O6(OH)
Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Magnesite mine, Tux, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu3(Sb,As)S4
Formula: Sb2S3
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: M6-7[Al8-9Si27-28O72] · nH2O
Formula: Cu8(AsO4)4(OH)4 · 5H2O
Formula: SrCO3
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Burgstall, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Sr,Ca)CO3
Formula: S8
Formula: Ca(Ce/Nd/Y/REE)(CO3)2F
Formula: CaCe(CO3)2F
Formula: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)As4S12S
ⓘ 'Tennantite-Tetrahedrite Series'
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: CuO
Eiblschrofen, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Palleiten, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Burgstall, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)Sb4S12S
Localities: Reported from at least 14 localities in this region.
ⓘ 'Tetrahedrite Subgroup var. Bismuth-bearing Tetrahedrite'
Formula: Cu6(Cu4(Fe/Zn)2)(Sb,Bi)4S12S
ⓘ 'Tetrahedrite Subgroup var. Mercury-bearing Tetrahedrite'
Formula: Cu6[Cu4(Zn,Fe,Hg)2]Sb4S13
Wilhelm-Erbstollen Mine, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Sigmund-Erbstollen Mine, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
ⓘ 'Tetrahedrite Subgroup var. Silver-bearing Tetrahedrite'
Formula: (Cu,Ag)6[Cu4(Fe,Zn)2]Sb4S13
Sigmund-Erbstollen Mine, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: Cu6(Cu4Zn2)Sb4S12S
Formula: Cu5Zn5(AsO4,SbO4)2(OH)14
Martin adit, Weißer Schrofen, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Antoni adit, Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Roggland, Ringenwechsel mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: CaTi(SiO4)O
Localities: Reported from at least 11 localities in this region.
Formula: A D3G6 (T6O18)(BO3)3X3Z
Ulpen Cu deposit (Ulpen Alp; Kaunz Alp; Hochleger; Keller pass; Öxel valley), Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Mitterkopf (Gerlostaljoch), Plattenscharte - Mitterkopf area, Schönach valley, Gerlos, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Lamark (Lamark Alp), Hochfügen, Fügenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Gold mines, Zell am Ziller, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: ◻Ca2Mg5(Si8O22)(OH)2
Formula: WS2
Formula: Ca2Cu9(AsO4)4(CO3)(OH)8 · 11H2O
Localities: Reported from at least 6 localities in this region.
Krivovichev, S. V., Chernyshov, D. Yu., Dobelin, N., Armbruster, Th., Kahlenberg, V., Kaindl, R., Ferraris, G., Tessadri, R., Kaltenhauser, G. (2006) Crystal chemistry and polytypism of tyrolite. American Mineralogist, 91 (8) 1378-1384 doi:10.2138/am.2006.2040
Krivovichev, S. V., Chernyshov, D. Yu., Dobelin, N., Armbruster, Th., Kahlenberg, V., Kaindl, R., Ferraris, G., Tessadri, R., Kaltenhauser, G. (2006) Crystal chemistry and polytypism of tyrolite. American Mineralogist, 91 (8) 1378-1384 doi:10.2138/am.2006.2040
Formula: NiSbS
Formula: Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3
Formula: Sb2O3
Formula: Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Formula: BaCO3
Formula: Cu4(SO4)(OH)6 · 2H2O
Formula: Pb(MoO4)
Alte Zeche Mine, Schwazer Eisenstein, Arzberg, Schwaz, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: (Zn,Fe)S
Formula: Y(PO4)
Oberschrammach glacier, Schrammacher, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Joch lakes, Pfitsch pass, Finkenberg, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
Formula: CuZn(AsO4)(OH)
Formula: Zr(SiO4)
Localities: Reported from at least 7 localities in this region.
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlAl)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)