Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (original) (raw)
- Els trastorns de l'espectre alcohòlic fetal (TEAF) són un grup de malalties que poden aparèixer en una persona la mare del qual va beure alcohol durant el seu embaràs. Els problemes poden incloure un aspecte anormal, alçada curta, pes corporal baix, mida petita del cap, mala coordinació, poca intel·ligència, problemes de comportament i problemes d'oïda o de vista. Els afectats tenen més probabilitats de tenir problemes a l'escola, problemes legals, participar en conductes d'alt risc i tenir problemes amb l'alcohol o altres drogues. La forma més severa de la malaltia és coneguda com a síndrome alcohòlica fetal (SAF). Altres tipus inclouen la síndrome alcohòlica fetal parcial (SAFp), el trastorn del desenvolupament neurològic relacionat amb l'alcohol i els defectes de naixement relacionats amb l'alcohol. Alguns accepten només el TEAF com a diagnòstic, considerant que les proves no són concloents respecte a altres tipus. Els trastorns de l'espectre alcohòlic fetal són causats per consumir alcohol durant l'embaràs. Enquestes dels Estats Units han trobat que prop del 10% de les dones embarassades han begut alcohol en l'últim mes, i del 20% al 30% va beure en algun moment durant l'embaràs. Al voltant del 3,6% de les dones americanes embarassades són alcohòliques. El risc de problemes depèn de la quantitat consumida i de la freqüència de consum durant l'embaràs. Altres factors de risc inclouen una mare gran, el tabaquisme i una dieta pobra. No es coneix cap quantitat segura ni temps segur per beure durant l'embaràs. Si bé beure petites quantitats d'alcohol no provoca anormalitats a la cara, pot provocar problemes de comportament. L'alcohol travessa la barrera hematoencefàlica i afecta directament i indirectament un nadó en desenvolupament. El diagnòstic es basa en signes i símptomes en el nadó o en la persona. Es poden evitar els trastorns de l'espectre alcohòlic fetal evitant l'alcohol. Per aquesta raó, les autoritats mèdiques no recomanen l'alcohol durant l'embaràs ni intentar quedar embarassada. Si bé el trastorn és permanent, el tractament pot millorar els resultats. Les intervencions poden incloure teràpia d'interacció pares-fill, esforços per modificar el comportament del nen i possiblement medicaments. S'estima que els TEAF afecten entre l'1% i el 5% de les persones als Estats Units i a l'Europa occidental. Es creu que els TEAF es produeixen entre 0,2 i 9 per cada 1000 nascuts vius als Estats Units. A Sud-àfrica, algunes poblacions tenen taxes de fins al 9%. Els efectes negatius de l'alcohol durant l'embaràs s'han descrit des de l'antiguitat. El terme síndrome alcohòlica fetal es va utilitzar per primera vegada el 1973. (ca)
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, and problems with hearing and sight. Those affected are more likely to have trouble with school, the legal system, alcohol, other drugs, and other areas of high risk. The several forms of the condition (in order of most severe to least severe) are: fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial fetal alcohol syndrome (pFAS), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), static encephalopathy, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) and neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND-PAE). Some authorities accept only FAS as a diagnosis, seeing the evidence as inconclusive with respect to other types. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are caused by the mother's drinking alcohol while pregnant with the affected person. Surveys from the United States found that about 10% of pregnant women drank alcohol in the past month, and 20% to 30% drank at some point during the pregnancy. 3.6% of pregnant American women met criteria for an alcohol use disorder in a 2001 epidemiological study. The risk of FASD depends on the amount consumed, the frequency of consumption, and the points in pregnancy at which the alcohol is consumed. Other risk factors include the mother's older age, smoking, and poor diet. There is no known safe amount or time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Although drinking small amounts does not cause facial abnormalities, it may cause behavioral problems. Alcohol crosses the blood–brain barrier and both directly and indirectly affects a developing fetus. Diagnosis is based on the signs and symptoms in the person. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are preventable by the mother's avoiding alcohol during pregnancy. For this reason, medical authorities recommend that women completely avoid drinking alcohol during pregnancy and while trying to conceive. Although the condition is permanent, treatment can improve outcomes. Interventions may include parent–child interaction therapy, efforts to modify child behavior, and drugs. FASD is estimated to affect between 1% and 5% of people in the United States and Western Europe. FAS is believed to occur in between 0.2 and 9 per 1,000 live births in the United States. In South Africa, some populations have rates as high as 9%. The negative effects of alcohol during pregnancy have been described since ancient times. The lifetime cost per child with FAS in the United States was estimated at 2million(foranoverallcostacrossthecountryofover2 million (for an overall cost across the country of over 2million(foranoverallcostacrossthecountryofover4 billion) by the CDC in 2002. However, a 2015 review article estimated the overall costs to Canada from FASD at $9.7 billion (including from crime, healthcare, education, etc.). The term fetal alcohol syndrome was first used in 1973. (en)
- As desordens do espectro alcoólico fetal são um grupo de condições que podem ocorrer numa pessoa cuja mãe tenha consumido álcool durante a gravidez. Entre os problemas que ocorrem estão anomalias estruturais, comportamentais e neurocognitivas, déficit intelectual e de crescimento, baixo peso ao nascer, microcefalia e perda de audição ou visão. Indivíduos afetados tem geralmente maior propensão a dificuldades de aprendizado e experiências escolares problemáticas, conflitos com a lei, comportamento sexual inadequado e problemas com o álcool ou outras drogas. O mais grave destes distúrbios denomina-se síndrome alcoólica fetal. Entre outros tipos estão a síndrome alcoólica fetal parcial, encefalopatia alcoólica e as desordens neurocomportamentais da exposição ao álcool. Levantamentos feitos nos Estados Unidos detectaram que cerca de 10% das mulheres grávidas consomem álcool no último mês de gestação e que 20% a 30% consumiram em algum momento da gravidez. Cerca de 4,7% das gestantes norte-americanas são alcoólatras. O risco de complicações depende da quantidade de álcool consumida, a frequência de consumo e em que momento da gestação ele ocorre. Outros fatores de risco podem incluir idade avançada, tabagismo e má alimentação. O consumo de pequenas doses de álcool neste período também é deletério e, embora não cause anomalias faciais, pode causar problemas de comportamento, pois a substância atravessa a barreira hematoencefálica e afeta direta e indiretamente o desenvolvimento do feto. O diagnóstico é baseado em sinais e sintomas. A condição dos indivíduos afetados é permanente, mas o tratamento de suporte pode melhorar os sintomas, visando promover melhor adaptação do sujeito ao seu meio, levando em conta suas dificuldades específicas, prevenção e abordagem de consequências relacionadas ao quadro. Terapia medicamentosa também pode ser utilizada em casos específicos. Estima-se que as desordens do espectro alcoólico fetal afetem entre 2% e 5% de pessoas nos Estados Unidos (0,2 a 9 afetados por 1000 nascidos vivos) e na Europa Ocidental. Na África do Sul, algumas populações chegam a ter taxas de prevalência de até 9%. O termo "síndrome alcoólica fetal" foi utilizado pela primeira vez em 1973. (pt)
- dbr:Case_management_(mental_health)
- dbr:Behavior_modification
- dbr:Behaviorism
- dbr:Pregnancy
- dbr:Psychoactive_drug
- dbr:Psychological_testing
- dbr:Psychology
- dbr:Ptosis_(eyelid)
- dbr:Public_policy
- dbr:Encephalopathy
- dbr:Environmental_toxicants_and_fetal_development
- dbr:Epilepsy
- dbr:Eponym
- dbr:Motor_skill
- dbr:Norm-referenced_test
- dbr:Short-term_memory
- dbr:Upper_lip
- dbr:Bible
- dbr:Bipolar_Disorder
- dbr:Bipolar_disorder
- dbr:Blood_alcohol_content
- dbr:Decision_making
- dbr:Defendor
- dbr:Developmental_coordination_disorder
- dbr:Developmental_disabilities
- dbr:Animal_testing
- dbr:Anterior_commissure
- dbr:Horseshoe_kidney
- dbr:Hydrocephalus
- dbr:Hyperactive
- dbr:Attention-deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
- dbr:Phalanges
- dbr:Retinoic_acid
- dbr:University_of_Washington
- dbr:Victoria_(Australia)
- dbr:Visual_acuity
- dbr:David_Weyhe_Smith
- dbr:Depression_(mood)
- dbr:Developmental_psychology
- dbr:Developmental_stage_theories
- dbr:In_vitro
- dbr:Interdisciplinarity
- dbr:Standard_deviation
- dbr:Likert_scale
- dbr:Multisensory_integration
- dbr:Concussion
- dbr:Conduct_Disorder
- dbr:Cornelia_de_Lange_syndrome
- dbr:Corpus_callosum
- dbr:Ancient_Greece
- dbr:Medical_imaging
- dbr:Memory
- dbr:Meningitis
- dbr:Generalization
- dbr:Oppositional_defiant_disorder
- dbr:Outcome-based_education
- dbr:Smoking_and_pregnancy
- dbr:Sensory_processing
- dbr:Cleft_lip
- dbr:Cleft_palate
- dbr:Clinical_depression
- dbr:Cognitive
- dbr:Gestational_age_(obstetrics)
- dbr:Glutathione_peroxidase
- dbr:Gothenburg
- dbr:Brain_cell
- dbr:Brain_damage
- dbr:Brainstem
- dbr:Miscarriage
- dbr:Conduct_disorder
- dbr:There_There_(novel)
- dbr:Oppositional_defiance_disorder
- dbr:Life_expectancy
- dbr:Liverpool
- dbr:Calipers
- dbr:Chorionic_villus_sampling
- dbr:Stillbirth
- dbr:Strabismus
- dbr:Substance_abuse
- dbr:Sudden_infant_death_syndrome
- dbr:Communication
- dbr:Community_practice
- dbc:Mental_disorders_due_to_brain_damage
- dbr:Dendrite
- dbr:Embryology
- dbr:House_of_Commons
- dbr:Ketubot_(tractate)
- dbr:Genetic_polymorphism
- dbr:Pediatrics
- dbr:Peripheral_nervous_system
- dbr:Speech_pathology
- dbr:Syndrome
- dbr:Tetralogy_of_Fallot
- dbr:Maximum_life_span
- dbr:Australians
- dbr:Autism
- dbr:Autism_spectrum_disorder
- dbr:Adaptive_behavior
- dbc:Neurological_disorders_in_children
- dbr:Centers_for_Disease_Control_and_Prevention
- dbr:Cerebellum
- dbr:Cerebral_hemisphere
- dbr:Agenesis_of_the_corpus_callosum
- dbr:Toluene_(toxicology)
- dbr:Tommy_Orange
- dbr:Toxicology
- dbr:Traumatic_brain_injury
- dbr:Western_Australia
- dbr:Drug_rehabilitation
- dbr:Dubowitz_syndrome
- dbr:Gait_(human)
- dbr:Hearing_loss
- dbr:Heart_murmur
- dbr:Joint
- dbr:Learning_theory_(education)
- dbr:Tocolytic
- dbr:ADHD
- dbr:Abstraction
- dbr:Alcoholic
- dbr:Alcoholic_Beverage_Labeling_Act
- dbr:Alcoholic_drink
- dbr:Alcoholism
- dbr:Aldous_Huxley
- dbr:Ancient_Rome
- dbc:Biology_of_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
- dbc:Neurodevelopmental_disorders
- dbc:Wikipedia_medicine_articles_ready_to_translate
- dbr:Erik_Erikson
- dbr:Erikson's_stages_of_psychosocial_development
- dbr:Anger_management
- dbr:Brave_New_World
- dbr:Noonan_syndrome
- dbr:Parent-child_interaction_therapy
- dbr:Central_nervous_system
- dbr:Diagnostic_and_Statistical_Manual_of_Mental_Disorders
- dbc:Congenital_malformation_due_to_exogenous_toxicity
- dbr:Hippocampus
- dbr:The_Kallikak_Family
- dbr:Human_development_(biology)
- dbr:Recreational_drug_use
- dbr:Ethnicity
- dbr:Premature_birth
- dbr:Psychiatry
- dbr:Psychologist
- dbr:Reactive_attachment_disorder
- dbr:Gross_motor_skill
- dbr:Health_education
- dbr:Henry_H._Goddard
- dbr:Attachment_theory
- dbr:Attention
- dbr:Jean_Piaget
- dbr:Craniofacial
- dbr:Teratogenesis
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_Spectrum_Disorder
- dbr:Fine_motor_skills
- dbr:Hand-eye_coordination
- dbr:Social_skills
- dbr:Atrial_septal_defect
- dbc:Syndromes
- dbc:Health_issues_in_pregnancy
- dbc:Congenital_disorders_of_nervous_system
- dbc:Neurological_disorders
- dbr:Advanced_maternal_age
- dbr:Advocacy
- dbc:Spectrum_disorders
- dbc:Teratogens
- dbr:Alcohol_and_pregnancy
- dbr:Alcoholic_beverage
- dbr:Ale
- dbc:Alcohol_and_health
- dbc:Health_effects_of_alcohol
- dbr:John_Bowlby
- dbr:Language
- dbr:Laws_(dialogue)
- dbr:Learning_disability
- dbr:Birth_defect
- dbr:Blood–brain_barrier
- dbr:Surgeon_General_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Syndromes
- dbr:Coarctation_of_the_aorta
- dbr:Cognition
- dbr:Heterotopia_(medicine)
- dbr:Mixed_receptive-expressive_language_disorder
- dbr:Arrhythmia
- dbr:Autonomic_nervous_system
- dbr:Autopsy
- dbr:Phenylketonuria
- dbr:Plato
- dbr:South_Australia
- dbr:Special_education
- dbr:Fertilisation
- dbr:Fetal_hydantoin_syndrome
- dbr:Fetus
- dbr:Fine_motor_skill
- dbr:Human_height
- dbr:ICD-9
- dbr:Public_services
- dbr:Executive_functioning
- dbr:Teratogen
- dbr:DSM-IV_Codes
- dbr:Meningomyelocele
- dbr:ICD
- dbr:IQ
- dbr:Indigenous_Australians
- dbr:Intellectual_disability
- dbr:Microcephaly
- dbr:Nantes
- dbr:National_Institute_on_Alcohol_Abuse_and_Alcoholism
- dbr:New_South_Wales
- dbr:Occupational_therapy
- dbr:Optic_nerve_hypoplasia
- dbr:Caste
- dbr:Cerebellar_hypoplasia
- dbr:Seattle
- dbr:Sensory_integration_dysfunction
- dbr:Sensory_processing_disorder
- dbr:Hyperactivity
- dbr:Institute_of_Medicine
- dbr:Public_health
- dbr:Mental_illness
- dbr:Spina_bifida
- dbr:Spontaneous_abortion
- dbr:Smoking
- dbr:Social_learning_(social_pedagogy)
- dbr:Nonverbal_communication
- dbr:Ventricular_septal_defect
- dbr:Williams_syndrome
- dbr:Neurodevelopmental_disorder
- dbr:Neurology
- dbr:Expressive_language_disorder
- dbr:ICD-10
- dbr:Olfactory_bulb
- dbr:Parenting_styles
- dbr:Human_liver
- dbr:Philtrum
- dbr:Physician
- dbr:Porencephaly
- dbr:Talmud
- dbr:Standard_drink
- dbr:Palpebral_fissure
- dbr:Personal_boundaries
- dbr:Single_transverse_palmar_crease
- dbr:Renal_hypoplasia
- dbr:Leptomeningeal
- dbr:Parenting
- dbr:Parent–child_interaction_therapy
- dbr:Superoxide_dismutase
- dbr:Teetotalism
- dbr:Social_work
- dbr:Sterling_Clarren
- dbr:Learning_Disability
- dbr:Motor_skills
- dbr:Neural_tube_defects
- dbr:Dysmorphology
- dbr:Centers_for_Disease_Control
- dbr:OB/GYN
- dbr:Light_sensitivity
- dbr:Artifact_(observational)
- dbr:Daily_living_skills
- dbr:Human_eyeball
- dbr:Human_weight
- dbr:Individualized_education_program
- dbr:Breast-feeding
- dbr:Attention_deficit_hyperactive_disorder
- dbr:Aarskog_syndrome
- dbr:Cognitive_processing
- dbr:Deferred_gratification
- dbr:Theory_of_cognitive_development
- dbr:Poor_nutrition
- dbr:Postnatal
- dbr:Seizure_disorder
- dbr:Neuroglial
- dbr:Standardized_testing
- dbr:File:Fetal_Alcohol_Syndrome.svg
- dbr:File:FASkid.gif
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (en)
- Abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behavior problems similar to those found in ADHD, learning problems (en)
- Parent-child interaction therapy, efforts to modify child behavior, possibly medications (en)
- dbt:Psychoactive_substance_use
- dbt:As_of
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Curlie
- dbt:Medical_resources
- dbt:Redirect
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:TOC_limit
- dbt:Ubl
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Infobox_medical_condition
- dbt:Pregnancy
- dbt:Central_nervous_system_disease
- dbt:Congenital_malformation_due_to_exogenous_toxicity
- dbc:Mental_disorders_due_to_brain_damage
- dbc:Neurological_disorders_in_children
- dbc:Biology_of_attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
- dbc:Neurodevelopmental_disorders
- dbc:Wikipedia_medicine_articles_ready_to_translate
- dbc:Congenital_malformation_due_to_exogenous_toxicity
- dbc:Syndromes
- dbc:Health_issues_in_pregnancy
- dbc:Congenital_disorders_of_nervous_system
- dbc:Neurological_disorders
- dbc:Spectrum_disorders
- dbc:Teratogens
- dbc:Alcohol_and_health
- dbc:Health_effects_of_alcohol
- owl:Thing
- wikidata:Q12136
- yago:WikicatNeurologicalDisorders
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Attribute100024264
- yago:Cognition100023271
- yago:Complex105870365
- yago:Concept105835747
- yago:Condition113920835
- yago:Content105809192
- yago:Disorder114052403
- yago:Idea105833840
- yago:Issue105814650
- yago:NervousDisorder114084880
- yago:PhysicalCondition114034177
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:WikicatHealthIssuesInPregnancy
- dbo:Band
- dbo:Disease
- yago:State100024720
- yago:Syndrome105870790
- yago:Whole105869584
- yago:WikicatSyndromes
- umbel-rc:AilmentCondition
- Els trastorns de l'espectre alcohòlic fetal (TEAF) són un grup de malalties que poden aparèixer en una persona la mare del qual va beure alcohol durant el seu embaràs. Els problemes poden incloure un aspecte anormal, alçada curta, pes corporal baix, mida petita del cap, mala coordinació, poca intel·ligència, problemes de comportament i problemes d'oïda o de vista. Els afectats tenen més probabilitats de tenir problemes a l'escola, problemes legals, participar en conductes d'alt risc i tenir problemes amb l'alcohol o altres drogues. La forma més severa de la malaltia és coneguda com a síndrome alcohòlica fetal (SAF). Altres tipus inclouen la síndrome alcohòlica fetal parcial (SAFp), el trastorn del desenvolupament neurològic relacionat amb l'alcohol i els defectes de naixement relacionats a (ca)
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Symptoms can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, and problems with hearing and sight. Those affected are more likely to have trouble with school, the legal system, alcohol, other drugs, and other areas of high risk. The several forms of the condition (in order of most severe to least severe) are: fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial fetal alcohol syndrome (pFAS), alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), static encephalopathy, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) and neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (ND- (en)
- As desordens do espectro alcoólico fetal são um grupo de condições que podem ocorrer numa pessoa cuja mãe tenha consumido álcool durante a gravidez. Entre os problemas que ocorrem estão anomalias estruturais, comportamentais e neurocognitivas, déficit intelectual e de crescimento, baixo peso ao nascer, microcefalia e perda de audição ou visão. Indivíduos afetados tem geralmente maior propensão a dificuldades de aprendizado e experiências escolares problemáticas, conflitos com a lei, comportamento sexual inadequado e problemas com o álcool ou outras drogas. O mais grave destes distúrbios denomina-se síndrome alcoólica fetal. Entre outros tipos estão a síndrome alcoólica fetal parcial, encefalopatia alcoólica e as desordens neurocomportamentais da exposição ao álcool. (pt)
- متلازمة طيف الكحول الجنينية (ar)
- Trastorn de l'espectre alcohòlic fetal (ca)
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (en)
- Desordens do espectro alcoólico fetal (pt)
- freebase:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- yago-res:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- http://api.nytimes.com/svc/semantic/v2/concept/name/nytd_des/Fetal%20Alcohol%20Syndrome
- wikidata:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- dbpedia-ar:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- dbpedia-ca:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- http://or.dbpedia.org/resource/ଫିଟାଲ_ଆଲକୋହୋଲ_ସ୍ପେକ୍ଟ୍ରମ_ଡିଜଅର୍ଡ଼ର୍ସ
- dbpedia-pt:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- dbpedia-th:Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/fRVz
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Photo_of_baby_with_FAS.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Fetal_Alcohol_Syndrome.svg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FASkid.gif
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:FAS_(medical_disorder)
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_syndrome
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol_effects
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_Spectrum_Disorder
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_Syndrome
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol_syndrome
- dbr:FASD
- dbr:Drinking_alcohol_during_pregnancy
- dbr:PFAE
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_Effects
- dbr:Fetal_Alcohol_Spectrum_Disorders
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_condition
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder_Australia
- dbr:Fetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorders
- dbr:Fetal_alcoholic_spectrum_disorder
- dbr:In_utero_alcohol_exposure
- dbr:Alcohol-Related_Birth_Defect
- dbr:Alcohol-Related_Birth_Defects
- dbr:Alcohol-related_birth_defects
- dbr:Alcohol-related_neurodevelopmental_disorder
- dbr:Alcohol_Related_Effects
- dbr:Alcohol_fetopathy
- dbr:Foetal_Alcohol_Syndrome
- dbr:Foetal_alcohol_spectrum_disorder
- dbr:Foetal_alcohol_syndrome
- dbr:Partial_FAS
- dbr:Partial_fas
- dbr:Possible_fetal_alcohol_effects
- dbr:ARBD
- dbr:ARND
- dbr:Kenneth_Lyons_Jones
- dbr:Prenatal_alcohol
- dbr:Prenatal_alcohol_exposure
- dbr:Prenatal_exposure_to_alcohol